
Hot chocolate recipe like in a chocolate bowl. The easiest hot chocolate ever

Winter is the time for the most delicious hot and warming drinks. Do not miss the moment to please yourself with freshly brewed sweet, delicious cocoa.

How to make hot chocolate?

Now we will get acquainted with the best recipes for making a healthy chocolate drink.

Recipes for brewing cocoa can be divided into:

  • fast way;
  • classic way;
  • recipes with substitute ingredients.
How to cook hot chocolate at home and quickly?

Let's figure this out together. The quick and easy method requires only 4 ingredients:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of natural cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons whole milk powder (optional)
  • 1.5 cups whole milk.

First you need to mix cocoa powder, sugar and milk powder in a mug until a thick mixture is formed. Add liquid milk to the resulting mixture, directly into the same mug. For such a delicious drink, choose your favorite cup - it will add pleasant emotions!

Fast cooking involves the use of a microwave oven. Place the bowl with the mixture in the oven for one minute. Then take out the cup and mix the ingredients well with a spoon.

The formation of lumps is acceptable, but they should be carefully rubbed until completely dissolved. Put the container back in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Your cocoa is ready! This method is the fastest, and at the same time the drink remains filled with all the taste.

Now let's take a look at longer ways how to make hot chocolate at home.

Let's name these recipes as follows:

  • Cooking cocoa on the stove.
  • Mixed cocoa.
  • Chocolate viscous cocoa.
  • Cocoa powder or the longest cooking method.
  • Cooking cocoa on the stove.
  • You will need:

    • 80 ml of water;
    • 70 g cocoa powder;
    • 150 g sugar a pinch of salt;
    • 3.5 cups whole milk;
    • vanilla (to taste)

    Cooking method.

    First you need to boil water. Any method is suitable for this: a kettle, a microwave oven, a Turk, a saucepan. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl: cocoa + sugar + salt.

    We take a pan in which the drink will be brewed, and pour the dry mixture into it. Now you need to add boiled water to the mixture. If you do not abuse sugar, then any sweetener is quite suitable for a drink.

    The burner must be kept on low heat. The resulting liquid must be gently stirred and gradually brought to a boil. This will take approximately 2.5 minutes. In order for the cocoa to cook properly and turn out to be fragrant, the fire should be kept at the lowest possible temperature, for the best dissolution of the particles.

    After the liquid boils, it is necessary to add milk to it. It should be poured carefully so that it evenly combines with the resulting liquid. If extra lumps form, mix them with a spoon. Choose the fat content of milk according to your own preference. The one with fat content starting from 2.5% is best suited. After the milk has combined with the chocolate mass, continue stirring until steam begins to be released.

    The combined liquid must not boil!

    With the help of a slow fire, you simply warm it up thoroughly. The steam will rise after about another 2.5 minutes, and then remove the pan from the heat. Your cocoa is ready. Vanilla extract can be added to add flavor. It can be added both to each cup individually, and immediately to the entire pan. Pour cocoa into cups. Cinnamon can give a wonderful aroma to the drink.

  • Winter cocoa in the microwave.
  • Children will love this cocoa recipe because it is topped with sweet marshmallows and cream (optional). He came to us from the USA, where confectionery and coffee houses on the eve of the celebration of Christmas attracted visitors with their author's cocoa-based cocktails and coffee, decorated with sweets. Such drinks were immediately liked by visitors for their appearance and design.

    You will need:

    • 1 st. a spoonful of cocoa powder;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 1.5 cups of milk;
    • whipped cream or marshmallow (to taste)

    Cooking method.

    The classic cocoa recipe uses natural cocoa powder with no added sugar. However, if you have cocoa with added sugar at home, this is also fine, but it should not be additionally sweetened.

    Mix the powder and sugar in one mug until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Then add milk and rub the resulting lumps with a spoon. If you get a fairly thick dark mixture, then you did everything right. In the preparation of cocoa in a mug, an important point is the absence of lumps, which will not dissolve afterwards, and the drink may not be as rich as expected.

    For speed and convenience, use a microwave oven. Place the mug there for up to 1 minute so that the liquid warms up well. Then take it out and mix well again. After mixing, put the mug again, but now for up to 30 seconds so that the cocoa does not boil.

    After you take out the drink, do not wait until it cools down. Top immediately with whipped cream or marshmallow, or feel free to mix both together. As a decoration, you can use sugar beads and any other confectionery additions.

    Believe me, such a drink will become the most favorite sweet treat for everyone!

  • Mixed cocoa.
  • Cocoa from a mixture is one of the most convenient ways, because the mixture itself already contains all the ingredients for making a drink.

    You will need:

    • mixture for making cocoa;
    • water (optional)
    • milk (optional)

    There is nothing fancy about this recipe. Choose any cup and pour the cocoa mixture into it. We advise sweeter lovers to pour 3-4 tablespoons. For a less concentrated drink, 2 tbsp will be enough. spoons.

    You can only add boiled water or hot milk directly to the cup with the mixture. Please note that neither milk nor water should be completely hot and just boiled. The cocoa mixture will also be brewed in a very warm liquid.

    For better dissolution, mix the lumps well with a spoon.

    Note: if you mix with chaotic movements, then the mixture will mix better, because circular movements will only disperse the lumps on the sides.

    To garnish your drink, use cinnamon, grated chocolate, or a sprig of mint.

  • Chocolate viscous cocoa.
  • The most chocolatey and fragrant cocoa recipe. Such a drink will warm you up perfectly on winter evenings and is perfect for Christmas home gatherings. How to make hot chocolate? Let's try together!

    You will need:

    • 170 g of dark chocolate;
    • 4 glasses of milk;
    • cream (to taste);
    • a pinch of salt;
    • spices (cinnamon, mint, nutmeg, vanilla, etc.);
    • confectionery decorations (optional).

    Cooking method.

    To make chocolate cocoa, choose chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa. It is this chocolate that is more natural and does not contain a large amount of sugar. Chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% is best. First you need to melt the chocolate in milk. Best proportion: 3 tablespoons of chocolate and 1 glass of milk.

    Break the chocolate into smaller pieces before melting. You can also use a knife for this to make it more convenient. Place the chocolate in a bowl and place it on a slow fire. In order for the chocolate to melt in the best way, it should be constantly stirred. It will be better if you use a wooden stirrer, so that later it is easier to get rid of the remains of the sweet mixture.

    Add milk and cream to chocolate (to taste). You will understand by the consistency when the product is ready. The mixture should be quite thick and homogeneous. Be careful not to burn the chocolate!

    Sometimes you can pour in a little hot milk, it will dilute the liquid. Add your favorite spices to the mixture. Choose the ones that suit your taste.

    For a sophisticated aroma, various flavored liqueurs and syrups are perfect. Pour in additional liquid very carefully so as not to overdo it.

    Pour in the remaining milk and leave the heat on medium heat. The peculiarity of cooking cocoa is attentiveness. Cocoa should not boil! So that it does not boil and does not burn the melted chocolate, you need to stir it constantly.

    The pieces of dark chocolate will gradually melt and a homogeneous mass will be obtained. After the last grains of chocolate have melted, feel free to pour the drink into cups. Use your favorite confectionery as decorations. Sugar dragees or whipped cream are a great option!

  • Cocoa powder or the longest cooking method.
  • The most important point of this recipe is the use of the highest quality cocoa powder!

    Please note that most of the cocoa presented in stores are often artificial substitutes for the natural counterpart. In order to save money, manufacturers create a product that is very similar in taste, but does not differ in quality at all. If you taste natural cocoa powder and its artificial substitute, then, of course, the difference will be noticeable. At the same time, do not despair if your store does not have really good cocoa. You will be able to prepare the most aromatic drink from almost any powder.

    For this you will need:

    • 0.5 cups of cocoa powder;
    • 0.5 cups of sugar;
    • a quarter glass of water;
    • a liter of milk;
    • salt (to taste);
    • spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, mint, etc.).

    Please note that there will be quite a lot of liquid from these ingredients, so you may have enough for a whole company of 5 people.

    Cooking method.

    First, mix all the dry ingredients into one mass. Mix cocoa, sugar and salt thoroughly. Once mixed, slowly pour in the water and mix again. It is best to cook cocoa over medium heat, while constantly stirring the liquid.

    Bring the drink to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for no more than two minutes.

    A special secret: most eminent chefs advise adding your favorite spices at the very moment when the liquid has just boiled.

    After boiling, cocoa will languish for some time with all the spices and acquire the brightest aroma. Show your imagination and decorate the drink as you wish.

    Any of these recipes can be altered at your own discretion. A few tips on what and how best to replace the ingredients we are used to.
    • Replace milk with water.

    If you cook for a long time, then replacing milk with water is a great option. True, note that cocoa powder dissolves worse in water. The drink will turn out to be more liquid, less saturated in taste.

    • Replace cow's milk with plant-based milk.

    This method is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. Milk of plant origin is perfect for a drink. It is worth noting that almond, soy or coconut milk has a specific flavor that will affect the drink as a whole. And yes, it will take a little more than usual, because it has a lower percentage of fat.

    • Replace classic cocoa powder with flavored cocoa.

    Feel free to experiment and try new flavors for a variety of cooking. This method is suitable for those who do not have an allergic reaction to flavorings.

    • Replace sugar with a sweetener or don't add at all.

    Anyone who monitors the amount of incoming sugar in the body is always interested in the number of calories in drinks or food. Natural cocoa is not a high-calorie drink, but cocoa mixes and various additives, of course, contain a large amount of sugar. Choose mixtures according to your own preferences.

    • Replace your usual confectionery decorations with colorful marshmallows.

    Literally everyone will like the American way of decorating!

    Throw one small marshmallow into a cup and watch it melt before your eyes right in the cup. Marshmallow leaves an oily trail and gives the cocoa a gooey texture. This decoration is adored by children who are closely watching how the sweets melt.

    Tips on how to make hot chocolate at home.

  • Sweet lovers should be advised to replace regular milk with chocolate. You can simply add the mixture, pour it with chocolate milk and put it in the microwave.
  • Do not bring cocoa to a boil and do not drink the drink very hot!
  • If you appreciate the taste of viscous cocoa and prefer a special aftertaste from every sip, you should try adding half a teaspoon of cornstarch. The starch will kick start the drink and make it heavier. You may need to add extra sugar to keep it sweet.
  • When choosing chocolate for brewing cocoa, you can safely experiment with the flavors of sweet bars. Try using white chocolate or chocolate with salted cricket inside. Strawberry flavored chocolate will add a special flavor.
  • The combination of salt and sugar will add spice to the taste. The chocolate will open on the other side and add zest to the whole drink.
  • Cream will add butteriness and extra sweetness to the drink.
  • Fennel is the secret of cocoa masters, try it!
  • Mix spices. For example, basil and cinnamon are great toppings for a hot drink.
  • The higher the percentage of chocolate in the powder, the richer the taste!
  • You can store the finished drink in the refrigerator! The sweet and cool drink is very popular with children and they drink it with great pleasure.
  • If you use electric whisks, you can achieve absolutely amazing foam on top of the drink!
  • Additional confectionery decorations will make your drink more festive and perfect for a Christmas feast.
  • Try to make "American" cocoa with marshmallows - you won't regret it!
  • Feel free to experiment, but at the same time make sure not to overdo it with sugar or, conversely, with bitterness.
  • Cocoa is a product created from translated ground beans. Cocoa butter is the main component of any chocolate. By adding chocolate to cocoa, you are, as it were, adding cocoa to cocoa, no matter how it sounds. Cocoa butter also has many beneficial properties for our body. Scientists have proven the positive effect of cocoa on the respiratory system and throat. Drinking this drink will only positively affect your health!

    The powder itself is the leftover from processed bean meal and has such an amazing flavor! Cocoa is actively used in the perfume industry and is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs! A properly brewed drink will not only please, but also cheer up your loved ones, cheer you up and even cheer you up!

    Steam swirls over a small cup, exuding an intoxicating sweet aroma. Barely discernible bitterness, piquant notes of spices, milky-creamy tenderness. Delightful, sweet, enveloping bliss. Hot chocolate - forgetting to count the calorie content, you drink it slowly, abandoning the fuss. This is a snickers eaten in a hurry! You enjoy every sip, mentally expressing deep gratitude to the Mayans and the Aztecs. Do not forget about Cortes: it was thanks to the conquistadors in Europe that they learned what kind of miracle it was - cocoa beans.

    Five centuries ago...

    Theobroma is the food of the gods. This poetic name for "raw chocolate" was invented by the then botanists.

    And the ancient inhabitants of Mexico called their sacred drink much more prosaically - chocoatl, which meant "bitter water".

    The natural bitterness of cocoa beans was noticeably enhanced by bitter pepper. Roasted, mashed with spices, the beans were stirred with water, whipping into foam.

    However, sweet chocoatl was also prepared. The sweet juice of the agave plant, honey and crushed young corn kernels were added to the crushed cocoa beans. The frothy drink was served only at the imperial table. At the feast of the Aztec ruler Montezuma, Cortes first tasted it. And he brought strange beans to Spain. It was at the beginning of the 16th century. The first chocolate bar will appear three hundred years later - but for now, European confectioners have room for imagination.

    The bitter-spicy, pungent taste of the cold Aztec chocoatl was too exotic for Europeans. It is possible that this drink would have remained an overseas curiosity - it was unknown how to make hot chocolate in its modern form. But soon the Spanish monks came up with the idea of ​​mixing cocoa beans with honey, soon replaced by cane sugar. Pepper turned out to be superfluous - both in taste and in price. For the flavor, they began to add the usual vanilla. We began to dilute the chocolate powder with hot water so that it dissolves better - and noticed an interesting feature. It turned out that when hot, such a drink is much tastier!

    The delicacy was available to a few: the price was too high. Noble ladies enjoyed a fashionable dessert (they didn’t know what a calorie content was in those days). And chefs figured out how to make hot chocolate even tastier.

    Chocolate conquers the world

    At the beginning of the 18th century, the British created their own recipe for hot chocolate: they began to add milk. And for taste, and for reduction in price - raw materials were spent more economically. There were factories where cocoa beans were processed, "chocolate houses" began to open - establishments like coffee houses. The refined drink is becoming more and more popular. With the advent of solid chocolate, he will lose his position somewhat - but this will happen in about a hundred to a hundred and fifty years.

    But, despite serious "competitors", hot chocolate drink is still a popular dessert. True, the calorie content is too big - well, they don’t drink it 50 cups a day, as Montezuma loved to do. But the stress will be removed instantly! Feeling reluctant to go to a cafe? Well, cook hot chocolate at home!

    There are countless recipes for an incomparable drink. All sorts of spices are added to a cup of chocolate - unexpected, but surprisingly emphasizing the taste. And also cream, butter (if the calorie content is not scary), fruits ... There are favorite recipes in many countries. The Italians prepare it very thick, adding a special kind of starch. Americans love hot chocolate with marshmallows. Well, in Mexico, like many centuries ago, they love a burning-bitter drink flavored with chili peppers. However, the Mexicans also have sweet recipes familiar to us.

    The aroma of chocolate in the kitchen

    Probably, any housewife at least once tried to cook hot chocolate at home. And in fact - nothing complicated. Grate a chocolate bar, melt it with milk… However, you don’t need to sacrifice your favorite chocolate bar: an excellent drink will be obtained from ordinary cocoa powder. This is not quite according to the rules, but you don’t consider yourself a culinary snob, do you? The main thing is taste, aroma and pleasure!

    How to cook chocolate from cocoa to make it tasty, rich and tender? It is very important to mix the ingredients correctly. It is better to do this in a water bath: the consistency will be tender and homogeneous. Then let it boil on the lowest heat - five minutes is enough. The recipe itself is very simple: half a cup of milk, 5-6 teaspoons of cocoa powder, sugar (as much as you like). If you want a thicker drink, add more cocoa powder. Worried about the high calorie content? Then thicken the chocolate with a little starch.

    Usually hot chocolate at home is prepared in this way - from affordable products that are likely to be found in the kitchen. Once you master this simple recipe, don't stop your culinary impulses. There are a lot of recipes - try it, you won't regret it. Or will the talent of a true chocolatier hatch in you, and you will come up with your own exclusive drink? Also an option!

    chocolate recipes

    Ingredients: milk chocolate bars, milk, cream.

    Cooking time: 10 minutes

    Servings: 6

    What you need
    • 250 g bar chocolate (milk)
    • 0.3 l cream (15-20%)
    • 0.7 l of milk;
    How to cook?

    Grate chocolate. Mix milk with cream and heat quickly. When it boils, remove from the burner, pour in the grated chocolate and beat with a whisk. When the chocolate chips are completely dissolved, pour into cups.

    Ingredients: bar chocolate (dark), cocoa milk, sugar, starch.

    Cooking time: 15 minutes.

    Servings: 2

    Products: what and how much?
    • 0.5 l of whole milk;
    • half a bar of chocolate (50 g);
    • 3-5 tsp granulated sugar;
    • 1.5 st. l. starch.
    How to cook?
  • Pound cocoa with granulated sugar and three tablespoons of milk, heating in a water bath.
  • Crumble the chocolate, pour milk (350 ml) and, stirring, heat over low heat. Without stopping stirring, pour in the starch diluted in 100 ml of cold milk.
  • In a boiling mixture, stirred until smooth, add cocoa, ground with sugar and milk. When it boils, continue to cook for another 10 minutes. Let cool slightly to thicken.
  • Pour the slightly thickened chocolate mass into ceramic cups.
  • Ingredients: dark chocolate, milk, starch, honey, vanilla sugar, salt, marshmallow, cream

    Cooking time: 20 minutes

    Servings: 6

    Number of kcal: 315

    • 200 g dark bar chocolate;
    • 0.8 l of milk;
    • 1/3 cup honey;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • marshmallow, whipped cream and vanilla - to taste.
  • Dissolve starch in half a glass of milk. Chop up the chocolate bars.
  • Heat the rest of the milk when it begins to boil - immediately remove it from the heat and pour in the chocolate chips, a pinch of salt and vanilla to taste. Whisking constantly, add starch.
  • Boil the mixture and immediately remove it from the stove. It should cool slightly and thicken.
  • The finished drink, poured into cups, garnish with marshmallow pieces and, if desired, whipped cream.
  • Ingredients: bitter chocolate bar, milk, sugar, coffee, water

    Cooking time: 20 minutes

    Servings: 4

    Cuisine: Brazilian

    • 250 g chocolate (bitter);
    • 2 glasses of water;
    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 120 ml of freshly brewed strong coffee;
    • 200 g sugar.
  • Brew extremely strong coffee. If you like spices, you can add a little cardamom
  • Melt the crushed chocolate in boiling water, do not forget to stir.
  • Boil the milk and immediately pour it into the melted chocolate mass. Pour in the coffee (it should be hot!) and sprinkle in the sugar.
  • While heating in a water bath, stir the mixture vigorously. When all the sugar has dissolved, the drink can be served.
  • Ingredients: dark chocolate, milk, cane sugar, egg, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, salt

    Cooking time: 25 minutes

    Servings: 2

    Cuisine: Mexican

    Number of kcal: 465

    What will we need?
    • 0.5 l of milk;
    • 50 g cane sugar (brown);
    • 50 g of slab dark chocolate;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1-1.5 tsp cinnamon (powder);
    • 1. tsp vanilla sugar;
    • a pinch of salt.
    How will we cook?
  • Add sugar, spices and a little salt to the chopped chocolate bar, mix. Pour milk over and, continuing to stir, heat the mass over the lowest heat so that the chocolate pieces melt.
  • After removing the saucepan from the stove, break the egg into the chocolate semi-finished product and cook again with constant stirring, about 5 minutes.
  • Beat the mixture with a whisk and pour into ceramic cups. If you want to bring some Mexican flavor, you can put a cinnamon stick in each cup.
  • The basis of the recipe is chocolate, so the final taste of the drink depends on its choice. Everything is simple here: choose a quality bar with a cocoa content of at least 70%. Some sources recommend brewing a drink only from such chocolate and serving it in small portions, like espresso, but we understand that not everyone is able to appreciate the pronounced bitterness of dark chocolate. To sweeten the drink, you can simply add some sugar, but it is better to mix the base dark chocolate with milk chocolate: let the first make up 70% of the drink, and the second, respectively, the remaining 30%. If you are making chocolate for children, the proportion will probably need to be changed to equal to make the chocolate sweeter.

    Often, part of the chocolate is replaced with cocoa powder in order to reduce the fat content of the finished drink, but if the issue of fat content in hot chocolate is not fundamental for you, stick to the classic recipe that we will give below.

    Milk or cream

    Here, as with chocolate, it is better to mix both. The main thing, again, is to determine the correct proportion. Cream is added to chocolate in order to make the texture of the drink more creamy and silky, but adding it in large quantities means turning hot chocolate from a drink into a dessert, and an indecently fatty dessert. That is why heavy cream in the recipe takes up less than a quarter of the total volume of milk.


    Speaking of hot chocolate, we should not forget about a variety of additives, the most popular of which are "sweet" spices - cinnamon and vanilla. You can add spices to ready-made chocolate, or you can warm milk with a cinnamon stick or vanilla pod before adding chocolate. Slightly less popular are nutmeg, which is sprinkled on top of chocolate, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

    Be sure to add a small pinch of salt to the finished chocolate in order to emphasize the sweetness of the drink.

    A variety of liqueurs and strong alcohol are also welcome in the recipe in small quantities.

    Marshmallow, whipped cream, chocolate chips and sugar powder, we recommend leaving for decoration.



    • 450 ml of milk;
    • 70 g dark chocolate (70%);
    • 30 g of milk chocolate;
    • 75 ml cream (33%);
    • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
    • marshmallow;
    • a pinch of salt.


    First, heat 150 ml of milk, remove it from the heat and prepare the chocolate ganache by adding chocolate pieces to the milk and melting them while stirring.

    Pour the remaining milk and cream into the saucepan, then add the cinnamon and a pinch of salt.

    Heat the drink, but never boil it. Pour chocolate into mugs and arrange marshmallows on top.

    Hot chocolate is a divine drink, fragrant, charmingly sweet, thick and viscous, it exacerbates passion, fills you with energy and delights with exceptional taste. You can order a cup of chocolate bliss in almost any cafe or restaurant, in all corners of the world, and you can cook it at home, the main thing is to know the recipe.

    What is hot chocolate made from?

    The classic hot chocolate recipe is striking in its simplicity. The composition includes only two ingredients: milk and chocolate chips or a chocolate bar. To prepare two servings, you need to combine 400 ml of whole milk and 100 g of dark chocolate, heat until completely dissolved and pour into cups. That's all, the "drink of the gods" is ready, you can enjoy! For a change, you can add spices (vanilla, cinnamon, chili, etc.), from which the taste will become richer and acquire a new sound.

    You can also make hot chocolate at home using cocoa powder. True gourmets do not consider such a drink to be real. Of course, it will not be so thick, fatty and nutritious, but still has the right to exist. And if you really, really want something sweet, but you didn’t have the cherished chocolate bar at home, then why not treat yourself to a cup of hot drink, albeit cooked on ground cocoa beans?

    No. 1. Hot chocolate - a recipe at home from chocolate

    Prepared with milk and a bar of dark chocolate, with the addition of vanilla, sugar and a spoonful of cocoa. It turns out a very thick and viscous drink, chocolate-chocolate, the dream of a sweet tooth. For cooking, you need bitter natural chocolate, without additives and flavors (porous will not work). Milk is best taken with a high fat content, ideally whole, rustic, whether boiled or raw.

    • milk 1 tbsp.
    • 70-80% dark chocolate 50 g
    • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
    • salt 1 tbsp.
    • cocoa powder 1 tbsp. l.
    • vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp

    Total cooking time: 10 minutes
    Cooking time: 3 minutes
    Yield: 1 portion

    How to make a chocolate drink

    No. 2. Hot chocolate - a recipe at home from cocoa

    Prepared with milk and cocoa powder, with the addition of sugar. It turns out hot chocolate, tasty, warming, with a pronounced taste. An unprepared person would never guess that the drink is brewed from cocoa powder.

    • milk 1 cup
    • cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l. without a slide
    • sugar 2 tsp

    Total cooking time: 7 minutes
    Cooking time: 5 minutes
    Yield: 1 portion

    How to make a drink with cocoa powder

    On a note

    • To make hot chocolate even thicker, starch is sometimes added to it.
    • Spices will give a refined aroma: cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, ginger, hot pepper.
    • Cream will make the drink velvety and tender. They can be added to the finished dessert (whipped) or used as a base for cooking. In this case, first melt the chocolate bar in a water bath, and then gradually add 400 ml of warm 30% cream, stirring with a whisk. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, it can be poured into cups.

    Hot chocolate is the favorite drink of most children and adults during the cold season, which perfectly warms during and after winter fun and gives long-term enjoyment with its deep and rich chocolate taste. Of course, a variety of instant chocolate drinks are now widely available in stores, and I am sure that many housewives keep a jar of the treasured powder on hand. After all, children simply adore these instant treats and prefer to use them for breakfast or for an afternoon snack instead of traditional tea or regular cocoa. Unfortunately, such purchased drinks contain a lot of sugar, as well as all kinds of dyes, preservatives and flavors that have not added health to anyone yet. As for natural chocolate, its content in these products is often quite minimal, so such hot chocolate or cocoa does not live up to its seductive name.

    Today I want to show you how to make hot chocolate very simply and very quickly at home from all natural products. This tasty and healthy drink is prepared only from milk, chocolate and cocoa powder, even without the addition of sugar, so it does not have too many calories, but it warms up perfectly, quenches hunger and thirst, and pleasantly surprises with its light texture and delicate chocolate taste.

    Homemade hot chocolate can be made from dark, milk or even dark chocolate, choosing the ratio of components to your individual taste. If you add more milk chocolate, as in the recipe below, then such a drink resembles the popular Nesquik in its taste and is especially liked by children. Adults who are not spoiled for sweets will probably like a drink made from dark or bitter chocolate, to which a little sugar can be added if necessary.

    This easy hot chocolate recipe has a rich chocolate-milk flavor and a light, not too thick texture. It can be prepared for breakfast or an afternoon snack, and in addition, it is perfect to complete a hearty meal instead of a high-calorie dessert, as it combines the properties of both a drink and a delicious treat. Such a light chocolate drink is especially pleasant to make for the whole family after a long walk in the cold, in order to warm up quickly and slowly enjoy its amazing taste in a cozy home environment. Try it and you will definitely appreciate this simple and delicious chocolate treat!

    Useful information How to make hot chocolate at home - a recipe for making a drink from chocolate and cocoa with step by step photos


    • 800 ml milk
    • 90 g milk chocolate
    • 30 g dark chocolate
    • 1 st. l. cocoa powder


    1. In order to make hot chocolate at home, we only need a few ingredients: milk, dark and milk chocolate, and cocoa powder. If you want to make this drink based on bitter or dark chocolate, then some sugar may also be required.

    2. Pour milk into a saucepan or ladle and bring almost to a boil over medium heat.

    Advice! For the preparation of hot chocolate, it is desirable to use "selected" milk, which has a rich taste and aroma and a short shelf life. Although any other milk that is on hand is quite suitable.

    3. When steam begins to rise above the surface of the milk, turn off the fire, pour cocoa powder into the milk and mix thoroughly with a whisk. For this drink you will need natural unsweetened cocoa powder without additional additives.

    4. Break the chocolate into squares, dip into hot milk and mix very thoroughly until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

    Homemade hot chocolate can be made with milk, dark, or bittersweet chocolate, depending on your taste preferences. I usually use a combination of milk and dark chocolate with a predominant amount of milk, because this drink does not require added sugar and my daughter especially likes it. To taste, it strongly resembles Nesquik cocoa, only made from natural ingredients. A drink made from bitter or dark chocolate has a richer and nobler taste, but it may need to add a little sugar.

    Serve hot chocolate immediately after preparation. If desired, it can be decorated on top with marshmallows. In a hot drink, they will melt a little and form a delicate sweet foam on its surface. Happy chocolate drinking!
