
Cookbook user nina-supergrandmother. Cookbook user nina-supergrandmother Tasty notes of grandma


The most difficult thing in cooking chebureks is to knead the dough correctly. Our grandmothers knew how.

Boiled water dough recipe: flour was taken in quantity per glass of water to make the dough cool. Then it was rolled into a sausage and cut into pieces.

Thin cakes, the size of a tea saucer, were rolled out with a rolling pin, smeared on one side with vegetable oil and wrapped in rolls. Next, sprinkle the rolls with flour, put them in a bag and put them in the refrigerator for an hour.

Cooking the minced meat: chop the meat, add the grated onion (at the rate of 1:1 - how much minced meat, so much onion), add greens. Salt and pepper to taste.

We take the rolls out of the refrigerator, without unrolling them, roll them into very thin cakes. The dough comes out like puff pastry. We put minced meat on one half of the cake and pinch it tightly with a fork - our pasties will look like scallops. We just have to fry them.
Another "grandmother's" recipe ...


For the dough: one egg, 3 cups flour, a glass of water and salt.

For minced meat: a pound of meat, a glass of kefir, 3 onions, salt and pepper


Mix the egg, salt and water (to make one glass), add the flour and knead the dough. We send the dough for an hour in the refrigerator.

Cooking minced meat. We twist the meat in a meat grinder, finely chop the onion, salt, pepper. Add kefir (homemade sour milk is also possible).

Divide the dough into small balls and roll out very thinly. Lay out minced meat. Fry in a pan with plenty of sunflower oil. Pasties should turn out fragrant and juicy. Bon appetit!...

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Saved Recipes:

Romanian dill soup with meatballs

Interesting soup! The smell of butter, dill and potatoes will bring back memories of early summer. This dish is recommended to normalize blood sugar.

Shallots Dill Butter Sunflower oil Wheat flour Sour cream Water Potato Minced meat

Green peas for the winter

Hello everyone, friends! I bring to your attention the conservation of green peas at home. It turns out very tender and tasty.

Green peas Water Salt Sugar Vinegar Citric acid

Lean Chinese cabbage pie

I propose to cook a pie with a very tasty filling of Beijing cabbage, walnuts and oatmeal. And thanks to the tomato paste, the pie dough turns out to be a beautiful orange color. This cake will be a great decoration for a lean table. I thank Yulia-zefirka for the recipe from the bottom of my heart.

Tomato paste Water Salt Sugar Turmeric Vegetable oil dough baking powder Wheat flour Cabbage Walnuts Soy sauce Coriander Seasoning Black pepper Oatmeal flakes

Puff pastry with minced meat and cabbage

Spices Egg chicken Milk Hard cheese Greens Carrot Onion White cabbage Minced meat Yeast-free puff pastry

Apple pie "Amber"

Delicious pie with rich apple filling! Light, sour, tender crumbly dough - listed in the cherished notebook "Apple Pies" marked - standing! There is a similar one on the site, but the technology and proportions are different, so I decided to share this recipe.

Wheat flour Whole grain flour Powdered sugar Chicken egg dough baking powder Butter Alcohol Apple Apple juice vanilla pudding Sugar Yoghurt Gelatin

Macaroons "Double Chocolate"

A very tasty cake for lovers of coconut and chocolate: rich taste, a lot of coconut. Easy and quick to make with all the splendor of this dessert!

egg white Coconut shavings Sugar Vanillin Cocoa powder Salt Dark chocolate

Lemon Pie "Delicious"

There are a lot of lemon pies on the site, there are some that are similar to this one. But he's soooo delicious. Posting in case anyone wants to try this delicate lemon tart with its sweet and sour frosting!

Butter Sugar Wheat flour Chicken egg Lemon dough baking powder

Simple cottage cheese pie

I want to offer a recipe for an affordable simple pie for home tea drinking. Every housewife will have products for his baking. Dried fruits or candied fruits can be added to the dough. And if you pour chocolate well, there will be a festive option. The pie is very tasty, moderately sweet, slightly moist, fragrant, soft with a pleasant creamy-curd taste.

Butter Sugar Vanilla sugar Salt Cottage cheese Chicken egg Wheat flour dough baking powder Orange peel White chocolate Dark chocolate Mint

Grandma's Notes

A long time ago, when five more of my children were small (and now some of them have already become grandmothers), Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote in one of his letters to me: “How I envy you that you can listen to children's speech every day! Listen, remember, and even better - write it down! .. "

Alas, then I did not take advantage of his wise advice, either because there was not enough time, or because of frivolity, but when the grandchildren began to grow up - and I now have fourteen of them, and then great-grandchildren, there are also a lot of them: The Magnificent Ten (for now!) - time became more and frivolity diminished, I began to gradually write down what seemed to me funny, and sometimes wise in their conversations and reasoning. This is how these notes of either Grandmother or Great-grandmother arose - this is whoever likes it more.

I want you, my dear readers, to smile while reading them, because, as Mark Twain wisely said, wrinkles should be traces of past smiles.

Children in the country play in the hospital. Someone lies with a bandaged leg, someone opens his mouth, showing his throat. Varya and Anton are receiving patients. Tanya is ten months old, she is standing near the people playing on a stool.

I watch them for a long time, then I ask:

What is Tanya doing here?

She doesn't do anything. She is the manager!

Yuri is seven years old. In the morning he wakes up, stretches and proudly says:

- Today is my birthday! I am now fat, healthy and smart. In the fall I will be a first-grader, and in the spring - a repeater!

In the evening, when his little friends dispersed, he asked permission to watch the comedy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" on TV. He was greatly impressed by the verses performed by Yuri Nikulin, that if he were a sultan, he would have three beautiful wives and he would bathe in triple beauty.

Yura comes up to me and whispers confidentially:

- Grandma, I'm very worried!

- And what happened?

“You see, I would also like to have three beautiful wives and bathe in triple beauty.

- Well, what was the matter? When you grow up, then you will decide how you live ...

“But you understand, true beauties, they are so thin, pale, they always feel bad and don’t know how to do anything. And I would like to have a fat wife and that she could do everything. But three fat wives is a lot!

Five-year-old Antosha was walking with his sixteen-year-old aunt Nina on Red Square. Seeing the Mausoleum, he was very surprised:

– Nina! Is Lenin dead?!

- Well, what are you, Antosha! A long time ago…

- And they told me that he is alive in the hearts ...

Nina shrugs. Anton is not appeased:

Does he live in your hearts?

- Not really…

- And I'm not alive, so where is he alive ?!

Four-year-old Tanya's mother works as a researcher at the Pushkin Museum. At home, she prepares for excursions, learns Pushkin's poems and chapters from Eugene Onegin by heart. Tanya understands that Pushkin occupies a special place in her mother's life.

One evening, Tanya is naughty, does not want to go to bed, she is punished. And in the morning, waking up, the mother finds a postcard with a portrait of Pushkin near the bed on the nightstand. On the reverse side, in cursive block letters, is written:

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