
Cherry jam with the addition of other berries. "Drunken Cherry" with coffee, cocoa and liquor

Summer is a wonderful time. You can go on vacation to the sea, go on a picnic. But on summer days, you also have to work unbearably on your personal plots, especially during the harvest season. It is at this moment that you need to preserve cherry jam, which is very useful for the immune system, cardiovascular and nervous system.

A simple gourmet recipe

Not everyone can afford to eat plenty of cherry jam, since every spoonful eaten is fraught with weight gain. Those who are closely watching their figure should know that the calorie content of cherry jam is about 250 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Today we will discuss how to cook cherry jam. To insure yourself against incidents, it is better to remove the bones. To do this, you can use both special and improvised means, for example, a hairpin or a pin.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.


lazy recipe

For those who do not have the strength and desire to mess around with the preparation of cherries, cherry jam with pits is suitable. The process of its preparation is much simpler, because you do not have to do painstaking work.


  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 0.25 l of filtered water;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.


If you like thick jams and jellies, then add a little edible gelatin to the pitted cherry jam. Difficulties in the process of its preparation will not arise. Carefully read the instructions for diluting gelatin.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 25 g food gelatin.


  1. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and dilute it with filtered water in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  2. Leave the gelatin to swell.
  3. We sort out the cherry fruits, wash them thoroughly and dry them.
  4. With the help of a special gadget or hairpin, we will remove the seeds from the cherries.
  5. We put the cherries in a thick-walled dish, in which we will cook the jam.
  6. Add sugar and mix gently.
  7. In this form, we leave the cherries for several hours so that the berries let the juice flow.
  8. We put the jam on a minimum fire.
  9. After boiling, we detect exactly 20 minutes.
  10. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam and stir the jam.
  11. We put the gelatin mass in a steam bath.
  12. Keep it until all the crystals dissolve and the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  13. Add the gelatin mixture to the jam and stir.
  14. Bring the jam back to a boil and immediately place in sterilized containers.
  15. After rolling the cans with lids, turn them upside down and put them in a secluded place.
  16. We wrap the jars with a blanket and leave until the jam has completely cooled.
  17. You can store such jelly-like jam in the cellar or basement.

Favorite jam with citrus notes

Fans of culinary experiments and gourmet sweets will appreciate the taste of cherry jam with zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar.


  1. We sort out the cherry fruits and wash them.
  2. In a convenient way, we extract the pits from cherries. We try to damage the berries as little as possible.
  3. We spread the cherry fruits in a convenient thick-walled dish.
  4. Sprinkle them with sugar and mix gently.
  5. As in previous recipes, in this form, the cherry needs to be infused so that the juice stands out.
  6. Using a grater, remove the zest from the lemon and add it to the cherries.
  7. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and also add it to the jam.
  8. We put the jam on a minimum fire and bring to a boil.
  9. After boiling, boil for five minutes. Do not forget to stir the jam and constantly remove the foam.
  10. After this procedure, we set aside the jam from the stove and leave for 12 hours.
  11. Then we repeat the same procedure three or four times.
  12. Prepare sterilized jars and lids in advance.
  13. After the last cooking, we lay out the jam in canning containers and roll them up with lids.

Amber cherry.

In this article, you will learn how and how much to cook cherries so that the berries do not wrinkle and remain juicy and whole. I offer simple recipes for making delicious cherry jam, you just have to choose the method you like.

Thick cherry jam with pits for the winter

This is a simple recipe for the winter at home. For its preparation, we take selected, ripe and large berries.

According to this recipe, we use repeated boiling in syrup. We will stand for several hours between boils, this will ensure better and uniform soaking of the fruits and better preserve their integrity.


  • 1 kg fresh cherries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 100-150 ml water


1. We sort the fruits, select whole and ripe berries, remove crumpled and spoiled ones. Then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Overripe cherries will be boiled soft, while unripe cherries have not yet gained the desired aroma and taste.

2. In order for the jam to turn out to be a good quality cherry with a dense skin, we first prick it with a toothpick. Thus, we remove air from the fruit, which, when heated, increases in volume and tears the skin, violating their integrity.

3. Cook the syrup in a large saucepan. Pour the sugar with water, stirring constantly, completely dissolve the sugar and cook over medium heat until tender.

4. Pour the cherries into the prepared hot syrup in portions, shake the dishes slightly so that all the cherries are covered with liquid and hold for 2 hours. The berry immediately begins to secrete juice, and the syrup turns into a beautiful bright red color.

5. After the time has elapsed, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. We collect the resulting foam, cook for 5 minutes.

Then remove the pan and leave for 8-10 hours. We do this procedure 3 times, constantly carefully remove the foam. At the last addition, add vanilla sugar.

6. We determine the readiness of the jam by a drop poured on a saucer (should not spread), and by the berries, in the finished dessert they do not float up, but are evenly distributed in the syrup.

7. Remove the foam from the finished jam and pour in small portions into sterilized jars, tightly close with screw caps.

8. Turn upside down and cool under a warm fur coat.

9. Store in a cool cellar.

Video recipe for delicious cherry jam with whole berries

Would you like to try a jam in which the berries explode in your mouth and fill it with fruit nectar? Then this recipe is for you!


  • 1 kg cherries
  • 800-1000 g sugar
  • 1/2 st. water

Jam "five-minute" from cherries with stones

This is the fastest and easiest option. It saves time, and thanks to a short heat treatment, it retains all the useful substances and the natural taste of the product. To prepare such a sweetness is within the power of a novice hostess.

Required Ingredients:

cherry and sugar. The usual ratio is 1:1, may vary slightly depending on the variety.

Cooking process:

  1. We sort out the berries, remove the cuttings and fruits with signs of the disease. Rinse with cold running water, let drain.
  2. In a container for cooking, lay out the prepared fruits with sugar in layers. We leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, the cherry will release juice.
  3. Gently mix, put on fire, bring to a boil with constant stirring.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes, remove the foam.
  5. Pour into prepared clean hot jars, close tightly with lids and store for the winter.

Cherry jam with gelatin: how to cook?

We will need:

  • 300 g cherries
  • 400 ml water
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed juice
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • 20 g gelatin


Gelatin is pre-soaked in a small amount of water and left to swell. With its help, we achieve the desired density of jam, while the berries remain intact and vitamins are preserved in them.

Pour water into a saucepan.

Pour in the sugar.

Add juice, which is quickly prepared from overripe cherries. Mix everything, bring to a boil, stirring, dissolve the sugar.

After boiling, pour out the berries. And as soon as the sweet mass boils again, remove the foam, cook for 10 minutes and turn it off.

Cool to 60-70 degrees and then put the swollen gelatin.

Stir so that not a single lump remains, and pour into small jars.

Delicious cherry jam with lemon

I have a chic recipe for making such a jam on my blog, only from cherries. Therefore, I do not want to repeat myself, and I suggest that you go to. Be sure to prepare such a tasty, thick delicacy with the aroma of almonds and sourness of lemon.

Drunk cherry for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization


  • 1 kg fresh cherries
  • 700 g granulated sugar
  • 300 g water
  • 150-200 g cognac, liquor


  1. We choose only ripe selected large fruits. Mine and let the water drain.
  2. We cook sugar syrup of 70% concentration.
  3. Immerse the fruits in sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Then we separate the berries from the syrup and pack them in sterilized jars.
  5. Add cognac, liquor or vodka to the hot syrup at the rate of 150-200 g per liter of syrup, mix thoroughly and pour over the fruit.
  6. We close the jars with screw caps, do not sterilize.
  7. We store in the refrigerator.

How to cook cherry jam with a bone in a slow cooker?

Five years ago, we did not even dream of such an assistant in the kitchen. Want to make a sweet dessert for the winter but don't have much free time? But you have a multicooker. This is a solution to the problem ... we observe several conditions and get good quality jams:

  • the right ratio of fruit and sugar;
  • exposure between boils, it promotes the penetration of sugar into the fruit and preserves their integrity;
  • hot filling into cans;

This recipe can be adapted to any brand of multicooker.

Thanks to 3-fold boiling, the berries were well saturated with syrup, while retaining their sweet and sour taste. The jam in the slow cooker turned out to be not liquid, in the rolled up jar the berries occupied 2/3 of the volume.

We send it for storage for the winter, as usual, in a dark, cool place.

Cherry in syrup - a recipe for the winter

According to this recipe, a harvest of cherries for the winter is obtained, which cannot be called either jam or compote. Prepares quickly. Sweet berries harvested in this way for the winter serve as a delicacy, and the syrup can be used as a fruit drink.


  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1 st. granulated sugar
  • 500 ml water
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid
  • leaves (currant or mint) - optional

Cooking process:

1. We prepare the fruits: we sort, clean, wash, dry.

2. We sterilize the jars: steam, boiling water or fry in the oven.

3. In the prepared jars, put the berries into 2/3 of the volume.

4. Fill with boiling water. We stand the berries for 5 minutes, then pour the water back into the pan and bring to a boil.

5. Pour boiling water over the cherry for the second time and hold for another 5 minutes.

6. Then pour the water into the pan. Add sugar, mint leaves, citric acid to it.

7. Boil for 3-5 minutes and pour jars up to the neck with ready-made syrup.

Citric acid gives a beautiful color to the workpiece and prevents sugaring.

8. We seal the jars hermetically.

9. Turn upside down and, wrapped in a blanket, leave to cool completely.

Friends, do you like cherry jam with seeds and whole berries? Share your favorite recipes and wishes in the comments.


Cherry jam made from fresh and juicy berries can be a great addition to any holiday table. Moreover, you can make tea from such jam, use it as a filling for pies or decorate cakes and other desserts with it. To make it easier for you to deal with all the stages of cooking cherry jam, we have prepared a simple and affordable step-by-step recipe with a photo.

And how many vitamins does just one jar of such cherry jam contain? It is not for nothing that children are fattened with jam during a cold in winter!

Today we will cook cherry jam at home and very clearly demonstrate to you the simple process of boiling and corking such a delicacy. Even if you have never done canning in your life, you can easily make your own cherry jam. From the recipe, you will also learn how cherries are prepared for jam and how much sugar is needed per 1 kg of berries.

It is worth remembering that you can vary the sweetness of your jam depending on your own taste and desire.

Let's start making cherry jam for the winter!


Cooking steps

    There are few products for making cherry jam: just cherries and sugar. However, even they need to be prepared in advance.

    Perhaps the most difficult thing in making cherry jam is to sort through all the cherries and rid them of the seeds. This is what we will do in the first stage of cooking jam. Rinse the berries thoroughly in a colander, get rid of the green stalks if necessary, cut each cherry in half and remove the stone. Also get rid of any corrupted copies.

    We shift the peeled halves of cherries into a deep bowl and fill them with a third of the entire indicated amount of granulated sugar.

    Within 3-4 hours, we leave the cherries to drain and let the juice, which we need for further cooking jam. You can also leave the cherries in a bowl of sugar overnight.

    Pour the entire contents of the bowl into a deep saucepan with dense enameled walls, pour all the remaining sugar there.

    We put the pan with cherries and sugar syrup on the stove. Stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil.

    Cook the halves of cherries in sugar syrup for 5-10 minutes over low heat, then turn off the fire altogether. Leave the jam to infuse for another 2-3 hours.

    After that, return the jam to the fire and continue to cook it until fully cooked.

    You can determine the readiness of the jam as follows: scoop up a little liquid with a teaspoon and drop it on the scattered sugar, if the density of the jam allows it not to be absorbed into the sugar crystals, then the jam is ready.

    The photo below shows a striking difference between undercooked jam and ready-made jam.

    Carefully wash the jars in which we will close the cherry jam. We heat the oven to 130 degrees and sterilize the washed jars in it for 15-20 minutes. It should be remembered that jars must be sent to an unheated oven.

    Sterilize the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes.

    Pour the still hot jam into sterilized jars, close them carefully and leave to cool. Then we send jars of cherry jam to a dark and cold place.

    Cherry jam for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!

What could be better on long winter evenings than gathering the whole family for tea! Cozy lampshade light, fragrant tea in your favorite cups and fragrant jam. Cherries floating in thick syrup evoke carefree summer days. Great, isn't it?

Cherry jam is an excellent independent delicacy. It is rich in vitamins and helps to keep the body in good shape. Recipes with cherry jam are varied: it can be added to pies and other pastries, or it can be used to make homemade wine.

Cherry jam is popularly called "royal" for its rich ruby ​​​​color and rich taste. There are many recipes for making cherry jam. And, despite the variety of recipes, even experienced housewives often have a question: how to cook cherry jam so that it turns out tasty, does not lose its beneficial properties and is stored for as long as possible? The answers to these and other questions can be found below.

How to make cherry jam

Proper cooking of cherry jam implies compliance with some general rules for harvesting and canning. But the recipe for cherry jam has some features. Next you will learn:

How long to cook cherry jam

The cooking time for cherry jam depends on the specific recipe. If you are making a five-minute jam, then the total cooking time will not exceed 15 - 20 minutes.

First, the berries must be covered with sugar and left to infuse for 4 to 7 hours. After simmering the cherries over low heat until boiling, let it boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. After 20 - 30 minutes, the berries are again put on fire, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and removed. This should be done two or three times. The finished jam is poured into sterilized jars and tightly closed.

If you plan to cook cherry jam for the winter in one go, then the continuous cooking time will be about 30 - 40 minutes over low heat. It all depends on the initial juiciness of the berries and the desired consistency of the jam. Thicker jams take a little longer to cook. If liquid suits you, then the cooking time can be reduced.

One remark needs to be added to the question of how cherry jam is cooked. Do not forget to stir the cherry jam and remove the foam. This should be done every 5 - 7 minutes.

Proportions of sugar and cherries for jam

How to cook delicious cherry jam for the winter and how much sugar to take for this? These questions are always at the forefront.

The most common ratio of berries to sugar is 1:1. By adding sugar from this calculation, you definitely can't go wrong.

For those who like sweeter cherry jam, you can take 1.3 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries. Plus, it preserves the jam better. The more sugar, the less chance of mold and fermentation in cherry jam.

If the berries themselves are sweet enough, then you can take 0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries.

Necessary set of dishes

In the question of how to make cherry jam, the selection of the right dishes plays an important role.

The brewing vessel must be durable and resistant to oxidation. It is better if it has a wide flat bottom and low sides. And it’s very good when the container can be tightly closed with a “native” lid. In this case, the jam can be protected from dust and insects during the breaks between cooking.

Such requirements are met by special basins and pans made of stainless steel. You can take and enameled dishes. Copper and aluminum containers are undesirable: during the cooking process, harmful chemicals can enter the cooked product. For example, copper ions can destroy the ascorbic acid contained in the berries and negate all the benefits of cherry jam.

During the cooking process, you will need a spatula or slotted spoon. It is better if it is wooden: excess contact of the metal with the jam is undesirable due to the possible oxidation of the former. Jam should be stirred periodically, and also remove the boiling foam. So keep a spatula or spoon nearby.

Preservation of cherry jam is not very difficult. Ready jam should be poured into sterilized glass jars up to 1.5 liters. A larger volume should not be taken because of the high probability of jam molding after opening it. It is unlikely that you will eat two liters of jam in one or two meals, right?

Storing cherry jam

Cherry jam should be stored in sealed jars. Place jars of jam in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Before you remove the cherry jam for storage, you need to carry out one procedure. Jars of hot jam are turned over, wrapped in a warm cloth and left to cool. So you reduce the likelihood of "exploding" jars of jam.

If the jam was rolled up in sterilized jars, properly boiled and sealed tightly, it can be stored for up to 3 years in a dark, cool place. An open jar of jam should be kept closed in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such jam will be from two weeks to three to four months: it all depends on the amount of sugar in the product and the quality of the sterilization of the jar.

Shelf life of cherry jam with pits

The issue of storing cherry jam with pits must be approached with great care. The seeds of the berries contain the substance amygdalin, which after some time begins to decompose. One of the decomposition products is hydrocyanic acid, a deadly substance for the human body. Therefore, jam with seeds should be used within a year.

If you do not plan to consume all of the pitted cherry jam in less than a year, then it is best to remove the pits from the berries before making the jam.

Subtleties and secrets for those who want to make the most delicious cherry jam

How to cook cherry jam so that it turns out tasty, pleasant to look at and does not deteriorate during storage? After all, sometimes cherry jam, the recipe for which you can find in this catalog, turns out to be too liquid, candied and moldy. Read below about why this happens and how to avoid unwanted problems.

Why does cherry jam turn out to be liquid and not thicken?

Cherries picked in a rainy summer absorb excess water. This can cause the cherry jam to turn out liquid.

When preparing jam from berries and fruits, gelatin should not be used: during long-term cooking, it loses its properties and spoils the taste of the finished jam. It is better to add some chopped apples, currants or gooseberries to the jam.

Another option to make cherry jam thicker is to boil the syrup longer, into which then, upon the onset of the desired density, pour berries. So the berries will remain whole and juicy, and the syrup will acquire a beautiful ruby ​​​​color and become thick.

What to do if the cherry jam turned out to be liquid?

The problem of obtaining the desired consistency of jam is quite acute. Many housewives are wondering how to cook cherry jam for the winter so that it turns out thick?

If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the finished jam, try adding a little pectin to it and cook a little more. For example, redcurrant juice is able to give cherry jam the desired density without interrupting the natural taste.

Why is cherry jam bitter?

It's all about amygdalin - a substance contained in the seeds of berries. It gives the jam an almond flavor. With a large number of berries, this substance can make the jam bitter.

Another reason for an unpleasant aftertaste can be a saucepan with sugar syrup forgotten on the stove: after the sugar burns, the taste of burnt sugar will remain in the jam.

Why is cherry jam candied?

Cherry jam can be candied for three reasons:

Wrong preparation:

  • adding too much sugar or honey to the syrup can lead not only to sugaring, but also to the appearance of mold;
  • too long boiling of the syrup, in which the berries give up all their juice, the liquid evaporates and the jam crystallizes;

Incorrect storage:

  • A jar that is not hermetically closed, into which air enters, drying out the contents, spoons left in the jar and foreign substances that get into the jam can also cause sugaring.

Why did cherry jam turn brown?

Most often, cherry jam loses its aesthetic appearance and turns brown as a result of digestion. Too long cooking time can not only destroy all the useful properties of cherries, but also worsen its appearance and taste.

What to do if cherry jam has fermented?

Most often, wine or moonshine is made from fermented, but not moldy jam.

1 liter of fermented jam is poured into a five-liter jar, 1.5 liters of water and a glass of sugar are added. A pierced rubber glove is put on top; the jar is hermetically sealed and placed in a warm place (for example, to the battery).

When the glove is deflated, the resulting material must be filtered through a cloth or gauze. 1.5 cups of sugar are added to the mash. The resulting material is bottled and sent to infuse for two months.

There is an original recipe for using fermented jam. In 300 ml of jam, put 1 teaspoon of soda, wait 5 minutes. Add 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 300 g of flour. Knead the dough and make pancakes. You can pour it into a mold and bake like a pie: about 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

What should I do if the cherry jam is moldy / moldy?

For the development of mold, oxygen is needed, which is not present in the lower layers of jam. Therefore, you just need to remove the mold and throw out the top 2 - 3 centimeters of the product. The remaining jam can be safely used for its intended purpose.

In extreme cases, you can cook the workpiece a little. Add 1 cup of sugar to 1 liter of jam and simmer for about 10 minutes after boiling.

What to do if cherry jam foams?

If the jam foams a lot during cooking, then do not worry. This means that the berries were picked in a rainy summer and absorbed too much water. Perhaps such jam will need to be cooked a little longer.

If cherry jam foams in sealed jars, then it is likely that it has fermented. In this case, the jar needs to be checked for a characteristic smell of fermentation. How to use fermented jam, read above.

The benefits and harms of cherry jam

Benefit cherry jam is due to the presence of the following elements in it:

  • vitamins of groups C, B1 and B2, PP, which increase the body's resistance to diseases, strengthen the immune system and fight viruses;
  • potassium, iron and magnesium, which increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • folic acid and vitamin B9, which contribute to the organic functioning of the circulatory and immune systems.

Harmful properties cherry jam:

  • in all jam recipes (and cherry is no exception), sugar must be added. Moreover, its amount, as a rule, is half of the entire finished product, which negatively affects not only the figure, but also tooth enamel, the problems of allergy sufferers and diabetics;
  • the substance contained in the seeds of cherries - amygdalin, after a long time of storage (more than a year), begins to release hydrocyanic acid, which can be fatal to humans. Therefore, housewives who only recognize recipes for cherry jam with pits must follow one rule: either remove the pits from the berries before cooking or eat the finished jam faster than a year.

The benefits and harms of cherry jam during pregnancy

Pregnant women often change their taste preferences, indulging the whims of a changing hormonal background. The result of such experiments can be the absorption of salted tangerines or ice cream with pepper, but often requests can be much more modest and a lady in an “interesting position” will wish for cherry jam.

What is benefit cherry jam for a pregnant woman?

  • ascorbic acid contained in jam will increase the immunity of the expectant mother;
  • calcium will strengthen teeth and bones, which during pregnancy give in to a huge load;
  • folic acid favorably affects the development of the nervous system of the baby;

However, for some groups of expectant mothers, cherry jam can bring harm:

  • allergy sufferers may react to cherries with a rash and swelling;
  • diabetics are contraindicated in consuming too many carbohydrates contained in jam;
  • caring mothers seeking to avoid hydrocyanic acid poisoning should not use cherry jam with seeds.

For the same reasons, cherry jam should not be given to young children (under 3 years old) and people of all ages who are at risk (allergy sufferers and diabetics).

The benefits and harms of cherry jam during breastfeeding

Before adding cherry jam to the diet, a nursing mother should definitely consult a pediatrician. If the doctor observing the child does not notice any abnormalities, then he can give permission for the use of cherry jam.

You should start with one or two spoons of jam. If during the day the child does not have rejection or allergies, then you can safely eat jam.

Remember that cherry jam must be fresh and of high quality. Most often, ready-made store jam does not meet these requirements. Therefore, it is better to cook cherry jam yourself, a simple recipe for which you can find here.

Cherry jam calories

Cherry jam is the least nutritious of all those made with sugar. Average energy value per 100 gr. - 260-300 Kcl and 68 gr. carbohydrates.

Is it possible to have cherry jam with an ulcer?

Those suffering from a stomach or duodenal ulcer are not recommended to eat cherries and all its derivatives, including jam. The final answer can only be given by your attending physician, who knows all the features of the course of the disease.

Is it possible to have cherry jam with gastritis?

During an exacerbation of gastritis, cherry jam is strictly prohibited. Only when remission sets in, you can treat yourself to a spoon - another cherry jam. Of course, after consulting with your doctor beforehand.

Is it possible to have cherry jam with pancreatitis?

Patients with pancreatitis, especially its acute forms, should completely exclude any jam from the diet. Jam is not recommended due to the large amount of carbohydrates in sugar, the consumption of which during illness should be reduced as much as possible.

During the decrease in the exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should consult with your doctor about eating cherry jam. If a doctor who knows all the features of the course of the disease does not mind, then sometimes you can treat yourself to a spoon - another cherry jam.

Cherry jam, recipes with photos for the winter of which you will find on this page, will become an indispensable treat on your table!

Hello friends and girlfriends!

Cherry jam is on the agenda today. We will learn how to cook it thick and with bones. Although there are options that suggest cooking this delicacy without them. Which one do you prefer? I love both. Therefore, my preparations are always varied and tasty, and all because I make them only according to proven and simple recipes.

The main thing is to choose only ripe and juicy berries for this charm, it is advisable to take them large and unharmed so that they retain their integrity during cooking.

To be honest, I like this dessert because it tastes quite pleasant and sweet, with a little sourness. Something even resembles cherry jam, although this option is more cloying.

But everyone in my family loves both. We eat with large spoons and drink with tea. And sometimes I make shortcakes and grease the top with jam, and a cherry acts as a decoration. It turns out both cheap and beautiful. And there is one more idea to decorate your favorite desserts, such as ice cream.

There is only one thing, but please do not forget about it. Since there is acid in the bones, it means that the storage of such a product, according to all safety rules, cannot be more than one year.

I can’t even imagine my cellar without jam. How so, to make blanks and so that such magic jars do not stand on the shelves. Which you open and immediately remember a piece of summer. Where you ran along the path, went to visit your grandmother and collected a huge harvest.

Note to housewives! My family loves cherries not only boiled, but also prefers to freeze them in the freezer. After taking it out, at any time you can enjoy the aroma and cook at least jam, even cook compote. In general, there are many options.

Memories of childhood always come flooding back to me, because I loved watching cartoons about the cheerful and mischievous Carlson, who also ate cherry jam from a vase. So be sure to do it, maybe he will fly to you).

Important! Now, as for the ingredients themselves, the calculation of granulated sugar and berries goes about 1 to 1. So it’s easy to remember, you don’t even have to write anywhere.

We will need:

  • cherry berries - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg


1. Before you start the main work, wash the berries thoroughly in running water. Then shake the cherry through a colander so that all the droplets escape. Then sprinkle with sugar.

Usually such a dish is cooked in 3 or 4 calls. Depending on what effect you want to get, someone prefers a too dense consistency, then it will take longer to cook. And someone is hotter. Any option turns out incredibly tasty and with a little sourness.

Leave the ripe cherries with pits to stand and put the juice into the sugar. It is better to let her rest all night in this form. Or then put it out in the morning, and in the evening - cooking.

2. After the magical transformation begins - put a bowl with the possessed and bring to a boil, as is customary in any classic recipe. If you see foam, and it will probably be there, then scoop it up with a spoon and remove it.

My kids are right there, like kittens for milk, they come running and licking the spoons).

Cook over low heat and be sure to stir, quite often. To avoid burning anything, do this for about 6-8 minutes.

Then let the jam stand and again stand out with even more juice. The waiting time will be about 7-8 hours. And then again, put the container on the stove and boil (5-7 minutes), this procedure will need to be repeated 2 more times. In total, you get 4 passes. You can basically get by with three.

4. You can roll it under a metal cover with a special key or clog it using screw ones. Further, if you refer to the instructions, you should turn the jars over and cover with a towel. Allow to cool completely to room temperature and store in a pantry or somewhere cool.

A simple recipe for cherry jam with whole berries without sterilization

A variant that has been proven over the years and always helps out. More details and details can be seen in this film. Moreover, if you are a beginner, it is better to go straight to viewing.

This versatile yet easy recipe will help you not only learn how to make cherry jam, but also apply it to other berries later on.

Cherry jam for the winter, like jelly - Five-minute recipe

This time I will have an unusual option that can be prepared in just 5 minutes. Imagine how cool, oh, and everything is ready. And most importantly, fast and very tasty!

The biggest advantage of this option is that by cooking without gelatin or any binder, you can quite easily achieve a jelly-like consistency. Sometimes miracles do happen in the kitchen.

We will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg


1. Prepared berry, that is, wash it first and sort it from twigs, leaves, and the like. Don't remove the bones. Then sprinkle with sugar and stir with a spatula. Then be patient, wait a night or 3-4 hours. During this time, the sugar, due to the fact that the juice will stand out from the cherry, will begin to thaw.

3. On the surface, foam will constantly form when bubbles start to form.

Do you know how to avoid this incident? The answer is this - add a spoonful of lemon juice just before boiling. It is the acid contained in the lemon that will prevent this process from developing.

And that's not all - lemons contain a large amount of pectin. And what does it give? It is precisely that most wonderful property - cohesion and not a liquid, but a thick consistency.

And this means that nothing will ever escape and rise over the edges. But, I still recommend taking high containers with large sides. Usually done in enamelware or saucepans are used. It all depends on how many kilograms of the desired products you took.

Advice! If you cook such a blank for the first time, then first make such a treat for a sample. If everything works out, then you will continue to conjure.

4. The hot miracle of nature should be poured hot into clean jars. And of course, close them with lids. Let cool and lower into the cellar or store in the refrigerator. Such an option is not stored for a very long time, but it will definitely stand for about 6 months. And this means that you will receive vitamins in your diet until the New Year. Bon appetit!

How to make jam with cherries, gelatin and without water

I love everything original, and this version shocked me too. Now quite often you can find that many began to cheat and, in order to achieve the desired result, they began to add pectin to the mixture, agar-agar and gelatin are no exception.

Why are you doing this, it’s probably clear to everyone why, so that the mass turns out to be thick from cherries and the spoon would just “stand”. Of course, you must agree that this is cool, the main thing is that it also looks beautiful, which is also not unimportant.

Everyone has long known that cherries are very harmoniously combined with chocolate cakes or sweets, in principle, there are so many sweet dishes now. That's why, in order not to repeat myself, I want to show something new and unique this time. Optionally, you can not add additional ingredients. And if you still want to diversify your menu, then be sure to use this addition. Let's see the composition.

We will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg
  • instant cocoa powder - 3 tbsp (optional)
  • ground cinnamon - 2.5 tsp (optional)
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • gelatin - 1 packet about 25 g


1. Soak cherries in water, then remove all sticks. For conservation, they will not be useful, but will only interfere.

2. Then place the clean berries in a bowl, which should be deep and comfortable.

3. Pour the contents with granulated sugar and let, as is customary, stand in this state for one night.

4. After which you can observe such a picture, sugar crystals will almost all dissolve in a short period of time. And if not, then we will help them later. Add cinnamon and cocoa. Stir.

5. Cook over medium heat after boiling point for five whole minutes. Then remove from heat and let the berries release their juice even more. Hold for 2-3 hours. You can carefully cover the container with a towel so that the flies do not fly in).

6. Then you can already pour such a five-minute jar. But, this time we cook using a different technology, so bring the mass back to a boil again for 5 minutes, then let it cool down to room temperature again.

And for the very third time, before boiling, add a bag of gelatin, and let it swell for 15 minutes, then stir quickly and just bring the mass to a boil, turn off the stove.

Pour the hot treat into jars. Keep them clean and dry. Close the lids, cool and lower into the cellar.

7. Eat friends and enjoy the fragrant and magnificent treat given by nature itself.

Cherry jam with a bone in a slow cooker

Depending on how the cherry tastes - sweet-sour or sour, you must first determine the proportions. At the very beginning, it was already stipulated that you need to take 1 to 1, since here the electrical appliance is a multicooker, nothing changes.

It is often more convenient to cook in it, agree that it has large edges on the bowl, and if there are not so many ingredients, then it is quite convenient.

We will need:

  • cherry - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg


1. Sort and rinse the cherries, leaving only the largest and whole berries.

2. Place the fruit in a bowl, and pour half a kilo of sugar on top of the cherry.

3. Leave the container overnight so that the sugar begins to dissolve from the liquid that the berry releases.

4. After a night, select the “Frying” or “Multipovar” mode in the multicooker 100 degrees and stir after 8 minutes so that the sugar melts evenly.

Then increase the temperature to 120 degrees and stirring, cook until boiling. Stir again. Turn off the multicooker as soon as the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. This time we will cook in three batches.

First, it turns out to dissolve the sugar, the second time the berries will begin to wrinkle a little, but the third time they will be saturated with syrup.

After the first time, let the mass cool down, it should take 5-6 hours, then boil again and boil for 5 minutes, turn it off, let the mixture become cool. And only after that again bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes.

5. Then fill in clean and sterile jars, close the lid and cool. Store in a dark cool place.

Video recipe from the YouTube channel by Olga Matvey

Here's another quirky variant, from a well-known blogger on the web. According to this method, the jam is not too dense in consistency, but it is very tasty and rich, as the cherries will be stewed in their own juice.

Study and watch this story and you will also soon learn all the secrets and subtleties of this dish.

How to cook cherry jam with pits and gelfix

And finally, I want to please my friends with another intriguing novelty of this summer. I tried to find an option from which you will be crazy or out of memory.

In principle, this is a five-minute cherry, but with a jelly-like component so that the consistency is even better.

If you want jam with sourness, then add less granulated sugar. And remember, the less sugar you add, the more liquid the consistency will be. Or you can use gelfix to achieve the result. The most interesting thing is that then you can take only half a kilo of sugar per 1 kg of fruit.

This is interesting! Excellent gelfix is ​​suitable for jams and marmalades.

We will need:

  • cherry - 800 g
  • sugar - 800 g
  • gelfix
  • water - 2 tbsp (or without it)


1. Place the cherries in the prepared container and sprinkle with sugar, stir with a spatula and leave for a certain time so that the cherries give juice. If this does not happen, then add two tablespoons of water.

2. Light the gas and bring the saucepan to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, and then leave to cool completely. Repeat the procedure 3 times. That's just the third time you pour gelfix, cook after boiling for 3-5 minutes.

If foam stands out, carefully remove it with a spoon with holes.

3. Then pour into containers so that the cans do not burst, put a metal knife under them.

4. From above, when you do the packaging, foam may form, remove it.

5. Screw the jar with a special seaming machine and check whether you have done everything tightly.

6. Eat healthy and store this treat for about 7-8 months in the refrigerator. Happy discoveries!

OK it's all over Now. Today we got acquainted with awesomely beautiful and tasty cherry jam, cooked it with seeds and made a bunch of blanks for the winter.

I wish that luck always does not leave you and only a sunny mood accompanies you. See you all soon! Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova
