
How to cook homemade cottage cheese from milk. How to make delicious homemade cottage cheese from milk

Making cottage cheese at home is not at all difficult. It is prepared from milk, store or farm, with a fat content of your choice. Also, cottage cheese can be prepared from ready-made kefir. For children, you can make cottage cheese from baby milk and kefir.

What is the advantage of home-made cottage cheese over industrial cottage cheese and why cook cottage cheese yourself, spend time on it, if you can just go in and buy it, choosing curd products in the store to your liking? Everything is simple here: you do not add additives and preservatives unnecessary to our body. In addition, at home you can cook as much cottage cheese as you need at the moment. If your family has children, then, owning simple technology, you can always have fresh cottage cheese.

You can also make various dishes from homemade cottage cheese.

How to cook cottage cheese from curdled milk

Curdled milk is the easiest fermented milk product to prepare. In order to get curdled milk, you need to take only milk and put it in a warm place. To speed up the formation of curdled milk, you can add to milk: for 1 liter - 100 ml of kefir or 1 tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt.

After the milk turns into curdled milk, you need to separate the curd mass from the whey. To do this, it is necessary to drain the curdled milk into a bag of several layers of gauze or other linen, then hang it up. This will separate the curd from the whey, which will take about half a day.

To speed up the process of making cottage cheese from curdled milk, it must be heated. Do not bring the product to a boil and do not boil! Then you should cool the mass and put it in a colander with gauze or other fabric. Put oppression (press) to get a drier curd. You can also hang it in a gauze or linen bag.

The longer the curd is left to hang or is under pressure, the denser and drier it will be.

How to cook calcined cottage cheese

It is very easy to prepare such cottage cheese at home. Cottage cheese prepared in this way has a low acidity and is especially suitable for dietary and baby food.

We will need:

  • Milk - 2 liters,
  • Lactic calcium - 3 teaspoons (12 g).


Calcium lactate is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder. It must be dissolved in a small amount of water, such as 3-4 tablespoons of water. Bring fresh milk to a boil, turn off the fire and add the dissolved calcium lactate with constant stirring.

At the same time, the milk curdles. This mass must be cooled and filtered through gauze or other cloth to separate the whey from the curd. Cottage cheese can be hung up so that it stacks better, or put under pressure. From 2 liters of milk you get 300-350 grams of cottage cheese.

How to cook cottage cheese at home

2 ways to make cottage cheese from kefir

warm way

Kefir must be placed in a warm place for faster whey separation. When the whey begins to separate, put the container with kefir in a water bath and warm it up for better and faster separation of the whey from the curd mass. Then fold the mass into a gauze or fabric bag and hang it so that the excess whey is in the glass.

You can use a faster method, in which the curd is directly heated, for example, in a saucepan over low heat, until curd mass and whey are formed. This mass should not be brought to a boil.

cold way

Place 1 liter of kefir in a bag or package in the freezer for 2-3 days, then take out and remove the frozen kefir from the bag. Place it in a colander with gauze and wait until the whey drains and remains a tender and very tasty cottage cheese.

Types of cottage cheese: skyr, irimshik, ezhegey

These are old recipes of the world cooking of instant cottage cheese.


Combine freshly prepared yogurt in a ratio of 1: 1 with fresh milk brought to a boil. For example, bring 1 liter of milk to a boil and pour in 1 liter of curdled milk, leave the mixture on low heat for 3 minutes. As soon as the milk clot separates from the whey, remove from heat and put the cottage cheese in a colander.


It is prepared in the same way as skyr, but you can boil a mixture of milk and curdled milk for 5 minutes, the proportions of curdled milk and fresh milk are 1:2.


The proportions of curdled milk and fresh milk are 2:1, it is prepared in the same way as skyr, but without boiling: curdled milk, getting into milk, immediately separates the whey from the curd clot. After introducing curdled milk into milk, the fire is turned off, allowed to cool and ready-made cottage cheese is thrown into a colander.

I don’t know about you, but in our supermarkets it has become quite problematic to buy real cottage cheese, mainly the cottage cheese product is sold. Even if it is written that cottage cheese, it takes doubt whether it is good ... Since this is a fairly popular product in our family, I wondered how to make cottage cheese at home.
I recently talked about this useful product and its beneficial effect on our body, if you missed it, read it. And, of course, our body will benefit only from good cottage cheese.

There were quite a few ways to make homemade cottage cheese, I have already tried a couple of recipes, so I will share my experience and talk about other ways so that you choose the one that you like best.

No matter how you make homemade cottage cheese, there are general tips that you should take into account in order to do everything right, and the cottage cheese turned out delicious and tender.

  • If you have never made homemade cottage cheese, then you should not start with large volumes, since it may not work the first time, a certain skill is still needed.
  • I advise you to keep the process of cooking cottage cheese under control and not leave the stove, as excessive heat treatment will make the cottage cheese hard and dry, if insufficient, the whey will not separate well. A sign that it is necessary to remove from the heat is the appearance of a yellowish whey and characteristic curd clots. There is no and cannot be a clear recipe, where the cooking time is indicated, since a lot depends on the degree of heating and on the quality of the original product. Having done it several times, you yourself will already understand how best to do it, everything will come with experience.
  • For the manufacture of cottage cheese, you can use both homemade or farm milk, and store-bought. If you are going to make from a store, then buy with the shortest shelf life and pasteurized, not sterilized. From one liter of pasteurized milk, you can get about 200 gr. cottage cheese, from whole milk a little more than 220 - 250, depending on the fat content.
  • It should also be borne in mind that the fat content of farm milk is quite high. If for some reason you need low-fat cottage cheese, then buy low-fat milk or skim the cream from full-fat milk.
  • When you separate the whey from the cottage cheese, it is important not to overexpose during the spinning process - the more moisture leaves, the drier the cottage cheese will be. Although sometimes you need drier cottage cheese if you will make cheesecakes or other pastries from it. So adjust the time yourself, if you need soft and moist cottage cheese, it is enough to hold it for 30-40 minutes, for drier cottage cheese it will take 2-3 hours.
  • The shelf life of homemade cottage cheese is 3-4 days. If there is a need to keep it for a longer period, then the cottage cheese can be frozen by putting it in a bag or plastic container. After defrosting, it will be just as tasty and healthy, but re-freezing will make it a useless product.

I hope the tips didn’t scare you and you still try to make cottage cheese at home. Choose the best recipe and go.

Cottage cheese from milk at home

I tried this recipe first because some of the milk I bought turned sour. At first I wanted to put it in baking - it turns out good with sour milk, but then I remembered that I wanted to try to make cottage cheese from yogurt. I had farm milk and I knew for sure that yogurt from it would turn out to be of high quality.

Store-bought milk does not always ferment properly.


  • in this way he is alone - milk

Recipe for homemade cottage cheese from milk:

  1. She poured milk into a jar and covered it with a napkin. To prepare curdled milk, it is better to use a glass jar or earthenware, as metal utensils can affect the quality of curdled milk and make it not very tasty. It should not be covered with a lid, but with a cotton cloth that allows air to pass through and speeds up the fermentation process.
  2. I put it in a warm place and somewhere in a day yogurt turned out of milk. But this process can take longer, it all depends on the temperature in the room. Another tip - do not put a jar of milk in direct sunlight - it will turn sour, of course, faster, but it can deteriorate and turn green.
  3. There were tips to do in a water bath or over low heat. I chose the second option. She put the pot of sour milk on the stove. As soon as the milk began to curdle and whey separated, I turned off the heat.
  4. When the milk had cooled, I drained it through a colander, after covering it with gauze. I didn’t really follow the advice, because they said that you need to hang a gauze bag over the container so that excess liquid would drain. I needed soft and tender cottage cheese for eating, not for baking, so I left the cottage cheese in a colander in gauze and, as soon as the excess liquid was glass, I put the cottage cheese in a bowl.

Homemade cottage cheese made from milk, or rather from yogurt, turned out delicious, but I didn’t really like waiting a day or more, I decided to find another recipe. Although, for faster fermentation, it is recommended to put sour cream (1 tablespoon per liter of milk) or a piece of stale rye bread into milk, and there are also ready-made ferments that are sold in a pharmacy. In this case, the milk can become curdled overnight. But still you have to wait. I found a quicker recipe and I really liked it.

How to quickly make cottage cheese at home

I will offer you two quick recipes for cottage cheese - from milk and kefir, and also from milk and lemon. For the preparation of cottage cheese in these ways, both farm milk and store milk are suitable. But what kind of cottage cheese it tastes like, I can only say about the recipe with kefir - tender and tasty, and I used store-bought milk. Haven't tried it with lemon yet.

Cottage cheese from milk and kefir


  • milk - 1 liter
  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

How to make cottage cheese from milk and kefir:

Since milk is brought to a boil in this recipe, cottage cheese prepared in this way can be given to children and even babies.

Milk and lemon curd


  • milk - 1 l.
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.

Recipe for cottage cheese from milk and lemon:

  1. Bring milk to a boil
  2. In boiling milk, survive the juice from half a lemon, as soon as the milk curdles, remove from heat.
  3. Cool and strain.

How to make calcined cottage cheese

Of course, cottage cheese already contains calcium, but some categories of people need an increased calcium content - children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly, people suffering from atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney and liver diseases.

To replenish calcium in the body, calcined cottage cheese can be included in the diet, but not more than 2-3 times a week. Such healthy cottage cheese can be prepared at home by adding calcium chloride, which is sold in pharmacies.


  • milk - 1 l.
  • calcium chloride (calcium chloride) - 2 tbsp. l. liquid or 6 gr. dry calcium

Recipe for homemade calcined cottage cheese

  1. Heat milk to 40 0.
  2. Add calcium chloride to milk, mix well.
  3. Bring milk to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the milk boils, remove from heat and allow the product to cool.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth.

Calcium chloride can be replaced with calcium lactate tablets, it can also be bought at pharmacies. The recipe is as follows: 8 - 10 tablets per 1 liter of milk. Grind the tablets into powder and add to the milk, brought to a boil. Mix well, as the milk curdles, strain it.

How to make grained cottage cheese at home

In our supermarkets, cottage cheese is sold, which is very popular with buyers - this is a tender and tasty grained cottage cheese, and it can also be made at home.


  • milk - 1 l.
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp
  • salt - 1/2 tsp
  • heavy cream - 6 tbsp. l.

Recipe for Cottage Cheese with Lemon Juice:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat, add citric acid to the milk and stir for a few minutes.
  3. Cover the pan with a cotton napkin and leave for 4 hours to separate the whey.
  4. Strain as soon as the whey drains, without removing the cottage cheese from the gauze, rinse it with cold boiled water and squeeze it out to make dry cottage cheese.
  5. Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl, add salt, cream, mix well.

Homemade cottage cheese from kefir

Another interesting recipe for cottage cheese without heat treatment - you can use kefir or yogurt.

  1. If homemade yogurt, then pour it into a plastic container and put it in the freezer. Kefir can be frozen in store packaging.
  2. Frozen curdled milk or kefir put in a colander with gauze.
  3. Suspend the thawed mass in gauze over some container and hold until all the whey has drained.
  4. Cooking quickly in this way, of course, will not work - until it thaws, until it drains, in total, they say, it takes 8 hours.
Homemade cottage cheese on the site

Being a lover of cottage cheese and everything that can be made from it, I often go to the store to buy another portion of this wonderful fermented milk product. But, unfortunately, recently the quality of industrially produced cottage cheese has become very disgusting. Either an acidic product will come across, then a dry one, then it’s just tasteless. Another thing is homemade cottage cheese, cooked with your own hands. Here its quality is incomparable with store-bought products. Moreover, more and more often on the accompanying labels you can find the inscription “curd product”, which is prepared by mixing all kinds of vegetable and animal fats, but not from natural milk. In addition, cottage cheese at home is much more tender and, importantly, tastier. And no one will add any additives in the form of fats, preservatives to it.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

This is its main advantage over the store product.

For the preparation of cottage cheese, it is advisable to use homemade milk - it will turn out much tastier. But if this is not possible, we take store-bought milk, stock up on patience and begin to conjure.

And for this action we need only milk, the fat content of which should not be lower than 3.2%.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

I used 2 liters of this product and got about 300 g of finished cottage cheese as a result.
It takes a total of two days to obtain such a valuable product from fresh milk. The cooking process itself takes no more than 20 minutes.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from whole cow's milk according to the photo steps of the recipe at home?

So, pour fresh milk - it can also be sour - into a three-liter glass jar, close the lid and put it in some secluded warm corner of the kitchen.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

I placed the filled container on a hanging cabinet above the stove. After almost two days, the milk turned sour, dividing into two parts: yogurt and translucent whey.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

We take a pan with a height not lower than the filling level of the jar and put a napkin folded in several layers on the bottom.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

We set the filled jar in the center of the pan and, filling it with cold water, put it on fire.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

In the process of heating, mix the contents of the jar twice.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

We put a colander on another pan and cover it with gauze rolled up in three layers.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

When the water begins to boil, turn off the fire and take out the glass container. The curdled milk curdled into grains, and the whey acquired a yellowish tint.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

If you continue the cooking process for a few more minutes, the cottage cheese will turn out to be very dry and tasteless. Pour the contents of the jar into a colander lined with gauze, and give a little time for the bulk of the whey to drain.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

Then we tie the gauze into a knot and hang it to drain the excess moisture, substituting some kind of vessel.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site
Homemade cottage cheese on the site

Ready homemade cottage cheese can be seasoned with any favorite delicacy - condensed milk, sugar - and enjoy its delicate texture and wonderful taste with pleasure.

Homemade cottage cheese on the site

It is always nice to experience the pleasure of the fruits of their own labors.
Bon appetit!

Homemade cottage cheese is the most delicious, because it is always fresh and natural. You can cook it in different ways. The final result depends on the quality of milk. Someone likes fat cottage cheese, with an oily structure, and someone likes a dietary product, with a small amount of fat and a sour taste.

How to cook cottage cheese at home for every taste - in detail in the recipes.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cottage cheese from milk - basic technological principles

Cottage cheese is obtained from natural (whole) milk. As you know, milk contains a natural milk protein - casein. At a temperature of 10-12°C, milk matures within 12-15 hours. During this time, the structure of the protein changes, and the process of natural fermentation begins.

Next, the milk is heated. Whey is separated and a clot is formed: under the influence of temperature, casein fibers fold (shrink), pushing fluid (whey) out of the cells. In industrial terms, this process is called pasteurization. It occurs at 63-65°C for 20 minutes. Raising the temperature will shorten the pasteurization time.

In fact, milk coagulation occurs at a lower temperature - 40-45 ° C, but at dairy plants, where huge volumes of raw milk collected from different farms are processed, an increase in pasteurization temperature is due to sanitary standards. When there is absolute certainty that the milking is hygienic, that the utensils are sterile, and that the animal is well maintained, homemade milk can simply be warmed up until the whey begins to separate, and then removed from the stove and allowed to stand until completely cooled.

There is a pattern: the higher the pasteurization temperature of milk, the worse the quality of the curd. That is why sour boiled milk never forms a normal clot, although, again, under production conditions, soft cheeses are obtained from milk processed by high-temperature pasteurization. But there are special technologies for this.

To get homemade cottage cheese, you can use some industrial secrets. Some details of the industrial technology for making homemade cottage cheese from milk are in step-by-step recipes and useful tips.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese from fresh milk


Homemade milk 3.5 l (1 bottle)

Sourdough - the amount depends on the type of fermented milk product or enzyme

Calcium chloride 5% 5 mg (1 ampoule)

Cooking order:

1. The first stage is the normalization of milk. Of course, it is difficult to obtain milk of the required fat content by home methods, but you can approximately adjust the process. The main thing is that the milk is whole. Fat content affects taste and texture. The industry produces fat-free cottage cheese, with a fat content of 9% and 18%. Choose your option and skim off the cream as needed.

2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat to 35-40°C.

3. Enter the starter into warm milk and stir for 5-7 minutes. Leave the saucepan at room temperature. Add calcium chloride at the same time to speed up curdling of the milk.

Usually, milk souring without fermenting occurs within 7-8 hours. During this time, acidity increases, the product is enriched with lactobacilli, acquires a characteristic taste. This is an acidic way of making homemade cottage cheese. He is more natural.

Adding sour cream and other fermented milk products speeds up the process by 2 times. Sour cream, yogurt, whey or yogurt is the best way to ferment milk at home - these products can be found in every home. Only one prerequisite: fermented milk products must be prepared in a thermostatic way, from whole milk.

If desired, replace fermented milk products with pepsin or other enzymes. This is the second, acid-rennet method of making homemade cottage cheese from milk, which can be applied by replacing sour cream with an enzyme in paragraph two of the step-by-step recipe.

4. When a clot appears, put the pan on the stove and heat the raw material again, stirring, at a temperature of no more than 40-42 ° C. If heated too much, the quality of the curd will deteriorate. At the same time, fat and calcium will pass into the whey, and the cheese clot will noticeably decrease in volume and become dry. However, this option is also acceptable, but it is not for everybody.

5. Break the resulting dense clot into small fractions to speed up the separation of the liquid.

6. Place a sieve or colander on a tray with a capacity of at least 3.5 liters so that the whey does not overflow the rim of the dish. Cover the sieve with cheesecloth folded in four layers, and carefully, gradually pour the fermented milk.

7. When the main volume of whey has drained, tie the ends of the gauze napkin and hang it over the pan for some more time to compact the cheese clot and remove excess moisture from the product.

From the indicated amount of homemade milk, you can get 350 - 400 g of fresh cottage cheese.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade curd from sour milk


Homemade curdled milk

It happens that the milk has already turned sour, and it needs to be “put into action”. If the product has not been boiled, then it is quite suitable for making homemade cottage cheese. This milk does not require any special additives.


1. Curdled milk must be heated. When the temperature rises to 40°C, the milk protein coagulates. All this has already been described above, in the basic technological principles for obtaining homemade cottage cheese from milk.

2. The next step is to separate the whey. Also, as in the first step-by-step recipe, install a sieve on a pan of a suitable volume, and pour the heated yogurt through the gauze layer.

3. Let the whey drain to the desired curd moisture level. You can leave the cottage cheese in this position, and to speed up the process of separating the whey, hang it in gauze.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade cottage cheese from milk (with lemon juice)

This is a step by step recipe for paneer, Indian homemade curd made from milk. To coagulate casein, Indians use the juice of sour fruits - homemade rennet cheese is obtained, with a delicate taste and dense texture. This cheese is not salty, like cheese or feta, so it looks more like cottage cheese.


Milk 6 l

Lemon juice 100 ml

Cooking order:

1. Heat homemade milk to 40-50°C.

2. Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon.

3. Pour it in a thin stream at the edge of the pan on the stove, while stirring the milk in one direction.

4. Continue stirring until a firm curd forms.

5. Let the mass cool, and pour through a gauze layer laid on a colander. You can transfer the clot to gauze with a slotted spoon.

6. Fold the edges of the gauze to the center. Place a plate on the cheese mass, and on it - a jar filled with water. The curd should be compressed.

7. Transfer the finished head to a tightly closed container. Refrigerate for 10-12 hours to ripen. Cut the paneer into pieces when serving. It is very good for making salads and desserts, as a filling for dumplings and pies.

At the milk heating stage, you can add herbs and spices to get an original snack. Suitable hot peppers, garlic, ground coriander, cardamom, mint.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cottage cheese from milk - useful tips and secrets

Not every housewife has a lactometer to determine the fat content of milk. There is a way out: you can approximately set the percentage of fat content by volume. For example: in a bottle - 3 liters of milk. Put it in the refrigerator overnight. By morning, fat will rise up, as its molecules are lighter and larger than liquid. The fat mass has a slightly creamy hue, and it differs in color from white milk. It remains to measure the volume of fat mass and determine the percentage of milk and fat. If in a bottle with a volume of 3 liters, the third part is a fat “top”, milk has a fat content of about 10%. This is a good indicator of the quality of milk.

Homemade cow's milk has the highest fat content in the cold season, when animals are transferred to winter maintenance. In such milk, the fat content reaches 12%. If you need to cook fat-free cottage cheese, put the milk in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours, then remove the cream - the raw material for the cottage cheese is ready.

To accelerate the coagulation of milk protein, add calcium chloride to the raw milk. This additive is also used in the dairy industry. It allows you to increase the volume of cheese grain, enriches dairy products with calcium, which passes into whey during pasteurization of milk. Calcium chloride is a cheap drug that is sold in any pharmacy without prescriptions. 0.5 ml of a 5% solution is sufficient per liter of milk. This is literally 2-3 drops of a solution. Chloride is an absolutely harmless drug, but you should not abuse it. As the great healer said, medicine differs from poison only in dosage.

Goat milk is a very valuable and dietary product. It contains less fat than cow's milk, but goat's milk is also less clotting due to the structure of milk protein. High-quality home-made goat's milk curd can only be obtained using the acid-rennet fermentation method.

The dairy industry produces cottage cheese made from reconstituted (powdered) milk, skim milk, but these methods for home-made cottage cheese are complex and require the use of special household appliances and appliances.

The process of making cottage cheese at home takes a minimum amount of time, cost and effort.

However, the product that you prepare yourself will differ significantly from similar competitors offered by modern manufacturers to customers.

Homemade cottage cheese contains much more useful substances, which, unfortunately, are present in the minimum amount in factory versions.

1. In no case should yogurt be brought to a boil - the curd will turn out dry and tasteless.

2. The longer the whey drains, the denser and drier the curd is.

3. It is necessary to discard the cottage cheese in a colander only when the whey is well separated, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out sour.

4. Experienced housewives never drain whey down the sink. On its basis, you can cook delicious pancakes, pancakes, jelly, kvass or jelly.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways and recipes for making homemade cottage cheese. All of them are simple and will not take much of your precious time. So cook cottage cheese at home and feed your kids with a tasty and healthy product.

Homemade cottage cheese recipes

Village cottage cheese

To make a classic village cottage cheese, you will need 2 liters of fresh homemade milk, a clean gauze napkin, two pots that fit one into the other.

Milk should be poured into a smaller saucepan, covered with a lid and put in a warm place, for example, near a radiator, for such a time during which the milk should turn sour. Usually it's somewhere around a day. For taste and acceleration of souring, you can add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of low-fat sour cream. Then place the pot with sour milk in a large pot, but about the same height, and fill the gap between the walls of the pots with water.

Put both pans on a slow fire and do not leave the stove for a minute. As the water boils, the sour milk will move away from the edges of the pan, a yellowish liquid will come out. At this moment, it is urgent to remove the pans from the fire, remove the smaller pan and cool the semi-finished product. Then put a gauze napkin on the bottom of the sieve and carefully spread curdled milk on it with a tablespoon. Tie the edges of the gauze together and hang the knot so that the serum gradually drains from it. What remains on the gauze bandage is the cottage cheese. To get a denser cottage cheese, a load must be placed on cheesecloth with cottage cheese.

Preparation of calcined cottage cheese

The product made in this way will have a low level of acidity, so it is ideal for dietary and baby food. The main feature of the preparation of cottage cheese is the addition of calcium lactate (diluted with water) at the stage of boiling milk with constant stirring (3 teaspoons per 2 liters of milk). The powder can be purchased at pharmacies. The output of the finished product will be 300-400 grams. Further, the technology is similar to the methods described above.

Ready-to-eat cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator in a glass or enamel bowl, after putting a couple of pieces of sugar in it. Homemade cottage cheese can be stored in the freezer for one month, but its taste changes slightly. It is strictly not recommended to store the product in plastic bags. If the cottage cheese suddenly becomes sour, then it must be mixed with fresh milk in equal proportions and left for 60-90 minutes. After that, the cottage cheese is placed in cheesecloth (cotton bag) and put under pressure.

Cold method of making homemade cottage cheese


  • 0.5 l kefir
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 50 g prunes

Cooking method:

In addition to cooking cottage cheese in a hot way, there is also cooking cold cottage cheese, such cottage cheese is more like a cream. Great for feeding babies from a young age. In addition, many different dried fruits are suitable for it.

It will take 25 minutes to prepare the dish:

To prepare cottage cheese in this way, you need frozen kefir, you can put it in the freezer until it freezes, you can also leave it there overnight so as not to wait for freezing during the day.

After complete freezing, remove the bag and defrost the contents without using any aids, boiling water or warm air. Pass the kefir through a fine sieve.

Hang the resulting mass for 20 minutes, it can also be used in baking.

Cold curd is ready. Now you need to add sugar, dried fruits to it, you can add fresh fruits to taste, you can prepare a healthy and vitamin-rich dessert.

Making cottage cheese with lemon

Take skimmed milk and pour it into a large container. Take a lemon and squeeze it into milk (for 1 liter of milk - a little more than half a lemon) and mix. This is necessary so that the milk curdles faster. You can, of course, wait until the milk turns sour in natural conditions - place the dishes with milk and a crust of rye bread in a warm place, for example - to the battery. However, if you have fatty milk, you can thus first prepare homemade yogurt, remove its fat from the surface, and then, when it stands (it usually takes 1-2 days), cook cottage cheese. As a starter, you can also use purchased kefir or yogurt (literally a spoon) or the previous starter or whey. If milk is left to sour without leaven, the process of putrefactive fermentation may begin.

You will see how the milk begins to curdle, and the whey becomes transparent. You don't have to wait until the milk clots become too dense - your curd will then be too grainy. Strain the whey through cheesecloth - you can then use this whey to make homemade diet bread or pancakes; put the cottage cheese in a separate container and you can eat.

Quick homemade cottage cheese recipe


  • 2 liters of milk
  • 2 jars (250 g) natural yogurt

How to cook:

1. Pour 2 liters of milk into a microwave-safe dish, heat it up to the desired temperature (about 40°). Add 2 jars of natural yogurt and leave in a warm place until the milk curdles and turns into a thick curdled milk. Usually it takes 10-12 hours, but it depends on the room temperature.

2. Put the bowl with curdled milk in the microwave oven for 15 minutes at a maximum power of 800 W - the contents will heat up, warming up evenly, and curl up - curdle. A clear serum will clearly come off.

3. Carefully transfer the curdled lump into a colander lined with gauze, located above the pan (to collect whey), trying not to break the integrity of the lump.

4. Let the main whey drain, then hang the bundle with cottage cheese for a while so that the whey glass is better.
