
A classic recipe for chokeberry wine. Aronia wine

Wine from chokeberry enjoys particular popularity. It's different beautiful color, great taste And long term storage. You can even cook it at home. How? Read more about this.

Aronia wine: recipe

The first step is to make a wine sourdough. To do this, take raspberries or strawberries. You can take both types of berries. If the season of their ripening has already passed, as wine yeast use rose hips. Gather the berries and place in a jar (no need to wash). If you rinse them, then along with the water, you will remove all the natural yeast that is so necessary for fermentation.

Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pour in? liters of cool water, tie the neck with gauze folded in several layers, let it brew for 3 days. The mass must be stirred from time to time. 3 days later wine sourdough will actively roam. It can be used to make an alcoholic drink.

How about you?

Grind 3 kg of chokeberry with a food processor (it also does not need to be washed). Pour the mixture into a bucket, add wine sourdough. Add water and granulated sugar. Liquids should also be 3 liters. It is better to filter or insist. Measure out 2 kg of sugar, prepare with a little water sugar syrup. Once it cools down, pour it into a bucket of chokeberry. Tie the bucket with a dense layer of gauze, for active fermentation, let it brew for 8 days. During this time, stir the wort several times. This is necessary in order to remove the berry peel, which forms on the surface and prevents the flow of oxygen.

The main work comes in 8 days. At this time, the wort must be filtered. You can strain by hand or use a juicer. Pour the filtered wort into a bottle, arrange a water seal. For this purpose, you can use a special system for blood transfusion. It can be easily purchased at a pharmacy.

Insert a thick needle into the lid. Place the other end of the tube in liter jar filled with water. Cover the edge of the lid and the puncture site for better tightness with plasticine. Move to a dark and cool room. silent fermentation will start in two days. Shake the must from time to time. Fermentation will stop after 40 days. The drink can be bottled using the same tubes and put away for storage. In bottles, it should be stored for two to three months. Only then can it be consumed. Homemade chokeberry wine ready!

Try and delicious jam from these berries. Detailed recipe read .

Recipe for homemade chokeberry wine

You will need:

Chokeberry - 1 kg
- sugar - 1 kg
- raisins - 110 g

How to cook:

Gather the berries, put them in a jar. In no case should they be washed, since the process of active fermentation will not begin. Add raisins and 300 g sugar. Leave the raisins unwashed as well. Pour some water room temperature. Do not add water to the end by 1/3. Once you have everything ready, close the jar tight lid. This will allow the gas to escape. Move the container as far away from light as possible. If you are using nylon cover, make 2 slots in it. If you took a metal cap, just throw it on top. The drink must be stirred every day. Do not open the jar, but simply stir the contents using circular motions. After a week, add another 300 g of sugar, and after another week, add another 300 g of sugar. Leave the wine for a month to ferment, wait for the mountain ash to sink to the bottom. Pour another 100 g granulated sugar. Remove the fruits by straining the contents through a colander. Leave the wine to infuse for a couple of weeks. All suspension during this time will settle to the bottom, and a clean drink can be carefully drained. As a result, you will get 2 liters of fine.

Chokeberry wine at home: must preparation.

Must for wine can be prepared in three different ways.

Classic way. wring out berry juice, add yeast sourdough and sugar, put on fermentation. This method has no special features. Its great disadvantage is that it is extracted from the fruits a large number of useful substances. Some of them remain in the pulp. However, this pulp can be used in the preparation of various culinary products- kissels, jams, etc.

Fermentation of the pulp. Berries juice is squeezed out. After squeezing, it is poured to the very neck of the container and tightly corked. The container is placed in the refrigerator. Pomace should be poured with water and diluted with a small amount of sugar. Stir the finished yeast wiring well, set for a couple of days for fermentation. The neck in this case should be covered with a cotton plug. The mixture is periodically stirred so that mold does not appear on the surface. After a couple of days, the pomace is squeezed out, and the resulting mixture is mixed with the squeezed juice, into which it is poured required amount Sahara.

Cahors technology. After pressing the pomace, it is poured hot water and kept throughout the day. The pomace is squeezed again, and the liquid is combined with the previously squeezed juice. At the end is added yeast starter and sugar. The must is removed for fermentation.

Interested self-manufacturing dessert and liqueur drinks, it is worth trying simple and proven recipes, according to which chokeberry wine is prepared at home, tasty and fragrant.

Despite the fact that chokeberry or chokeberry berries are distinguished by bitterness and are rarely used in the preparation of jams and jams, they are excellent for making wine. Recipes for making at home differ in the method of squeezing juice, preparing the wort, adding a blend of fruit and berry juices.

Interesting! Dessert and sweet wines are the most successful. Can also be made dry wine, but it will be tart and will not be to everyone's taste.

Tricks in making rowan wine

It is not necessary to wash the collected berries - on the peel there are special microorganisms that contribute to the fermentation process.

Young wine must be aged for at least 90 days to avoid a hint of astringency. If fermentation is used in the recipe, then it is better to withstand the drink for at least 6 months.

To improve the taste, the wine is blended - other fruit and berry juice mixtures are added, and clean and unboiled water is used.

Required accessories

A novice winemaker should not spend money on an expensive water seal or a system that is difficult to seal. The role of a water seal is perfectly performed by a simple medical glove.

To strain the liquid, you will need a thin cotton cloth or gauze and a colander. Can be applied plastic utensils, but there is a chance that the wine will turn out with an unpleasant aftertaste.

To defend the wine, you need a small three-liter container, and you can store it in bottles with a ground-in lid.

The most popular cooking method is fermentation. Its essence lies in the fact that the squeezed berry mass is boiled with water, and then left to ferment. In addition to this recipe, wine is made using yeast, as well as Cahors.


First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly knead the berries until a homogeneous puree-like mass is obtained. For 7.5 kg of berries, 3 kg of sugar and 1.5 liters of warm (35-37º C) water are taken. 2/3 of the total amount of sugar and water is added to the resulting berry mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed until sugar is completely dissolved and covered with gauze for the duration of fermentation.

Interesting! Aronia wine ferments longer than others berry drinks The process will take at least a week.

The container should be in a room called a fermentation room. The fermentation temperature is in the range of 22-25 ºС, direct Sun rays should not penetrate it. The settled mixture is thoroughly mixed twice a day.

You can understand that fermentation has begun by the foam cap that appears on top of the mixture. Sometimes fermentation does not start for a long time. If within 4-5 days the process does not start on its own, you need to add wine yeast, or yeast for baking. The calculation of the yeast powder is based on the proportion of 10 g of yeast per 10 liters of liquid mixture.

After a week, strain the liquid, called must, through a colander. Berry cake should not be squeezed hard. The fermentation tank is filled with the must, you need to make sure that the liquid takes up no more than half the volume. The container is tightly closed with a shutter and placed back into the fermenter.

1/3 sugar and 1/3 warm water are added to the remaining cake according to the recipe. The mixture is covered with gauze and placed along with the wort. During the week, the cake continues to ferment, after which it is filtered again. To prevent the mixture from spoiling, it is often kneaded. After a week of fermentation of the berry mass with water, it is filtered and mixed with fermenting rowan juice, and the remaining cake can be used as a filling or for making jam.

The expressed liquid must be added to the containers with the wort, gently mixing them. The removed factory water seal can simply be washed with water and reinstalled on the container, and the medical glove must be replaced with a new one.

After completion of all manipulations, the container with the wort must be in the fermenter for at least 45 days until gas formation is completely completed. When using a glove, you can determine by it whether fermentation is in progress or has already been completed. The separated gas fills the glove and lifts it above the container. After fermentation is complete, the glove falls off.

Young wine is carefully pumped into three-liter bottles using a narrow tube, without tilting the container. If desired, you can make wine from chokeberry fortified by adding sugar at this stage. For 2-3 days, the bottles are placed in the cold, until sediment appears at the bottom. To get rid of it, the liquid is carefully drained. Next, the wine is bottled, tightly corked and put on exposure for three to six months. Lovers of young wine can skip this step, but do not forget that in this case it will be slightly bitter.

Homemade wine according to the recipe with yeast is even easier to prepare, even a novice winemaker can handle it. For 3 kg of berries you will need 1 liter of water and 15 g of yeast. Next, you need to prepare the wort, for which the berries are kneaded, or crushed in a blender. The resulting mixture is filtered, about 2 liters of juice should come out.

To reduce astringency, you can blend rowan juice with grape and apple juice, as well as add hibiscus leaves.

Berry cake is poured several times with boiling water, left to infuse, and drained. Do this until you get 5 liters of wort. Then 1.5 kg of sugar and yeast are poured, after which the mixture is thoroughly kneaded. After that, the wine is sent to ferment for a month in glass container with water seal or glove.

During this time, sugar will need to be added in two more doses in the same amount, with an interval of a week. Then wait for the sediment to appear, carefully drain the wine and cork it into bottles.

By type of Cahors

According to this recipe, the wine succeeds with a slight sourness and a moderately tart note, similar to dry wine made from grapes, for example, Cahors. To complete the recipe for 5 kg of chokeberry, you need to take 4 tbsp. Sahara. Beat the berries into a smooth puree with a blender, add ¾ of the total amount of sugar and mix thoroughly.

Put a gauze knot in which a few branches of mountain ash are tied in a saucepan with gruel from berries. Put the container with berries for a week in a warm dark place and mix thoroughly every day. After a week, squeeze the berries, remove the juice in a cold place under a water seal for three weeks, pour the pulp with a liter of water, add the remaining ¼ of sugar and set to ferment again.

Then mix all the liquid with the squeezed juice and set to stand for 2 months. During this time, the wine must be drained from the sediment three times. The resulting wine should be ruby ​​red, viscous and with a noble taste.

Rowan wine is good for health in small quantities due to the composition rich in microelements. For hypertensive patients, it is recommended to use it in prophylactic doses in order to reduce pressure. Chokeberry increases hemoglobin, favorably affects blood circulation. But suffering from hypotension, thrombophlebitis and diseases gastrointestinal tract do not get carried away with this drink.

Step-by-step chokeberry wine recipes

Aronia wine is made according to recipes based on classical fermentation. The step-by-step basis of the recipes is as follows:

  • harvested berries are prepared;
  • wort is obtained;
  • the fermentation process starts;
  • young wine is filtered and bottled;
  • the drink is sent to ripen.

However, there are more than hundreds of recipes for making wine, and the taste of the drink can be very different. Such diversity is achieved by experimenting with the main recipe.

Raisins are added to classic recipe to improve the fermentation process and obtain a light grape sweetness in the aftertaste. Add 10 grams of raisins per 1 kg of berries along with water and sugar before fermentation. To promote fermentation, it is added unwashed.

With cloves and cinnamon

This recipe almost completely repeats the method of fermentation. The difference lies in the fact that at the stage of fermentation of the must, 5 grams of cinnamon and cloves are added. For better taste wine is not recommended to drink young, but properly aged, it has a unique spicy aftertaste and resembles the taste of liquor.

with cherry leaf

This recipe will give wine spicy notes cherry aroma. Add cherry leaves, and sometimes the berries themselves to get a richer flavor. It turns out light drink by pour type.

To prepare it, you need to take a glass of chokeberry and sugar, 100 g cherry leaves, a liter of water and 0.5 liters of vodka, as well as 1 tsp citric acid.

Leaves and berries are filled with water and boiled for half an hour. Then the mass is filtered and cooled. The second step is to add another glass of sugar, lemon acid and everything boils on a quiet fire. After cooling, filter and add vodka. The drink will be ready in a few hours.

How to properly store chokeberry wine

Since the wine is usually not too strong (12-14 degrees) and sweet, it can be stored for quite a long time. It is recommended not to increase the storage temperature above 18 degrees, and the storage period should not be longer than 5 years.


Wine made from chokeberry at home is excellent for the preventive treatment of hypertension, but it is better not to get carried away with it if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

A variety of recipes allows you to experiment with the result. Wines are tasty and healthy. It is not advised to use fresh wine, it is necessary to let it brew for at least 3 months, then the wine will turn out to be aged,

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) adorns many suburban and household plots. This is not surprising - the berry is famous for its special healing properties. The most useful chokeberry is freshly picked berries, but it is also harvested for the winter in the form of jams and compotes. I would like to note that the aronia berry is tart and has a specific taste, even in a processed state. But this particular one tart taste in homemade wine, it opens up and begins to play with interesting notes. Therefore, if the harvest was a success, try making your own chokeberry wine at home. In this article, we will learn how to do it.

Chokeberry: features of raw materials

Homemade chokeberry wine can be prepared from fresh berries, and frozen. Therefore, if there is no time left for winemaking immediately after harvesting, then just freeze the berries. In any case, you get a real homemade healing drink.

Harvested berries do not need to be washed. The skin of chokeberry contains wild yeast, which will be active participants in the fermentation process, or rather, its initiators. Without wild yeast wine fermentation will not start. Berries must be harvested before frost, because yeast fungi afraid low temperatures and they die.

Recipe #1 Classic

This chokeberry wine recipe is traditional.

We need:

  • Aronia - 10-12 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 6-7 glasses;
  • Water - liter.


First, prepare the berries themselves, they must be carefully crushed. To do this, use a wooden pestle or just knead with your hands. But given the specifics of the berry - too thick a skin, you can use a meat grinder.

In received berry puree you need to add sugar. Depending on what result you expect and what kind of wine you prefer, the amount of sugar varies. For lovers of dessert wines, you need 12 kilograms, and for those who like it sour, 10 kilograms is enough. Now the preparation for wine needs to be mixed well and add a liter of water. We cover the pan with wine must with a thick layer of gauze, and let it stand in a warm place for 6-8 days. Make sure that the room temperature drops below 20 C° and does not rise above 25 C°. In a wine that plays well, the pulp rises to the top and a white foam forms, a sour smell is felt and a slight hiss is heard.

Now you need to strain the wine must, squeeze the pulp well through a gauze bag. You can rub the pulp through a sieve, but with this method, additional filtration will be required, although the wine from chokeberry will turn out to be more saturated. Pour liquid into fermentation tank and put on a water seal. Choose a water seal of any design: store-bought, a cap with a tube, or a regular rubber glove.

We remove the wine must now in cool place - optimum temperature 18 C°. Wine in this form will stand for 25-30 days. After the sediment is completely at the bottom, the liquid will brighten, and there will be no signs of seething - we can say that the wine from chokeberry is ready. If during the settling process a new precipitate falls out, the liquid must be carefully drained from it using a thin hose.

The finished young wine is bottled, corked tightly and sent to the cellar. Although now you can shoot the first samples.

Recipe number 2 From rowan juice

Rowan wine at home can also be prepared from freshly made juice.



Dilute rowan juice with water, dissolve sugar in the mixture. We cover the container with the workpiece with several layers of gauze and put it in a warm place to start the fermentation process. This will take 5-7 days. After that, we install a water seal and leave the wine in the same place until the end of the fermentation process. It is important that the wine does not stand too long, otherwise it will turn into vinegar. As soon as the sediment settled, the seething stopped, the liquid brightened - we filter the drink and cork it into bottles. Tasty wine from black rowan is stored in the cellar for one year.

Recipe number 3 from red rowan

You now know how to make wine from chokeberry, now we will learn how wine is made from red ashberry. Due to the fact that this recipe contains Apple juice, taste finished product turns out to be very interesting.



To begin with, the prepared sorted berries should be poured over with boiling water, let it stand for about 30 minutes. After that, we pass the berries through a meat grinder. IN enamel saucepan mix: berry puree, warm water, apple juice and half the total sugar. Add grapes or raisins to this and mix everything thoroughly.

We cover the red mountain ash wine with gauze and put it in heat for 3-4 days. When signs of fermentation appear: hissing, sour smell and white foam on a surface; wine must must be filtered and poured into a fermentation tank. Add the rest of the sugar and install a water seal. Do not fill the container completely, there should be approximately 25% of the free space of the total volume for the wine yeast to fully work. Now the wine should stand for 25-40 days in a cool place. At the end of fermentation, the liquid will become much lighter, and the waste products of the yeast will precipitate.

We drain the young wine from red mountain ash from the sediment and let it stand for another 2 months under a water seal.

Recipe number 4 Fortified

You can make delicious fortified wine from rowan.



Mix crushed berries with sugar and cinnamon. We put the container with the wine preparation for fermentation. As soon as the wort ferments, pour it into a fermentation tank, install a water seal and let it ferment in a cool place. After a month, filter, add cinnamon and vodka and leave for another month under a water seal. Cinnamon sets off the taste of mountain ash, creating an interesting aromatic bouquet.

Thanks to their healing qualities rowan wine can be used to make mulled wine to help with a cold. You can simply add a tablespoon of fortified rowan wine to tea to prevent colds.

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When summer season finished, it's time to make wines from ripe berries grapes and chokeberry. Despite the fact that the latter is not very widely known, many winemakers consider it a very worthy rival of its main competitor. After all, the wine from chokeberry is fragrant and rich.

Anyone can make a drink from chokeberry. The recipe is very simple, although the cooking process takes a lot of time. But it's worth it, because the end result will please even the most demanding gourmet. Chokeberry ripens in early autumn, and the preparation of wine takes approximately two months. This means that by the New Year it will be ready, and will become the highlight of the festive table.

Benefits and contraindications

Wine from chokeberry differs not only in rich taste, but also in benefits for the body, as it does not contain yeast and alcohol. In addition to everything else, black rowan has many healing properties.

  1. Its fruits are useful and often used in medicine.
  2. It is rich in vitamins. Due to this, various syrups are often prepared from it, which strengthen the body.
  3. Aronia chokeberry is recommended for use by people suffering from high blood pressure. After all, she reduces it very well.
  4. It strengthens the immune system, helps with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Chokeberry is considered low-calorie and contains vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels.
  6. It contains pectin and tannins, which cleanse the body and remove toxins from it.

However, there are some contraindications to its use.

  1. Chokeberry is strictly prohibited for people with increased blood clotting.
  2. Its use can harm hypotensive patients, ulcers, people suffering from arterial hypotension. Therefore, all this must be taken into account when starting to prepare such a wine.

Knowing about the benefits of this wine, and keeping in mind all the contraindications, you can decide whether to cook it and how much to use the finished product.

Cooking steps

Many winemakers prefer chokeberry to other raw materials. After all, the wine from it has not only beautiful colour, but also rich taste. You can make both dessert and table wines from the same blank. However, the latter are rarely cooked, as they have a very tart taste. cook Home wine from chokeberry will not be difficult. But in order to do it, you need to know step by step recipe, which consists of several stages. These include berry processing, must preparation, sourdough, fermentation and filtration.

Berry processing

The first step is the collection and sorting of berries. To make the wine tasty, it is better to collect chokeberry before the onset of the first frost. This will require approximately ten kilograms of berries. It is not necessary to wash the chokeberry, as there are bacteria on its surface that help the wine ferment.

Do not be afraid that dirty berries will harm the body, all this will go into sediment and be removed at the filtration stages.

Wort preparation

Then the berries must be carefully crushed with your hands, or grind in a meat grinder. Sugar is added to the resulting mass. The proportions are as follows: for ten kilograms of berries, one kilogram of sugar is added. The end result will be dessert wine.

If it seems sour, then sugar can be added in the next steps of cooking.

wine sourdough

Then wine sourdough is made. It needs to be prepared in advance. To do this, take two glasses of any berries. They fall asleep in a jar, always unwashed. This is done so that the fermentation process is more active.

Then 0.5 l is added cold water and two tablespoons of sugar. Instead of yeast, you can use raisins or rose hips. Next, the jar is tied with gauze in four layers and placed in a warm place for three days. The sourdough must be stirred periodically. After three days, it can be used for cooking wine drink.


To do this, wine sourdough is poured very slowly into the prepared must, with the addition of sugar. Everything is thoroughly mixed. You can even do it by hand. Next, the container with the future wine is closed with a tight lid and left for a week in a warm place for fermentation. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature is not higher than twenty-five degrees.

The fermentation process lasts a week. All this time, the wine must be stirred and watched so that it does not become moldy, otherwise the taste of the wine drink will be spoiled. After a week, when the swollen berries float to the top and foam appears, you can proceed to the next step.

At this stage, the container opens and the pulp is taken out by hand. Then it must be squeezed well, and the remaining liquid must be passed through a sieve. The pulp does not need to be thrown away. Gotta send it to re-fermentation for another seven days. To do this, you need to fill it with one liter of water and add a glass of sugar.

Further, the filtered liquid is poured into bottles and closed with a water seal. It can be made by hand. For this, a screw cap and a drain tube are used. A hole is made in the center of the lid, the diameter of which is equal to the cross section of the hose. It goes through this hole. The end of the hose is lowered into a jar of clean water. This is done so that excess gases freely escape, and the wine does not "suffocate".

Cooked jars are sent to a cool and dark place.

It is important that the temperature there remains below eighteen degrees. Within a month, it is necessary to remove the foam that has formed on the wine once a week.


Among other things, the wine must be filtered. This process is simple: it is poured from one container to another. There will be some sediment at the bottom. Many beginner winemakers think this is a bad sign. But this is quite normal, since further in the process of filtering the sediment will become less and less.

In addition, once a month, you need to do a special cleaning. The wine is poured through a tube slightly thinner than the outlet. It should be located slightly above the container where the wine drink will be poured. This process helps the wine acquire a refined taste.

After a month, it is necessary to stimulate fermentation. For this, wine is added ammonia, one drop per liter of liquid. This makes the wine stronger. And also do filtering even more often, at least once every two weeks.

When the chokeberry wine becomes lighter, it means that the process is nearing its end. This wine is young, and you can already taste it. At this stage, the taste should be sour, but sweetness should still be present.

After two months, when the wine becomes completely transparent, you can add sugar to it. One tablespoon per liter of wine will suffice. But pouring it directly into the container is not necessary. To do this, you need to place it in cotton material, tie it with a thread, and lower it into a container with wine. The material with sugar is fixed with a thread and a water seal is placed on top. The process of "sweetening" lasts a week, during which the sugar must completely dissolve.

After that, the wine is poured into those containers where it will be stored. As a rule, this simple bottles, less often - banks. However, you should not immediately close it tightly, as it is still young and can break the container during fermentation.

You need to close it tightly when the wine is already one hundred percent ready.


The traditional recipe described above is far from the only one. There are many other interesting versions of the preparation of a wine drink from fragrant chokeberry. Any of them will be just as good and useful. Therefore, it is worth considering them.

Pouring with vodka

This recipe is the simplest, it can be prepared in just one day. To prepare it, you need the simplest ingredients.

  • 1.5 kg of chokeberry;
  • 3 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5–0.7 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of forty-degree vodka;
  • 5-6 cloves;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

First, the chokeberry berries are sorted, then they are washed. After that, they are thrown into the pan and put on the stove. When the mass boils, the fire decreases and the liquid is boiled for another thirty minutes. After that, the pan should be placed in a cool room for half a day.

Then you need to wipe everything through a sieve and add sugar. Then the pan is again put on the fire and boiled for another half hour. After the time has passed, spices and vodka are added. Then everything is brought to a boil and removed from the heat. When the liqueur has cooled, it must be filtered again and poured into the containers in which it will be stored. It can be used right away.

Chokeberry is a berry that many people consider useless for preparations, except to add it to compote for color and apple jam for piquancy.

However, homemade wine from chokeberry or chokeberry, as this berry is called in another way, is very tasty if it is prepared correctly.

We will tell you how to make chokeberry wine at home recipe without yeast.

You will need 10-12 kg of berries per 6-7 liters ready drink. And the first question that arises if you decide to put the wine: is it necessary to wash the chokeberry berries?

Washing will wash away the very important yeast bacteria that are involved in the fermentation process. And if there is any dust on the berries, then it will fall into the sediment and be filtered out.

By the way, for cooking homemade wine frozen berries are also not suitable, because these bacteria die at low temperatures.

As a container, it is best to choose a large glass bottle, in extreme cases, food containers of stainless steel or enameled without a single chip.

Recipe for making homemade black ashberry wine

1. Mash each berry. Can modern way- in a meat grinder. But best wine from chokeberry it turns out, of course, upon contact with hands. Do this in old, “working” clothes, the juice gets very dirty.

2. Add sugar at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 kg of berry mass to get a delicious dessert wine. There is little sugar in black rowan, and dry wine without it will turn out to be very sour. If you add more, it will turn out very sweet.

3. Mix well so that all the sugar is dissolved.

4. Cover the dish and put in a warm place, but not higher than 25 degrees, let the mixture ferment for about a week or more. At this time, you need to mix the juice and pulp, otherwise mold may appear, and your blackberry wine at home will be spoiled.

5. Through this all the time, the berries will float up and swell, and if you dip your hand inside, foam will appear. This means that the juice has fermented. Squeeze the pulp from the juice with your hands. If there is a press, you can use it, but not a juicer, the pulp will clog it.

6. Set aside the pulp, and filter the juice through a colander. Small particles will be filtered out later.

Wine made from pure chokeberry juice turns out to be very thick and does not get the aroma and benefits from the berries, and will also be very sour. The remaining pulp must be allowed to ferment again, adding sugar and water, in order to then add this mixture to the juice.

7. Add a glass of sugar and 1.2 liters of cold bottled water to it. Mix thoroughly, press down so that the pulp settles down, cover with a lid and leave for about a week to ferment. You need to mix it well every day so that it does not get moldy.

8. Pour the strained juice into a suitable volume glassware. For the indicated amount, 2 five-liter cans are enough.

All utensils that wine gets into should be washed clean with soda and dried well.

8. For home winemaking a device such as a water seal is needed, which removes gases from a container of wine through water. It is better to buy ready-made, or you can do it yourself:

  • in the center of the lid from the jar where you poured the juice, punch or drill a hole equal to the diameter of the outlet tube (hose)
  • insert the tube and gently heat it at the point of contact with the lid, for example, on a candle, so that the diameter increases and it sits tightly in the lid for minimal contact of the wine with the outside air
  • lower the other end of the tube into a jar of water

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9. Put the jar closed with a water seal in a dark, cool place (but with a temperature not lower than 18 degrees) so that the juice begins to ferment.

10. After a week, squeeze the pulp, but not much. Strain the secondary juice through a sieve several times.

11. From a can of pure first juice, remove the foam from the surface.

12. Mix both juices, pour into jars, close with water seals. Clean in a dark place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

13. Once a week for a month, remove the foam and film from the surface and filter the wine to reduce sediment. This is done by pouring the wine into another vessel, each time more difficult, then you can use the drain hose. In the second month, you can filter the wine once every two weeks.

The jet of the poured drink should be thin and long in order to “ventilate” the wine, improving its quality and preventing spoilage. Be aware that sediment is dead bacteria that can affect the taste of wine.

14. At least once every two weeks after a month of fermentation, it is recommended to feed them with ammonia to stimulate the growth of alcoholic yeast. It only takes a drop per liter of wine. This is necessary to enhance the vital activity of bacteria in order to increase the alcohol strength of the wine.

15. After 1.5-2 months, the wine becomes transparent, if, of course, you correctly understood how to make wine from black mountain ash. You can already try it and adjust the taste, the fermentation process is still going on. It is sour, not sweet, but the sweetness in it should be felt. If it is too sweet, then try to “ventilate” it several times, pouring it in a thin stream. If none of this came out, then the strength of the wine will be less than necessary, and the fermentation process is over.

Approximately 2 months after the start of making home-made wine from chokeberry, it will become transparent when viewed against the light, and only a slight coating will remain on the bottom of the dishes. This means that you can sweeten it.

16. In order to bring a sour-tasting young wine to dessert, you need to take about a tablespoon per liter of drink. Sugar is placed in a cotton bag on a string and, in the manner tea bag, is immersed in the wine to such a depth that the sugar is just covered by it.

17. Fix the thread in this position on the bank and put a water seal until the sugar dissolves, for about a week.

Pour young homemade chokeberry wine into clean bottles and do not close tightly, because it can still ferment and explode the bottle. When you are completely sure that carbon dioxide is no longer emitted, you can cork with stoppers.

Now you know how to make wine on black rowan correctly. Be sure to try this recipe.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is rich in many useful substances- these are vitamins C, P, B1, B2, E, K, B6, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements (iron, copper, boron, manganese, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), as well as tannins and pectins.

Blackberry has many medicinal properties It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes arterial pressure, treats hypertension, helps strengthen the walls blood vessels improves their elasticity and firmness.
