
Corn oil in cosmetics. Recipes of folk remedies

Corn - a source of valuable vitamins, minerals and amino acids - can be useful and nutritious not only as a dish on our table. In fact, many of the ingredients derived from this ubiquitous and sought-after plant can be used in cosmetics and personal care products. Parts of corn are broken down into tiny derivatives, which, in the composition of cosmetics, exhibit a wide variety of effects. The most common of these substances are corn oil and starch. In the beauty industry, the second is most in demand: it is a very powerful absorbent.

Unique absorbent properties make it ideal component for use in powder cosmetic formulas, and its fine texture helps to make the skin smooth and silky.

Synonyms: Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Opical Starch; Zea Mays Starch, ea Mays (Corn) Kernel Meal, Zea Mays (Corn) Seed Flour, Zea Mays (Corn) Silk Extract, Hydrolyzed Corn Starch, Hydrolyzed Corn Protein, Corn Acid, Corn Glycerides, Potassium Cornate. Patented formulas: AGENAJEL® 21.387, Talcpoly® WL 10 LVS, Armal™ CS 3757, MAISITA NATURAL, Keratrix™, Hydrasoft® Cushion, QUEMINA® 21.257, P.F.A. eleven.

The effect of corn in cosmetics

Corn derivatives are used in cosmetics as abrasives, absorbents, and astringents, and each of these components fulfills its own aesthetic "mission". For example, expressed nutritional properties in the composition of cosmetics exhibits gluten - a protein in the composition of the nuclei corn kernels. It is also used as a hair conditioning agent and skin conditioning agent (along with unsaponifiable lipids and hydrolysed corn protein). At the same time, corn germ oil provides nourishing and occlusive properties, and hydrolyzed corn starch, corn glycerides are excellent moisturizers. In combination, they exhibit a protective effect, preventing irritation and damage to the skin.

Special mention deserves cornstarch. Manufacturers call it the "universal sensory modifier": sensory screening has shown that cornstarch is an excellent matting agent. It gives a unique powdery effect - a feeling of dry, smooth skin after application. Corn starch in cosmetics also helps to control shine and oiliness of the skin, and reduces the perception of stickiness or stickiness that is characteristic of problematic oily skin. Corn starch can replace talc in personal care products - it provides improved absorbency, quickly eliminating excess sebum, compared to this mineral. In addition, starch gently polishes the skin, hiding its imperfections - after applying such cosmetics, it becomes much smoother and more pleasant to the touch.

As auxiliary component starch is introduced as a bulking agent and emulsifier, a preservative that helps preserve the integrity of decorative cosmetics. Cornstarch will give mineral cosmetics silkiness, transparency and provide such products with sufficient absorption. Corn starch can also be used as a thickener. In general, all these components are very popular in the beauty industry - and primarily due to the fact that corn starch provides increased sensory benefits and at the same time costs less than modified starches. It can also advantageously replace talc, mica and colloidal silicon dioxide in powdered cosmetic formulas. At the same time, corn starch is compatible with a wide range others cosmetic ingredients, including surfactants.

Who is shown corn

Considering the most various properties this ingredient can be called universal, although corn derivatives are primarily suitable for skin with excessive sebum production, since they provide a lightning-fast astringent and sebum-regulating effect. So first of all, the key "options" of corn are useful for people with oily skin. In addition, cornstarch has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, soothe itchy skin, help soothe irritation, and heal burns.

Decorative cosmetics (including mineral) containing such ingredients help the skin to become velvety smooth, hide imperfections and at the same time allow it to breathe freely.

Who is contraindicated in corn

Strict contraindication - allergy to this plant. Some people may as side effect from using cornstarch suffer from itching. Since it is a non-toxic plant, there is no safe limit for the concentration of corn derivatives in cosmetic and hygiene products.

Cosmetics containing corn

Numerous corn-derived ingredients are widely used in the production of skin care cosmetics, hair care and hair dyes, hygiene products, color cosmetics (eye makeup, foundations and foundations, lipsticks, blushes, etc.). As for care products, corn gluten and starch can be found literally everywhere - they are contained in creams, lotions, masks, peels, bath products.

Depending on the tasks, the level of cornstarch in cosmetics can vary from 1-99%. As part of lotions - always less than 3% (0.5-3%): this allows you to optimally balance the viscosity and fat content of the product. In creamy and powdered products, its content can reach up to 30%, while body powders can contain up to 99% of this component.

Due to its plant nature, naturalness, this ingredient is safe for topical use in the composition of children's powder products - it is used in the production of powders with unique absorbent qualities. In children's cosmetics, corn starch is often combined with other micro-powder substances that provide prevention of diaper rash, dry skin and comfort throughout the day.

Sources of cornstarch

The starch obtained from corn, as well as its other derivatives, is completely natural and available ingredients. The base raw material, powder, is obtained from the dried and crushed seeds or cobs of a plant native to Central America. Today, corn is grown on all inhabited continents, while five are cultivated only for the needs of the beauty industry. individual varieties this amazing plant. Cobs are harvested unripe only for culinary application, but they must always be fully matured and dry to be used as a cosmetic raw material.

Suvorova Nadezhda

Corn grows in many regions of Russia. We all know and love this delicious product. But few people pay attention to the oil obtained from this culture, which is so popular in the West. In Europe, it is called liquid gold, because it is difficult to find a product with the same high content vitamin E.

Composition of corn oil

Corn oil contains a lot of useful substances. It contains vitamins, acids and trace elements necessary for the full functioning of the body. Therefore, the benefits of its use to maintain beauty and youth are difficult to overestimate.



IN 1.

Trace elements:


The composition of corn oil is impressive, and it is unfairly forgotten by Russian women.

What are the benefits of corn oil

Since this product is more often used in cooking, the benefits of ingestion are much greater than as a cosmetic product. But many girls note a beneficial effect on appearance when applied to skin and hair.

So what are the benefits of corn oil:

It contributes to the preservation of the figure, as it participates in metabolism, controls the processes of assimilation of food and does not fast carbohydrates immediately deposited in problem areas.
Corn oil lowers cholesterol levels. This is a factor that can save not only health, but also life.
It has a positive effect on the work of the heart and strengthens the venous and capillary walls, which is why rosacea (spider veins) disappears, shortness of breath disappears, the body is filled with strength and endurance.
Corn oil contains acids that are assistants in the construction of new body tissues. Therefore, when it is used, the elasticity of the skin increases, it becomes even and smooth, peeling disappears. Hair accelerates growth, becomes strong and stops falling out.

What are the main properties of the product

On sale you can find refined and unrefined corn oil. The first has a light yellow tint, transparent and odorless. And the second is orange and with a characteristic aroma.

If you find a sediment in the oil or it becomes cloudy over time and becomes bitter, you have stored it incorrectly or the expiration date has expired. This product should not be used at all. It will harm your health.

In addition, corn is also used in cosmetics. Its oil is added to hair dyes, hygiene products, creams, ointments, lotions. The product softens and nourishes rough skin and brittle hair. Now, knowing what basic properties it has, you will not pass by the shelf on which it stands.

Does corn oil have contraindications

Like any product used externally or internally, this oil has at least one contraindication - individual intolerance. Let's see if corn oil has contraindications besides this?

Based on the main properties, there are several conditions of the body in which the use is not recommended:

Increased blood clotting.
Lack of nutrients due to mono-diets with a lack of omega-3 acids.
Diseases of the stomach and liver.

With excessive use, unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as nausea, diarrhea, and an allergic rash. Try not to overdo it in the pursuit of youthful beauty.

Hair Benefits

Rich vitamin composition corn oil helps to solve many hair problems. If you suffer from their dryness, brittleness and loss, then by all means try this product. It will transform your hair.

Benefits of corn oil for hair:

Corn oil can be used as an independent cosmetic product, and for the preparation of masks. But it is worth remembering that its frequent use will lead to oily scalp and give the hairstyle an untidy look. You should also shampoo your hair after using the oil to avoid the same problems.

Skin Benefits

Corn oil is suitable for all skin types. Cosmetologists unanimously claim that it is very valuable and safe product and it is much better to use than purchased funds.

Skin benefits of corn oil:

Eliminates dryness.
Softens rough areas.
Smoothes wrinkles.
Eliminates stretch marks.
Evens out complexion.
Promotes healing of abrasions.

This product is useful during pregnancy. With it, expectant mothers prevent the appearance of stretch marks, help the skin maintain elasticity while the tummy grows and stretches it. Beauticians advise lubricating the abdomen and buttocks with oil daily after taking a shower.

Recipes with corn oil for beauty

Corn oil can be combined with other products, so it will become even more effective, and you will soon feel the benefits. There are many recipes with corn oil for face, body and hair beauty that will help you look great.

Recipes for the face:

For dry skin: Place 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of corn oil in a bowl. Mix the ingredients, apply on a clean face, and rinse after 20 minutes.
Soft peeling: in equal parts mix semolina(or herculean flour) with oil, massage the skin with this mixture for 5 minutes, then leave for another quarter of an hour and rinse.
For oily skin: mix in a bowl egg white, 1 tablespoon of blue clay and 10 ml of oil. Apply the mixture to the areas of rashes and irritations, wait until it dries and rinse.

Hair Recipes:

For growth: take equal parts of corn oil, nettle decoction and sour kefir, mix and add the yolk. Bend over the tub and thoroughly saturate the hair and roots with the mixture, and hide under the film for 1 hour. Then wash off with shampoo.
Against dryness and brittleness: mix corn oil with and 1 tablespoon each, add 3 drops and apply them to the hair. Wait an hour and a half and wash off with shampoo.
Against hair loss: in 10 ml of corn oil, add 3 drops of peppermint oil and. Apply the mixture along the partings, and spread the remainder along the length. Leave for an hour and then wash off with shampoo.

If you haven't tried corn oil in homemade recipes yet, then be sure to check it out. Nothing is better for beauty than the means that are given by nature.

January 14, 2014, 11:47

Exists great amount. Some of them are useful, others are not, so the use of each of these products has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about corn oil, find out what benefits it has and why its use is especially relevant for.

Production, types and brands of corn oil

The raw materials for the production of the product are not ripe grains of the “queen of the fields”, but only their embryos, which are isolated from grains in an industrial way - wet or dry. In the latter case, the result is better, the product has more high quality, however, this requires a special pressing technology called extraction, since the usual pressing method is difficult high content starch in such germs. But the "wet" separation of raw materials allows the use of press technology.
So there is two main ways that corn oil producers use are pressing and extraction.

At pressing raw materials are first crushed in a special way, and then under pressure (sometimes this happens in several stages with different pressures), a healing “juice” is extracted from it. For this method, the raw material must first be treated with heat and moisture.

Extraction is more modern and economical way production of goods, it is based on the ability vegetable fats dissolve in certain substances, in particular, in ordinary gasoline. As a result of such processing, a very high-quality product is obtained, as well as a dry residue, which is called meal.

Did you know? Only a tenth of a corn kernel is suitable for oil production.

Exists two main types of corn oil- unrefined (unrefined) and refined. If speak about useful qualities, then they are all in in full are presented in unrefined version, which has undergone minimal cleaning and, accordingly, has lost the least in the composition.
This type of oil is very easy to distinguish even visually - it is a little cloudy or has a little sediment, and its color is rich orange. When you open the container, you will feel a distinct corn aroma.

Important! For all its usefulness, refined oil can become a real enemy if you decide to use it for. In addition to the fact that yours will be filled with pungent smoke and the smell of burnt oil, during the cooking process, the unrefined product releases toxic substances, so nothing good will come for such dishes.

Refined corn oil goes through five stages of filtration, making it much lighter and completely transparent. Unfortunately, along with various impurities and pesticides leave the product and most valuable substances so the benefit is minimal. However, you can cook great on it.

In addition to the usual refined corn oil, which still retains a light raw material, there is also deodorized refined product. It is obtained using heating to very high temperatures(250 degrees), as a result of which, as you can easily guess, everything that gives the oil taste and smell is completely removed. This is a neutral option that you can simply cook on. There will be no additional taste or smell to the dish.
The deodorized version of the product may be marked "P" or "D". The latter means that the product is intended for use in dietary or nutrition, it is more expensive, which, however, does not mean at all that it contains many other useful substances.

Finally, there is oil frozen or cold pressed. It's a very good compromise between refined and wholesome. Such a product does not foam, does not burn, does not smell, but is very rich, in particular, those that decompose during heat treatment.

Of course, in addition to the method of preparation, the quality big influence provides raw materials, compliance with production technology and the integrity of the manufacturer. For this reason, you should always purchase a product of well-known trademarks and avoid bottles with incomprehensible stickers, as well as oils that are bottled directly in large shopping malls and have logos of the corresponding supermarket (as a rule, such products are seriously inferior in quality to "branded" ones).

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of corn oil determines the raw material from which it is made.

Did you know? The first mention of refers to the fifth millennium BC, although scientists believe that people began to purposefully grow this cereal much earlier. It is one of the oldest agricultural crops. First corn on the cob were very small, in the process of breeding work, people managed to increase the size of the "spikelet" at least ten times. Corn is native to Mexico, and it was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus.

Corn oil is very rich in vitamins, primarily (tocopherol). In terms of the amount of this useful substance, corn oil is seriously inferior to sunflower oil, but it is ahead (in corn tocopherol 18.7 mg, in olive oil - 14.8 mg, in sunflower oil - up to 41.8 mg).
The product also contains (thiamine), or PP (nicotinic acid), as well as.

But the main thing in oil is, of course, fats. Corn pomace is present in the range: saturated (stearic, palmitic), monounsaturated (), polyunsaturated (linoleic), but the latter, the most useful, form the basis of the product: in unrefined oil total unsaturated fatty acids reaches 85%. It should be noted, in fairness, that contrary to the statements that are often heard from different sources, in reality, corn oil is slightly inferior to sunflower oil in terms of the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. But not too useful saturated fatty acids in sunflower oil just less than in corn.

Benefits of corn oil for the body

Fatty acids and phytosterols included in large quantities in corn oil, useful to our. They reduce the level in the body, which is a wonderful prevention not only, but also. Oleic acid helps break down fats, preventing them from being deposited on ours, which also makes it easier for the muscles to work.
As you know, fatty foods are contraindicated for people suffering. For this reason, "cores" traditionally try to avoid the use of any oil, both animal and, considering them equally harmful. In fact, the fats in such products are completely different.

Important! Butter rich in saturated fatty acids, and vegetable, in particular, corn, - unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are found in, which at normal temperature are usually in a solid state. A large number of monounsaturated fatty acids in the product makes it liquid, and with strong cooling, such products, as a rule, do not freeze, but only thicken.

Fatty acids contained in corn treasure, thin the blood, being a prophylactic against thrombosis. Thus, the product is very useful for blood vessels. In addition, these same substances have the ability to heal wounds and ulcers, stop inflammation and help tissues recover. They also stimulate metabolic processes.

Vitamin E, which is rich in our oil, is sometimes called the vitamin of longevity. It prevents the formation of free radicals that cause processes in the body, so we can say that corn oil is natural elixir. In addition, tocopherol has a very good effect on the functioning of the gonads and is especially important during.
Thiamine improves carbohydrate-fat and water-salt exchange, participates in cellular respiration, has a beneficial effect on.

Nicotinic acid normalizes the digestive processes and is also extremely useful "for the nerves."

The corn miracle has the ability change the composition of bile, making it more saturated. Due to its choleretic properties, such a product is extremely useful for people suffering from cholelithiasis, violations of the outflow of bile and other pathologies of the gallbladder.

Did you know? In the Taino language, the natives who inhabited the Antilles and Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and other lands of the New World before the discovery of America, corn was called the word "maize" (mahiz). Interestingly, in many European languages, this plant has retained its ancient name. Other words familiar to us have a similar origin, for example, canoe, tobacco, sweet potato.

It is sometimes said that the substances contained in the pomace from corn kernels (we are talking primarily about the polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E mentioned above) are able to suppress the development of atypical cells, that is, the product has an antitumor effect.
In fact, this information has not found a reliable scientific justification, so it’s still not worth counting on overcoming a malignant tumor with a vitamin seasoned with fragrant oil.

Various applications

Thanks to such numerous beneficial properties, corn oil rightfully occupies a leading position among its vegetable "competitors" and is widely used not only in cooking, but also in.

In cooking

If we talk about the refined version, then it is great not only for the usual frying and stewing, but even for deep fat. It foams much less than sunflower oil, does not burn, moreover, for the preparation of the same serving of products of such oil, much less is needed (it must be admitted that the corn “version” is more expensive, so, as they say, the game is not worth the candle) .
And yet, experts advise: when you need a lot of fat (for example, for deep-frying), it is better to use corn oil, and not sunflower oil.

Important! Mono unsaturated acids(Omega-9), which are more abundant in corn oil than in sunflower oil, are more resistant to heat than polyunsaturated and Omega-6. They oxidize less when heated, and, therefore, produce less of any muck. During normal frying (it takes place at a temperature of about 165 ° C), this circumstance can be neglected, but at higher temperatures (from 180 ° C) the question becomes fundamental.

For this reason, it is better to add corn-based fat to the dough when baking instead of sunflower.

In addition, the refined variety of the product is often used for cooking sauces, soups, and other dishes when expected heat treatment or the presence of a “foreign” smell is not needed. For cooking dietary products or children's meals, the deodorized refined look with the letter "D" on the package is best. Interestingly, margarine industrial scale usually prepared just on the basis of corn oil.

For lips

Flaky and cracked lips It is advised to lubricate with corn oil every time before applying lip balm. You can also prepare a special one that will help you easily remove the keratinized particles of the epidermis from the lips, as a result, the skin on them will become soft and tender. Mix in equal parts corn base and regular ground cinnamon Apply this mixture to your lips. After a quarter of an hour, gently massage the treated areas of the skin to remove softened particles of dead skin, and only then rinse off.

For hair

The benefits of corn oil for primarily due to the presence of nicotinic acid in its composition, which not only strengthens, but also contributes to their more intensive growth. All that is needed is to intensively rub a few tablespoons of the product into the skin, then wrap the head well with a towel to create an effect. After an hour, you can wash off the mask and wash your hair with regular shampoo. Apply the procedure before each wash.

For hands and nails

A very useful and pleasant procedure for our hard-working people will be warm baths from corn material. It should be warmed up a little, add a few drops and lowered into the liquid previously washed for a quarter of an hour. If this way of using an expensive, in general, product seems wasteful to you, you can simply use warm oil instead of hand cream.

After rubbing the product well, put it on your hands special gloves For cosmetic procedures(If these are not available, ordinary disposable polyethylene gloves can be used, but the effect will be much worse). Take a calm position and do nothing for an hour. Then remove gloves and wash.
By the way, something similar can be done with, it will make yours tender, like a baby's. After a gentle pedicure procedure (treatment of steamed legs with a special pebble, brush or pumice), the heels should be liberally lubricated with corn oil, wrapped with a film or bag, put on woolen socks over polyethylene and lie down. take off the socks and film and wash your feet warm water.

For massage

Corn oil is often used for anti-cellulite massage. For best effect to it you must first add a few drops of your favorite, better. After an intensive warm-up problem areas wash off the remaining fat from the skin in.

How to choose the right one when buying

When choosing a product, first of all, you should focus on trusted brands. It is better if the product is packaged in glass rather than containers, it is in this container that it should be stored according to technological standards.

High price is not a guarantee quality product, but the cheapest product is definitely not the best choice. If in doubt about the manufacturer, choose the "golden mean" in the price range.

An unrefined variety of a product can be with sediment, but a refined one is always absolutely transparent, homogeneous and pure.

And, of course, be sure to make sure that the goods are not expired. The expiration date must be checked for any product, you should not rely on the good faith of the seller and expect him to remove the expired product from the shelf.

How to store at home

When storing any vegetable oil, some standard rules must be observed.

Important! How healthier oil the shorter its shelf life. An unrefined cold-pressed product can be stored for no more than four months, refined oil, subject to necessary conditions, will save its properties for 10 months (on the package, however, a one-year expiration date may be indicated).

After opening the sealed package oil should be stored in. It is also important to ensure that light does not fall on the container (the refrigerator allows you to satisfy this requirement), since the most valuable vitamins in the oil are destroyed in the light. For a refined version, such a condition is not so fundamental, but it is still better to adhere to it.

Despite the indicated shelf life, the sooner you use the product after opening the container, the better.
Unrefined oil, rather than refined, acquires bad smell after a long, but in general, such a nuisance is possible for any kind of product. Crude oil also quickly becomes cloudy and begins to taste bitter.

It is strictly impossible to use a corn product after the expiration date, as it begins to oxidize over time and becomes harmful instead of useful. The use of this can be very negative impact on metabolic processes and the digestive system of our body.

Contraindications and harm

Corn oil has no particular contraindications. IN moderate amounts this product can not bring any harm to the body.

Important! In order for the oil to be beneficial, not harmful, its daily dose should be no more than two tablespoons per day, and we are talking not personally about the product from corn, but about all oils in the aggregate. Drinking vegetable oil in glasses is not healthy!

Another reservation concerns people who have food for the very raw material from which the goods are obtained, that is, for corn. In the presence of such individual intolerance, the use of dangerous food, of course, must be abandoned. But don't be upset! There are many other vegetable oils in the world that have no less beneficial properties than a product made from corn. In recent years, corn oil has become increasingly popular, seriously replacing sunflower and olive products that are familiar to our tables. And this trend looks quite natural, because corn oil has a number of most valuable qualities, in some cases favorably distinguishing it from other varieties of vegetable oils. It is only important to know these features of the product, to be able to choose it and use its various types correctly, in accordance with their main purpose.

As you know, facial skin is one of the most delicate and it needs special care in accordance with age.

The modern beauty industry offers a wide variety of cosmetic products, but facials do not always have to be expensive and must be from well-known brands.

Nature itself has everything we need and offers us natural ingredients.

Even the ancient Indians offered odes to this useful cereal about him valuable properties devoting whole holidays to her. And, probably, thanks to him, the women of their tribes looked young and lived long.

Corn oil for face excellent tool for healing the skin and a panacea for wrinkles. It is even called "golden".

Corn oil is developed from the germ of corn seeds by incomplete cold pressing. Provitamin A, vitamins C, K, group B, some minerals, lecithin, phytosterols, vitamin E and vitamin F - these are the few that are in the oil.

  • Vitamin E stores natural antioxidants that serve to preserve our beauty, youth and health.
  • The composition of the acids normalizes the balance of fat in the body, makes the vessels elastic, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and is used in the treatment of kidneys, liver diseases, and diabetes.
  • Linoleic acid, which promotes blood clotting and strengthens the immune system, is contained in the oil in a volume of fifty-six percent, and oleic acid - its volume reaches forty-nine percent.
  • Ferulic acid, which has antioxidant properties, is also present in corn oil. She perfectly fights tumors and even stress.
  • Phytosterols are trace elements that slow down the growth of tumors, atherosclerosis, and stimulate the immune system.

If corn oil is eaten, it will be good for the intestines and the whole digestive system. Corn oil for the face has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect.

Thanks to its properties, it improves the condition of the skin of the face and neck, nails and hair, smoothes wrinkles and fights pigmentation. The best part is that it suits all skin types.

As we age, our skin on the face and neck becomes loose, stretch marks and wrinkles appear. It is with these problems that corn oil is designed to fight.

With regular use, corn oil will help even out the tone of the face and return it to a pleasant healthy tone. In addition, it promotes the healing of small wounds, reduces inflammation and, as a result, relieves acne and acne.

When applied to the skin, it does not clog pores, moisturizing it and allowing it to breathe.

Corn oil for the face is also used for wiping the skin or added as an auxiliary ingredient in various natural masks and scrubs.

For those who are sick with atherosclerosis, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, obesity, arterial disease with diabetes, allergies are recommended to take unrefined corn oil.

Doctors allow tincture or decoction of corn oil to be used when there is pancreatic dysfunction, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, and hypertension.

Medicines from corn (cereals, oils) are widely used by dermatologists, who apply them externally for various dermatological problems.

Corn oil for facial skin is just a godsend for the female. Let's look at what options for using corn oil in cosmetology exist.

Wrinkle mask

Warm up 2 teaspoons of natural honey in a water bath and combine with 2 teaspoons of corn oil. Beat separately egg yolk and add it to the mixture, making the composition homogeneous. It remains to gently spread the mixture on the face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes.

Corn oil for wrinkles should be applied to the décolleté, face and neck with gentle massage movements.

Therapeutic hand bath

A bath of heated corn oil with the addition of 3-5 drops of iodine - great help for hands and nails. Just hold your hands in it for about ten minutes, and then rinse and lubricate with your favorite cream.

As alternative generously grease your hands with an oil mixture, put on plastic gloves and keep your hands warm for 20-30 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Corn oil itself can be used in place of your usual hand cream. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Remedy for pigmentation

To get rid of age spots, wipe the previously cleansed skin with oil, and apply special or compositions from above. fresh fruit(e.g. peach, avocado, melon).

Against acne

To make a corn oil mask for acne, take egg white, corn oil and blue clay - enough for about big spoon. Mix everything, spread on problem areas and let dry. The dried mask can be collected with a napkin, and the remnants can be washed off with warm water.

Corn oil for the skin is an effective and inexpensive product, while being very useful. Corn oil masks are easy to use, just add some ingredients and follow our instructions.

Contraindications for use

This the most valuable product with a variety of properties will be useful to almost everyone. The exception is individual tolerance. In addition, do not forget about the shelf life and use only fresh product.

Corn oil in cosmetology is not an innovation, it was used by our ancestors. It allows you to save a lot on various jars and bottles. Remember to only use it at least once a week.
