
Cherry jam with chokeberry. Chokeberry jam with cherry flavor

Chokeberry, or chokeberry, is a tasty and juicy berry with a sweet-tart taste. It is rich in vitamin C and potassium, easy to digest and indispensable for anemia and beriberi. Chokeberry is delicious fresh and is widely used in cooking. Try making a homemade pie and a delicious tincture of these berries.

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Pie with chokeberry and apples

Delicate tart-sweet taste of chokeberry berries goes well with crumbly and greasy shortcrust pastry. Make it a simplified version - the pie prepared according to this recipe will be ready in 45 minutes. For the filling, use fresh berries - in this form, chokeberry will show its beneficial properties to the maximum.

You will need: - 250 g of butter or high-quality margarine; - 2 cups of wheat flour; - 1 teaspoon of soda; - freshly squeezed lemon juice; - 1 cup of sugar; - 2 sweet and sour apples; - 0.75 cups of chokeberry; - 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar.

First prepare the dough. Sift the flour, mix it with soda and half a glass of sugar. Put the softened butter in a bowl and grind with the flour mass into a homogeneous crumb.

Sort the berries, remove the branches. Rinse the mountain ash well and put it in a colander to drain the water. Then dry them, scattering them on a towel and crush them, mixing with half a glass of sugar. Peel the apples, remove the core. Cut the fruits into thin slices and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then add vanilla sugar and rowanberry puree to the apples, mix the filling.

Instead of vanilla sugar, you can use essence or vanillin - no more than a pinch

Line a pie dish with buttered parchment paper. Put two-thirds of the oil crumb on it, level it. Place the filling on top and cover it with the remaining crumbs. Place the pie in the oven preheated to 200°C and bake for about half an hour. The finished product should acquire a pleasant golden hue. Cool the cake, cut it into slices and serve.

Chokeberry tincture with cherry leaf

Prepare a fragrant homemade tincture with a subtle cherry flavor.

You will need: - 2 cups of chokeberry; - 300 g of sugar; - 0.7 l of vodka; - 1.5 l of water; - 1 tablespoon of citric acid; - a handful of cherry leaves.

"Cherry" chokeberry jam

If you want to make jam only from chokeberry berries, then you should definitely use this recipe. Ready-made jam is great for baking, and just eating it with tea is very tasty.


  • 300 ml water
  • 1.5 kg sugar

Rinse and sort the berries, make sure that there are no stalks left on them. Make syrup from sugar and water. Separately, pour boiling water over the aronia berries and leave them for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and pour the hot syrup over the berries. So leave the berries for 5-6 hours. Then boil them on low heat for 7-10 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat and leave it to cool. Prepare the jam in this way in 3-4 doses, then arrange it in jars.

If you want a softer tasting jam, you should try making it with apples. This jam has a beautiful red color and a jelly-like consistency.


1 kg chokeberry berries

400 g apples

1.5 kg sugar

2 tbsp. water

5-7 g citric acid

cinnamon to taste

Sort chokeberry and wash. Boil water and dip the berries in it for 3-5 minutes. Dip the boiled chokeberry berries in cold water. In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from two glasses of water and 500 g of sugar. Add chilled berries to the boiling syrup. After boiling, cook the berries for another 3-4 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat and let it brew for 8 hours.

Separately engage in the preparation of apples. They should be peeled, seeds and cut into small slices. Dip the chopped apples in boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes. Try not to overcook the apples.

When the chokeberry berries are infused, bring them to a boil again, add the remaining sugar and continue to cook. As soon as the jam begins to thicken, add apples to it. Cook the jam for another 20 minutes, then add the cinnamon and citric acid. If your apples are sour, then you can do without citric acid. Arrange the finished jam hot in jars and you can roll it up.

I offer you another recipe for chokeberry jam. This time add plums to it.


700 g chokeberry berries

300 g pitted plums

1.2 kg sugar

2.5 st. water

Pour the washed and sorted berries with boiling water for 5 minutes, then dip them in cold water. Drain the berries in a colander to drain excess water. Separately, boil the syrup from 800 g of sugar and the broth remaining from blanching.

Dip rowan berries and peeled plums into the finished syrup. Remove the berries from the heat, cover with a clean towel and let them sit for 10 minutes. Then add the remaining sugar and boil the jam for 10 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat again, let it stand for another 8 hours, then bring it to full readiness. Arrange the finished jam in jars and roll up for the winter.

I suggest you also cook such an unusual jam from chokeberry berries and cherry leaves.


The cherry leaves themselves will not be in the jam, but syrup is made from them. To do this, wash the leaves and boil them in water for 20 minutes. From the strained decoction of the leaves, boil the syrup. Add the prepared chokeberry berries to the hot syrup and simmer them over low heat for 5 minutes. Then remove the jam from the heat and let it brew (approximately 8 hours). Reheat and boil the jam, then cool it, and so on 2 more times. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and roll up for the winter.

Bon appetit!

Chokeberry jam is usually boiled with various additives to improve the taste. I offer you a variant of jam with cherry leaves, the infusion of which gives the finished product not only a cherry aroma, but also a taste.

Chokeberry jam can be cooked both with fresh cherry leaves and with dried ones. For drying, cherry leaves are best harvested when the tree is flowering. During this period they are especially fragrant. Of course, you will have to tinker a little and devote more time to cooking than usual, but your efforts will be compensated for by the charming "cherry" jam without cherries - this is how you can determine the taste of chokeberry jam with cherry leaf.


  • Chokeberry (chokeberry) 1 kg
  • Cherry leaves 100 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar 1 kg
  • Rowan infusion 200 ml

How to make chokeberry jam with a cherry accent

  1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

  2. Wash cherry leaves thoroughly. Pour half of the leaves with 3 cups of water, boil for 5 minutes, cover the pan with a lid and let the infusion cool completely.

  3. Remove the rowan berries from the shields, remove the stalks, put in a colander, wash under running water and let the liquid drain

  4. Pour the berries with a cold infusion of cherry leaves and leave for 6-8 hours.

  5. After aging, drain the infusion, add the remaining leaves, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Take out the leaves.

  6. Pour the berries again, but only with hot infusion, and leave again for 5 hours.

  7. Drain the infusion again, measure out 200 ml, pour into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil while stirring and cook for 3-4 minutes.

  8. Put the berries into the hot syrup.

  9. Cook at a low boil, skimming off the foam, for about 30 minutes. The signal of readiness is the uniform distribution of berries throughout the volume of jam.

  10. Pack the finished jam hot in sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids.

Aronia has long been famous for its beneficial properties. Only in its pure form they do not particularly like to use it - it knits in the mouth. Therefore, it is so popular to make blanks from such berries. The most common is chokeberry jam, recipes with photos of which are presented in the article.

Sugar and other additives interrupt the astringency of the fruit. How else to play with the taste of chokeberry? You will learn about all the secrets in the text. Thanks to the variety of cooking methods, there is a suitable recipe.

Housewives take note! Do not be afraid to experiment - add fruit, berry fruits, nuts to the jam.

Aronia jam: benefits and harms

Reviews about the use of blackberry confiture are almost all positive. Most of all, jam is praised for the fact that it helps with pressure (increased). The benefits of jam do not end there:

  1. Immunity boost.
  2. Metabolism improvement.
  3. Removal of toxins from the body.
  4. Getting rid of drowsiness, apathy and depression.
  5. Normalization of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Rowan jam is often used as a medicine in the winter season.

However, keep in mind that chokeberry dessert has a downside.

It is undesirable to get involved in people with the following ailments:

  • Low pressure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Thrombocytosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Blackberry jam at home - the easiest recipe

According to this recipe with pictures, the jam is moderately thick and pleasant in taste. And its beautiful plum shade gives an appetizing look.


  • sugar 1 kg;
  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 cups.

On a note! Berries knit in the mouth? This means that the jam will also taste slightly knit. However, the taste and healthy confiture will not suffer.


  1. We prepare rowan. We sort out the fruits, remove the tails and wash.

2. Put the water on the fire and gradually introduce sugar. Stir each portion of the sand into the liquid. So it dissolves faster and does not burn.

3. When the syrup boils, pour in the berries.

4. We continue cooking.

5. When it boils, boil the mountain ash for another 4 minutes. It is not necessary to remove the formed foam.

6. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave to cool.

7. Turn on the fire again, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

8. Cool the semi-finished jam.

9. Repeat point 7.

10. We sterilize the container in advance. Pour the prepared hot confiture into containers and close.

From chokeberry and apples: a recipe in a slow cooker

The addition of apples gives the jam a rich aroma, delicate texture and a pleasant aftertaste. It is advisable to cook such Antonovka jam - a suitable variety for blanks.

The slow cooker facilitates the cooking process, while remembering to periodically open the lid and stir throughout the cooking. By the same principle, a delicacy is prepared in a bread machine.

We will need:

  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 300 g of apples;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 700 g chokeberry.


  1. We wash the mountain ash, sort it out, remove the branches.
  2. Then hold the berries in boiling water for about 5 minutes. - this will soften the astringency.
  3. We spread the fruits in a colander (sieve), let the water drain.
  4. We prepare apples (you can also pears). We remove the core, peel and divide the fillings into small pieces.
  5. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “extinguishing” mode.
  6. Add cane sand, stir until dissolved.
  7. We introduce chokeberry into the bubbling syrup and continue the “stewing” program for another 15 minutes.
  8. Next, turn off the multicooker and leave the mass to cool completely.
  9. We repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  10. When the mass boils for 15 minutes for the 3rd time, we will decompose it hot into containers.
  11. Sterilize containers and lids. Leave a little confiture for testing - after cooling it will be ready for use.

Healthy! No time for three boils? Cook in one approach - set the "quenching" for an hour and a half. Most importantly, stir constantly.

How to cook jam with cherry leaves so that it is not tart

This recipe with the secret ingredient is cherry leaves. They soften the astringency of mountain ash, give confiture a pleasant aroma and cherry taste.

Let's take the following components:

  • chokeberry - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • cherry leaf - about 10 pieces;
  • water - 750 ml.

Cooking step by step:

  1. We free the selected chokeberry from the tails and wash it.

2. Wash the leaves and let them dry.

3. Put water on the stove and boil cherry leaves in it for about 5 minutes.

4. Then we take them out and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil. We introduce black fruits and cook for three minutes.

5. Leave to cool for about 8 hours.

6. Then put on the stove - boil for 3 minutes.

7. Cool again and cook for the same amount of time.

Hot delicacy after the 3rd cooking is poured into containers and closed. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 5.5 liters come out.

Delicious blackberry jam with orange and lemon

Chokeberry is the most useful berry. And such an additive as citrus only enhances its properties, turning jam into a real medicine. The recipe comes without water - the fruits give enough juice.

We will need:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • 1 orange and 1 lemon.


  1. Fruits are poured over with boiling water and immediately with cold water.
  2. Then we cut the orange and lemon into arbitrary slices, remove the seeds. We leave the peel.
  3. We sort out the berries, remove the stalks, rinse, pour over with boiling water and running water.
  4. Let the water drain with a colander.
  5. We skip the chokeberry with citrus fruits through a meat grinder.
  6. We shift the mass into a saucepan, fall asleep with sugar. We mix everything and turn on a big fire.
  7. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the jam for half an hour.

Come in handy! Oranges and lemons interrupt the astringency of chokeberry. While leaving its pleasant taste.

Pour the jam into jars and twist.

Recipe with apples and lemon

Apple jam with chokeberry and lemon is an exquisite dessert with an unusual spicy taste. And with cinnamon, such jam turns out to be more fragrant. It is not necessary to add spice, while it will give a special touch of aftertaste.


  • 1.5 kg of chokeberry;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 600 g of apples;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2.5 cups of water.


  1. Let's start making syrup. Pour water into the pan, add sand and bring to a boil. We stir often.
  2. We send the pre-treated chokeberry into the syrup (rinse, peel off the branches and pour over with boiling water). Boil for 4 minutes.
  3. Then we introduce peeled and chopped fruits (without seeds). Cook for another 20 minutes. Analogues of apples are also suitable. For example, ranetki jam is just as tasty.
  4. 5 minutes before the end, add cinnamon.

On a note! Thanks to the lemon, the workpiece will be stored for a long time under nylon lids. Citrus releases enough acid for preservation.

Pour the finished confiture into sterilized containers.

Five Minute: Grandma's Recipe

Delicious thick jam according to a proven recipe from the old days. Yes, this is how our grandmothers cooked. And I am happy to share with you.


  • sugar - 1000 g;
  • chokeberry - 1000 g;
  • water - 500 ml.


We sort out the berries, remove the stalks. We thoroughly wash the fruits, then pour over boiling water and then cold water.

Let the water drain - a colander will help. We cook syrup. We introduce mountain ash into the syrup.

After boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, then leave to cool overnight under a closed lid. The next morning, boil the mass again for 2-3 minutes.

We repeat the procedure - cool, put on fire.

At the end of the 3rd cooking, pour the jam into sterilized jars.

The workpiece is called fast because it takes a couple of minutes to boil. The only thing is that you have to insist on the mass for a long time. At the same time, many forces are not affected - you only need to stir the jam three times for no more than 3 minutes.

Chokeberry jam with plums - the best recipe

I present the option of making jam from frozen chokeberry and fresh plums. Under the influence of low temperature, the berry loses its astringency - it's worth a try.


  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1 kg of chokeberry;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • vanilla pod.


  1. We sort out the berry, remove the tails, rinse and let the water drain.
  2. We send the chokeberry to the freezer for at least 1 hour.
  3. We put the frozen mountain ash in a saucepan, add sugar and turn on the fire.
  4. Cook the chokeberry for half an hour, stirring occasionally. There is no need to add water - freezing will give enough liquid.
  5. We wash the plums, divide into 2-3 parts, remove the seeds.
  6. After half an hour of cooking, add plums to the berries. We continue the heat treatment for another 1 hour. Don't forget to stir to avoid burning.
  7. Then completely cool the jam. It is advisable to cover it with a lid - insects and dust stick to the sweet mass.
  8. The cooled semi-finished jam is boiled again for 1 hour.
  9. At the end, add vanilla and lemon juice.
  10. Mix the ingredients well and pour the finished jam into jars.
  11. After 15 minutes, turn the containers upside down and leave to cool completely.

Recipe for blackberry jam with zucchini

Why add zucchini to the berry? Thanks to the vegetable, the jam is twice as much - profitable and tasty.

We will need:

  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - a couple of pinches or 2 sticks;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • chokeberry - 1 kg.

Cooking step by step:

  • We wash the chokeberry, remove the stalks.
  • Dry the fruit a little.
  • We clean the zucchini, free from stones and cut into small sticks.
  • Add chokeberry, sugar and mix the components together.
  • We leave for 5 hours. In the process of infusion, stir the ingredients, bathing them in the resulting juice.
  • Then we put the mass on the fire, throw cinnamon sticks and start cooking.
  • Bring to a boil and leave on the stove for another 30 minutes.
  • Then cool the sweet mixture - about 8 hours.
  • We put it on fire again and repeat the 7th step.
  • We lay out the hot jam in the processed containers and roll up.

The berries do not boil during the process, so the delicacy is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Raw blackberry jam without cooking

This jam is prepared without cooking. In a short period of time you will get a tasty and healthy treat for tea. According to this principle, jam is prepared with any berry. For example, with sea buckthorn, raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc.

We will need:

  • chokeberry - 1000 g;
  • 700 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g of citric acid.


  • We wash the chokeberry, separate it from the tails, blanch for 1 minute and lightly dry it.
  • Then we scroll the berries through a blender or meat grinder.
  • Mix ashberry puree with sugar and add citric acid.
  • We form raw confiture according to processed containers.
  • We store blanks in the refrigerator.

Recipe with nuts, lemon and mint

Lemon and mint soften the astringency of the chokeberry. The result is a savory, spicy and incredibly healthy rowan jam with nuts.


  • frozen chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • mint - to taste;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • 500 g of apples;
  • walnut - 250 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. We take the berry out of the freezer, pour boiling water (500 ml) and leave it for 8 hours or overnight.
  2. In the morning we filter the fruits - pour the infusion into a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup.
  3. Grind the walnut (grater, blender, coffee grinder - whatever).
  4. We clean the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.
  5. When the syrup boils, add the chokeberry, apples and nuts.
  6. After boiling, boil the mass for 15 minutes, then remove from heat.
  7. Cool the semi-finished jam and boil it in this way twice more.
  8. At the 3rd cooking, we introduce sprigs of mint and citrus.
  9. We leave it under a closed lid for two hours.

After the time has elapsed, we lay out, which we sterilize in advance. 1000


On the hunt for sweets for winter tea, be sure to leave room in the pantry for special jams. This sweet dessert in a jar will help improve not only immunity, but also mood.

Many do not like the taste of this fresh berry because of its astringency and sourness, but it is hardly possible to resist the alluring taste and aroma in the form of jam or jam. It is believed that the benefits of canned berries are completely lost, we hasten to answer that this is not so. Chokeberry undergoes the most gentle heat treatment, especially if you decide to cook it in a slow cooker.


But there is another way to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible - to cook raw chokeberry jam. Separate the berries (1 kg) from the twigs, wash them well and blanch for one minute. Then dry the chokeberry and scroll it through a meat grinder. Mix the finished mass with 0.7 kg of sugar and three grams of citric acid. On this, raw chokeberry jam can be placed in sterilized jars and stored in a cool place.

But with what problems blackberry jam will help you cope:

  • eliminate high blood pressure;
  • to establish the normal functioning and functioning of the endocrine system;
  • to give elasticity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • deal with headaches
  • restore normal healthy sleep and relieve fatigue;
  • strengthen weakened immunity;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol;
  • Saturate the body with the right amount of vitamin C.

Do you want to please yourself but do not have the time and special desire to stand at the stove for a long time? Then this is your recipe. Despite the fact that the infusion of jam takes about a day, the main cooking process will take only 15 minutes.

Ingredients for the five-minute recipe:

  • black chokeberry berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

Five-minute jam from chokeberry

We start with the preparation of the berries, carefully sort them out, remove the tails, scald with boiling water, and then rinse thoroughly under running water. For convenience, the berries can be transferred to a colander and let the remaining water drain completely. Then we transfer them to an aluminum or enameled basin and leave for now, but in the meantime we will prepare the syrup. Take a separate pan and mix the required amount of water and sugar in it. Boiling the mixture over low heat, wait until it boils, pour the berries with syrup and mix everything thoroughly.

Now we proceed to the main stage - cooking chokeberry. After the whole mass begins to boil, it is necessary to continue to boil the berries for exactly 5 minutes, then leave them to infuse for half a day. The next day, repeat the process in the same sequence - five minutes of cooking and again insisting for ten to twelve hours. When the time comes for the third final process, prepare the sterilized jars. It remains to boil the present jam again for 5 minutes and roll it into jars.

You will say that you can argue with the original name "five-minute". However, most of the time should be spent on insisting, which you will not spend your personal time and effort on. Such a delicious chokeberry jam turns out to be truly rich and fragrant.

I want even canned berries to retain the maximum amount of vitamins. Of course, it is quite problematic to achieve such a result with a long heat treatment, but if you cook in a slow cooker, you can reduce this problem to zero. And all thanks to the minimal heating of the berries when using the "Extinguishing" mode. As a result, the jam turns out to be moderately thick, the astringency and astringent properties of the berries are lost, and their benefits, original aroma and sweet taste are preserved.

Such preservation turns out to be moderately sugary, and in order to cook it you will need:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Blackberry conservation

As always, we separate the berries from the branches, remove the tails and rinse them under running water. Then we shift the chokeberry into a deep basin and pour it with a liter of boiling water. In this state, we leave the berries to “rest” for 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the mountain ash becomes softer, which means that it absorbs sugar faster and releases the berry juice. After the specified cooking time, pour out half of the water, we will no longer need it, and pour the second 500 ml into a free container and leave it for making jam.

Pour the prepared berries with the right amount of sugar and wait until they release the juice. This will take at least an hour. Then we transfer the berries, together with the juice, into the multicooker bowl, add two glasses of water that we left after soaking the mountain ash, and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes. With so many ingredients, the multicooker lid can be safely closed, the jam will not boil away. When the timer turns off, we take out the bowl from the multicooker, so the jam will cool faster, put it in pre-sterilized jars and roll it up.

How else can you diversify blackberry jam? How about cherry leaf syrup? Such a recipe will become a real decoration of any canned sweets and will pleasantly surprise you. Write down the following list of required ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 l.

We carry out the processes already familiar to us with the berries: we carefully sort them out, rinse them several times and let the excess liquid drain, leaving it in a colander or sieve for a while. In the meantime, let's take care of the cherry leaves. We also thoroughly rinse them under water, shake them off, pour them into an enameled pan and pour a liter of clean water so that it completely covers the leaves. We set the heat to medium, bring everything to a boil and boil for another twenty minutes. The broth is ready, it must be filtered, and the leaves thrown out.

Rowan in cherry leaf syrup

We send the strained broth back to the fire and add sugar to it. We are waiting for the moment when the sugar turns into syrup and becomes homogeneous. When this happens, you can pour the berries and cook them over low heat until boiling, and then leave for another 5 minutes and turn off the stove. Leave the mass to infuse for several hours, and preferably at night, not forgetting to cover the pan with thick gauze. After that, bring the jam to a boil again and boil it for 5 minutes, leave it to infuse again for several hours, and then repeat the same thing again (as in the video).

At the end, boil the chokeberry jam for the last fourth time and, without waiting for cooling, roll it into prepared jars.

A real pleasure in long winter tea parties will be jam with chokeberry berries and apple slices. Thanks to the addition of these fruits, the jam acquires a delicate texture, a richer aroma, and its benefits to the body increase.

Ingredients for sweet preservation with chokeberry and apples:

  • chokeberry - 0.4 kg;
  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Chokeberry with apples

Pour the berries sorted and washed under water into a cooking container, fill them with water and let them boil for 15 minutes. After that, we shift the chokeberry with a slotted spoon into a separate bowl and turn off the stove for a while. In the meantime, take the apples, peel them and remove the core. As for the cutting method and thickness, it is desirable that you end up with slices of about 1 cm. Now we send the apples to a pot of water where the berries were previously cooked, blanch them for 2-3 minutes and also transfer them with a slotted spoon to a separate container.

Due to the high content of iron in apples, they darken very quickly. To prevent this from happening, just sprinkle them with lemon. Add sugar to the liquid remaining after cooking and boil everything over medium heat until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, we send pre-blanched berries and apples to the finished syrup and proceed according to the familiar cooking scheme - cook after boiling for 5 minutes and leave the jam to infuse for 3-4 hours. So we repeat 4 times.

This cooking method helps the berries become soft, but not boiled, while maintaining their original structure. Now the little things remain - roll up delicious jam in clean sterilized jars and wait for the pleasant moment of the long-awaited winter tea party.

Citruses will help get rid of the tart taste of chokeberry berries. They will give the jam an unsurpassed aroma, but retain the taste of berries. This refreshing mix will be especially indispensable in the morning with French toast and tea. Suitable for hypertensive patients.

The recipe includes the following list of ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Aronia with orange and lemon

Let's take orange and lemon. They must be thoroughly poured over with boiling water, and then cut into small slices without removing the peel. Remember, citruses will go through a meat grinder, so you need to remove all the stones. We separate the chokeberry from the twigs, sort it well, rinse it in a colander under water and dry it with a cotton towel. Now that all the main ingredients are prepared, you can move on.

We scroll citruses with peel and berries through a meat grinder. The resulting mass with orange, lemon and chokeberry is transferred to an enameled pan and covered with sugar. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave them alone. We are waiting for the jam to boil, and then we make the minimum fire and set the timer for 40-45 minutes. At the end of this time, remove the finished jam from the fire and roll it into sterilized jars.
