
Waves are not only pink, but also white. Three pickling options

Volnushki can be salted using a variety of methods, including the cold method. If you like to eat salty waves, you can safely eat them, if you do not violate the salting technology and the recipe, there will be no poisoning, but if the rules are not followed, anything can happen. Therefore, be sure to follow the cooking technology. In addition, in order for the appetizer to please you with extraordinary taste and appetizing appearance, you need to study some points.

This plant in appearance resembles a toadstool mushroom, it has a pink or white color, its cap is terry, and when an incision is made, a milk-like liquid appears. And the mushroom has bitterness, but if you cook the flakes correctly, you get a delicious snack.

Before proceeding with salting, the mushrooms are cleaned, forest debris and adhering soil are removed. It is also necessary to remove the fringe from the hats. This process is quite simple: you need to take a knife, pry off the edge and pull towards the center.

Be sure to look at the mushrooms so that there are no worms. If there are worms, then cut off this part or discard the mushroom altogether. In order to remove the bitterness, the mushrooms are soaked. Since the waves are light, they will always be on the surface, which means that the soaking may be uneven. To prevent this from happening, cover the mushrooms on top with a large dish. Volukhi are ready or not, you can understand only by taking them out of the water. If the mushroom is elastic and does not break, then the liquid drains.

Waves are salted in two ways. But today we will talk about the cold method of salting.

Salting the waves in a cold way

Volnushki are delicious mushrooms that are ideal for pickling and salting. It is this type of mushroom, the recipes of which you will learn below, that will win your heart with its interesting taste qualities. These mushrooms can be combined with different plants. In general, in any case, this appetizer will surprise you with its aroma, which will be highlighted by oak leaves, pepper, cloves and dill (herbs).


waves - 10 kg;
oak leaves - 7 pieces;
dill - 1 bunch;
allspice - 1 kg;
cloves - 4 pcs.;
salt - 500 g.


1. So, immediately rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, remove the skin, be sure to cut off the areas that have been damaged. Look through the waves, make sure there are no worms. If the presence of worms is confirmed, then such a mushroom should be thrown away. And also pick up pieces that are the same size, cut most of them (but it is better to use the same pieces).

2. Next, remove the container in which you will salt the mushrooms, rinse it thoroughly. In the process of washing, be sure to use soda, it will quickly help you clean the surface.

3. In order to salt the waves, you can take containers made of wood, as well as glass jars, pans (enamelled). Containers should be large so that oppression is conveniently installed on the products.

4. After you have carefully prepared the container, put all the spices (only a part) on the bottom, in addition to salt.

5. Wash the leaves under running water and dry well.

6. And at this stage, lay the mushrooms cut into pieces. The layer should be 5-6 cm, sprinkle with salt, and then spread the mushroom pieces again. Thus, salt the entire mixture.

7. If you salt the plant as a whole, then position the mushrooms so that the caps are at the bottom. Put the remaining spices on top of the mixture and also sprinkle with salt (a small amount).

8. Cover the container with the possessed using clean gauze, place a plate (flat) on top, and then set a yoke that has a good weight.

As soon as the plant settles, add fresh pulp mixed with salt (a little). You can try the blank after 40 days.

Salting volnushek cold method in jars

This preparation is sure to surprise you, especially if you love savory mushroom snacks. In order to prepare this blank, you will need a container in the form of glass jars. The workpiece is stored even in the apartment, only in a cool place.


mushrooms - 2 kg;
grated ginger root - 1 tbsp;
cherry leaves;
black and allspice - 10 pcs.;
dill - 2 umbrellas;
salt - 120 g.


1. So, before you start salting, be sure to send jars to be sterilized. Tanks can be 2 and 3 liters.

2. Place cherry leaves (pre-washed and dried) in prepared jars. Umbrella dill (part) and other spices (ginger and pepper mixture).

3. Pour salt here in the form of a thin layer, lay out the waves, which you soak in water in advance.

5. Sprinkle all mushroom layers with salt, as well as spices that are indicated in the ingredients. Stack food until it runs out.

7. Now you need to transfer the jars of waves to the basement, the temperature in the room should not exceed +8 degrees. If the temperature is 0 degrees, then the mushrooms can freeze and become brittle, and if the temperature exceeds +10 degrees, then get ready for the salting to become sour.

Shake the jars several times every seven days without fail. If you notice that there is little liquid, add boiled but chilled water to the containers.

How to deal with excess salt

If you have opened jars of flakes and realize that the mushrooms are too salty, do not despair. You can use mushrooms to cook fried or stewed potatoes (just don't add salt). You can also soak the mushrooms in cool, but boiled water, and then pour oil (olive), sprinkle with onions, fresh dill and you get an amazing snack.

1. Like most other types of mushrooms, before pickling the volushki, you need to thoroughly clean them, remove all debris. Insects, sticking blades of grass, leaves are also removed. This procedure can be carried out using a regular toothbrush. Mushrooms do not have a film, which makes it easier to prepare for salting, but in the process of cleaning and washing the waves, the hostesses may encounter another difficulty: the mushrooms are quite fragile and if you press them down a little, they will crumble right in your hands.
2. Mushroom pickers, who already have extensive experience, recommend pickling white and pink pickles in separate containers. So, when you sort out the mushrooms and clean the garbage, be sure to sort them too. In the process of sorting, consider the size of the waves: put larger mushrooms in another pile or cut into several pieces.
3. Volnushki have a bitter taste. If you don’t soak them in cool water with salt before cooking, bitterness will remain and you won’t want to eat salted mushrooms. The waves are soaked for two days (minimum), the water must change every four hours, otherwise the mushrooms will turn sour.
4. When you soak the mushrooms, be sure to watch the water. It must completely cover them, otherwise mold will form on top and even after you rinse them thoroughly, there is no guarantee that you will completely remove the mold.
5. If you want to salt the flakes in a cold way, then soak them in cool water with salt (50 g per liter of liquid), and add citric acid (2 g).

Well, if you listen to the above tips, believe me, you will succeed. You will quickly cope with cooking, but do not forget about the preparatory stage without fail, and then you can already salt the mushrooms in the ways described above.

And every hostess, even a beginner, can show her imagination, use recipes and experiment a little by adding her own spice, then you get salty waves with incredible taste and aroma.

Believe me, households and guests will simply admire your culinary skills, and your girlfriends will ask you about the recipes for these delicious mushrooms!

Waves in the forests of the middle belt usually grow from June to October. That is, all summer and half of autumn you can safely collect them and harvest them for the winter, although the main harvest still falls on the second half of August and the beginning of September. It was then that the mushroom comes into force, it has a high taste.

It is not difficult to distinguish volnushki from other mushrooms. They have a characteristic hat that cannot be confused with any other mushroom. On the edges it is shaggy and woolly. Fans of the "quiet hunt" for mushrooms are well aware that the wave is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. That is why, before use, it must be thermally processed for a long time and very carefully.

Actually, our article today will be devoted to this issue. In most cases, the waves are salted in a variety of ways. We will tell you about the most delicious recipes, thanks to which the waves acquire a special taste and aroma. They go well with almost any side dish, just with bread or in salads with onions and sour cream. Overeat!

General principles of salting waves

In fact, there are a great many ways to pickle mushrooms. According to some mushroom pickers, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms in cold water before salting. Others pour boiling water over them, others boil them altogether, and others consider all this to be superfluous. As for spices, opinions differ even more here, although all the owners and hostesses are right in their own way. In fact, you can salt not only volushki, but also any other mushrooms, with the exception of russula, morels and stitches. In salting, russula never loses its bitterness, and morels become loose and lose their taste.

It is recommended to salt volnushki in wooden barrels and tubs. Meanwhile, if you do not live in a rural area, this is unlikely to be possible. Where to get a wooden tub in a city apartment? So if you live in a city and there is no wooden utensils at hand, use glass or enameled utensils to salt the waves. The enamel must not be damaged. Salting mushrooms in tin galvanized dishes is unacceptable - as well as in clay pots. In many cookbooks you can find such recommendations, but they have no objective basis. The fact is that in the process of fermentation, salts and acids can form, which destroy the glaze covering the pottery. Since the glaze contains lead, it dissolves and can cause severe poisoning.

Before salting, glassware is washed well with washing powder or any other detergent. Do this until all foreign odors are removed. Then the dishes are rinsed several times with hot and cold water, scalded with boiling water, dried in the oven.

How to salt volnushki by cold salting (with soaking)?

First, we will learn how to salt the waves in cold and salted water. By the way, milk mushrooms, serushki, some types of russula, and other mushrooms are usually salted in the same way.

So, you will need to clean the waves from debris, earth and sand, which are present on the mushrooms in a fair amount. Rinse them thoroughly and pour salted cold water at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. It is recommended to change the water about 2-3 times a day, and best of all every 4-5 hours, so that the mushrooms do not sour. Volnushki are usually soaked for 1-2 days. For comparison, mushrooms such as valui can be soaked for 5 or even 6 days.

After soaking, you will need to brush the mushrooms again with a brush or nylon cloth. They are placed in the right dish with hats down in layers of about 5-7 cm each, sprinkled with coarse salt (necessarily not iodized). Do not spare salt - take about 30 grams for each kilogram of mushrooms. Why not use iodized salt? It causes rapid souring of the waves.

Now let's go over the spices. The following spices are placed on top of the mushrooms and at the bottom of the dishes: 2 grams of bay leaf, a gram of allspice per 10 kg of mushrooms. You can also use cloves, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, cherries, etc., to your liking. If you salted the flakes in a wooden dish, then it is covered with a wooden lid or a circle that freely enters the dish. Some oppression is placed on top of it. For comparison, if you salt the waves in a 50-liter barrel, the weight of oppression should be at least 8 kg. Be sure to wash the lid and oppression before salting.

The brine usually forms in 2-3 days. Then the mushrooms begin to settle. You drain the excess brine, add a new batch of mushrooms that have gone through all the processing described above. If after 3-4 days the brine does not appear, your oppression is too weak and you need to increase its mass. Also make sure that the top layer of the waves is constantly covered with brine.

How to salt volnushki by cold salting (without soaking)?

You clean the mushrooms of debris in the same way, wash them twice in cold water - best salted or acidified. Mushrooms are stacked in layers in a container at the rate of 1 kilogram of mushrooms per 30-40 grams of non-iodized table salt. With this type of salting, you do not need to use any spices. As for the terms of readiness of mushrooms (the so-called fermentation period), they are the same as in the first case. True, the preliminary soaking of the waves lasts 40 days. It is noteworthy that some mushrooms (for example, mushrooms, russula) are salted without soaking. Mushroom pickers are limited only by washing them in salt water. At the same time, salts put 5% of the total mass of fresh mushrooms. That is, about 50 grams of salt are taken per kilogram of mushrooms.

How to salt volnushki using hot salting?

If you don't want to wait weeks for delicious mushrooms, if you simply don't have time, you can try hot pickled mushrooms. Within a day or two after hot salting, you can eat russula. As for the waves, you have to wait 6-7 days. But still it is much faster than with cold salting.

Volnushki are scalded with boiling water, but not boiled, but simply kept in hot water for about half an hour. Then the boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, washed in cold water and salted in the same sequence as with cold salting. It is extremely important that all pickled mushrooms be stored exclusively in a cool place at a temperature not lower than zero and not higher than 10 degrees. So, storing mushrooms at elevated temperatures will invariably lead to souring of mushrooms. If mold appears on the brine, do not be alarmed. Just remove it, and thoroughly rinse the oppression with a circle in boiling water. If the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will simply freeze and begin to crumble, which is also not good.

What can be cooked from salty waves?

From volnushki, salted and chopped along with onions, you can cook a delicious salad, mouth-watering mushroom sauce or filling for pies. You can also cook mushroom soup, cook hodgepodge or mushroom soup. If you wash the salted mushrooms in several waters, boil them in milk or water, then they will taste like fresh ones. After such processing, the mushrooms are fried, and then used for cooking both first and second courses.

How to store salty flakes?

Mushrooms such as volnushki are stored in a cool and well-ventilated room at a temperature of 5-6 degrees, but not below zero. Make sure that your mushrooms are constantly in the brine. If it evaporates and does not cover the mushrooms, it is advisable to add cooled boiled water to the dishes. If mold appears, the cloth and circle are washed in hot, slightly salted water. The mold that has appeared on the walls of the dishes is wiped with a clean cloth that has been dipped in hot water.

Please note that mushrooms are not completely preserved in a salt solution, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is limited, but it does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms will survive. Meanwhile, in this case, the mushrooms become so oversalted that they completely lose their value.

Another important point. If you do not want mold to appear on the surface of the mushrooms, put them in a hermetically sealed dish, be sure to store them in a dry and cold room. In no case is it recommended to cover the jars with cellophane or parchment paper. In a damp, warm room, the water in the jars will begin to evaporate, as a result of which the mushrooms will simply become moldy.

Volnushki must be properly prepared, they contain milky juice. If their salting was done incorrectly, then you can get a poor-quality mixture and get poisoned by it. Therefore, when cooking, they use a cold salting method and withstand them for a long time. You can also cook or, the recipes of which we have published especially for you.

Volnushki, tasty mushrooms that are well suited for pickling and salting. It is the salty waves of which the recipe is given below that turn out to be more tasty and interesting. These mushrooms can be harvested together with other types of plants or only them. But in any case, the preparation turns out to be tasty and very fragrant, which is obtained thanks to oak leaves, pepper, cloves and dill.

Required Ingredients:

  • Volnushki - 10 kilograms;
  • Oak leaves - 5-7 pieces;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Allspice - 10 grams;
  • Cloves - 3-4 things;
  • Salt - 500 gr.

How to pickle the waves in a cold way:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms well, peel them, cut off the damaged areas, look at the plant for the presence of worms, such mushrooms cannot be salted. It is also worth choosing pieces of the same size, large parts can be cut. It is better to use pieces of the same size;
  2. Now it is worth preparing a container for salting, it must be thoroughly rinsed. You can wash with soda, it perfectly cleans and disinfects the surface. For salting, you can use wooden containers, glass jars, enameled pans, they should be large and it should be convenient to set pressure on the mixture;
  3. After careful preparation of the container, half of all spices, except for salt, should be placed on its bottom. The leaves are washed under running water and dried thoroughly;
  4. Now it’s worth starting to lay the chopped pieces, you need to lay a layer of 5-6 centimeters, sprinkle the layer with salt, then lay the pieces again. So it is necessary to layer the entire mixture. If the whole plant is salted, then it should be located with caps down;
  5. Put the remaining spices on the surface of the mixture and sprinkle with a little salt;
    Now it is worth covering the surface of the mass with clean gauze, put a flat plate or lid, and then set the oppression. It must have sufficient weight;
  6. When the plant begins to settle, it will be possible to add a small amount of fresh pulp mixed with salt;
  7. The blank will be completely ready in 30-40 days after the last batch is added.

How to pickle the waves in a hot way

For the preparation of salty waves, only hats are used. Moreover, the hats should be very dense and fresh, such a preparation will turn out to be more tasty and dense, since the recipe uses boiled mushrooms. Very tender and damaged parts can become soft, not tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Volnushki - 5 kilograms;
  • Currant leaves - 5-7 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 1 l.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms in a hot way:

  1. First you need to prepare the spices, measure the required amount, rinse well. Garlic needs to be peeled and cut into several parts, if the cloves are small, then you can cut them into two parts;
  2. Now you can put a large pot on the stove, pour water into it and add salt. If this amount of liquid seems small, then you can increase the amount of water and salt;
  3. While the water is boiling, you can begin to sort out the mushrooms, cut the large hats into large pieces. You can leave the hats whole. Rinse the pulp, peel;
  4. In boiling water, first lower the currant leaves, and then the prepared plants. Mushrooms are boiled for about 15 minutes, but you need to make sure that the plant is not digested;
  5. After that, transfer the mixture to a colander, and leave the brine for further use;
  6. After the waves cool down a little and get rid of excess moisture, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the hats in running water;
  7. The workpiece is transferred to a large saucepan, garlic is added, poured with brine. From above it is necessary to put a small oppression, only so that the hats do not float up, but are completely immersed in the brine;
  8. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for several days;
  9. During this time, you can prepare the jars, rinse them, sterilize;
  10. The mass is transferred to prepared jars and closed with tight nylon lids. The mass can be consumed in a day, but it is not worth storing them for more than 2-3 months.

How to salt waves at home

To save mushrooms from unpleasant bitterness, they should be properly prepared before salting. Volnushki must be soaked in cold water. The minimum soaking time is at least a day. At the same time, every 5-6 hours it is necessary to replace the water in which the mushrooms are stored with fresh water. You can add a pinch of citric acid to the water, but this is not necessary.

Required Ingredients:

  • Volnushki - 5 kg .;
  • Salt - 250 gr.

How to pickle waves recipe:

  1. The pulp must be washed and soaked, there should be a lot of water. Then the pulp must still be washed well with clean running water and put the pulp in a colander;
  2. After that, it is necessary to prepare a large container, it should be convenient to install oppression in it;
  3. Put the mass into the prepared pan, only hats are used, they need to be laid in dense rows. Be sure to sprinkle each row of plants with salt;
  4. Put gauze on the surface of the mass, and put oppression on top. Oppression can be small, only so that the pulp is well compacted and let the juice flow;
  5. If in the process of salting, and usually it takes 5-6 days, the mass is covered with mold, then it is necessary to replace the gauze with a clean one. After this time, a salt brine should form and completely cover the pulp. The mass must be kept at a cool temperature for 1.5-2 months, after which it can be tasted;
  6. You can store the mass directly in the pan, or you can transfer it to sterilized jars and add a little saline.

Hot salting

This recipe proposes to prepare flakes in a hot way. This method is well suited for salting these particular mushrooms. In this case, the pulp turns out to be more competently cooked and the poisonous milky juice stands out better, which means that the risk of poisoning is reduced.

Required Ingredients:

  • Volnushki - 1.4 kilograms;
  • Carnation - 5 pieces;
  • Currant leaves - 3-4 pieces;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Lavrushka - 6 pieces;
  • Black pepper - 4 peas;
  • Allspice - 5 pieces;
  • Salt - 30 grams;
  • Water - 1 liter.

Hot salting of the waves:

  1. Mushrooms are washed, thoroughly cleaned and soaked in clean cold water. The pulp should be soaked for about two runs;
  2. Then the pulp must be lowered into boiling water, boiled for no more than 15 minutes, then the mass is thrown into a colander;
  3. The mixture is transferred to an enameled pan of a suitable size, currant leaves, parsley, pepper, cloves are placed on top, salt is well distributed, and garlic, cut into thin slices, should be placed on top;
  4. Now boil the broth again, in which the waves were previously boiled;
  5. Pour the pulp with the prepared hot brine and put oppression on top of the mass. The mass should cool in the room, and after that it should be removed for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Only after that, the mass can be transferred to sterile jars and rolled up with lids. Jars can be sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes, and the lids are simply boiled for 15 minutes. Be sure to lay out the mass in hot and dry jars.

How to salt the waves

Salting mushrooms according to this recipe will take a lot of time, but this will only make the pulp tastier. Yes, and such a blank will be stored for much longer and despite this it will not lose its useful qualities at all. Salt can be strongly absorbed, but it will be possible to soak the pulp in cold clean water before use.

Required Ingredients:

  • Volnushki - 1 kilogram;
  • Salt - 50 grams;
  • Water - 5 liters.

How to pickle waves correctly:

  1. Freshly harvested plants must be washed, remove large dirt and leaves. Prepare a large container and dip the pulp into it. You can add a small amount of salt to the water. Mushrooms need to be soaked for 3 days;
  2. Then it is worth rinsing the plant under water, peel off the peel and cut off the legs. This recipe uses only hats;
  3. If spices are used in the form of leaves, then they are washed well, too large sheets can be cut into two parts;
  4. It is necessary to put the pulp in the salting container, periodically mixing the caps with the prepared foliage and coarse salt. Salt must necessarily be used large, stone, not iodized;
  5. On the surface of the mixture put oppression. After 1-2 days, the caps should allocate such an amount of brine that they are completely hidden. If there is not enough brine, then the oppression can be set harder so that the plant is even more compacted and more juice is released. Only a workpiece completely covered with brine will be properly salted and get rid of bitterness;
  6. Under the yoke, the mass should be kept for about 7 days. After that, you can transfer the pulp into separate small jars, add a little salt solution and roll up the lids. Now the blanks should be stored in a cold room for 50-60 days, during which time the mass will ripen and completely salted.

Volnushki are quite common mushrooms, they are often collected in large quantities. But despite the large harvest, they should be prepared quickly. It is convenient to sit down to pick mushrooms with the whole family, so it is faster and easier to prepare a large amount. But of course, you can harvest mushrooms in small portions, so as not to mess with them for a long time.

Or they will also decorate your table and make up for the lack of vitamins in the cold season.

With the onset of summer, the forest beckons with an abundance of mushrooms. Therefore, mushroom pickers are faced with the task of what to do with them, how to prepare them for the winter more and tastier. Volnushki are very popular among the inhabitants of Siberia. They are valued for their taste and pleasant smell. Various dishes are prepared from them and harvested in large quantities for the winter. Salty volnushki are good, skillfully cooked, they have a crispy taste and a delicate aroma. There are several ways and many recipes on how to properly salt the flakes.

Unlike russula, volushki are not as fragile and do not get so dirty from grass and leaves. If carefully cut from the root, then it is enough to sort them out, shaking out the forest rubbish from them that fell into the basket during collection.

Among the people, the mushroom has several names - volnushka, volzhanka, rubella and others. It has many varieties and can be of different colors - white, pink, orange. It is better to cook them each variety separately, as their taste is slightly different.

Volnushki are considered conditionally inedible, so they can be poisoned when raw. And in order to cook or prepare some of them for the winter, they require special training.

Volnushki are sorted, sorted out, wormy ones are removed. If the mushrooms are too large, the lower part of the leg is removed, it is tough. Then they are soaked in water with salt and citric acid. For 1 liter of water, you need about 10 g of salt and 2 g of acid.

Volnushki are soaked for at least two days, until all the poisonous bitterness comes out of them. Every 5-6 hours, the liquid must be changed by slightly squeezing the mushrooms. If they are soaked longer, they will only benefit from it.

But you need to make sure that they do not constantly float above the water. To do this, they are applied with a load. After soaking, the volzhanka is washed with clean water and proceed to further processing.

We prepare all the necessary ingredients

Very little is needed for salting the waves. To do this, use salt and spices. They are chosen according to desire and taste:

  1. Salt must be rock. Iodized for pickles is not suitable, it softens the products.
  2. Horseradish. Leaves and roots can be used. It makes mushrooms crispy and elastic.
  3. Dill fresh. If dry, it is better to use the stems, they do not clog the salting as much as seeds and leaves, which rub heavily when dry. Gives a subtle flavor to the product.
  4. Parsley greens - for an amateur. Mushrooms are fragrant, but not everyone likes parsley.
  5. Blackcurrant leaves give the pickles a unique flavor.
  6. Oak leaves make mushrooms elastic, and cherry leaves give a delicate taste.
  7. Garlic. In a small amount, it is not superfluous in any salting recipe. You can make salty flakes with garlic, but this is also not for everyone. The garlic is peeled and whole cloves are added to the salting. When making garlic, mince the garlic.
  8. Volzhanki with onions, ginger or mustard are good. The amount of spices is prepared according to recipes.

Seasonings can be added all together or separately, whole or ground.

We make preparations for the winter

Volnushki salt in two ways: cold and hot. Salted volzhanka retain their shape well and are good as a separate snack, and as an addition to other dishes.

At home, you can add various additives to mushrooms, salt them on their own or with apples or cabbage.

Hot Way: Recipes

Hot-salted Volzhanka become edible faster and the dishes are filled with them immediately. When boiling, the mushrooms are boiled down and, with further salting, they no longer sit down. In addition, such a preparation is safer, harmful substances from the fungus go into the water during cooking.

In order to apply the hot salting method, you need to put the soaked mushrooms in a bowl and put it on fire. For this method, it is not necessary to soak the mushrooms for so long - one day is enough. But in this case, it will be necessary to change the liquid more times during cooking and rinse the waves. Otherwise, the mushrooms will remain bitter and tasteless.

During cooking, foam will form, it must be removed. When the mushrooms sit on the bottom, you need to take them out, pour in a fresh portion of water and boil again.

Volnushki for such blanks are not cooked until fully cooked, but only boiled for 15 minutes several times. Then they are washed and salted as usual.

You can salt them in a barrel, enamelware or in a jar. Spice leaves are lined at the bottom, then a layer of salted mushrooms, then spices again. The top is covered with leaves and applied with oppression.

After a while, the mushrooms should release their juice. If it turns out to be not enough, you need to add a little boiled salt water so that the volzhanki are completely covered, otherwise they will become covered with mold and deteriorate.

Ingredients for the easiest pickling method:

  • volzhanki - 3 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • horseradish - 5-6 medium leaves;
  • peppercorns - 10 peas;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

If desired, the set of spices can be increased or decreased.

Salting volnushek for the winter with onions

From Volzhanka, you can prepare a blank for the winter with a large amount of pickled onions. To do this, the soaked mushrooms are boiled a little, for about 20 minutes, removing the foam. Then strain and wash. After that, they are sent to the marinade and boiled again.

For the marinade take:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • peppercorns - 5 peas;
  • dill - 1 medium bunch.

This marinade is enough for 2 kg of mushrooms and 5-6 small onions.

Mushrooms and onion cut into rings are placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling marinade and covered with sterile lids.

Ready jars are placed in a sterilizer and sterilized:

  • Half-liter - 30 minutes.
  • Liter - 40-50 minutes.

Banks are taken out and twisted. It turns out a ready-made snack, which in winter is enough to open and put on a plate. If desired, you can season with sunflower oil.

with ginger

Gourmets will love salting ginger flakes. It is added in grated form to boiled mushrooms.

Layers of mushrooms, spices and ginger are placed in the dishes. Each layer is salted. Filled jars are tied with gauze and cleaned in a cold dark place.

For 2 kg Volzhanka take:

  • 1 st. l. grated ginger;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • spices are chosen to taste.

In winter, such a preparation is good as a separate snack.

with mustard

You can also salt the wave with mustard. It gives mushrooms a good taste and smell, and also protects against mold.

Everything is done, as in the recipe with onions, only it is replaced with mustard seeds. They need 1 tbsp per recipe. l. without top.

with apples

For lovers of something unusual, a recipe for salty waves with apples is suitable. Varieties are better to take sweet and sour. Apples must be peeled and cut into slices. From spices, cumin works well.


  1. waves - 2 kg;
  2. medium-sized apples - 4 pieces;
  3. salt - 100 g;
  4. cumin - 1 tsp;
  5. vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  6. spices to taste.

Everything is done in the same way as in the previous recipe. Mushrooms and apples are laid out in layers.

Cold way: recipes

With this salting method, no heat treatment is required, but more time is needed to fill the dishes. If the mushroom season drags on and you can add fresh waves after each trip to the forest, this method justifies itself.

Mushrooms are soaked as described above. Then the water is drained and placed in the dishes used in layers, shifting with spices. Large waves are laid with hats down, small ones are simply poured. Each layer is well salted. Salt can not be spared, before use, the waves are soaked again to remove excess salt.

When the mushrooms are well packed, they are applied with a load and put away in the pantry. After a day, they should be covered with their own juice and decrease in volume. After that, you can still add dishes to the top.

To salt the waves without heat treatment, you need to take:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • horseradish - 5-6 medium leaves;
  • dill - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • bay leaf - 3 sheets;
  • cloves - 5 grains;
  • black pepper - 30 g.

Salted volzhanki are used as a separate snack or prepared from them in salads, soups and other dishes.

with garlic

Waves are good if you add a lot of garlic to the salting. Salted together, they acquire a sharp spicy taste and smell. At the same time, garlic is finely chopped with a blender or passed through a garlic press. For this recipe, volzhanka is well soaked for at least 3 days.


  • waves - 5 kg;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • chopped dill and parsley - 100 g;
  • peppercorns - 10 g.

Volnushki are laid in layers with hats down. Top with salt and sprinkle with chopped spices. So do several layers until the mushrooms run out. Then cover with a clean cloth, press down with a load and put away in a dark, cold place. For this, the cellar is best suited.

Serve such waves without soaking. They are taken out of the brine and seasoned with sunflower oil.

With horseradish

Pickling with grated horseradish gives a special taste to volnushki. For its preparation, a cold method is used. Mushrooms are prepared, washed and filtered. Then they are laid in layers on the bottom of the dishes, as usual, salted well, sprinkled with spices and grated horseradish.


  • waves - 2 kg;
  • rock salt - 100 g;
  • horseradish root - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices to taste: pepper, garlic, dill, parsley, currant leaves.

Thanks to horseradish, Volzhanki become elastic and crispy.

Waves in banks

Volzhanka in jars are well preserved and conveniently salted. In such cases, it is better to grind the spices, and take small mushrooms so that more can fit in the jar. If the mushrooms are large, it is better to cut them.

Spices are laid at the bottom, then a layer of mushrooms, then salt and spices again. And so to the top, until the bank is full. Cover with a nylon lid and leave for a couple of days. When the mushrooms sit down, add the next portion. Excess juice must be drained.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • waves - 3 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, oak and currant -100 g;
  • parsley and dill - 50 g.

When the waves stop settling and the jar is full, cover it with a nylon lid and put it in the cellar. You can drain all the juice and pour roasted sunflower oil instead.

Classic easy recipe

In the old days, volnushki was salted in wooden barrels. Such mushrooms had their own unique taste. In the villages, such traditions have been preserved to this day.

Kegs are usually filled with ten liters. For salting, a simple classic recipe is used. For 10 kg of mushrooms take:

  • salt - 400 g;
  • horseradish leaves - 10-15 medium leaves;
  • oak leaves - 15 pieces;
  • allspice - 30 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves.

Mushrooms are placed with caps down, sprinkled with salt and shifted with leaves. The filled barrel is covered with a cloth and put oppression. When the mushrooms start juice and settle, add more until the barrel is full. You can use such mushrooms after 2 months.

pickled mushroom recipe

If there are a lot of mushrooms, they can not only be salted, but also pickled. Here is a step by step recipe on how to do it:

  1. Put prepared volzhanki in a saucepan and pour water. You can not completely - when heated, they will release their juice, and there will be enough liquid.
  2. Add some salt and vinegar.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer until the mushrooms sit on the bottom and the water runs clear. At the same time constantly remove the foam.
  4. Remove the mushrooms, strain and rinse, pour out the water.
  5. Put the wedges back into the saucepan and fill with water so that they are completely covered. At the same time, freeze the water.
  6. Add to 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  7. Bring everything to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and add 1 cup of vinegar 6% per liter of water.
  8. Remove the mushrooms from the pan along with the boiling marinade and pour into sterilized jars.
  9. Close the filled jars with sterile lids and immediately roll up.
  10. Fold under the covers with the covers down for a day.
  11. Take the seamings to the basement or pantry.

Marinating volushki is no more difficult than salting, but this way they can stand much longer.

Mushroom caviar from volushki

Salted volzhanka can be used to prepare mushroom caviar. For this, volnushkas, salted in the classical way, without various additives, are better suited. Spices can be added directly to the caviar.

Ingredients for 1 kg of cooked mushrooms:

  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 60 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • garlic, pepper to taste.

Fry the onion in oil, add the volzhanki ground in a meat grinder, stew and season with vinegar and pepper.

After how many days can you eat salty flakes

When you can eat salted mushrooms depends on how they were prepared. With cold waves, you can eat no earlier than two months later. When hot - depending on how long they were cooked. But usually, after three weeks they are ready.

Volnushki, which are also called volzhanka and volvenki, are of two types: white (whites) and pink (krasuli, rubella). All of them belong to the family of russula mushrooms and do not require long-term heat treatment before eating. At the same time, they are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, so it is extremely important to know how to salt the flakes for the winter correctly.

How to salt the waves

You can salt the waves in different ways, including cold ones. If the salting technology and the recipe are not violated, lovers of salty waves are not threatened with poisoning, otherwise the result may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the technology. In addition, in order for an appetizer for the winter to turn out beautiful, tasty and appetizing, a number of points must be taken into account.

  • Like all other mushrooms, before pickling, the twigs need to be well cleaned of debris, insects, adhering blades of grass, and leaves. It is convenient to do this with a toothbrush. They do not have a film, which facilitates the process of preparing for salting, however, when cleaning and washing the waves of the hostesses, another difficulty awaits: the waves are fragile, and if you press on them, not even hard, they begin to crumble in your hands.
  • Experienced mushroom pickers advise salting pink and white waves separately, therefore, sorting through the mushrooms and cleaning them of debris, they must also be sorted. When sorting, the size of the waves is also taken into account: large ones are laid in another pile or cut into 2-4 parts.
  • Waves are burning. If they are not soaked in cold water with salt before cooking, bitterness will persist and you will not want to eat salted mushrooms. The waves are soaked for at least two days, periodically changing the water. This should be done at least 5 times a day. Otherwise, the mushrooms will start to turn sour.
  • When soaking, you need to make sure that the water completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise they will become moldy, and even if they are washed well after, there will be no guarantee that it was possible to completely get rid of the mold.
  • If the waves are supposed to be salted in a cold way, then they are soaked not just in cold water, but with the addition of salt (50 g per liter) and citric acid (2 g per liter) to it.

The rest of the steps will already depend on the selected recipe.

Salting the waves in a cold way

  • waves - 7 kg;
  • salt - 0.2 kg;
  • citric acid - 12 g;
  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • cabbage leaf - 1-3 (along the width of the barrel).

Cooking method:

  • Soak the cleaned volnushki in salted and acidified water for three days. Change the water every 4-5 hours.
  • Mix salt with dry dill seeds and cumin.
  • Drain the water and lay the waves in layers of 6-8 cm, sprinkling each layer with salt mixed with seasonings. Mushrooms should be placed with the caps down.
  • Place a cabbage leaf or several leaves on top if the area is large.
  • Place a wooden disc or plate on top, placing a weight on top of it.
  • Send to a cold room (0-10 degrees). Mushrooms should be salted there for at least a month, ideally two. If the waves are frozen, they will begin to crumble, and being in a room for a long time at temperatures above 10 degrees, they can turn sour.

Before serving cold-salted waves on the table, they should be soaked in clean water, otherwise they will be salty. This is a classic recipe - earlier mushrooms were salted for the winter in this way. Now, not every house has suitable conditions for this, and not everyone has wooden barrels. However, a true gourmet will surely appreciate the classic taste of mushrooms pickled according to the "grandmother's" recipe.

Volnushki, salted in a hot way

  • waves - 1.4 kg;
  • currant leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • rock salt - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and clean the mushrooms, soak in cold water for two days.
  • Pour the volnushki with 1 liter of water, boil, stirring, for 15 minutes after boiling, fold in a colander.
  • Put the boiled mushrooms on the bottom of the enamel pan.
  • Cover the mushrooms with clean currant and bay leaves.
  • Sprinkle with salt, add cloves, pepper.
  • Cut the peeled garlic cloves into thin plates, pour over the salt.
  • Bring the decoction from under the waves to a boil and pour over the mushrooms.
  • Cover with a large plate, set oppression. When the mushrooms have cooled to room temperature, put them in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Prepare 4 half-liter jars. They need to be sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes or in any other way. Lids are also sterilized by boiling.
  • Arrange the waves in sterile jars, fill with brine, seal tightly. At the time of spinning, the jars should be hot and dry.

Most of the townspeople prefer to salt volnushki for the winter according to this recipe, since it is easy to do, and they are stored in sterilized and hermetically sealed jars at a temperature slightly below room temperature (16-18 degrees). It is not difficult to create such conditions in winter. In addition, the mushrooms according to this recipe are crispy, despite the heat treatment.

Salting waves in a combined way

  • waves - 5 kg;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • currant leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • garlic - 2 heads.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, pour 60 g of salt into it, bring to a boil.
  • Spread the soaked in advance waves in small portions in a pot of boiling water, stirring. Boil for another 10 minutes after lowering the last portion of mushrooms into the water. Remove foam while cooking. Take out the mushrooms with a colander or slotted spoon, rinse with running water.
  • Peel the garlic, do not chop, but if the cloves are too large, then you can cut them in half.
  • Put a layer of waves in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt, put horseradish leaves, a few cloves of garlic.
  • Put the second layer of mushrooms, salt, put currant leaves and bay leaves, 3 cloves of garlic.
  • Cover the next layer of mushrooms with salt, dill and the remaining garlic.
  • Cover with a clean cloth, set oppression. Store the pot of mushrooms in the refrigerator. You can eat them 3 weeks after salting.

This method of salting mushrooms for the winter is popular due to the fact that it combines the advantages of cold and hot methods. Mushrooms undergo heat treatment, which increases the safety of the snack and the period after which it can be eaten. On the other hand, the cooking time is shortened, the mushrooms are salted in their own juice, which allows them to remain crispy. The only drawback is that the pot with volnushki takes up an entire shelf in the refrigerator. When there is only one such unit in the house, this creates certain inconveniences.

Salting volnushek cold method in jars

  • waves - 2 kg;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Soak the prepared waves in salted and acidified water for three days, changing it 2-3 times a day.
  • Sterilize jars. Prepare lids for them.
  • Place the waves in jars, sprinkling each layer with salt and shifting with horseradish and laurel leaves.
  • Pour in hot vegetable oil.
  • Close tightly and put in the refrigerator. It will be possible to eat mushrooms in 2 months. The oil will block the access of air to the mushrooms and ensure their safety. In addition, they will not darken, since they did not have to be boiled.

Anyone can try the cold way of salting the waves for the winter according to this recipe. The main task is to find a place in the refrigerator to store cans.

For a gourmet, it matters which recipe pickled the mushrooms, but any method has the right to life. To compare the taste, you can try several options and choose the one that you and your household liked more.
