
Beer addiction and its characteristic features. Infusion from the grass of the hoof

Among all types of alcoholism in men, the most insidious can be safely called beer. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it develops, on the one hand, rapidly, on the other hand, it is hidden both for the drinker himself and for his inner circle.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that in society the foamy drink is considered harmless or even beneficial.

This attitude is caused by several reasons that have already become part of our life and consciousness:

  1. The influence of advertising. Commercials on TV, billboards on city streets and in supermarkets present beer exclusively from the positive side, positioning it as a "companion" of friendly meetings, outdoor recreation, an invariable attribute of watching football matches.
  2. Calm perception by others of a person walking down the street with a bottle of beer. If he carries vodka in his hands, he will definitely come across disapproving looks. This doesn't happen with beer.
  3. Beer is easy to drink pleasant taste. If vodka is consumed in one gulp, in small glasses, then beer in large glasses, slowly. Stretching the pleasure, a man can drink up to 2 liters of beer in an evening.

These reasons have led to the fact that the number of beer alcoholics today is huge. Of course, they do not believe that they need treatment. Relatives also do not immediately manage to identify the disease.

To establish whether you have beer alcoholism, it is not necessary to immediately contact a narcologist. To get started, swipe small test. Answer the following questions honestly for yourself:

  1. When you hear the smell of beer on the street or in a cafe, do you feel like drinking?
  2. Do you consider a glass of beer in the evening the best way relaxing after a day at work?
  3. Have you noticed that you drink more than one bottle of beer (0.5 liters) at a time?
  4. If you are offered a beer, can you refuse?
  5. Do you drink beer every time the opportunity arises?

If you answered yes to at least one question, then you are at risk. When a positive answer was given to three questions, you should contact a narcologist. Perhaps you have already developed beer alcoholism and it is necessary to carry out its qualified treatment.

Symptoms of Beer Addiction

Unfortunately, alcoholics rarely acknowledge the fact of addiction. Usually their loved ones sound the alarm. There are signs that give out a beer alcoholic.

The symptoms of beer alcoholism are in many ways similar to the symptoms of vodka alcoholism. They are provoked not by the drink itself, but by the alcohol that is part of it. However, beer alcoholism still has its characteristics in men. It is possible to distinguish external and psychological (behavioral) signs. The first ones include: overweight body, loose body, difficult or noisy breathing, puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes.

For male beer alcoholics, a specific smell is characteristic - acetone or pickled apples. No deodorants or colognes can kill it. Appears bad smell due to disorders of the pancreas. The patient may complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, stomach, lower back.

Beer negatively affects the production of the male hormone - testosterone in men is replaced by the female hormone. External Consequences- Excessive obesity, breast growth, cellulite, pelvic enlargement.

signs psychological dependence the following:

  • Frequent use of a foamy drink in large quantities.
  • The need to increase the dose for intoxication and relaxation.
  • Loss of memory when drunk.
  • Aggression and irritation in the absence of the opportunity to drink beer.
  • Loss of control over the situation: a man drinks beer regardless of the presence of the company, place or time.
  • At night, the beer alcoholic is tormented by insomnia, during the day he is overcome by drowsiness.
  • Without beer it is difficult to cheer up.
  • The next morning there is a hangover. Hangover syndrome is accompanied by a headache, poor health. It takes a long time. You can quickly improve the situation by drinking a glass of cold beer.

All these signs indicate that a person needs the advice of a drug specialist who will determine whether there is an addiction. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

What is the result of overindulgence in beer?

The consequences of the systematic use of beer are extremely negative, they affect all body systems. In terms of harmfulness, beer can only be compared with moonshine. It's about the way it's made. Due to fermentation, all toxic substances associated with alcohol are preserved in drinks: aldehydes, fusel oils, ethers, methanol. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that beer contains up to 14% alcohol. Calling such a drink low-alcohol is wrong: addiction to it occurs 3 times faster than from other alcoholic beverages.

The consequences of drinking beer regularly are as follows:

  1. For heart. There is a special term that characterizes the heart of a beer alcoholic - “bull heart”, “Bavarian heart”, “beer heart”. This means an increase in the cavities of the heart muscle, thickening of the walls, necrosis in muscle tissues, and a decrease in mitochondria. Cobalt compounds cause such violations, the concentration of which in beer exceeds the permissible norm by 10 times. Negatively, the state of the heart muscle is affected by the saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, it begins to overflow vascular system. As a result, men who suffer from beer alcoholism develop varicose veins. There is a “kapron stocking” syndrome, in which the heart muscle becomes flabby, losing the ability to pump blood in the required volume.
  2. For the nervous system. By the nature of the impact on nervous system male doctors compare beer with drugs. The drink contains psychoactive substances that have a stupefying and sedative effect. Time passes, without beer it becomes impossible to fully relax and calm down. With an increase in the dose of the drink consumed, memory gradually deteriorates. In a state of intoxication, a person becomes aggressive. This explains why friendly gatherings with an abundance of beer often end in fights, rapes and murders.
  3. For the hormonal system. The components that make up the foamy drink affect the endocrine system, in men the hormonal background changes.
  4. For the reproductive system. The consequences of beer alcoholism are changes in the testicles. The seminiferous tubules are reborn, the connective tissues of the parenchyma of the testicles grow. The production of androgens responsible for sexual desire is inhibited. As a result, in male beer alcoholics, the potency decreases, and then completely disappears.
  5. For the brain. Of all types of alcoholic beverages, the consequences of drinking beer are the most dangerous. The reason is a component of beer called "cadaverine", which is similar in structure to cadaveric poison. In men, as a result of regular consumption of beer, memory deteriorates, the ability to learn decreases, and dullness begins. If you do not organize proper treatment, the result of beer alcoholism will be dementia.
  6. For the liver. The liver of a beer alcoholic is in constant tension. There is even such a definition as “palpable liver”. Ethyl alcohol provokes inflammation of the organ, kills liver cells, which can result in cirrhosis.

Regular use of a foamy drink leaves an imprint on the work of the whole organism. Due to their diuretic effect, they are washed out useful material(calcium, magnesium, protein, vitamin C), acid-base balance is disturbed.

Contrary to popular belief that beer flushes the kidneys, therefore it is useful, it cannot be considered as such. It really makes the kidneys work hard, because of which the renal vessels become thinner, there is a threat of hemorrhage. The sooner treatment is prescribed, the less damage to the health of the alcoholic will be.

Features of the treatment of alcoholism caused by beer

The treatment of beer alcoholism in men is complicated by the nature of dependence - at two levels at once: physical and psychological. Requires a long, diverse course of treatment. The first stage of therapy is aimed at cleansing and restoring the depleted body of the patient. It's called detox. The treatment consists in the introduction of detoxification solutions, the removal of excess fluid from the body, in the medical support of the body's systems. The narcologist prescribes drugs designed to stimulate and stabilize work internal organs alcoholic.

The second stage is the longest and most difficult. It is rehab. In order to overcome alcoholism forever, a person must recognize the existence of addiction and realize what harm it does to his body by regularly drinking beer. Treatment at this stage is carried out with the participation of a psychologist. Hypnosis, coding, the 12-step program can be used. The method that is best suited to the patient, the specialist determines individually. At the same time, drugs are prescribed that relieve attraction, which can cause aversion to foamy drink. They do not have a pronounced taste and smell, so relatives can secretly give them to an alcoholic, mixing them into food or drinks.

Combined drug treatment and psychotherapy will relieve the beer alcoholic from addiction. The main thing is to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, then the therapy will be easier and take less time.

Beer alcoholism in men develops extremely slowly and for a long time has no negative consequences for good health. This is due to the fact that the drink contains mainly natural malt components that are successfully utilized in the cells of the liver parenchyma. However, over time, the natural reserve capacity of the liver is exhausted. Irreversible changes begin in the biliary and endocrine systems. In men, a sure sign of beer alcoholism is a rounded protruding tummy. In order to prevent negative long-term consequences, it is necessary to contact specialists in a timely manner to conduct a full-fledged narcological treatment of the patient.

Signs of beer alcoholism in men

A man, regularly consuming beer, largely replaces the male hormone in his own body with the female one. Previously, the male hormone gave him activity, strong-willed qualities, the desire to win, the desire to lead, and now we get a weak-willed, apathetic creature of an intermediate kind, capable of only lying on the couch and thoughtlessly watching TV. Further, in the behavior of such a man, female irritability and bitchiness may appear.

The figure is also changing, there are signs of beer alcoholism in men - the pelvis expands, fat is deposited according to the female type - on the hips. The abdominal muscles weaken, and a "beer belly" appears. The mammary glands, swollen with fat, grow.

The heart, forced every day to pump over an excessive amount of liquid that comes with beer, noticeably increases in size, its walls become thinner and flabby, and it is overgrown with fat from the outside. Coronary heart disease develops and the risk of a heart attack increases, physical exercise more and more difficult to bear, shortness of breath appears. Doctors call this syndrome "beer" heart. The fulfillment of male duties becomes more and more problematic, impotence gradually develops, attraction to a woman is replaced by an attraction to alcohol.

The first Chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, gave the following definition of beer alcoholism:"Beer makes them lazy, stupid and powerless."

All these changes are a consequence of cobalt, which is part of the beer. It is used as a beer foam stabilizer. For those who drink beer, the content of this toxic substance in the heart muscle exceeds the permissible norm by about 10 times. Cobalt also leads to inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.

Drinking a lot of beer is simply deadly for the heart. In addition, beer is saturated with carbon dioxide, which, when ingested along with beer, contributes to the overflow of blood vessels, which is subsequently expressed by varicose veins, as well as expansion of the borders of the heart. Thus, the “beer heart” syndrome develops. Another manifestation heart disease called the "kapron stocking" syndrome, when the heart becomes flabby and pumps blood poorly.

Consequences of beer alcoholism in men

Beer negatively affects the production of hormones. The fact is that beer contains a number of toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals, which produce changes in the endocrine system. Thus, in the body of men who regularly drink beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. At the same time, female sex hormones can begin to be produced, which leads to a change in the appearance of a man. His mammary glands begin to grow, his pelvis expands, he becomes like a woman.

The consequences of beer alcoholism in men lead to the following diseases:

  • death of brain cells. They, dying, then go out with urine;
  • dysfunction of the spinal cord;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • neuropathy;
  • lactic acidosis;
  • hyponatremia;
  • damage to the visual and auditory analyzers, etc.

Physicians established a connection between daily use beer and a raise blood pressure. One of the severe complications of beer alcoholism is hypertension.

Stages of beer alcoholism in men

It's no secret that beer can act like a drug, causing aggression. An example of this is football fans, who constantly organize pogroms and fights in the streets, being intoxicated with beer. According to narcologists, alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. Many beer parties end in vandalism, fights, murders, rapes, and robberies.

Some sociologists call beer the first legal drug, followed by other, stronger and still illegal drugs. Exist different stages beer alcoholism in men, and each of them has distinctive features.

In men, the effects of alcohol are more noticeable already in acceptable (individually) doses. This is manifested in the weakening of erection, the lengthening of sluggish sexual intercourse without the expected or difficult ejaculation. And although this effect is temporary and reversible, it can cause a man to fear for his sexual potential. This fear can lead to erectile dysfunction (impotence) in the future.

Statistics say that 70% of men who drink heavily have sexual disorders in the form of a weakening of desire and erection. Quitting a bad habit often allows you to restore your abilities. Note that there is also a delayed effect, when a decrease in potency develops after 5-6 months, which frightens patients. I would like to remind you that as a result of the toxic effects of alcohol, testicular atrophy is possible, a significant reduction in the production of male hormones, which will necessarily affect sexual life, not to mention violations of the functions of the liver and brain in alcoholics.

The older we get, the worse we tolerate alcohol. To a large extent, this depends on the excretory function of the kidneys, which decreases with age. To prevent the negative effect of alcohol on your sexual abilities, it is better to significantly reduce the amount of alcohol taken and even better if this is done a few hours before the intended sexual intercourse (we are talking about moderate drinkers).

Nearly 20-45% of alcoholics develop peripheral nerve damage. Incidentally, the direct alcohol poisoning is the main damaging factor for the nerves. This disease usually occurs between 20 and 60 years of age. The deficiency of B vitamins, especially B1, which develops in alcoholics, is also important. The disease develops slowly. First clinical manifestations are such unpleasant sensations as a feeling of crawling, numbness and burning in the limbs. Often there are muscle cramps, as well as muscle weakness. The weakening of muscle strength makes the gait unsteady. Sometimes weight loss is noticeable. In severe cases, severe paralysis of the limbs is possible. Vegetative disorders are not excluded: excessive sweating, discoloration of the skin. Already at the initial stages, it is possible to clarify the degree of violations using electromyography.

It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of beer alcoholism in time so as not to miss the opportunity to cure the disease at home, because its consequences are serious for both men and women. The habit of drinking a few glasses of beer after a working day is not harmless. It is very easy to become addicted to even low-alcohol drinks, but it is difficult to get rid of addiction.

What is beer alcoholism

Addiction to beer, or gambrinism, is not officially considered a disease, such a diagnosis cannot be found in the International Classification of Diseases, but alcohol abuse is becoming topical issue modernity. It's about first of all, about mental dependence, which the majority does not recognize, because beer is not considered a full-fledged alcohol in society. The consequences of addiction are severe: alcohol dependence develops, which is difficult to treat.


The main obstacle in the treatment of the disease is the patient's denial of their dependence. Drinking a bottle or two of beer, feeling slight intoxication, a person wants to feel it every day. After a while, for immersion in a pleasant state, you need to increase the dose. Symptoms by which the disease is diagnosed:

  • consumption large doses beer daily (more than a liter);
  • manifestation of symptoms of a severe hangover - headache, diarrhea, feeling unwell;
  • the manifestation of negative emotions in the absence of the possibility of drinking a drink: irritation, despondency;
  • manifestation of physical symptoms: night insomnia and daytime sleepiness, headache, sexual dysfunction.


There are such stages of the development of the disease:

  1. The initial stage is difficult to notice, beer is consumed irregularly and in small doses (1-2 bottles). If this dependence is not controlled, then after six months or a year a more severe form may develop.
  2. The first stage is characterized by an obsessive need to drink every day, it is already difficult to control the amount of alcohol.
  3. The second stage occurs when it is necessary to increase the dose of alcohol in order to get rid of irritability and improve mood. A hangover appears, and the need to drink even more. At this stage, symptoms of aggression, irritability, depression, memory impairment may appear.
  4. In the third, last stage, the alcoholic not only drinks beer every day, but also goes into binges, which are becoming increasingly difficult to get out of. At this stage, the chronic form of the disease is diagnosed, not only changes in behavior, but also serious health problems appear.

Consequences of beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism destroys not only the mental but also the physical health of a person. The light hoppy drink contains compounds harmful to the body: aldehydes, fusel oils, ethers, methanol. Under their influence:

  1. the walls of the heart expand and thicken;
  2. heart failure may occur;
  3. human intelligence, emotional stability decreases;
  4. impaired coordination of movements.

Beer alcoholism provokes negative changes endocrine system. Beer contains toxic substances, salts of heavy metals, which adversely affect the hormonal background. downgrade muscle mass, the accumulation of fat on the abdomen and thighs is observed in both men and women. It is especially dangerous when young people suffer from beer addiction: this drink causes changes in the ovaries and testicles, provokes a decrease in androgen production and reproductive functions, and there is a risk of developing impotence.

Painful liver - every beer alcoholic with experience knows such a symptom. In this organ, foci of inflammation appear, cirrhosis may occur. Poisoning the body with ethyl alcohol, which is in the drink, causes severe diseases of the stomach and intestines. Possessing a strong diuretic effect, beer puts a huge burden on the work of the kidneys, useful substances are washed out of the body:

  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements.

In men

The concept of "beer belly" arose due to the negative impact of the drink on the male appearance. Plant phytoestrogens contained in hops cause a decrease in testosterone and an increase in the level of female hormones, which causes impotence. Common hormonal signs of beer alcoholism in men are:

  • breast augmentation;
  • female type obesity;
  • expansion of the pelvis.

Among women

Women's dependence on beer entails no less serious consequences. The first signs of addiction are depression, anxiety, suspiciousness, depression, detachment. The hormonal background also changes: antennae appear, the voice becomes rougher, problems arise with childbearing functions, and infertility develops. It should be remembered that alcoholism in women is much more difficult to treat than in men.

Treatment of beer alcoholism

To find out how to get rid of beer addiction, you should consult with a narcologist. It is important to motivate the patient to adhere to a sober way of life. In the inpatient treatment of beer addiction, complex measures are taken aimed at:

  • removal of excess fluid from the body and purification of the blood;
  • support and stimulation of the affected organs.

How to get rid of beer alcoholism on your own

To get rid of the disease on your own, you need to realize the depth of the problem, even if the disease is only in the initial stage. You need to come up with a plan to stop drinking beer every day. It is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol consumed. It is important to find an interesting hobby in order to spend less time in an environment that is associated with drinking alcohol. Particularly effective are physical activities, active recreation.

Video: beer addiction

There is an opinion that beer alcoholism does not exist. The townsfolk can even ironically ask if there is beer alcoholism, they say, what are you talking about?

But for doctors, it’s not a question whether beer alcoholism exists.

Experts who are professionally engaged in research related to alcohol argue that alcohol addiction based on addiction to amber drink no less dangerous than vodka. And generally speaking, harmless alcohol can not be.

So, does it exist or not, and if so, what is beer alcoholism?

Let's remember that beer, like any alcoholic drink, contains ethyl alcohol. It is he who causes alcohol addiction. By analogy with diseases associated with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, beer alcoholism is the same addiction, in this case, to an amber drink. Sometimes bad habit called in one word - gambrinism. The phrase came from the name of the Flandish ruler, who became famous in history for his love of beer.

He always had and still has many followers today. But so far, none of them has admitted a sin and has not said, they say, yes: I have beer alcoholism - so that I am ready to be treated, etc.

Narcologists in practice are convinced that beer alcoholism is just as dangerous and harmful to health, the human psyche, as well as its other varieties.

At the moment, the spread of beer alcoholism has already exceeded all known limits, capturing the population, many of whose representatives sincerely believe that they are not sick and do not need treatment, and when discussing the problem, they are sincerely surprised: “Beer alcoholism! What is this?" The consequences that beer alcoholism threatens are much more serious than the consequences of wine or vodka.

History presents us with such a well-known and reliable case: the British, who were actively trying to fight alcoholism, did everything possible to “addict” the population to weaker drinks, but it soon became clear that the idea was not just in vain, but even disastrous. Naturally, such a state zeal to fight one type of alcoholism led to the emergence of another, more dangerous type of alcoholism.

Opponents of alcohol, starting a conversation on the topic "Beer alcoholism: features" recall Chancellor Bismarck, who once noted that beer is a drink that can make the population stupid, sexually passive and lazy. In the long run, beer can actually have that effect on the drinker. Moreover, beer is especially dangerous due to the fact that a person does not even notice how he begins to slowly become an inveterate drunkard, drinking beer every day.

The reasons that give rise to beer alcoholism, we will name below. In the meantime, let's still note the "harmful" side of beer.

Beer alcoholism has a direct Negative influence on the human body. Among the most difficult drinker of consequences- the harm that beer brings to the heart. Excessive doses of "foamy" will certainly affect the well-being of the drinker, as well as the state of his heart. Even the term "Bavarian beer heart" is known, which was coined by a German physician for people whose hearts had time to undergo changes as a result of daily use beer. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • thickened walls;
  • necrosis of the heart muscle;
  • dilated cavities of the heart;
  • decrease in the number of mitochondria.

Such serious changes cannot go unnoticed for the well-being of a person. Changes in the heart muscle are caused by cobalt, which is present in abundance in beer as a foam stabilizer. Doctors report that in beer alcoholics, the content of cobalt in the heart can be ten times higher than in normal people. Cobalt negatively affects such internal organs:

  • heart;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach.

IN gastrointestinal tract cobalt is able to cause inflammatory processes that can proceed relatively asymptomatically, periodically causing discomfort to the beer alcoholic.

Beer is also dangerous because carbon dioxide, which is contained in beer in large quantities, can provoke the development of varicose veins of the heart. This is another of the symptoms that is attributed to the "beer heart" syndrome. The stretched walls of the heart lose their elasticity. A flabby heart with stretched walls begins to pump blood worse, which affects the functioning of the whole organism.

The negative impact of beer on the hormonal profile

The negative effect that beer has on a person's hormonal status is by no means a joke. Substances that have a toxic effect, which are found in beer, can change the normal hormonal status of the body. In addition, beer contains heavy metals, the effect of which on the human body also cannot be called beneficial.

Men who are accustomed to constantly drinking beer should prepare for the fact that the production of testosterone in their body will gradually decrease under the influence of phytoestrogens from beer. Also, men expect an increased production of sex hormones, which are normally produced by the male body in minimum quantities: we are talking, of course, about female sex hormones. Elevated estrogen levels and decreased testosterone gradually lead to the following results:

  • growth of the pelvis in men;
  • breast augmentation;
  • female-type fat deposition (thighs, buttocks, arms, chest);
  • the occurrence of obesity.

It should be noted separately that obesity is a consequence of the fact that beer has the ability to increase appetite. In addition, it is well known that beer does not have the best effect on male fertility as a result of the changes that it has on the level of hormones in the male body.

  • drinking more than one liter of foamy drink per day;
  • the appearance of irritability and anger if there is no beer;
  • the presence of a "beer belly";
  • violation of male function;
  • having trouble relaxing without beer;
  • the appearance of nocturnal insomnia;
  • the appearance of daytime sleepiness;
  • frequent headache;
  • drinking beer to get a hangover in the morning or to cheer you up.

If the readers of these lines recognized themselves or their friends, colleagues and family members in the above, then it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who will allow them to help fight developing alcoholism and do everything possible to overcome the disease that has not yet managed to seize control over the body.

Remember that the main danger of beer alcoholism is that it is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Often the disease is detected already when it is more difficult to treat it. The symptoms of beer alcoholism do not differ significantly from the symptoms of wine or vodka, the only difference is in the drink used by the alcoholic. The disease can begin to develop from the fact that the patient consumes one or two small bottles of beer a day. Very quickly there is a craving for drinking beer daily, then - an increase in the dose of the drink.

If the case of an alcoholic is severe, then the dose of beer consumed may well increase to fifteen liters per day. Beer alcoholism binge drinking is not characteristic, which means that patients almost never sober up. We are talking about the fact that such an alcoholic drinks beer several times a day, not completely sobering up. So a person can live for weeks, months and even years. In the worst cases, the whole life of the patient consists of half a dozen bottles of beer a day and the intoxication that they give him.

A hangover after a large amount of beer resembles the symptoms of a normal hangover, but they are much more difficult to get rid of. Beer hangover symptoms include:

  • Strong headache;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • general low level of well-being.

How to recover from beer alcoholism?

Until recently, the absence of a problem that seemed to beer lovers, over time, makes you think about it: “Here it is - beer alcoholism: curable or incurable, how to treat, if there is a chance, is it possible to cure yourself, get rid of the habit?”.

For problems, such as whether it is possible to cure, how to cure a husband, wife, relative, etc. doctors are optimistic.

With timely treatment and the desire of the patient himself, it is possible to cure a loved one and save him from such a disaster as beer alcoholism.

Only a qualified doctor can prescribe treatment and determine the appropriate technique. You should not turn to "individuals" who unsubstantiatedly claim that they know how to cure beer alcoholism, how to cure it, and even promise guarantees.

An example of addiction to beer

Pay attention to one typical situation, maybe someone had to face a similar problem.

School get-togethers with a glass of beer among friends, then - in the hostel of the institute. Over time - a glass of beer on the way to work and a glass of fresh home- straight out of the fridge.

Training the body has led to the fact that he began to "require" beer regularly.

Treatment example

In such cases, the narcologist recommends changing the usual route past tempting outlets. Before leaving the house - eat hearty non-calorie food, drink tea, mineral water or juice. Abstinence from the drink will “push” the body to get used to a different mode of being.

Of course, without the advice and help of a narcologist on effective result difficult to calculate.

Children and adolescents are precisely the category of the population that most often becomes the first victim of any harmful attachment. Whether it is drugs, alcohol or cigarettes, children and adolescents are usually the first to suffer from these bad habits, and also become "peddlers" of the infection among their peers.

Experts consider beer to be a real scourge of our era, which in essence is a legalized drug that causes psychological and physiological addiction. You can often hear from doctors that beer is just the first step on the vicious path that the alcoholic paves to stronger alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs.

Aggression that occurs as a result of beer abuse is also a well-known consequence of beer alcoholism. A patient who does not receive the next dose of foamy alcohol in time becomes so irritable that this irritation may well develop into aggression. In addition, beer alcoholism is characterized by an increased level of cruelty. Fights, brawls, and even murders are natural effects of drinking beer.

It is believed that adolescents are the category of citizens most vulnerable to the development of beer alcoholism. Moreover, many commercials that can be seen on television or in magazines are aimed specifically at young people who are easily bribed and provoked into buying beer. The number of children who suffer from beer alcoholism is growing not in arithmetic, but in geometric progression.

Among schoolchildren and preschoolers, this is also an important event that allows you to instill in children the right attitudes in life, which in the future will save them from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Needless to say, in this case, the example of parents and work with children of teachers is of paramount importance, which allows you to properly educate the younger generation? How morally stable and savvy children will be in this matter also depends on how they raise their own offspring. It is safe to say that the future and well-being of our descendants depend on it.

Female beer alcoholism

As you know, a woman is more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than a man. Firstly, this is dictated by a number of physiological reasons that make the fair sex an easy victim for beer. In addition, due to the more unstable psyche, women also develop addiction to alcohol more quickly. Statistics show that women of reproductive age suffer from beer alcoholism almost as often as teenagers and children.

The countries of the former CIS are the geopolitical area where beer consumption is growing every year. It is regrettable to admit that the growth in the consumption of beer and stronger alcoholic beverages is formed at the expense of the female part of the population, as well as young people. Studies conducted by sociologists show that more than 70% of first-graders who have just started attending school have already tasted alcoholic beverages or use them periodically. Over the past ten years, the percentage of child alcoholism has increased twelvefold. It's time to sound the alarm, because these data are truly monstrous!

Beer alcoholism is the beginning of personality degradation. A full-fledged personality grows out of a young alcoholic extremely rarely, because, as a rule, alcohol for a child is a road to nowhere. Treating any type of alcoholism in women is not an easy task. Often the difficulty is that a woman refuses to admit that she really has an addiction problem and that she needs the help of relatives and doctors.

Readers probably have a question about why people around the world consume such great amount beer, if information about the harm that the drink causes to the body is publicly available? It can be assumed that beer alcoholism is akin to some sort of bulimia caused by special palatability beer, as well as the calming effect that the drink has.

In addition, beer makers have managed to spread many false myths about the so-called "social" properties of beer. Advertising often says that beer is able to bring together, make the soul of the company, remove embarrassment and spend leisure time brighter. Credulous viewers and buyers who believe in the half-truths that beer companies bring to them have every chance of becoming another patient diagnosed with beer alcoholism. It's no secret that no alcoholic drink can make a company more interesting, and the time spent with it more meaningful.

Prevention of the occurrence of beer alcoholism is milestone improvement of society, which will minimize the risks of the spread of this type of alcoholism among the most vulnerable categories of the population. A strong institution of marriage and family, traditional family values ​​- these are exactly the things that in many cases help to fight female beer alcoholism. It is no secret that women often start drinking because of self-doubt, because of problems in the family or with their spouse. Beer alcoholism is not a solution to problems that should be discussed and solved in the family circle. Besides, drinking mother is a very bad example for children who tend to absorb both the good and the bad from their parents.

  • children (preschoolers, schoolchildren);
  • the youth;
  • women;
  • socially unprotected categories of citizens of all genders.

We must not forget that beer alcoholism is such a terrible disease, like vodka alcoholism, which is addictive, and also has a destructive effect on the human body and psyche. In the case when a loved one shows symptoms of beer alcoholism, you should definitely contact the doctors.

27.11.2017 Doctor Evgenia Aleksandrovna Miroshnikova 0

Ways to treat beer alcoholism

Beer is a relatively inexpensive low-alcohol drink, it is drunk not only by men, but also by women, believing that there is no harm from it. To cure beer alcoholism in men is a difficult task, and in girls it is doubly so.

Active advertising campaigns promote the consumption of beer, making it an attribute useful product. However, in fact, this light alcohol not so harmless. Dependence on it comes slowly and imperceptibly. In addition, a person does not realize what is happening to him, and having understood, he is no longer able to change anything. This is how beer alcoholism begins.

Imperceptible personal degradation, loss of health, work, family - this is the price that an alcoholic pays for his addiction.

Physical and psychological setting

If there is an awareness of alcoholism and a person decides to start treatment, first of all he needs to prepare his body for therapy:

  • get out of the daily drunken state by increasing the time intervals when beer is not consumed at all;
  • carry out detoxification measures to cleanse the body of accumulated toxic toxins;
  • restore water-salt balance;
  • start eating right, monitor the composition, as well as the calorie content of food;
  • start giving the body a little physical activity;
  • be examined to determine the general condition of the organs.

The complex of these measures in a few months helps to cure the daily craving for beer.
In addition to physical adjustment, it is very important for a person to prepare himself psychologically for the upcoming anti-alcohol treatment, for this you need:

  • create intrinsic motivation to come to a firm decision to stop drinking beer;
  • find other interests for yourself, you may need to change your inner circle of friends, find an interesting hobby for yourself;
  • visit a psychologist, and then regularly conduct sessions of psychological therapy that support determination and general mood;
  • meet with a narcologist in order to discuss the treatment plan, clearly presenting all its stages.

Coping with the psychological craving for beer is much harder than with the physical addiction. For many years, you will have to remember your weakness in order to be able to stop in time without falling back into a dependent state.

Medical treatment

The drugs are aimed at causing a person's feelings of aversion to alcoholic beverages. Active ingredients in the composition of drugs cause a reaction in the body to the reception ethyl alcohol, expressed in a sharp change in state - nausea, vomiting, general weakness, drop in blood pressure, palpitations, and sometimes fainting.

A person triggers the instinct of self-preservation and, not wanting to repeat such sensations, a reflex connection is developed, which is reinforced by unpleasant memories of feeling unwell when taking alcoholic drink. Thus, there is a feeling of fear, as well as disgust for any alcoholic product.

With a similar effect, drugs containing disulfiram and other similar substances used in narcological practice are produced. The most common drugs were tablets:

  • Teturam;
  • Naltrexone;
  • Lidevin,
  • Esperal (prolonged action) and others.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

dietary supplements

When canceling the intake of beer, in order to support during psychological adaptation, as well as to remove the patient from the state of intoxication, more gentle means are used:

Drops Alkolok

The drug restores the ability to produce dopamine, the hormone of happiness, lost by the body during alcoholization. A person under the influence of this substance does not reach for its artificial stimulants - he no longer needs them.

In addition, Alkolok carries out the removal of toxic substances from the body, restores liver cells, and increases immune defense.

The tool consists entirely of natural ingredients, it is enough to add 20 drops of Alcoloc twice a day to food. Designed for course use.


Dealing well with the aftermath hangover syndrome and is a means for the prevention of alcoholism. Dietary supplement helps the body to remove toxins with replenishment of vitamin and mineral balance. Under its action, the absorption of ethanol is disrupted, appetite improves, and increased diuresis contributes to the removal of stagnant fluid.

The composition of the drops is natural, contains a complex medicinal plants And succinic acid. This drug helps to form a rejection of alcohol on a psychological level due to the fact that it reduces dependence on alcohol and contributes to the development of a stable habit for several weeks. But this is possible only in the initial stages of the disease.

Alcobarrier will not help in advanced chronic stages.

Granular powder, which is used to prevent the state of intoxication with alcohol intoxication. In addition, glycine, which is part of the drug, normalizes the psyche, reduces aggressiveness. Due to the action of the components of Medichronal, the breakdown of ethyl alcohol to fractions is inhibited acetic acid, its absorption is slowed down, and also the liver is much less damaged.

Medichronal is a preventive medication to reduce cravings for alcohol.

Treatment with laser and psychological coding

Beer alcoholism is treated with the use of not only drugs. The method of hypnotherapy, as well as laser exposure, is widely used. Hypnosis therapy is not applicable to all patients, it is effective only if the person is suggestible. Most often it is used to treat beer alcoholism in women.

Also in Soviet time narcologist Alexander Romanovich Dovzhenko developed his method of persuasion, which is based on hypnosis techniques, to instill in the patient a persistent indifference to alcoholic beverages. According to the opinions of narcologists, today the technique has not lost its relevance.

The laser coding method appeared with the development of scientific innovations in medicine. It is based on the impact of laser electromagnetic radiation, which activates certain parts of the human body. As a result, it improves general state body, the period of refusal of alcohol passes more easily, more effectively therapeutic effect medical anti-alcohol drugs. The method is used in the complex therapy of alcoholism.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, you can supplement the main therapy by stimulating aversion to the use of beer drinks with the help of medicinal herbs.

On the one hand, such products absolutely do not contain synthetic additives, but on the other hand, there is a possibility of overdose and unpredictability of the body's response to the combination of components taken.

Herbs can be strong allergens, which sometimes causes not only atopic reactions, but also anaphylactic shock, with which at home there is no way to cope on your own.
In addition, herbs can activate gallstones or urinary stones, resulting in blockage of the ducts or the process of passing the stone along the natural excretory pathways, which in most cases will be accompanied by acute pain, complicating the patient's condition. This is an extra risk that you must always remember so as not to harm a person when treating beer alcoholism at home.

Here are some folk recipes for the treatment of beer alcoholism based on medicinal herbs:

Infusions from herbal ingredients

They are prepared by brewing boiling water crushed medicinal raw materials and holding the resulting composition in a warm place for a long time. The longer the composition is kept, the stronger the infusion is. Next, recipes for infusions based on 1 liter of water will be given:

  1. 30 grams of St. John's wort, chamomile, horsetail, elecampane, mint leaves, Ivan-tea flowers;
  2. 50 grams of Canadian centaury, highlander bird, 30 grams of milk thistle, anise, dioica nettle;
  3. 50 grams of wild rose hips, bear's ears, 20 grams of juniper berries, St. John's wort, wormwood.

Soothing teas

  1. Ready-made herbal mixtures medicinal tea brew 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water:
    50 grams of valerian root, mint leaves, chamomile, lemon balm;
  2. 50 grams of motherwort grass, linden flowers, mint leaves, currant leaves.

Club decoction

This folk recipe suitable only for those who are willing to voluntarily be treated for alcoholism at home. Imperceptibly, this drug should not be given to the patient, since it is necessary to drink a decoction of the club moss hot.

One tablespoon of raw materials should be brewed in half a liter of boiling water and kept on low heat for about 25 minutes. Club moss, when consumed with alcohol, causes a strong gag reflex.

But before treatment, the patient should refrain from drinking alcohol for several days.

Laurel tincture

Tincture bay leaf on alcohol reduces cravings for alcohol. To do this, 10-15 leaves of laurel are poured with two glasses of vodka or alcohol, and then insisted in a dark place for two weeks. Add a few drops to the beer until it causes nausea and disgust.

Infusion from the grass of the hoof

For a persistent aversion to beer, you need to prepare an infusion of 50 grams of dry raw materials of trout leaves and 500 milliliters of boiling water. The remedy is infused for at least 2 days.

Half a glass of infusion should be given to the patient to drink in the morning, and then immediately offer him half a glass of beer. This procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

A person will begin persistent vomiting, a persistent aversion to a beer drink will appear.

Thyme herb infusion

Pour a tablespoon of chopped thyme herb with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour. Use three times a day for a tablespoon. Causes nausea and vomiting when drinking beer.

Psychological help

A person who has decided to cure himself of his addiction to beer needs the moral support of his family and friends. All contact with those who do not share his decision should be stopped.

The inner circle of communication should be sympathetic to the patient's condition in order to motivate him to a healthy lifestyle. Free time should be put to good use:

  • walks in the air;
  • sport;
  • interesting movies;
  • educational exhibitions.

The void from the fact that beer has left a person’s life must be filled alternative options. Such support will positively affect the overall results of therapy. For help, you can contact a psychologist-narcologist, sign up for the club of anonymous alcoholics.

The most important thing is not to leave a person alone in his condition, but to help him adapt to the prevailing conditions, when he decided to treat beer alcoholism.

If nothing helps

The patient has tried all the ways, but the craving for drinking beer is still strong as before. In this case, there is another remedy - electropulse therapy. Beer alcoholism is treated with local effects on areas of the brain that are under the influence of dopamine receptors. By suppressing their work, you can get rid of alcohol addiction. But this method is done only in a number of specialized drug treatment clinics.

Female and male alcoholism - what are the differences

As a result of observations, narcologists came to the conclusion that female alcoholism occurs faster, and is treated longer and more difficult than male.

Here are a number of characteristic differences in the manifestation alcohol addiction in men and women:

Male beer alcoholism Female beer alcoholism
Slow development of addiction. Rapid development of addiction.
Libido is slowly fading away. Increased libido with its subsequent extinction.
Aggressiveness, excitability. Irritability, tearfulness.
Deposition of fat on the inside of the abdominal wall, chest and femoral surface. The deposition of fat in the shoulder girdle, abdomen, back.
Breast augmentation Hair growth on the face, body.
The voice becomes thin. The voice is rough.
Decreased testosterone production. Premature aging of the skin.
Common signs for men and women
Facial swelling, bluish skin, cyanosis
Loss of hair, teeth
Behavioral changes, social degradation

What are the consequences for the body causes beer alcoholism

Alcohol dependence is not only a pathological need for a constant concentration of ethanol in the blood. Against the background of addiction, irreversible consequences develop that change the work of all organs and systems in the body.

The cardiovascular system

  • hypertrophy of myocardial tissues with a decrease in contractile tone;
  • fragility of arteries, vessels, capillaries;
  • formation of intravascular cholesterol plaques;
  • increased blood pressure

Endocrine system

  • violation of the production of sex hormones;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • obesity.

reproductive system

  • female and male infertility;
  • impotence;
  • not carrying a pregnancy;
  • teratogenic fetal deformities, genetic diseases.

urinary system

pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;

urolithiasis disease;

oliguria, anuria, enuresis;

cystic neoplasms;

oncological diseases;

acute or chronic renal failure.

Gastrointestinal tract

  • inflammatory or erosive diseases;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis phenomena;
  • violations of the liver, gallbladder.

central nervous system

  • development of dementia;
  • acute stroke;
  • paralysis, paresis.

In order for the refusal to drink beer to become a reality, it is necessary to exclude provoking factors from life:

  • attending events where alcohol consumption is planned;
  • watching advertisements and programs with active promotion of beer drinking;
  • reading literature, which mentions the plots of drinking alcohol.

At home, the patient should have a calm, friendly environment.

Preventive measures

The best preventive measure is to refrain from initiating the use of beer and alcoholic beverages at a young age. It is necessary to understand that beer is not a momentary pleasure, but a potential problem in the future.

In the family, the educational team, it is necessary to support the idea of ​​a sober lifestyle. Proper leisure, hobbies can replace young people's interest in beer. permanent employment and active image life will not leave time for beer gatherings, which means that there will be no problem of addiction.
