
Is it possible to barbecue in the yard while observing fire safety rules? Learning how to make the right marinade for meat on a delicious and juicy kebab: rules, recipes and useful tips.

What could be better than relaxing in the woods with your favorite company? Intoxicating appetizing aromas hover in the air, coals smolder in the fire, wrapping in smoke pieces of the most delicious ruddy shish kebab, framed with onion and tomato rings...

Every summer season necessarily marked by numerous picnic trips and soulful parties with barbecue, grill or barbecue. After all, you see, nothing can compare with the unique taste of juicy fragrant barbecue literally melting in your mouth!

Shashlik is the king of all dishes

Everyone knows: the first thing our ancestors learned to cook was barbecue, which could be easily fried over a fire. But it’s just that they hardly had enough time and opportunities to experiment with palatability meat of a dead bear or mammoth, marinating it in a variety of spices. Although the tradition itself has really taken root, after all, since ancient times, soldiers and hunters have fried meat in the same way on ramrods from their muskets.

To date, such countries of the East as the Caucasus, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq are called the birthplace of barbecue. But, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, this dish can be found on the menu of other nations. For example, in the West, meat has always been grilled, and some African natives cook barbecue from liver. Temperamental Georgians treat the most important guests to "mtsvadi" cooked on a dried grape vine. But in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, the dish "satay" has become widespread - this small pieces meat strung on skewers.

Russia also boasts long history barbecue. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, this meat was referred to as "turned", because it was turned over on a spit. But the very word "kebab" is an accidental guest in the rich Russian language, because it has a Crimean Tatar origin. "Shish" is a skewer, and "shishlyk" means "something on a spit." It is customary for Armenians to call kebab "khorovats", for Azerbaijanis - "kebab", for Turks - "shish-kebab".

In our time, shish kebab is called the meat that languished on the coals. But not everyone knows that cooking this dish is a real ritual, which has its own laws, rules and prohibitions. Of course, the meat must be cooked on fresh air- this is the main requirement and at the same time the advantage of barbecue, because that's how it gets spicy flavor smoke and completely unique taste. Yes, and having a picnic in nature, in the circle of close people - a real pleasure.

Choosing the perfect barbecue meat

To start cooking barbecue, you first need to choose the meat. It doesn't matter if it's a piglet, a bird, a lamb or a calf. There is only one rule: the meat should be fresh and young. To make the dish especially tender, you should choose pieces with a minimum of fat. For cooking classic barbecue they use the kidney, dorsal part of the carcass, as well as the pulp of the hind leg (ham) of the best quality lamb. Pork kebab is a more popular and common option, because it is tender and soft. Also, many opt for poultry, beef or fish.

You should not use frozen meat for barbecue, because there are practically no important ingredients left in it. nutrients contained in excess in fresh. It will not succumb to pickling or beating, remaining completely tasteless and tough. Also, you should not cook barbecue from the fresh meat of an animal, literally just slaughtered. You should let him lie down for at least a few hours so that blood drains from him.

If you decide to make pork skewers, choose the part of the carcass located on the neck along the ridge - it is the most tender. It is called the neck or collar. When choosing pork, be guided by the pinkish tint of meat - this is an important indicator of freshness. You can still feel the piece, while the fingers should remain dry! If you press on fresh meat, it will quickly return to its previous shape, while standing out clear juice. It is worth taking a closer look at the fat - in fresh pork it has a pale white-pink hue.

If you prefer to make beef skewers, remember that beef fat quite hard and has a yellowish, cream or White color. The fat in fresh lamb is usually thick and completely white. When buying meat for barbecue, you should also smell its smell. fresh product accordingly, it smells fresh, no impurities are heard in the aroma.

The meat of young animals has a light red tint, fat is almost white. It is very easy to process. The meat of adult animals is usually red and quite juicy. Its preparation also does not differ in any difficulties. But the meat of old animals is colored dark red, while the fat has a yellow tint. It is difficult to cook dishes from it; this will require a lot of patience and some skills.

Poultry skewers are also extremely popular. Poultry meat contains a minimum of saturated fat, so it is much easier to digest than the same beef or pork. Having decided to cook poultry skewers, opt for a fresh carcass, which should have a plump breast and clean skin spotless. If you decide to buy frozen poultry meat, then make sure that there are absolutely no ice crystals on it. Only in this way will you understand that the carcass was frozen for the first time and it has never been thawed yet.

Marinades for every taste

If you mix onions with various spices, then this can be an excellent marinade. You can also add lemon juice- will come out good sauce capable of softening the meat.

Beef skewers are excellent mineral water in which you need to thoroughly soak the meat. But one mineral water indispensable - must be added different spices and spices so that the kebab does not turn out bland.

Also good marinade Lemon juice with olive oil can serve.

In the East, barbecue meat is marinated in kefir with the addition of mint, lemon, pepper, cilantro, ginger, and curry. Such a marinade will be good for poultry.

Shish kebab in the Chinese style will turn out if you mix for marinade soy sauce And dry wine adding garlic, pepper, ginger, honey.

For the Greek marinade you will need pomegranate juice and vodka in a ratio of 4:1.

Great taste marinade from tomato juice with chili ketchup.

Unusual taste meat will turn out if you mix mustard with kvass and pepper and soak the meat in this marinade.

The main subtleties and secrets of cooking barbecue

In fact, cook a juicy, but at the same time fried kebab, covered with an appetizing golden brown It's not difficult at all, you just need to follow some rules.

Rule 1 Pieces of meat should be placed over hot coals at a distance of at least 15 cm. It is best to use a cast-iron brazier.

Rule 2 For pickling products, it is advisable to choose glass, enameled or earthenware. Under no circumstances should it be used for this purpose. aluminum pan, because the oxides of this metal can react with liquids and products, pretty spoiling their taste.

Rule 3 Both meat and fish intended for roasting on a grill or skewer must be young, and also distinguished by juiciness and freshness. If you plan to cook pork skewers, make sure that there is not a lot of fat on the pieces. The fact is that the fat will melt and burn, and this will give the meat an unpleasant aftertaste.

Rule 4 Before cooking, we advise you to thoroughly grease the skewers or grate sunflower oil then warm them up a bit. While the meat is cooking, it should be periodically watered with liquids such as fat, mixture clean water with lemon juice or marinade. The proportion is 50x50. In order to give meat or fish more juiciness, you can put a little butter on pieces of warm kebab.

Rule 5 Do not cut the meat for barbecue too large. The ideal piece should be about 2-2.5 cm thick, otherwise it will turn out not quite cooked. Meat is strung on a skewer along the fibers, placing larger pieces in the middle (they are fatter), and those that are slightly smaller at the edges. At the same time, you need to make sure that none of them hangs down or dangles.

Rule 6 Shish kebab pieces should be alternated with onion rings or sweet peppers. It is desirable to place a layer of vegetables between the meat so that it practically does not look out. Often in places where the pieces are too tightly pressed, the kebab remains poorly fried. To make it fry as evenly as possible, periodically separate the stuck together pieces.

The question of whether it is permissible to fry barbecue in the courtyard of an apartment building is rather ambiguous from a moral point of view. When you do it yourself, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. However, when someone else cooks kebabs under your windows, it immediately causes irritation. This is probably why people on the Internet are much more likely to ask where their neighbors are, rather than looking for information about how legal it is.

Possible consequences

As such, there are no fire safety rules prohibiting barbecue in the yard. And punishment threatens only if citizens make an open fire, that is, they cook meat on a fire, and not in a barbecue. Then they can be given a warning or even a fine - from one to one and a half thousand rubles. This can only be done by a police officer, who is usually called by disgruntled neighbors. After their appeal, an inspection is carried out, on the basis of which a decision is made regarding barbecue lovers.

As such, there are practically no complaints that someone is frying a barbecue in the yard to the police. However, such a holiday is often associated with noisy fun. big companies, but that's another point. In fact, the police have nothing to present to people peacefully frying meat if they behave quietly and do not drink alcohol. In a situation when they begin to wash down the barbecue with beer or something stronger, they can already be held administratively liable under Part 1 of Art. 20.20 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and issue a fine.

It turns out that frying meat in your yard is a very real possibility. The main thing is to comply with all the necessary requirements.

Barbecue in the yard

There are a lot of barbecue recipes. And there is only one way for the courtyard of an apartment building. The first and basic rule: the meat must be fried in a barbecue or some other special facility. Open fire is not allowed. Second: you must be at least seven meters from houses or garages. Third and last: you should have a ten-liter bucket of water available, and even better, a small fire extinguisher. Provided that all these simple instructions are followed, you will not be fined.
In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the height of the fire is not more than half a meter. If the wind rises on the street, then the flame should be extinguished immediately.

Thus, your desire to fry a barbecue in your yard will not meet any prohibitions. In any case, legislative. But how the neighbors will react to such a situation depends largely on your relationship with them.

Before you start frying a, it must be marinated. The best way to cook barbecue pork neck then the meat will be more juicy and tender. You should not cook kebab from carbonate or ham, otherwise it will be lean and tough.

You will need

  • marinade
  • saucepan
  • brazier
  • kindling
  • skewers
  • Instruction

    by the most in a simple way pickling, soaking meat with salt, pepper is considered. Meat marinated in very, but very often has a too strong smell of vinegar. Instead of vinegar, you can add citric acid or pomegranate juice. The number of ingredients used depends on the weight of the meat, and individual.

    The basis of marinating barbecue is always the use of onions. by the most optimal amount onions should be as much as meat. Onions do not need to be chopped, it is best to cut them into rings.

    Sliced ​​onions need to be mashed with your hands until juice is formed. This is necessary in order to be well saturated with onion juice and become fragrant and soft.

    A layer of onion is placed at the bottom of the pan, and peppered meat is placed on top. Next - a layer, again onions and meat. Last layer, must be from the bow. Everything is poured with the prepared marinade, and pressed tightly with a plate. You need to put oppression on the plate so that the juice appears, and the meat is better infused. Marinating time is approximately 12 hours in the refrigerator.

    When the meat has marinated, and the fire has already burned to the coals, you can start stringing the kebab on. It is best to use flat and long skewers so that the meat can be easily turned over. Meat on skewers should not hang down to avoid burning.

    You need to check for readiness of the kebab by cutting the meat with a knife. If the juice oozes red, then frying must be continued. If the crust is already ruddy and missing pink juice then the barbecue is ready.

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    Helpful advice

    So that the kebab does not burn during frying, it is necessary to constantly turn it over and monitor the absence of chopped onion on the meat. You can fry the barbecue only when the coals have already burned out and there is no fire.

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    The yard in front of your house is a blank slate where you can let your imagination run wild. Abundance of ideas and necessary materials will help you improve the area. Useful and old things that you are not in vain for many years brought to the country. You can start from a small corner to feel the beauty of working in nature.

    You will need

    • - old furniture;
    • - car tires;
    • - barbecue;
    • - garden plants;
    • - hammock;
    • - flashlights.


    Imagine what you would like to do in . Can fry barbecue and eat it together with the whole family in the gazebo? Or lie in a hammock in the shade? Or admire flowers and a small pond? If the area of ​​​​your yard allows, arrange several different seating areas.

    With the onset of summer, the barbecue season traditionally begins. However, not everyone can leave the city to enjoy the natural view in tandem with the smell. fried meat. There is such a category of people who, in principle, do not want to go anywhere for a picnic with a preliminary search for a suitable place. After all, you can just choose the area within the city and have a great time.

    In this article, we will consider how realistic this is and whether it is possible to fry a barbecue without getting into fines.

    Is it possible to fry a barbecue on the roof of a residential building or on your balcony

    For city dwellers, this is the number one issue. Often there is a desire to eat meat, but it is generally impossible to leave work because of a heavy schedule. Is it possible to do so?

    Let's figure it out:

    1. Aesthetic side of the idea. Neighbors are unlikely to be happy with this fact. Such an event, both on the roof and on the balcony, may well become a factor provoking a fire. The smoke from the barbecue will fall into the windows of the neighbors, who, in turn, will call either the police or the fire department for reasons of harmfulness.
    2. The legislation says the following. Making a fire is an article that will result in a large fine for you. Brazier - this is exactly the source of fire, which must be located no closer than 50 m to a residential building.

    Any kind of fire on the roof (balcony) is a direct way to a fine.

    1. As for fines. Cooking barbecue with barbecue threatens to pay you up to 420 thousand rubles. The amount is calculated based on the material damage to the neighbors or the building. If harm was done to human health - imprisonment up to 2 years. In case of death - up to 7 years in prison.
    2. Only possible way cooking barbecue on the balcony - air grill or electric grill. In other words, a device that can be used at home. Even in this case, you will in no way be protected from discontent from neighboring residents.

    Is it possible to barbecue within the city

    When the issue with the balcony and the roof was resolved, and it became clear that it was better not to start such events, at first glance, it’s really possible to fry a barbecue in the yard near residential buildings. A shaded place in silence or near the square, what could be better. But do not rush to stock up on coal.

    Cooking barbecue in the yard or in the park area is also accompanied by a number of restrictions, which will be listed in the following list:

    • you can not make a fire in the yards near high houses;
    • frying meat is possible only in special places that are intended for such events;
    • usually such zones are located 50 m from buildings;
    • nearby there are fire extinguishers or tanks with enough water;
    • coal is used instead of firewood;
    • the height of the brazier must be more than 30 cm.

    Under such conditions, it is allowed to fry barbecue within the urban area, where it is permitted by law, that is, in areas specially prepared for this event.

    What could be the penalties? If property with a large degree of damage was damaged, in this case, 2 years of corrective labor are threatened. In some situations - up to two years in prison.

    Law on cooking barbecue in a suburban, forested area or on lakes

    You might think that barbecue is allowed in the forest for sure. The absence of houses, neighbors and all kinds of services hint at this. However, even in this case, you will be wrong.

    It is important to consider the following restrictions:

    1. You can not cook barbecue in places where the forest has been damaged or burned. Places of mass felling of trees, where the prepared material, as well as its remains, has not been removed. Zones of peatlands and coniferous young plantations. Protected areas, as well as places where dry grass is present.
    2. You can fry barbecue where the chosen place fully complies with the rules described above (city restrictions) with the absence of strong winds.
    3. As for fines, prices vary from 500 to 5,000 rubles for non-compliance with fire safety rules. If you damage the forest, you can be fined up to 1,750,000 rubles, as well as add 2 years of corrective labor. More serious damage is punishable by imprisonment of up to two years.

    Legislative documents regulating the preparation of shish kebabs

    As in any other business, with the preparation of barbecue, you need to know your rights, which are reflected in the following legislation:

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation article 8.30 - Destruction of forestry, pastures and hayfields. The penalty is a fine of up to 500 rubles.

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation article 8.29 - damage to places where animals live. Penalty up to 500 rubles.

    Article 8.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the first part, speaks of a violation of the rules of sanitary safety in forest areas. Fines reach up to one thousand rubles.

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation article 8.32 the first part punishes for violation of fire safety standards in the forest. The range of fines is from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

    The second part of this law punishes burning brushwood, forest floor and other coverings that are near the forest area. Here the range of fines is as follows - from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

    The third part of the law speaks of violations of the established fire safety rules in forests when a special fire regime is introduced. Fines start from 4 and end with 5 thousand rubles.

    Shish kebab in the oven - great alternative dish on open fire in winter, when we rarely go out into nature. Fragrant, melting pieces of poultry, pork, beef will turn out juicier if you remember a few tricks. We will tell you how to quickly, without hassle, cope with cooking barbecue.

    Pork skewers on a baking sheet

    The easiest way to cook barbecue in the oven is pork: it is fried for a few minutes, and it emits a fantastic aroma that is in no way inferior to traditional dish Outdoors. Best to use pork neck, but even the layer turns out to be incredibly juicy if you marinate it in vinegar in advance. True, the layer is suitable only for those who are not afraid of extra calories.

    For cooking we need:

    • a good piece of fresh meat (neck) - 1 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • vinegar or juice of two lemons;
    • mineral water with gas - 1 tbsp.;
    • salt, pepper to taste;
    • oil for frying - 3 tbsp. l.

    We wash the meat and cut into pieces a little larger than a matchbox. We cut the onion into rings. Squeeze juice from lemons, mix with mineral water. Add meat, onion to the marinade, salt and pepper to taste. It is better if the meat stays in the marinade overnight or for several hours in a row: the mineral water bubbles will make the fibers softer, and the lemon will saturate everything with a slight sourness. We grease the baking sheet with oil, put the meat on it in one layer. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees, place the meat. We cook for 40 minutes, and then we add fire to 250 degrees, so that it turns out on top appetizing crust. The meat can be served if it is fried, it releases clear juice.

    Make sure that there is space between the pieces: if they fit snugly against each other, they will begin to stew; to make the kebab similar to "natural" it is important to fry them.

    Shish kebab from the oven is served with fresh vegetables, herbs, tomato sauces, or whatever you like. Serving ready meal on a wide plate with boiled potato tubers or homemade pickles.

    jar recipe

    Some housewives claim that the best kebab comes out in a jar, an ordinary, three-liter one, which is used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. At the same time, the kebab is strung on ordinary skewers and placed standing up so that the sharp edge is at the bottom. And on top of the jar is closed with a foil lid, blocking the access of air.
