
Row recipe. Description: mushrooms Ryadovki edible

A beautiful shade of purple mushrooms appear in the forests of Europe around September. Judging by their appearance, many believe that such mushrooms should not be eaten. But people who think this way are wrong. Purple row can be prepared in a variety of ways to eat it. This page describes how to pickle a purple row in a hot way.

Salting rows. Ingredients

The recipe for salting rowan mushrooms is very simple, not requiring a large number of products. Almost everything you need to prepare this snack, except for mushrooms, is in cabinets and refrigerators in every second kitchen:
- 1 kilo purple rows;
- 1 tablespoon salt for salting water;
- 2 liters of water;
- 20 grams of salt;
- 2 garlic cloves;
- 1 partial teaspoon black pepper;
- 2 bay leaves.

Processing rows before salting

Row mushroom purple is very clean. Therefore, you only need to rinse each mushroom under running water, cleaning off rare pieces of earth and dry leaves with a brush or knife. Immediately after washing, the purple row can be salted.

Do I need to soak the rows before salting?

If a cold method of salting these mushrooms is supposed, then it is worth soaking the purple row for 2-3 days in cold water. But at the same time, it is necessary to change the water every day, and preferably several times a day, so that the mushrooms do not sour. This recipe for salting rows involves hot processing of mushrooms, and therefore, in this case, soaking is not required.

How to salt rows at home?

To make the mushroom rowing tasty, salting is carried out after boiling it. This method of pickling mushrooms is called hot. One kilogram of purple rowing should be boiled for half an hour in two liters of water, which must be salted. Different mushroom pickers give different recommendations about how much to cook rows for pickling. But most agree that 20-30 minutes is enough.

Ready mushrooms should be thrown into a colander and rinsed thoroughly under running water. This must be done in order to eliminate the remaining pieces of earth and leaves that were not noticed when washing the mushrooms.

Salt must be mixed with black pepper. And the garlic must be cut into slices. It is not necessary to take ground black pepper. It can be replaced with peppercorns. The latter will have to be peeled off the mushrooms before serving. Therefore, the best option is to use ground black pepper.

Salting rows in a hot way is a fairly simple process. Boiled mushrooms should be placed in a jar in layers, sprinkling each with salt and pepper and shifting with bay leaves and pieces of garlic. It doesn’t matter what kind of rows are salted, the salting method involves the use of a load. If the mushrooms need to be salted in a glass jar, then place a lid on top of them and put a tall glass of water or a plastic bottle filled with liquid.

It is even easier to salt the rows in a hot way in a plastic container. You need to put the mushrooms in it, sprinkling them with seasonings. And on top you need to put a lid on which you should put a smaller container filled with water.

Salting of the purple row is carried out within seven days. All this time, the container with mushrooms is best kept in the refrigerator. Salted mushrooms can be served as an appetizer for main courses. For example, fried potatoes. Salting from the purple row turns out to be very tasty. Mushrooms look neat, they taste crispy, and their taste is pleasant mushroom.

Purple rowing is a good conditionally edible mushroom. If cooked correctly, it can become a highlight on the festive table. Preparing pickles from these mushrooms is quite simple. It is not necessary to salt the row for a long time. Therefore, in a week you can please your relatives and friends with delicious salted mushrooms. Cooking these mushrooms is a pleasure, because there is very little trouble with them. These salted mushrooms are stored for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

With the onset of the mushroom season, it becomes necessary to preserve the harvest. This can be done in many ways - pickle or pickle mushrooms, make them a snack ready to eat. Among the gifts of the forest, which are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest - edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, which are distinguished by a specific taste and a wide variety of species. It is important to make sure that the cooking will be done from a non-toxic type of rows!

Among the gifts of the forest that are suitable for winter harvesting, rows are of particular interest.

This type of mushroom is great for pickling. Using classical technology, you can create a tasty and fragrant dish that will be an excellent appetizer, salad ingredient or addition to a side dish.

To prepare rows in the amount of 10 kg, you will additionally need:

  • Salt - 400 g;
  • Horseradish (leaves) - to taste;
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 3-4 pieces per jar;
  • Bay leaf - 2-4 per jar;
  • Fresh garlic (whole cloves) - 2-5 per jar.

Spices are chosen according to taste, but it is important to consider that the mushrooms themselves have a slightly spicy flavor.

The preparation will be as follows:

  1. Mushrooms must be cleaned, washed, soaked in clean water for 40-50 minutes;
  2. Prepare a container to put rows of legs up in it;
  3. Then put spices and herbs (leaves) into sterilized jars, salt, put mushrooms, salt again, cover with leaves on top.

If the volume allows, then you can put the load, if not, then the banks should be rolled up, and then put in a cool place. The appetizer will be ready in 45 days.

Super marinade for mushrooms (video)

Marinated rows for the winter

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter. Cooking them is also not difficult, so everyone who loves mushrooms can please their family with an excellent snack.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Sinenozhki (rows) - 3 kg;
  • Allspice - 10 peas per 1 jar;
  • Salt - 40 g (the amount varies, depending on taste preferences);
  • Citric acid - 3-5 g;
  • Black pepper (ground) - 4-5 g;
  • Garlic cloves - 8 pcs.

At home, you can cook tender and fragrant rows that will be perfectly stored all winter.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the mushrooms from dirt, you can soak a little;
  2. Cut them into small pieces;
  3. Peel and chop the garlic;
  4. Pour water into the container and place the rows in order to boil (the process lasts 30 minutes);
  5. After the cooking process is completed, the mushrooms must be washed again;
  6. Add to them all the necessary spices;
  7. Cook for another 30 minutes;
  8. At the end, add citric acid and garlic.

Arrange in jars and roll up with iron lids. The pickling recipe is quite simple, the appetizer turns out to be fragrant, it can also be served as an independent dish, which has high nutritional properties.

How to cook purple rows

Mushrooms, unusual in appearance, are purple rows. They can be prepared by salting or pickling. The dish turns out delicious, and its aroma has notes of fruity smells, which makes the appetizer gourmet. The most popular recipes for mushroom pates, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Onion (white or yellow) - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • Ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Unusual in appearance mushrooms - purple rows

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse purple rows, peel and rinse again in cold water;
  2. Boil them, salt the water;
  3. Peel the onion, finely chop, fry until tender, then add boiled mushrooms to it;
  4. Simmer all components over low heat for half an hour;
  5. Chop the garlic and add to the vegetables 5 minutes before the end of the stew;
  6. Cool, pass through a blender;
  7. Fry the resulting mixture again - 10 minutes;
  8. Arrange in prepared jars, roll up the lids.

Store in a cool place.

The recipe for gray rows

Gray rowing is a common type of mushroom, so everyone who loves “quiet hunting” needs to know the recipe for their preparation. They can be salted or pickled - in any case, the appetizer will turn out to be appetizing and fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 1 l;
  • Salt (for sophistication, you can use sea salt) - 20 g;
  • Sugar - 15 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • Mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • Vinegar classic (6-9%) - 30 ml;
  • Sweet peas - 10 pcs;
  • Cloves - 2 pcs (dried buds);
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Blackcurrant (leaves) - 4 pcs;
  • Dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs.

Gray row - a common type of fungus

The cooking process is simple:

  1. Peel and scald the gifts of the forest, then rinse 1 more time in cold water;
  2. Pour water into a container (deep pan or wide basin), place mushrooms in it, put on medium heat;
  3. Add salt and sugar to the water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid 20 g of salt and 10 g of granulated sugar;
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for another 20-25 minutes;
  5. Sterilize jars (better in advance);
  6. Arrange mushrooms in them (not tightly);
  7. Add vinegar and all available spices to taste (garlic cloves are best placed on top);
  8. Roll up with iron lids, cool.

Store in refrigerator or any other cool place.

How to pickle bluelegs for the winter

Sinenozhki can not only be salted, but also marinated.

To do this, you need to have the following ingredients available:

  • Mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Bay leaf 3-4 pieces;
  • Black pepper - 10 pcs (peas);
  • Water - 0.7 l;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 30 ml;
  • Table salt - 30 g;
  • Sugar sand - 15 g.

pickling process:

  1. The blue legs should be washed, cleaned, boiled for half an hour;
  2. Sterilize jars (it is best to use small ones of 0.5-1 l each);
  3. Put peppercorns and bay leaves in them (1-2 pieces in each);
  4. Put mushrooms in jars (not tight, but not loose);
  5. Prepare a marinade from water, vinegar, salt and sugar (boil for 10 minutes);
  6. Pour hot marinade into jars;
  7. Tighten with iron lids, put to cool.

The storage process is carried out in the refrigerator, you can use the dish after 30-35 days.

How to pickle rows (video)

Poplar row: salting

To prepare a savory snack, you will need, based on 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • Coarse salt - 50 g;
  • Spices (black pepper, cloves) - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill - to taste (you can use dried);
  • Cherry and black currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.

Poplar rows are in no way inferior in taste to their counterparts

Cooking process:

  1. Process the mushrooms, rinse 2-3 times;
  2. Cut into 2 parts;
  3. Cooking will be required for 40 minutes (additionally salt the water);
  4. Throw the cooked rows into a colander, the liquid in which they were boiled, pour into a separate container - this is the basis for the marinade;
  5. In sterilized jars, put mushrooms, seasonings and fruit leaves, as well as dill;
  6. Make a hot saline solution based on the filtered liquid in which the mushrooms were boiled and pour into jars.

It is better to close them with iron lids and store in the refrigerator. The poplar row has a pleasant appearance, so it looks advantageous on the festive table. According to the recipe, you can also salt the steppe rows.

To prepare a salted row, you do not need a lot of spices, only garlic, pepper and salt.


  1. Mushrooms washed under running water, pour 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt, and cook for 30 minutes after boiling.
  2. Rinse the boiled rows with cold water.
  3. Cut two cloves of garlic into thin slices. Mix 20 g of salt with 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper.
  4. Put the row in a clean jar or plastic container, sprinkling with salt and pepper and garlic cloves. Add 2 bay leaves.
  5. Put a plastic cover on top of the mushrooms and place a weight. Remove to refrigerator.

After 7 days, salty rows will be ready. They turn out very tasty and crispy, go well with boiled or fried potatoes.

Ryadovka marinated

Pickled mushrooms retain their shape well after long cooking due to their dense pulp, they are pleasant to eat. In the marinade, in addition to these spices, you can also add garlic and dill umbrellas.


  • rowing - 1 kg;
  • salt - 45 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • vinegar 6% - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Rinse the row from debris and earth. Put the mushrooms in a pot of water, boil for 30 minutes, then drain in a colander and rinse.
  2. Prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, bay leaf and pepper to the water, bring to a boil, and put the boiled rows.
  3. Simmer over low heat, skimming off the foam, for about 30 minutes. At the end, add vinegar, transfer the mushrooms to a sterilized jar, pour the marinade in which they were cooked, and seal tightly.

After the preservation has cooled, store it in a cool place. You can eat such mushrooms the next day after cooking

Description of the purple row

Row violet grows in coniferous and mixed forests on fallen needles and leaves, it can be found in gardens on compost heaps. The harvest season starts in August and ends in December. Mushroom pulp is dense, light purple or creamy with a pleasant anise flavor and aroma.

The hemispherical bright purple cap of young mushrooms, as it grows, acquires an open or depressed shape and a brownish tint. The cap diameter is from 6 to 15 cm. The stem is cylindrical, up to 10 cm high and up to 3 cm thick, slightly thickened at the base.

From rowing, you can cook wonderful preparations for the winter - pickle or salt with garlic and pepper.

Be sure to boil the rows before cooking for 20 minutes, then fry for 10-12 minutes until golden brown.

How to fry rows

Fresh rows - 0.5 kilograms
Water - 2 liters Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to fry rows
1. Rows should be carefully sorted out, removing wormy mushrooms and cutting off rotten places.
2. Cut off a spine from each row.
3. Look under the hats of the rows and remove insects and forest debris.
4. Put the rows in a saucepan, pour water and add salt.
5. Put the pan with rows on the fire, bring to a boil.
6. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon - it is important to carefully remove all the foam so that the finished rows do not exude a pungent odor.
7. Cook rows after boiling for 20 minutes.
8. Drain the water through a colander and wait 5-7 minutes to drain excess water.
9. Heat the skillet over medium heat.
10. Pour the oil, roll it over the entire surface of the pan, then lay out the rows.
11. Fry rows with regular stirring for 10 minutes.
12. Salt and pepper the rows to taste, fry for another 2 minutes.


Optionally, onions, garlic, sour cream, herbs can be added to the rows during frying. For a side dish, boiled pasta and fried potatoes are suitable for fried rows.

If the ecology of the forest in which the rows are collected is in doubt, additionally, before the initial cooking, pour the mushrooms with salted cool water and leave for 2 hours.

So that the rows do not turn pale during processing, it is recommended to add 1 pinch of citric acid during cooking.

To smooth out the pungent smell of rows, similar to the smell of radish and stale flour, you can add black pepper, dill and lavrushka. There will be less smell from young medium-sized mushrooms.

Some types of rows are recognized as inedible or conditionally edible. If the mushrooms have a pronounced unpleasant odor, the appearance is distinguished by a pointed tubercle, the plates under the cap are rare or the surface of the cap is covered with dark spots, then you should never take such mushrooms for eating.

The broth remaining from the initial processing of mushrooms is not recommended for food.

Ryadovki belong to the 3rd category of taste (there are 5 in total, the best mushrooms are of the 1st category). Therefore, if there is no place in the basket when picking mushrooms and you see porcini mushrooms, you can safely throw away rows and take their places with tastier and healthier mushrooms.

This year, I really liked rowing mushrooms - they are easy to find, and processed perfectly, and eaten with pleasure. Ryadovka purple is a mushroom with a high nutritional value, containing a unique set of trace elements that are not found in other mushrooms. Its season begins at the end of summer and lasts almost until frost, so now is the time to stock up on these delicious mushrooms for the winter. Since rowanki are very dense and crispy mushrooms, they are best suited for salting, although, of course, any cooking method is good for them - frying, boiling, and pickling.
I suggest salting the rows in a hot way.

Surprisingly, not everyone knows these mushrooms and not everyone collects them, therefore, they can be found in sufficient quantities in the forest, even after a herd of mushroom pickers has passed through it. A large number of mushrooms also ensures that they grow in families. And the fact that the rows are extremely rarely wormy makes their processing pleasant, easy and waste-free.

So, we carefully clean the collected mushrooms from twigs, sticks and earth and rinse them thoroughly.

After that, we cut the rows into fairly large pieces (mushrooms boil down strongly and lose almost a third in size), and small mushrooms can be left whole. Wash the mushrooms again, changing three or four waters.

After such manipulations, I weighed the mushrooms - exactly two kilograms were declared as part of the ingredients of the recipe. Based on this weight, we will calculate the other components of the recipe.

Carefully place the rows in a deep saucepan and fill them with water. The water should lightly cover the mushrooms. The amount of water does not really matter in this recipe, but from experience I can say that a liter of water is spent on two kilograms of processed mushrooms.

Bring the mushrooms to a boil, then reduce the heat to half and cook the rows for twenty minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam with a slotted spoon and periodically stirring the mushrooms so that they do not stick to the bottom.

We clean the garlic, pour the salt into a small container, from which it will be convenient to take it with a teaspoon.

Cut the garlic into thin slices.

While the mushrooms are cooking, you can start sterilizing the jars in which we will close the mushrooms. I sterilize the jars in the microwave - it's faster and with less effort. To do this, rinse thoroughly washed jars with water so that many droplets remain on them (you can even drop a little water on the bottom), and place them in the microwave for five minutes at maximum power.

It is very important that there are no labels on the jars - they can start to burn from high temperatures. Nothing will happen to good jars in the microwave, and if the jar cracks (it happened to me once), then it initially had microcracks, and it was unsuitable for blanks, although it was not possible to visually assess this. So at the same time you can check the jars)))
The lids will still have to be sterilized in the traditional way - in a saucepan with water, because you can’t put iron objects in the microwave.

When the jars are sterilized and the mushrooms are boiled, you can start salting. We do everything very quickly so that the jars and mushrooms do not have time to cool. Drain all the water from the mushrooms (you can partly throw it into a colander). We take a hot jar and pour some mushrooms on its bottom.

Throw in a few cloves of garlic. Do not be afraid that there will be too much garlic - after all, it is not necessary to eat it in the finished dish, but you can simply put it aside. But the presence of garlic in sufficient quantities in the jar is necessary in order to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

Sprinkle with a little salt.

Then again put a layer of mushrooms, which we salt and season with garlic - and so on until the jar is completely filled. All this time, the mushrooms must be well tamped so that there are no voids between the layers. If desired, you can add freshly ground black pepper to each layer (or just crush a couple of peas), but I don’t do this - the mushrooms turn out to be quite sharp because of the garlic.

Pour a full tablespoon of olive oil into a jar filled to the top and tightly close with a sterilized lid.

After closing all the jars, turn the lid down and leave to cool completely.

After cooling, mushrooms are best stored in a cool place, and even better - in the refrigerator. You can open a jar and enjoy beautiful crispy mushrooms in two or three days.

Many people say that a misted glass of something intoxicating suggests itself to such salty rows, but believe me, salty rows are so tasty that they don’t require any additional accompaniment))) Half of this batch was destroyed for me a week after closing)) )

Bon appetit!

*Since the mushrooms are hand-picked in the forest, the cost per serving is minimal. But I suggest you determine the portion size for yourself individually))))

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving: 10 rub.
