
Burnt food in an enamel pan. How to wash burnt food from the bottom of a pot (ceramic, enamelled, aluminum, stainless steel), and also how to wash the pan from the outside? Kefir, sour milk, curdled milk

Enamelware has many advantages. It is easy to clean, hygienic, does not form a reaction with food. The food cooked in it has an excellent taste due to the good thermal conductivity of the products. Ready meals in such dishes can be stored for a long time. If the dish burns, carbon deposits appear at the bottom of the pan, which is not easy to remove. Consider how to clean a burnt enameled pan inside.

Enamelware is made of steel, sometimes cast iron. From above it is covered with a special enamel in one or more layers. Enameling saves the metal from oxidation, the ingress of chemicals into the body.

Such dishes also have disadvantages, for example, fragility. If the temperature changes sharply, cracks may appear on it. A strong blow leads to chips.

Important: Enamel requires careful handling. Do not use metal brushes or strong abrasives for processing.

Housewives choose enameled dishes because of their hygiene. It is high quality, practical, looks good and is easy to clean. Dishes cooked in a pan have excellent taste. At the same time, food burns quite often. It is important to stock up on household chemicals and folk recipes if such a problem arises.

It is not easy to clean an enamel pot, especially after making jam, as it is easy to damage the coating.

In order for the enamel to serve for a long time, it is worth listening to the following recommendations:

  • A cold pot should not be left on a hot stove or pouring cold water into heated enamel. So it will soon deteriorate, because temperature changes affect it negatively;
  • If the food is burnt on the bottom of the dish, remove the remnants and pour in warm water;
  • It is allowed to clean the product only with soft sponges. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the coating;
  • It will be possible to wash the cinder with home methods. Baking soda or mustard will do the job just fine.

Types of pot contamination

Common types of soiling that owners of enamel products face at home:

  • Nagar at the bottom;
  • scale;
  • Darkened enamel.

The bottom of such dishes is quite thin. If you cook compotes, broths and soups, the container will heat up in a short time, and will perfectly maintain the boiling point. But when boiling milk, cooking jams and cereals, soot can appear, which is difficult to get rid of.

Yellowness and scale inside the tank are formed when hard water was heated in it for a long time. Cleaning it without special tools will not work.

After prolonged use, the inside of the dishes may become very dark. Usually the problem appears due to improper care or when cooking beets or several other vegetables.

Darkened enamel can be whitened with citric acid or vinegar.

Inside and outside of the pan there is a durable enamel layer that does not interact with alkalis and acids. Therefore, during storage, the food does not have a metallic taste. But even such a durable surface deteriorates with careless handling.

When processing enamel, it is forbidden to use abrasive products and metal sponges. Scratches and imperceptible cracks appear on the dishes, causing the dishes to darken. Cleaning agent particles penetrate into them. As they increase, the main material of the product is exposed - metal alloy, steel, cast iron. During production, it is covered with enamel and does not interact with food, so there are no special requirements for its quality.

Important: If severe scratches were noticed inside the dishes, then they are no longer suitable for cooking. Now the food interacts with the metal and absorbs elements dangerous to humans. There is a risk that a piece of enamel will break off during cooking. It can penetrate the esophagus, damage the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Such dishes are used exclusively for the storage of bulk materials.

In order for the enamel to always be in a usable form, it should be treated with an exceptionally soft sponge with a non-abrasive agent.

Methods for cleaning enameled pans from various contaminants

If there is carbon deposits on the pan, the following recommendations for cleaning it should be considered:

  • Do not delay, start removing pollution immediately after its appearance;
  • Do not leave in cold water. Otherwise, cracks will form due to the temperature difference.

For cleaning, household chemicals and folk methods are used. Chemicals cope in a short time and without difficulty. Before use, carefully read the instructions.

Pollution should not be left for a long time, it is easier to remove fresh soot.

Important: When using chemical compounds, you must remember about protective measures - wear gloves, open windows. After use, wash the pot thoroughly or use the boiling method so that hazardous substances do not penetrate into the dish.

Consider how to wash a burnt enamel pan with cleaning products:

  • Washing gels. Put the container on the burner, pour hot water, add a couple of drops of gel. Wait two hours, then remove the liquid and rinse under the tap. If there is no result, you need to pour the gel on the pollution, wait ten hours, treat with a sponge under warm water;
  • Sanita "Ultra Shine". Universal tool suitable for all types of pans. Easily removes dirt, grease, scale;
  • Astonish pasta. A tool that is used for dishes, sinks, stoves, microwave ovens;
  • Spray "Tytan". It is chosen to remove soot. You need to apply it to the pollution, wait five minutes, rinse;
  • "Shumanit". A powerful tool that removes even stubborn stains. It is toxic and has a strong odor. Therefore, it is important to ventilate the room well, wear protective gloves and clean only the outside of the product. Spray on the coating, wait half a minute. Wipe with a dampened sponge, rinse thoroughly;
  • "White". Pour cool water into the cooled container (2 caps are needed for 2 liters of water). Wait a couple of hours until the liquid and container are heated. Then turn on the stove. When the water boils, pour out the liquid from the saucepan and start the procedure again. Rinse off the bleach thoroughly.

It is better to choose a gel or cream cleaner for enamel so as not to damage the coating.

If an enameled pan is burnt, folk methods will do. Consider how to clean the dishes in this way:

  • Citric acid, vinegar essence, baking soda. To clean a burnt enameled pan, you need to pour a small amount of warm water, pour soda (30 g), pour in vinegar (30 g), citric acid (1/2 package). Bring to a mushy state. Sponge to rub the product on the inside. Wait half an hour, then wash off. The method is suitable for getting rid of soot and darkening;
  • Coffee cake (thick). Suitable both fresh and frozen. The product will not harm enamel, but it will cope well with dirt. Apply it on a sponge, rub the contaminated areas. Wash off periodically, apply a new portion. The procedure will take a quarter of an hour;
  • Salt. The product effectively removes blackness. Pour a handful of coarse salt on the burn, pour in water so that the contaminated area is covered. Wait a couple of hours. Put on the burner, boil for half an hour. Blackness will begin to move away from the coating before our eyes;
  • Soda ash. The tool will help wash the pan from burnt porridge or milk. Pour in water, pour soda (60 g), boil for three minutes. You can also use regular baking soda. The product is applied to wet sponges and wipe off dirt;
  • Persol. Helps to get rid of dark plaque. Persol (1 pc.) Add to warm water, boil for an hour;
  • Vinegar. To remove dark plaque or onion peel, you will need to mix water (1 l) with vinegar (50 ml). Boil for two hours. To wash an enamel pan from yellowness, you need 150 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water. The boil time is the same. The method can be used as a preventive measure against the formation of yellow plaque up to 2 times a month;
  • Lemon acid. Well eliminates the darkening of the enamel. The agent (50 g) is poured into a saucepan, filled with water and boiled for half an hour.
  • Milk serum. Pour the product into the pan so that it is slightly higher from soot. Wait a day, wash with dishwashing gel. The serum contains lactic acids, which return the enamel to its former light shade.
  • Sweet soda (Coca-Cola, Fanta). Such drinks are suitable for getting rid of dark plaque, because they contain phosphoric acid, which breaks down organic compounds. Pour sparkling water into a saucepan, stand for an hour. If there is no effect, boil for half an hour;
  • Cold. This is the easiest option. Put the cooled dishes for 60 minutes in the freezer, then remove the soot;

Soda will help whiten darkened enamel and burnt bottom

Enamel is unsuitable for long-term jam preparation, canning and boiling. But if this happens, the following methods will help clean the burnt food from the dishes:

  • Salt solution. For a liter of water, 120 g of product is required. Pour the product in such a way that the impurities are completely covered. The maximum boiling time is 45 minutes. If the stains go away earlier, the pan is allowed to be removed from the stove earlier;
  • Activated carbon. Take a pack of tablets (10 pieces), crush to a powder form. Pour coal to the bottom, wait half an hour. Pour in water, leave again for half an hour. After rinsing under the tap with standard cleaning products;
  • Laundry soap. Pass a bar of soap through a grater, pour in water. Stir until dissolved, boil for a couple of hours;
  • Peel of sour apples. Grate the pan with a peel, rinse with warm water. If there is no result, pour water into apple skins, boil for 20 minutes. The acid should break down the crust from the sugar;
  • Ash. The method is perfect for summer residents and people who love outdoor recreation. Fill a third of the dishes with ashes, pour in warm water. Put on fire, boil for half an hour. Pour out, wash off;
  • Finish tablets. Combine one piece with water, boil for 20 minutes.

If the smudges are not burnt, they can be easily washed with a sponge previously dipped in alcohol or vinegar. In the case when they are a little burnt, a salt solution is suitable. Dip a sponge into it, treat the stains.

For a heavily burnt black smudge, the following method is suitable:

  1. Cool the pan;
  2. Prepare remedy. You will need soda (100 g), washing gel (5 ml), hydrogen peroxide (50 ml). Mix the ingredients, treat the contaminated areas with a sponge;
  3. Wait 10 minutes, rinse.

To clean the pan completely, you need to choose the dishes where it will fit entirely. For example, an iron bucket, a basin. Pour water into a container, put on the stove, heat. For 5 liters of water, you will need a package of stationery glue and 150 g of soda. Mix, wait for a boil. Reduce heat, immerse the pan for half an hour. Wash after the dishes have cooled down.

What can't be done?

In order not to damage the surface of the pan and the skin during processing, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • New enamel cannot be scrubbed with hard metal sponges and brushes; this method is chosen exclusively for old products;
  • Means with an aggressive environment must be used strictly according to the instructions. Prolonged interaction of acid with the coating of enamelware will damage it;
  • Whiteness and bleach require dilution with water, otherwise they have an effect similar to acid on enamel;
  • It is important to remove carbon deposits in protective gloves so as not to damage the skin. When using loose cleaners, it is required to wear a mask, open windows;
  • The enamel deteriorates from temperature changes, so you must first pour in the product, then heat the dishes;
  • Do not use household chemicals to treat toilets and sinks. The acid in the composition will harm the body if the pan is not rinsed enough;
  • No need to try to remove carbon deposits with a knife or fork, otherwise the coating will deteriorate.

Strong agents must be used carefully when cleaning, as in large quantities they damage the surface. If you follow these recommendations, the pan will last a long time and remain in good condition.

The result of boiling an enamel pan

To increase the service life, the following care rules must be observed:

  • Milk dishes should not be boiled in a saucepan. Milk burns in a short time, and it is quite difficult to remove carbon deposits. Such dishes are also not suitable for pasta and rice - they inevitably stick to the bottom;
  • After purchase, before the initial use, it is necessary to harden the surface. To do this, you need to fill the dishes with water, wait for the boil, cool;
  • The coating is damaged if bulky dishes are heated on a small burner. Because of this, uneven heating of the bottom occurs. For this reason, cracks form on the coating;
  • Frying in an enamel pan, the bottom of which is not completely filled with fat or oil, is unacceptable;
  • A discolored saucepan is bleached with lemon or vinegar. You only need to wipe the dishes;
  • Dark plaque after cooking vegetables is removed with whey;
  • Remove burnt food from dishes carefully so as not to scratch the surface. Scratches then become cracks. Then the food will constantly burn;
  • Temperature fluctuations lead to the fact that the dishes crack;
  • If a piece breaks off the enamel, it is no longer suitable for cooking. When heated, substances hazardous to the body will be released;
  • A pan falling from a height will inevitably lead to chips on the surface;
  • Rust indicates the presence of scratches and chips. It will be possible to remove it, but such dishes are not suitable for cooking. When heated, rust can get into food;
  • It is better to process such dishes by hand. If you use the dishwasher for washing, the coating will darken faster.

Enamelware looks attractive and is easy to care for. If you follow simple processing rules, you can increase the life of the pan and maintain its attractive appearance.


Even a good housewife sometimes burns food. Stains remain on the pan, which spoil its appearance and make it unsuitable for further use.

Enamel-coated pots are a little more difficult to clean than other materials. Its coating is more sensitive. In this regard, not all substances can be used for cleaning. However, folk wisdom knows several proven ways in the fight for the purity of enameled pans.

Cleaning the outside of the pot

To clean the pan from soot from the outside will help the usual baking soda. To do this, apply the powder on wet walls for 15 minutes, then gently wipe the dishes with a damp cloth. The use of brushes with hard bristles in this case is prohibited, they can damage the enamel coating.

Fine sand may also be suitable for cleaning. It should be applied to a damp sponge and wipe the pan with gentle movements. In the same way, laundry detergent can be used to remove carbon deposits.

An effective contaminant remover is silicate glue. To use it, one tube must be diluted in a basin of hot water. It is necessary to place a saucepan in the resulting composition and put the bowl on a slow fire for several hours.

To clean the bottom from the outside, the pan must be placed in a container that is several times larger in size. Next, pour a solution of soda (1 pack of powder per 4 liters). The container must be boiled over an open fire for one and a half hours. After the water has cooled, the pan should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Ways to deal with burnt milk

Stains from burnt milk on the pan are considered difficult to remove. You can get rid of them in the following ways.

I sleep to coffee grounds> it is necessary to apply a thick layer on the burnt areas and rub a little with a sponge. The composition should be left for an hour, then washed off with warm water.

The most effective remedy in the fight against burnt milk is Activated carbon. Several tablets must be crushed to a powder state. The resulting composition should fill the bottom of the pan and leave for 40 minutes. Next, you need to pour cold water into the container and let it brew for half an hour. After such treatment, contamination can be easily removed with any detergent.

Salt It also removes various contaminants well. The agent must be applied in a thick layer on the walls and bottom of the pan and left for several hours. Next, the salt should be washed off with warm water.

Vinegar in the fight for cleanliness

In the fight against soot, vinegar is very effective. It can be used in several ways. For the first pan, you need to pour vinegar and let stand for 2 hours. After such treatment, contamination will be easily removed with a regular sponge. In the absence of vinegar, it can be replaced with other oxidizers: lemon juice or citric acid.

For the second method, water and vinegar must be poured into the pan in equal parts. The container should be put on medium heat for 20 minutes. After this procedure, the stains will be removed with ease. When using this method, you must comply with precautions. Vinegar fumes are hazardous to health. When cleaning the pan, you should not be in the kitchen; the windows in the room must be open.

How to clean the inside of a pot?

There are many popular ways to clean a burnt pan.

Pour water into the pan and add equal parts (100g each) of liquid soap and any cleaning agent, for example, dishwashing gel. The container must be placed on an open fire and boil 20 minutes. After the pan has cooled, wipe it with a damp cloth.

The acid helps to break down the soot. In this regard, many housewives recommend boiling in a saucepan for several hours. peel of sour apples.

Many carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, contain carbonic acid. This element actively destroys pollution. To remove burnt residues, the drink must be poured into a saucepan and put the container on fire for 30 minutes. After treatment, the damaged areas should be wiped with a wet cloth.

In the fight against burnt residues, you can use not only ordinary soda, but also its washing counterpart.

For this 25 gr. powder should be poured with a liter of hot water. The product should be poured into a container and allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes. Can be used instead of soda 25% solution sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. However, in this case, it is necessary to observe the precautionary rules and avoid contact with the elements with open hands. Better to use rubber gloves. Also, after processing, the pan must be thoroughly rinsed several times.

Boiling the pot with rock salt. To do this, salt (3-4 tablespoons) should be placed in a half-filled dish and put on the stove for 15-20 minutes. After boiling, the pan should be wiped with a wet cloth.

For the next method, you need to pour cold water into the dishes and add 1 tbsp. whiteness. The composition should be left for a day. Next, the liquid must be poured out and the pan boiled several times with ordinary clean water. After this treatment, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed.

If jam is burnt in the pan not worth it immediately put it under water. The dishes must be allowed to cool completely. Further, to get rid of burnt sugar, you can use the following methods.

For the first method, the container should be filled with water and baking soda should be added (at the rate of 4 tablespoons per liter). The pan must be put on an open fire for 15-20 minutes. After this treatment, stains can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Regular apples are rich in acid, which is effective against burnt sugar. To remove the remnants of jam in a saucepan, it is necessary to fill it halfway with apple peel, pour water and boil on an open window for 20 minutes. After the procedure, plaque should be removed with a damp cloth.

If your favorite enamel pot is badly burnt, don't worry. Folk methods will tell you how to remove food debris and carefully clean the bottom of the dishes from burns.

The first reaction of a determined hostess on the fact of a burnt pan is to throw away the damaged thing. The reaction of a prudent hostess is to quickly take measures to save her beloved vessel. Indeed, why throw it away when you can still fix it, especially since there are many ways to clean a burnt pan.

You will need

- coarse table salt;

- baking soda;

- table vinegar (citric acid, lemon juice);

- activated charcoal tablets;

- serum;

- sponge;

— powder with small abrasive particles.


1. Rule number one: do not push the burnt pan into the far corner. It is advisable to start saving her on the same day. Then you can clean it without a trace. Otherwise, yellow spots will remain in place of the burn. Rule number two: do not pour hot, burnt enameled dishes with cold water, the enamel may crack and fly off. We need to give her time to cool down.

2. Cover the burnt area with coarse table salt and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse the pot with hot water. If the burn remains, repeat the procedure.

3. Make a strong saline solution (5-6 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), pour into a saucepan and boil for 30-40 minutes. The burn should come off the bottom and sides of the pot. How to wash the seams in the bathroom Lack of proper ventilation in the bathroom, soap and grease deposits, over time, lead to the appearance of persistent plaque on the walls. Most often, pollution accumulates in the gaps between the tiles.

4. Take a few activated charcoal tablets and crush them into a powder. Pour on the burnt place and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then fill with cold water and leave for another 20 minutes, then rinse the pan with any dish detergent. Activated charcoal helps a lot in cases where milk burns.

5. Make a strong soda solution (1 standard pack of baking soda - 500 g per 5-6 liters of water) pour into a container larger than the burnt pan. Place the affected vessel in a container and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and lower the heat. Boil for an hour and a half. Turn off the heat and let the dishes cool down. Then remove the burnt pan and rinse with clean water. You will see that not only burns have been cleaned, but also all the dirt that was on the pan, which at one time was difficult for you to reach (handle area, reliefs, etc.).

6. Pour table vinegar over the burnt spot, close the lid and leave for 2 hours. Then just wash the pan with detergent. Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid from a bag, or fresh lemon juice.

7. Sour milk in your kitchen will be most welcome. Separate the whey and pour it over the burnt pan. Leave overnight. In the morning, drain the whey and wash the pan.

8. If the burn is small, just rub this place with a hard sponge coated with a soft abrasive powder. Do not use a steel wool to avoid scratches that later threaten to turn into cracks.

Burnt food in an enamel pan. Almost every housewife faces a similar problem. And then the question arises of how to remove soot from dishes so as not to damage its surface? There are several ways, and right now we will tell you about them. The topic of the article is “The enameled pan burned. How to clean? Your attention is presented with effective ways to eliminate this problem with the help of available improvised means.

How to clean a burnt pan with activated charcoal?

Grind ten tablets of this drug into powder and pour the bottom of an enameled bowl with it. Leave it like this for a quarter of an hour. After this time, pour enough clean water into the container so that it completely covers the contamination. Put the pan on the fire and boil the liquid for about half an hour. Next, wash the dish under running warm water with a sponge. All soot will be removed without much difficulty.

Enamel pan burnt. How to clean it with acid?

Vinegar or lemon - these are the faithful helpers of the hostess in the fight against soot on the dishes. Pour vinegar and water into the bottom of the container in a ratio of 1: 1 and place it on the stove. Boil the solution over low heat for about one hour. Keep in mind that during this procedure, a very unpleasant odor will spread through the kitchen. Therefore, open the window for ventilation, and cover the pan itself with a wet towel. Moisten it with water as it dries. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid: 1 sachet is diluted with 200 grams of water and boiled for the same amount of time as the solution with vinegar. After completing the procedure, the container is washed with water and a sponge.

Soda and salt. How to quickly clean a burnt pan with these products?

This method can remove even the most difficult pollution, such as outdated and very thick soot. Pour hot water into the bottom of the bowl and pour two large spoons and baking soda into it. Leave the container with this solution for a day. After this time, send the pan to the stove and boil for half an hour over low heat. All pollution after this procedure will depart easily. Wash the container in clean warm water.

The milk was burnt in an enamel bowl. What to do?

You were preparing milk porridge, and an enameled pan burned. How to clean this pollution? Don't panic, just drink coffee. But rub the thick of this drink along the bottom of the vessel and leave for thirty minutes. The soot will become sour and will be easily washed off under running water.

Another way to clean burnt dishes is to freeze them.

Put the contaminated enamel container in the freezer for an hour. Then wash it in cool water. All contaminants are cleaned very quickly. It is important to know that after you take the pan out of the freezer, it cannot be. The enamel cracks due to a sharp temperature drop.

Did such a nuisance happen in your kitchen: did an enameled pan burn? How to clean this type of pollution, you already know. Take advantage of our recommendations, and let your dishes always be clean.

If your enamel pan is burnt, then this is not a problem. There are ways to quickly clean the pan without damaging the surface.

If cute enameled pots “live” in your kitchen, then you already have or will soon have the task of cleaning them. Nagar Nagar strife, so let's talk about different cases and start with the most difficult.

And before that, we will warn you that it is not recommended to postpone cleaning the dishes from burnt food, do it right away. The longer the delay period, the greater the chance that the pan will not clean well and may have to say goodbye to it forever. Another important point - be sure to let the pan cool before cleaning it. So, what to do if the enameled pan is burnt and how to clean it?

Severe cases of burning

Strong soot is when part of the food being prepared remains thick, up to a millimeter and more thick, with a black layer on the bottom and walls of the pan. Dealing with such a problem the first time is not always easy. But several attempts usually guarantee a good result. What are the ways to deal with the most severe burns?

Method number 1

To begin with, with a metal brush for washing dishes, carefully clean off the top soft layer of soot, being careful not to touch the enamel. The remaining hard and unwilling layer, pour a 9% vinegar solution so that the vinegar covers all the soot, and leave for 15 minutes. Acetic acid will soften the remnants of burnt food, which will allow you to get rid of it faster and easier in the future. At this preparatory stage is completed.

Main stage. Drain the vinegar solution from the dishes, pour cold water into it and add 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid. We put on fire, let the water boil and boil over low heat until the desired result is achieved. Gradually, the acid will act on the soot, and it will begin to peel off layer by layer from the surface of the dish.

As soon as you notice that a lot of soot has already moved away from the bottom of the dish, finish boiling. If the water has already boiled away, and soot does not give in, the procedure with citric acid must be repeated.

Further, everything is simple. Remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and again, very carefully, with a metal brush, clean off the loose layer, if any. At the end, we use ordinary dish detergents and a soft sponge.

Is Nagar still there? So you need to be patient, and repeat the boiling process with citric acid one or more times until the desired result is obtained.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of burnt food, cover the pan with a damp, dense cloth (for example, a towel). After 10-15 minutes, the fabric will take all the smell out of the pan.

In severe cases, these manipulations may not be enough. Therefore, leave the pan to stand and “think” for a day, and even better for 2-3 days. After the time is up, boil for 15 minutes. After the pan has cooled, clean the remaining carbon deposits with a soft sponge and baking soda. Rinse thoroughly and ... the pan is like new!

Medium burns

It looks about the same as in the photo.

Method number 1

Surprisingly, the ability of activated charcoal to cleanse our body helps to cleanse our saucepans. To do this, crush the charcoal tablets (1 pack) and cover the affected areas of the dishes with them. Cover the pan with a lid and wait about 20 minutes. Then pour some warm water, covering all the soot with it. And again leave for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. Further actions: wash off the carbon deposits using a sponge and a cleaning agent.

Method number 2

Just soda and nothing else. You will need an aqueous solution of soda with proportions, where 1 liter of liquid is mixed with 1 tbsp. baking soda crystals. The resulting solution should fill the pan 2-3 centimeters above the damaged surface. Put on the stove and boil for 30 minutes. For difficult cases - within 60 minutes. Drain the liquid and rinse the pan with any dishwashing detergent and a soft sponge. Nagar will lag well enough, but it will take a little effort and time to scrub off unwanted stains.

Some housewives advise taking 0.5 cups of soda for 1 liter of water, and after boiling, let the pan cool down with the solution without draining it.

Baking soda is especially good when a protein-based product (such as milk or meat) is burnt.

Method number 3

Actions similar to method No. 2 can no longer be done with soda, but with citric acid. 1-2 tablespoons of acid for the amount of water that will cover the burnt bottom. Let it boil and boil for 10 minutes so that the soot begins to peel off. Then a few rubbing movements over the remnants of soot with a soft sponge with warm water. If brown stains remain, remove them with a mild abrasive powder dishwashing detergent. It may not turn out perfect, but it will become so after regular washing of the pan after a few times.

Light cases of burning

Method number 1

Pour in vinegar and leave for 2-3 hours. It is better not to use vinegar essence because of its pungent odor. If there is no vinegar in the house, you can use citric acid or lemon juice dissolved in water, after pouring boiling water over the lemon so that it gives the maximum of its acidic properties.

Apple peel also contains acid, so it may well be useful if it is boiled in a pan where food has burnt.

Acid helps well in cases of burning a product containing sugar.

Method number 2

Soda. A good and long-familiar cleaning agent for many housewives. In mild cases of burning, it is enough to wipe the darkened place with soda using a sponge. A few minutes and the result, as they say, is obvious.

Dark stain removal

Over time, enamelware tends to become covered with a dark coating. This is especially facilitated by cooking vegetables, for example, for vinaigrette. After a few months, you will notice that your pan has lost its original snow-white appearance. We share cleaning tips to remove dark plaque.

Method one

Dishes can be cleaned with baking soda. "Dry" or boil the pan with a solution of soda for 30 minutes, as recommended above. You can use two other, more effective methods using bleaching agents.

Method two

The “Whiteness” tool, familiar to many, helps to remove plaque without much effort. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the entire surface where there is plaque. Add Whiteness to the water (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and leave to stand for about a day. A significant part of the raid will definitely go away. A necessary condition - after the procedure with "Whiteness", boil a pot of clean water twice to avoid chemical poisoning and remove odors.

Method three

2 tablespoons of dry bleach will do the trick, but with the help of a boiling process. Add bleach to a pot filled with water, bring to a boil and let simmer for about 3 minutes. After that, it is enough to drain the water and make sure that all plaque has disappeared. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the surface with plenty of water and be sure to boil 1-2 times with clean water for the final removal of the chemical agent.

If you want to change enamelware to stainless steel cookware. Then we offer you an article about how, and not fall for the tricks of manufacturers.

And finally, a few tips for those who like to cook in enamelware.

  1. For a longer service life, the enamel of a newly purchased pan must be hardened. Fill a bowl with water and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and let cool without pouring out the water.
  2. Enamel does not like sudden temperature changes, so do not put an empty pan on a hot stove. And do not pour cold water into a pan that has not yet cooled down.
  3. Unless necessary, do not use metal brushes, a knife or coarse abrasive powders to remove carbon deposits. This will damage the enamel. The resulting scratches will darken during subsequent cooking, which will spoil the appearance of the dishes. In addition, in place of the damaged enamel, the products will now burn constantly.
