
Proper preparation of beans. Bean soup - it doesn't taste better

What to cook for a side dish

how to cook red beans delicious for garnish

1 hour

100 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Red beans is a valuable source of all the necessary vitamins that provide a person with the normal functioning of the body. It helps to strengthen the immune system, optimize work nervous system and improve the appearance of the skin. Doctors also recommend using this leguminous plant people who suffer from metabolic disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, regular use dishes based on red beans will provide you with energy, relieve tension, and also make you feel rested and satiated. Due to the low calorie content of the product and the feeling of satiety after eating a side dish of beans, this plant is extremely popular among those who who wants to get rid of extra pounds , and supporting healthy lifestyle life.

Did you know? Red beans can be consumed as a standalone independent dish or include in the list of ingredients for salads or first courses. This leguminous plant goes well with mushrooms, having a memorable sweet taste. Also, red beans look great in combination with walnut, leeks, eggplant, tomatoes, garlic and various herbs.

red bean stew recipe

kitchen utensils

  1. Will definitely need sharp knife And wooden plank for cutting ingredients.
  2. Pan with high edges and necessarily with lid will be very helpful.
  3. Wooden spoon useful for stirring food while cooking.
  4. I suggest choosing dishes for serving finished dishes on the table.

General list of required ingredients

How to choose the right ingredients

  1. Choose small beans. Scientists say that such beans contain large quantity vitamins essential for human health. Moreover, medium-sized beans will reach much faster fully prepared when cooking or baking.
  2. High-quality dry beans should be clean and free-flowing, the presence of foreign debris indicates a low quality product. The beans themselves should be completely smooth and firm, with no blemishes. Do not buy flaky or wrinkled beans - such a product can spoil your dish and harm the body.
  3. When buying packaged beans, pay attention to the packaging, it must be in perfect condition, without any damage.

Cooking red beans step by step

Preparation of ingredients

Preparing bean stew

  1. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on the fire to warm up.
  2. Then pour the chopped carrots and onions into well-heated oil.
  3. Simmer the vegetables for five minutes, remembering to stir them constantly so that they do not burn.
  4. Add to fried vegetables tomato paste, mix everything and simmer the mass a little more under a closed lid.
  5. After that, pour the beans boiled until cooked there and add salt, Bay leaf and spices to your liking.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid again and continue to simmer the bean mass for about 15 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
  7. Then add chopped garlic and chopped herbs, mix everything.
  8. Cover the mixture with a lid and remove the pan from the heat.

The final stage

How to cook red beans

First way

  1. In the evening, pour the beans into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave the beans in this form all night.
  3. In the morning, first of all, drain the water, then pour boiling water over the ingredient again and put the pan on the fire.
  4. Boil the beans for twenty minutes until fully cooked.

Second way

  1. Pour beans cold water, put on fire and wait until it boils.
  2. Then add granulated sugar at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water.
  3. Boil the beans for twenty minutes, drain the water and pour boiling water over them, then the beans will not turn out too sweet.
  4. Boil the beans for another five to seven minutes and remove from heat.
  1. Before directly soaking the beans, sort them out, removing any spoiled beans, and then rinse under cold water in a colander.
  2. Opinions differ regarding soaking beans. Some cooks say that it is best to soak it in water overnight and only then boil until tender. Others argue that soaking is not required at all, it is simply necessary to pour two tablespoons into the pan every half an hour while boiling the beans. cold water.
  3. In order for the beans to cook faster, I advise you to salt them not at the initial stage of cooking, but ten to fifteen minutes before they are ready.
  4. If you urgently need a side dish of red beans, and there is no time to soak and boil a dry product, replace it with canned beans. However, remember that canned beans must be washed under cold water before direct use. This way you get rid of excess salt found in canned foods.
  5. Do not cook under any circumstances different varieties beans together, you can end up with an inedible mixture. One type of bean may be overcooked while another is still raw.
  6. When pouring beans overnight, be guided by the following proportions: 2.5-3 liters of water are needed for 300 g of dry beans.
  7. After soaking, be sure to rinse the swollen beans under running cold water.
  8. When cooking beans, I advise you to add bay leaf and allspice into boiling water - these spices will make unique flavor prepared garnish.
  9. In order to cook beans in a slow cooker, remember that for two multi-glasses of beans you need to take ten multi-glasses of water. Next, you need to set the "Stew" program and cook the red beans for 90 minutes.
, because the this dish Very useful for both adults and children.

red bean recipe video

It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the video below, after studying which, you will understand how to quickly and easily prepare a side dish of red beans. Moreover, you will get a great opportunity to appreciate the magnificent view already. ready garnish and finally decide for yourself whether you want such a dish to decorate your table.

LOBIO from red beans. DELICIOUS, NUTRIENT and FUN!
200 g dry red beans or 400 g canned (in own juice).
1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 garlic cloves, 400 ml. tomato juice with celery, a bunch of parsley or dill, salt, spices (pepper, suneli hops, dried dill, coriander, bay leaf, etc.), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
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I wish you always cook with good mood, in this case, you will undoubtedly get a masterpiece of culinary art!

To clarify the nuances or subtleties, as well as if you have additional questions regarding the preparation of red beans for garnish according to the recipe described above, write in the comments, and I will definitely answer, help to avoid irreparable mistakes. Moreover, I would like to know what bean dishes Do you cook for your family and guests? How do you lay out the bean garnish on a plate so that it does not get lost among the numerous fine dining on holiday table? Looking forward to your impressions and sincere feedback in the comments!

Many people have the question of how to cook beans correctly in order to preserve the look, taste and all the benefits of such a popular bean product. We will tell you and show you in our step by step recipe But first, let's talk a little about the culture itself.

Beans are nutritious, tasty and valuable product, which is able to fully replace meat for a person. It contains a lot of protein (inner part), from which it is used in various diet programs and included in the diet of athletes.

The culture is rich in fiber (shell), thanks to which this gift of nature helps to fight against overweight. But it is important that the product is eaten only in a well-cooked form.

It is absolutely impossible to eat it raw, because. it contains toxic components that are destroyed only under the influence of heat treatment. boiled beans suitable as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. However, it can also be a separate dish, combined with fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables.

Cooking beans is a long process, but it does not require our close attention. At the same time, no matter how much it is cooked (a glass, a pound, a kilogram), spend the same time. Therefore, "on hastily You don't, they involve planning.

Legumes are soaked before cooking. This does not cause flatulence and bloating, and also allows the product to cook faster. It is necessary to keep the product in water for 6-10 hours, so the most perfect time for soaking - overnight.

It is not worth keeping it longer, especially in warm weather, because. he can wander. For this purpose, it is good to change the water every 3-4 hours when soaking.


  • Beans - 250 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Drinking water - 500 ml for brewing
  1. Sort the product, removing sticks and dirt. Put in a sieve and rinse with running water.

2. Transfer the beans to a deep container and fill with water in a ratio of 1: 2 so that the beans are completely covered with liquid. In the process of soaking, the beans will increase by 2-3 times.

3. Leave the product to swell overnight. If possible, change the water several times.

4. After this time, rinse again, transfer to a saucepan, fill with water 2 times more in volume, and put on the stove.

5. Bring to a boil, reduce the temperature to a minimum and cook the bean for 2 hours. If necessary, add cold water during cooking, but not boiling water. Season the beans with salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking, because. salt significantly slows down the cooking process.

6. finished product tip into a colander to drain all the liquid and use as directed. A sign of fully cooked beans is their softness.

Beans cultivated seven thousand years ago in Central and South America, still remains a favorite dish of many peoples and is one of the ten the most useful products on the planet. famous legume, in ancient times considered the "meat of the poor", is a source of protein and vitamins, and now we already know about 200 varieties of beans. It can be leguminous and grain, red, white, motley, black, green, brown, large and small. This culture is grown in all countries, except for the regions of the Far North, and is popular with everyone who thinks about proper nutrition.

The benefits and harms of beans for the body

With 24 grams of protein and 60 grams of "good" carbs, beans are very filling, nutritious, and healthy. The low fat content (1%) makes beans diet dish, which is desirable to include in a lean and healing diet, since legumes provide the body with all vital important substances and allow you to "hold out" between meals without high-calorie snacks. Beans contain iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, vitamins B and K, valuable fiber. Since the beans are not completely digested, they serve as a kind of brush for the intestines, which sweeps everything unnecessary from the body. In addition, beans prevent aging of the body, are an excellent prevention of cancer and osteoporosis, strengthen cardiovascular system lowers cholesterol levels and boosts immunity. Interestingly, beans contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, so if you eat beans every day, you can get rid of depression, insomnia and bad mood. The benefits of beans are not in doubt, but people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and stomach ulcers should not abuse legumes to prevent gas formation. Also, don't eat beans raw, as they can be very toxic.

Beans in the cuisine of different countries

Soups, mashed potatoes, cereals are cooked from beans, salads, pates, snacks are made, vegetarian sausage And . At the same time, different varieties of beans have their own culinary "specialization" - white beans it is better to stew, red is good for salads and soups, and black, amazingly tender and soft in taste, is ideal as a side dish without any additives. An unusually picturesque lima bean can decorate any dish, because it resembles a beautiful shell in shape.

Mexicans make beans spicy meat sauce, Ukrainians add it to their signature borscht, Asians mix beans with rice, Georgians cook lobio with fragrant herbs, and the French cook beans with spinach. By the way, sweet pies with poppy seeds and beans, served with honey, are popular in Ukraine. Beans - universal product, which has thousands of cooking methods and always bright, unexpected taste.

Secrets of cooking beans from the chef

Beans - a capricious product, but with it you can easily find mutual language if you know some culinary subtleties. So, how to quickly and tasty cook beans to get maximum benefit and pleasure?

  • To combat flatulence, add thyme and mint to the beans before cooking - they will rid the intestines of gases and give the dish a fragrant aroma.
  • If you want the frankly bean flavor to go out of the beans, be sure to soak them before cooking for 8-12 hours. After that, it is recommended to drain the water and cook the beans in new water, otherwise the cooking time will stretch indefinitely, and the beans will lose their delicate nutty notes.
  • Take your time, cook the beans over low heat. After boiling experienced housewives change the water again and add a little vegetable oil to it for a milder taste.
  • Salt the beans only at the end of cooking, otherwise they will turn out to be too tough.
  • To cook faster, add 1 tbsp to it every 10 minutes. a spoonful of cold water.
  • Do not cover the beans with a lid when cooking, and then they will retain their bright saturated color.

In the time of Cleopatra, beauties used ground and dried beans as a powder, as it made the skin young and velvety. Modern women consume beans exclusively inside, but the effect is the same!

Cooking beans is a slow process, so it's best to plan ahead. In addition to an hour or two, which will take directly cooking, you need to take into account the time for soaking. Good news that you don't have to do almost anything.

How to prepare beans

The first thing to do is check the expiration date. Beans that have lain for more than a year are likely to have dried out. Such beans will not become soft and tender, no matter how much you cook them.

Sort through the beans (don't worry, this is quick) and discard any shriveled or suspicious beans, as well as stems and other debris.

Then rinse the beans thoroughly in a colander under cold running water.

The next step is soaking, and for several good reasons. First, pre-soaked beans cook faster. This, by the way, is not the main reason: without soaking, the beans will cook for only 15-20 minutes longer.

Secondly, during soaking, oligosaccharides are partially dissolved, which cause increased gas formation in the intestines.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that during soaking, beans lose the so-called antinutrients - compounds that prevent the absorption of nutrients. In particular, legumes contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

How to soak beans

There are two ways to soak beans:

1. Slow or cold way

Proponents of this soaking method claim that it allows you to get rid of unpleasant side effects for which legumes are famous. However, keep in mind that it takes time. Put beans in large saucepan, cover with cold water and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.

For 1 cup of beans, you need 5 cups of water.

2. Fast or hot way

If there is no time for a long soak, then simply pour the dry beans into a saucepan and fill with water in the same proportion as in the previous method. Bring water to a boil and cook beans for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid and let stand for at least 1 hour.

Please note that the volume of beans after soaking and boiling will increase by 2-3 times, so choose a larger pan.

By the way, some housewives claim that with this method of soaking the dish turns out tastier.

How to cook beans

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the swollen beans in running water. Then put it in a large saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the beans. Bring the water to a boil and add a tablespoon of sunflower or, so that there is less foam.

Cook the beans over low heat. You may need to add water to the pot from time to time during the cooking process. Depending on the type of beans, their shelf life and the hardness of the water, the cooking time can be from 0.5 to 2.5 hours.

During cooking, the beans do not need to be stirred, and the pan does not need to be covered with a lid.

To check if the beans are ready, mash one bean with a fork or your fingers. Ideally, the beans should be soft but not mushy. If the beans are still crunchy, then leave them to cook further and check for readiness every 10 minutes.


There is a fairly common myth that salt gives the beans density and stiffness, so you need to add it at the end. In fact, salt does not affect the consistency of the beans in any way, unless, of course, you are going to pour handfuls of them into the pan. Herbs and can also be added at any time.

If the recipe calls for the addition of acidic foods, such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or tomatoes, then do this after the beans are ready. Otherwise, the beans may not turn out as tender as we would like.

Cooked beans can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It is recommended to use flat, shallow containers for this.

Do you have your own bean cooking secrets? Share them in the comments.

One of the most common and often repeated indications concerns dry legumes in general and beans in particular. Say, if you salt the water at the very beginning of cooking, the beans will remain tough until the second coming, or even never cook at all.

In an attempt to figure out where the ban on salting water when cooking legumes came from, we looked into authoritative cookbooks. So, in Elena Molokhovets and the book "Cookery" edited by L.A. Maslova, she suggests boiling beans in unsalted water, but at the same time they allow boiling in previously salted broth. Such is the contradiction.

Working on the book Tamar Adler “Food without rules. Simple Rules good food” (Tamar Adler “An Everlasting Meal”), I drew attention to this passage: “Beans need salt. Talking about how salt makes beans hard and tasteless is fiction. She becomes solid long storage, and tasteless - from a lack of salt.

Frankly, suspicions and doubts tormented me for a long time. After all, they cook somehow cassoulet, putting in one dish with beans and corned beef, and sausage, and duck leg-confit - products that contain salt. A canned beans? The liquid in the jar is so salty that it is recommended to drain it and rinse the beans. Are the beans boiled first? fresh water, and then just pour "brine"? Kind of weird…

Cooking beans is a long process, but it does not require our close attention. And it doesn’t matter if we cook a glass, a pound or a kilogram - it will take the same time. A few hours, unless using a pressure cooker. Bean dishes require planning, they cannot be cooked in haste.

So we decided to cook beans - cook more, let it be stored in reserve and will always be at hand. Just do it right, with an understanding of physical and chemical processes.

Each bean consists of a shell (fiber) and an inner part (protein and starch). With slow, long-term cooking, the beans absorb water gradually and boil evenly. If the boiling is violent, the rapidly swollen starch breaks the dense shell, and as a result, bean porridge appears in the pan. But sometimes, even with temperature regime And pre-soak beans, the shell bursts, while remaining quite firm, while the inside is already completely cooked.
What if you add some salt to the water?

I took 500 g of ordinary variegated beans, divided into two equal parts and poured an equal volume of cold tap water (1.5 l). I added a full teaspoon of salt to one part, stirred it.
After 24 hours, she drained the water and checked the condition of the beans: they were slightly swollen and noticeably discolored.

After rinsing both batches under running water, put each in a steel ladle with a thick bottom, poured an equal volume - 2.5 liters - of cold water. I added a teaspoon of salt to the batch soaked in salted water. I put the buckets on the same burners with the same heating power.

The first sample was taken after 45 minutes. The salted beans were almost ready, the second batch was still far from done. After another half an hour I tried again, and removed the first batch from the fire. The beans, which were boiled in fresh water, took another 15 minutes. During this time, she burst - not into porridge, but " marketable condition" Suffered. Another thing is important: the salted beans looked more appetizing and were much tastier! I wanted to carry her along one of the buckets and eat like nuts!

It turns out that the calcium and magnesium ions contained in tap water, form strong bonds with pectin molecules in the bean shell, making it tough. During soaking and boiling in salted water, sodium ions replace calcium and magnesium ions, the bonds are weakened and the shell becomes more elastic. So much so that under the onslaught of starch it does not burst, but gently stretches, allowing the bean to increase in volume, while remaining intact. That is, salt acts as a softener. tap water! In addition, salt water has more high temperature than fresh. For some tenths of a degree, but this is enough.
Thus, beans soaked and boiled with the addition of salt or salty foods (broth, bacon or smoked meats) are even, one to one, equally soft inside and out. And it is also delicious on its own, although, of course, it can become the basis of any dish: simple salad, stew, soup or lobio. If you need to turn it into puree, just mash it with a crush or process it with a blender - it will easily succumb.

Should you soak beans at all?

Yes, of course, and it is better in salted water: the cooking time of the beans will be reduced by about 45 minutes. In addition, pre-soaked beans absorb water more evenly during cooking. You can soak the beans overnight (that is, 8-12 hours), and for a day. If the beans are going to have a "bath" for more than 24 hours, change the water and move the bowl to the fridge or other cool place, otherwise the fermentation process will begin: small bubbles and an unpleasant, sour smell will appear. Even if this happens, it's okay, just drain the water, rinse the beans under running water and start cooking already!

If you planned to cook a dish with beans, but forgot to soak them, proceed as follows: put the beans in a wide saucepan, fill it with cold water for seven to ten centimeters and put it on moderate heat. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat, cover the pot with a lid and leave it alone for an hour. Then change the water to fresh cold water, add a pinch of salt and cook the beans until soft. When this softness occurs depends on how long the beans have been stored - the longer, the longer it will take. And the salt has nothing to do with it!

A few more tips from my experience:

I usually cook a kilogram of beans, with the addition of salt, an onion, into which I stick 3-4 buds of cloves, carrots, bay leaves and herbs that are at hand: thyme, celery, parsley. Sometimes I add a little olive oil;
- it is better to cook beans “in width” and not “in height”: in a tall narrow pan, the heavy upper layers of the beans press down on the lower ones, and they can burn;
- it is very convenient to cook beans in a brazier (under the lid) in the oven: the heating is even and calm, the water will definitely not boil away. Only first you need water to boil over direct heat, and then rearrange it in a moderately heated oven (160-165 C). I sometimes leave the beans to languish for several hours in the oven, cooling down after baking bread;
- I transfer the cooked "in reserve" beans to plastic containers or bags with a clasp, I fill bean broth and I freeze. Great alternative canned beans;
- all of the above applies to all varieties of dry beans, chickpeas and beans.
