
Distillation of heads for the second time. How to make raw alcohol

Moonshine has long ceased to be a reprehensible phenomenon. If earlier mash was driven to find an additional source of finance or to gain access to surrogate alcohol, now the situation has changed. Moonshine has now become like a hobby or a home-made process. A huge database of recipes and modern equipment allow you to get high-quality alcohol of any kind at home. Now moonshine is no longer associated with muddy vigorous grandfather's chatter. Making homemade alcoholic drinks is a non-trivial hobby and an original way to please guests during a feast.

Why distill moonshine a second time

Re-treatment of the mash is needed for more thorough filtration, which will remove excess odors, soften the taste of the drink, and improve the visual characteristics of the liquid.

Additional filtration does not take longer than three hours. The process uses moonshine and a certain amount of raw materials. Drinking unfiltered mash is very harmful. As you know, moonshine is conditionally divided into three fractions in the common people called "tail", "body" and "head".

  • The “head” is the so-called “pervach”, which is released from the apparatus during distillation. However, heads intoxicated with "pervach" hardly think about the fact that the specified fraction is composed mainly of acetone.
  • The “tail” is even more harmful fusel oils, so a second distillation of moonshine is required to cut off the “head” and “tail” of the “green snake”, leaving the “body”, which is 76 degrees ethyl alcohol.

secondary distillation mechanism

This process is clearly structured into three stages - dilution with water, filtration, directly the second distillation of moonshine.


The strength of the mash before the second distillation should not exceed 40 rpm. A large fortress can cause irreparable damage to the moonshine still. In addition, water contributes to the effective separation of alcohol from other fractions. Water in the raw material is poured in doses, the process must be constantly monitored using the readings of an alcohol meter. The optimum strength of the liquid should be in the range of 35-37°. Moonshine must be diluted with filtered water, which must first be cooled in the freezer.


Getting rid of toxic fractions involves the use of a filter system of various degrees of purification. Paper, activated and charcoal, potassium permanganate can be used as adsorbing materials at different stages of cleaning. You can buy special water filter paper and use it inside the funnel through which moonshine is poured. You can repeat the procedure several times, using paper as a coarse filter. To filter moonshine with potassium permanganate, you need to prepare a filter solution in advance. 2 g of manganese crystals are added to 50 ml of boiling water. After dissolving the substance, the solution is poured into a container with moonshine. In order for manganese cleaning to be successful, the raw materials must stand for 10-11 hours. Manganese will precipitate the “ignoble” fractions to the bottom of the tank, after which they only need to be removed.

The most popular is charcoal cleaning. To filter moonshine, a regular one activated from a pharmacy can be suitable, but it is better to use special adsorbers for drinking water filters, gas masks, gas analyzers, and special wine-making coal.

There are two algorithms for charcoal filtration - straining the mash through a filter, or immersing the charcoal in a container with a distillation product. Methodology for making a primitive but effective filter:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the plastic “one and a half”, make several holes in the cork.
  2. Then the neck of the bottle is tightly packed with cotton wool, on top of which a thin layer of filtering coal chips is laid out. It is better to replace the carbon layer with a new one after each filtering of the liquid.

There is an option for cleaning through a regular drinking water filter. True, each share of moonshine must be passed through the filter five times.

The most "passive" option is to put coal in a container with raw materials. Coal chips are laid at the rate of fifty grams / liter of liquid. Adsorption processes last about two hours. After a period, the coal chips must be replaced with a new one. The process is repeated 2-3 times. Cleaning with charcoal is carried out exclusively before the infusion of raw materials on herbs and roots, otherwise the charcoal will “take away” the aroma and flavors with it. Coal is the most convenient way to cut off the "head" and "tail".

The second distillation of moonshine

The immediate second stage begins with the preparation of the moonshine still. During the secondary distillation, the amount of the final product increases due to the purification procedures carried out in advance. In addition, the "secondary" is easier and the process is completed quite quickly. Despite thorough filtration and additional purification, impurities of heavy fractions may still remain in the moonshine. But they will be separated and the moonshiner will be able to use them as he pleases (preferably for technical purposes). Secondary distillation requires careful detection of alcoholometer readings. If the fortress falls below 42-45 vol., then the liquid will begin to form intensive fusel oils.

If there is no pungent odor, this means the formation of a quality product of double purification. Standard devices produce up to 80% of a quality product, powerful moonshine "gadgets" are able to squeeze out 95% of excellent filtered moonshine. You should not immediately get rid of the tails - it is better to save them for further topping up in the mash, if there is a desire to increase the fortress. When topping up the "tails", it will be necessary in the future to additionally pass the mash through the adsorbents.

Additional processing of raw materials

After double distillation, it is already possible to begin the procedure to improve the aromatic and taste properties of moonshine. The modern home brewing market offers various aromatic additives for adding to filtered raw materials. Natural product lovers resort to the use of berries and aromatic herbs. Herbal additives will not only improve the visual appearance of the drink, but also add flavor notes and remove excessive bitterness.

High-quality moonshine should not be cloudy and smell of fuselage. In order to get a crystal clear drink that is not ashamed to be served to guests, it is necessary not only to strictly observe the proportions when preparing the mash, but also to use double distillation. To remove impurities, moonshine is additionally cleaned with manganese, soda, activated carbon, egg white or milk.

The history of the development of moonshine

Back in the days of Ivan the Terrible (it was at this time that information about this drink appears in the annals), special attention was paid to the quality of moonshine. Each family had its own special recipe for its preparation. The first tavern selling moonshine appeared near the walls of the Kremlin. Only those close to the king had the right to visit him? guardsmen.

This strong Russian drink in those days was valued much more than whiskey or cognac. It was not easy to get high-quality moonshine: after its distillation and subsequent purification, up to 95% of the feedstock was lost. Only double moonshine was on sale, prepared according to a special recipe and refined with charcoal: birch, linden or oak. They also adapted to cleaning by freezing.

Moonshine from wheat, which has a milder taste, began to be put a little later. In the time of Grozny, mash (wort) was made on spring or lake water and frost-resistant varieties of rye. There was also a special recipe for making yeast.

Why is it necessary to re-distill moonshine?

Moonshine of the first distillation contains a lot of harmful impurities: acetone, fusel oils, aldehydes and other undesirable compounds that can be harmful to health. And the taste and smell of such a drink is not very pleasant.

If, during the first distillation, only the fraction that burns is taken, and the process is stopped after the drink stops burning, the content of fusel oils will decrease. But perfectly clean and high-quality moonshine can only be obtained in stages, through primary and then secondary distillation.

How to put a braga

Every true lover has his own mash recipe. A high-quality and very pleasant-tasting drink can be obtained by fermenting fruits and berries. Very mild tasting from grains of wheat, rice or rye.

Potatoes, containing a large amount of starch, give the most moonshine. In villages, potatoes are used quite often as the cheapest raw material for must. But the peculiar bitter taste of such a drink is not for everybody.

The simplest recipe is sugar and yeast mash. You can put it in any container, adhering to the following proportions: 7-10 parts of sugar are taken for 30 parts of water (less sugar can be added too sweet) and 1 part of baker's yeast.

It is advisable to install a water seal on a container with mash. You can make the simplest water seal using an ordinary rubber glove, in which a small hole is made with a needle. To give an outlet to the resulting gases, a large milk flask can be tightly covered with a lid without locking it with a shutter.

Braga is infused at a temperature of 24-27 ° C for 7-10 days. When standing in a cool room, it may take a little longer. If, after distillation, the drink turned out to be too cloudy, this means that the moonshine is made from not completely? mash.

primary pasture

For distillation, devices of various designs are used. The principle of their device is the same. Braga is poured into a sealed container, which evaporates when boiling and enters the cooler through the coil. Alcohol vapor condenses in the coil, cools down, turns into a liquid and enters a separate container. The optimum boiling point of the mash is 78-83 °C. To prevent boiling liquid mash from being thrown into the coil, the apparatus is not completely filled with mash.

Pasture with the help of separation? Tailings? and? heads? called fractional. The first 50 g? is it? heads? or? pervach?. It is strictly forbidden to use it for drinking purposes. It is only allowed to make tinctures for external use or use it for technical purposes. The fact is that the boiling point of acetone is the lowest, it is 78.4 ° C, so its content in? head? maximum.

In? tails? (the last fraction) contains a large amount of fusel oils. Therefore, the distillation stops at the moment when the total alcohol content in the collected container is 50%. You can determine the alcohol content using a household hydrometer (alcohol meter).

Fractional distillation or double distillation: which is better?

Double distillation is considered the best distillation method. It is impossible to completely remove all harmful substances with a single pasture. Secondary distillation, in which moonshine is also divided into fractions, allows you to get a quality drink with a minimum content of acetone and fusel oils.

Cleaning. Repeated pasture

Before re-distillation, moonshine is cleaned of harmful impurities. You can do this with:

  • low-fat milk (too high-fat milk is undesirable, as it can become cloudy)
  • regular baking soda
  • potassium permanganate
  • charcoal obtained from birch logs or activated charcoal purchased at a pharmacy
  • using freezing.

You can make cleaning with milk using the following recipe: about 0.5 liters of milk is added to a 3 liter jar of moonshine. The mixture is mixed and exposed to the cold until the flakes are completely settling, and then filtered through gauze or cloth folded in several layers.

Cleaning can also be done with the help of potassium permanganate: 1-2 g is enough for a 3-liter jar (on the tip of a knife). After 2-3 days, a dark precipitate will collect at the bottom of the jar, which is filtered.

When cleaning with egg white, so that moonshine does not smell like eggs, it is not recommended to use the yolk. For 0.5 l, the protein of 1 egg is taken, whipped to foam with warm boiled water and mixed with moonshine. The bank is set aside for a week to settle, and then the drink is filtered. Sometimes moonshine is additionally driven through a carbon filter, but in this case too much alcohol is lost.

Harmful impurities can also be removed with baking soda. 10 g of soda is added per liter of drink and infused for about 10 hours. However, soda removes the natural sourness and makes the drink too bland.

Cleaning with charcoal is carried out as follows. Birch logs are burned, sifted, and then crushed. Coal is poured into a bottle or jar at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter and the mixture is left for a couple of weeks. The precipitate is carefully filtered through a layer of cotton wool, gauze or cloth.

Some experts argue that it is possible to remove harmful impurities by freezing. However, those who tried to use this recipe were not too happy with the result. Perhaps in this way you can make moonshine a little stronger by removing excess water from it. However, its taste after freezing remains the same.

Re-exit. Adding water

Before the second distillation, purified with manganese, soda, protein, milk or
activated carbon moonshine must be water to a fortress of about 30 ° C. Experts advise pouring moonshine into water: if you do the opposite, the mixture will not only become cloudy, but also heat up and lose degrees.

If moonshine is not diluted with water, the second distillation will be ineffective: a strong drink has a higher molecular bond with fusel oils, and it will be more difficult to remove them. In addition, when distilling a drink that is too strong, there is a possibility of spontaneous combustion.

The second run is no different from the first. It is also desirable to take away the tails from the drink? and? heads?, while the distillation is carried out to a fortress of 45-60%. It is difficult to drink a drink that is too strong, so it is better to dilute it with boiled water (adding raw water is undesirable, as the drink will be cloudy). Just as in preparation for distillation, in order not to lose the degree, you should not pour water into moonshine: it is better to measure the required amount of liquid, and then dilute it with moonshine.

Moonshine tinctures

You can make moonshine more fragrant and taste like famous drinks: brandy, cognac, whiskey, and also prepare a wide variety of liquors and cocktails based on it. Lots of recipes. Based on it, you can make tinctures:

Most people who smoke moonshine at home, one way or another, are interested in getting a high quality alcoholic drink. The most effective way to achieve this goal is the second distillation of moonshine. The alcoholic drink obtained in its process is often called double moonshine.

The secondary distillation of moonshine can be carried out regardless of the feedstock that was used to produce home brew. The specific recipe as well as the specifics of the distillation process are also irrelevant. Moreover, we can overtake a second time even a drink prepared much earlier.

Re-distillation of moonshine can significantly improve its quality and organoleptic properties (taste and aroma). In addition, it in itself is an effective method for additional purification of distillate. Naturally, such a result can be achieved only by using the correct technique, observing the proportions and sequence of actions.

The right technology

The second distillation consists of several consecutive steps, which must be followed. They need to go through in stages and accurately do all the described operations.

1. Dilution of raw alcohol or primary moonshine with water.

Double distillation of moonshine is made from a product whose strength does not exceed 19-21 degrees. Ignoring this step is not allowed. Otherwise, during the second haul, we may encounter a fire in the moonshine still. In addition, the higher the strength of moonshine, the stronger the bond of ethyl alcohol with harmful impurities and fusel oils. Thus, the secondary distillation will not have the desired result and will not allow for a qualitative purification of the distillate.

First of all, we need to dilute the moonshine. It is also of great importance what water we will do this with. Of course, the tap or boiled version will not work for us. It is best to use cool well or spring water. In extreme cases, within 2-3 days to defend the tap.

Before diluting moonshine, measure its strength with a household alcohol meter. Only then add the required amount of water to it.

2. Proper cleaning.

The expediency of this step just depends on the feedstock. So, if we made sugar or cereal mash, then the product obtained from it needs a similar purification. For its implementation, I recommend using skim milk, charcoal or egg white.

Berry-fruit moonshine, as a rule, is not further cleaned. Otherwise, we may lose the pleasant taste and smell that the drink got from the raw materials. Thus, it makes no sense to make moonshine from a particular fruit or berry.

3. The distillation itself.

The final stage does not have any pronounced specifics. You can proceed in exactly the same way as with the first distillation of moonshine. True, with one caveat. The product obtained in this case must be divided into fractions. We are talking about "heads", "body" and "tails".

The fact is that the first exit or “heads” are completely composed of harmful substances. Particularly acetone. They have a pronounced unpleasant odor and make up the first 9-10% of the yield. Remember, drinking this liquid is strictly prohibited!

The main part of the exit or the “body” is the very double moonshine for which this process was started. It is quite easy to control it. It is necessary to measure the strength of the jet. At the moment when it falls below 40 degrees, the collection of the "body" is considered completed.

Everything that we can get below this cutoff is "tails". In turn, they are almost entirely composed of fusel oils. They can not be taken at all or collected and used for the next batch of mash.
This completes the preparation of double moonshine with a strength of 60-70 degrees. The only way you can try to improve it is to let it stand for 3-5 days.

Is additional cleaning needed?

Of course, perfection knows no boundaries or limits. However, in this case, any manipulations aimed at cleaning the resulting distillate are meaningless. The thing is that at home we simply do not have any tools or techniques that allow us to clean moonshine even better.

Remember, the purification of moonshine only makes sense between the first and second distillation.

Does the third distillation make sense?

This question can be answered unambiguously in the negative. The third distillation of moonshine does not make any sense.
There is a simple explanation for this. The fact is that the distillation process allows for a rather rough separation of substances. If we are talking about a better purification, then a much more accurate division of the resulting product into fractions is required.

No matter how accurately we distill both the “heads” and the “tails” in a certain amount, they will still remain in the “body”.

The only existing solution that can be used at home is a moonshine with a reflux condenser. Such equipment already makes it possible to obtain a deeper and better fractional division. But the sukhoparnik, contrary to popular belief, is not an assistant to us in this matter.

At first glance, it is strange that we are interested in this topic at all. Today in stores there is such a choice of alcohol that it remains only to come and buy what you like best. But in fact, it turns out that most of these spirits are of very dubious quality. It remains either to purchase only expensive branded brands, or to engage in self-preparation of a home-made analogue called moonshine. Immediately before my eyes there is a dusty bottle filled with a cloudy drink. But in fact, high-quality moonshine can quite compete in quality with expensive whiskey and even surpass it in a number of ways. If you are interested in such a prospect, then carefully read the article. Today we will talk about how to overtake moonshine for the second time.

Briefly about the main

Since the topic is quite capacious, we will first try to draw up a general algorithm of actions, and only then reveal each of the points. Since not everyone will guess the second time to overtake moonshine, there is a rumor about this drink as a cheap village swill with a pungent odor. To make it crystal clear and clean, you need to make a number of efforts, which we will talk about today.

After the primary distillation, caustic soda or ash is usually used and a small container is taken. Primary raw materials are poured into it, the agent used for cleaning is poured in, and then oxygen access is blocked with the help of a test. The resulting mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil. Then the intensity of the fire is reduced, and the actual distillation begins. Since the second time it will be possible to overtake moonshine much faster, you can not go far.

Why is this manipulation necessary?

Actually it is not necessary. However, if you decide to clean the drink with soda, manganese or other chemicals, then you cannot do without it, otherwise the final product will be hazardous to health. It is not recommended to neglect the second distillation if natural ingredients that can deteriorate (berries) were used to produce the mash. In addition, repeated manipulations may be required if the taste of the drink is pronounced.

"Head and Tail", or Some Special Terminology

Since it is not so difficult to overtake moonshine a second time, we will devote a little more time to justifying the need for this procedure. So, during the primary distillation, we get three fractions. Our goal is to separate the middle part, or "body". The first 100 g of drink (per liter) that come out of the moonshine still should not be consumed internally. This part of the drink is saturated with heavy metals. Following are approximately 500-600 g of the ideal fraction, which has an excellent taste and strength. They should be collected in a separate container. The last 300 g is also quite suitable for consumption, although this moonshine will be less saturated and strong. Therefore, all three fractions are immediately collected in separate vessels.

Exit product check

You can check the concentration of alcohol at the outlet. To do this, it is enough to collect moonshine in a tablespoon and bring a match to it. If the liquid does not ignite, then the alcohol concentration is less than 30%. If the flame burns weakly, then the concentration of alcohol in it is not more than 45 degrees. But if the flame is beautiful and even, then the drink is stronger than 50 degrees.

Preparatory manipulations

So, let's get back to how to properly overtake moonshine a second time. You already have three different factions, each of which can be used if you approach the matter wisely. The first thing to do is dilute the moonshine with water to the desired strength. It should be borne in mind that each of the three factions has a different fortress. It is better to use the "head" for technical purposes at all, the "body" fraction is diluted with water up to 20%, "tails" - up to 10%. It is with such a strength that the separation of harmful impurities will be most effective. With a higher strength, this process is difficult, and in addition, the procedure itself becomes dangerous due to the risk of ignition. With a high strength, most substances hazardous to life and health remain bound and are almost not removed by physical or chemical methods.

Raw material cleaning

Despite the fact that at first glance it is intuitively clear how to distill moonshine a second time, the recipe plays an important role. It is his careful observance that will allow you to get the perfect, strong moonshine at the output. Before proceeding with this procedure, it is necessary to conduct a thorough cleaning with various food additives, as well as chemicals. In this case, it would be best to listen to the opinion of professionals who are unanimous in their opinion that charcoal is the simplest and safest remedy. However, you should not use purchased for barbecue, as it contains various impurities, against which distillation will not help.

Coal harvesting

You'll have to do your own making. This will require birch or oak. The tree must be divided into rounds, kept warm for several days to remove excess moisture, and then placed in a pot with a lid and burned for about 2 hours. With the help of this coal, you can perfectly clean the moonshine and get a noble drink. To do this, add crushed coal at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter to a container with a drink. Leave it preferably for a few days (ideally - for a couple of weeks). The residues are carefully filtered, after which a secondary distillation is performed.

Cleansing with milk

Almost everyone who has already dealt with the manufacture of strong alcoholic beverages knows how to distill moonshine a second time with milk. To do this, choose a suitable container of sufficient size and add both components to it. For every three liters of moonshine take 0.5 liters of milk. The mixture is mixed and exposed to the cold for 5-7 hours. As a result, flakes are deposited, which should be removed using any available filter.

High-quality moonshine from grapes

If you have a private house, and a vine grows on the territory, then the abundance of berries may suggest that you start making a noble strong drink, which is comparable to high-born whiskey. Today we want to tell you how to distill grape moonshine a second time. To do this, you need to prepare mash from grape juice and sugar. After 7-10 days, the fermentation process will be completed. Braga is filtered and placed in a distillation cube. Now the real work begins. The first 30 ml + 20 ml for each kilogram of sugar poured must be collected and poured. You can't drink it. When the strength of the collected drink falls below 40 degrees, the collection should be stopped.

Cleaning grape moonshine with coal, milk or something else is not recommended, as the characteristic aroma will disappear. But it is quite possible to improve the quality of the product due to distillation. To do this, the "head" and "tail" are separated, and the "body" is diluted with water and re-distilled through the cube.

Moonshine from wheat

This is the most famous recipe, but beginners in moonshine are often afraid to take on it. But the quality of the resulting drink exceeds the effort expended. So, to try yourself in this business, you will need 3 kg of grain, 20 liters of water, 5 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast. Wheat should be germinated in a dark place. After 2-3 days, when sprouts appear, you can fill the grain with water and add sugar. When the mash wins back, it is filtered through a colander and half a liter of kefir is added. After that, the primary distillation is performed.

The second time this procedure is performed in order to improve the quality of the finished drink. Moonshine is diluted with water by 50% and distilled again. At the same time, the first 30-50 ml (per 1 liter) must be drained so as not to spoil the taste of the finished product. When the fortress falls below 40 degrees, the process stops. Since it is not difficult to distill moonshine from wheat a second time, this is where we will end our description. It should be noted that the taste of this drink is appreciated by many connoisseurs.

Technological subtleties

Since everyone decides to overtake the moonshine for the second time solely to improve the quality of the finished drink, it would be logical to assume that it is best to use only high-quality water. Chlorinated tap water would not be the best option. It is optimal to take thawed or spring, which in urban conditions can be a luxury. But boiled or distilled is strongly not recommended.

If only tap water is available, it will also work, but you must first defend it in a clean container so that all the bleach evaporates. Water should be at room temperature. There is another important point. When you dilute the primary fractions with water, you must first pour water into a container, and then add moonshine to it. When re-distilling in this case, the collector will have a clear liquid.

Obtained at, it also contains a whole mass of impurities and fusel oils hazardous to health. The higher the strength of the product obtained, the stronger the bond between impurities and fusel oils dissolved in it.

The second distillation of moonshine is necessary primarily to get rid of fusel oils. They are toxic and poisonous substances. When interacting with the skin in its pure form, they can leave a thermal burn, and the ingress of fusel oils into the human body through the respiratory system can cause severe coughing or suffocation. However, they are used for industrial purposes.

The most correct solution to such a problem would be. What we get at the exit is called double-run moonshine, which in its taste is much superior to the original product. Therefore, having spent not so much money and time on these operations, we will get a really clean and high-quality product without third-party odors and impurities.

Preparation for distillation

The first thing to do is to dilute the moonshine for the second distillation. This must be done by pouring moonshine into chilled, and most importantly clean water, until the fortress is 35-40%.

Before re-distillation, moonshine should be cleaned with activated carbon, or any natural absorbent should be used. Activated charcoal should be used in the proportion of 50 g per 1 liter of water. Making a filter? cotton wool, a layer of gauze, coal, gauze and again coal. We filter through such a filter. You can also infuse with charcoal for a week. Then, stirring occasionally, strain through a cloth or gauze bandage.

Cleaning with a filter

Also, for impurities, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate. We take 300 ml of hot water and dissolve 3 g of potassium permanganate there. We apply such calculations to 1 liter of moonshine. We mix it all in the correct proportion and leave to brew for an hour. After diluting a tablespoon of baking soda or table salt, mix thoroughly and leave for 2 hours. Once the moonshine is infused, it should be filtered through a gauze filter.

In addition, milk can be used to clean moonshine from fusel oils. The ratio of milk to moonshine is 1:5, 1 liter of drink should be diluted with 200 ml of milk. Then mix thoroughly and let it brew for 30 minutes. The product is ready, and you can safely overtake it.

After carrying out these operations, you can proceed directly to the second distillation.

The process of the second distillation of moonshine

Here the usual distillation process will take place, as well as with mash. How to overtake correctly? We use the same moonshine, but washed, without the remains of mash, small pieces of fruit or seeds. After all, the remnants of mash in the future can spoil the taste characteristics of the drink. Before starting the second distillation, you should pay attention to the strength of the original product. It should be about 60-65%.

According to the process, the second distillation is not very different from the first. But at the exit from the refrigerator, we will get more drink, because the strength of the original wort is higher. You will spend less time.

In the second distillation follows on fractions. Separation will take place on? tail? and the "head" as well as the most pleasant part of the drink? ?body?.

We take into account the following points:

  • Usually? head? is approximately 10-12% of the total volume. The resulting product is contraindicated for use, it is harmful to our body. Ideal for technical applications such as surface cleaning and household decontamination.
  • To determine the main part, as well as the moment when to collect it, use your sense of smell. After receiving 10%, the liquid should be smelled. If there is no pungent odor, then it is in the process? main share. Fortress? bodies? may be about 84%. In some cases, a product with a strength of 96% is obtained.
  • When the fortress of the original product is about 45%, use the container to collect the "tail". To constantly monitor the strength of the drink, use a household alcohol meter. Then you will react in time and do not mix these small impurities with the main part. The share containing this part? 10%.

So, "head" leave for household needs. Where do we apply? tails?? It would be a mistake to get rid of them, they can be used to increase the strength of raw materials when added to mash.

The resulting 80% "body" after the second distillation of moonshine is no longer worth

subject to additional processing or filtration. Bred only to a suitable strength and the drink is ready to drink.

Moonshine after the second distillation will no longer contain harmful impurities or heavy metals and will become transparent.

In order not to spoil the whole result, pay attention to the following points. When a temperature of 65-68°C is reached, the release of light impurities begins.

The moonshine obtained in the temperature regime from 65 ° C to 80 ° C will be poisonous and unsuitable, it is during this period that the “head” is released. It is easy to identify it by a slight alcohol smell and condensation on the refrigerator.

The moment of transition to strong heating will be the most crucial. Since you will need a sharp decrease in the heating rate, otherwise the moonshine will simply burn out. Subsequently, the entire journey will be in vain.

The ideal environment for the best moonshine will be a temperature regime in the range of 80-84 ° C. This temperature should be maintained throughout the remainder of the distillation.

Distillation should be completed when the mark reaches 85 ° C. When this temperature is reached, the release of ethyl alcohol stops, and the remaining impurities and fusel oils with waste should not be distilled.
