
Proper cleaning of moonshine at home. Environmentally friendly ways to clean moonshine

Manufacturing itself homemade alcohol The process is quite time consuming. Braga alone costs at least 3-4 days. And even if you happened to (we recommend choosing an apparatus with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand) with good performance, the distillation of mash, and then raw alcohol, still takes several hours.

Sometimes it happens that mistakes were made during the distillation of the mash. Muddy Moonshine- this is always annoying, and most importantly, cleaning it again takes time. But over many years of practice, craftsmen have found ways to quickly clean moonshine from fusel oils and smell.

Most often, such cleaning is required for beginners, since they have not yet debugged all the mechanisms for complying with the distillation technology. However, if you correctly approach the question “”, then you can purchase a distiller that is as convenient and easy to use as possible.

We recommend quick cleaning of moonshine only if a second distillation is expected. After all, it is the repeated distillation that is the key to a high-quality and as safe as possible (in terms of impurities) drink for health. Even craftsmen who happen to have a jewelry calculation most often distill moonshine twice. Thus, in almost 100% of cases fast way purification of moonshine is necessary after the first distillation to simplify cleaning in the second distillation.

So, 4 methods for quickly cleaning moonshine:

1. Ordinary baking soda allows you to quickly clean moonshine. It will take 10 grams per liter of distillate and about 12 hours of time. Soda is poured into the moonshine, the container is shaken well and left for half an hour. Then shake the container again and leave it for 10 hours (ideally overnight). However, soda binds a small amount of "fusel oils" and neutralizes acids. This eliminates some of the turbidity and unpleasant odor. After the formation of a precipitate, the pure distillate is carefully drained from it. For better cleaning distillate should be subjected redistillation.

2. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is a powerful oxidizing agent. It allows you to remove harmful aldehydes from the drink. Potassium permanganate powder is taken at the rate of 1 gram per liter of distillate. Shake the container well and place on water bath at a temperature of 50-70°C for 15 minutes. After precipitation, the distillate is allowed to settle a little, and then it is carefully drained from the sediment. It is best to use potassium permanganate in combination with soda and alkali, and distill the purified distillate again.

3. How else to clean moonshine quickly at home without special tools? Everyone in the house has a refrigerator, and in it - a freezer. The freezing method is one of the most ancient. The distillate is poured into a glass or iron container, and put in the freezer overnight. Water, along with harmful impurities, freezes near the walls of the container, and the purified ethanol solution remains in the center. If the turbidity and smell still persist, you need to repeat the procedure. The main thing is not to take a container with a narrow neck for these purposes.

4. Most efficient and fast method- this is charcoal cleaning, when moonshine is passed through coal column. However, this requires special activated charcoal or coconut charcoal, as well as a column. But this method allows for reliable cleaning at a speed of up to 2 liters per minute.

You can talk a lot about, but over the years of practice, dubious methods have long outlived their usefulness. And if some methods may not seem “environmentally friendly” enough (for example, the use of potassium permanganate), then their harm is still much lower than the harm caused by excess impurities in the distillate. However, nowadays you can absolutely freely find a distiller that will allow you to get a pure and drinkable drink after the first distillation. that meets modern quality and safety requirements? It is best, having studied the market, to do it directly with the manufacturer.

Quality cleaning homemade moonshine will not only make it more delicious. You will forever forget about a hangover and a sore head.

Why do we get slight intoxication and the complete absence of a hangover, while others literally knock down, and significantly undermine health even the next morning? It's all about foreign impurities that go into the burden of alcohol. Anyone who makes moonshine himself knows perfectly well that cleaning moonshine is an obligatory stage of preparation indeed. quality drink. And there are scientific folk recipes how best to do it.

It should be noted that all methods of cleaning moonshine from fusel oils give results, but differ in the degree of efficiency. It is recommended to clean the product diluted to a strength of less than 35 ° (better less), since fusel oils are more easily separated from the water-alcohol mixture at this concentration. In general, moonshine should be allowed to stand for 1-2 days and cooled to room temperature or below before cleaning.


Almost unanimous opinion of home distillers: cleaning moonshine from fusel oils using wood or activated carbon the fastest and most efficient. Cleaning is carried out by different ways:

  1. When distilling moonshine, a fresh product should fall into a jar with a funnel. First, a cotton pad is placed in the funnel, then small fractions of coal, then larger ones, from above all this is covered with several cotton pads. Thus, the purification of moonshine from fusel oils occurs immediately and without unnecessary difficulties.
  2. Another way to clean with charcoal is to pour it into a jar of moonshine. Let it stand for several days (from 2 to 14), then strain through cheesecloth.

This is an excellent cleaning of moonshine before the second distillation. Charcoal is recommended to take wood, preferably birch. The one used in water purification filters is also very good. Often they also contain silver, which is also great for cleaning moonshine at home and even factory conditions. Specialized varieties for distillers are also on sale.

In order for the purification of moonshine before the second distillation or during the first and second pastures to be effective, coal must be used at the rate of 50 g / 1 liter. That's how much it needs to be thrown into the bank. The same flow rate should be when filtering through a funnel, that is, the filter needs to be changed from time to time.

Potassium permanganate

Everyone's favorite body purifier - potassium permanganate - is another option on how to quickly clean moonshine. We take 3 grams of potassium permanganate and dilute it in 0.3 liters warm water to make the solution homogeneous. Pour into 3 liters of the finished product and defend for several hours. Can be added to water solution a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of salt. The moonshine that has settled for 12 hours must be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.


An excellent cleaning of moonshine at home is the addition of milk. It should be noted that this method should be used after the final distillation, the first, second, third. The fact is that no matter how hard you try to filter the solution, protein particles will still remain in it, which, when heated, will give Not nice smell and some taste.

To purify 20 liters of a product with a strength of 50 °, 200 ml of milk will be required. It should be pasteurized and have a fat content of no more than 1–1.5%. What needs to be done to clean moonshine from fusel oils correctly:

  • pour milk into the finally rectified moonshine;
  • shake thoroughly;
  • close the lid so that the degree does not go away, and put for 7 days in a dark place at a temperature of about + 20 ° C;
  • shake the mixture thoroughly for five days in a row so that all the milk reacts;
  • two days the suspension will settle;
  • now it's time to filter through layers of cotton.

If the drink turned out to be cloudy, you can add the skin of any citrus fruit to it and let it stand for a day. If you do not plan to ennoble moonshine with third-party flavors, then add zest quite a bit - 1 fruit per 3 liters. It is believed that this The best way, after all, this is how they clean vodka in production, but they do not use milk specifically, but the active substance for this process - casein protein.

Egg white

By analogy with the milk method, purification of moonshine from fusel oils can be carried out egg white. For 1.5 liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 °, one protein is taken. It must be shaken with a glass of warm water and poured into a drink. Further, the technology is the same as for milk cleaning.


An old cleaning method that allows you to get a relatively clean a product even from denatured alcohol - freezing. A container with moonshine - best of all, an aluminum pan with a lid - is placed in freezer at least 12 hours. Water and harmful fractions will freeze to the walls, and alcohol, which freezes at more low temperatures, will remain. If you freeze moonshine at home, remember that its strength will become higher than before the procedure.


To remove impurities and give the product fruity notes, purification of moonshine before the second fruit distillation is suitable. Such processing is also good as a finish - a distinct fruity aftertaste remains.

For 3 liters of product with a strength of about 25 ° add 1 carrot and 1 apple. They need to be cut into large pieces, remove the core from the apple. You need to defend moonshine for 2-3 days, until the fibers begin to peel off from the fruits. Then they can be removed, and the solution distilled or consumed in this form.


All distillers can clean moonshine before the second distillation with soda. The product is inexpensive and always available
in the house. Proportions: 10 g / 1 l, settling time - at least 12 hours. To remove the sediment, we use a fine filter for cleaning (cotton wool, cotton pads).


There is one more original way cleaning homemade moonshine - refined oil. This is possible due to the fact that water and alcohol do not mix with it, and fusel oils stick together with drops of vegetable oil. Proportions: 20 g / 1 liter, the oil should be as purified as possible, odorless and tasteless. Shake the vessel with the solution thoroughly, repeat the procedure every 5 minutes 3-4 times. We leave n 12 hours for settling.

After that, carefully drain the purified moonshine through a tube lowered to the bottom. You can do the same by turning the bottle upside down and letting the oil film rise up (to the bottom of the bottle), after which you can carefully drain the suspension through a slightly loosened cork. The rest is filtered through cotton wool.

Pure as a tear

It is obvious that even moonshine broken into fractions (head-body-tail) still needs to remove impurities. If you use one or more methods for cleaning moonshine and secondary distillation, you can get a product that is much better in purity than any factory product. Then you and your friends will remember the hangover only in jokes.

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Any alcoholic drink, even if it is made from environmentally friendly, natural ingredients, will always contain harmful impurities and fusel oils. They ruin the taste appearance cause hangovers. That's why experienced moonshiners a prerequisite for the preparation of high-quality home-made vodka is considered such a stage as cleaning moonshine.


Cleaning moonshine at home can be done in different ways.

All of them are equally affordable and effective: the purification technology is simple, using the tools available in any home.

All methods of moonshine filtration have general recommendations for the cleansing process:

  1. The use of an unrefined product, the strength of which is not more than 35 degrees. This concentration ensures maximum separation of fusel oils from the water-alcohol mixture;
  2. Moonshine must first settle for 2 days;
  3. Start cleansing only a chilled drink, the temperature of which is not higher than room temperature.

Here is a list of the most common methods by which moonshine is cleaned at home:

Using charcoal to purify homemade vodka

Charcoal cleaning can be done in 2 ways:

  1. active. In this case, moonshine is poured into a jar through a funnel, where several layers of cotton wool or gauze are previously placed. Crushed coal powder is inside the cotton wool. It is necessary to perform at least 5 overflows, with a constant replacement of coal.
  2. Passive. Pounded coal is poured into the container, after which the jar is removed for 1-2 weeks. Shake the container periodically. The last step is straining the moonshine through gauze.

In order for the cleaning of moonshine to be effective, it is necessary to take 50 g of coal per 1 liter of the crude product.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

The technology is simple:

  1. add potassium permanganate to the drink. For each liter, no more than 1 g of manganese powder is taken.
  2. Thoroughly mix the liquid, achieving complete dissolution of the crystals.
  3. Place the container in a dark place for a day to settle. The appearance of sediment, flakes at the bottom of the jar, the becoming transparent liquid indicates the completion of the cleaning process.
  4. Filter the drink through gauze, you can additionally use coal.

Milk is an effective means of cleansing homemade vodka

The substances casein and albumin found in milk protein actively bind molecules harmful impurities and fusel oils.

The result of such a reaction is their complete removal from the product being purified. The whole process is accompanied by the formation of white flakes, precipitation.

Cleaning with milk involves 2 cleaning options:

  1. without further distillation. For 10 liters of moonshine add 150 g low fat milk, mix the ingredients well and seal the container tightly. Put the jar in a dark place for several days, shaking it occasionally. Finish cleaning the product by carefully draining the liquid from the sediment and passing it through several layers of cotton wool.
  2. with additional distillation of moonshine. Milk is poured into the drink, any fat content, at the rate of 100 ml of milk per 1 liter of moonshine. The liquid is mixed, closed with a lid and left for 5 days. During this period, you need to mix the contents of the jar with a spoon once a day. At the end of the process, the drink is carefully drained, without sediment, diluted with water 1: 1 and sent for distillation.

Cleansing with soda

Soda perfectly removes a sharp, unpleasant odor, as well as substances harmful to the body.

For cleaning alcoholic product you need 10 g of soda per 1 liter of moonshine. Soda is introduced into the drink, stirred, after which the liquid must be settled for at least 12 hours. To remove the undrinkable upper layer, about 3 cm, and also prevent sediment from getting into finished product, moonshine should be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing

This method is based on physical properties liquids, or rather differences in freezing temperatures. Thus, pure alcohol freezes at -115°, vodka -25°, water at 0°.

Moonshine is poured into a strong container, for example, aluminum pan and placed in the freezer. When the water freezes, drain the alcohol and discard the remaining ice.

The essence of cleansing is that when freezing, water and harmful substances freeze, crystallize, turning into ice on the walls of dishes. Alcohol does not have time to freeze, remaining in a liquid state.

The result of such cleaning will be a vigorous drink. highest quality. The fortress of moonshine will become higher than it was before the purification procedure.

As you can see, there are many ways to clean moonshine. In this case, you can use several techniques at once, successfully combining them. The output is an environmentally friendly, pleasant to the taste and appearance of the product. Here are the ways.

Any business requires skill and a competent approach. You need to be able to prepare homemade moonshine with your own hands so that it does not have an unpleasant taste and smell. Strong alcoholic drink it is imperative to remove the fusel oils and harmful impurities contained in it, which affect the quality of the final product and can cause poisoning.

How is moonshine cleaned? There are a lot of ways: starting from the well-known potassium permanganate and charcoal, ending with black bread and vegetable oil. One condition: to effectively clean the alcohol distillate, regardless of the selected absorbent, it will turn out if the strength is not too high. Therefore, before processing, it is recommended to dilute it to 40, maximum 50 degrees.

Cleaning moonshine with milk

Cleaning moonshine with milk will help to remove the characteristic smell, improve the taste of the product. It is a safe, reliable, easy-to-perform method. It is allowed to be combined with other methods of cleaning home-made moonshine. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not require double distillation.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils using regular milk is done in the following order:

  1. Pour skimmed pasteurized milk (100 ml) into a container with alcohol (10 l) with a strength of 40-50 degrees.
  2. Mix. Close the can with a lid.
  3. Withstand 5-7 days in the dark cool place. Mix the solution daily (shake).
  4. After the set time, carefully drain from the sediment (white flakes), filter through cotton wool, flannel cloth.

To make the cleaning of moonshine more efficient, you can crush and pour wood (birch) or birch powder on cotton wool before filtering. coconut charcoal which well absorbs small molecules of fusel oils.

If the distillate has become cloudy, which happens when using unseparated homemade milk, it must be subjected to combined cleaning. In this case, the best option is to clean the moonshine with activated carbon.

50 g of coal are taken per liter, crushed into powder, poured into moonshine. Insist 7 days, stirring twice a day. Drained from the sediment, passed through the filtration material (cotton wool, blotting paper). After double cleaning the taste becomes softer, the pungent smell disappears.

Cleaning moonshine with soda and salt

Quick purification of moonshine from toxic impurities and fusel oils is carried out by the usual baking soda. The advantage of this technology is its short duration, since the preparation of the absorbent solution and the cleaning process itself takes less than a day. The disadvantage is that home-made moonshine, when cleaned with soda, can not be freed from all harmful impurities, which affects the taste of the product. Part of the fusel oils remains in the liquid, and therefore requires additional purification, filtration, distillation.

The technology for cleaning moonshine with baking soda is simple:

  1. per liter strong drink(40-50 degrees) take 10 grams of soda dissolved in clean water(100 ml). Proportions cannot be broken!
  2. Pour the alkaline solution into a can (bottle) with moonshine.
  3. Cork, shake well.
  4. Let stand 30-45 minutes.
  5. Shake again, set aside the capacity of hours for 14 in a cool dark place.
  6. Drain carefully from the sediment, filter through cotton wool, folded tightly in several layers. In a watering can on top of cotton wool, it is advisable to once put powdered charcoal or activated charcoal.

A slightly modified version of this method is cleaning moonshine with soda and salt. The practicality of the method lies in the fact that salt softens the water. The taste and smell of the product does not change.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

Works much more efficiently combined method, namely the cleaning of moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda. Soda removes acetic acid, manganese - fusel oils. Plus, it takes less processing time.


To exclude from all harmful substances, formed as a result of the interaction ethyl alcohol and manganese, re-distillation of the product is required

Conditions, procedure:

  1. Potassium permanganate is diluted in water (200 ml). For a liter of moonshine, you need to measure 1.5 g of dry powder.
  2. Cooking soda solution, as described above.
  3. The alkaline solution is poured into moonshine. Stir.
  4. Pour in the manganese solution, mix again.
  5. Defend alcohol for half an hour.
  6. Close the container with a lid, transfer to a dark cool place. Leave to infuse for 12-14 hours.
  7. During this time, harmful impurities, oils will precipitate. It remains only to filter the product and re-distill.

Thanks to the combined purification, the quality of the final product improves, the unpleasant smell of alcohol disappears, and the taste becomes thinner.

Cleaning moonshine with vegetable oil

Some harmful impurities, including fusel oils, can be removed using vegetable oils. For cleaning, refined sunflower or olive oil. It is important that it is not fragrant, otherwise the third-party smell will turn into moonshine.

Purification technology:

  1. Moonshine is diluted with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees.
  2. Take 20 ml per liter of drink sunflower oil. Pour a measured amount into moonshine.
  3. The container is closed with a lid. Shake the bottle for a minute. Defend for 3-4 minutes and again intensively shake the jar for 1 minute.
  4. Transfer for a day to a cold dark place.
  5. Before re-distillation, after 24 hours, remove the oil film with harmful substances formed on the surface of the liquid. To do this, a funnel is lowered into a container with moonshine and a thin tube is inserted through it, to the very bottom of the can. The distillate is drained through the tube.

Purified with oil, filtered through cotton wool and charcoal, the moonshine is distilled a second time, separating the fractions at the outlet.

Cleaning moonshine with activated carbon

The next method of cleaning moonshine is the use of activated carbon. This procedure can also be done when distilling a drink. You should buy simple activated charcoal at the pharmacy. We grind the coal to a powdery state, take a funnel and put gauze into it. Pour powdered coal onto gauze and put the funnel to the place from which the moonshine drips. From this point on, cleaning begins. If the mash has already been distilled, then coal is poured into ready drink. Proportional ratio: 50 grams of activated carbon to one liter of moonshine. It is necessary to let the moonshine stand for 14 days, while constantly stirring the liquid, and at the end of the cleaning, strain through 3-4 gauze layers.

Cleaning moonshine with egg white

in protein chicken eggs contains casein and albumin - substances with excellent absorbent properties. Fusel oils bound by egg white precipitate as white flakes.

Process steps:

  1. Eggs are broken into a bowl (1 pc. per 0.5 l of drink). Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Mix proteins with a small amount warm water (100 ml per 1 liter of alcohol product). Beat with a mixer.
  3. Pour into moonshine. Stir.
  4. The distillate is settled for a week in a cold dark place.
  5. In order for the sivukha to be better absorbed by the protein, the mixture is shaken daily with an interval of 12 hours. The day before filtration, do not mix - the sediment should accumulate at the bottom.
  6. Filtered twice through dense layers of cotton wool.

Moonshine purified with protein can be drunk immediately, but it is recommended to re-distill it to improve the taste and smell. In addition, cleaning moonshine will be much more effective if you use a combined method - combine proteins with milk or soda.

Cleaning moonshine with rye bread

In previous years, cleaning of moonshine with freshly baked was considered the most effective, practical, and safe. rye bread. After such cleaning, moonshine becomes transparent, loses its specific fusel taste, characteristic smell.

With this method of cleaning, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Moonshine is pre-cleaned with eggs or any other absorbent product.
  2. The amount of bread per 1 liter of moonshine is always taken exactly 100 g.
  3. The crust is cut off the bread, only the crumb is used.
  4. For better interaction with the distillate, the crumb is crumbled.
  5. Bread crumbs are poured into a bottle with moonshine, mixed.
  6. The container is closed tightly, left in a dark, cool place for 2-3 days.
  7. The precipitate is filtered off. Bread pulp does not need to be squeezed. The yellowish tint, in which the moonshine turned, disappears after careful filtration.

To improve the taste, it is advisable to filter the moonshine twice. Then you can start re-distillation.

Cleaning moonshine with a water filter

The easiest and fastest cleaning method is cleaning with a regular household water filter (Aquaphor, Barrier). We drive the resulting moonshine through the filter twice. Be sure to buy separate filters for moonshine.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing

And finally. Moonshine from harmful impurities can be cleaned by freezing. This is the simplest but enough effective method. All you have to do is freeze the liquor. Water, together with harmful substances, will turn into ice, while the alcohol component will remain liquid. It is poured into another container and the process is repeated until frost forms on the walls of the can.

Sequential actions for cleaning moonshine at home

  • Pour 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate into a 3-liter jar, close the container, shake and put on steam bath up to 70 degrees. After 15 minutes, a precipitate will fall, and a clean drink must be poured.
  • Add 8-10 grams of soda per 1 liter of moonshine, mix and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. After that, mix again, after 12 hours drain the drink and remove the sediment.
  • Pour moonshine into a container with thick walls, for example, into a bottle of champagne, close and put in the freezer for a couple of days. Impurities with water will freeze, and pure moonshine should be poured into another bottle until the ice has melted.
  • Add 50 activated charcoal tablets per 3 liters of moonshine, 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark, a little vanillin, a little dried bird cherry, insist for a week. Then strain, put another 40 tablets of coal and let stand for a week or pass the liquid through a new water filter several times.
  • Beat the protein with water or with a glass of low-fat milk, immediately pour into 1 liter of moonshine. On day 4, the composition should brighten, and impurities will settle at the bottom. Pour clean moonshine into another container.
  • In order for moonshine to acquire a pleasant smell, you need to take 400 grams of birch coals per 12 liters of liquid, insist until the coal settles. The drink is carefully drained and diluted with water, crushed raisins are added with walnut, parsley and apples, and then the moonshine is distilled a second time.

Remember, if the moonshine is cloudy, then there are fusel oils left in it.


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To clean moonshine from fusel oils as much as possible, you need to choose the most suitable way. Each technique is quite simple and is made using substances that are available in every home. Purification of moonshine removes an unpleasant smell and taste, giving a special softness to alcohol. Get rid of bad taste different methods. However, not all methods are harmless and help expel pleasant, high-quality alcohol. How to properly clean moonshine is of interest to many manufacturers of this folk drink.


Moonshine has been around for a long time. Methods for making homemade alcohol are passed down from generation to generation. Moonshine recipes are countless. The products for its preparation are different, therefore moonshine of different quality is produced. This factor also depends on the fusel oils that are present in the liquid after the distillation of the mash.

Unpleasant smell and taste are not the only disadvantages of moonshine. For human health, fusel oils are dangerous. They can lead to poisoning of the body. These toxic substances are created during the fermentation of mash. Most of fusel oils remain in it during distillation. But even a small proportion of them, which has passed into home-made vodka along with alcohol fumes, is a serious danger.

Fusel oils in moonshine

To reduce the content of toxic oils and expel high-quality alcohol, you need:

  • make a bookmark for mash from proven ingredients: sugar, wheat, barley;
  • provide correct mode fermentation;
  • adhere to while driving optimal temperature heating.

Fusel oils are by-products of viscous substances in alcohol with an unpleasant odor, formed during the production of alcohol from starch-containing, sugar and fruit components during the fermentation process. With a strong boil of the mash, the amount of evaporated fusel oils increases, which then condense in the cooling tube along with alcohol. Therefore, monitor the temperature of the heating of the mash in the apparatus. It should not exceed 90 C.

It is important to know!

The easiest way with a 100% guarantee of results to recover from alcoholism without pills, injections and doctors. Find out how our reader, Tatyana, saved her husband from alcoholism, without his knowledge...


Among the available products used to clean homemade moonshine, the most popular are:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • baking soda;
  • Activated carbon;
  • charcoal;
  • milk;
  • poultry eggs.

Cleaning moonshine with eggs

They are added to the produced moonshine to bind and separate from alcohol. harmful components. After the formation of a precipitate, homemade vodka is filtered. How to clean moonshine with these products?


The technology for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate is simple. It is diluted in alcohol produced during distillation at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter. Stir well so that all the crystals dissolve completely and leave for a day to settle. Complete clarification of the liquid and sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the can will notify the end of the process. It remains to strain the alcohol through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. To improve the filtration process, activated carbon powder can be placed on the fabric.

Technology for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

Use only the indicated proportion, a large number of potassium permanganate can adversely affect the body and also cause poisoning.


To clean moonshine from harmful substances and not harm the body, you can use ordinary soda. It is widely used in baking and for other household purposes in every home. For neutralization acetic acid, which is in moonshine, it is administered in the amount of 1 g per 1 liter.

Alcohol cleaning soda

Keep in mind, the amount of soda in a teaspoon without a slide is 12g. Use these parameters when calculating when you determine how much it will need to be added to moonshine. The action of soda lasts at least 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to filter the alcohol neutralized by it.


These preparations differ in composition, but are similar in their absorbent properties. They are the substances that fusel oils and other poisons in moonshine "stick" to. They are used in different ways:

  1. Put any coal to filter the condensed alcohol in a watering can on cotton wool during the distillation of mash.
  2. At the rate of 50 g per 1 liter, activated carbon powder is poured into a jar of homemade alcohol and left for a month. Every day, carefully shake the mixture of coal with moonshine. After a month, the mixture must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  3. Charcoal filtration is also carried out, but the process of binding fusel oils in moonshine is accelerated from 30 to 3 days. Therefore, 3 days after filtering, homemade alcohol will be ready to use.

Filtration with charcoal

Cleaning moonshine with different kind coal chips of the highest quality. This technique can be used at the final stage in combination with other options for getting rid of alcohol from fusel oils. This guarantees the preparation of the purest drink when brewing at home.


You can very effectively cleanse moonshine with milk. The content of casein and albumin in it determines the removal of harmful components in homemade vodka when they are chemically combined. The use of this product makes it possible to prepare high-quality alcohol own production. Here are some cleaning methods with milk:

  1. Purification of milk mash during the distillation process. This technique is used to precipitate harmful substances and condense pure alcohol vapors without fusel oils. Use the ratio: 1 liter of milk to 5 liters of mash. The prepared alcohol is distilled several times until a transparent state. The effect will be enhanced when using activated carbon on cotton wool in a kitchen watering can, where moonshine drips.
  2. If you need to purify already distilled alcohol from ordinary mash, use the following proportion for this: 2 liters of milk per 10 liters of moonshine. Within a week, the created mixture should be mixed and stored in a dark place. Milk protein will curdle when combined with fusel oils and settle to the bottom. The procedure for removing harmful impurities from alcohol is completed by filtration through several layers of gauze. Then the filtered moonshine needs to be distilled again.

Purification of distilled alcohol with milk

Use only skimmed milk so as not to get an unpleasant taste and cloudy moonshine.

Cleansing with milk is safe and effective method, which is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility. After cooking pure alcohol With this method, you will be pleasantly surprised by the softness of moonshine when consumed.


Operating principle egg white to remove poisons is similar to the dairy technique. In the process of coagulation, toxic impurities are bound by protein components in alcohol solution and sink to the bottom. To remove harmful particles from 1 liter of moonshine, you need to use 2 eggs. Beat egg whites a little before uniform consistency and then poured into a container with homemade vodka. When all the sediment sinks to the bottom, you will need to filter the alcohol with gauze. In the purified moonshine, in no case should flakes with harmful particles remain. Pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. If they do not sink in water, they should not be eaten and used to purify alcohol. Such eggs can poison a person.

The principle of action of egg white to remove poisons

Often, manufacturers of homemade moonshine believe that alcohol made by oneself cannot harm the body. However, do not forget to clean it after distilling the mash. It contains poisons. Be sure to use the above methods of purification of this drink in order to protect yourself from poisoning. Only then can you calmly set out a decanter of homemade vodka for yourself and your guests, without fear of discomfort during the holiday and the next day. You just have to choose a way to clean the moonshine. Take care of yourself!

And some secrets...

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