
Melted chocolate recipe. Melted Chocolate Dessert Recipes

Chocolate is the perfect accompaniment to most desserts. In some cases, chocolate chips are used, but melted chocolate is more commonly used. Melting this product correctly is very important, as mistakes made in the process can completely spoil the taste of the product.

We will figure out how to properly melt chocolate in a water bath to prepare various dessert options.

There is a huge assortment of chocolate on store shelves, but not every tile is suitable for our purposes. Immediately put aside the tiles with filler or filling. Chocolates with nuts, with a marmalade layer or interspersed with cookies are best eaten just like that, without trying to melt.

Aerated chocolate, beloved by many, will not work either. This is a very delicate delicacy that literally melts in your mouth due to the content of many small air bubbles in the product. When melting porous chocolate, it is not possible to obtain a homogeneous mass, so the dessert will be hopelessly spoiled.

But it's perfect for melting. Choose bars with at least 70% cocoa. When melted, this variant of chocolate turns out to be thick, uniform, and shiny.

You can melt milk chocolate, but this version of the delicacy is not suitable for making glaze. Even when melted, the mass remains quite thick, so it does not spread well over the surface. But for making inscriptions, creating chocolate "laces" decorating the sides of the cake, and for sweets, this version of chocolate is ideal.

Great for melting white chocolate. This version of the dessert does not contain grated cocoa, the basis is cocoa butter. White chocolate is great for making white or colored icing. In the latter case, a few drops of food coloring should be added to the melted mass.

Couverture is ideal for making glazes. This is a specially created chocolate mass for melting. It is sold in briquettes, crumbs or drops. It is dark, milky or white. It differs from ordinary chocolate in a higher fat content and finer grinding of cocoa. When melted, a plastic mass is obtained, which spreads well over the surface.

How to melt chocolate for a cake?

Cake, watered - it's beautiful and delicious. Chocolate icing helps not only to decorate pastries, but also to hide some of the flaws made during baking, in particular, a not too even crust of the cake. Let's figure out how to melt chocolate for a cake.

Read also: Bananas in batter - 8 recipes

Black chocolate

This method of making chocolate is ideal for making icing or cream for decorating a cake. If you follow the instructions exactly, you will get a beautiful homogeneous mixture with a soft glossy sheen.

The chocolate bar to be melted should be at room temperature. If you store chocolate in the refrigerator, take the bar out ahead of time to warm it up. From a sharp change in temperature, the chocolate mass will turn out to be heterogeneous.

The bar needs to be broken into equal small pieces so that the chocolate melts evenly. You can grate the tile, so the product will melt faster.

To make a water bath, you need two containers. One must be larger than the other. A container of a smaller diameter should not fall into a large one, it must be supported by weight. Water is poured into a large bowl (pot) so that it does not touch the bottom of a smaller container installed on top. It is better to pour hot water so that it boils faster.

The upper container must be wiped well so that there is not a drop of moisture in it, chopped chocolate is laid out. The ingress of moisture into the chocolate mass will lead to delamination. The entire structure is placed on a slab. When the water in a large saucepan boils, adjust the heat so that the liquid does not boil much.

Melt the chocolate, stirring constantly. To do this, you need to use a silicone or plastic spatula, a metal spoon is not recommended. As soon as the chocolate is completely melted, the heat is turned off and the mass is allowed to cool slightly.

If you are melting chocolate for icing, then immediately after removing it from the stove, you can add a piece of butter to the mass (20 g of butter per 100 g of chocolate). After adding the butter, you need to stir the mass well until the butter is evenly distributed in the chocolate. The glaze with butter is especially beautiful, as it will shine even after hardening.

Advice! Do not cover the bowl with melted chocolate in any case, as water vapor will condense on it. Drops will fall into the chocolate mass, which will lead to its delamination.

White chocolate

Properly melting white chocolate is somewhat more difficult. White tiles melt faster, so it's easy to overheat the mass, which will lead to lumps.

The tile needs to be crushed as finely as possible, it is advisable to grate it or cut it with a knife. Chocolate chips are placed in the upper container of a water bath. In this case, you need to pour quite a bit of water into the lower container. The distance between the bottom of the upper bowl and the level of the boiling liquid must be large, otherwise the mass will quickly overheat.

Melt white chocolate, stirring constantly. After most of the pieces have melted, remove the bowl from the water bath and continue to stir to melt the remaining pieces. If desired, food coloring is added to the melted chocolate mass.

Read also: Pancakes with banana and chocolate - 4 recipes

For the fountain

The chocolate fountain is extremely effective and very tasty. Chocolate for the fountain is best purchased special, designed for filling fountains. It melts well and remains flexible.

You can also use regular bar chocolate, then you need to add butter to it. Ideally, it should be cocoa butter, but any odorless vegetable oil can be used. Butter is added to chocolate in a ratio of 1 to 10, that is, per 100 gr. chocolate you need to take 10 gr. oils.

Melting chocolate in the lower bowl of the fountain is only possible using very small devices. For medium and large fountains, chocolate must first be melted in a water bath. And if you use ordinary tiles, and not a specially prepared product, then when melting in a water bath, you must definitely add oil.

Melted chocolate in a water bath for fondue

Fondue chocolate is often mixed with milk. You can use condensed milk or cream. The higher the fat content of the dairy product, the more tender the fondue will be. Sometimes alcoholic drinks or coffee are added to the melted mixture. Here are a few recipes for cooking.

simple fondue

  • 350 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Sweet tooth and chocolate lovers in this article will find information on how to melt chocolate so that it is liquid and does not freeze. This can easily be done at home. Read about the most common and simple ways below.

Making liquid chocolate at home

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid at home? For beginner confectioners, it is important to know about several methods. For these purposes, you can use a steam bath, oven, microwave, or a conventional gas or electric stove. Most often, liquid chocolate is used to make such goodies as fountains, chocolate mocha, cocktails, muffins, cakes and more. Very often, lovers of home baking make mistakes, as a result of which the chocolate curls up, burns and crumbles into pieces. By listening to some tips, you can avoid the most common mistakes.

Choosing chocolate for the firebox

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid? First of all, the product must be of high quality. To melt chocolate, you can take not only whole bars, but also chocolate in any form (chocolate chips, disks). The amount of sugar in the product also affects the melting time. The sweeter the chocolate, the faster it will become liquid. Bakeries or confectioneries have a special product designed to melt, which can withstand higher temperatures. When working with white chocolate, you need to be quite careful, as after heating it can become dry and brittle.

Melting chocolate in a water bath

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in a water bath? This method is considered the most common. It has been used for a very long time and has not lost its popularity to this day. So, in order to melt chocolate in a water bath, we need:

  1. Heat up the dishes with water to 60-80 degrees Celsius.
  2. Break a bar of chocolate (black, white or milk) into small identical pieces and lower into a bowl with a thick bottom. Remember: it is very important that the utensils used are completely dry. This will help prevent the chocolate from burning.
  3. We put the container with pieces of chocolate on a steam bath. We make sure that the heating is gradual and uniform. To do this, avoid direct fire. Make sure that the dishes with the product do not touch the water, as this will lead to overheating of the product and, as a result, a change in taste and consistency. You also need to protect the product from steam. White and milk chocolate dissolve much faster than black.
  4. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil over very low heat, and then turn it off. Stir the chocolate all the time.
  5. Cover the slightly cooled chocolate with cling film or a lid and leave for a while. Under the influence of heat, the remaining small pieces will evenly melt and turn into a liquid emulsion.

Melting chocolate using the microwave

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid in the microwave? Many do not risk doing such a procedure, as they are afraid of overheating the product or that it will lose its taste. But that's not the case at all if you do it right. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is necessary to place a 100-gram chocolate bar broken into small pieces in a ceramic dish and send it to the microwave for one minute, then stir and heat for two minutes, stirring every thirty seconds. You can melt chocolate in the "Defrost" mode for several minutes. The time is calculated based on the amount of product: a 100 gram tile must be kept in the microwave for two minutes.

We heat the chocolate so that it is liquid on the stove

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid on the stove? You can use both gas and electric. To get high-quality liquid chocolate, you need to listen to some tips. You need to melt chocolate on the stove with a metal pan and a spoon (silicone spatula). At the same time, again, do not forget that all the items you use must be absolutely dry. The wisdom lies in smearing the bottom and sides of the dishes with butter for easy removal of the melted mass and easy washing of the pan itself. The fire should be moderate, the mass should not be brought to a boil. Chocolate in the bowl must be constantly stirred. It is not necessary to melt to a homogeneous mass, you can remove the dishes, even if small pieces remain. In this case, as mentioned above, it is necessary to cover the container with chocolate with cling film or a lid.

If a warm oven remains after any baking, place the chocolate in a small iron bowl and let sit for a few minutes.

How to melt chocolate so that it is liquid and does not freeze? This product is very sensitive to temperature changes, it is easy to overheat, so if melted over high heat or a boiling steam bath, the resulting mass will become thick, and then it will take lumps and will be bitter.

It is important to remember such a feature of chocolate as heat retention. Even after you turn off the heat on the stove or remove the dish of melted liquid from the microwave, do not stop stirring for several minutes to avoid burning.

To make the glaze, add melted butter, warm milk, or hot cream to a bowl. In order for your culinary masterpiece to not only look great, but also taste great, choose a good quality product that has a lot of cocoa butter and no additives. Porous chocolate, as well as with nuts, raisins or dried apricots, is not suitable for melting. These ingredients can be added already to liquid chocolate. It's a matter of taste preference.

Now you know how to melt chocolate so that it is liquid. Create your own culinary masterpieces. Bon appetit!

In the preparation of confectionery, melted chocolate is often required. There are a number of rules, the observance of which will allow you to melt this delicacy so that it turns out to be tender, uniform in texture.

How to melt chocolate properly

The main recommendation sounds like this: chocolate should not be overheated. Otherwise, it will be lumpy and thick, so the icing will definitely not work out of it. The optimal melting point for dark chocolate is 50-55 degrees, for white and milk chocolate - 45 degrees. Accordingly, overheating white and milk chocolate is a little easier than bitter.

It is desirable that the heating be uniform, but this is very difficult to achieve. Therefore, when heating a chocolate treat, you should constantly stir it, which will avoid the appearance of lumps.

For high-quality melting, it is worth cutting the chocolate into small pieces, you can even rub it on a grater. Naturally, if you try to melt a whole bar of chocolate or just large pieces, then such an attempt will be unsuccessful.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to allow water (condensate, steam) to get into chocolate, because it will lose its taste and properties. To this end, you need to make sure that all used utensils and accessories (work surfaces, pots, spoons, etc.) are absolutely dry.

There is a little trick that will make the process of melting chocolate a little easier: you don’t have to melt all the chocolate treat to the last piece. Due to the fact that the unmelted pieces will be surrounded by a warm chocolate mass, they will melt on their own within a few minutes. You can do the same if you want to add butter or cream to the chocolate mass. Heated cream or melted butter helps heat and melt the remaining chocolate pieces.

How to melt a chocolate bar if you need to get a high-quality liquid glaze? To do this, when it is heated, be sure to add a little liquid (about 1 tablespoon per 30-50 grams of chocolate). When using dark chocolate, the volume of liquid should be increased. It is recommended to add only warm liquid, since the addition of cold water dramatically increases the likelihood of the mass hardening. The liquid can be mixed into the chocolate by hand or with a blender, food processor, and at low speeds. Instead of water, you can use cream or butter (the cream should be hot and the butter melted).

How to melt chocolate in a water bath

To do this, the chocolate is broken into small pieces or rubbed on a grater and placed in a dry and clean bowl, which is then placed on a pot of hot water. A prerequisite is that the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. It should be melted over low heat, stirring constantly, avoiding overheating of the mass. Care must be taken to ensure that no steam enters the bowl. If the melted mass is to be used later, then it can be left in a bowl in a water bath.

How to melt chocolate in the microwave

As a rule, chocolate does not melt in a microwave oven, as it is very difficult to keep track of the uniformity of its heating. But the result can be quite good if you follow the following rules. For heating, the minimum power is set (for a 100-gram tile, it will take about 3 minutes to heat up). First you need to mix after a minute, then every 30 seconds.

How to melt chocolate in a saucepan

There is an easier way, which uses one pan. The only condition is that the bottom of it should be thick, because this allows you to achieve uniformity of its heating. Small pieces of chocolate treats are placed in a saucepan and constantly stirred over low heat.

Arriving at any cafe or restaurant, you are always surprised: how do confectioners manage to melt chocolate so that it then breaks under the spoon with a crunch on a delicate dessert or ice cream? Then it's time for you to learn how to melt chocolate at home, and even better - try it for making delicious treats in your own kitchen.

Choose right

You still don’t know how to find a kind of chocolate that suits both price and quality, so that when melted it does not turn into a mass that looks a little like a hot chocolate drink? So these are the secrets of choosing this dessert for you:

  1. Don't take the economy chocolate bar at low prices.
  2. It will not be possible to melt a porous chocolate product, it will not work for you at all.
  3. The label should indicate a simple composition, with a minimum amount of various additives, but with a high content of cocoa butter.
  4. Best suited for melting dark chocolate, without nuts, without raisins, fruit fillings, etc.
  5. Choose a confectionery (or culinary) chocolate product, as well as a table one with the name.
  6. If you need to create an inscription on the cake, then it is advisable to melt the dessert chocolate. It is thick and viscous, but for glaze it is not very applicable.
  7. Couverture is the most expensive firebox chocolate. It contains a lot of cocoa butter, so it melts perfectly, and as a glaze it looks glossy and smooth. When solidified, it creates a crispy crust.

So, you have chosen the right product from cocoa beans, now figure out the proposed methods on how to melt chocolate correctly. All methods for this will be suitable, just decide which one is the most simple and attractive for you.

Melting chocolate in a water bath

If you still don't know how to melt chocolate in a water bath, then this method is for you:

  1. Unroll the chocolate bar and break it with your hands on the tiles or in random order, as it turns out.
  2. Put the broken tile in aluminum or any other iron dish (you can put it in glass bowls for the microwave oven), first wipe the dishes from moisture.
  3. Boil some water in a separate saucepan, calculate the amount of water so that the dish with chocolate placed on top does not touch the boiling water, but is heated only by steam from the water. The optimal temperature for melting a regular bar of chocolate is between 50 and 80 degrees.
  4. Do not forget to stir the chocolate all the time so that it melts all at the same time, without sticking to the walls. Also an important point: dishes with chocolate should be wider in size than a pot of water, because steam should not be allowed to enter the product, otherwise the chocolate will lose its viscosity and consistency, and eventually it will not harden. For this purpose, chocolate is also melted without a lid, stirred with a very dry spoon, without drops of water.
  5. If chocolate is used for icing, it is advisable to add olive or butter to it (just a little bit). So the chocolate will be somewhat vague and will not harden immediately, as you remove it from the steam bath, but on the dessert, which is what you need.

Melting chocolate in the oven or microwave

If you are planning to bake something (eclairs, for example) and you have a hot oven, you can melt the chocolate using the heat of the oven. To do this, again, break the tile into small pieces, put in a bowl and put in the oven for a few minutes.

Perhaps the easiest way to melt the chocolate mass in the microwave. The rule here is this: set the oven to the “defrost” mode, that is, to the minimum power and for a short time - 3 minutes (depending on how much you want to melt). Chocolate in the microwave can be melted in the following way: per 100 grams - 2 minutes of time. But this method does not end up with a glossy texture to the hardened chocolate.

Now you know all the secrets of how to melt chocolate properly, and you can safely use them, experiment and choose the most suitable one.

Chocolate mousse

To prepare it, take:

  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 4 eggs.

Prepare the mousse like this:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, adding sugar to it.
  2. Remove the mass from the heat and beat it with the yolks of 4 eggs.
  3. Separately, beat the egg whites until firm foam, gently fold into the chocolate-yolk mixture.
  4. Spread the mousse in bowls or other glasses and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

Chocolate banana frappe

For this delicious drink you will need:

  • 25 g white chocolate;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 1 banana;
  • 200 g ice cream.

Prepare the frappe like this:

  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, warm the milk and mix both ingredients, heating in a saucepan until they are completely reunited.
  2. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour it into the blender bowl, add the banana and ice cream. Whisk the ingredients well.
  3. Pour into tall cocktail glasses, garnish with an umbrella and straw.

Chocolate cream dressing for dessert


  • 200 g of chocolate;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of cream;
  • 3 art. spoons of liquor.


  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, adding cream and liqueur to it.
  2. Pour the prepared mixture into prepared bowls.
  3. Serve the dessert warm with fruits, berries or biscuits in bowls.

Many gourmets buy a special device for making chocolate fondue. Everything has already been done there so that the chocolate melts from the heat of the candle, which is placed under the bowl of chocolate. You can dip anything into such liquid chocolate: fruits, corn sticks, sweets.

For the preparation of many confectionery dishes, ranging from desserts to cakes, pies, melted chocolate is required. These are glazes, and figures for decoration, and an additive to the dough, which makes ordinary sweets ideal. Making melted chocolate is very easy, and a festive confectionery dish will greatly benefit. This process has a number of nuances. For example, it would be more correct to use a water bath. Why - we will find out further.

How to choose melting chocolate

For melting and subsequent decoration of dishes, you can buy any chocolate, but there are rules for choosing. Some species are generally not suitable for a particular case. Chocolate bars with the following features are preferred.

  • Chocolate "Table".
  • No additives: nuts, raisins, jam.
  • A sufficient amount of cocoa, from 55%.
  • Porous chocolate is excluded for melting.
  • Dessert chocolate is not suitable for glazes.
  • Low quality tiles are also unsuitable.

So the choice of chocolate also depends on the type of dessert: pour over ice cream or cook strawberries in glaze. The form can be any, not only tiled.

How to melt properly

In order not to spoil the dessert and chocolate, you need to melt it correctly. In liquid form, the mass should be quite thick, shiny and smelling delicious. The principles for making hot melted chocolate are as follows.

  • How to make a water bath? Place a small saucepan in a large saucepan filled with water to the bottom of the inner container, heat to a boil.
  • Break the tile into small pieces, placing in a smaller container.
  • When melting, do not be distracted from the container, stirring all the time, every 40 seconds.
  • The lid should not be covered, as condensate will fall into the mass, which must not be allowed. It will lose its thickness and taste.
  • Add cream or butter, not water.
  • It is necessary to prevent steam from entering the lower pan.
  • It is better to take a spoon made of wood or silicone.
  • The melting temperature for dark chocolate is 55 degrees C, and for white chocolate - 45. The fire should be as low as possible.

The dessert will turn out the better, the higher the grade of chocolate. To add shine to the coating of the cake, add butter. The biggest disappointment will occur if the chocolate mass burns. When melting in a water bath, melting is slow, but uniformity and quality are guaranteed. This is a popular way to make a tile liquid.

How to make a water bath

A water bath at home is easy to do. To melt chocolate on it, you need two saucepans (or stewpans). One container must be larger than the other in order to fit the first one. The most suitable dish in which chocolate melts well is enameled. The small saucepan should not touch the bottom of the large one.

The following steps explain how to make a water bath.

  • Water is poured into a large saucepan and brought to a boil.
  • Place a smaller container with finely chopped chocolate in a saucepan with boiling water. Set up a small fire.
  • Stir the chocolate as it melts. If necessary, we add additives - heavy cream or butter.
  • We extinguish the fire and let it cool down to about 36 degrees C.

Now the prepared mass can be used in a brownie pie, for a cake or for glazing fruits. Now we know how to melt chocolate in a water bath.

Recommendations for the melting process- do not overheat the mass, as bitterness may appear in it, and after solidification it will be excessively hard, avoid getting steam or water droplets into the molten mass.

Using a slow cooker to melt chocolate

There are various ways to melt, for example using electronic kitchen appliances. How to melt chocolate in a water bath in a slow cooker? Those who have this unit can easily melt the mass in it. More precisely, here the mass melts on a steam bath. But so much the better for chocolate, which will retain its properties from overheating.

We take the following steps.

  • Break tiles into pieces.
  • Pour water into the bowl up to the minimum mark.
  • Place the pieces in the steamer tray.
  • On the remote control, set: “steaming”.
  • Stir from time to time until melted.

The slow cooker does everything automatically according to the program, you just need to follow the process.

How to melt chocolate in the microwave

A microwave can also be used instead of a water bath to melt chocolate. You will need a glass container that will not heat up very quickly. If the glass bowl gets too hot after a few minutes in the microwave, it may not be good for the chocolate. Therefore, you need to transfer the chocolate mass to another cold bowl and add a few pieces of unmelted chocolate. Mix everything thoroughly.

It is very good when the microwave maintains the function of the set temperature. To melt chocolate, it is better to choose a low temperature so that the mass does not burn. It is necessary to periodically remove the container from the oven and mix the mass. If the microwave does not have a turntable, then you should turn the bowl of chocolate from time to time on your own.

How long it takes to melt chocolate in the microwave is quite difficult to say. It depends on the amount of cocoa butter in the chocolate, the volume of the chocolate mass and the power of the microwave oven. It takes about 3 minutes for 240 g of chocolate, and in 4 minutes you can melt almost a whole kg. It is correct to take out the chocolate every 30 seconds and mix well. So you do not miss the right moment. The chocolate mass should turn out smooth and shiny, and the chocolate pieces should completely dissolve.

  1. Chocolate chips or pieces are placed in an appropriate container and sent to the microwave. Heating is carried out at a power of 800-1000 W, controlling the process every 15 s. Or more often so as not to overheat.
  2. They take out the chocolate when almost all the chips are melted.
  3. "Stir" the contents until smooth.
  4. Now cold tempered chocolate is added and cooled to operating temperature.

In the combine bowl

The method is used at competitions when time is running out, but it can also be applied at home.

  1. 2/3 of the total volume of crushed or monetized chocolate is placed in the combine bowl.
  2. The remaining 1/3 is heated to 50 ºС and poured into cold chocolate.
  3. In this case, the whole mass should be quickly mixed, which favorably affects its quality and gives the desired shine.

Method 1/3+2/3

The method is similar to the combine, only the process is performed manually.

  1. Melting is subject to 2/30 chocolate of the total mass.
  2. After that, the remaining 1/3 of the chocolate in the bar or coins is added with constant stirring.
  3. If the chocolate does not melt well (which is a common occurrence with this method of tempering), use an immersion blender and beat the chocolate until completely dissolved.

The resulting chocolate will be thicker than when tempered on marble and is not suitable for making sweets, or thin-walled products. But it is ideal for creating sculptures or decor.

Methods regarding how to properly melt chocolate in a water bath will be useful for preparing a wide variety of desserts, simple and complex. The mass will not overheat, which will favorably affect its taste. It is not necessary to use chocolate for icing cakes and making decorations. It will be very tasty just to drink it or dip pieces of fruit. It is also possible to melt the mass using an oven or microwave. Everyone uses their own method, the one they like the most.
