
Snacks for birthday barbecue. What to cook in the country for friendly gatherings with guests

20 ideas for a children's birthday in the country. Enjoy!

Farewell, 33 square meters! Long live freedom and summer cottages. Children born in the spring-summer period are still incredibly lucky. And their parents too. Still, setting a children's holiday table in winter and summer, as they say, are two big differences.

And how much can be done outside the city! There are a lot of ideas for children's entertainment and birthday games on the net .. We know how moms and dads do not like to bathe in the summer season.

Rocking bench for little guests

No need to grunt snobbishly, recognizing in this product the good old car tire. You probably do not know what to do with them, and the times are not the most shopping. You will need: a couple of boards, paint and dad's skillful hands.

My sandbox is my castle

Tire, sand, some paint and a beach umbrella. It will be a place of power at a party for the little ones.

Angry bowling for kids

We fill plastic bottles with water, which we tint with gouache or any other non-toxic paint. In any toy store you will find a ball with the corresponding image. Ball in play!

ball darts

We make holes in a plywood board or thick cardboard into which we insert inflated balls. Darts donated earlier will surely be found in the attic. Squeak-squeal, noise and din at this party are provided.

Eco wigwam

This design should be taken care of in advance, but this chill-out zone is a long-term use. You fold a frame of sticks, plant seedlings of bindweed or some other creeping ivy, and, together with your beloved child, watch the growth. At the same time, cross out the days before the holiday in the calendar.

Spiderman Lodge

If the mother of the birthday boy is a needlewoman, the house is probably full of all sorts of unfinished balls. Build the frame, as in the previous example, and wrap the tipi lining in a friendly round dance.

fun car wash

We build garden sprinklers in a suite in the yard and hang them with sponges, rags and even fly swatters, of course, new ones. The main thing is that the weather matches.

Twister on the lawn

We cut out a stencil from any cardboard and take non-toxic paint in a can. You will need branded Twister colors: red, yellow, blue, green. The lawn does not hurt, but the children have fun.

treasure hunt

In the sandbox, if there is one, we bury “treasures”, Barbie beads and other children’s “Swarovski”, messages can be put into bottles. We give out shovels and watch how the gold rush destroys the kids. If there is no sandbox, the same can be arranged by pouring sand into a bucket, of course, clean, and not from the heap into which the neighbor's cats and dogs shit.

canning basketball

We collect tin cans of different sizes around the site, they can also be decorated. We hang them on the crossbar, give out balls or ball substitutes. Children are sober, they should succeed.

obstacle course

On the site we find vertical supports and wrap them with ropes. We call the exercise “Children in the grid”.

foam snake

You will need a plastic bottle without a bottom, a sock, an elastic band, soapy liquid and food coloring. We put the sock on the bottle, fix it, pour in a little soap solution, lightly color the sock. And for such a fool we hand over to each participant in the party. The longest and thickest bubble snake wins.

Mexican fun in the suburbs

Pinatas is a traditional Mexican game in which children use a stick to smash a papier-mâché or clay donkey filled with sweets. It is quite difficult to build this yourself, so we offer a modified version of pinatas for a summer holiday. Take balloons, fill them with water and hang them on a tree. Prepare towels for all participants. Dry from this game do not come out.

Birthday Sabantuy

Another traditional pastime - running with an egg can be transformed into a run with a water-filled ball. You will need wooden spoons, bowls and water.

Tic-tac-toe from the Stone Age

We collect cobblestones of a suitable shape, decorate them with crosses and tac-toes, and as a base, you can take a square-shaped tile.

Hanging donut - you can not eat

Let's not forget the food. it is understood that the children are fed normal food at the common table, and no one will overeat sweets. We string fresh donuts onto a rope, stretch it and see what the little savages are ready for for glucose.

Caught a fish!

We tie gelatin worms and other bait to bread sticks. Little fishermen will be very pleased.

Dig up a bloodworm

Another treat on a fishing theme. We take several packs of chocolate chip cookies and finely chop them, scatter them into glasses and stick gelatin worms. Checking the little guests for disgust.

Glowing bowling

Parents should thank rave culture for this invention. In any store with party paraphernalia, we buy neon sticks, stuff them into plastic bottles and fill them with water for gravity. Everyone is invited to night bowling.

Last movie show

Here, most likely, you will need the help of the audience, that is, friends, if you do not have your own projector and you still consider this a relic of the 70s. There are now a lot of them modern and friendly to ordinary home computers. Having obtained a projector, prepare a cinema hall. A white sheet, warm bedspreads, any of the creations of Disney's grandfather and popcorn are a worthy end to a good holiday.

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

Quick cake "Napoleon" of three ingredients. I highly recommend cooking! In time, you will need 30-40 minutes plus time for impregnation. But the taste and tenderness of this cake is simply beyond words! All lovers of the Napoleon cake will be guaranteed to be delighted. Delicate soaked puff pastry cakes with delicious cream! A minimum of ingredients and time costs, but it turns out a simple, quick and tasty cake.

puff pastry, cream, condensed milk

Recipe for the popular American Red Velvet Cake. I can say for sure - this is the best red velvet cake recipe I have tried before. The cake on it is incredible! Velvety and juicy cakes without any impregnation, rich red color, with delicate butter cream. At the same time, all the ingredients are simple, familiar - it is not for nothing that this legendary cake has so many fans! If you are not yet familiar with Red Velvet, be sure to take the cake recipe into service. In addition, there is a reason - on the festive table in honor of March 8, such a cake would be very appropriate!

kefir, eggs, sunflower oil, butter, sugar, cocoa powder, flour, salt, baking powder, soda, dye, cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar...

I want to introduce you to one of my favorite pies. The cake turns out to be incomparably tasty, very fragrant, with an unusual filling. A rich pie is made from individual rose buns with a ready-made filling of apples and nuts. After baking, a whole bouquet of roses is obtained. :) Very tasty, definitely worth the time to cook it!

Baklava (baklava) is a very tasty oriental nutty sweetness.

yolk, sugar, sour cream, soda, butter, flour, protein, walnut, sugar, yolk, honey

I want to offer you a recipe for a honey cake with vertical cakes. Looks very unusual! The cooking process is a little more complicated than making a regular honey cake, but it's worth it. And you will certainly succeed in surprising your guests with such a seemingly ordinary cake.

flour, honey, sugar, butter, eggs, soda, lemon juice, sour cream, cream, powdered sugar, raspberries

Crispy biscuit cookies in the form of flowers will be a real decoration on the festive table. And making Calla cookies is not at all difficult!

eggs, flour, sugar, soda, vinegar, apple, icing sugar

Shortbread cookies with oatmeal in itself are very tasty, crumbly and fragrant. But ordinary round cookies are not very interesting. Let's make flower cookies! No special tools are needed! And to make edible flowers bright, you can use pink sugar and multi-colored dragee candies. The kids will love it, and the adults too!

oat flour, wheat flour, yolk, sugar, baking powder, butter, orange peel, sugar, dragee

Ideas for celebrating a birthday in nature should be significantly different from all other celebration options, that's for sure.

I tried to collect all the most interesting things so that you can choose the right ideas for your holiday.

Let's solve the most important question. Which? This is a question of who exactly organizes everything and a birthday in nature will turn out to be really memorable.

we do everything ourselves

book a holiday with a field trip

Option 1: We do everything ourselves!

Until the end of the article there will be ideas for those who are ready to arrange a memorable holiday for loved ones. To be honest, it’s not so easy, you need a clear preparation plan and lists of necessary things, otherwise you can forget the essentials in the pre-holiday bustle.


1. Take ready-made food so that guests can calmly wait for hot food

This is advice from years of picnic experience. People usually come to nature in the morning, few people have time to have breakfast, and even the road is long…

There must be a supply of ready-to-eat products, tea and coffee in thermoses, otherwise the preparation of the barbecue will not turn into a festive expectation, but a nervous process in which the coals flare up for too long, the meat is fried for too long, etc.

What can you take as a morning buffet:

Ready sandwiches
pies with salty and sweet fillings
spring rolls
pieces of fried meat in breadcrumbs or round flat patties (they are convenient for making hamburgers)
fresh and salted vegetables
washed fruit
tea, coffee, juices

2. For the grill menu

Of course, on a birthday in nature, you want to see such treats that do not happen during home feasts.

There are so many marinade recipes that I won’t dare to describe them here, I’ll just remind you what can be grilled.

Meat skewers
chicken skewers (by the way, there is no vinegar, and the semi-finished product can be made at home and heated on a fire right in the foil. Children always want everything quickly)
fish on the grill
baked vegetables (zucchini, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers)
in a pot you can cook fish soup or meat sauce with herbs

3. Don't forget:

Drinking water in small bottles
bread, buns, cookies
ketchup and mustard
salt, sugar, spices
disposable tableware and tablecloths
good knives, ladle, slotted spoon
wet wipes
trash bags
silicone gloves to wash your hands less frequently
set of skewers and grill
folding grill, coal
fast ignition agent

Disposable foil trays for cooked kebabs and vegetables
folding furniture or inflatable chairs
spare clothes for children
mosquito repellent
rolls of foil and cling film to protect products from flies and wasps
first aid kit with plaster, peroxide, painkillers
a compact tent (if children do not start playing in it, you can put all the bags, packages and backpacks into the tent, which always spoil the natural landscape with their appearance and spoil all the photos)

We decorate the cottage (clearing, gazebo)!

There are ready-made paper decorations that can be turned into voluminous balls, stars and pompoms in a couple of seconds.

Finished paper decorations

That's the problem. All these decorations are quite LARGE and not much is needed to decorate a room. The price is very cozy, they are sold folded and very easy to fold, in just a couple of seconds. Rate my work, I devoted a separate article to each type of decoration:

Here is a selection of articles with examples:


Paper multi-colored

And here's another

Do you know what fantas are?

We entertain guests!

Now we are talking about a family holiday, but here there may be options:

  1. gathered adults of different generations from 18 to 90 years old
  2. there are many young families with small children from 1 to 9 years old at the holiday
  3. families with children from 1 to 17 years old came to visit you
  4. there are no small children, but there are teenagers aged 12-17 who are bored in an adult company

Agree, in each of these cases the program should be different.

Free scripts for children and teenagers

  • (especially suitable)
  • Board games: high-quality cards for the games Crocodile, Mafia, Alias, Svintus, etc.

All together: 2 to 92

The most difficult case, tasks for such a company are the most difficult to come up with.

If you feel that adults are not averse to having fun with children, let me remind you of some time-tested fun. Yes, you will need to buy something, but then you will use the most successful props for many, many more years.

  • If there is a place for outdoor games, there are always those who want to for volleyball, badminton and frisbee, do not forget to throw balls, rackets and "flying" saucers into your backpack. Often there are no clearings for such fun, you need something less active, read on!

  • Fanta. Just like that, people also start dancing and begin to read funny poems, but in fantasies there are very unexpected ones. Naturally, you also buy all sorts of funny little things and say the phrase “I will give this prize to phantom number ... 5!”. In the second half of the party, for some reason, everyone is amused even by the very wording of the task, and even the execution - even more so. Books with tear-off phantoms are sold in bookstores.

  • Limbo. A fun dance game with a stick held horizontally by two assistants at a height of 1.5 meters. The dancers go through the first circle under the stick, line up for the next circle. Just lower the stick 10 cm lower ...
  • Dance battle. Here the most difficult thing is the choice of music. With the Internet, there are no such difficulties, but in nature for such a competition, you need to pre-record fragments of famous dance melodies on a disk: lambada, dance of little swans, lezginka, duck dance, tango, hip-hop, macarena, rock and roll, etc. d.

  • You can take an interesting fun scenario with family games. For example, our website has
  • Darts. If it is very difficult to draw men into all the previous entertainments, then, having seen darts, they immediately leave the place at the festive table and line up with darts. There are quite affordable options. Hang on a tree and compete! By the way, darts can be replaced with a ring thrower, that's fun too! Take another look at the game "Towns". All sets are on sale, just don't forget!

  • Face painting, popuases and Indians. If a birthday party takes place in nature during the hot season, divide the guests into two teams and arrange a body art show. children are generally delighted with the idea that you can paint not only part of the face, as at all other holidays, but the WHOLE BODY! On adults, too, finds a multi-colored excitement. It would be nice to prepare small accessories - feathers, Hawaiian flower beads, paper ribbon skirts, bracelets, thin plastic masks and funny glasses. Get your camera ready, these are memorable shots!
  • Team games. To be honest, if no one has experience in conducting such games, everything is not very interesting. A good presenter knows how to make “candy” out of the most banal task. Just in case, let me remind you about tug of war and running in bags.
  • Relays. In nature, you can drag water in ladles and pour it into a jar, carry bagels on your head while running with obstacles, “string” all team members on a string, inflate or burst balls at speed, etc.
  • Competition of strong men. It's very easy to do, and the hype around the prize 5-liter barrel of beer is always very big. It must be held at arm's length for as long as possible. You can replace the "barrel" with arm wrestling.
  • Launching lanterns, cold fountain, crackers. A birthday celebration in nature should also have a beautiful ending. Launching Chinese lanterns is a very beautiful tradition. The main thing is to do everything right, it will fly beautifully and there will be no accidental fires. There are no "contraindications" for cold fotans. It's just silvery splashes in honor of the birthday boy!

Birthday is a special holiday. On this day, I want to have fun and feel a little sad. The joy of meeting friends and family, a large number of gifts and surprises sometimes overshadows the understanding that the years are coming.

It can come to mind both young people and adults. Whatever feelings visit the birthday man and his guests on this day, you need to take care of the treats.

Lucky for those people who have a birthday in the summer. There are plenty of opportunities to celebrate a name day, because there are plenty to choose from! Lake, sea, nature, forest or cottage? You can go anywhere, because the weather conditions are not terrible.

Even if summer rain falls on a holiday, this will only make it easier, because it will bring a long-awaited coolness.

Summer menu: beware!

Let's look at the features of compiling a birthday menu in the summer in nature. The insidiousness of summer lies in the fact that products in nature without a refrigerator deteriorate very quickly or lose their shape. Of course, you can take a mini-refrigerator with you and get at least salads from there, but if a large company of people is planned, then there may not be enough for all of them due to the small dimensions of the unit.

Mayonnaises and other fatty sauces are strictly contraindicated in the heat. A dish with them in a matter of minutes will turn into a source of danger, but no one wants to spend the rest of the day in the bushes. It is better to use vegetable oil as a dressing, at least it will definitely not disappear.

Of course, no holiday is complete without barbecue. If a decision has already arisen to cook it, then this must be done almost immediately upon arrival in nature. So the meat does not have time to turn sour in a large amount of marinade, and the finished pieces will last longer.

All products must be covered with towels or paper. Wasps and bees can flock to the aromas of food, and guests risk eating them along with the dish, getting a lot of problems in the process. It’s good if just redness appears at the site of the bite, but there are people who are prone to allergies. In this case, the larynx or nasopharynx may swell, and then a real threat to human life will already arise.

So that guests do not languish from thirst, a place for a holiday should be found next to a spring or take enough water with you. Juices and fruit drinks are also a great option, but carbonated drinks are not recommended. They will make you want to drink even more.

Important menu: choosing the right recipes for holiday dishes

Entertainment in nature more than enough. Guests themselves will find something to entertain themselves, the weather will not let anyone get bored. So, what can you still cook for a birthday party in the summer in nature for a cheerful company of guests? What to feed them? The main thing is that it is tasty, quick and simple, because guests will definitely come hungry.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables

Ingredients Quantity
round tomatoes - 8 pcs.
Bulgarian yellow pepper - 1 large
cucumbers - 2 large
greenery - bundle
white bulb - 1 large
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
garlic - 2 cloves
radishes - 150 g
salt - taste
cheese - 150 g
Cooking time: 40 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 87 kcal

Wash vegetables and herbs. Cut the tops off the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Peppers, cucumbers, onions and radishes cut into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Pass the garlic through a press, and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Mix the chopped vegetables, herbs, garlic and cheese in a bowl, add salt and pour over with oil. Stuff the tomatoes and you can treat guests.

Such an appetizer will look beautiful on the table. Even if the juice from the vegetables flows, the tomatoes will keep their shape and look quite appetizing.

"Snow Snack"

To prepare a snack for 2 people you will need:

  • 6 small tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • Ground pepper to taste.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into medium rings, put in a single layer on a plate.

Peel and grate the garlic, mix in a bowl with mayonnaise and sour cream.

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Sprinkle tomato circles with pepper, grease with garlic sauce, sprinkle with plenty of cheese.

Spread circles of tomatoes, grease and sprinkle with cheese until you get a small slide.

The main thing in this dish is to sprinkle it well with cheese. It looks interesting, and everyone will like the taste.

Surprise baked potatoes in foil

What is a holiday without potatoes? You can’t make standard mashed potatoes in nature, and baked potatoes in coals have become boring for a long time. An interesting option could be potatoes with mushrooms and carrots (they will be the very surprise) in foil.

For 4 delicious potatoes you will need:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 large young carrots;
  • 8 large champignons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Wash potatoes, carrots, mushrooms and herbs. Cut the tubers into 4-6 pieces, carrots into medium rings, and champignons into halves. Finely chop the greens.

Season vegetables and mushrooms with salt, pepper and drizzle with oil. Mix gently and spread on foil in portions.

Wrap the foil on all sides so that when the dish is turned over, the food does not spill out.

Lay the foil envelopes on the coals of the fire and cook for about 20 minutes, during which time you need to turn the dish 2 times. Unwrap cooked potatoes and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Potatoes may well come down as a main dish, and together with mushrooms and carrots, it will also be beautiful.

"Miracle fish": bake deliciously on the grill

Another main course is grilled fish. Which fish to cook depends on personal preference. Red fish cooks quickly and looks appetizing.

For 2 persons "Miracle Fish" you need:

  • 4 salmon steaks;
  • 2 tbsp. l. seasonings for fish;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated ginger root;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 60 gr. olive oil.

Mix spices, oil and ginger root, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and marinate the steaks in this mixture for about 40 minutes. During this time, melt the barbecue.

Put the salmon on the grill and fry over a fire for 3 minutes on each side. The fish will turn out tender, even if it is a little damp, the principle “salmon is never raw” applies to everyone.

Fish is a light product, you can have a bite to eat in between entertainment and swimming in a pond.

Fresh vegetables or greens can be served with the fish, but strong alcohol and containing few degrees are suitable.

Sauce - guests will rate 5+

The sauce for meat and fish is important, it will emphasize the taste of the dish. You should choose it based on the ingredients of the main dish, tomato-based sauce is more suitable for meat, and with mayonnaise for fish. If you experiment and add various herbs and spices, you get the original mixture.

For the meat kebab sauce, you need to take:

  • 1 jar of Krasnodar sauce;
  • A bunch of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Several branches of tarragon;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • 1 bulb.

Peel the onion from the husk and chop finely. Rinse the greens, also finely chop. Add herbs and onions to the sauce, season with pepper and mix well. Herbs will complement the taste of meat.

Dessert "Sweet tooth"

There is no birthday without dessert. Of course, it is very dangerous to take a cake or cream cakes to nature without a refrigerator. It is quite possible to prepare a sweet without cream and an oven, while guests enjoy nature.

For the sweet tooth dessert, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 pack of wafer cakes;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

Wash apples, remove seeds and skin, cut into thin slices. Peel banana and cut into slices. Lubricate each waffle cake with condensed milk, put a few slices of apples and bananas, sprinkle them with lemon.

Continue like this until all layers are laid. Leave the top layer clean. Let the dessert stand for at least a couple of hours. Then cut it into pieces and offer to guests.

The dessert is prepared quickly, but it needs time to soak. The top cake remains clean so that the pieces can be taken with your hands and eaten neatly. Nothing will happen to the cake in 2 hours. If you put it in the shade, it will not deteriorate, but the birthday boy will have a real birthday cake.

And what will the guests drink, alcohol? - No, refreshing lemonade!

To quench your thirst, you can put bottles of drinks in a pond, they will keep cool for a long time. And if it is possible to take a mini-refrigerator with you to nature, then you can put a large amount of ice in it.

By adding it to drinks, there is a real way to not die of thirst while making lemonade.

To prepare lemonade for 2 persons, you need to take:

  • 0.33 l of sprite and Tarragon drink
  • 1/2 lime;
  • 2 sprigs of peppermint;
  • 160 gr. ice.

Mix drinks, add sliced ​​​​lime slices and mint leaves torn by hand. Lightly crush the ingredients with a fork or mortar. Pour the drink into tall glasses and add ice. Decorate with a cocktail tube or umbrella.

The drink will quench your thirst and come in handy for a non-alcoholic party. But you should drink it carefully, as there is a risk of getting sick. In the heat, ice drinks can play a cruel joke on the human body.

  1. When preparing treats in nature, you need to think about their composition. Appetizers and salads with fatty sauces must be offered first so that they do not have time to disappear;
  2. In the summer you want to drink all the time, so you need to take a lot of drinks, but less alcohol. The heat does not affect a tipsy person in the best way, you need to be careful;
  3. All vegetables and fruits should be washed before adding to dishes or just eating. A large number of disease-carrying insects can get on food and subsequently cause disease;
  4. The ideal appetizer for the summer menu are dishes on skewers. Cheese, sausages, olives, gherkins, baby corn and other products in various variations will quickly satisfy your hunger and will look spectacular on the table.

A birthday in the summer in nature gives vent to fantasy about entertainment, but you need to be careful with treats so as not to get poisoned by the missing products and not ruin your holiday.
