
Cherry wine proportions. Delicious homemade cherry wine

Homemade cherry wine with a rich color, unique aroma and slightly tart, bitter taste will certainly not leave true connoisseurs of divine nectar indifferent. The result is a wonderful drink. It's very light. As you know, the main product for making wine is grapes. But it is quite possible to make wine that is not inferior in quality and taste from other berries or fruits. Cherry takes an honorable second place.

Cherry juice ferments quickly and easily takes on a light color. The technology of preparing fruit-based wine is no different from grape wine. But there is one very important nuance. The grape wine recipe does not require additional components, but if you take the recipe using fruits and berries, then their juice alone will not be enough. This is explained by the optimal acid content in grapes. Whereas in cherries the acid content is excessive and there is a significant lack of sucrose. Therefore, wine made from pure juice is not strong enough and has a sour taste. For these purposes, the base of the wine is adjusted, that is, water is added to the cherry juice, and the desired strength is achieved by adding granulated sugar.

How cherry wine ferments

Everyone knows that fruit juices begin to ferment after a while. During fermentation, a specific smell is also released. This process was incomprehensible for a long time, until, on the orders of Napoleon III, Louis Pasteur conducted experiments and found out that the fermentation process was caused by yeasts multiplying in the juice. But it should be noted that there are completely different fungi, and the fermentation effect from them is also fundamentally different. There are fungi that can ferment sugar into alcohol. They form the basis of winemaking. There are acetic fermentation fungi that can convert alcohol into acetic acid.

We will not go into the smallest details, because it is clear that alcoholic fermentation is required to obtain wine.

You must not allow the process to continue until it becomes acetic. In conditions of complete absence of oxygen, wine yeast can suffocate. The wort ferments with difficulty. The result is low-quality wine. Therefore, during the fermentation process, the lid should be left slightly open. This method will ensure that little oxygen enters the wort. Under such conditions, the action of yeast increases.

Calculation of product yield

The product yield is calculated as follows. From 100% of the initial volume of raw materials, an average of 60% wort is obtained. From 100% of the must volume, 80% of the wine comes out. Everything else goes away due to pulp and sediment. It is advised not to make a small proportion. The more must, the better the fermentation performance of the wine and the lower the risk of oxidation. It is customary to take 10 liters of wine as the minimum proportion. But it’s better to take a full portion for a 20 liter outlet. The optimal proposal is a yield of 40 - 45 liters.

  • Regular (non-hybrid) cherry varieties are most suitable for cherry wine. The berries are used ripe and washed. It is better not to use cherries that have reached overripeness or have been spoiled by pests, as they can negatively affect the taste of the final product. It is better to pick berries in dry weather. If you picked the cherries the day before you start making the wine, place them in the refrigerator or in a cool place. If the berries have been lying around for more than 3 days, they become unsuitable for winemaking.
  • If the wine has been standing for two days, but the fermentation process is not observed or is slow, then adding a small amount of dark raisins will help you. When cooking is complete, you will have to strain it along with the sediment. But fermentation will go faster, your work will not be in vain, and this will not harm the wine.
  • It happens that you want to make not cherry wine, but assorted wine. In this case, it is possible to add currants, plums or raspberries. The resulting wine will not be spoiled. It will acquire its own unique taste. The main thing is that the amount of cherries is 60 - 70% of your mixture.

Preparing the cherry base

There is more than one recipe for making wine based on cherries. In order to obtain cherry wine of excellent quality, regardless of the recipe used, pay more attention to the technology for preparing cherry juice, which will become the basis of the future wine.

Carefully sort the cherries and knock out the seeds. You don't have to take them out. There are recipes in which cherries are used directly with them. This is what lovers of almond flavored wine do. It is whole berries that can cause a similar effect.

Most recipes say that there is no need to wash cherries when preparing wine. But if desired, it can be washed. Mash the fruits and cover with clean water. The best option would be water purchased at the store. The resulting cherry juice will give the wine a sour taste. After a day, the mixture is thoroughly squeezed out.

Classic cherry wine recipe

He is quite old. It was also used in Soviet times, since this recipe was very famous.

To prepare it you will need:

  • one 10 liter bucket of ripe cherries;
  • one 10 liter bucket of water;
  • 3 kg sugar.

Fruit preparation is carried out in accordance with the methods described above: removing seeds, kneading. Dilution with water and spinning. Next, the resulting liquid is poured into a bottle. A rubber glove is placed over its neck. A few days later, the fermentation process begins. It lasts approximately 1 month. At this time, the bottle should be kept warm. When you notice that your pharmacy glove over the neck has deflated significantly and there are no longer signs of fermentation, you can try the resulting cherry wine. If you want to store it for a long time, it is recommended to add 500 grams to the contents. strong alcohol. It can be 40% alcohol or high quality vodka. Undoubtedly, in this case you will add strength to your drink, but you will eliminate the unwanted development of microorganisms.

Fortified cherry wine

This recipe is different from the previous one. The strength is gained instantly, right during preparation. Therefore, this cherry wine has completely different taste qualities.

To prepare this type of wine you will need:

  • one 10 liter bucket of cherries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • half a liter of vodka or 40% alcohol;
  • 1 packet of wine yeast.

Pre-prepare the cherries as stated in the above recipe. Wine yeast is poured into the resulting liquid in the proportion indicated on the bag. After 10 days, the liquid is poured into a bottle. In this case, there is no need to pour the sediment. Overflow using a rubber tube. Now vodka or alcohol is poured into the contents and sugar is added. After this, let the resulting contents brew for another 10 days. After the specified period, the resulting wine is subject to filtration. It should be poured into sterilized glass bottles. Wine is stored in a cool place.

Making the drink "Vishnyak"

This recipe is simply wonderful. When released, the wine is concentrated. In terms of its taste, it is similar to liqueur. It should be noted that when preparing it, the pits of the cherries are not removed.

For preparation you will need:

  • one 10 liter bucket of cherries;
  • 4 kg granulated sugar.

The berries are not washed when preparing this drink. They should be placed in a glass container and covered with granulated sugar. Then tie gauze around the neck of the container. The process of making wine takes place in warm conditions. Place the container on a windowsill that receives more sunlight. After a month, the resulting mixture must be filtered. The berries are ground and squeezed. The resulting juice from the berries is added to the liquid, which is kept for 3 days on the same windowsill. Cover the neck with gauze. After this, the wine is thoroughly filtered again and placed not on the window, but in a warm place. The wine emits a fragrant aroma. If it seems too concentrated to you, you can dilute it with clean, cold boiled water.

Frozen cherry wine

When preparing wine from frostbitten berries, either a classic recipe or a recipe for making fortified wine is used. When using the first recipe, add some unwashed dark raisins or wine yeast to the juice that will ferment. Otherwise, the composition of the wine will be similar to previous wines. Undoubtedly, you can add a certain amount of sugar, but it all depends on personal taste preferences, and on what kind of wine you want to get when you go out, dry dessert or table.

You will need the following products:

  • one 5 liter bucket of frozen cherries;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar, you can add another 500 grams to the amount. taste;
  • one handful of dark raisins.

The cherries are defrosted and turned into puree. The seeds are knocked out in advance or are not damaged during kneading. Raisins are added. Pour boiled lukewarm water over the cherries and let the resulting mixture steep for two days. After this, the resulting liquid is filtered, squeezed out and granulated sugar is added to it.

It should be noted that there are quite a few ways to produce wine from cherries. The above recipes are mostly taken as a basis. The difference is the number of products used. The main thing here is the amount of granulated sugar.

It is quite possible to make cherry wine at home, the main thing is to follow the technology. As raw materials, you can use fruits grown in your own garden or purchased in a store. There are many recipes for cherry wine, but so that your first experience does not become your last, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of preparing a delicious aromatic drink.

Features of making homemade wine

The technology for making wine at home is almost the same. A detailed description will be given in this section so as not to dwell on the features in each recipe.

Homemade cherry wine is prepared in several stages.

Preparation of raw materials:

  1. For wine at home, depending on the recipe, you can take fresh cherries, jam, fermented compote, juice.
  2. For fermentation you will need sugar, yeast, and boiled water.
  3. The use of yeast is optional, it all depends on the recipe.
  4. Fresh berries are not washed, because there is a whitish coating on their surface. This is wild yeast.

Dishes. For fermentation at home, use plastic or enamel containers. The fact is that cherry juice oxidizes in metal dishes.

Adding ingredients. Sugar and water according to the recipe are added to the resulting mass and placed in a warm place at a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees for fermentation.


  1. The wort is stirred daily.
  2. On days 4-7, strain through cheesecloth and add sugar again.

Further fermentation:

  1. The filtered liquid is poured into jars, leaving a third of the volume in each jar free to allow room for fermentation.
  2. Install a water seal or pull on a glove (pierce a hole in it with a needle) and put it in a warm place.

Adding sugar:

  1. After 5 days, 200 g of wine liquid is poured, sugar is added.
  2. Then the syrup is poured into the general mass for further fermentation.

Removal from sediment:

  1. After 6 days, sediment will appear at the bottom of the jar.
  2. The wine must be removed by carefully pouring it into a clean container.
  3. Add the remaining sugar, put on the glove again or install a water seal.

Repeated removal from sediment:

  1. After 25-55 days, fermentation stops.
  2. The wine is poured into a clean container, being careful not to damage the sediment.
  3. If necessary, add granulated sugar and mix.


  1. The drink is poured right up to the neck into bottles or jars, tightly closed and placed in a room with a temperature of 6-16 degrees.
  2. In this form, the wine will mature for 4-12 months.

Third removal from sediment:

  1. During ripening, the wine is removed from the sediment several times.
  2. When the bottom of the bottle is clean, the cherry wine is ready to drink.

Important! When preparing raw materials, there is no need to crush the seeds; they must remain intact so as not to spoil the taste of the wine.

This is what a water seal is.

Each recipe has its own nuances that must be taken into account when making a homemade drink.

How to make cherry wine at home

As can be seen from the technology for making wine from cherries or other berries, the process is quite lengthy and complex. Each recipe contains its own nuances that should not be missed. Next, recipes will be given for making homemade wine from cherries, not only from fresh berries. You can use last year's jam, juice, compote, as well as frozen cherries.

Classic recipe

To prepare homemade cherry wine according to a recipe, traditional winemaking methods are most often used. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe berries;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

Recipe secrets:

  1. Dissolve a third of the sugar in warm water, pour the syrup into a bottle, and add the sorted pitted cherries.
  2. Cover the container with gauze and place in a warm place. Fermentation will begin in 24 hours. To prevent the mass from becoming moldy, the pulp of the berries is lowered to the bottom every day.
  3. When the hissing and formation of foam stops, filter the liquid and add 0.5 kg of sugar. The next 250 g of granulated sugar are added after 5 days, the rest after another 5. For 25-60 days, cherry wine is kept under a glove at home.
  4. When the wine begins to lighten and the sediment appears at the bottom, the wine is poured into a clean container. The sediment will have to be removed several more times. By the time the drink is ready, it will have a strength of 1-13%.

Important! Cherry wine prepared according to a recipe at home can be stored for up to 6 years.

Homemade dry cherry wine

Winemakers call dry wine cherry. To prepare you need:

  • 10 kg of cherry berries;
  • 4 kg granulated sugar.

Recipe Features:

  1. Remove the seeds from the berries, cover with sugar and place in a bottle. Be sure to tie the neck with gauze folded in several layers to prevent insects from entering.
  2. Fermentation will occur within 30 days, the mass is stirred. Then filtration is carried out to remove the pulp. The wine is placed under a water seal or a medical glove is pulled on.
  3. After 7 days, the cherry drink is removed from the sediment and tasted. If the wine turns out to be too strong and thick, add boiled water and sugar.
  4. They are left for another week under a glove, then they are poured into bottles and sent for maturation.

Homemade frozen cherry wine

If you have frozen cherries in the freezer, you can use them to make homemade wine.


  • berries – 2 kg 500 g;
  • granulated sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • raisins – 2 tbsp. l.

Cherry wine has been prepared according to this recipe since ancient times:

  1. The berries are thawed at room temperature, then the seeds are removed and crushed using a blender.
  2. Pour into a jar, add raisins. There is no need to wash it so as not to remove wild yeast. The container is kept in a warm place for 2 days.
  3. After 48 hours, add water (40 degrees) to the puree, mix and filter through cheesecloth. The pressed pulp is no longer needed. The liquid is poured into a clean, sterile jar.
  4. After adding sugar, put on a glove and put the fermentation container in a dark, warm place for 20-40 days.
  5. The drink is drained from the sediment several times. When the fermentation process stops, the drink is poured into bottles and left to mature.

Important! The longer the wine sits, the more the taste and aroma develop.

Homemade cherry wine with pits

True connoisseurs of homemade cherry wine always prepare it with pits. They give the finished drink a special aroma and taste, astringency and piquant bitterness.


  • cherries - 1 bucket;
  • granulated sugar – 3 kg.

Attention! If mold appears during the fermentation process, the cherry mass will have to be poured out.


  1. The berries are sorted and the seeds are left.
  2. Mash the cherries with your hands, transfer them to a fermentation container, add water and sugar. Place gauze on top.
  3. Stir the wort for a week to lower the pulp to the bottom and prevent the development of moldy fungi.
  4. On the 8th day, filter the mass, squeeze out the pulp until the last drop of juice.
  5. Pour into a bottle and wear gloves. During fermentation, it will inflate and stand upright, as in the photo below.
  6. A month later, when the glove hangs, the young wine is poured into bottles and placed in a cold place to ripen.
  7. After 30 days, the drink can be tasted.

Wine made from fermented cherry compote

Do not throw away fermented cherry compote. If there is no mold on the surface, it can be used to make wine.

Comment! They use less sugar because the compote is sweet.

What is necessary:

  • 6 liters of compote;
  • 0.4 kg granulated sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.

Features of the homemade cherry wine recipe:

  1. Pour sugar and unwashed raisins into the compote, put on a glove or water seal.
  2. Place in a warm place and do not touch the bottle until the fermentation process is complete.
  3. Strain the mass, being careful not to disturb the sediment. Pour the young wine into bottles.
  4. Tasting of the drink can be done after 5 months.

By watching a video about making homemade cherry wine at home, you can learn more about the secrets of winemaking.

Cherry wine at home without yeast

Unwashed cherries contain yeasts that cause fermentation to occur.

Products for making wine:

  • cherry – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The cherries with pits are poured with water, sugar is added and placed in a warm place, covering the pan with gauze.
  2. After a week, the mass is filtered and ground to remove the seeds.
  3. Pour into a bottle, pull on the glove.
  4. When fermentation stops, remove the sediment and pour into clean bottles.
  5. While the young wine is maturing, the sediment will have to be removed several times. Be sure to taste the liquid. If there is not enough sugar, you need to add it.

Cherry wine at home: recipe with yeast

The recipe will require:

  • berries – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • pressed yeast – 200 g.

How to cook:

  1. Crush the cherries and remove the pits.
  2. Fill the mixture with water and add sugar.
  3. Add yeast.
  4. Close the bottle with a water seal or a glove.
  5. At the end of the fermentation process, filter the young wine and pour into clean bottles, seal tightly.
  6. In this form, the wine will stand in a cold place for 20 to 60 days.

Advice! The drink will last longer if you add a small amount of alcohol to the wine.

Homemade cherry wine from juice

To make wine according to this recipe you will need a starter. It is prepared in advance:

  1. Pour 500 ml of warm water (25 degrees) into a 2-liter jar and add 200 g of unwashed raisins and a little sugar.
  2. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it in a warm place.
  3. The contents must be shaken throughout the week to prevent mold from forming on top.

Wine composition:

  • 3 liters of cherry juice;
  • 0.5 l of sourdough;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • alcohol.

What do we have to do:

  1. Combine juice, granulated sugar and starter. Leave in a warm place to ferment for a week.
  2. On day 7, carefully drain the liquid so as not to disturb the sediment, add a little alcohol.
  3. Pour fortified wine into clean bottles and close.
  4. After 6 months of storage in a cold place, the young wine can be tasted.

Cherry jam wine

There is always a jar of last year's jam in the cellar. It can be used for wine production:

  • cherry jam – 1 l;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar – ½ cup;
  • raisins – 100 g.

Recipe Features:

  1. Combine all ingredients (except sugar) in a saucepan and place to ferment in a warm place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  2. After 10 days, filter the pulp and pour the liquid into a large bottle. Do not top up! Pull the glove over the neck.
  3. After 1.5 months the glove will deflate. This is a signal to strain the liquid and add granulated sugar.
  4. After another 2 months, the wine from cherry jam, prepared according to the recipe at home, is removed from the sediment. Bottled, hermetically sealed and left to mature.

Advice! After 2 months, you can invite guests for a tasting.

Fortified cherry wine

In order for the wine to retain its qualities longer and to better reveal its aroma, winemakers add vodka to it.

Products according to the recipe:

  • fresh or frozen cherries – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 8 l;
  • vodka – 100 ml.

Comment! Frozen cherries do not need to be thawed before preparing the fortified drink.

Cooking features:

  1. The berries are poured directly into the bottle with sugar and left in a warm place to release the juice.
  2. Add water, mix, place under a water dispenser or put on a glove. Fermentation lasts 2.5-3 weeks at room temperature.
  3. After the required time, the wort is filtered and the berries are thrown away.
  4. Add vodka and pour the new wine into bottles and seal it tightly.
  5. After 2 days, the wine, which has been in the refrigerator, is ready for tasting.

How to make homemade wine from cherries and raspberries

This recipe is quite suitable for making delicious homemade wine from cherries and raspberries.


  • fresh raspberries and cherries – 2.5 kg each;
  • water – 4 l;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Attention! The number of berries can be changed depending on taste preferences. If you take a lot of cherries, then you need a little more sugar.

Winemaking nuances:

  1. Selected berries are not washed. The pits are removed from the cherries.
  2. The berry mass is individually crushed in a blender and the juice is filtered.
  3. Pour the liquid into the bottle to 2/3 volume, add half the granulated sugar.
  4. Cover with gauze and place in a room with a temperature of 23 degrees. Fermentation lasts 7 days.
  5. The wort is strained and the pulp is removed. Part of the granulated sugar is dissolved in a small amount of juice and combined with the total mass.
  6. A water dispenser is installed on the bottle or a glove is pulled on. Fermentation will continue for about 45 days.
  7. Drain the young wine from the sediment, pour it into another container, and close it tightly. Placed in a cool room for ripening for 2-3 months.

Important! Every 2-3 weeks the drink is removed from the sediment.

Cherry and white currant wine

Another cherry wine recipe for making at home.

Drink composition:

  • 1 liter each of sour cherry and white currant juice;
  • 0.5 kg sugar.

How to make cherry-currant wine:

  1. The cherries are crushed and kept warm for a day.
  2. Then squeeze out the juice and combine it with currant. Add water and granulated sugar.
  3. Pour into a prepared container, cover and leave to ferment. Stir several times.
  4. When fermentation is complete, add water. After a few days, when the drink becomes clear, it is drained from the sediment and poured into clean bottles.

Store cherry-currant wine in a tightly closed container in a cool place.


Cherry wine at home is a tasty and healthy drink. If stored properly, it does not lose its quality for up to 3 years. The drink can only be poured into glass bottles.

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Cherry wine is a drink whose bouquet, aroma and delightful ruby ​​color will captivate you immediately. This natural and accessible alcohol in our climate is no worse than popular grape wine, and maybe even more interesting.

Cooking secrets

  1. Raw materials

Cherry wine is best made from simple cherry varieties (not hybrids). The berries for this must be clean and ripe. It is better not to take overripe berries damaged by diseases or pests, as they can spoil the final product.

Fruits should be collected only in dry weather. If you picked the berries the day before making wine, then store them only in the refrigerator (any cool place). But if they lie like this for more than three days, then you know that these fruits are no longer suitable for winemaking.

Attention! If you want to make not pure cherry wine, but an assortment of cherries, don’t be afraid to experiment. You can safely add currants, plums, raspberries, etc. to the cherries. This will only give the drink a unique flavor. The main thing is that cherries in the fruit mixture should be at least 50-70%.

In addition to the components indicated in the recipes, you can add spices to the drink - cinnamon, cloves, etc.

  1. Technology

To get excellent cherry wine, regardless of the nuances of the recipe, you should firmly understand the main stages of its production:

  1. The cherries need to be sorted and pitted. You don't have to delete them. There are recipes where they do exactly this. But this is only if you like the flavor of almonds, which will undoubtedly be present in the wine if whole berries are used.
  2. Washed berries (cherries are not washed in most recipes) must be mashed and filled with clean water (preferably store-bought). Pure cherry juice will make the wine sour, since the berries are full of acids, but have very little sugar.
  3. After 24 hours, the mixture must be thoroughly squeezed out. The resulting liquid will be the basis of your wine.
  1. Wine yield

Calculating how much wine you will get in the end is not difficult. The final product will be approximately 60% (a little more than half) of the original volume of the entire mixture (berries, sugar, water, etc.). That is, from 10 liters of starting products you will get about 6 liters of pure wine. Accordingly, as the volume of ingredients increases, the yield of wine also increases.

There are many varieties of wine, where the base is cherry berries. Below we have described for you several recipes, the simplest and most successful.

Cherry wine recipe

This version of wine has existed for a long time, but it gained particular popularity during the Soviet Union, when grapes were not yet grown in gardens, but the branches of garden trees were bursting with ripe sweet and sour cherries.

For preparation you need:

  • water - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kilograms.

There is no need to wash the cherries, otherwise fermentation may not begin!

How to cook:

  • The preparation of berries should be carried out according to the general technology: remove the seeds, mash, pour warm water.
  • Next, add 1 kg of sugar into the resulting liquid, stir and tie a piece of gauze around the neck of the container. Leave in a warm place for 4 days. During this time, fermentation should begin - hissing, a sour smell, and foam will appear.

Advice! If your wine has stood for 1-2 days, but the fermentation process has not begun or is extremely weak, add a handful of unwashed raisins to the liquid. At the end of cooking, you simply strain it along with the rest of the sediment you don’t need. However, fermentation will be much more active and the wine will not be damaged.

  • We strain the mass, squeeze out the cake, and dissolve another 1 kilo of sugar in the collected liquid.
  • Pour the wort into a large bottle and put a rubber glove on its neck (which can be easily and inexpensively purchased at a pharmacy) or install a water seal. Place the mash in a warm place.
  • On the 5th day, add the rest of the sugar. To do this, you need to pour a liter of wort from the bottle, dissolve sugar in it and pour the mixture back into the bottle.
  • Fermentation will last about a month. Sometimes the process takes up to 50 days. However, if by this time the wort is still fermenting, it will have to be separated from the sediment, poured into a new container and left to ferment.
  • When the glove is decisively deflated / the water seal gurgles (without a single sign of the continuation of the fermentation process), the young cherry wine is drained from the sediment. It can be sweetened or hardened at this stage.

Strong alcohol (40% alcohol, brandy, cognac or good vodka) significantly extends the shelf life of wine, but makes it a little harsher. You need to add it at the rate of 20-150 ml per liter of wine.

  • After this, the young wine from cherry berries is poured into vessels, sealed and left to ripen for six months to a year. If a sediment of more than 2 cm is formed, the wine is poured into a new container (through a siphon or tube), being careful not to touch the sediment.

Fortified cherry wine recipe

In this recipe, unlike the previous one, the strength of the wine is acquired immediately, during the cooking process, so its taste will be somewhat different.

For preparation you need:

  • cherry berries - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms;
  • 40% alcohol or vodka – 0.5 liters;
  • wine yeast – 1 sachet.

How to cook:

  • Prepare the cherries: chop, cover with water, and after a day, squeeze out.
  • Wine yeast must be added to the resulting liquid in the amount indicated on its packaging (based on the volume of the wort obtained). Close the container with juice and install a water seal on top.
  • After waiting 10-15 days (until the juice ferments), you need to pour the wort into a clean container so as not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. This is easy to do using a thin rubber tube (you can use a pharmacy dropper).
  • Now alcohol (vodka) is poured into the drink and sugar is added. After which the wait should last approximately another 10 days.
  • The resulting fortified cherry wine must be filtered and poured into sterile glass bottles. Leave it to ripen for at least 2-3 months in a cool place.

Frozen cherry wine

The drink can be prepared according to any of the above recipes. However, if you use the classic recipe (without yeast), you need to add a large handful of unwashed dark raisins (or wine yeast) to the liquid intended for fermentation (wort). In other components the composition of the wine will be identical.

For those who find it difficult to change recipes, catch a separate recipe:


  • frozen cherries - 5 liters;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • sugar – 1.5 kilograms + 0.1 – 0.5 kg (optional);
  • dark raisins – 1 handful.

Prepare like this:

  • Thaw cherries and grind into puree. Either remove the seeds from the berries in advance, or try not to damage them during the chopping process.
  • Add raisins.
  • Pour slightly warm, pre-boiled water over the berries for a day or two.
  • Strain, squeeze out the cake, add sugar to the liquid. Leave in a warm place to ferment.
  • After 2-3 weeks, when fermentation is complete, carefully, without disturbing the sediment, pour the wine into sterile bottles.


This is a special recipe, the end result of which will be a magnificent concentrated wine that takes its place somewhere near the liqueur. This, by the way, is one of the recipes for wine made from cherries “with pits”.

For preparation you need:

  • cherry - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • sugar - 4 kilograms.

How to cook:

  • There is no need to wash the berries in this recipe! They are covered with sugar in a glass container, tied around the neck with a piece of gauze and placed on a windowsill on the sunny side of the house directly under the sun's rays, so that the sun does all the work for you.
  • After 30-40 days, the resulting mixture must be filtered, the berries rubbed and squeezed (into the general liquid).
  • Soak all this for 3 days on the same sunny windowsill (with gauze on the neck), then strain thoroughly and leave the wine to “rest” in a warm place, but not on the window for 10-15 days.

The wine turns out fragrant and aromatic, but if it seems extremely concentrated to you, do not despair, just dilute it slightly with clean boiled (and cooled) water.

There are many other ways to make wine with cherry flavor, but they are mostly modifications of the recipes described above. By the way, other very interesting wines are prepared using a similar scheme, for example -, or.

Cherry is a people's favorite. The Japanese celebrate every year when it blooms. Unfortunately, we don’t have such a holiday; in our area it’s simply customary to plant it under the windows of houses on the street side. So she is always in sight, delighting her owner, neighbors, and passers-by with her delicate pink and white beauty.

However, not only charming fragrant flowers are given by the cherry to the person who grew it on his plot - its main gift will be heavy dark red berries on long stalks, filled with scarlet juice. Not every berry can compare with cherries in the variety of uses of its fruits; they are tasty straight from the branch, dried, or in jam or compote. I would also like to mention the homemade cherry wine.

Cherry wine

It’s easy to make cherry wine at home. Anyone who wants to taste the sour-sweet red drink can cope with this task.

Homemade cherry wine recipe:

  • cherries - 10 kg.
  • sugar - 3 or 4 kg,
  • water - 5 liters,
  • dark raisins - 2 handfuls as needed.

It should be noted that this is a recipe for homemade wine with seeds. They give the drink a special taste.

1. Do not pick cherries immediately after rain. Wild yeast on the surface of the fruit skin is washed away by rain. Their numbers will be restored in a day.

2. Carefully sort the cherries. Don't wash unless it's dirty. If the berries are dirty, rinse them with running cold water. In this case, you will need to add 2 handfuls of unwashed raisins when preparing the wort. better than dark.

3. Transfer the berries to a spacious enamel pan and mash them thoroughly. The smaller the better. Pour sugar, pour water. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in a warm place for a week. Active fermentation may end sooner, it may take a little longer, it doesn’t matter.

4. As soon as the juice “overplays” and active fermentation is over, strain it through a fine cloth. Squeeze out the pulp.

5. Pour the juice into glass jars or bottles. The container must be filled two-thirds full. This is a mandatory rule when preparing all types of wine. If the berry has been washed, add raisins. Place a water seal on the container. Now this is not juice, but wort. Place it for fermentation in a fairly warm place - 22 or 24 degrees, no lower.

The type of water seal is not important. The main condition is that air should not penetrate into the wort. If you don’t have a complex water seal, it doesn’t matter, an ordinary medical rubber glove will do. During fermentation, it fills with carbon dioxide and rises above the jar. As soon as it wilts helplessly, the wine is ready.

6. Drain the drink from the sediment. Strain. Package and send to the cellar for storage.

If you are going to store the wine for a long time, it is better to pasteurize it. The aroma and enchanting taste will be preserved, and the shelf life will be significantly increased.

A simple recipe at home

Recipe: cherries - 1 bucket, sugar - half a bucket.

1. Pick the berries in good weather. Go through.

2. Place cherries and sugar in layers in a large enamel pan. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for slow fermentation in the cellar. The process of releasing juice and melting sugar in it occurs gradually. Due to the low temperature, souring does not occur, and sugar is an excellent preservative.

3. When the sugar has dissolved, squeeze the cherries. Strain the wine and package it.

It must be stored in the cellar. The drink can be consumed immediately or left to ripen.

Many winemakers prefer to make wine from cherry juice rather than directly from the berries. But to prepare juice, in our case, you need to select the seeds or squeeze the juice by hand without damaging the shell. The seed has a bitter shell. The bitter taste quickly passes into the juice. The wine may turn out bitter. There is no need to wash the berries if they are clean.

Cherry juice drink

Recipe: juice - 10 liters, water - 10 liters, sugar - 4 or 5 kg.

1.Mix the juice with water and sugar.

2. Transfer the liquid to fermentation containers.

3. Install a water seal and carefully monitor the fermentation process.

4. Once fermentation is complete, drain the wine from the sediment and strain.

5. Package the drink and place it in the cellar for ripening.

From frozen berries

Wine from homemade frozen cherries also turns out well. The berry is naturally very good, and freezing does not affect its taste and aroma.

Before placing in the refrigerator, each berry is washed, dried, and then sent for freezing. For this reason, it is necessary to use unwashed raisins. It replaces yeast.

Recipe: cherries - 5 kg, water - 3 liters, sugar - 1.5 kg. raisins - 100 gr.

1. Berries need to be removed from the refrigerator. Place in a large bowl and leave until completely thawed at room temperature.

2. Mash the cherries. Transfer to an enamel pan. Stir with sugar, add water and raisins, cover the pan with a lid.

3. Place the pan in a warm place. Active fermentation lasts about a week. After it’s finished, strain the juice and squeeze out the pulp.

4. Pour it into jars or bottles for further fermentation. Containers are filled to no more than two-thirds of the volume.

5. Install the water seal and carefully monitor the process. Once fermentation is complete, drain

Cherry wine water seal

drink from the sediment. Package and send for storage and ripening in the cellar.

You can make juice from frozen berries and make wine from it. The classic recipe is ideal for this: juice - 5 liters, water - 5 liters, sugar 1.5 or 2 kg. Unwashed raisins - a handful.

Cherry wine made at home is wonderful. Densely colored, with a rich aroma and taste. It preserves all the charm of fresh berries. In addition, it is necessary to remember that to the huge list of useful substances one must add the ability, characteristic of dark-colored fruits, to improve the process of hematopoiesis. In this quality, cherry wines are not inferior to red grape wines.

Homemade cherry wine is especially valuable because it contains only natural products. It is often prepared without even yeast, not to mention preservatives, flavors and dyes, and therefore you can be completely confident in its safety and benefits for the body.
