
Culinary subtleties of cooking green beans. Recipes for simple and tasty dishes from asparagus beans

Asparagus or, as it is also called, green beans are a tasty, healthy, light and low-calorie product. Today in my article I offer you some simple and quick recipes for green beans. I will tell you how to cook asparagus (green beans) deliciously, recipes with photos will help you with this.

Preparation of string (asparagus) beans

There are many ways to cook string (asparagus) beans. It can be boiled, fried, baked and even marinated.

How much to take green beans for cooking?

Before you cook a delicious dish of asparagus beans, you need to decide how much to take green beans for cooking?

To prepare green beans as a side dish, start with an average serving per person, which is 150-200 grams.

Of course, everyone has different consumption rates, and you can easily increase the serving, taking into account your own preferences and appetite.

Dishes from green (asparagus) beans. Recipes with photos

Now directly about how delicious to cook asparagus beans. What photo recipes for dishes from green (asparagus) beans do I offer?

Asparagus beans boiled

I suggest the easiest and fastest way to cook asparagus beans is to boil them in salted water.

To do this, the pods of asparagus beans are sorted out, removing badly spoiled or blackened ones. Remove leaves and stems. If the bean pods are too long, they can be cut into several pieces.

To prepare boiled asparagus beans, pour water into a saucepan and put on fire.

It is better if the pan is not aluminum, as this cookware is prone to oxidation. Use for cooking green beans, and other food, stainless steel or enameled dishes. This container is more suitable for food products.

How to boil string beans

Before boiling green beans, pour more than half of the water into the pan, add salt to taste.

Raw green beans are light and will float to the surface at first. After boiling, cook green beans for 3-5 minutes. After that, put the boiled asparagus beans in a colander and let the water drain.

I think a dish like boiled green beans does not require a photo for the recipe. Everything is extremely simple, the main thing is not to digest the beans. Ready boiled green beans look like shown in the photo.

Boiled asparagus beans will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It can also be an excellent base for vegetable dishes.

Boiled green beans can be fried, marinated and, if desired, added to a vegetable salad.

The only thing you should not do is to eat green beans in their raw form, because it contains substances harmful to the human body.

Soup with green beans. Recipe with photo

A light vegetable soup is a great start to the day. Therefore, if you cook soup from asparagus beans - tasty, low-calorie, but nutritious at the same time - it will appeal to both those who follow their figure and those who prefer a healthy diet.

To prepare 2 liters of soup with asparagus beans according to my recipe with a photo, you will need:

  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Asparagus beans - 100-150 gr.;
  • Carrots (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size);
  • parsley or dill;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • butter (optional);
  • Salt, spices to taste.

Recipe for the soup with asparagus beans:

Pour about two liters of water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, peel the potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, dip in boiling water and salt.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the dressing. To do this, grate the carrots, and cut the onion into cubes.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and simmer the carrots and onions over low heat. Vegetables should not be fried, but sweat a little until golden brown.

Add finely chopped tomato to the pan and sauté a little. For a deeper and more delicate taste, you can add a small piece of butter to the dressing.

Ready-made vegetable soup with asparagus beans in a saucepan

Asparagus beans are a delicate product, so it does not need to be cooked for a long time. When the potatoes are almost ready, you can add green beans to the soup.

Before this, rinse the pods and remove the leaves. Cut the beans into small pieces, and they will cook in the soup in just a few minutes.

After adding the beans, add the dressing and bring the soup to taste.

A dish like asparagus soup will taste better if you add ground coriander, bay leaf and sweet peas to it.

Rinse parsley or dill and finely chop. When all the ingredients for the vegetable soup with asparagus are ready, add the herbs and remove from heat.

Tender green leaves do not need to be boiled - this way they retain more nutrients and aroma.

And now, vegetable soup with asparagus beans is ready! The recipe, as you can see, is simple.

Roasted string beans recipe

Green beans can be a great main dish. Delicious and at the same time light, vegetarian.

To prepare fried asparagus beans according to my recipe, you need the following products:

- boiled asparagus beans;

- ground black pepper;

- coriander;

- vegetable oil.

To prepare fried green beans with spices, boil green bean pods according to the above recipe. Drain in a colander and let excess water drain.

Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Put the asparagus beans in the pan, add salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

I usually use black pepper and coriander for this purpose, and French herbs are also very harmoniously combined with green beans. If you have your favorite seasonings, use them.

Since the asparagus beans are no longer raw, if desired, they can only be simmered a little over medium heat, or you can make them hotter.

To what extent and for how long to heat-treat asparagus beans, each housewife decides for herself.

I like to fry until a delicious golden crust forms, as you can see in the photo for the recipe for fried green beans.

String beans baked with egg

For people who prefer to eat less fried foods, my recipe for green beans baked with egg is perfect.

This dish is not as spicy and spicy as fried green beans. So, how to cook asparagus beans deliciously so that the dish is dietary?

To prepare green beans baked with an egg, take:

- Boiled asparagus beans;

- Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;

- Vegetable oil.

Boil green beans according to the recipe above.

On a greased baking sheet or deep frying pan, pour the boiled beans, salt and pepper to taste.

Beat the eggs with a whisk and pour them over the beans.

Place the skillet in the preheated oven for 5-10 minutes.

If there is no desire to bother with the oven, do the same manipulations on the stove.

Pour the boiled beans into a preheated oiled frying pan and pour over the pre-beaten egg.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat until cooked through.

When making green beans baked with egg, you can leave them to bake as a whole pancake, or you can make them crumbly by stirring during baking or frying (as seen in the recipe photo).

Of course, these are not all recipes for preparing the simplest and, nevertheless, delicious dishes based on asparagus beans. But taking them as a basis, you can add mayonnaise, tomato, garlic, boiled meat and any herbs, creating more and more culinary masterpieces.

The main thing is to know the basics of cooking asparagus (green beans), and how to cook it deliciously, my recipes with photos and your imagination will tell you! Healthy and easy-to-cook asparagus dishes will allow you to feed your family with delicious and healthy food. Bon appetit!

I remind you of my other recipes that I shared in previous articles. This is both, and, and more high-calorie food. For example, you can find out or . And, of course, do not forget about the preparations for the winter - or.

Asparagus beans are also called green beans, because they are cooked directly with green pods. When buying, you should pay attention to how soft and elastic it is - dishes from hard pods turn out to be rough.

Beans asparagus stewed with meat

For this delicious dish, veal is best suited - take 500 g. You will also need: beans in pods - 500 g, onions - 2 pcs., garlic cloves - 5 pcs., concentrated tomato paste - 5 tbsp., olive oil - 50 ml, flour - 2 tablespoons, spices and herbs to taste.

Detailed recipe:

  • Cut the meat into strips and fry in oil. Add chopped onion to it and fry all together for another 5 minutes. Add flour and mix the contents of the pan. After 3 minutes, pour in a glass of hot water. Simmer meat with onions until tender.
  • Cut the beans into pieces 2-3 cm long. Put them on the meat. Add the tomato paste and enough water to completely cover the contents of the pan.
  • After 10 minutes of stewing, salt and pepper the dish. Add crushed garlic and, if desired, dry ground chili pepper (a pinch). Bring the dish back to a boil and turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let the beans and meat stand for 5-10 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs. Cilantro works well, but you can use any. For beans with meat, be sure to serve a fresh baguette or thick pita bread. With this bread, you can soak a thick sauce, which will be a lot on the plate.

Asparagus beans in a creamy sauce

  • beans in pods - 0.5 kg;
  • cream of the 20th fat content - 250 ml.

Still needed: olive oil and butter, 50 ml each, salt and white pepper to taste.

Preparing this dish is very simple:

  • Cut the beans into small pieces and dip in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then rinse it very quickly with cold water.
  • When moisture drains from the beans, put them in a pan with oil. Fry 5 minutes.
  • Drizzle beans with cream and add salt and pepper. Simmer the dish for another 5 minutes.

If you do not have heavy cream, then take weaker ones, but then put 1 processed cheese, grated on a coarse grater, into the pan with them. When heated, it will melt and the dish will turn out to be as thick as with heavy cream. Beans with cream can be served as a hot appetizer or as a side dish for a chop or cutlet.

Omelet with green beans

An ordinary omelet can be made incredibly tasty if cooked with bean pods:

  • Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and add 2 tablespoons of butter to it.
  • In a mixture of oils, fry one small onion until slightly pink in color - cut it into cubes.
  • Put a handful of fresh beans, also chopped finely, to the onion. Roast until crispy.
  • Whisk 3 eggs and half a glass of milk. Salt the mixture.
  • Pour the eggs into the pan and sprinkle them with green onions on top.
  • Cover the dish with a lid and cook the omelette over very low heat.
  • Garnish with tomato slices and parsley leaves when serving.

Salad with asparagus beans

For the salad you will need:

  • beans - 400 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g.
  • for the sauce: lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, salt - to taste.

Prepare this salad like this:

Beans, without cutting them into pieces, boil for 5 minutes. Douse it with ice water to keep it bright green. Let the liquid drain and put on a dish. Arrange the tomato halves and thin shavings of cheese on top (cut it with a vegetable cutter). Pour the dressing over the salad, mix the ingredients to taste.

Asparagus beans can be added to almost all first and second courses: soups, borscht, casseroles and stews. It is also suitable for pies and pizzas. To enjoy delicious dishes from green beans in winter, you need to freeze it. To do this, first cut into pieces, then boil for 2-3 minutes, and then put the already dried into bags and send to the freezer. When defrosted, the beans absolutely do not flow and do not lose their color.

Asparagus beans are rich in fiber, minerals and trace elements, among which are zinc, potassium, folic acid, magnesium. Interestingly, it helps a quick cure for eczema diseases, as well as when a rash appears on the skin.

Properly prepared dishes from asparagus beans help to remove toxins from the body. It should also be used for edema. Inside the pods there are beans that contain acid. It helps stimulate the formation of blood cells. That is why asparagus beans will be useful for those who have anemia.

Also, a decoction of asparagus beans should be drunk for people who suffer from inflammation of the kidneys, diabetes. Another use of the decoction should be for rheumatism, as well as a diuretic. Usually frozen asparagus beans are consumed along with the pods. There are many varieties of this vegetable, it can be pickled, canned, eaten boiled, fried.

Several cooking recipes

Salad with asparagus beans

  1. We need four hundred grams of the beans themselves, two pears and lettuce. Boil the beans, remove from the water and let it cool. Then it must be dried on a towel. We must cut the pears into thin slices, or into small pieces.
  2. We need salad bowls. Lay lettuce leaves on the bottom. You can either cut them or tear them into pieces, you can lay them whole. Put the pears on the lettuce leaves first, and then the asparagus beans. By the way, it should first be cut into several parts.
  3. Now we take brazil nuts, sesame seeds and spread on a slightly heated frying pan to dry them a little. After that, the nut must be crushed. And then prepare the salad dressing. We take a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, pour it into the right dish, add sesame seeds and chopped nuts there. Add salt and pepper, mix.
  4. Sprinkle beans with lemon juice. Then we attach the resulting dressing there. For some time, the salad should stand in the refrigerator, thirty minutes will be enough. Now you can serve it on the table.

Scrambled eggs with asparagus

Perhaps this dish is the most popular, as it does not require much time and culinary skills.

But you can, after all, give free rein to your imagination and create scrambled eggs with beans in an unconventional way.

  1. We will need one hundred grams of asparagus beans. Boil it in lightly salted water. Cool and dry. Then we take out the egg, the yolk must be ground. Then we take dill, parsley and finely chop. Add this resulting mass to the yolk, mix. Protein must be whipped in a blender. Then mix the yolk, greens and protein, add salt to taste.
  2. Now we take five pods of asparagus beans, put them together and dip them in the egg sauce that we prepared earlier. Now the pods should be rolled in flour, and then fried in vegetable oil. This should be done with all beans. Dishes should be served warm, but if the beans are still cold, then before serving, they must be warmed up. When cold, such scrambled eggs will not taste very good.

Roasted asparagus beans

The dishes themselves are interesting and unusual.

  1. We need two kilograms of beans. We wash it, clean it, cut the ends, remove it, and then cut the beans in half.
  2. Heat up a skillet over medium heat, add vegetable oil there. Place the beans on the heated skillet. It should be constantly stirred, and also shake the pan periodically so that the pods do not burn. Add salt. As soon as the beans become soft and tender, you need to turn off the fire. Let it stand for a while, and then put it in a dish in which you will serve it on the table.
  3. We'll need some greenery- dill or parsley, or you can mix them. Finely chop the herb and sprinkle on top of the beans.

Everything, you can treat guests and eat it yourself.

Braised green beans with chicken

Asparagus beans go well in dishes with chicken, fish, meat. These dishes turn out to be very satisfying, healthy, but mostly men prefer to eat them. Here is a recipe for asparagus beans with chicken.

  1. We must cook the bird first. To do this, we take a carcass of medium size. Wash, dry and cut into pieces. Pieces can be very different in size, it all depends on the preferences of your family or just you.
  2. It is necessary to pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put on a strong fire. After we put the chicken pieces in it, fry them until they get a golden crust. We put the cooked chicken in the pan and forget about it for a while.
  3. Now we take one carrot, clean, wash, cut into slices. Still need one sweet pepper. It needs to be washed and cleaned. Cut into slices or strips. You can use more pepper, it all depends on whether it is in demand in your family. If the pepper is not very preferable, then it should be cut very finely. Then it will come across a little, and the desired smell will give the dish.
  4. Put the pan back on fire, add sunflower oil, spread the carrots there and fry. After a few minutes, add pepper, also fry.
  5. We need four more medium tomatoes. We must grind them finely, you can also rub them on a grater. Then add the tomatoes to the pan, where we have carrots and peppers. Fry it all for a few minutes. And add the chicken to the pot. Now you need to pour a small amount of water there, add salt and pepper, cover with a lid. We put the pan on the fire and simmer for about thirty minutes.
  6. Next, take half a kilogram of beans. We wash, remove the tips, cut as you like. It can be two or three parts, it can be more. Now put the beans in water and when the water boils, cook it for another seven minutes. After that, you need to transfer the asparagus beans to the pan, where the chicken is stewed.
  7. The water in the pan should boil, after which we simmer the chicken and beans for 15 to 20 minutes. The beans are already soft, but not yet fully cooked, add finely chopped garlic to the pan, as well as a few black peppercorns. Then turn off the fire, and the dish should stand on the stove for about ten minutes.

Before serving asparagus beans with chicken, you need to put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plates in which you will lay out the bird.

Beans in Greek

  1. Of the ingredients, we need two kilograms of green asparagus beans. We must wash it, cut off the tails and pods. Also half a cup of olive oil. One large onion, it must be cut into cubes. Two cloves of garlic should be minced. Two more - three medium potatoes, they also need to be cut into slices. More carrots will be needed, they need to be cut. Half cup chopped fresh parsley. And also two glasses of tomato paste. Four, maybe five tomatoes. One teaspoon of sugar, one tablespoon of fresh dill, which must be chopped. Salt and pepper.
  2. Take a large brazier or pan. Pour olive oil into it. We put on medium fire. Add onion, fry. Then we spread the garlic there, fry until you feel the appropriate aroma. This will take a little over a minute.
  3. Add green beans, potatoes, carrots to the pan. We must dissolve the tomato paste in water. We put it in a saucepan, while we put more parsley, sugar and chopped tomatoes there.
  4. Now the fire must be reduced from medium to low. Cover the pot with a lid and cook for about an hour. The beans should be soft, but not completely overcooked. Therefore, we periodically look into the pan, watching this.
  5. Ten minutes before the end of the cooking process, add fresh dill, salt and pepper. It is worth paying attention to the level of water in the pan. The liquid should not be less than the vegetables, it should cover them. If there is not enough water, add it.
  6. After the dish is ready, you need to put the vegetables out of the pan, divide into portions and sprinkle with Feta or some other cheese on top. You can also eat the dish with bread, it should be dipped in sauce. Taste is wonderful.

There is also a very good recipe for Korean-style asparagus beans, which many will like. But that's a topic for another article.

And for clarity and ease of preparation, we watch a video on cooking asparagus beans with vegetables:

Of course, these are not all dishes that can be cooked with asparagus beans. You can use it, for example, boiled with various sauces or marinades. You can make stew. But those dishes in which asparagus beans are present are tasty, healthy and nutritious.

String (asparagus) beans are popular all over the world. This useful product is appreciated by everyone who loves healthy food. It contains a large number of vital vitamins, minerals and plant fibers. The energy value of 100 grams of the product is only about 30 kcal. You can cook many healthy and tasty dishes from young green beans. Simple recipes for cooking asparagus beans can be done even by a novice hostess. But first, it’s worth figuring out how to choose the right one and what to do with green beans in order to cook an appetizing meal.

The content of the article:

How to cook string beans

Young bean pods are fried, boiled in a double boiler or pan, baked, stewed, cooked in a slow cooker. Some housewives fail to get crispy green pods after cooking. There can be two reasons for this - the product is incorrectly selected or ineptly prepared.

What color is the most delicious variety of green beans?

All its varieties are equally good and do not differ much in taste, they can be yellow, green or dark red. It is only important that the beans are young, without formed grains. When choosing a product on the market, break one pod: if it breaks easily, with a crunch, has a uniform watery pulp, you can safely buy.

How to cook asparagus beans?

Its preparation time usually does not exceed five minutes. Prepared pods are dipped in boiling water, boiled for 3-5 minutes in a saucepan with an open lid. Ready beans are immediately poured with ice water - this allows you to keep the green color and a pleasant crunch of the beans. Further preparation goes depending on the requirements of the recipe: the pods are stewed with tomato and vegetables, baked in the oven under a cheese crust or added to salad and soup.

Preparation for the winter

To prepare beans for the winter, preserving useful vitamins, they freeze them. This can be done very simply: wash the beans, cut off the tails, cut each pod into two parts and, putting it in a plastic bag, send it to the freezer. Before cooking, frozen beans are not thawed, immediately put in boiling water. Cook a little longer than fresh - up to 8 minutes.

Asparagus Bean Recipes

Fragrant salad

This is the simplest dish, the development of which will make it possible to successfully prepare more complex recipes.


  • onion 60 g;
  • asparagus beans 550 g;
  • fresh basil 9 g;
  • parsley 1 g;
  • olive oil 60 ml;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • mint 1 pc.;
  • honey 2 tbsp. l.;
  • zira 1 g


  • The beans are cooked.
  • The onion is cut into half rings. Greens finely chopped.
  • Mix beans, onions and herbs, season with salt, pepper, cumin.
  • Make a dressing of honey, vinegar (you can take lemon juice) and olive oil, add to the salad.
  • After half an hour of exposure in the refrigerator, a fragrant salad is served on the table as a side dish for the main course.

Spicy asparagus appetizer

This appetizer can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, serving instead of a salad with main courses.


  • asparagus beans 1000 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper 190 g;
  • hot pepper 1 pc.;
  • garlic 5–6 teeth;
  • water 2000 ml;
  • salt 100 g.


  • The water in the pan is heated, when it boils, salt and washed bean pods are added, the ends of which are cut off. Boil 4 minutes.
  • The pods are laid out in a colander and doused with cold water. In the same water where the beans were boiled, bell peppers are lowered and boiled for 2 minutes. After removing from boiling water, immediately douse the pepper with cold water.
  • Combine beans, chopped bell peppers, chopped garlic and hot peppers. Pour in the cooled brine, in which the vegetables were boiled, and press down with oppression. Leave the beans at room temperature for two or three days.
  • When signs of fermentation appear, the vegetables are removed in the refrigerator. Served as an appetizer for meat and fish dishes.

warm salad

You can make a warm salad from asparagus beans, which tastes good thanks to the addition of sour cream.


  • green beans 350 g;
  • carrots 75 g;
  • onion 70 g;
  • tomatoes 110 g;
  • garlic 2 teeth;
  • sour cream 55 g;
  • vegetable oil 40 ml;
  • salt, herbs.


  • The oil is heated in a frying pan. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots. Five minutes later, a tomato, peeled and cut into cubes, is added to the vegetables. Simmer another 2 minutes.
  • Washed beans with cut ends are boiled in salted boiling water for 5 minutes. Add to vegetables in a pan, put sour cream and salt. All together stew for 5-10 minutes. At the end of cooking, sprinkle vegetables with chopped garlic. Serve garnished with parsley.

Beef goulash with green beans

String beans will perfectly complement the taste of goulash. You can take both fresh beans and frozen ones. It is better to use young, lean meat.


  • veal 600 g;
  • asparagus beans 190 g;
  • garlic 2 teeth;
  • tomato paste 35 g;
  • bow 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil 40 ml;
  • spices and salt;
  • water 125 ml.


  • The meat is washed under running water and cut into small pieces. Lay on a paper towel to dry a little.
  • Heat the oil in a cast-iron or heavy-bottomed pan and fry the meat until golden brown.
  • Peel the onion, cut into small or half rings, add to the meat. When the onion is reddened, pour boiling water over the meat with tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. Simmering over low heat should last about 40 minutes.
  • The ends of fresh green beans are cut off, boiled in salted boiling water for 3-5 minutes, discarded in a colander. Pods are laid out to the finished goulash, stewed for another 5 minutes. At the very end add chopped garlic.
  • Goulash is served with a side dish of potatoes, buckwheat porridge or pasta.

Green beans with cheese

This dish has its own secret, which gives it a special aroma and rich taste.


  • green beans 600 g;
  • garlic 2 teeth;
  • parmesan cheese 100 g;
  • salt;
  • olive oil 50 g.

How to cook asparagus beans with cheese crust:

  • Boil the beans for 3-5 minutes. Dip in ice water for 5 minutes and recline in a colander.
  • Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Put peeled garlic cloves in it, fry until golden brown, then take it out and throw it away.
  • Boiled beans are sent to garlic oil, fried for 2 minutes. Then they transfer it to a ceramic, oiled form, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, put in a hot oven.
  • Keep the dish in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Serve hot or cold, garnished with herbs.

Salad "Colosseum"

With green beans, you can cook a lot of delicious salads. In addition to vegetables, they add meat, dressing and spices.


  • asparagus beans 210 g;
  • ham 100 g;
  • onion 60 g;
  • bell pepper 85 g;
  • canned corn 200 g;
  • mayonnaise 55 g;
  • salt, ground hot pepper.


  • The asparagus beans are boiled in salted water until tender. Cool in ice water and drain in a colander to drain the water.
  • Onions are cut into small pieces or quarters. Bulgarian pepper, cleaned from seeds, cut into pieces. The ham is chopped into cubes.
  • Mix all salad ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add mayonnaise. The dish is served to the table, beautifully decorated with a sprig of parsley or dill.

Asparagus bean preparation

This preparation can be added in winter to various salads, soups and borscht.


  • green beans 1000 g;
  • salt 30 g;
  • water 2 l.;
  • vinegar 6% by the number of cans.


  • The beans are washed, the tails are cut off. Pour boiling water, salt and cook for 5 minutes.
  • The finished beans are laid out in sterilized jars (0.5 l), poured with the brine in which they were cooked. You can put on a sprig of parsley. If there is not enough brine, add boiling water to the top of each jar. Cover with clean iron lids, put in a large saucepan with warm water, pasteurize for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  • At the end of pasteurization, a tablespoon of vinegar is poured into each jar and rolled up. The finished preservation is turned over, placed on the lids, and wrapped with a blanket.

Vegetable soup with chicken

Instead of bread, this soup can be served with small homemade crackers. To make croutons tasty, they are sprinkled with oregano, pepper, salt and olive oil before being fried in the oven.


  • chicken 350 g;
  • carrots 70 g;
  • asparagus beans 10 pods;
  • canned corn 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Bulgarian pepper 45 g;
  • champignons 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes 4–5 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • peppercorns 2 pcs.;
  • bow 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water 3 l.
  • green peas 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.


  • Heat the water in a saucepan, put the chicken pieces, and boil the broth. You don’t need to salt the meat to make it tastier, you can add a piece of carrot and a small onion to the broth.
  • During cooking, reduce the heat, remove the foam from the broth. After half an hour, spices are added - peppercorns and bay leaf (you can put a couple of cloves and other favorite seasonings), cook for another 10 minutes.
  • All vegetables are washed and cut into cubes. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil in a pan with the addition of half an onion.
  • Remove the chicken from the broth and strain it. The meat is cut into pieces. Diced potatoes are sent to the boiled broth.
  • When the potatoes are half cooked, add chopped bell peppers, grated carrots, fried mushrooms, corn, peas, fresh or frozen asparagus beans and chicken pieces to the soup. Salt to taste, cook until cooked for 10 minutes.
  • Serve hot aromatic soup for lunch or dinner.

Fish with vegetables in a slow cooker

For stewing, fillets of sea bass, pollock, hake, etc. are chosen. Beans can be used fresh or frozen.


  • fish fillet 600 g;
  • carrots 100 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • asparagus beans 210 g;
  • onion 80 g;
  • sour cream 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil 20 ml.


  • Finely chop the onion. Large carrots are rubbed on a grater.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, put carrots and onions. Fry in the "Frying" mode for 5 minutes.
  • Sour cream is added to the vegetables, the multicooker is switched to the “Stew” mode for half an hour. The prepared fish fillet is sent to onions and carrots in five minutes, not forgetting to salt and pepper.
  • The fish is cooked for 15 minutes, after which the asparagus beans are placed in the multicooker bowl. Stew until the end of the program for another 10 minutes.
  • Serve the fish along with vegetables and a side dish of mashed potatoes in hot form.

Pasta with green beans

This simple dish helps to cope with the lack of vitamins in the body. It is best to choose rigatoni or penne pasta for its preparation.


  • pasta 300 g;
  • oregano;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes 300 g;
  • vegetable oil 40 ml;
  • green beans 290 g;
  • garlic 2 teeth

Recipe for pasta with asparagus beans:

  • String beans are boiled in boiling water. Cool and recline in a colander.
  • Tomatoes are cut into pieces, peeled. Pour oil into the pan, put chopped garlic and tomatoes. Fry for 3 minutes, add bean pods. Reduce heat. Stirring the contents of the pan with a wooden spatula, stew the vegetables for several minutes, adding salt and spices.
  • Pasta is boiled, combined with vegetable dressing, decorated with herbs, served hot.

Try to cook one or more of your favorite dishes according to our recipes with asparagus beans. When young beans are in your diet several times a week, a blush on your cheeks and a good mood will appear. And healthy meals will become a good family tradition.

Vegetables are tasty and healthy, and for those who follow the figure they become simply irreplaceable. But what if you are already tired of traditional vegetables and want to cook something extraordinary? Then dishes from asparagus beans will help you.

Asparagus, or string beans, is a green plant that is gaining more and more popularity among vegetable lovers. Still, its bright green color will not leave indifferent even a stubborn child with a sweet tooth, and the ease of preparation will please more than one hostess.

If you are just getting acquainted with asparagus beans, please note that you need to eat it whole - both the pod and the small grains inside

Vegetable stew

Ingredients for 6 servings: - 500 g green beans; - 1 zucchini; - 2 eggplants; - 4-6 tomatoes; - 1-2 carrots; - 1 head of onion; - vegetable oil for frying; - salt and spices to taste. Raw asparagus beans have a fairly tough shell, so the pods must first be boiled. Throw the beans into boiling lightly salted water and cook over medium heat for about 7-10 minutes, then drain them in a colander, drain the water and let cool slightly. At this time, you can start cooking the rest of the vegetables.

Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and finely chop the onion. Pour a little vegetable oil into a slightly heated frying pan, heat it up and start frying the onions and carrots. Add a little ground coriander to the vegetables and bring to a golden color, stirring constantly. If the vegetables began to dry out in a hot frying pan, it's time to add thinly sliced ​​tomatoes to them. Red vegetables add color and savory flavor to the dish.

Wash and dice the zucchini and eggplant. Add vegetables to the pan and fry with carrots. Soon the zucchini will give juice and the vegetables will be slowly stewed. Lower the fire slightly.

If you bought unprocessed, whole string beans, they need to be shelled. This is done very easily, you just need to cut off the small ponytails. If the bean pods are too long, cut them into 2-3 pieces and add to the skillet. You need to cook vegetables on fire until they become soft and pleasant to the taste.

To keep the food tasty and healthy, you need to salt it just before cooking or directly in the serving plate. Don't forget your favorite spices!

Boiled and lightly fried with spices, green beans are an excellent independent dish, suitable as a snack or dietary side dish.
