
Cereal vegetables. Mighty plate fruits, cereals, vegetables, legumes

After a long boycott, cereals are once again the mainstay of a healthy diet. According to nutritionists, thanks to products containing cereals, you can easily get rid of unwanted kilograms. And this is not their only merit. After a detailed study of the diets of various ethnic groups, the Slavic diet is considered to be one of the healthiest due to them. Cereals are the most important source of carbohydrates. They contain proteins, minerals, fiber and other important and useful elements.

Why are cereals so good for human health?

There are many types of cereals. Cereals, flour, or cereal will be equally useful. It does not matter whether whole or crushed cereal, boiled or in the form of bread, pre-processed or not - its value for the body will not decrease.

Rutin, contained in buckwheat, is indispensable for the full functioning of the body. It helps circulation and lowers the risk of high cholesterol. By regularly using this product, you will get excellent prevention of vascular blockage. Corn has the highest content of antioxidants. They are much more than in other types of grains or vegetables. Oats protect blood vessels. Rice groats are the most easily digestible, which means that they are a dietary product. However, hard varieties contain more gluten. Wild rice is rich in protein and dietary fiber. The content of these substances is much higher than that of ordinary rice.

Are cereals good for everyone?

Sometimes such a product becomes an allergen. The reaction can be caused not only by pollen, but also by proteins. However, allergy sufferers do not need to completely abandon the benefits of cereal products. There are cereals that do not belong to this family. These include buckwheat and wild rice.

Increasingly, the so-called protein intolerance found in some cereals. This protein is called gluten. People with this problem should choose dishes without it. The main health benefit of eating cereals lies in their high fiber content. This is an important product for obtaining dietary fiber. It is fiber that improves the functioning of the intestines with its daily use. Most fiber is found in whole grains.

Without B vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates will not be converted into energy, but will be deposited as body fat. And cereals are rich in this group of vitamins.

If a reaction to gluten is detected, then check with your doctor which cereals you can eat. He will explain what kind of bread the patient can eat, and also advise on suitable methods for processing the necessary cereals.

  • British scientists say that people who have a healthy heart eat cereals as a staple.
  • Eating a whole grain product regularly will help lower your cholesterol levels.
  • Such a diet supports the health of blood vessels and the heart.

Cooking cereals correctly

Patients who are recommended a sparing diet can cook mashed rice porridge. From almost any cereal, both a homogeneous mass and a crumbly dish are prepared. It all depends on the state of health, the recommendations of doctors and personal imagination. Even the usual semolina porridge with milk can be incredibly light. We grind the swollen cereal with an egg and dry it in the oven on a sheet. Then we pass through a sieve. If you cook semolina in the usual way, and then send it to the oven, it will turn out to be very crumbly.

For the use of various types of cereals, strict adherence to the norms for adding water when preparing porridge is required. For semolina porridge for 50 g of kupa, about 400 g of liquid is needed. Doctors often recommend mixing water and milk in half. To get a crumbly dish, you need to mix 50 g of cereal and 100 g of liquid. Pour grated grits with egg into boiling water and mix thoroughly. Then we put the almost finished dish in the oven. The recommended time is 15 minutes.

For millet porridge, you will need to use other proportions. For a crumbly dish, take 50 g of thoroughly washed millet and add it to 100 g of water. The water must first be boiled. Then, the dish is sent to the oven. You can replace the oven with a water bath. Naturally, in a water bath, the water should also boil. Drying time - 15 minutes. To get a homogeneous porridge, it is necessary to pour 50 g of millet into 300-350 g of water. After readiness, carefully sift the dish through a sieve.

These methods are suitable for the preparation of barley and buckwheat. For crumbly barley porridge, you need to take 2½ parts of water per part of the cereal. To get crumbly buckwheat porridge - 1.5 liters of water is needed for 1 kg of cereal.

Unusual cereal recipes

Porridge is not a boring dish at all, if you include at least a little culinary fantasy. Besides, very useful to diversify your diet, because then it becomes possible to enrich your diet with many more irreplaceable substances. You can experiment! However, adjust the composition of the dish, based on your state of health.

  • Adding nuts and sugar to your food will help increase the calorie content of the dish.
  • Adding dried apricots will give the porridge an interesting sweetness. Doctors advise introducing this product if an increased intake of vitamin A and potassium salts is needed.
  • Cheese helps with calcium and protein deficiency.
  • Interesting and very healthy combinations are obtained using juices, almond milk, buttermilk and meat gravy.

Grains are the key to health

In the scientific world, for a long time there has been a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of cereals. Such a diet began to gain popularity after many women of fashion began to turn to nutritionists more often. The main reason was oversaturation and exhaustion from the complexities of protein diets.

Doctors recommend cereals for the prevention of many diseases. With a minimum amount of grain products in the diet, the body's performance quickly falters. And so the cereal food system began to gain more and more supporters.

One of the reasons was the low effectiveness and fragility of protein, low-carbohydrate diets. British scientists decided to observe the nutritional habits of various ethnic groups. And some especially admired the food culture of the Slavs. Numerous studies have proven that by adding at least a single gluten-containing product to your menu, you can save yourself from many chronic diseases. However, for people who carefully monitor their figure, it is important to remember the calorie content of cereals. This is not a dietary product. Therefore, whole grains should be consumed instead of refined ones.

When choosing a grain product in the store, carefully study its composition. It should contain only natural ingredients, and synthetic additives should be kept to a minimum.

On the example of children's dry breakfast pillows, it can be seen that there are not so many directly cereal components. The rest are ingredients that do not benefit the body.

We select products for ourselves

First of all, all cereal-containing products can be divided into whole grains, processed or refined cereals, and finished grain products. In whole grain cereals, after cleaning from the chaff, the topmost layer - bran, the middle part of the grain - the germ, and the inner part - the endosperm should remain intact. In peeled cereals, the first 2 layers are removed, leaving only the endosperm. Prepared foods include any food that contains processed or whole grains.

Whole grain products Processed cereals Containing cereal ingredients
crushed wheat White rice Whole wheat pasta
Cereals Couscous White flour pasta
brown rice white flour Bakery products
Buckwheat Degerminated cornmeal Whole wheat bread
Barley (raw) peeled barley Ready cereal flakes
Rye (raw) Purified rye Muesli
Amaranth Oat groats Khlebtsy
Sorghum Dry breakfasts
Millet Cakes made from various types of flour
Quinoa Popcorn
Triticale crackers
Whole wheat flour slices
Oat flour Some confectionery
Wholemeal from corn

Potassium is considered the most valuable mineral for the human body, since the work of important systems depends on its abundance. At the same time, both its deficiency and excess are considered harmful. That is why, very often today the question arises of how to find potassium in foods?

Abnormal levels of potassium create the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, erosions of the gastric mucosa, cervix and duodenum 12. Potassium plays a special role in the reproductive system of a woman, since an imbalance leads to infertility and miscarriage.

Causes of potassium deficiency

Only proper nutrition is the key to excellent digestion. and good health. Fresh, any natural gifts should be used so that there are no ailments associated with a lack of potassium, as well as magnesium and sodium.

  • The main cause of many problems is considered incorrect nutrition. When the diet contains a minimum amount of dairy, meat and vegetable products, and semi-finished products predominate, the body receives less nutrients.
  • Modern people no longer consider the norm balanced frequent meals and consume a lot of salt. Due to an excess of sodium, potassium is excreted from the body too quickly.
  • The person began to take more medicines, leaching potassium and other important trace elements.

If these factors are eliminated from life, as well as problems in the form of depression, weakness and fatigue, health problems will not bother you.

Foods containing potassium

It may be in different sizes. Its largest amount can be found in millet porridge, and for this it is worth boiling and eating a medium portion.

However, it should be remembered that the abuse of porridge can provoke constipation.
Also, experts recommend preparing a special drink containing the required amount of potassium: 1 tbsp is diluted in one glass of water. honey and 1 tsp. vinegar (apple). Take a little before meals.

In addition, bran and brewer's yeast are enriched with potassium.

Basically, foods fortified with potassium fall into 2 categories:

  • Animal origin- fish, cottage cheese, liver.
  • vegetable origin- Vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts.

in normal volume potassium in foods people can find it in dried fruits, in summer - in fresh vegetables, this applies to pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots. In berries, potassium is contained in sufficient volume (especially a lot of it in red currants and lingonberries). You should pay attention to walnuts and pine nuts, almonds, peanuts.

Few people realize that potassium is found in daily foods - potatoes, rye bread, oatmeal and milk.

Abuse of alcohol and coffee can lead to a lack of an element.

Foods rich in potassium
Fruits with potassium Vegetables with potassium Other foods with potassium
Apricot fresh Legumes, peas Bran / Cereals with bran (oatmeal, granola, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice)
Dried apricot Beet Chocolate
Avocado Broccoli
Banana Brussels sprouts Milk, all kinds
Cantaloupe Chinese cabbage Nuts and seeds
Dates Carrot Peanut butter
figs Green leafy salads except Kale Yogurt
Grapefruit juice Kohlrabi
Papaya Lentils
Kiwi Legumes
Mango White mushrooms
Nectarine Parsnip
Orange Potato
Orange juice Pumpkin
Pomegranate Swede
Pomegranate juice Spinach
Prunes tomatoes
plum juice vegetable juices

How to cook and store foods containing potassium?

Since plant foods contain enough potassium, if stored and cooked incorrectly, food can lose this trace element. There are certain rules that should be used when preparing healthy dishes:

  • consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • storing food in a cool place;
  • following the seasonal use of fruits when they have the highest degree of usefulness;
  • if during the preparation of products to maintain their integrity, they will have a higher content of potassium;
  • cooking in a double boiler is the most useful option, preserving the maximum of vitamins.

How much potassium do people need?

Each person should know the mandatory daily intake of potassium:

  • child per 1 kg of weight - 15-30 mg;
  • adult - 2g;
  • pregnant women - 2.5 g;
  • athletes - 3.5 g;
  • more than 5 g of potassium is required for workers who are engaged in complex physical labor, as well as professional athletes.

Only with a close relationship of the complex of essential minerals and vitamins of natural origin, the process of growth, formation and normal functioning of the cells of a living organism is possible.

Finally, it should be noted that potassium is indispensable in the human body, and with chronic deficiency, irreversible sad consequences are often formed. However, if you stick to a variety of diets, a lack of potassium will not threaten the body. The risk group includes only people who are on a diet, athletes and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor.

Many people ask if corn is a vegetable or a fruit. Not everyone understands what a plant with large yellow cobs is. However, it is definitely not a fruit. Then you need to consider what corn is - a vegetable or a cereal.

Corn is a cereal crop. It is familiar to people of all countries, loved on all continents, as it has many useful properties.

What is corn?

The corn plant is, like rice, oats, rye or wheat, a cereal crop. It is a herbaceous plant that can grow up to 3 m in height. Cobs with juicy seeds are formed on its long stem, which are eaten. However, other parts of the plant are suitable for processing and use in various areas of human life.

Origin story

The history of the origin of culture goes back centuries. Archaeologists have discovered the oldest ears of corn in what is now Peru. The age of the find is about 10 thousand years. And the age of the first discovered corn pollen is 55 thousand years. Corn as a cultivated plant was first grown in Mexico. The first cobs differed little from wild fruits. They did not exceed 5 cm in length, and the grains were small.

At the same time, fodder crops are also spreading to other countries of Central and South America. In the Americas, corn is called maize. This name was given to her by the ancient Mayan tribes. This people grew several varieties of maize - from the early, which was called the Song of the Rooster, to the late, called Mais-old woman and ripened for six months.

For American tribes, maize was a special plant. In connection with the rounded shape and golden color, the grains were associated by ancient people with the sun. In honor of maize, magnificent festivities were held, the plant was depicted next to the figures of the gods. Bread, which was baked from cornmeal, was placed in the temple of the sun god. And the temples themselves looked like a corncob.

An Indian legend says that once a beautiful girl decided to save people from hunger and turned into an ear of corn, leaving only her beautiful hair. Among some tribes, Mais was the son of the Sun and the Moon.

Even the American holiday Thanksgiving is associated with maize. When Europeans landed on the coast of a new continent, the natives treated them to maize. Later, in gratitude, the Europeans brought gifts from their continent to the local tribes.

In Europe, maize appeared thanks to Christopher Columbus. This event took place at the end of the 15th century during the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Europeans liked corn, however, at first it was grown as an ornamental plant. Only a few decades later, the taste and beneficial properties of maize were appreciated.

Maize came to Russia during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. The Turks have already planted an American plant in Bessarabia. The first regions in Russia that began to grow "Turkish wheat", as corn was first called, were the Crimea, the Caucasus and southern Ukraine.

Biological description

Most cereals belong to the botanical family Cereals. Among them is corn - a cereal that is the only representative of the genus Corn.

However, according to the botanical description, the characteristic of the plant differs in many respects from other representatives of cereal crops. Its root system and ground part have a more powerful development. The leaves are long, the inflorescences are a panicle and an ear. Male flowers have stamens, while female flowers only have pistils. Grains have a shape, size and color different from other cereals.

Although the homeland of corn is the hot countries of South and Central America, the plant tolerates cooler climatic conditions well. Seedlings are able to withstand short-term frosts, and seed ripening begins already at a temperature of +10 °C. Undemanding culture to moisture and lighting. Daylight hours and moderate rainfall are enough for good growth and flowering.

But corn loves loose and fertile soil. It grows best on chernozem, loamy, sandy loam or peat bog soils. If you also feed the plant during the growing season, then a high yield is practically guaranteed.


Corn is called the "queen of the fields." It is widely used in food and industrial fields. Over a long history, species of wild, wild, field corn have become cultivars. In total, 8 plant species are distinguished. However, there are hundreds of varieties of each species. In this regard, cereal corn, legumes and nuts are similar.

The following are of production importance. types of corn :

  1. Sugar (sweet, milk). This type is the most common, as sweet corn kernels are soft and tasty. The young cob has a milky color, but after ripening it becomes golden yellow. The grains of young cobs are most often eaten as they are the sweetest. This species has many varieties and hybrids growing all over the world.
  2. Tooth-like. A characteristic feature of such corn is the rich golden yellow color of the grains. This species is famous for its high yield and good endurance. It is used for food. Flour and starch, livestock feed (silage), alcohol are produced from it.
  3. Siliceous (Indian). This species is characterized by precocity. The grains are round and smooth, different in color. In one cob there can be grains of white, yellow, red and black colors. This species contains a large amount of starch, however, cereals and flakes are produced from it.
  4. Starchy (soft, mealy). This species is distinguished by a thin head of cabbage with large red and white grains. The species gets its name from its high starch content. Starch is soft and therefore easy to process. Flour and molasses are produced from starchy corn. However, the species is grown only in the United States and in the countries of South America.
  5. waxy. If you ask which type of corn shows the least vitality and gives the worst yield, the answer is - waxy. This species got its name for the peculiarity of the grain coating, which resembles a layer of wax. The grains themselves are white or yellow, but are often diluted with red grains.

This type of maize was formed as a result of a wild mutation and is not suitable for growing in regions with unsuitable climatic conditions. The main region of industrial production of waxy corn is China. There, starch is produced from it, which is considered the best corn product. But some varieties of waxy maize have good taste.


At home, the plant is called maize. This name comes from the language of Haiti. But there are also several dialects in different regions. When a solar plant from the cereal family appeared in Europe, the inhabitants of the countries of the Old World retained the names that refer to the culture of the Indians.

The Turks used the word "kokoroz", and the Romanians "corn", which translated as "fir cone". It is not known what the renaming refers to, but this name was adopted by the inhabitants of Eastern European countries. Later, the word "kokoroz" was transformed into the familiar "corn" of the genus Corn.

Effect on the body

The positive effect of the fruit of corn on the body will not take long if you use cereal regularly. The microelements contained in it help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, due to which the cardiovascular system returns to normal.

B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, providing an anti-stress effect on the body. Eating corn contributes to a calm and sound sleep, the speedy overcoming of emotional overload and depression.

Vitamin E in the "Queen of the Fields" contributes to the preservation of youthful skin. Useful corn and for digestion, as it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins, and destroys substances that cause intoxication. Maize contains carotenoids that support eye health and increase visual acuity.

Solar cereal has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the female body, normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the negative manifestation of menopause. Useful corn for men. Porridge from golden grains helps to restore potency.

Corn has a positive effect on the human body not only when eaten. Various rejuvenating and nourishing masks for the skin of the face, body and hair are made from cereals. Corn helps to cleanse the skin of acne, age spots.

However, it should be remembered that in some cases, maize can harm the body. Although corn is considered a safe food, sometimes people are allergic to substances contained in the cereal. Corn is also contraindicated for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers or thrombophlebitis.

How to choose?

Corn can be grown on your own, as well as purchased at a store or market. When buying cereal, you need to be careful. Sellers may pass off cheaper fodder varieties as edible crops. The taste of such cobs is rough and fresh. You can tell them apart by color. Cobs of fodder varieties have a rich yellow color.

Sometimes a good cob looks bright. A small test will help determine the quality. If you pierce a grain with a fingernail, then juice will spurt out of a good cob.

Corn is called (names, called) a useful cereal. However, a spoiled or old cob will not bring any benefit. When choosing a cereal, try to expand the cob. In a young plant, the grains are milky or light yellow in color, and the antennae are white and soft. The combination of white and yellow corn kernels in one cob signals that the cereal is still immature.

Dry leaves signal that the ear was cut long ago and has already lost its juiciness. If there are bugs and other insects under the leaves, then it is better not to buy such products.

Corn in medicine

The culture of corn is a storehouse of trace elements, necessary for human life. Corn flakes are used for the manufacture of drugs that help prevent cholecystitis and hepatitis. In urology, this raw material is used as a diuretic.

Many varieties of corn are high in magnesium, calcium, iron, and important amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan. These substances are part of medicines for people with blood diseases.

Corn grits are part of preparations that cleanse the intestines and also normalize blood glucose levels, which is important for people with diabetes. Coarse fibers of cereals allow you to get rid of toxic substances in the body.

Maize is also used in folk medicine. The stigmas and columns are of the greatest value, although other parts of the plant are also useful. Diuretics are prepared from stigmas, and tincture for blood pressure is prepared from cornmeal. Puree from golden grains is useful for people with gastritis or damage to the gastric mucosa.

Useful properties of culture

The composition of the cereal culture includes such healing substances as fiber, pyridoxine, linoleic, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, starch, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, amino acids and vitamins C, D, K, PP, group B. B maize stigmas contain a large amount of essential oils, and the leaves contain phenolcarboxylic acids.

Corn is also good because after freezing or canning it retains all its useful properties.

The Indians knew that maize is a storehouse of useful substances. They used the plant completely. Various dishes were prepared from grains and used to make seasonings, bread was baked from pollen and soups were cooked, drinks were made from the stem. There were even special dishes and drinks made from maize, which were served at the imperial table, used in rituals, and helped in the treatment. Leaves and stems were used to sew clothes and use them for other household needs.

And today, grain crops are widely used in industrial production. The United States is the leader in the cultivation and use of grain crops. There, food, drinks, paper, toothpaste, medicines are made from it. Most of the maize is used to produce feed for livestock, which helps the US maintain leadership in the livestock sector.

Over the entire history of the existence of the plant, many interesting facts have accumulated related to the solar cereal. Although most often maize does not grow above 3 m, there are varieties that can reach a height of 7 m.

Today, maize is not found in the wild. People have cultivated this plant so much that it can only be planted with seeds. Seeds that fall to the ground will not germinate. This feature has long worried people who considered corn a gift from the gods or a gift from aliens. However, scientists have proven that the wild ancestors of corn looked different and were pollinated by the wind.

Delicious popcorn is not an American invention of the 20th century. This product was invented by their ancestors 5 thousand years ago. They covered the grains with sand and built a fire nearby, and then caught the balls flying out of the fire.

Many snacks are made from corn. However, corn sticks, flakes, and other similar products are not as useful as a whole cob. During processing, snacks lose most of the useful properties of maize.

Although corn appeared in Russia in the 18th century, it was glorified by N. S. Khrushchev in the middle of the 20th century. His epic with the cultivation of cereals in all regions of the USSR failed miserably. Corn, although resistant to cool temperatures, still prefers warm and sunny climates. But the first secretary left to the younger generation the word "kukutsapol", composed of his famous phrase "Corn is the queen of the fields."

Below are the main types of cereals, main types of cereals. Mainly rice, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, sorghum, quinoa, flax seeds, spelt, buckwheat, spelled and millet.

Cereals are one of the main groups of products necessary for the body, and therefore one of the most important in the human diet. They belong to plants from the grass family, which are grown for grain and fodder.

The grain has a structure with several elements. One of these is the germ, which resides in the nucleus of the seed and allows the development of a new plant. Another example is the endosperm, with a mealy or starchy structure surrounding the germ. The outer layer that rests on top of the grain is a much tougher layer that provides protection to the head.

These foods are also high in water and carbohydrates.

Grain classification

There are different types of cereals, but they can be divided first into three classes depending on their processing:

  • refined: these are the types of porridge for which the bran and the germ that make it up were taken. Due to this process, their texture becomes finer and their shelf life is much longer. The problem is that this process removes a lot of nutrients, especially fiber.
  • Complex: this is a type of grain that retains its shell, that is, from which the bran is not removed, nor the germ during the grinding process. For this reason, nutritional properties such as fiber, potassium, selenium and magnesium are preserved.
  • Enriched: We are talking about cereals that have been artificially added nutrients. However, they are no better than complex ones, because although some nutrients are added, the lost fibers cannot be replaced.

Types of cereals

It is one of the most famous cereals in the world and one of the most consumed. It grows on soils with water, which should be well watered or located in a river delta.

It is a very versatile food that comes in several varieties. Depending on the shape, it can be classified as long grain short, medium or large. The color or fragrance may be aromatic or pigmented. And in accordance with their industrial processing can be steamed or heat-treated. It can also be whole or refined.

Rice is containing more grain starch. In addition, it also contains a small amount of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. The vast majority of rice originated in Asia and is used in several ways: as a side dish, in stews, in salads, and even to make oil and wine.

Corn is the most grown cereal in the world by volume. Its stem is usually very tall, and the grains can vary in color from dark purple to (most common) yellow. Most of the production of this food is done in America.

These are very versatile grains that allow you to create a variety of food products. They are very nutritious, as they are rich in vitamins A and B, magnesium, phosphorus, and carbohydrates. It is also useful for the body to help regulate the intestinal microflora and prevent diseases like heart problems. It can also be consumed by patients with celiac disease as it contains gluten.

It is one of the most cultivated grains in the world, especially because it is used for a wide variety of products. Refined flour and wholemeal flour, for bran or etc. There are various varieties of this grain depending on its hardness, color and even the season in which it is grown.

Wheat is one of the most nutritious cereals, as it provides 339 calories per 100 grams. Contains carbohydrates and fats such as saturated, unsaturated and monounsaturated. But this also includes proteins and minerals. Good for diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia and female infertility.

Originating in Iran, rye is part of the wheat family. The spike is long and thin. It is widely used for the production of alcoholic beverages such as vodka, whiskey or brandy, as well as for the production of flour.

This cereal can be cooked in the form of flakes or ground into flour. It is a food that has antioxidants, fiber and phenolic acids and is associated with the functioning of the digestive system. It is used for vegetable seedlings, rice, stews and for various types of bread.


This is one of the most popular products. It is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, trace elements, amino acids, vitamins (B1, B2 and vitamin E, etc.), as well as minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc).

It is a great ally to fight diseases like diabetes, provides energy and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. It also helps control high cholesterol and works as a natural diuretic.

Oatmeal is a cereal that is ideal for cold and temperate climates. Its color can be black, gray, beige or yellow, depending on whether the grain is refined or whole. Can be found throughout the market, in the form of cereal or muesli.

These are cereals like wheat, which is also used to make bread. Barley can be cooked as flakes or ground into flour. It differs from other products in its sweet and nutty flavor. Its culture is very versatile, as it is suitable for any climate and can be of different colors: brown, light brown or purple.

The most popular use of this cereal is as a main ingredient in the preparation of beer and other alcoholic beverages. Also serves for preparation of various dishes. It contains more protein than wheat gluten. On the other hand, it is one of the richest grains in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

This is a cereal that is intended not only for humans, but also for animal consumption. It originated in America, Asia and Europe, and because it is drought and heat tolerant, it can be grown in arid regions. Sorghum is widely used in the production of alcoholic beverages because it does not contain gluten.

Sorghum is commonly used in soups or as a supplement. Sorghum has a wide variety, but differentiating colors can be classified as white and red sorghum beans.

On the other hand, it has high sugar quality, slow absorption and low fat content. The proteins contained in it are not of very good quality, but in combination with milk or vegetables, proteins of high biological value for the body can be obtained.

Quinoa is not a very bread plant, but is consumed as such. Compared to most grains, this food contains more protein, fiber, and fat, especially unsaturated fat. In addition, it is known for its content of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, contains less carbohydrates.

As micronutrients, quinoa contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc and B-complex vitamins and vitamin E. It has a low glycemic index and helps control blood cholesterol levels. Usually eaten like rice, in salads, added to cutlets, pies, etc.

The appearance of this plant is similar to wheat. It contains a large amount of bran, but is lost during grain processing. Spelled has an elastic structure, which makes it ideal for making polenta and bread. This is a composition of cereals, the water of which is about 10%.

Like other grains, spelled is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, and also contains mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein and insoluble fibers.

Thanks to its properties, it plays a general tonic function, helps prevent constipation, diabetes and other diseases such as hypercholesterolemia and colon cancer.


Flax seeds, like quinoa, are not exactly a cereal, but are used as such. They are seeds rich in fiber, weak estrogen, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain digestive enzymes that not only facilitate digestion but also promote intestinal transit.

These seeds are highly recommended in diets to lose weight and lower cholesterol and prevent constipation problems. In use, the seeds are ground, included in homemade bread, pies and buns. They can also be mixed into fruit juices, yogurts, salads, sauces, soups, etc.


Recommended as a healthy replacement for regular wheat as it is gluten-free and richer in proteins, minerals and antioxidants than other grains. Often it is used in the form of grains, or flakes, flour.

Thanks to its important fiber content, it helps control blood sugar levels. It also helps improve heart health, is good for circulation, and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

This variety of wheat was widely used in antiquity. Its origins are in Iran, Egypt and even China, where it was used to make beer and alcoholic beverages.

Gradually, its use spread to Europe and is used in making bread for the upper classes.

Spelled is one of the best sources of plant-based protein and, when consumed in quantity and in the right combination, can eventually replace red meat. This whole grain contains proteins that are high in fiber and low in fat. In addition, it does not contain cholesterol and provides vitamins and minerals.

It is one of the oldest cereals. It is an alkalizing food that also remineralizes the body. Usually regularly consumed in the East, the grain is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature. It grows quickly, requires little water, and is highly resistant to pests.

Millet is easily digestible and suitable for people with celiac disease because it does not contain gluten. It is rich in fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, fatty acids, iron and B vitamins.

Thanks to all these properties, they are ideal for those who suffer from digestive problems like constipation, heartburn, ulcers, gas, diarrhea, etc. Consumption is also recommended in cases of diabetes, stress stage, exhaustion, pregnancy and lactation.

The best types of cereals

Today, most of the cereals that you can buy in the market are of the refined kind. However, since their processing process removes almost all of the fiber and other nutrients, the most recommended are whole foods.

Grains, in general, provide energy, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber; all the necessary elements for a balanced diet.
