
How to pickle the waves in a cold way step by step. Salty waves for the winter

We again turn our attention to the mushroom business. In addition to growing mushrooms, which we wrote about in the articles "", "", "" and others, profitable business is the collection, salting and sale of mushrooms. In particular, this is a seasonal business that does not require initial investments, since nature itself grows the product for us, we only need to collect it and salt it properly.

Mushrooms volnushki

The pink volnushka is a representative of eukaryotes, the kingdom of fungi, the subkingdom of Higher fungi, the department of Basidiomycota, the class Agaricomycetes, the Russula family.

The pink wave is one of the types of conditionally edible mushrooms, which has found wide application as a salted food product.

In the people, the pink wave is called volnyanka, volzhanka, volvenka, volnyanitsa, volminka, volnukha, rubella, krasulya, decoction.

The diameter of the cap of the wave varies from 4 to 2 cm. It is convex at the base. Closer to the edge, the cap becomes more and more flat, in its center there is a deep umbilical depression. The edges of the hat are wrapped and lowered to the bottom. The villi of the skin are thick and rough, they are unevenly arranged in the form of concentric circles. The skin is not very slimy, has a pale, gray-pink color, in dry weather the color fades, that is, the skin becomes pale pink. If you touch it, then at the point of contact the skin becomes darker.

The pulp of the volnushka has a white color, it is quite strong and dense, has spicy taste. Milky juice is characterized by abundance, sharpness. The color of the milky juice is white, under the action of sunlight it doesn't change.

The height of the stem of the wave is from 3 to 6 cm with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm. It resembles a cylinder in shape, the color is pale pink, it is somewhat narrowed at the base of the fungus, it is strong and firm. A young wave has a solid leg, later - a hollow one. There is fluff on the surface of the leg, occasionally small pits can be observed on it.

Frequent plates are white, their width is small, they are descending along the stem.

Color spore powder- white, sometimes has a creamy tint.


The color scheme of the cap is characterized by pronounced variability. In particular, its color can be yellow, orange, light hazel, and so on. The number of hairs on the hat also varies, depending on the age of the fungus. Color variability is also characteristic of the plates. In particular, in a young wave, the plates have a light pink color, after a while they turn yellow.

Wave growth

Favorite places for pink waves are birch groves, mixed forests with the presence of birches in the species structure, grow less often in areas with high humidity. These fungi form mycorrhiza with birches, as a rule, this is typical for old trees. Basically, the fungus is distributed in the north of the forest zone.

The duration of the season is about 3 months - the end of June-beginning of October.

This family belongs to the white wave, which, in comparison with the pink wave, has a lighter cap (almost white) and is smaller in diameter.

The nutritional value

As noted earlier, the pink wave is a conditionally edible mushroom. Despite this, the fungus is quite different good quality. It is mainly used for pickling and marinating, less often included in main dishes in fresh. For salting, younger twigs are preferred, the diameter of which does not exceed 4 cm. Mushrooms at this age are often called "curls". Cooking volnushki provides for their preliminary soaking and blanching. In blanks, the color of the fungus changes - it becomes yellow. The pink wave has gained the greatest popularity among the population of the northern part of the country, who harvest it on winter period. For comparison, in terms of popularity, this mushroom is not inferior to the mushroom.


If it is not enough to boil the pink wave, then it has an effect characteristic of weak poisonous mushroom. At the same time, the toxins of the wave can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes, intestinal upset.

Below are a few recipes. proper salting waves, in particular cold and hot methods.

Salting volnushek mushrooms in a cold way

Salting these mushrooms is the most popular way to harvest them. Earlier, we noted that young flakes are better suited for salting, since they are characterized by higher tightness and density. Before direct salting of mushrooms, they must be soaked. For this purpose, salted water is used (about 20 g of salt should fall on 1 liter of water). The purpose of pre-soaking is to remove bitterness. Before salting, it is desirable to separate the legs from the hats. If the latter have a large diameter, then cut them. Soaking is completed when the mushroom caps acquire elasticity, that is, the ability to bend. The cap of insufficiently soaked mushrooms will break.

The cold method of salting these mushrooms is the most used. Varieties of the cold method:

Without pre-soaking;

WITH pre-soaking.

This is interesting: scroll through our sections "" and "" - they are all about starting your own business. We recommend mushroom pickers to read - "".

The cold method of salting with pre-soaking is applicable not only for volushki, but also for milk mushrooms, serushki, and some types of russula. According to the recipe, the waves must first be cleaned of litter (needles, sand leaves), then rinse them. At the next stage, the waves must be filled cold water, which must first be salted - add 0.5 tbsp to one liter of water. l. table salt. The frequency of water changes per day should not be less than 2 times. According to numerous recommendations, it is desirable to carry out this after every 5-6 hours. Such a practical approach will eliminate the souring of mushrooms. The duration of the soaking period is 1-2 days. So, the mushrooms are soaked. Now we need to re-clean them. For this purpose, a brush, a nylon cloth is applicable. The method of laying mushrooms in a container is with caps. The thickness of each layer is from 5 to 7 cm. In the process of laying mushrooms, they must be salted. For this purpose, table salt should be used, which does not contain iodine (this chemical element can cause mushrooms to souring quickly). At the same time, 30 g of salt should fall on 1 kg of waves. Before laying the first layer, you must first place spices on the bottom of the container (for 10 kg of mushrooms: Bay leaf– 2 g, unground allspice- 1 g). Spices are stacked on top of the last layer of mushrooms. As spices, cloves, black currants, and so on are also added. Ideally, the container for pickling mushrooms should be wooden. In the absence of such, enamelware can be used (but we do not recommend it). In any case, the lid (wooden, round) should freely enter the container. On top of the cover is placed oppression (load). If the volume of the container, for example, a barrel is 50 liters, then the weight of the oppression should be at least 8 kg, preferably 10 kg. Important: cover, oppression must be well washed. After 2-3 days, the brine will ripen, at the same time mushrooms will precipitate. Excess brine must be removed, as previous batches settle, new layers of mushrooms will be added. In the absence of brine, the mass of oppression must be increased. A prerequisite for pickling mushrooms is that the brine level should always be above the top layer of mushrooms.

Now consider cold way which does not require pre-soaking. Volnushki should be freed from debris, rinsed twice with cold water (it is better to salt or acidify the water). Mushrooms should be placed in a container for salting in layers. In parallel with laying, salting with common salt should be carried out - an average of 35 g (+/- 5 g) per kilogram of waves. According to this recipe, the use of spices is excluded. The degree of readiness of volnushki and the duration of the fermentation period are similar, as in the case of cold salting with preliminary soaking - 40 days.

Hot cooking mushrooms

As for the hot method, it allows you to shorten the maturation period of the waves. Mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, soaked (at least 1 day), rinsed with cold water. If mushrooms are not sorted by size, then large hats should be crushed. IN enamelware it is necessary to pour water at the rate of half a glass per kilogram of waves. Water must be salted first. Next, the water must be brought to a boil and add mushrooms to it. During the cooking process, constant stirring is necessary, which will prevent the mushrooms from burning. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon. The next step is to add spices. For this purpose, you will need (per kilogram of boiled mushrooms):

Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;

Blackcurrant leaves - 2-3 pieces;

Cherry leaves - 4-5 pieces;

Unground (peas) black pepper;

Carnation - bud;

Dill - 5 g.

After boiling, the duration of cooking should be from 10 to 15 minutes. Readiness is determined by the moment of sedimentation of mushrooms and the transparency of the brine.

Boiled mushrooms and brine after cooling are placed in a barrel, jars and closed. The ratio of the masses of brine and waves is 1: 5. It will take at least 40 days for the mushrooms to fully ripen.

Prices salted mushrooms vary greatly depending on the area, season (when to sell them) and yield, but in any case, this business will be profitable, since it does not require any investments and is a business from scratch.

One of the most delicious and suitable for salting mushrooms are pink waves. It is possible to cook these mushrooms by pickling, salting hot or cold. The most delicious and crunchy are volnushki prepared according to last option.

How to salt volnushki in a cold way - write down the recipe.

Ingredients for Salted Mushrooms:
- 1 kg of fresh waves,
- horseradish leaves,
- cherry leaves,
- currant leaves,
- Bay leaf,
- peppercorns,
- 40-50 g rock salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Fresh mushrooms must first be thoroughly cleaned of wormholes and inspected for the presence of worms. Ideally for salting in a cold way, strong young waves of approximately the same size are suitable. When cleaning, separate the leg from the hat. To get rid of bitterness, soaking in water is necessary. Put clean mushrooms in a large basin and fill with cold water for 2 days. Water should be changed twice a day, on the third day the waves will be ready for salting.

Pick up for pickling suitable container, it is convenient to salt in a large plastic bucket or basin. At the bottom of the container we place the leaves of horseradish, cherries, currants, bay leaves, peppercorns. Leaves can not be crushed, but we will serve mushrooms without leaves.

We spread a layer of waves on the leaves and spices and sprinkle coarse salt.
Keep doing this until you run out of mushrooms. For one kilogram of mushrooms, 40-50 grams of coarse table salt is used. Take only rock salt for salting. The use of iodized or sea ​​salt can lead to unpleasant consequences - the jars will not be able to stand with you for a long time. Irreversible fermentation processes will begin in them.

Lay out all the mushrooms layer by layer, not forgetting to add leaves and salt. Last layer close with a wooden round or a lid of a suitable diameter. You can also use a suitable flat plate. For cargo on top, put a jar of water, a pack of cereals or a brick - something heavy that is at hand.

On the second day, the mushrooms give juice and they can be left to salt for another 20-30 days, or put into jars on the fifth day of salting. Roll up the lid.
Mushrooms will reach readiness right in the jars.

Cold-salted volnushki is a very good snack for any holiday. Add finely chopped onion, some green onion, unrefined vegetable oil- and a wonderful snack for vodka is ready.
If your "silent hunt" was very successful, look at

One of the options for processing mushrooms is salting. This is the easiest way, it does not require much effort. However, even here there are secrets and rules. First of all, you need to know what you are going to cook. Each type has its own nuances that need to be taken into account. Let's talk about what salting of waves is and how it goes.

With special attention should be paid to their quality. Wormy, rotten and old specimens are best thrown out immediately. This rule applies to any harvesting method. Collected or purchased mushrooms are sorted and the legs are cut off a little. They also need to be cleaned of debris, leaves and sand by washing running water. It is desirable that the mushrooms are about the same size.

Salting of the waves is carried out after they pre-soak. These mushrooms are placed in water for a day, but no more, otherwise they will be unsuitable for further use.

If you add a little salt to the water, then the bitterness that these mushrooms have will go away.

In this way, salting of milk mushrooms, russula, mushrooms and some others occurs. You need to change the water twice a day.

If there is no time for a long soak, then you can simply pour boiling water over the mushrooms for one hour. Then you need to cool them in cold water.

Cold salting of the waves does not require special efforts. In a prepared container (better if it is a barrel), the mushrooms are laid in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt. For one kilogram of waves, you need to take 50 grams of table salt. We also lay cherry leaves, currants, dill sprigs, cumin, horseradish and garlic, cut into pieces, in layers. Volnushki should be laid out with hats down. Each layer should not exceed 6 centimeters.

From above it is necessary to put a clean rag and oppression. Mushrooms are stored for 1-2 days at room temperature and then taken out to the cold. As salting, the waves will decrease in volume. Then new layers can be laid out in the barrel. After the barrel is full, brine should appear within 5-6 days. If it didn't, then lay down the oppression bigger size. Salting volushek lasts about 1-1.5 months.

This type of mushroom can also be salted hot. To do this, prepare the mushrooms in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then they put a pot of water on the fire (0.5 liters of liquid per kilogram of mushrooms). Also add salt. When the water boils, mushrooms are placed in it. When the liquid boils again, you need to put spices in it, and any seasonings. Foam that may appear during the cooking process must be removed. Volnushki cook for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

If the mushrooms settle to the bottom, then they are ready. The brine will become transparent. Then the mushrooms are pulled out of the pan and laid out in a container designed for salting. After that, they are poured with brine (two tablespoons per liter of liquid). It shouldn't be too much. Arrange the mushrooms in jars and cover with lids. After 1.5 months they can be eaten.

Salting can be done in either of these two ways. Keep ready mushrooms should be in a cool and not very humid room.

Volnushki (volvenki, volzhanki, volnyanki) - mushrooms, which in a number of countries are recognized as inedible, they are not eaten in any form. Residents of Russia, on the contrary, highly appreciate this variety for its taste. There are mainly two varieties - pink and white waves. It is practically unrealistic to eat everything that the nature of the mushroom picker so generously endowed during the season. The question arises: how to salt volnushki in order to feast on a fragrant delicacy on cold autumn evenings or frosty winters.

Many people practice freezing vegetables, but mushrooms from a jar taste much better than such a product. The secret lies in the addition of salt and spices, in which the volushkas stand for more than one day. The main priorities of every housewife - to make it tasty and healthy - are fully achieved.

This variety of mushrooms has a characteristic characteristic only for them - when cut, it secretes juice white color with a bitter taste. But if you cook them correctly, salty waves do not have this drawback.

Also, mushrooms change color after salting - instead of a beautiful pinkish or white hue, grayness appears. Don't be scared - palatability Ah, such metamorphoses do not affect. How to salt volnushki mushrooms, every hostess should know, seeking to surprise her guests or pamper her household.

The specifics of preparing mushrooms for salting

Regardless of whether this category is edible or conditionally edible, Preliminary processing must be present. It should be borne in mind that unfavorable ecology, picking mushrooms near highways adversely affects human health. cold or hot salting waves can be easily made at home by following a few simple steps first:

  • sorting;
  • cleaning;
  • washing;
  • soaking.

Before cleaning, white and pink waves must be separated, and further processing should be carried out in different containers. Then, with a knife, carefully remove traces of sand or soil affected by worms or other pests of the area, and also cut off 2/3 of the legs. For this purpose, use a brush with stiff bristles - without the use of liquid, it cleans dirt well. Salt the mushrooms different color also needed separately.

Soaking: removing the bitter taste

Many are interested in how much to soak the waves. On this issue, mushroom pickers disagree a little: some say that at least 4-5 days, others say that 2-3 days are enough.

After thorough cleaning, the waves are filled with cold water (preferably filtered or settled), then placed in cool place for about two days. This is done to remove excess bitterness.

The waves are placed in a large enameled container so that the water completely covers the mushrooms. During soaking, the liquid is changed at least 2-3 times. If it becomes cloudy, then more often. Experienced mushroom pickers add salt at the rate of 5% of total weight mushrooms.

You can determine that the soaking has come to an end by the state of the wave: you need to remove it from the brine and put a little pressure on the hat. If it does not break with a characteristic crunch, but bends gently, it is necessary to drain the water. After doing a “control” washing, put the mushrooms in a colander and let the excess liquid drain. Now you can take on the salting of the waves at home. First you need to choose a recipe of interest that fully meets taste preferences families.

Advantages of the cold method

Many prefer cold salting. Why is it often chosen? One of the significant drawbacks from is the excessive softness of the mushrooms. This option is not suitable for those who prefer a crispy snack.

It will not be possible to quickly pickle mushrooms with a cold method, but the efforts are worth it. The lion's share of the time is occupied by the preparation of waves and soaking.

There are restrictions regarding the materials of the dishes in which the salty waves will be stored for the winter. Perfect option- an oak barrel, but not every owner has such a container, and even dial right amount mushrooms even on a container with a minimum displacement is difficult. Therefore, do not be afraid to use glass jars or enamelware.

  • clay jugs;
  • polyethylene or plastic barrels / canisters;
  • galvanized buckets.

It is necessary to do salting of the waves in a cold way for the winter in compliance with the main rule: mold should not appear on the surface of the mushrooms. It is forbidden to eat such waves - this can cause severe poisoning. Salting volushki in jars or other types of containers to keep them fresh and safe should not be accompanied by hermetic clogging of the neck. It is covered with gauze, folded several times, and a load is placed on top. The brine should completely cover the mushrooms.

Store salty waves in a dark, dry place, recommended temperature regime– from 0 to +3°C. With an increase in these indicators, the brine becomes cloudy, there is a risk of mold.

Salt the waves in jars

The recipe for salting volnushki in a cold way can contain not only salt and water, but also other ingredients, the combination of flavors of which is liked by the hostess and her guests. As seasonings you can use:

  • black currant leaves;
  • dried or fresh dill;
  • garlic;
  • allspice and black pepper;
  • cloves;
  • horseradish leaves.

Before soaking the waves, you should pay attention to the size and appearance mushrooms. It is better to refuse too large, overripe "forest dwellers", as well as those with a large area of ​​​​damage. Experienced housewives prefer young mushrooms of small size, they are called "curls". It is necessary to navigate by the hat - its diameter should be no more than 3-4 cm.

Banks before salting are thoroughly washed, sterilized and dried. When the container is prepared and the mushrooms are soaked, you can choose step by step recipe and follow it. You can make your own variations, but observe the proportions of water and salt very carefully so that the mushrooms stand for a long time, do not deteriorate and do not lose their taste. The above recipes for salting the waves do not require large financial costs, and the taste will exceed all expectations.

Recipe #1

For a small amount pickles you will need:

  • 1-1.5 kg of young waves;
  • 2-2.5 liters of cold water;
  • 50-60 g of table salt;
  • 2-3 g of citric acid;
  • any spices.

Salting waves for the winter in jars according to this recipe does not take much time. Lemon acid added during soaking. It is an effective and harmless natural preservative capable of killing harmful microorganisms and bacteria, mold and fungal deposits that can appear if the mushrooms are not cleaned perfectly.

The volnushki are thrown into a colander (some are wondering if they should be washed - the chefs answer that they are optional), allowing the excess liquid to drain. After that, they are stacked in layers in a jar, each of them generously sprinkling with a mixture of spices and salt. The load is placed on top. Salts should be stored in a dark place.

Another variation of this recipe - at first, the mushrooms are salted in an enamel bowl for several days, then they are carefully transferred to jars and closed tight lid. They are placed in a dark place for about a month, after which you can safely eat.

Recipe #2

Ingredients can be taken from previous recipe. Laurel leaves are placed at the bottom of the dishes (you can take ground or whole), currant and horseradish leaves (fresh), allspice and cloves. On this spicy pillow, the waves are laid with hats down. The layers are sprinkled with salt (it is better to take ordinary table salt, since it is difficult to guess the calculation of fine vacuum; you also cannot take iodized salt - pickles will quickly turn sour from iodine).

Oppression is placed on top. After a few days, the excess brine is drained, and a layer of fresh waves is added to the vacated space. This must be done until the mushrooms are completely settled, until the container is filled to the top. After that, the delicacy is placed again in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days. Periodically, the container needs to be shaken - so the brine is distributed evenly, and flaws in excellent taste there will be no treats. At the end of the period, the mushrooms are transferred to jars and closed with a lid, but not rolled up.

Recipe #3

This will require:

  • 10 kg of waves;
  • 300 g of table salt;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • allspice.

The preparation of such a dish traditionally begins with the preparation of containers. oak barrel washed thoroughly in warm water without adding chemicals, brushed, then immersed in cold water and soaked for two weeks. Fluid should be changed every three days. The final stage is steaming the tree with juniper. The barrel should have a hole for draining water and a slatted bottom.

When the mushrooms are stacked in layers and filled with brine, a layer of gauze or cotton fabric and a stone or wooden circle are placed on top so that they do not float, but are salted evenly.

How much to salt the waves in a barrel is a question of interest to those who first encountered this cooking method. Nothing non-standard - about 1.5-2 months, as well as traditional method in the bank.

Knowing how to pickle volushki mushrooms for the winter, you will get rid of the need to buy store delicacies. They are not only expensive, but also not as tasty as homemade mushrooms.


Cold-salted volnushki- wonderful snack dish Russian cuisine. True, a feature of the waves is that they are somewhat bitter, but this problem can be dealt with with the help of ordinary soaking. Gradually, the milky juice from the mushrooms will come out, and they will stop being bitter. Yes, and soaked waves are much easier to clean.

We will salt the mushrooms in a cold way, that is, without boiling, in order to keep the maximum in them useful substances and vitamins. After all, waves are very useful mushroom. Their beneficial effect, first of all, affects cardiovascular system, since the microelements contained in the waves strengthen blood vessels and prevent the deposition of cholesterol. So treat yourself to these wonderful mushrooms not only tasty, but also good for the body.

Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you prepare cold-salted waves at home. The dish is prepared easily, but for a long time, because in order to to salt well, mushrooms need at least a month. But then you can fully enjoy a wonderful snack. By the way, if you decide to pickle mushrooms, milk mushrooms, and serushki in the same way, it will turn out no worse.


  • (250 g)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1-2 stems)

  • (1-2 cloves)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (2 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    Soak the waves in cold water for 12 hours. We change the water every 2 hours so that the pollution and the milky juice that gives the mushrooms bitterness are gone.

    Now that the mushrooms have been cleaned, we put on the table all the ingredients necessary for salting them.

    We cut off the legs of the mushrooms right up to the hat itself.

    Slice the cloves/cloves of garlic.

    We take a container for salting (even an ordinary glass jar will do), sprinkle its bottom with coarse salt and lay out some of the leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, as well as dill stalks. Place half of the mushrooms on top. Salt them and pepper to taste, spread the garlic and bay leaf. Then - the remaining mushrooms and spices.

    At the very top, we cover everything with currant, cherry, horseradish, dill leaves.

    After that, we put the mushroom salting under oppression. In this capacity, we use glass jar with water, but you can take something of your own, but just don’t take the metal, because under the action of the brine it will oxidize and ruin everything for you.

    After two or three days, the waves will release juice and settle. After that, they should be sent to the refrigerator for a month (preferably with oppression). If mold appears on top during salting, do not worry and do not remove it, because the leaves on top of the mushrooms are an excellent protection.

    In a month, cold-salted waves will be completely ready. They have a dense texture, but at the same time they literally melt in your mouth.

    Bon appetit!
