
How to make plum juice. Recipe for making plum juice with pulp using a juicer

In winter we miss summer. We lack warmth and fruit and berry abundance… Each jar of canned fruits on a February day is like a godsend. Therefore, today, looking at the tree branches strewn with plums in their garden, housewives involuntarily wonder how many different plum goodies can be prepared for the winter in order to please their families in the cold snowy months with a piece of warm summer?

Plum is such a wonderful, rich in taste and color berry that you can do, without repeating, dozens of the most different blanks. So that the entire crop from the branches moves into jars and bags, and not a single berry is offended that it grew in vain, we offer several absolutely different ways blanks for plums different varieties and varying degrees of ripeness - from unripe to overripe. So, what can be done with the harvest of plums?

Make jam, jam
Plum jam is always very tasty, it is readily used as a filling for confectionery and design of the most gourmet desserts. In addition, by adding apples, lemon, butter or chocolate to the plum, you can get just masterpieces. culinary arts! Therefore, having a harvest of plums in the house, it would be unforgivable not to prepare several jars of jam for the winter.

Plum jam is cooked in several ways, you just need to choose the most acceptable for yourself. And we offer original recipe plum jam which is sure to please both children and adults with a sweet tooth.

Recipe "Plum in chocolate"
Plum - 2 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Cocoa powder - 40 g
Vanilla sugar - 40 g

Ripe dense plums (preferably Hungarian) are cut into halves, remove the pits, cover with half (500 g) of sugar, mix gently and leave for a day so that the plum releases juice.

After a day, add the rest of the sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar, mix (gently, without damaging the plum slices) and cook over low heat for 40-60 minutes. Cooking time depends on the ripeness of the fruit: the riper the plum, the faster it cooks. Ready jam hot, pour into sterilized heated jars - and cork (roll up).

You can add dark chocolate instead of cocoa during the cooking process - the recipe offered by summer residents looks like this:
Peeled plum - 1 kg
Chocolate 75% - 100 g
Sugar - 750 g
The cooking process is the same.

If you have a slow cooker or a bread machine in your kitchen, the process of making jam is even simpler: just put the products according to the recipe and set the bread machine to the “Jam” mode, and the slow cooker to the “Soup” or “Stew” mode

In the next video - wonderful recipe plum jam with walnuts . Perhaps he, too, can qualify for the hit of the season)

plum jam
Many housewives ask how jam differs from jam, because the ingredients are the same, and both products are similar ... In fact, there is a difference, and it is in the consistency. In jam, unlike jam, the berries are boiled in sugar syrup to a jelly-like consistency.

Recipe plum jam
Plum - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon
Water - 1/2 - 1 cup (depending on the juiciness of the plums)
Remove the pits, cut the plum into quarters, place in a saucepan and pour over hot water. After boiling with continuous stirring, cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Pour sugar in small parts and cook further for 35-40 minutes, removing the foam as needed. At the very end add citric acid, pour hot into prepared heated jars and roll up. Ready jam has a beautiful and rich color and original taste.

Prepare jam, marmalade, marshmallow
The basis for marmalade, marmalade and marshmallow will be puree juice, which is prepared according to the recipe for plum juice with pulp. In fact, all these blanks are varying degrees processing of grated plum mass, but in appearance and palatability they differ greatly. And this gives a lot of imagination for the preparation of completely unique and inimitable winter delicacies.

classic recipe plum jam
Plum puree - 1 kg
Sugar - 500-600 g
Sweet puree is boiled over low heat with constant stirring until the mass is reduced by a third. brewed in copper basin, in a saucepan from of stainless steel or aluminium. A little hint: first it is better to boil the puree without sugar, and when the mass thickens noticeably, add sugar and evaporate further until tender. If a drop of jam does not spill on the cold bottom of the saucer, the jam is ready. It is poured hot into sterilized heated jars and either immediately rolled up and sent to cool, or left under a fabric (gauze) coating for several days until a crust appears on the surface - then the jars are closed parchment paper, bandage and store jam in this form.

And from ripe and overripe plums of sweet-fruited varieties, you can make jam without sugar - it will still be tasty, sweet and fragrant.

Recipe plum marmalade
Plum puree - 1 kg
Sugar - 500-600 g
Made to Juice Recipe plum puree boil in a thick-bottomed bowl, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the puree begins to lag behind the bottom (this will happen when the mass is reduced by about half).

Ready sweet mass spread in molds, on dishes or on baking sheets covered with parchment paper, and leave to dry. When the marmalade dries, if desired, it can be given various shapes by cutting with a knife or special notches. You can store the delicacy both in glass containers and in cardboard boxes.

Recipe plum marshmallow
Plum - 1 kg
Vegetable oil
The plum puree prepared according to the recipe for juice is placed in an enamel bowl or pan and boiled over low heat until the mass is halved.

The chilled mass must be poured onto baking sheets or any other forms covered with parchment paper and greased. vegetable oil, a layer of 1.5-2 cm and put in the oven, preheated to + 70 ° C. When the mass is compacted, it is taken out and twisted into tubes. It turns out original and tasty.

Pastila goes great with tea. Free of dyes and harmful preservatives, it will become useful and delicious treat for the whole family!

For some reason, pickled plums are not very popular with our hostesses. And completely in vain, because they are unusually tasty and able to become a real highlight your his winter table. Just imagine that you will serve such a non-standard and delicious side dish! It is hard to imagine a more original and, mind you, cheap snack.

pickled plum recipe
Plum - 10 kg (best - Hungarian, not very ripe, dense)
Sugar - 3 kg
Wine vinegar - 0.5 l
Bay leaf - 40 g
Cloves - 20 g
Ground black pepper, ginger, cinnamon - for an amateur

The pickling process is extended for 5 days
Pour plums into any chosen container (plastic, glass, wood, porcelain) in layers in this way: plum layer - on top Bay leaf and cloves, again a layer of plums - and again spices on top, upper layer do not cover with bay leaf and cloves.
Make a marinade from 0.5 liters of vinegar and 3 kg of sugar (don't be afraid of the density) and pour plums with this hot syrup. If they are not completely covered with marinade, it’s not scary - later own juice compensates for this.

For the next three days, 1-2 times a day (preferably 2 in the morning and evening), drain the marinade, bring to a boil and pour over the plums again. Try to handle the fruits as carefully as possible: do not mix, but shake the container a little so that the plums do not “leak”.

On the fifth day, put the pickled plums into prepared sterilized jars along with spices, bring the marinade to a boil and, filling the jars “to the eyeballs”, roll up or cork with lids. Turn the jars over onto the lids and wrap.

Plums taste amazing. And the extra marinade can be used to cook meat for barbecue! Try it - the result is worth it!

You can pickle plums in one day ( hot fill) - there are many such recipes. And in the next video - the original recipe for harvesting pickled plums for the winter ... with garlic!

Pickled plums with garlic are wonderful as a side dish for meat and as a proper appetizer. The taste is unusual, you should like it)

Make juice
Plum juice is a versatile and very useful preparation for the winter. Especially if you make it with pulp - then we will save everything valuable substances, carotene and insoluble pectin. The process of making juice is simple, and anyone, even a novice hostess, can easily cope with it.

plum juice recipe
Plum - 2 kg
Boiled water - 450 ml
Sugar - 100 g
cooked ripe and fresh ripe plums pitted and, adding water, heated to +75...+80°C. After a little settling (so that the fruits soften as much as possible), the fruits are either rubbed through a sieve or passed through a juicer. You can soften the plums in another way - by holding them over the steam for 5-7 minutes.

In received thick juice add water, in which the plums were warmed, sugar (or ready-made syrup), bring to a temperature of + 85 ° C, pour into prepared jars and roll up. If desired, the density of the juice is “regulated” with water, sweetness is also to taste. You will get either thick juice with pulp (juice puree), or liquid. In winter, you can make delicious jelly out of it!

Prepare wine, liquor
Plum liqueur rightfully considered one of the most delicious alcoholic beverages that can be made at home. Almost all varieties of plums are suitable for its preparation, but, according to experienced plum makers, the most successful will be Hungarian, Mirabelle, Renklod, egg and Canadian plums.

An important condition for high-quality liqueur is a careful selection of fruits. Even one spoiled plum can noticeably worsen the taste. ready drink, so the raw material for the liqueur is ripe, high-quality fruits.

Recipe plum wine(from alcofan)
Pitted plum - 10 kg
Sugar - 4.7 kg
Water - 1 liter

Cut the plums into halves, remove the seeds, put the processed fruits in a glass bottle, add water and sugar - and leave in a warm place for 3-4 days under a cloth (gauze). As soon as signs of fermentation appear, immediately install a water seal on the container and leave for 20-30 days for complete fermentation. Then carefully filter the wort, squeeze out the pulp, pour all the filtered liquid into prepared bottles, cork them tightly and put in a dark, cool place for aging.

After 2-3 months the wine is ready. In sealed bottles, it can be stored in cool place(cellar) at temperatures up to +5°C for up to several years.

The next video is a cooking master class plum liqueurs at home

Dry (dry)
dried plums- wonderful in taste and very useful blanks. Prunes, with a low calorie content, contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants, and it contains one and a half times more potassium than bananas, which are very much touted on this occasion. And the most interesting and topical fact is that prunes slow down the growth of bacteria, causing caries and inflammation of the gums. Well, how not to prepare such healthy dried delicacies for the whole winter?

For drying, you need to choose only fully ripe plums, when they themselves begin to fall off the branches. But it is also important to know which varieties are suitable for drying and which are not.

Varieties suitable for drying: Hungarian (Sochi, home, Italian and Bühl) and garden plums- Ekaterina, Izyum Ekik and others.
Unsuitable for drying: apricot, mirabelle, great blue, early blue, egg yellow.

It is advised, when preparing for drying, to lower all selected fruits for 30 seconds in boiling weak soda solution(15 g baking soda per 1 liter of water) and rinse immediately with clean water, but you can not carry out such disinfection - at the choice of the hostess.

Two ways to dry plums
In the sun, in outdoors . To do this, lay out the selected berries in one layer on the prepared surface - trays, baking sheets, plywood sheets and the like. For even drying, and so that the plums do not get moldy, they are regularly turned over. After 5-6 days of being in the sun, the semi-finished products are moved to the shade, where they are dried.
In dryers, electric and gas ovens. Since the plum is a juicy fruit, “forced” hot drying is carried out in 3 stages:
Plums laid out in one row on baking sheets are dried in the oven for up to 4 hours at a low (+40 ... + 45 ° C) temperature and left for 3-4 hours to cool the fruits
The second drying takes place at a temperature of +55...+60°C for 4 hours, after which the plums are again left to cool
The third drying takes place at a temperature of + 75 ° C for a longer time - for 8-10 hours. If a few minutes before its end, the temperature is raised to + 100 ° C, the prunes will acquire a beautiful shiny appearance.

Ready prunes should be pliable to the touch, soft and elastic, not dry, but not wet. The juice from the fruit should not stand out even with strong pressure.

Dried plums are served with meat and chicken, added to pastries, desserts and fruit salads.

To freeze
Frozen plums - beautiful blanks for later use in in kind, For winter compotes, desserts and pastries.

The best behavior in freezing (and after defrosting) is well-ripened dense plums of “not juicy” varieties with high sugar content, strong skin, separated by a stone. In specially conducted studies, the varieties Vengerka Caucasian, Kuban legend and Stanley showed the highest ability to retain juice during defrosting, so they can be especially recommended for this harvesting method.

Fruits for freezing should be washed and dried well. You can dry plums in their entirety, but if you are going to use them in winter not only for compote, but also for baking or as a dessert, it is better to make even cuts and remove the seeds - in this form they will be “prettier” after defrosting.

The prepared plum must be placed in special containers or in plastic bags, squeeze out excess air - and into the freezer! At a temperature of -18 ° C, they are perfectly stored for a year.

Bogdan Ribak expresses his opinion about frozen plums in winter in the following video clip:

We just “ran a little” on the topic of harvesting plums ... “Behind the scenes” there are still thousands wonderful recipes compotes and jellies, stewed and soaked plums, candied fruits, sauces and combined preparations ...

Plum is an inexhaustible object of culinary inspiration. You just try to cook something with your own hands from it - and you will forever fall in love with this sunny juicy berry, which can bright taste and send you greetings from the ringing cheerful summer in rich color in snowy January, making the winter day a little warmer.

Natural plum juice has a bright saturated color, and many people like its refreshing taste with a pleasant sourness. This drink is very fragrant and tonic and also very healthy.

How to make plum juice at home for the winter?


  • any plum - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 95 g;
  • water - 975 ml.


First, rinse, dry and clean the plum from stones and ponytails. Assemble the juicer and put it on the stove, fill in the water and wait until it boils. Then put the prepared plums into a colander, cover with a lid and put the appliance on a minimum fire. Place a clamp on the hose, and do not touch the device for the next hour.

After the allotted time, place a container for juice under the hose and remove the clamp. If the juice does not move through the tube, pinch the hose and continue cooking for another 10 minutes and try to drain the juice.

Now half ready juice can be sweetened. Boil the drink for 5 minutes and start rolling it into pre-prepared sterile containers.

Apple plum juice - a recipe for the winter


  • plum - 975 g;
  • sweet and sour apples, garden - 475 g;
  • sugar - 150-175 g.


First, wash the fruit thoroughly, remove the seeds, cores and other ponytails. Send fruit to, alternating plum slices with apple slices. About a liter of juice comes out of the indicated amount of ingredients.

From the remaining cake, cook compote or bake a fragrant pie.

You can not remove the foam, it will not harm the juice. Pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, wait until it boils and turn off the heat. Juice is ready! Pour it into a sterile container and seal tightly.

Plum and pear juice for the winter



Rinse the pears thoroughly and remove the stalks; for convenience, cut the fruits into quarters. Wash plums in cold water, cut in half and remove the seeds.

We set the juicer to the first mode, designed for soft fruits, and send the plums there first. Next, load the pears and in a few seconds you will have a wonderful fragrant juice. You can leave the foam. Add cinnamon, stir and the juice is ready!

To prepare such juice for the winter, pour it into sterilized jars, cover with lids and put in large saucepan on water bath. Juice in a small jar should boil for 15 minutes. Then roll up with a sterile lid and leave under the covers to cool slowly.

Such juice is stored in a cool place for quite a long time, so feel free to harvest it in in large numbers. Also, the juice is quite concentrated, so in winter it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

The plum tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. Sometimes the plum is called the “daughter” of the cherry plum, also known as the “cherry plum” and the blackthorn, a prickly plum that contains great amount substances beneficial to human health.

There is an assumption that for the first time plum appeared on the territory of Asia more than two thousand years as a result of crossing the above-mentioned fruit trees.

In Europe in different times many archaeological studies were carried out, as a result of which it became known that even before the beginning of our era, plums began to grow in the Alps.

More than 300 are known today. various kinds plums, of which only about ten are cultivated - they can be found in gardens, in household plots, as well as in nurseries specially designed for their cultivation. These varieties of plums go on sale. They are ideal for preparing delicious and healthy jams, juices, compotes and jams. In addition, the plum can be pickled and dried.

In addition to the fact that plum juice has excellent taste features and is widely used in cooking, it is also famous for its valuable medicinal properties.

Composition and calories

Among all fruit juices, plum juice deservedly occupies a high position in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins of group B, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, PP, as well as useful elements- calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon, fluorine, nickel and cobalt. In addition, this juice is rich in easily digestible sugars, dietary fiber, organic acids, vegetable proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

There are very few calories in plum juice - there are only seventy calories in one hundred grams of juice.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times people have known healing properties plums. And plum juice is dietary product, which has a beneficial effect in many diseases.

It is recommended to use it for those people who have weakened bowel function. Due to the excellent laxative effect of plum juice, it is advisable to consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Compared to some laxatives plant origin plum juice does not cause absolutely no pain.

Plum juice has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and also improves the process of bile secretion and urination. Thanks to these useful properties plum juice is very often prescribed for those who suffer from hepatitis and gallbladder diseases. Plum juice also helps to remove cholesterol from the body, preventing its absorption from the intestines into the blood. The use of plum juice is indicated as a means for the prevention of obesity, as well as for those people who suffer from atherosclerosis.

Plum juice is very useful for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease and hypertension. And also it is able to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid and salt from the body.

Dark varieties of plums contain in their composition substances called phytoncides, which, due to their disinfectant properties I have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to high content iron, vitamin C, as well as useful organic acids, plum juice is recommended for anemia, as well as for the prevention of this disease.

Freshly squeezed plum juice with pulp and a small amount honey is very useful in diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidney, liver, fever, rheumatism and gout. It is recommended to drink juice three times a day before meals, one second or one third of a glass with the addition of one tablespoon of honey. And drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, one glass of plum juice will help you effectively cleanse the body of all harmful substances and slags, remove bad cholesterol, as well as minimize Negative consequences influence of carcinogens and radioactive substances.

Regular consumption of plum juice will help to significantly strengthen blood vessels, improve blood composition, and also reduce the risk of hemorrhage.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, plum juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system, and also improves mood and gives a charge of positive. In addition, concentration improves, and all fears and anxieties disappear without a trace.

Regular consumption of plum juice has a positive effect on the skin of the face - it makes it more elastic, smooth, tender and velvety. Juice together with the pulp of plums can also be used for cooking effective masks for face. To do this, it is necessary to carefully knead the peeled fruits and squeeze them out through ordinary cheesecloth so that approximately fifty grams of juice is obtained. Soak a cosmetic tissue or cotton wool in this juice, apply it on your face and hold for twenty minutes. After removing the mask, it is not necessary to wash your face - it will be enough just to wipe it with a damp swab. If you are the owner of dry skin, lubricate your face with a nourishing fat cream or sour cream before applying the mask.

To prepare another useful mask you will need one teaspoon of plum juice and one egg yolk, which must be thoroughly mixed with each other and applied to the face for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. When time passes, wash off the mask warm water and then rinse your face with cool. This mask is a real lifesaver for dry skin. Plum juice mixed with butter, sour cream or cottage cheese also make very effective masks.

Harm and contraindications

Do not abuse plum juice for obesity and diabetes, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

Making plum juice at home is not difficult at all. And you need to learn how to do this, because not all juices have such a successful concentration of vitamins A, C and K. In addition, vitamins in liquid form are absorbed much easier, and you don’t have to eat plums in large quantities - which can be fraught with problems with the intestines (in fresh fruits lots of fiber and pectins).

I was seriously interested in the composition of plum juice, I sat down on the Internet and this is what I managed to find out. In addition to the above important vitamins for health, this juice contains thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and niacin. Don't be scared: we are talking just about vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B3. Will you dispute the health benefits of B vitamins? And rightly so, you don't have to. And plum juice also contains chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids, which can help protect the body from free radical damage. It is recommended to use it for people in ecologically unfavorable areas, and it will not hurt everyone else.

If I persuaded you to squeeze the juice from the plum, read on. Take 5 Steps to Juicing and Get Some Great Recipes fruit mix(fresh juice blends that help make the final result even tastier).

Selection of plums

All experienced housewives think that the most delicious juice comes from blue plums. To be more precise, it is from a Hungarian plum. I have no reason not to believe them. When I want to make plum juice, I go to the market for ripe Hungarians. I avoid carrion, wormy and crushed, as well as overripe fruits that look like porridge. Be sure to try fruits before buying - they must be juicy.

Plum preparation

Go through them, even if you are sure that you bought the best fruits. Throw away any that don't fit, such as broken ones. After all, we will not thermally process the juice, which means that microbes can penetrate into the plum through these cracks, and then into your body. I think that you don’t need the risk of contracting some E. coli (remember that wasps and flies, carriers of the infection, flock to the bursting fruits). Wash the ideal fruits for juicing, remove the seeds from them.

Preparing the Juicer

Axiom: all parts of the juicer must be clean and dry. Assemble the apparatus, and also prepare a container for collecting juice. It can be a clean decanter or a jar with a lid. Also clean.

Preparing plum juice

Juice washed, peeled plums according to the instructions that came with your juicer. Try to act quickly so as not to disappear useful material- Juice is better to drink freshly prepared. It is also better to take care of clean glasses in advance.

Mix preparation

What to mix plum juice with to make it tastier?

I offer several options:

  • plum - apple;
  • plum - pear - apple;
  • plum - apricot;
  • plum - peach - apricot - apple;
  • plum - beets;
  • plum - orange;
  • plum - cherry - cherry.

When preparing juice from sweet plums, you need to keep in mind that dilute it juice is better with sourness. What if you add another sweet look juice, look for that extra sourness.

Recipes for juices from plums and other fruits (berries)

Plum + apple

Incredibly tasty and very simple combination. summer lung fruits. Any round plum will be appropriate here and juicy apple early variety. For 1 kg of plums, take a dozen medium-sized apples. Peel the apples from the core.


Why not just add the pear? The juice will turn out too sweet, cloying. For 1 kg of plums you need 3 large pears and so many apples. Wash all the fruits, remove the core from apples and pears.


This is a wonderful combination, just take apricots that are not too sweet. A mind-blowing combination is one to one, that is, per kilogram of plums - a kilogram of apricots. Remove pits from fruits.


Apples here play the role of the very sourness. Apricots and peaches can be taken very ripe and sweet, and plums are generally any. Remove pits from stone fruits, core from apples. Proportions: per kilogram of plums 2 large peaches, 3 apricots and 2 apples.

Plum + beetroot

Very interesting combination with a laxative effect. Do not give to children! If you suffer from a tendency to gastrointestinal disorders, do not even try! For a pound of sweet blue plums, take 1 small beetroot, hold the juice in a glass for 15 minutes, then drink.

Plum + orange

Pleasant citrus sourness effectively complements plum juice. For 1 kg of fruit, take 2 large sweet oranges.


Incredible tasty mix laborious to prepare. Cherries and sweet cherries must be pitted, as well as plums. Berries take 1 cup per pound of plums of any variety.
