
A quick way to peel potatoes. Peeling potatoes with a drill

Potato is called the second bread, and in Estonia you can call it the first. One bad thing - it needs to be cleaned. But there are ways that greatly simplify this tedious process.

There are many cleaning options. We can peel young, raw, boiled potatoes. For each type we use different ways and instruments, including folk ones.

Necessary tools for peeling potatoes

To quickly and effectively peel a vegetable, we need:

  • Vegetable short knife;
  • cold water;
  • capacity;
  • metal sponge;
  • drill;
  • nozzle brush;
  • sieve;
  • vegetable peeler or, as it is also called, housekeeper knife.

How to clean the young

How many generations of people have peeled potatoes with an ordinary knife. But progress does not stand still, especially in cooking. New devices have appeared, and folk art is actively developing to facilitate living conditions. We will talk about simple and effective ways cleaning young, raw and boiled.

Peel new potatoes with salt

  1. IN plastic bag Or put the washed potatoes in a regular saucepan.
  2. Sprinkle rock salt.
  3. Close the saucepan with a lid.
  4. Shake the vegetables well in the pan several times.
  5. We wash cold water.

If instead of a saucepan we use a plastic bag, then it must be dense and durable so that holes do not appear in it during friction and the salt does not spill out.

Peel potatoes with salt: video

How to clean with a sponge

Every housewife in the kitchen has a metal sponge, which is used to clean pans, sinks and others. kitchen attributes. But with the help of a sponge, you can also clean a young tuber:

We clean potatoes with a metal sponge: life hack on video

Traditional way of cleaning

Cleaning with a sieve

For cleaning young potatoes we need a sieve of medium size, with small cells.

  1. We put a sieve in the sink under the flow cold water.
  2. Put the potatoes in a sieve.
  3. We roll vegetables several times on a grid under water.
  4. It remains only to remove the eyes with a vegetable knife.

The method is convenient to use for young small potatoes. Thus, it is quickly cleaned without losing its integrity.

How to clean raw

You can peel potatoes in several ways: with a knife or vegetable peeler. Which of the methods is more convenient, each of us decides for himself. On the one hand, we have been accustomed to cleaning with a knife since childhood. On the other hand, a vegetable peeler significantly reduces the preparation time for vegetables.

Cleaning with a vegetable knife

  1. We dry the potatoes washed from dirt so that they do not slip out of the hands.
  2. Take a small vegetable knife and cut the peel into a thin layer.
  3. You can cut the skin in a spiral or in small strips.
  4. It is better not to remove the peel towards you, because if the knife slips, you can get hurt.
  5. We wash vegetables.
  6. We cut out the eyes, cut off the damage: blue or blackened places.

We use a vegetable peeler

It is easy to use and safer than a regular knife. Experts recommend choosing vegetable peelers with a ceramic blade. It is self-sharpening and does not corrode, unlike metal components.

Potatoes can be peeled and unwashed. But in this case, it will need to be washed more thoroughly after cleaning. Eyes and damaged areas are cut out after washing vegetables.

A quick way to clean with a drill

How to Peel Potatoes in Seconds

But there are subtleties. Debriefing":

We clean the boiled

Potatoes "in uniform" have to be peeled before cooking. After all, with a peel, it is tasty only when the tubers are young.

Peel potatoes in 10 seconds

For fast and efficient cleaning boiled vegetable, we need to pre-prepare the vegetables. Cleaning is like easy way removing shells from eggs. In any case, the principle behind it is the same:

You can do without cutting the peel, just remove the skin with your fingers.

Quick Peel Boiled Potatoes

How to peel with a knife and fork

  1. We take out the potatoes from the pan.
  2. We prick with a fork.
  3. Pressing the vegetable to the board with a fork, peel off the skin with a knife.

The method is convenient for cleaning chilled and hot potato. You will not be able to burn your hands using this option.

How to learn to brush in 1 second

The method is similar to the option of cleaning in 10 seconds. The only difference is that we make an incision in the peel before boiling the potatoes.

Second cleaning on video

How to store pre-peeled potatoes

Unfortunately, we do not always have enough time to quickly peel potatoes, and other vegetables, before cooking. But if in the case of carrots or zucchini they can be cut and frozen the day before, then what about potatoes? It contains a large number of starch. As a result, the potato quickly darkens, and winds up very quickly. However, the vegetable can really be cleaned in advance. But it will have to be stored in a certain way until it is cooked.

In water

  1. We clean potatoes in any convenient way.
  2. Put the potatoes in a bowl.
  3. Fill with cold water to completely cover the vegetables.
  4. We put in the refrigerator.
  5. Under these conditions, potatoes can be stored for 24 to 36 hours.

This method perfectly preserves peeled potatoes from browning and wilting. But after a long stay in the liquid, the potatoes are unlikely to be cooked whole. This method should be resorted to if the integrity of the fruit is not important to us during cooking, for example, for mashed potatoes.


So that the potatoes do not crumble during cooking, frying, stewing, they can be stored in another way:

  1. We put the peeled, washed potatoes in a plastic bag.
  2. Get as much air out of the bag as possible.
  3. We put in the freezer. IN freezer potatoes can be stored up to 24 hours.

As we have seen, peeling potatoes with your own hands is not so difficult and long as it seemed initially. We hope that our tips will help you easily deal with homework and delight loved ones with delicious dishes.

At that moment, when the stocks of pasta and various doshiraks finally run out at home, or it is necessary to arrange a dinner consisting of “decent”, “human” food - the look involuntarily falls on the potatoes. It just so happened that almost all over the world potatoes are considered the “second bread”. It differs from the first one by a serious inconvenience - the potatoes have to be peeled. And if you're reading this article, it's time to learn how to do it right. There are 2 approaches to this issue - wash potatoes before peeling or do not wash. Everyone chooses the way he likes. If you like the first method, then before you start peeling the potatoes, you need to soak them in water for 10-15 minutes. If there was dirt on it, then it will get wet, and you can wash it off without much difficulty. If you chose the second, faster option, then you will have to wash the already peeled potatoes, which can be more difficult.

Peeling potatoes is the removal of the top layer of the tuber and skin - no more than 2 millimeters thick.

How to achieve good result? First, you need to choose the right tool.

  • Peeler. This the best option, is a blade with a hole, the edges are ground inward to the hole.
  • Short vegetable sharp knife. The blade of such a knife is approximately equal in length, and maybe even shorter than its handle.

So, we have chosen a tool. And if everything is clear with the method of using a vegetable peeler, then some explanations are required for the knife.

  • To begin with, you need to hold the potatoes so that the surface to be cleaned is as free as possible, even from your fingers. This will help you avoid nasty injuries.
  • The knife must be held with four fingers. In turn, the thumb is set aside and rests against the tuber opposite the knife, loose enough to be able to maneuver it. When removing the peel, the knife moves with the force of the fingers towards the thumb.

To protect yourself from cuts, you must first wrap your thumb with something.

When peeling potatoes, do not pay attention to the "eyes" and minor defects, it is better to deal with them later. On what trajectory you will remove the peel is also your personal business. Some prefer to clean in a spiral, some in vertical stripes. green. If you did not wash the potatoes before cleaning, the peeled tubers are easier to wash with a cloth or sponge.

New potatoes. Delicious, healthy, nutritious. The method suggested above for peeling young potatoes is not suitable, as young potatoes are usually no different. large sizes. The skin on young potato tubers is held relatively poorly. Just run your fingernail over it to get it started. Solanine in it also does not have time to accumulate, so we just need to remove the skin. We take a knife, also with four fingers, rest against the tuber with our thumb, (but this time we turn the knife blade into reverse side from thumb), and we begin to make scraping movements with the blade. However, this is far from the only way to peel new potatoes. Often, a regular double dish sponge is used to clean young potatoes. The peel is scraped off with the abrasive side. Popular thought has not bypassed iron sponges, which are usually used to wipe dirt from the stove. The disadvantage of this method is that the potato after that will look like after a shrapnel wound. Again, let's not ignore the old grandfather method cleaning with a bag of salt. We take a bag, fall asleep in it coarse salt(depending on the number of tubers), lay the tubers, tie a bag and begin to rub. After a few minutes, open the bag and rejoice. The bag should be of such a size that the potatoes in it are not very crowded, otherwise not all of its surface will be cleaned.

Peeling boiled potatoes. Potato boiled in skin indispensable component dishes dear to the heart, such as Olivier salad and okroshka. In extreme cases, it can be fried in butter and eat it right. It is best if, after cooking, you carefully drain the water in which the potatoes were boiled. After that, fill the potatoes with cold water and leave to stand for a couple of minutes. If the water is hot, you can change it. After this procedure, the skin will easily lag behind.

Peeling potatoes is one of the most unpleasant kitchen jobs: not in vain in old times it was entrusted to the guilty soldiers. However, there are ways to make this activity easier and even to interest children.

Preliminary preparation

Before peeling a potato, it must be washed in running water or in a bowl. Some housewives prefer to clean dirty tubers, and wash them after removing the peel. But it must be remembered that in the soil adhering to the peel of potatoes, there are many particles of semi-decomposed organic matter, which is used to fertilize the beds.

When cleaning, the dirt is mixed with the juice, absorbed into the pulp and poorly washed off. True, after that the tubers are subjected to heat treatment, due to which the probability of getting dysentery is negligible, but you should not discount the danger. Washing potatoes before peeling is much more hygienic.

If a teenager peels potatoes or an adult hostess has an uncomfortable knife, the blade can slip off the wet peel and injure the hand. Therefore, it is better to dry the tubers with a paper towel after washing.

Peeled potatoes are immediately immersed in cold water, otherwise they will darken. Cutting starts only when all the tubers are cleaned.

Peeling potatoes with a knife

The speed of peeling potatoes largely depends on the quality of the knife. The most convenient knife for this purpose is a small one with a short blade (Fig. 1). Thrifty housewives try to cut the peel as thin as possible.

Fig.1. Regular potato peeler

As a rule, tubers are cleaned in a spiral, starting from the middle: first one half, then the other (Fig. 2). Then, with the tip of a knife, eyes and damage are removed.

Rice. 2. Peeling potatoes with a regular knife

The use of vegetable peelers

Working with a vegetable peeler is much easier and safer than a regular knife.

The most popular vegetable peelers:

  • with a horizontal blade (Y-shaped, Fig. 3);
  • with a blade located on the side (Fig. 4);
  • straight line (Fig. 5).

Rice. 3. Peelers with a horizontal blade
Rice. 4. Peeler with a vertical blade Rice. 5. Direct peeler

The most economical peel peeler with a floating blade, which during operation repeats the relief of the tuber. When choosing a fixture, you need to pay attention not only to the blade, but also to the handle: it must be made of non-slip material.

A straight vegetable peeler is especially convenient, it can cut the peel in both directions: towards you and away from you (a strict tuber, like a pencil), and it’s easy to cut out eyes with a point. It is safer than other vegetable peelers: the blade is protected on both sides, so even children are allowed to use it.

How to peel new potatoes

Despite the fact that the skin of young potatoes is very thin, scraping it off with a knife is painstaking work: the tubers are sometimes very small, and the fingers from potato juice darken quickly. However, there are several ways to peel new potatoes without a knife.

Salt cleansing

It is convenient to clean very small tubers with salt. About 1 kg of washed young potatoes are placed in a saucepan or a tight plastic bag. If there are a lot of potatoes, they are peeled in several passes. Tubers fall asleep 3-4 tablespoons rock salt. Salt leaves scratches on the inner surface of the vessel, so it is better to take old saucepan even with chipped enamel.

A bag of potatoes and salt is vigorously crushed, shaken for 5-10 minutes. If a saucepan is used, cover it with a lid without holes and shake. Then salt is washed off the peeled potatoes.

Freshly dug potatoes are peeled very quickly, a little lain indoors - a little slower. The easiest way to peel young potatoes with a white or creamy skin in this way. The red skin is denser, so even after intense friction with salt, small unpeeled areas remain on the tubers.

Cleaning with a steel wool

This method is preferable for medium and large tubers:

  1. Young potatoes are poured into a basin and filled with water.
  2. Each tuber is scraped metal washcloth for dishes.
  3. Transfer the peeled potatoes to a bowl of cold water.

A metal washcloth scrapes well even a dense peel from red tubers.

Potato Peeling Gloves

On sale there are special rubber gloves that quickly peel young potatoes. From the side of the palm, an abrasive is applied to them. When choosing rubber gloves, be sure to smell them: cheap models sometimes have an unpleasant odor.

More expensive cotton gloves are made of thick yarn (nylon with spandex) impregnated with a special compound that prevents getting wet. There is no abrasive on them, the peel is scraped off due to the fact that the threads are very hard. Thanks to spandex, the gloves are dimensionless and fit snugly to the hand.

Special gloves

Quick peeling potatoes in uniforms

The best way to peel potatoes for salad:

  1. Boil potatoes until tender.
  2. Fill a bowl with very cold water, if ice cubes float in it, so much the better.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, remove one potato and transfer it to a bowl of cold water.
  4. Wait 10 seconds.
  5. Take out the potato and remove the skin.
  6. Repeat for all potatoes.

In ice water only cools upper layer, so that the boiled tuber is easy to handle, although its middle remains hot. Due to the temperature contrast, the peel lags behind the pulp, and peeling potatoes takes a matter of minutes. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the potatoes lying in the water for too long and becoming watery.

Even faster, you can peel potatoes in uniforms if you make a circular cut no more than 1 mm deep on each raw tuber. Boiled potatoes, as in the previous case, are dipped in cold water. The peel is removed with a "stocking" - two solid hemispheres (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Peeling potatoes cooked in uniforms

If you do not want to use a container of cold water, then in order not to burn yourself, they stick a fork into the potato. Then, with the help of a knife, the peel is removed from the bottom-up (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Peeling potatoes in uniforms with a knife and fork

Peeling potatoes with a drill

The method invented in Denmark is good for country picnics when you need to quickly peel potatoes for a large number of guests. You will need a plastic bucket, a cordless drill and a new, unused brush (the kind you use to clean toilets). In order not to splash dirty water on the floor and kitchen furniture, it is better to peel potatoes in the yard.

Rice. 8. Using a potato peeler


  1. The handle is cut off from the brush and inserted into the hole for the drill (Fig. 8). The longer the handle of the brush, the less danger that splashes of water will get inside the drill.
  2. Pour into a bucket raw potatoes(young or old - it doesn't matter) and fill it with water. Tubers, together with water, should not occupy more than 1/3 of the volume of the bucket, otherwise, during cleaning, the dirty liquid will splash out.
  3. The brush of the brush is lowered into the bucket and the drill is turned on.
  4. The contents of the bucket are mixed in a circular motion for 4-5 minutes, like a mixer.
  5. Peeled potatoes are washed, eyes are removed.

This method makes it easier to peel white or cream-skinned potatoes. The red skin is harder to peel off. Even after 5 minutes of contact with stiff bristles, a little skin remains on the tubers. But it is so thin that potatoes can be baked in a rustic way with it.

Potatoes are one of the main products used for cooking. Side dishes, first courses, casseroles, pancakes and even cutlets are prepared from potatoes. Based on this, information on how to properly peel potatoes becomes especially in demand. Not many housewives know how to do this, they often spend a lot of precious time and dream of learning super fast way clean the vegetable. It is also important to know how to store the purified product.

Shoe raw

Most often, preparing potatoes for cooking is washing and peeling vegetables. There are several ways to peel potatoes. The most important thing is that before you start cutting the skin from the vegetable, it must be thoroughly washed. It is advisable to use a brush to remove deep dirt.

    1. The first method involves the use of a knife. Everyone has an idea how to peel potatoes with a knife, however, this is a very traumatic process and you need to approach it with caution. Usually experienced housewives they take the washed vegetable in their hand and begin to carefully cut off a thin layer of the peel until the whole one is peeled. After the skin is removed, dark eyes should be cut out in the potato. After that, rinse the vegetable again.
  • The second way to peel potatoes is less dangerous, but requires skill. To implement it, you will need a cutting board and a knife. You need to cut off the ends of the potatoes so that they can be stood upright and fixed on a cutting board. Then, pressing it down with your hand, you need to cut the peel from top to bottom. At first, it may turn out that it will be cut off more vegetable than we would like, but experience will correct this situation.
  • Another option is to use special device for cleaning vegetables. It greatly simplifies the process and saves time, therefore, in order to get rid of the question of how quickly to peel potatoes once and for all, you should purchase this device. It will not allow you to cut off a thick layer of peel and as a result you get a neat, peeled vegetable.

Advice! To clean the root crop, you should choose a knife with a short blade, it is more convenient for such purposes.

It is important to remember that peeled potatoes darken very quickly in the air, so they should be peeled immediately before cooking.

Shoe young

Only dug up young potatoes have salient feature, its skin is so thin and tender that some people prefer to eat it without peeling. Nevertheless, it is still worth removing a thin film, it can ruin appearance dishes. Not everyone knows how to peel young potatoes and how quickly to do it. The most common way is to scrape off a thin skin with a knife. The process is long and laborious, as young potatoes are small and tend to slip out of your hands.

Experienced housewives know the secret super-fast way to peel potatoes that have not yet acquired a dense skin. To do this, we take a tight packing bag, put the vegetables there, fill it with salt, and after tying the bag, rub them together until the salt removes the peel from the potato, thereby peeling it. After that, the potatoes need to be washed. This method can save time and quickly peel a large number of young potatoes.

Shoe boiled

For salads, potatoes are often boiled in their skins. Therefore, how to quickly clean boiled potatoes many housewives want to know. The easiest way to peel boiled potatoes is to hold them with a fork. It is necessary to fix the potatoes in a vertical position and peel off the peel from it with a knife from the bottom up. This method will help not to burn yourself and remove the skin quickly.

To simplify the process, you can prepare the root crop in advance; for this, before cooking on a vegetable, a vertical encircling incision is made in the middle of the fruit and sent to boil. After it is ready, you should lower the product into prepared very cold water for two minutes. From the temperature difference, the skin will come off the potato with a simple touch of a finger.

How to store the purified product

It is often necessary to prepare a considerable amount of product for cooking in advance and leave potatoes peeled in the evening for the night. In such situations, the question often arises whether it is possible to store and how long to store peeled potatoes. Experienced chefs It is recommended to store potatoes in water. This is due to the fact that the root crop surrounded by liquid does not oxidize and does not darken. But with a long stay in the liquid, the product gives it a lot useful substances and starch and ceases to be tasty and crumbly, so you need to know exactly how much peeled potatoes can lie in water.

Advice! The root crop can be stored not only in water, but also simply in the refrigerator, tightly wrapping each with cling film.

At room temperature storage should not last longer than 3-4 hours. You can store peeled potatoes in the refrigerator for up to a day. Some advise scalding the tubers with boiling water, which will also prevent browning. It is important not to overexpose the potatoes in water, otherwise it will deteriorate, gas bubbles on the surface of the liquid and the slippery surface of the root crop will clearly indicate this.

In the presence of a large number of useful substances, it has one drawback - this is its small size. This quality increases the time for its cleaning. You can cope with this task not only with a knife, but also with other improvised means. In this article, you can learn how to quickly and easily peel young potatoes.

What are the benefits of young potatoes

Young potatoes are rich in starch, which allows you to get from it enough carbohydrates, which are a source of energy for the body. It also has a positive effect on digestion and lowers cholesterol levels.

500 grams of vegetable contains daily allowance ascorbic acid and potassium. It contains protein, fats, zinc, iron and vitamins A, PP, U, K, D, E and carotene. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C, but the 5th part goes away when cleaning and improperly frying or boiling the product. Therefore, young potatoes are especially useful when cooked in their skins.

Young potatoes can not only saturate the body nutrients but also to treat. There is a large number folk methods treating colds using this product. Potatoes with peel are recommended by doctors for kidney disease.

Although he is considered high-calorie product, but it is not at all. In 100 gr. peeled boiled potatoes contain 75 kcal, and cooked in a peel - 66 kcal. The baked root crop, together with the peel, contains 136 kcal, and the peeled baked one contains 77 kcal.

Peeling new potatoes with a knife and peeler

The most common and the usual way is the use of a knife to peel a vegetable. But in comparison with other described methods, it is the longest in time.

  • Use a compact size knife that is comfortable to hold and glide over the potatoes while peeling.
  • Thoroughly wash the root crop.
  • Scrape, not remove the layer of peel.
  • Poke out the "eyes".
  • Peel the young potatoes, after which you should wash them again.

As a rule, many housewives clean a young vegetable in this way. This process requires attention and takes a long time. Unlike a knife, a vegetable peeler is safer. It is better to choose models with a ceramic blade, as they are self-sharpening and they are not afraid of corrosion.

1. Potatoes should be in one hand, and a vegetable peeler in the other.

2. You need to clean the root crop along.

3. It is more convenient to remove the peel with a vegetable peeler towards you.

Potatoes can also be peeled when dirty. But then it will need to be washed very thoroughly at the end. "Eyes" and dark places should be cut out only after washing the root crop.

How to peel a young potato with a sponge and a scraper

Every housewife in the kitchen has these assistants. They can be used not only for washing dishes, but also for cleaning new potatoes. Using a sponge and scraper helps reduce vegetable waste.

When using this method, you need:

· When cleaning with a sponge, use only the rough side.

· For achievement best effect cleaning is carried out under running water, it improves the peeling of the peel, while washing it down the sink.

· When using a scraper, do the cleaning process in the same way.

How to quickly peel a young potato with salt

Salt is not only indispensable seasoning in the kitchen, but also helps to cope with the peel on the vegetable. Few people know how to quickly peel young potatoes with table salt. This method helps to quickly and efficiently cope with the task.

To peel potatoes with salt, you need:

  1. Wash new potatoes.
  2. Take plastic bag make sure there are no holes in it.
  3. Pour in a lot of salt.
  4. Portion the vegetables into the bag.
  5. Grind the potatoes together for 10-15 minutes, the salt will gradually peel off the peel.
  6. When you see that the product is ready, you need to remove it and rinse.

You can also clean with salt in a saucepan. Then it will be necessary to shake the pan, which requires a lot of effort.

Drill cleaning

by the most original way is cleaning with a drill and a toilet brush. Thus, it is possible to deal with difficult task how to quickly peel a small young potato. You can cope within 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to use it for residents of private houses, since it is quite noisy.

Potato peeling technology with a drill:

  1. Put the vegetable in a bucket of water
  2. Cut a new toilet brush in half.
  3. Insert it into the drill.
  4. Turn on the tool and lower it into the bucket for 2-3 minutes.

It is important to make sure that the drill does not get wet and does not fall into the water, as this is dangerous. Using this method, you can cope with such a difficult task as quickly peeling small young potatoes. This takes only a few minutes. The disadvantage is that the perforator sprays a lot of dirt around it.

Cleaning with a sieve

Potatoes can be peeled even with a sieve. To do this, you just need to choose a more convenient size with small cells.

How to quickly peel a young potato with a sieve:

1. Place the sieve in the sink under running cold water.

2. Put the potatoes in a sieve.

3. Roll the root crop under the stream of water several times.

4. Remove the eyes with a knife.

This method helps to quickly peel the potatoes, while it remains intact.

Special gloves for cleaning vegetables

In Denmark, special gloves have been invented. Such a quick way to peel a young potato resembles a grater, but it is located directly on the gloves, which makes peeling the vegetable more convenient.

To use the method, you must:

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Turn on water.
  3. Rub the root crop with gloves under running water.

You can not wash the potatoes beforehand, but pick out the "eyes" with an ordinary knife. The special abrasive material of the gloves tells you how to quickly clean the young small potatoes so you don't get your hands dirty.

Cleaning a boiled vegetable

This method is suitable if young potatoes need to be boiled to prepare a dish. He helps in 5 seconds to cope with his task. To do this, you need to have a plate of ice water.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Boil potatoes until tender.

2. Remove the vegetable and immediately put it in a bowl of ice water.

3. Leave for 5 seconds, quickly remove the peel.

Due to temperature changes, the peel itself begins to flake off. That contributes to the rapid cleaning of the root crop.

To quickly clean boiled potatoes, you can use a method that resembles the method fast cleaning eggs from the shell. Its basic principle is the same.


  1. Remove the boiled potatoes from the pot.
  2. Soak it in cold water for 10 seconds. For better effect, you can add ice.
  3. Make an incision along the root with a knife in a circle.
  4. Using pressure on both sides, remove the skin from the potatoes.

It is not necessary to make an incision on the potato, you can immediately start peeling with your fingers.

Knife and fork:

  1. Take the boiled potatoes out of the pot.
  2. Stick it on a fork.
  3. Press the root crop to the board and use a knife to peel the peel.

It is very convenient to peel hot potatoes in this way. hot vegetable does not come into contact with hands, respectively, does not burn them.

Cleaning in 1 second:

  1. Before cooking, make an incision in a circle with a knife.
  2. Boil a vegetable.
  3. Dip the potatoes immediately after cooking in cold water for a few seconds.
  4. Peel it off with your fingers.

New potatoes are a nutritious and tasty seasonal dish. There are many ways to quickly peel young and boiled potatoes without a knife. At the same time, they are quite fast and help save a lot of time. Now you know how to quickly peel young potatoes, you can try.
