
What to add to plum wine for flavor. Plum wine recipes: the best with photos

Plum is a wonderful berry, relevant for our latitudes, which grows in many cottages in very considerable quantities. Large yields make it possible to make lovely drink - plum wine. Even a beginner can remember and try a simple recipe, because plum is perfect berry for this drink.

Raw material features

This berry, although significantly different from its relatives that grow in our country, began to be used in the preparation of wine by the Japanese. They know perfect recipes table and sweet wines, which are famous all over the world for their unusual taste and aroma. It is possible to make such a creation at home from local berries under normal conditions.

Plums, unlike apples, contain a large number of Sahara. This is a good trigger for wort fermentation. However, there is a minus in this raw material - the difficulty of obtaining juice. And this fact is due to the presence in the raw material of a large amount of pectins, which make its pulp viscous and fleshy. Therefore, it is worth the trouble to find pure plum juice on sale, and not nectar.

Homemade plum wine can be made from white variety berries, and dark varieties. White varieties are relevant for the preparation of light table and semi-sweet, as well as sweet wines. More difficult to make dark berry table plum wine due to its low acidity and high sugar content. Turn - wild plum - perfect option for a table drink. It is practically not used for making jams and jams due to the astringency of fruits and great content tannins. But for a plum drink, it is indispensable.

Ingredients and preparation

The recipe for a plum composition depends on the type of wine that is planned to be made. For sweet wines, it is worth increasing the amount of sugar used, for semi-sweet - do according to regular prescription. The generally accepted recipe includes the following components:

  • Plum - 10 kg;
  • Water - 10 l;
  • Sugar - 2-3 kg;
  • Tartaric / citric acid - 20 g;
  • Tannic acid (tannin) - 15 g.

It should be noted that tartaric and tannic acids are added to make semi-sweet and sweet products. This takes into account that for varieties of berries with low acidity, such as Hungarians and greencloths, the amount of tartaric acid increases. For simple varieties and cherry plum - decreases. The turn does not require the addition of acids, since it is itself a source of a large amount of tannins and acid.

The amount of sugar also varies: for sweet wines add about 350 g per liter of nectar, for table and semi-sweet - 250 g / l. Water according to the standard prescription goes in a ratio of 1: 1, however, if the plum is fleshy and not juicy, then the amount of water is increased.

Berries for plum drink are removed ripe. It is not allowed to make a homemade drink from unripe fruits. When ripe, they are laid out on top of a clean cloth in the sun for 2-3 days. During this time, they are filled with sweetness, ripen. You should not wash them before chopping, because the peel contains a large amount of natural yeast that helps ferment the plum mass.


The recipe for a plum drink is quite variable, so in order to make wine correctly, you need to take into account the variety of berries, their maturity, and know what end result you want to get.

Step by step manufacturing is as follows:

  1. Place the prepared raw materials, previously pitted, in a deep pan or basin. Grind it to a puree state. You need to carefully transfer all the berries to get maximum amount pulp with juice. You can do it with your hands, you can pass it through a meat grinder or crush it with a wooden crush.
  1. Pour water into the resulting mass and add a little sugar. Plum puree with water and sugar, cover with gauze and leave enough warm conditions for 2-3 days. In this case, the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees, otherwise the activation process will go badly. Fermentation will begin when bubbles appear on the surface, and the mass darkens.
  1. After three days, the pulp - fruit pulp - will separate from the liquid. The liquid must be drained into a bottle or other glass vessel, filtering through gauze. Squeeze the remaining pulp into the resulting wort. Add sugar, tartaric and tannic acids, mix thoroughly.

A bottle filled with wine material should not be filled more than 2/3 due to the upcoming fermentation. In the process of it, the wine can actively foam, so it will need a place in the bottle.

  1. The fermentation process usually lasts 1.5-2 months. A bottle of wine for this action is closed with a water seal. If there is no water seal, then you can independently build it from a rubber glove, which is worn on the neck and a hole is cut in it for the release of carbon dioxide. You can hermetically attach a tube to the neck, the end of which is led into a container of water.

The wine ferments in certain temperature conditions- 20-23⁰. Plum must can be stirred once a week if fermentation is slowing down. The end of fermentation will make itself felt by the fact that the mass will stop bubbling, and carbon dioxide will stop coming out of the tube.

  1. Drain the fermented wine from the sediment into a clean, dry container. This must be done carefully, trying not to stir up the sediment. Send wine for maturation.
  1. The optimal ripening period for plum wine is three months. To do this, it is placed in a dark cool place. It is better if it is an underground or cellar. The peculiarity of plum wine is that it practically does not brighten during this period and remains cloudy. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it from the sediment 1-2 times.
  1. After 3 months, having finally separated the suspension, bottle the wine and cork it with corks. So it can be stored in the cellar for another 2-3 years. During this period, the wine will be clarified, although not completely due to the characteristics of the raw materials. The main thing is that it will become saturated, full taste. It will not be a shame to boast of such a product in front of friends and relatives.

Plum wine – original and flavored drink, which goes well with meat dishes and various desserts. You can cook it yourself at home, and in this article we will tell you how to do it right.

Plum wine making technology - harvesting and main features

To get a quality product, you need to properly harvest and use suitable varieties drain. It is believed that the best variety for making plum wine is wild plum, but sometimes excellent wine obtained from ordinary varieties or mirabelle plums. Whichever variety you choose, the manufacturing technology is the same. To make a small amount of wine according to our wine recipe, we need:

  • ripe plums - 10 kilograms;
  • quality drinking water- 10 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 150-350 grams per 1 liter plum juice depending on the desired type of drink.

The most difficult and painstaking step in the process self-produced plum wine is to obtain concentrated plum juice. This is due to the fact that these fruits contain too much pectin. As you know, pectin is used to produce jelly or jelly-like dessert products, so plums can be obtained good nectar, but they do not give juice as such.

However, the presence of pectin in the composition is compensated high content they contain sugar, which contributes to a better and more intensive fermentation, and less sugar is used in the cooking process than, for example, in the manufacture of apple cider or wine.

As mentioned above, absolutely any variety of plums is suitable for making wine, however the best option there will be the use of plums of dark varieties such as Mirabelle, Chinese, Tula dark, etc. The fruits for making wine should be slightly overripe, they need to be harvested when they begin to fall from the tree. Next, you need to let them dry a little. natural way under sunbeams within 2-3 days before the formation of a characteristic crust.

It is not necessary to wash the fruits, it is better to wipe them properly with a dry cloth.

During the "sunburn" in the sun, the skin of this fruit is gradually covered with the necessary good fermentation bacteria and fungal compounds, water will partially or completely wash them away, which means that the wine simply will not ferment as it should. Spoiled, rotten or moldy plums must be sorted from the rest; such fruits cannot be used for making wine.

Getting concentrated juice is an important step in making good wine.

As soon as the material is selected, "smoked" in the sun and sorted, proceed to the next step - getting the juice. To do this, carefully remove the seeds, and properly pound the resulting pulp until a homogeneous, puree-like mixture is formed. The resulting material must be diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, per liter plum puree- a liter of clean, necessarily cold water.

Next, put the resulting mixture in a dark place, where it will be infused for 1-2 days at a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees. Be sure to cover the container with puree tightly with gauze or other food material to avoid getting flies and other insects into the must. It is recommended to mix the resulting composition 2-3 times a day, use a wooden spoon for this, and with a large volume, it is better to stir with clean hands.

Subject to the technology, the pulp will gradually begin to separate from the skin, juice will begin to stand out, after 48 hours of inactivity, bubbles should appear on the surface and foam should form. This means that the process of natural fermentation is running, and the "pulp", that is, the peel and pulp, must be separated from the extracted juice using the same gauze or a fine sieve.

The output will be slightly fermented plum juice, which must be poured into a clean glass vessel for its further fermentation. Do not fill the container completely - during fermentation, the juice releases carbon dioxide and foam, for which there must be enough space in the vessel.

Fermentation stages - proper control of the process

Now sugar must be added to the resulting plum juice, depending on the type of drink desired. For dry or semi-dry wine, provided that dark, rich varieties of plums were used, the proportion of sugar in the composition should not exceed 150-200 grams per liter of juice. To obtain a sweet or semi-sweet wine, the amount must be doubled. Try not to oversweet the wine, do not forget that the plums themselves are very sweet fruit, so the maximum allowable amount sugar for the sweetest wine - 450 grams.

Sugar falls asleep in several portions. Pour the first half immediately after pouring the fermented juice into a new container and mix the composition thoroughly. After adding sugar, instead of a lid, you need to use a special water seal, for this, use a plastic tube, as shown in the photo, or an ordinary rubber glove with a small hole in one of the fingers (you can make it with a needle), which is worn on the neck of a glass bottle.

The remaining sugar is added according to a special technology in two parts every 3-4 days of fermentation. To do this, remove the water seal, pour some of the juice into another container, mix it with sugar in a certain proportion. For example, if you have 10 liters of juice and you intend to get dry wine, respectively, 200 grams of sugar are used for the entire volume. 100 grams are poured immediately after fermentation, as described above, which means that now you should pour 1–2 liters from a common bottle, stir them with 50 g of sugar and pour back into the container. Perform the same operation after another 4 days of juice fermentation. You can also add raisins instead of sugar at this stage.

The fermentation process of plum wine usually lasts from 1.5 to 2 months. As soon as gas ceases to be released, and sediment falls to the bottom, the process can be considered completed.

As soon as the fermentation process ends, you can taste the wine, if necessary, add sugar. If you want to get a product with a higher strength, at this stage you can add vodka or ethyl alcohol. The proportion of alcohol in the manufacture of plum wine should not exceed 15% of the volume. Fortified plum wine keeps better and longer, but its bouquet noticeably coarsens and becomes bitter.

Wine maturation - how to make the drink tastier

In order for the wine from the plums to turn out to be of better quality, it must be insisted, that is, sent for maturation. After adding the necessary additional ingredients, tightly close the container sealed lid and send to be stored for 2-3 months in a dark, dry room with a temperature of 6-17 degrees. The best thing plum drink stored in a cellar or cellar. The better the storage conditions and the longer it is stored, the richer its taste and aroma is, and the strength of the drink increases.

To clarify such wine during storage, it must be filtered, that is, once every 2-3 weeks, pour through a special tube into a new container, while trying to preserve the precipitate. It will not be possible to completely lighten the product even after a few years. Those light plum wines that are sold in stores are not natural product, and are made from reconstituted wine material with the addition of chemicals in decent quantities.

After the expiration of the storage period, homemade plum wine will acquire a characteristic flavor and color tone and will be completely suitable for consumption. If necessary, it can be bottled and sent to more long-term storage. We have presented a simple recipe, following which you will get high-quality and naturally homemade wine with a strength of 8-10 degrees (if no alcohol was added after fermentation), which goes well with various meat dishes, side dishes and vegetables. There are also other recipes for obtaining wine with the addition of berries, spicy or medicinal herbs and infusions, however, the process of obtaining the main material is almost always the same - natural and proper fermentation juice from ripe juicy plums with sugar.

In summer, you can not only have a great rest, but also work productively by preparing your favorite vegetables, fruits and drinks from them for the winter.

And if economic women are more engaged in preserving fruits and making compotes for the winter, then men prefer to prepare wine from plums. homemade drink can not be compared in taste and aroma with purchased, but only if you do everything right in the process of winemaking.

Making homemade plum wine can't be called more difficult than making other homemade wines, but there are a couple of features that make it more "capricious" compared to other wine drinks.

The process of obtaining plum juice is difficult, and the clarification of wine during maturation takes a long time - these are, perhaps, the main difficult moments in the entire winemaking process. of this variety guilt. The rest is the same as always.

If you are preparing plum wine at home for the first time with your own hands, then, for sure, you can hardly imagine what will happen in the end. In fact, plum wine has a rather specific taste, it can be safely called an “amateur” drink.

It has a rich, bright and pleasant "warm" taste, but with special notes. It doesn't mean that homemade wine from plums is bad, no, it just differs from the taste of wine in its classical sense, but, as they say, "there are no comrades for the taste and color." So try it - and decide whether it is yours or not.

If you have already determined for yourself that plum wine is on your table, then carefully read all the tips described below and strictly follow detailed recipe cooking.

1. Which plums to choose for plum wine

All, without exception, plums will do. The variety and size of the fruit does not matter, but it is still better to give preference to dark varieties of plums.

2. Unripe or overripe plums: which is better for wine

This nuance is very important, since it depends on the plum how the wine will turn out as a result. Harvest the fruits only when they have already ripened well and have even begun to fall to the ground. Plums of just this maturity will reveal their “bouquet” in the drink as much as possible. Only rotten, spoiled and moldy fruits try to avoid.

3. Do I need to wash plums before processing

Harvested plums for wine do not need to be washed. In case they are very dirty and were collected from the ground, and not plucked from a tree, you can wipe them with a dry cloth.

It is believed that this way they will become sweeter, respectively, and the wine will be sweeter and brighter in taste.

4. What are the features of making plum wine

As we said above, it is difficult to get juice from plums. The thing is that they contain quite a lot of pectin. This substance makes the pulp of the fruit jelly-like, which greatly complicates the process of obtaining pure plum juice.

It is also worth noting that plums have a lot of sugar, so you need to put it in the wort less than usual. This is a great advantage for wine, because in this case the fermentation process will go faster.

Many novice winemakers often ask themselves the question: is it possible and how to make wine from plums yourself? Our today's article is a detailed and rather detailed answer to these 2 questions at once.

Try and make homemade plum wine with your own hands, using step by step classic recipe. Who knows, perhaps this drink will become one of your favorites at your family feasts. Moreover, plum wine is deservedly considered great addition To meat dishes(if it is semi-sweet or semi-dry) and desserts (if the wine is sweet).

Good luck and happy tasting!

Aromatic plum wine nice way treat guests. It is prepared quite simply, according to the manufacturing technology, it is similar to grape. Sometimes even easier. And it matures fruit drink fast. Plum wine is good for cardiovascular system and has a special taste.

What you need to know

For wine, dark plums are best. They have enough sugar and acid, they are fragrant and quite common. For example, the variety "Hungarian" is most often used. Its pulp is easily separated from the stone.

White plums don't have bright pronounced odor, they have little acid, and the taste is quite simple. From such plums, the wine will not be saturated. However, it can be used for sauces and marinades.

Plums should never be washed before use. This only applies to wine, of course. The fact is that when plums are still ripening in the sun, bacteria and fungi form on their peel - natural yeast. They can be seen by the white coating on the fruit.

Remove dirt, if any, with a dry cloth. At the same time, it is the dirt that needs to be wiped, and not the entire plum. If you erase the white coating, then the fermentation process will not start and the drink will simply turn sour and moldy.

If there is quite a bit of plaque on the fruits, they need to be laid out in the sun and left for three days. During this time, the sun forms a new colony of bacteria. Do not leave in a dark place, as mold will begin to develop.

It is advisable to separate the plums from the stone before making wine. Although they provide additional flavor, they contain some poison and are bitter. For cooking " drunk cherry» only plums with a stone are needed so that they retain their appearance and structure.

The fruits must be sorted out. There should be no rot or mold, no worms inside. Fruits should be as ripe as possible so that they have a lot of sugar and juice. Even one spoiled plum that gets into the wine will ruin the entire batch.

To prepare fortified wine, before the final bottling, you need to add some alcohol or vodka. It is impossible to say the exact amount, this is a matter of taste. But do not add more than 15% of the total mass. Sugar during this period is also added for taste, and not for the fermentation process.

Use only glass or enamelware, no metal will do. A water seal is a must, it can be purchased at a special store or made independently from improvised means. The wine must not come into contact with air either during the fermentation period or when it is bottled. For this, a shutter is used. And the bottles are filled to the top and tightly closed.

It is very convenient to store. This is real vitamin bomb, besides, you can cook delicious pastries with lemon filling.

How to cook prunes in chocolate.

Very delicious jam with oranges according to our recipes with step by step photos and recommendations.

Classic recipe

Manufacturing steps house wine from plums:

  1. Plums of dark varieties should be left in the sun for two days so that they wilt a little. They need to be sorted out, not washed. If necessary, wipe with a dry cloth;
  2. Pull out all the bones, and mash the pulp into a puree. You can use a blender;
  3. Dilute puree cold water, proportion - 1:1;
  4. Move the container for two days to a dark place, the temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees;
  5. Stir every seven hours with your hands so that the pulp is at the bottom, under water. Top cover the container with gauze;
  6. Strain the mass, discard the pulp, dissolve half the sugar in the liquid. It needs to be poured into glass containers and put a water seal;
  7. Every four days, add a quarter of the remaining sugar, mix gently. It is best to pour a jar of juice, dissolve sugar in it and pour the syrup back;
  8. After about two months, when the fermentation process has ended and the wine no longer emits carbon dioxide, it must be carefully poured into other containers. Do not touch the sediment, then you need to throw it away;
  9. To taste, add more sugar or pour in a little vodka or alcohol, no more than 15% of total weight. Pour into bottles and put in a dark place for three months;
  10. Every 18 days, filter the drink and pour into clean containers;
  11. Then pour into bottles, cork them, store no more than five years in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

The easiest recipe

  • 8000 g plums;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 1000 ml of water.

How long - 2 months.

Nutrition per 100 g - 73 kcal.

Action algorithm:

  1. Release the plums from the pits and mash them into a puree, transfer to an enameled or glass dish;
  2. Heat the water to 40 degrees and pour plums with it;
  3. Cover the dish with a cloth and put it in a warm place for fermentation, stir twice a day for five days;
  4. Squeeze the juice from the fruit, mix it with sugar and pour the liquid into a bottle;
  5. Put a water seal and drain the wine after three weeks, be sure to renew it;
  6. Pour into another bottle, seal tightly;
  7. After a month, the liquid must be filtered and bottled.

Wine "Drunk Plum" at home

  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 2000 ml of water;
  • 1000 g plums.

How long - 1 month.

Nutrition per 100 g - 59 kcal.

Action algorithm:

  1. Do not pull out the seeds from the fruits and lay them on the bottom of the glass container;
  2. Dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil. Pour the resulting syrup over the plums, it must be hot;
  3. Close the lid, cover with a blanket and keep it warm for eight hours;
  4. After that, the syrup must be carefully poured into a saucepan, bring it to a boil again and pour it over the plums again, close;
  5. Let stand. The wine will almost not become lighter, but it will be transparent;
  6. Strain the drink through cheesecloth, do not throw away the plums;
  7. Add the desired amount of alcohol, if necessary, add more sugar, stir, bottle. Flavorings can be added if desired;
  8. Let it brew for another two weeks;
  9. The remaining plums can be dipped in chocolate icing and eat like candy. But only for adults!

How to make medicinal wine with plums

  • 1000 g plums;
  • 160 g of sugar;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 180 g raisins.

How long - 5 months.

Nutrition per 100 g - 71 kcal.

Action algorithm:

Spicy plum wine

  • 5 cloves;
  • 3000 ml of water;
  • 2000 g plums;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1000 g of sugar.

How long - 2 weeks.

Nutrition per 100 g - 77 kcal.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove the seeds from the fruits, put the pulp in an enamel basin and pour half a liter of water to them, crush the berries in a puree;
  2. Add another one and a half liters of water, put a clove and add sugar, add a bay leaf;
  3. Put the whole mixture on fire and cook until foam appears. After that, turn off the fire, remove the foam with a spoon. Wait until the mass cools down;
  4. Squeeze out the liquid using a press;
  5. Pour the cake with the remaining liter of water and squeeze again;
  6. Mix both parts of the drink, strain them through cheesecloth or a sieve;
  7. Pour into a barrel and leave for four days;
  8. Pour into bottles, close tightly, let stand for another twelve days. Drink within a month.

A water seal is not the most expensive purchase, but sometimes it is just hard to find in a small town. Then you can make it yourself. You need to take a thin hose, the hose from under the dropper is ideal. It must be dipped into the wine at one end, and the other into a small jar of water nearby. The neck itself is hermetically sealed with improvised means.

Another good way is to use a medical glove. A hole should be made in one of her fingers with a needle, and then a glove should be put on the throat of the bottle. Over time, she puffs up. And after a couple of weeks, the air will come out of it - this means that the fermentation process has stopped and it's time to filter the wine.

If fermentation is rather sluggish, you just need to increase the amount of sugar. You need to mix it in portions over several days. Pour the drink into the container during this period, you need not to the very top. It is better to leave 15 cm to the neck. Foam will form in this part and so that it does not overflow, it needs to leave a place.

To improve the taste of wine, you can add various spices to it. For example, add a stick of cinnamon or real vanilla, cloves. It is important to add non-flowing spices, otherwise they may later affect the turbidity of the drink. For example, this concerns nutmeg or ground cinnamon.

Plum wine does not take much time to make. It turns out very delicious drink with an interesting bouquet. You should not expect a light shade and complete transparency from it, but for home winemaking it fits perfectly. Even an absolute beginner can easily master this using our tips and proven recipes. From quality product with the addition of a drop of love and zeal, it will turn out fragrant way pamper yourself!

Yellow plum is the fruit of one of the most unpretentious trees, which almost always gives a rich harvest, so many gardeners willingly plant it on their plots.

In addition to wonderful jams, jams and compotes, you can make wine from yellow plum at home, which will be a great addition to the festive feasts!

White table wine that can be obtained from this fruit will be the perfect complement to seafood, poultry, light meat dishes, and dessert wonderfully harmonizes with citrus, chocolate, marmalade!

"Plum" features

For wine, semi-wild varieties of yellow plums are more suitable, but from cultivated trees, the most delicious drink is obtained from the Mirabell variety.

It is necessary to collect fruits for wine when they are already a little overripe. This can be seen in the drying stalks, slightly wrinkled skin of plums. It is advisable to harvest in sunny weather so that as many microorganisms as possible remain on the surface of the fruit, which will further participate in the fermentation process.

But you can’t wash fruits, otherwise beneficial fungi will be washed off.

Pitted plums are best removed. Firstly, they contain acids harmful to the body, and secondly, they spoil the taste of wine!

There is a lot of pectin in the plum (a substance similar to jelly). Because of this, the fruits contain more pulp than juice. To dilute the viscosity of the pulp, it is recommended to add a special powder - pectinase, it neutralizes pectin. You can buy it in shops for winemakers.

Yellow plum wine almost always comes out cloudy, so don't think you've done something wrong. For complete clarification of the drink, an exposure of several years is required.

From yellow varieties plums make table and dessert wines best.

Fruits, before you start making wine, you must definitely sort out and remove all spoiled fruits, otherwise this will negatively affect the taste of the drink.

How to Make Delicious Yellow Plum Wine


  • Plum yellow - 10 kg + -
  • - 10 kg + -
  • — 10 l + -
  • Dark raisins - 250 g + -

Delicious yellow plum wine recipe

First, consider the classic plum wine recipe. You need to prepare clean containers, gauze, water seals (special lids or rubber medical gloves) in advance.

  • Remove pits from unwashed plums.
  • Place the fruits in a convenient container and knead thoroughly.
  • Add water to the cake, half the volume granulated sugar, raisins, mix everything thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. At this point, add the pectinase. If you didn't manage to get it, it's okay, you just end up with less liquid.
  • Pour the pulp into bottles or cylinders, but do not fill them to the top! To leave enough space for the foam that will arise during the fermentation process, fill the container a little more than half.
  • Cover the jars with a thick layer of gauze and put in a warm place for 3-5 days. It is desirable that the jars are at a temperature not lower than + 20ºC.

Stir the contents of the container 2-3 times every day!

  • As soon as the pulp is completely separated from the liquid and floats to the top, it is necessary to carry out filtration. Pass the entire contents of the container through gauze or a fine sieve, remove the pulp, and add the rest of the granulated sugar to the resulting wort. Stir the liquid until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then pour into clean bottles, filling them 2/3 full. Seal the necks of the jars with water seals (if you use medical gloves, make 2-3 holes on your fingers with a needle).
  • Remove the must for further fermentation in a warm place for 1.5-2 months.
  • As soon as you notice that the young wine has brightened, and sediment has formed at the bottom, then it's time to filter it again. Use gauze folded in several layers.
  • Pour the filtered wine into bottles or jars, tightly corking the necks.

Better for bottles natural corks. Banks can be closed plastic lids and pour wax over them.

Remove the container in a dark place with a temperature ranging from +11 to +15 ºC for 2-3 months to ripen the wine.

After a few months, the drink will brighten even more. The longer you stand it, the tastier and richer the wine will be! After a couple of months, the product is ready for use.

Homemade yellow plum wine: a simple recipe

If you don't feel like waiting a few months for it to mature classic wine, you can prepare a delicious plum drink according to an express recipe! It's not really wine rather liquor, but the taste of the drink is quite worthy.

Store this tincture in the dark cool place. Although such homemade yellow plum wine fast food and it turns out strong, yet it tastes very good and can be positioned as a ladies' drink.


  • Plum yellow - 5 kg;
  • Vodka good quality- 5 l.;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Simple Homemade Yellow Plum Wine Recipe

  1. Rinse the drain ( yeast fungi we don’t need it in this recipe), remove the stones and mash in a convenient container.
  2. Arrange the pulp in bottles and fill with vodka, add sugar, stir well (the amount of sugar can vary depending on how much sweet drink you want to receive).
  3. Close the lids tightly and put the container in a warm place for 2 months.
  4. After the lapse of time, filter the contents of the jars, remove the pulp. Bottle the drink. The liqueur is ready to drink!

Some Tricks for Successful Plum Wine

  • If you add a few sprigs of currant to the plums, then the wine will turn out to be more tart.
  • Carnation in a small amount make the drink fragrant.
  • Thyme or oregano will also enrich the wine with aroma.
  • If you mix plums with apricots, you get a sweeter wine.
  • To give plum wine more healing properties, half of the sugar can be replaced with honey.

Now, knowing all the subtleties, you can safely try to make yellow plum wine at home!

Plum contains a lot of vitamin C, carotene and other useful substances.

If you drink a couple of sips of wine at lunch or dinner, then the immune system will become stronger, blood circulation will improve, and hemoglobin will increase. But do not forget that the benefits of intoxicating drink will be when you use it in moderation.
