
The best chocolates. How to choose real good chocolate: recommendations

How much do you think the most expensive chocolate in the world is worth? Would you buy it if you had a guarantee that it is the best chocolate you have ever tasted? Some would probably do just that. The first people to consume chocolate were the Aztecs around 1900 BC.

Originally it was a drink with spices. But by the 16th century, chocolate made its way to Europe, where sugar was added to it. After a while, the upper class were already enjoying a drink that closely resembled the chocolate we all know and love today.

Despite the fact that chocolate is considered by most to be a necessary product, it is still a luxury item, and there are more than $100 billion worth of chocolate sold in the world. So, how much would you spend on this luxury item? Find out in our today's list. This is the top 25 most expensive chocolate in the world.

25. Knipschildt's La Madeline au Truffe is a $250 chocolate truffle. It is made with Valrhona dark chocolate and truffle oil (as well as regular sugar, cream and vanilla). Truffle oil is made from the French Perigord truffle and costs up to $1,000 for 450 g. Each candy takes up to two weeks to make and is made to order.

24. Vosges chocolates, $69 for 450 grams, feature unique flavor combinations such as chocolate, bacon and coconut, or Indian curry with milk chocolate. Help yourself.

Photo: everydayparisian.com

23. At the end of 2014, for $ 260, you could buy a 50-gram To "ak 2014 Rain Harvest chocolate bar. This new product consisted of 81% dark chocolate certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was produced in a box made from Spanish elm, which was engraved with an individual bar number, since there were only 574. The chocolate came with a 116-page booklet so that you can read it at your leisure and remind yourself why you spent $ 260 on a chocolate bar. the only ingredients that made up the bar were cocoa and cane sugar.

Photo: toakchocolate.com

22. Richart's Intense Valentine Gourmet Chocolates are $77 for a box of 49 chocolates. The main disappointment is that there are 49 candies instead of 50, which is unbearable for those who have a highly developed sense of symmetry, they will have to eat candies very quickly to cope with this. However, these candies are legally produced French chocolate, and each candy has one of 7 unusual flavors/aromas: floral, spicy, citrus, balsam, toasty, fruity, or herbal. The box itself for your Valentine comes with a slab of dark chocolate, so it counts like the 50th candy.

Photo: richart-chocolates.com

21. Godiva is a fairly popular chocolate brand that boasts stores in almost every major mall in the US. But from time to time they release a collection of really high-end chocolate. In this case, it is the "G" collection, which consists of 15 chocolates and is priced at $120 for 450g.

Photo: cocoastore.nyc

20. Amendei's Prendimé chocolate is made in Tuscany by the world's first female chocolate maker, Cecilia Tessieri. Luckily, American customers can get chocolate by mail order or from a New York store for as little as $55 a bar.

Photo: cocoastore.nyc

19. Pierre Marcolini is a bit of a perfectionist, and therefore controls every step of the production of the chocolate that bears his name, making such adjustments as he sees fit. The average cost of Pierre Marcolini chocolate is $102 for 450g.

Photo: mostlyaboutchocolate.com

18. At just $13 a bar, Eclat Chocolate's Good & Evil Bar, released in 2013, isn't the most expensive on this list, but it's one of the most interesting. Master chocolate maker Christopher Curtin was inspired by the friendship of famous American traveler chef Anthony Bourdain with his French colleague Éric Ripert. Currently, Eclat Chocolate has released an $18 package of chocolate chips.

Photo: http://eclatchocolate.com

17. If you are lucky enough to visit the Walt Disney World center, go to Disney Springs (Disney Springs). There is a little shop there called The Ganachery and their little candies are made right there in the shop with the finest ingredients. The cost of one candy starts from 3 US dollars. Yes, it's quite expensive compared to a Hershey chocolate bar, but a bottle of French is a lot more expensive than a 2 liter bottle of soda.

Photo: wdwmagic.com

16. If you can't figure out the difference between a Hershey's chocolate bar and wonderful handmade chocolate, don't worry. Hershey also has a $50 bar. And it's 2kg 250g of Hershey's chocolate.

Photo: wikimedia commons

15. Celebrity pastry chef Jacques Torres has earned himself the nickname "Mr. Chocolate" over the course of his career, so it makes sense that he has his own line of chocolates. A box of 50 is $75. He also sells high-end chocolate chip cookies for $18 per pack (pack of 6).

Photo: tripadvisor.com

14. Here is a brownie that costs $1,000. It is called Extraordinary Brownie (Brownie Extraordinaire) and is served in one of the restaurants of Atlantic City - Brule. The dessert is made from dark chocolate and Italian hazelnuts and is served with a very expensive glass of wine called Quinta do Novel Nicional.

Photo: mnogolok.info

13. When you find out that they cost over $1 million, you will decide that Le Chocolat Box candies are the highest quality chocolate in the world. However, it's all in the box. In fact, this is a million dollar piece of jewelry from Simon Jewelers, packaged in a box of quality chocolate. Each box can vary in both carats and candy flavors.

Photo: wowreads.com

12. Wispa Gold Wrapped Chocolate is... good chocolate from the Cadbury Company. The value of chocolate is not in itself, but in an edible gold wrapper, which raises its cost to $1,628. However, you may well wonder why the price is so high. After all, you are not paying for chocolate, but for a wrapper that you will not be able to wear in the future as an ornament.

Photo: wowreads.com

11. The first Venezuelan chocolate manufacturer located in the US is Chuao Chocolatier. This name is inspired by the famous region of Venezuela where cocoa is grown. 450g of their chocolate costs around $80.

Photo: candyaddict.com

10. Richard Donnelly Chocolates was founded in 1988 by its namesake. It is located in Santa Cruz and the chocolate is made by hand. 450g of their gourmet chocolates will set you back around $76.

Photo: http://raredelights.com

9. Accurately imitating luxury cigars, right down to the smell, Aficionado's Collection Chocolates from House of Grauer's cost $275 a box.
Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

8. Founded in 1800 and the official supplier of the Royal French Court since 1918, Debauve & Gallais knows how to make good chocolate. Their chocolate is still made from the highest quality ingredients from around the world without the use of preservatives or artificial colors. Chocolate costs about 94 dollars for 450 g.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

7. In 2008, high-end department store Harrods and the Lebanese chocolate company Patchi released chocolates adorned with Swarovski crystals. Indian and Chinese handmade silk was used for packaging of sweets, the price of which is $10,000.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com

6. Perhaps this elite chocolate is one of the most famous in the world. Frrrozen Haute Chocolate from Serendipity 3 is a hot chocolate made from 28 exotic and rare cocoa beans, gold leaf and La Madeleina Au Truffle candy on top. In addition, the spoon itself is made of gold and diamonds, the spoon is made of gold, and a gold bracelet with diamonds is wrapped around the base of the dish. You can take a bracelet and a golden spoon with you. This pleasure costs 25,000 dollars. Seriously, with that money, you could build a school or dig a dozen wells in a third world country.

Photo: peimag.com

5. Noka Chocolate was an American chocolate company that unfortunately went out of business in 2011. But she still deserves to be recognized for her 2006 Vintages chocolate collection. The candies cost $854 per 450g. They were made with intriguing ingredients from around the world, and the (now defunct) company was even cheeky enough to claim that their products are for those who aren't timid.

Photo: peimag.com

4. DeLafée of Switzerland’s Gold Chocolate Box comes with a Swiss National Bank gold coin minted between 1910 and 1920. In addition, a golden leaf is applied to each of the 8 chocolates by hand. Therefore, such a box costs 330 US dollars.

Photo: delafee.com

3. The most expensive non-precious chocolate egg was called the Golden Speckled Egg. It weighed 49kg 500g and was purchased for over $10,000. It took three days and seven chocolatiers to make chocolate with different flavors such as rosemary, Japanese black vinegar, juniper berries, and edible golden leaf. The big egg is decorated with 12 small eggs, 20 small chocolate bars and 5 white flowers.

Photo: cazhighlights.blogspot.com

2. DeLafée is one of those high-end brands that most middle and lower class people have never even heard of. As you already understood from the story with the gold coin box, the brand is very popular among the elite. In fact, its main direction is everything that is connected with gold: be it food, temporary tattoos, etc., than chocolate itself. In this case, they released the chocolate without a coin, and it is covered with a sheet of 24 carat gold. Just two small chocolates cost $57.

Photo: delafee.com

1. To "ak - the company that launched chocolate for $ 260 in 2014, also offers chocolate for $ 365, which was aged for 3 years in a French oak cognac barrel. This company takes its chocolate very seriously and uses cocoa beans called "Nacional" from Ecuador, whose origins can be traced back to the first cultivated cocoa trees.They ferment and taste their chocolate in the same way that winemakers taste wine, since both of these products contain tannins and other flavonoids that determine their taste. , which complements each bar, allows you to deeply penetrate the science of chocolate, and each box contains special tasting dishes for the “ritual.” This is an amazing, rare, handmade chocolate, where every detail is paid attention.

Photo: luxexpose.com

Chocolate is one of the favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. As you know, it is black, milky and white. What are each of these types made of?

Types of chocolate

made from cocoa butter, grated cocoa beans and powdered sugar.
The more cocoa beans it contains, the more bitter it tastes. Please note: in this case, the word " bitter».

And if the number of cocoa beans is not so large, the name contains the word " dark". Remember this, then you will know what taste to expect from the tile you are going to buy.

A characteristic feature of black, bitter, dark chocolate is that it can only melt in the mouth, but not in the hands.

It is made from cocoa butter, grated cocoa beans, powdered sugar and powdered milk or powdered cream. It has a light brown color. Such chocolate can melt not only in the mouth, but also under the influence of the environment, for example, during heat.

In the manufacture white chocolate cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder and vanillin are used. But grated cocoa beans are absent here, so such products have a white, more precisely, cream color. They are also affected by the ambient temperature and melt in the heat.

Good or bad for health?

In the 19th century, chocolate was sold in pharmacies as a hot drink. It was considered almost a medicine, in any case, a means of increasing strength and vigor. Later, scientific assumptions appeared that chocolate is involved in the production of the so-called “hormone of happiness”.

Everyone wants happiness, but you should not get carried away with this delicacy. After all, it contains a large amount of fat (cocoa butter) and sugar. Therefore, excessive consumption leads to the appearance of excess weight, and in some cases, diabetes. In addition, dark chocolate contains cadmium, which is dangerous for our body. Therefore, everything is good in moderation!

Excessive consumption of chocolate can also provoke the formation of kidney stones, so it is not recommended for people with pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Especially a lot of impurities that are undesirable for health are found in chocolate in recent years. It's no secret that many manufacturers now use palm oil, coconut oil and other trans fats.

In order not to harm yourself, do not become addicted to chocolate, show a sense of proportion, and everything will be fine!

The world's best chocolate producers

The undisputed leader among chocolate producers - Belgium. The best Belgian chocolate brands are Godiva, Guyian and Leonidas. They are known all over the world not only for their amazing quality, but also for their luxurious packaging. In particular, Godiva has been winning world competitions for 25 years.

The price of elite Belgian chocolate reaches $100 for 450 g (!) True, you can buy it cheaper in Brussels.

Inhabitants Switzerland differ in that they consume the most chocolate per capita. Here, each person eats about 12 kg of this delicacy per year. However, sweet tooth!

The best Swiss brands are Lindt, Teuscher and Sprungli. The younger company Stettler is confidently catching up with the leaders.

France also occupies a worthy place among chocolate producers. The French factories Valrhona and Bovetti are best known in the world. There is also a School of Chocolate, where the best chocolatiers teach. Studying there is expensive, for 3 days you will have to pay as much as 1000 euros. But, despite the high cost of training, there are enough people who want to go through it.

did not stay away and United States. The best American chocolate factories are Ghirardelli and Hershey.

But the company Vosges Haut-Chocolate became famous for the production of products with an original unusual taste. In particular, she produces chocolate-covered bacon. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken! produced by this company contain pieces of smoked bacon and grains of salt. So the phrase "bacon in chocolate", as you can see, has a very real basis. Also, this company produces products with the taste of mushrooms and even Japanese wasabi mustard. Exotic!

Real chocolate has a shiny surface. Remember: if there is no cocoa butter in a chocolate bar (it gives shine), it means that in front of you is just a confectionery bar that pretends to be a chocolate bar. Therefore, remember the "golden" composition of milk chocolate:
1) cocoa mass (not less than 25%),
2) whole milk powder (not less than 14%),
3) cocoa butter,
4) sugar.

Soy in chocolate should not be, only in the form of an emulsifier. Vegetable fats in chocolate are allowed, but only in two cases: if they are not more than 5%; and if vegetable fats are equivalent to natural ones. Hydrogenated fats in chocolate are strictly prohibited. But don't pay attention to the "lecithin" ingredient - this emulsifier has been put into all sweets since the 50s of the last century in order to reduce the viscosity of the chocolate mass. As for whey, it can be added to reduce the cost of the chocolate bar. But sometimes it is put not for the sake of cheapness, but in order for it to give the chocolate an additional taste - some sourness.

How was the experiment

We carefully studied the composition of the product and tested its taste, smell, color, aftertaste, stickiness / does not stick to hands and teeth. Since times are not too easy right now, we decided to leave the expensive chocolate bars to gourmets and searched for the best milk chocolate in the price range up to 1.28 euros (20 crowns) for a 100 gram bar. Some firms did not have plain milk chocolate, so two bars were with nuts and one with a waffle layer. 10 people participated in the tasting.

Schogetten (1.2 euros) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, cocoa mass, hazelnuts (10%), milk sugar, fat, cream powder, emulsifier (soy lecithin), nut paste, natural vanilla flavor. Cocoa content: minimum 30%.

Summary: not very sweet, milky smell, coffee aftertaste. Solid, does not crumble and does not get dirty, pleasant milky taste, small nuts are felt, slightly salty. Conveniently divided into pieces - no need to break.

Olympia (€0.40) 1 point

Ingredients: sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fat, cocoa powder (8%), whey powder, skimmed milk powder, roasted peanuts, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavouring.

Summary: on its wrapper it is honestly written that this is not chocolate, but a milk bar. Many respondents could already tell from the look that it was not real chocolate, but "chemistry". The tile is rather tasteless and nasty, the product is soft to the touch. More like kama than chocolate. Plus, it contains hydrogenated vegetable fat, which is not-to-let-tim in chocolate!

Anneke (€0.58 per 50g bar) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cream powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier (soy lecithin), vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 31%.

Summary: Melts in your mouth, sweet, pleasant. Taste and pattern familiar from childhood, classic milk chocolate. Minus - not very convenient to break, the pieces are not the same.

Laima Tallinn (€0.98) 3 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, milk fat, E442 emulsifier, flavoring (vanillin - identical to natural).

Summary: alcoholic aftertaste, incomprehensible smell. Some bitterness, slightly sour.

Kalev Nurr (1.10 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 35%.

Summary: expressive taste, pleasant coffee smell, salinity is felt. Classic chocolate, just the way it should be. Maybe too hard.

Pergale (1.09 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, hazelnuts (16%), cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, emulsifier (soy lecithin), vanillin. Cocoa content: minimum 30%.

Summary: Good taste, but may be too sweet for some. As a bonus - large nuts that complement the "harmony of taste".

Geisha (1.25 EUR) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, milk, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, hazelnuts (12%), cocoa mass, vegetable fat, wheat flour, emulsifier (soy lecithin), salt, flavors (vanilla, vanillin).


Summary: mild smell, literally melts in your mouth, coffee-nutty aftertaste. Inside - a waffle layer, crunches. Minus - melts not only in the mouth, but also in the hands.

Swiss Alps (€0.83) 2 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, milk powder, cocoa butter, lecithin (emulsifier), vanillin.

Summary: not tasty, too sweet, unpleasant aftertaste, melts in the hands, "chemistry" is felt.

Karūna (€0.83) 3 points

Ingredients: sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vegetable fat, dry milk whey, milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), flavor identical to natural. Dry matter cocoa not less than 25%.

Summary: it is indicated here that the composition contains vegetable fats. But since the word "chocolate" is written on the label, then, let's hope that the amount of fat does not exceed 5%. The chocolate has a slightly grayish tint, which is not very good. It is better to choose chocolate with the color "cocoa with milk". This chocolate is not as sweet as the rest of the bars.

"Alenka" (0.93 euros) 4 points

Ingredients: sugar, dry whole milk powder (24%), cocoa butter, cocoa mass, emulsifier - soy lecithin (less than 1%), flavouring, vanillin. Antioxidant - ascorbic acid. Total cocoa mass at least 33.2%.

Summary: the composition of the product is good, there is a lot of milk and cocoa mass in this chocolate. In addition, milk is not skimmed (like some), but whole. The smell of the tiles is good, soft chocolate. The color of chocolate is light brown, which indicates a large amount of milk in the composition. The chocolate breaks well, with an appropriate sound. The only "but" is an excess of sweetness.

Milka (1.02 EUR) 5 points

Ingredients: sugar, cocoa butter, skimmed milk powder, crushed cocoa, whey, milk fats, hazelnuts, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavouring. Cocoa mass not less than 30%.

Summary: it's a pity that it doesn't say exactly how much milk is in chocolate. Nevertheless, the composition of the tiles is good. The color of chocolate is very appetizing, a la "cocoa with milk", the smell is pronounced, vanilla. The chocolate is shiny and breaks well, with a crunch. Perhaps the milk is a little caramelized, so the chocolate has a very interesting taste.

Karlfazer (Fazer) (€2.05 for 300g chocolate) 4 points

Since its inception, chocolate has become a favorite treat for many people. It not only has excellent taste, but also has a positive effect on human health, if consumed in a reasonable amount. This product is always in demand on the market, so thousands of confectionery factories around the world are engaged in its manufacture. But not all companies manage to create delicious chocolate. The most talented confectioners manage to create real masterpieces. And the most delicious chocolate in the world is produced in Italy, at the world-famous Amedei confectionery factory.

Amedei Selezioni - the most delicious chocolate in the world

In 2005, the most famous chocolatiers in the world created the Chocolate Academy, which annually evaluates the taste of hundreds of confectionery products and determines the most delicious delicacies. At the 2016 competition, the first place went to Selezioni chocolate bars, which are manufactured by the world-famous Italian company Amedei. Even the most sophisticated tasters were delighted with this delicacy. Selezioni won in three categories at once:

  • the best dark chocolate;
  • the best extra dark chocolate;
  • the best milk chocolate.

It is not only the taste of this delicacy that is striking. The packaging for the masterpiece was designed by the best designers. For a box of Selezioni, which contains 12 small chocolate bars, you will have to pay up to 64 thousand rubles. But tasters at the Academy of Chocolate in London assure that the dessert is worth the money.

This is not the first time that Amedei has won such competitions. This confectionery factory, founded in 1990, has repeatedly managed to delight true gourmets with the best chocolate in the world. Employees of the company claim that it's all about the highest quality cocoa beans from which desserts are made.

True connoisseurs of excellent chocolate are familiar with the Swiss company Teuscher, founded in 1932. Each dessert produced by this brand is an example of an excellent combination of pleasant taste and sweet aroma. Today, the confectionery factory pleases its admirers with a huge number of varieties of black, milk and white chocolate. Products of this brand are highly valued all over the world. Teuscher dark chocolate is considered the most delicious, which consists of 99% of cocoa beans of elite varieties.

Lovers of delicious chocolate often prefer Belgian confectionery. In this country, many companies can offer unusually delicious delicacies. But the Leonidas confectionery factory, which began its activity in 1913, managed to create the best chocolate. Each product manufactured by this company impresses with its unique taste and excellent quality.

In just 22 years, the French confectionery factory Bovetti has won the recognition of a huge number of chocolate lovers. Its creator, Walter Bovetti, developed the recipe himself, according to which tiles with excellent taste are still made. In addition, the company's confectioners are not afraid to experiment. They add unique ingredients such as flower petals, fruits and various spices to the main recipe. Much attention is paid to the shape of the chocolate treats produced. According to Bovetti, the desire to try a candy should appear only with one contemplation of it, only then can you get real pleasure from eating desserts.

Another French brand Valrhona is famous for the production of delicious chocolate. The first products of this company were released in 1922. At the present time, the confectionery factory produces more than 600 tons of various sweets. For the preparation of chocolate, the highest quality cocoa beans are used here, which the company buys from individual planters. All desserts created by the Valrona brand amaze with their taste. They are made only from natural ingredients, which is why they are in great demand.

France can safely claim the title of chocolate capital of Europe. Another company from this country, Michel Cluizel, pleases lovers of sweets with excellent chocolate. The secret of the wonderful taste of this brand's confectionery products lies in the careful selection of ingredients for their creation. The factory buys freshly collected raw materials and itself is engaged in its further processing. There are no artificial additives in the desserts she makes, and all components are thoroughly tested for quality.

Confectioners from the American city of Berkeley, working at Scharffen Berger, have been making excellent chocolate with unique taste for 20 years. Particular attention is paid to the creation of new recipes, which are complex. The taste and aroma of the brand's desserts is striking in its versatility. This made Scharffen Berger chocolate extremely popular.


Chocolate produced by the Swiss company Lindt has an excellent taste. The first desserts of the confectionery factory appeared in 1845. Since then, the manufacturer of delicious sweets has gained a huge number of admirers. Its products can be found in more than 100 countries around the world.


Listing the most delicious types of chocolate, one cannot help but recall the Canadian brand Soma. The company has gained recognition due to the high quality of its products. The factory's confectioners work tirelessly to create new recipes, thanks to which the variety of positions, each of which has its own unique taste, is amazing.

Chocolate made by the American confectionery factory Anna Shea Chocolates, located in the city of South Barrington, has an excellent taste. Here, special attention is paid to the quality of the product. Each position is distinguished by its original, extremely rich taste and excellent aroma.

This is not the whole list of companies that produce excellent and healthy sweets for the body. In addition, new recipes for unique desserts are constantly being created that can become the most delicious chocolate in the world.

Chocolate has been present in the diet of people for more than three thousand years, of which Europeans have been familiar with it for five centuries. This is a real "God's gift", which has not only an amazing taste, but also a lot of useful properties. To date, there are quite a few varieties of this product. What is the most delicious chocolate in the world?

bitter black

This one differs from other types of chocolate in the absence or minimum amount of milk and sugar, but it has a high content of cocoa butter and liquor. The more cocoa in the product, the healthier it is. According to most gourmets, it is this type that has the right to be called the most delicious chocolate in the world. Dark chocolate is not cloying, and it has an amazing flavor.

There is a stereotype that confectionery has a detrimental effect on the body. This does not apply to dark chocolate; on the contrary, it brings great benefits. With regular, but moderate consumption, aging slows down, immunity strengthens, blood pressure normalizes, and even, surprisingly, tartar and plaque decrease.

It is recommended to eat dark chocolate during weight loss. Despite the relatively high calorie content, it will help you lose weight if you replace other sweets with it - extremely harmful cakes, cakes and sweets. The fact is that such chocolate is quickly absorbed and has the ability to lower cholesterol levels, and also interrupts the desire to eat something sweet.

Bitter chocolate as gold of the highest standard among chocolate products


Due to the moderate price and sweeter taste in many countries of the world, this type of delicacy is the most popular. It goes well with various additives - nuts, raisins or caramel. However, it is milk chocolate that most detrimentally affects the state of the figure. It is produced by combining cocoa powder and cocoa butter with milk, cream, powdered sugar, as well as excipients, such as lecithin thickener. The less cocoa and more milk in the product, the lighter it is.

Milk chocolate was invented in Europe, at the height of the popularity of its bitter ancestor. Through lengthy culinary experiments, professional chocolatiers were able to create a fundamentally new recipe for a delicacy with the addition of powdered milk, from which the name came.

Currently, store shelves are literally crammed with what is produced under the name "dairy". However, to choose a really high-quality product, you need to remember a few simple rules. Natural milk chocolate cannot be cheap, must be carefully packaged without any damage to the wrapper.

In the composition of good milk chocolate, cocoa products are in the first place, not sugar.


This chocolate is a type of milk chocolate, but contains almost no cocoa powder. It contains products such as cocoa butter, vanillin, milk powder and sugar. This type of treat is quite popular, especially as a topping for confectionery products (for example, cream in a cake) or as an addition to smoothies and yogurts.

The product has a positive effect on the nervous system, contributing to the production of the hormone of happiness. It is useful for relieving many diseases and pain, not to mention reducing stress. However, too much consumption of white chocolate will lead to such consequences as obesity, exacerbations of chronic diseases, disruption of many body systems - genitourinary, endocrine.

You can make white chocolate at home, it's not that difficult. Cocoa butter is sold in pastry shops, as well as in some pharmacies. It will take 100 gr. of this product and 100 gr. dry milk and powdered sugar. Powder is preferable to sand because it dissolves faster and better. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath, mix thoroughly with the rest of the ingredients, pour the resulting mixture into molds and put in the refrigerator. After an hour, chocolate can be served on the table.

White chocolate was invented in 1930 to save money and find a use for excess cocoa butter.


This is a kind of compromise for those who cannot choose between healthy and tasty - between milk and dark chocolate. Dessert contains an average of 45% cocoa powder, and often various additives such as puffed rice and nuts. With all this, the product has a minimum amount of sugar.

Basically, for the production of dessert chocolate, elite varieties of cocoa are used, their taste is softer, without bitterness, but the cost is also the highest. In addition, the beans undergo the longest and most thorough processing.

Dessert chocolate, like bitter chocolate, when used wisely, does more good than harm to the body - after all, it has very little sugar, and premium beans contain the maximum amount of useful properties. The pleasure derived from impeccable taste contributes to the production of endorphins; Theobromine is effective in relieving cramps and headaches, but can cause allergies, so be careful.

Dessert chocolate melts in the mouth, giving pleasure, and breaks in the hands with a unique pleasant crunch.

The best brand of chocolate in the world

It is believed that the most delicious and high-quality chocolate product is produced by the Italian company Amedei. It was founded in 1990 by brother and sister Cecilia and Alessio Tessieri. The brother discovers unusual new varieties of beans, and the sister is responsible for turning them into wonderful gourmet chocolate.

The business of the factory, located in Tuscany, began with the usual sale of sweets. Only then it was not yet a factory, but just a small rented room where brother and sister experimented with pralines. Over time, it occurred to them to cooperate with a large French confectionery, but she rejected them. This offended the guys and aroused sports anger in them: they decided that they needed to produce chocolate themselves.

At first, Alessio purchased raw materials from brokers, but then he began to travel around the world in search of beans. He visited Ecuador, Madagascar, the Caribbean; in each of the regions one could find some unusual and high-quality variety. Searching for cocoa was not an easy and safe activity: competitors often went so far as to fire at potential buyers of raw materials.

The name of the chocolate bar was given in honor of the beloved grandmother

After seven years of hard work and culinary experimentation, the first unique chocolate bar was born, which laid the foundation for Amedei. A few years later, having released a different type of tile, the guys received a prestigious award from the Chocolate Academy as the best manufacturer.

Temperamental Italians did not stop there. It seemed to them that one taste in one tile was not enough, so they invented tiles with unusual combinations of several types of cocoa beans, including extremely rare ones that are on the verge of extinction. The novelty made a splash. It was created on the principle of perfume: they took the main note and gradually added additional notes to it until an impeccable result was achieved, which the same Chocolate Academy recognized as the best bitter variety in the world.

To date, the production employs 30 people, almost only women. The product range consists of more than 120 types of goods - both tiles and chocolate drinks, sweets, pastes. The factory produces up to twenty thousand units of delicacy per year. On the territory of Russia, the brand, unfortunately, is still known only in select circles. You can't find it in regular stores, but you can order it online. The most expensive and exquisite set of chocolate costs 260 euros.

The high price of the product is mainly due to the use of rare ingredients.

The history of chocolate

Now that we have got acquainted with the most delicious types of chocolate, it will be interesting to find out how it got on the table of every person. Experts found that the product was known in what is now Mexico three millennia ago. The Olmec Indians were the first to try to eat the fruits of "chocolate trees" - cocoa beans. The first plantations were also created by these Indians. By the way, it was from them that the word "kakava" originated, which later transformed into the familiar "cocoa".

Over time, the product fell in love with other tribes, for example, the Maya, but they began to call it differently "chocolatl". The Indians even believed that there was a deity of chocolate, which means that the drink is sacred. It was used in various religious rituals.

The Aztecs were sure that chocolate would give a person insight.

On the territory of Belize, modern archaeologists made an amazing find - a petrified powder dating back to no later than 600 BC. The analysis showed that these are crushed cocoa beans mixed with aromatic additives. The product became known to Europeans only at the beginning of the 16th century, when Christopher Columbus brought some cocoa beans from his journey. However, the Spanish king did not appreciate the delights of delicacy. Only twenty years later, the traveler Cortes guessed to season bitter chocolate with cane sugar. It was then that the drink conquered the entire European world.

At first, the product was used exclusively in liquid form. Rich people drank hot chocolate because it was quite expensive. Chocolate bars were invented by the British in the middle of the 19th century. The innovation immediately began to be in great demand. There are a lot of varieties of chocolate in the modern world, to all the types listed above they add a lot of different foreign products to improve the taste - up to marmalade and effervescent candies.

Today the whole planet loves chocolate

Whichever look you like, the chocolate bar is perfect for any tea party. It will cheer you up and give you strength, because, as you know, chocolate makes life sweeter in every sense.
