
Tanks for storage of alcohol gost. Preservation of uncorked vodka


Plastic utensils have found wide application in modern life. However, in Lately Increasingly, there is information about the danger posed by this material. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to store food in such vessels worries many.

Storage in plastic bottles


People are accustomed to drinking water from plastic bottles, completely without thinking about how harmful such containers can be. However, it is necessary to pay attention to what the container is made of. Manufacturers usually indicate such information on the label.

PET bottles made of polyethylene tereflatate are among the safest among dishes made from this material. But it is important to remember that a harmless plastic bottle will no longer be harmless if the water in it is stored improperly.

At normal conditions storage between plastic and water there is no exchange of chemical elements. However, in the case of heating, even slightly higher room temperature, toxic molecules move rapidly from the plastic into the water contained in the container. Thus, in 30 degree heat, water in plastic bottles becomes poisoned. It is also important to ensure that such dishes do not fall under the influence of direct sun rays.

The risk of developing chronic intoxication of the body increases with repeated use of such vessels.

PVC bottles contain harmful toxins that adversely affect human body. Plastic dishes made of melamine are dangerous, you can not store water in it.

Thus, water in plastic containers should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 20-25 degrees and preferably in PET bottles.


Home winemaking is impossible to imagine without special storage containers in which fermentation takes place. The taste of the prepared drug directly depends on the container, so the choice of the vessel must be approached especially carefully.

It is convenient to store homemade wine in plastic molds. On the shelves in stores, just such a container for storing wine is also often found. And this is not surprising, because PET bottles have many advantages:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • cost optimality;
  • spaciousness.

However, plastics, especially thin ones, should never be used for long-term storage guilt. The fact is that the toxic substances contained in this material, even in small quantities, after a while they dissolve in alcohol. In addition, wine has the ability to absorb and retain odors, and drinking a drink that smells of plastic is not very pleasant. Even specialized plastic can affect the taste of wine.

Another unpleasant quality that PET has is the ability to pass gases. Oxygen inflicts blame irreparable harm interacting with this alcoholic product- it converts alcohol into acetic acid.

If it was not possible to get away from the use of plastic bottles for storing wine, then you should opt for high-quality, big amount layers of containers that will not let oxygen through. This container is perfect for storage. house wine, but only for a short time.


Alcohol - active substance, capable of entering into a chemical reaction with materials with which it directly interacts. That is why when choosing the container in which this alcoholic drink is stored, you need to be especially careful.

Plastic bottles are a very popular container. However, it is not recommended to store alcohol in such dishes. Alcohol after some time dissolves the walls of this container. In this case, the formation of harmful substances occurs. Sometimes a precipitate can be observed at the bottom of a vessel with alcohol. As a result of the reaction of alcohol with different types plastic, dangerous carcinogens such as formaldehyde and styrene are released.

But even if visually the alcohol poured into such dishes has not changed, this does not mean that the drink is safe, because many dangerous substances it is impossible to determine by taste and smell.

It is best to store alcohol in bottles of the manufacturer. The best option is regular glass jars and bottles.


Glass containers are considered the traditional container for storing jam. But recently, many housewives have been wondering if plastic bottles can be used to store jam.

You can keep jam in plastic bottles only for a short time. It's easy to explain. The fact is that with the acids contained in the jam, the plastic reacts. In the event that this product ferments even a little, the resulting alcohol can affect the release of harmful components from plastic.

On store shelves, we are used to seeing vodka and other types of alcohol in glass bottles. Initially, no one pays attention to this moment, but this is not casual. There are special standards, norms for the storage of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. In large containers, they must be stored in steel tanks or barrels, and smaller volumes strong drinks it is recommended to keep in glass or metal jars, with tightly sealed lids and appropriate labeling.

Can alcohol be stored in plastic bottles?

Vodka is forbidden to be in galvanized, aluminum containers, as well as bottles made of polymeric materials. Vodka in plastic bottle This is a strict violation of all established rules and regulations. If you see such a container with alcohol on the window, in no case do not buy it, it is likely that the alcohol contained there is harmful to health, as it is a kind of surrogate.

It is strictly forbidden to store alcohol in plastic bottles. The fact is that when in contact with alcohol, plastic bottles begin to release harmful toxic substances. Human liver and kidneys suffer from carcinogens. IN plastic container contains toxins that are not broken down in normal mineral waters and juices, but upon contact with ethyl, a chemical reaction is triggered. In addition to the harm that acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of alcoholic beverages, causes to the body, the chemicals present in the raw materials from which plastic is made also harm.

Using plastic bottles for storing vodka, the risk of developing intoxication of the body increases significantly even with small doses of drinking the drink inside. Of particular danger to humans is vodka in a plastic container that has been heated, for example, by sunlight or was in a hot room. You should not drink such alcohol, it is already poisoned in itself. Plastic molecules move slowly into the liquid and change it qualitative composition. Melamine plastic cookware breaks down the fastest.

Today there is a special marking on bottles, which indicates what material the container is made of:

  • HDPE - releases formaldehyde upon contact with alcohol;
  • PVC - on contact with ethyl, releases vinyl chloride, phthalates;
  • LDPE - capable of releasing heavy metals;
  • PP - releases bisphenol A;
  • PS - as a result of the reaction with alcohol, it releases styrene.

All of the above substances have a detrimental effect not only on the human body, but also on the environment, which is why ecologists often talk about the need to dispose of plastic waste.

Wine from plastic containers

In addition to vodka, a plastic bottle is used to store wine, which is not strange in principle, because the container is very roomy, hermetically sealed and has amazing strength. Unlike hard alcoholic beverages, wine can be kept in plastic utensils. The percentage of alcohol in wine is much lower than in vodka, so it takes a long time for the plastic to break down and release formaldehyde. Of course, for long-term storage of wine, this type of container is also not suitable. Optimal time for storing wine in plastic bottles is 1 year, provided that the dishes are not exposed to sunlight and the room temperature is not more than 20 degrees.

The disadvantage of storing wine in plastic is that this type of dish is capable of passing gases. Oxygen that enters the wine quickly turns the alcohol in its composition into acetic acid and reduces the quality and taste of the drink.

Can you drink alcohol from plastic containers?

Regardless of which drink you choose to drink, use only glassware. This is not a rule of etiquette or a fashionable expense, but a recommendation that will help protect your liver and kidneys from degenerative changes.

Every year more and more people come to the hospital who drank vodka from plastic containers. Remember no matter how expensive and quality drink would not be poured into a glass, upon contact with plastic, a change begins palatability drink, as well as the most harmful substances are released. Sanitary services constantly make raids on exit trade tents where they sell beer and alcohol on tap in plastic cups to prevent mass poisoning. In hot, sultry weather, people do not attach importance to the container in which they are sold cool beer. On contact foamy drink With harmful components plastic, dubityl phthalate is released. This substance is capable of being negatively displayed on the reproductive, nervous and genitourinary system person. Harmful carcinogen contributes to the formation of tumors endocrine system in men and in women.

If you do not want the next drunk alcoholic drink to become fatal for you, or cause a serious illness, buy it at certified outlets and sing from the correct glassware.

7.1.1. Alcohol should be stored in steel tanks of various capacities and shapes with the obligatory condition of the possibility of measuring the presence of alcohol in them by volume and installed both in open areas and in enclosed spaces that meet the requirements for premises of category A, class B-1a (for alcohol storage facilities closed type) and V-1g (for open-type alcohol storage facilities) in accordance with SNiP 11-90-81 "Industrial buildings of industrial enterprises" and SNiP 11-2-80 "Fire safety standards for the design of buildings and structures".

The dimensions of the room must be sufficient to store the provided supply of alcohol in it and install receiving or dispensing measuring tanks (clause 1.3.1. Instructions).

7.1.2. Graduation and measurement of stationary tanks and alcohol receivers for storing alcohol is carried out by the commission of the enterprise (organization) with the involvement of a specialized organization in some cases (when measuring and calibrating large-capacity tanks by measuring method) at least once every 4 years and immediately upon detection of precipitation or deformation.

7.1.3. Alcohol and camp barrels, bottles, as well as utensils for storing semi-finished products and production tanks of distilleries and distilleries are measured by the commission of the enterprise (organization) once every 3 years.

7.1.4. A small amount of alcohol can be stored in steel barrels according to GOST 13950-84, 6247-79, bottles according to GOST 1482-80 or metal flasks of FL according to GOST 5037-78, carefully corked, sealed or sealed.

Storage and transportation of alcohol in galvanized steel or aluminum barrels and cans is not allowed.

7.1.5. All hatches, air vents, flange connections and taps of alcohol tanks installed in open areas must be sealed.

7.1.6. In the alcohol storage facility, each tank should be provided with free access from all sides for its inspection, with the installation of ladders and platforms for work on the tank cover (sampling, measuring the level of alcohol, steaming the tank, etc.).

In closed-type alcohol storages, the floor, walls and threshold must be cemented with iron. The floor must slope away from the door, with a pit, a pump, and communications to collect alcohol in case of spillage.

The sites of open alcohol storage facilities should be asphalted and bunded.

Each group of ground tanks must be fenced, lined with a solid earthen rampart or a dense wall made of non-combustible materials. The free volume inside the bunding should be equal to:

For stand-alone tanks - the full capacity of the tank;

For a group of tanks, the capacity of the larger tank.

The height of the bunding should be 0.2 m above the design level of the spilled liquid. The internal slopes of the embankment should be covered with asphalt or cemented.

7.1.7. Alcohol storage tanks are installed on a solid foundation, with a lining under the bottom of the tank, in order to avoid deflection, wooden beams treated with a flame retardant by deep impregnation, with a slight slope towards the drain pipe and are equipped with hatches according to the projects.

The drain pipe is attached at the lowest point of the bottom of the tank.

A reliable locking device is installed on the drain pipe; in addition, a safety (shut-off) valve controlled from the outside is installed on the drain hole inside the tank.

To monitor the level of alcohol in the tanks, explosion-proof automatic level limit switches are installed to prevent overfilling of the tanks; in exceptional cases, it is allowed to install float level indicators.

Installation of index glasses and test taps is not allowed.

Under the cover of the tank, in the bulk alcohol line, a hole is made to communicate with the atmosphere, in order to prevent the siphoning of alcohol.

The filling pipe should not reach the bottom of the tank by 200 mm and have a cutoff bevel of 45 degrees.

Outside, a locking device is placed on the bulk alcohol pipeline.

7.1.8. Company mechanic and manager once a month, the alcohol storage facility inspects the condition of the tanks, pipelines and fittings of the alcohol storage facility, with the results of the inspection recorded in a special log kept in the alcohol storage facility (Appendix 22).

The journal must be numbered, laced, sealed with a wax seal of the enterprise (organization) and certified by the head or chief engineer (manager of production) of the enterprise (organization).

7.1.9. Before the first pouring of alcohol, the tank must be calibrated geometrically or volumetrically, equipped with a metal tape measure with millimeter divisions or a basting (iron or hardwood rail, with an iron strip laid in it, on which divisions are applied). The bottom of the basting (roulette) must be provided with a copper tip - the fifth, excluding sparking during measurements.

A metal tape measure and a basting must be certified by the state metrology service and have the stamp of a state verifier.

7.1.10. To calculate the limit allowable norms loss of alcohol during storage, the surface (mirror) of evaporation of alcohol in the tank should be determined (Appendix 23).

7.1.11. The tank must have hatches for cleaning and hatches for lowering the basting (roulette) and taking samples.

The hatch for lowering the basting (roulette) must have a guide pipe up to 1 m long with holes or a cut along the length.

Each tank must be equipped with a breather valve with a flame arrester.

Tank manhole covers must be mounted on a rubber gasket and always tightly closed.

7.1.12. Reservoirs, tanks or barrels in the spring-summer period of the year should be filled with alcohol no more than 95% of the volume, and in the autumn-winter period of the year - no more than 97% of the volume.

7.1.13. From the main alcohol pipe to the tanks, branch pipes should be laid to each tank with taps at the beginning of the outlets. For alcohol different varieties separate main pipes are mounted.

7.1.14. The alcohol storage (warehouse) must have the required number of technical measuring cups of the 1st class with a capacity of 0.5 to 1100 dal in accordance with GOST 13844-68, as well as exemplary measuring cups of the 2nd category with a capacity of 0.1 to 50 dal in accordance with GOST 8.400-80 and exemplary glass measures according to GOST 8.100-73.

7.1.15. Alcohol storage facilities (warehouses) must be equipped with fire and burglar alarms.

7.1.16. When leaving the alcohol storage (warehouse) or alcohol receiving department, financially responsible persons are required to lock the premises.

At the end of the working day or when leaving the territory of the enterprise, financially responsible persons must turn on the security and fire alarms, close the doors with a lock and seal them.

The seals are handed over to the guards with an entry in the guard log (on arrival they are accepted).

Electrical lighting must be turned off when leaving the premises.

7.1.17. The head of the alcohol storage (warehouse) keeps a quantitative account of alcohol in the income and expenditure journal in decalitres of anhydrous alcohol for individual tanks and grades of alcohol in the form N P-22 (Appendix 18).

The accounting journal must be numbered, laced and sealed with a wax seal of the enterprise (organization) and certified by the head and chief (senior) accountant of the enterprise (organization).

The results of turnover by income and expense, as well as the balance of alcohol, are displayed in the journal daily.

Entries in the journal are made in ink after the completion of the operation on the basis of properly executed documents with marks in them of the page numbers of the journal on which the operation is recorded.

At least once a month, income and expenditure transactions are reconciled with accounting data.

7.1.18. When changing the head of the alcohol storage (warehouse), an inventory of alcohol is carried out by passing it through the measuring tanks (clause 1.3.1. Instructions) or weighing it on a commodity scale.

7.1.19. Alcohol consumption rates provided for washing alcohol containers do not apply to washing tanks for storing alcohol.

If it is necessary to flush the tanks intended for the storage of alcohol, a one-time permission from a higher organization for the consumption of alcohol for the specified purpose must be obtained, and the strictest control must be established over its actual consumption.

Washing of tanks with alcohol is carried out after preliminary steaming and washing with water.

Flushing losses should be determined according to actual data determined by a commission specially appointed by the management of the enterprise (organization), but not more than 0.15 l b.s. per 1 sq.m of alcohol-wetted inner surface of the tank.

Usually found in every home. They are not always purchased for drinking. Sometimes they are just kept just in case. And then the question arises of how long they can lie on the table. Year? Two? Maybe the shelf life is generally infinite? But this is only one side of the issue. The packaging is also important. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle.

Best before date

Usually it is indicated on the packaging. But sometimes manufacturers ignore this item or indicate that the terms are unlimited. At the same time, at the bottom, in small print on the package, it appears that the product must be consumed within 12 months. Therefore, on the one hand, we understand that there is nothing to spoil there. But on the other hand, everyone knows how severe the consequences of alcohol poisoning can be. Therefore, willy-nilly, they will look at the transparent liquid with caution.

In fact, everything has a shelf life. But in the case of alcohol, much will depend on external conditions. Let's take a closer look at what conditions must be met.

What you need to know

  1. Only at first glance, all vodka is the same. Simple consists of ethyl alcohol and purified water. It will be stored almost forever, because there are no additives in it. But the drink can be reproached for not having too much soft taste. With special vodka, the situation is somewhat different. Specific additives that are needed to improve the taste can go bad. It is best to consume such a product within 6 months from the date of manufacture.
  2. The second point is the packaging. And here we come to the main question: "Is it possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle?" In fact, there can only be one answer. For storage, only containers that do not react with alcohol are suitable. That is ideal option is glass.

Storage rules

In principle, there is no shortage of this product today. Therefore, you can go to the store at any time and buy a bottle of vodka or take alcohol in a specialized department. But sometimes it happens to stumble upon a wholesale outlet that is far from home. Most often, sellers do not burden themselves with the need to purchase containers for the sale of products, but plastic packaging can be purchased at any nearby store. But you need to remember in time whether it is possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle.

  • For the normal safety of the product, it is better not to violate the integrity of the original packaging.
  • Plastic for storing alcoholic beverages is not suitable. It interacts with alcohol and forms toxic compounds over time.
  • It is very important to seal the bottle tightly. Alcohol is very volatile and evaporates quickly. Therefore, if you want to keep the degree of the product, then you need to check the quality of the cap.
  • If at the bottom of the bottle formed cloudy sediment, ingest this drink Absolutely forbidden. He became a real poison. Most often this happens if the packaging reacts with the contents.

Can you store alcohol in a plastic bottle? Only if you need to transfer it from one point to another, where you immediately pour it into glass containers. But it's better not to do even that.

Storage conditions

It would seem that vodka is in glass, everything is done correctly, which means that you don’t have to worry about the safety of the product. In fact, it is very important where this package is located. Everyone should know how to store alcohol correctly in order to avoid negative consequences.

Vodka is extremely negative about sunlight. Besides, she doesn't like high temperatures. Therefore, it is best to store it in a cool and dark place. pure alcohol you can put it in the freezer - it still won't freeze. And as we have already found out, it is not alcohol that spoils at all, but additives. But just they will freeze, and then precipitate.

Another important point is the humidity in the room. You should not rely on the fact that you have a container for alcohol that is impervious to external influences. How to properly store alcohol is prescribed in special instructions. Humidity in the room should not exceed 85%. Therefore, damp basements are far from the best choice.

Container quality

Certainly, glass bottles not too comfortable. They are heavy, break easily, and are extremely inconvenient to transport. Therefore, the question often arises as to whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic containers. Here you should consider the quality of the material itself. And be sure to make sure that there are no sources nearby. open fire because plastic is highly flammable. Finding out what material the container is made of can be quite easy. To do this, just look at the bottom, where the marking is affixed. But even if a high-quality material is chosen, you should not leave alcohol in it for a long time. Such container is intended for temporary storage of a drink, excellent for its transportation.


Let's look at other packaging methods, because each owner chooses what to store alcohol in.

  • Oak barrels. Alcohol in them can be contained almost indefinitely. But to keep the original taste and aroma will not work. In this case, the drink acquires a pleasant shade and incomparable aroma, which is more of a plus than a minus. The barrel "breathes", and oxygen interacts with alcohol. This contributes to the oxidation processes, due to which the drink acquires new taste.
  • Tanks made of stainless steel. Usually they store alcohol in industrial enterprises. Food steel is safe, as it does not react with alcohol.

Clouded crystal pure moonshine(if more than 10 days have passed after dilution with water) and (or) the appearance of a precipitate in the form of flakes is a sign of improper storage. Often worsens not only appearance but also the quality. We will consider the parameters that affect the shelf life of moonshine. Having created right conditions, the drink can be left for decades. But just one mistake can ruin a product irrevocably. All of the above tips apply to others as well. strong drinks: vodka, ethyl alcohol, cognac, whiskey, etc.

1. Container. The most important factor on which the shelf life depends on 80-90% strong alcohol, since alcohol is an active substance that reacts with most materials, which is fraught with the release harmful impurities. At home, glass bottles, bottles and cans for preservation are ideal packaging options.

It is better to use bottles from state-owned vodka (with a “native” cork), into which no other substances were poured. Even if in containers a short time there were products or liquids, then before use the container must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then checked for the presence of third-party odors that can spoil the aroma of the distillate.

Another prerequisite for containers for storing moonshine is tightness. On outdoors alcohol evaporates quickly. Even a poorly screwed cork (lid) can cause a decrease in strength due to evaporation, only water will remain. Corks should fit snugly on the neck of the bottle.

It is better to roll up cans with steel lids, since they are more reliable and safer than nylon ones. Nylon is a type of plastic that, when in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances, this will be discussed further.

metal lids preferably kapron

It is impossible to pour moonshine into containers where inedible products, such as gasoline or glue, were previously stored, since it is very difficult to wash such containers with a guarantee, the risk of irretrievably spoiling the distillate is very high.

For very large volumes, industrial stainless steel barrels are recommended. food stainless steel, like glass, does not react with alcohol, therefore it is safe. But aluminum cans and enamelware unsuitable.

Food grade stainless steel barrels are a good solution for large volumes

Store moonshine and others alcoholic drinks with a strength above 15-20 degrees in plastic containers is strictly prohibited, the only exception is a special one designed for strong alcohol plastic, but this material rarely appears in retail sales.

Alcohol corrodes most plastic bottles, as a result, moonshine becomes cloudy, flakes or loose sediment appear at the bottom, bad smell. There were times when alcohol "burned through" thin plastic through and through.

Cloudy moonshine in a plastic container

But even if moonshine has not changed visually after storage in a plastic bottle, this does not mean that the drink is safe, many harmful substances cannot be determined organoleptically (by taste and smell). When alcohol reacts with different types of plastic, carcinogens such as formaldehyde (phenol) and styrene are released.

Many home distillers prefer to store moonshine in oak barrels. Sometimes similar decision justified, but this method has a number of disadvantages. First, you need to purchase and create normal storage conditions, including temperature and humidity, then periodically check the safety of the barrel. Secondly, evaporation must be taken into account - regardless of the amount of loss in best case will be about a liter of filled distillate per year. Thirdly, the taste of moonshine will change. Therefore, I consider barrels as a cooking method. individual drink but not a storage container.

After aging in a barrel, moonshine changes color and taste

2. Composition. There may be third-party additives in moonshine (except for alcohol and water): sugar, lemon acid, herbal extracts, fruits, berries, other substances that improve the aroma or taste of moonshine, as well as essential oils and other impurities remaining due to improper distillation and (or) purification. It is impossible to predict how all these substances will behave during long exposure.

It all depends on the composition, concentration and chemical reactions third-party components between themselves on the one hand, and alcohol on the other. Usually natural supplements precipitate or become cloudy when exposed to direct sunlight, which only worsens the visual perception of the drink, but does not affect the quality.

It works here general rule- store moonshine with additives for no more than a year, and for several years and longer, lay only well-purified distillate or alcohol diluted with high-quality water without the addition of third-party substances.

3. Conditions. Correct temperature and humidity along with the lack sunlight block or slow down most chemical reactions. This is very important in the case of storing moonshine with additives, but for a “clean” distillate it is also desirable to create optimal conditions, especially if the drink is laid on long term- 3-10 years.

I recommend placing the container with moonshine in a dark room (or at least protect it from direct sunlight) with a temperature of 5-20 ° C and a relative humidity of 85%. Be sure to periodically check the appearance of the drink and the tightness.
