
Sweet and sour instant cabbage without vinegar. Sauerkraut in a jar, with a sweet taste

Every year, when autumn comes, I always make sweet sauerkraut. Oh, don't think she's really sweet! This is ordinary sauerkraut, which tastes not sour, but more sweet. We love cabbage of this plan, however, I want to say that I have been looking for its recipe for a very long time. For example, last year I tried more than five different recipes, all of them were excellent, but the cabbage turned out sour all the time.

You can ferment cabbage not only in a jar, but also in an ordinary bowl or pan, the main thing is to put some kind of load on top. I also want to note that this recipe can be done in two ways, or rather the cabbage will turn out crispy or not. In order for the cabbage to turn out crispy, it is necessary to cool the marinade a little, and then pour over the chopped vegetables with it. In case you want the cabbage to be, on the contrary, not crispy, you need to pour it with almost boiling marinade, mix and be sure to cover with a lid.

500 grams of cabbage

A couple of cloves of garlic

liter of filtered water

40 grams of rock salt,

200 gram glass of sugar,

Vinegar (scales showed - 125 milliliters),

170 milliliters vegetable oil

So, if you like cabbage to be crispy, then start the cooking process by pouring water into a bowl.

Grind using a special press - garlic cloves. Put it in water.

Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil to it.

Bring the marinade almost to a full boil, pour in the vinegar, mix and set the pan off the heat for now.

Shred the cabbage and grate the carrots.

Combine everything, pour marinade.

If you want the sauerkraut to turn out not crispy, then first chop all the vegetables, then fill them with hot marinade, without letting it cool down a bit. Well, and for granted, cover the container in which you plan to ferment cabbage with a lid.

I want to note that such cabbage can be eaten immediately after the marinade has cooled. Therefore, this recipe can be attributed to fast not only by the method of cooking, but also by the readiness of cabbage.

Sweet sauerkraut, recipe with photo

None of the invited guests can resist such cabbage. Be sure to serve it in several bowls, so that later you don’t run to the kitchen and add more of it.

Sweet sauerkraut

Main Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Sugar

Sweet sauerkraut turns out crispy and very tasty. Unfortunately, such cabbage does not keep for a long time, so I suggest cooking it all winter from time to time. It is especially good for the holiday, as its taste has been familiar to many since childhood, and the properties of cabbage will help your stomachs cope with the abundance of heavy food, which is always a lot on the festive tables.

Ingredients for cooking sweet sauerkraut:

  1. White cabbage 1 kg
  2. Sweet carrots 1 kg
  3. Salt 2 teaspoons
  4. Sugar 2 tablespoons

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!

Glass jar, wooden stick, saucer, cup, kitchen knife, vegetable grater, vegetable peeler, deep bowl, tablespoon, gauze.

Cooking sweet sauerkraut:

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

Vegetables need to be peeled and washed, the top leaves should be removed from the cabbage, and the peel should be removed from the carrots. Rinse everything and chop with a special grater for shredding vegetables.

Attention: do not forget to remove the stalk from the cabbage so that it does not spoil the entire salad.

If there is no special grater, then chop the carrots with a regular grater, and cut the cabbage into thin strips.

Step 2: Knead the cabbage.

Mix the vegetables in a large bowl or bowl. Add salt to them and mix gently but thoroughly. It is not necessary to press and press, on the contrary, try to stir so gently that the juice does not stand out at all.

Put the resulting salad in a glass jar. Now you need to pack the vegetables very tightly so that the brine comes out. Cover the jar with clean and dense gauze, and place a saucer with a load on top, which can be, for example, a small cup filled with clean water. Leave the cabbage to ferment for 2 – 3 days. At the same time, every day, and preferably several times a day, gases must be released from the can. To do this, pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick. Pierce in several places and all the way to the bottom.

Step 3: Prepare the sauerkraut.

As soon as the cabbage is fermented, you need to get it out of the jar, squeeze out the brine from it (but not just like that, into the sink, but into a deep plate, we still need it). Transfer the cabbage and carrots to a clean glass jar.

Mix the previously squeezed brine with sugar until smooth. Pour the resulting liquid into a jar of cabbage. Close the lid and leave for 12 hours. After that, sauerkraut will be ready. Keep it in a cool place, but not for long, but it is better to eat it as soon as possible.

Step 4: Serve sweet sauerkraut.

Ready-made sauerkraut is a very tasty appetizer salad. It turns out crispy and incredibly appetizing. Serve it in a separate saucer, garnished with slices of sweet and sour apples, dried plums, cranberries or green grapes and do not forget to drizzle it with fragrant sunflower oil.

Recipe tips:

- I did not just note in the list of ingredients that carrots should be sweet. The fact is that the sweeter and tastier the carrot, the tastier and sweeter the sauerkraut with it turns out.

- If you are not comfortable pickling cabbage in a jar or you are pickling a large number of vegetables at once, take a large enameled bowl or a special tub.

- In a jar, cabbage can be pierced not only with a wooden stick, but also with a long knife, if its blade reaches the bottom of the container.

- Do not use iodized salt to cook sauerkraut, as it can be bitter.

Sweet sauerkraut

Sweet sauerkraut is crispy and very tasty. Unfortunately, such cabbage does not keep for a long time, so I suggest cooking it all winter from time to time. It is especially good for the holiday, as its taste has been familiar to many since childhood, and the properties of cabbage will help your stomachs cope with the abundance of heavy food, which is always a lot on holiday tables.

sweet cabbage

Most housewives make preparations for the winter, but even in the warm season it is nice to get a jar from the pantry and indulge yourself with delicious pickled vegetables. See how to cook sweet cabbage.


  • Cabbage 2 Kilograms
  • Carrots 2 Kilograms
  • Garlic 2 pieces
  • Water 1 Liter
  • Salt 2 Art. spoons
  • Sunflower oil 1/2 cup
  • Sugar 1 glass
  • Vinegar 70% 1 Art. spoon

1. Wash and chop the cabbage thinly, transfer it to a deep saucepan or bowl so that it is convenient to mix. We clean and wash the carrots, rub on a coarse grater and transfer to a container for cabbage. We clean the garlic and finely chop, mix everything.

2. We make the marinade: pour water into a deep saucepan, after boiling, add salt and sugar there, pour sunflower oil, bring to a boil, and then pour vinegar. After the marinade stops boiling, turn off the heat.

3. Pour cabbage with carrots with hot marinade. Mix well and begin to knead and tamp the vegetables. It is convenient to do this with a potato masher. When the marinade has cooled, you can crush the vegetables with your hands.

4. We cover the workpiece with a lid and send it to a cold place, you can put it under a press. We keep everything in the cold for three days. Now our sweet cabbage is ready to eat.

Sweet cabbage - step by step recipe with photo on

Most housewives make preparations for the winter, but even in the warm season it is nice to get a jar from the pantry and indulge yourself with delicious pickled vegetables. See how to cook sweet cabbage.

Sauerkraut in sweet and sour sauce

Cooking time: Not indicated

My husband constantly asks me to pickle his cabbage. He literally eats it in cans. You will not believe it, he even takes her to work in vessels. I don’t know what caused such a love for this vegetable.

You know, I'm not very upset because I have to pickle cabbage almost every weekend.

The thing is that sauerkraut, the recipe of which I have been using lately, is ready for use in two hours. Therefore, when I have a puncture in the sense that this appetizer suddenly ends, I quickly prepare it and wait just a couple of hours, and then serve it to the table.

Of all the recipes that I have already managed to prepare, the recipe for sauerkraut in sweet and sour sauce, it seems to me, is the most successful. Cabbage really comes out moderately sour and a little sweet, I recommend that you definitely cook this goodies, believe me. You will definitely like it.

- carrots (you can not add it),

- a glass of vegetable oil,

- 1 tablespoon liquid honey (I forgot to take a picture of it),

- a tablespoon of salt,

- a half-liter can of ordinary water,

- 1 bay leaf.

To do this, pour water into the container.

Add bay leaf and salt to it.

Pour vegetable oil and vinegar, add honey.

Bring the marinade to a full boil.

Remove the top layer of leaves from the cabbage. We chop the caputs with a sharp knife.

Peel and grate the carrots.

Combine all ingredients and add marinade to them.

After two hours, the cabbage will be completely saturated with hot marinade and cool, it can be safely served at the table.

Sweet and sour sauerkraut: recipe with photo

Sweet and sour sauerkraut, prepared according to our recipe with a photo, turns out juicy, crispy and very tasty. Great with grilled meats. See our website for cooking details.

How to cook sweet cabbage for the winter

Sweet cabbage for the winter - instant vitamin salad. It will become a delicious snack in the cold season, both on the festive table and on weekdays. Ideal as an accompaniment to various side dishes and main dishes. Can serve as a dressing for soups.

sweet cabbage recipe

The recipe is easy to prepare, due to the availability of ingredients at any time of the year. The salad is obtained with a piquant sweetish aftertaste and a crispy texture. And it is stored for quite a long time, without loss of original characteristics.

Source: Depositphotos

Sweet cabbage for the winter - a tasty and fragrant snack

Grocery set:

  • 2–2.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 500 g of onion;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 450-500 g of sweet bell pepper;
  • 200 ml sunflower oil;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 30-40 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.

Calculation for 20 servings. Cooking time - 100 min.

Pickling method:

  1. Remove the top leaves and the stalk from the cabbage head, otherwise the bitterness from it will spoil the whole salad. Slice the cabbage into narrow ribbons.
  2. Sweet pepper cut into strips.
  3. Do the same with onions and carrots.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, carefully remember with your hands. Pour in sugar and salt, pour in vinegar and oil. Stir again.
  5. Leave to infuse at room temperature for 40-45 minutes. It can be longer until the juice stands out.
  6. Salad ready. Arrange it in sterilized jars, close and store in the cold.

Take the first sample after 1 day.

Like any pickled cabbage, sweet cabbage is served with various side dishes and meat dishes. Eat as an independent salad, which improves digestion and increases appetite.

Pickled sweet cabbage

The essence of the method is the preparation of a separate marinade, which is poured over vegetable preparations. The uniqueness is that the dish is ready to eat in 30-40 minutes.

Ingredient composition:

  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 1.5–2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - 25–30 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Quantity - 20 servings. Cooking time - 30 min.

Cooking order:

  1. Cut vegetables into any shape, but better in narrow strips.
  2. Squeeze the garlic or chop finely.
  3. Mix all ingredients.
  4. Boil the marinade: dissolve bulk components, sunflower oil in water. When it boils, pour in the vinegar.
  5. Pour liquid over mixed vegetables. Start to gradually tamp. First with an auxiliary tool, then with your hands.
  6. Cover with a lid and place a press on top.

Send the resulting mixture in the cold for 3-4 days. After that, lay out on the prepared container and close.

Salad is easy to prepare, and it is eaten faster than standard preparations. Due to the availability of ingredients, such stocks can be replenished regularly during the winter.

The snack will be a pleasant vitamin supplement, which is important for maintaining immunity. Suitable for a quick and easy dinner, it is enough to boil the potatoes. Bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare vegetables.

Vegetables need to be peeled and washed, the top leaves should be removed from the cabbage, and the peel should be removed from the carrots. Rinse everything and chop with a special grater for shredding vegetables.
Attention: do not forget to remove the stalk from the cabbage so that it does not spoil the entire salad.

If there is no special grater, then chop the carrots with a regular grater, and cut the cabbage into thin strips.

Step 2: Knead the cabbage.

Mix the vegetables in a large bowl or bowl. Add salt to them and mix gently but thoroughly. It is not necessary to press and press, on the contrary, try to stir so gently that the juice does not stand out at all.

Put the resulting salad in a glass jar. Now you need to pack the vegetables very tightly so that the brine comes out. Cover the jar with clean and dense gauze, and place a saucer with a load on top, which can be, for example, a small cup filled with clean water. Leave the cabbage to ferment for 2 - 3 days. At the same time, every day, and preferably several times a day, gases must be released from the can. To do this, pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick. Pierce in several places and all the way to the bottom.

Step 3: Prepare the sauerkraut.

As soon as the cabbage is fermented, you need to get it out of the jar, squeeze out the brine from it (but not just like that, into the sink, but into a deep plate, we still need it). Transfer the cabbage and carrots to a clean glass jar.
Mix the previously squeezed brine with sugar until smooth. Pour the resulting liquid into a jar of cabbage. Close the lid and leave for 12 hours. After that, sauerkraut will be ready. Keep it in a cool place, but not for long, but it is better to eat it as soon as possible.

Step 4: Serve sweet sauerkraut.

Ready-made sauerkraut is a very tasty appetizer salad. It turns out crispy and incredibly appetizing. Serve it in a separate saucer, garnished with slices of sweet and sour apples, dried plums, cranberries or green grapes and do not forget to drizzle it with fragrant sunflower oil.
Bon appetit!

It’s not just that I noted in the list of ingredients that carrots should be sweet. The fact is that the sweeter and tastier the carrot, the tastier and sweeter the sauerkraut with it turns out.

If you are not comfortable pickling cabbage in a jar or you are pickling a large number of vegetables at once, take a large enameled bowl or a special tub.

In a jar, cabbage can be pierced not only with a wooden stick, but also with a long knife, if its blade reaches the bottom of the container.

Do not use iodized salt for sauerkraut, as it can be bitter.

It is impossible to imagine a festive table without sauerkraut or pickled cabbage. Since ancient times, it has been harvested for the winter, and to this day vegetable rolls in the winter season are very popular. There is a whole sea of ​​​​recipes for pickled cabbage.

Pickled cabbage - the most favorite snack

No one can resist crispy juicy pickled cabbage. This is a great addition to any meat or fish dish and an excellent appetizer on the festive table.

You can marinate any kind. For this, both red and white cabbage are suitable. Note! Red forks are stiffer, so they need to be cooked differently than white ones.

Unlike fermentation, pickling allows you to achieve faster results. In addition, it is a very useful product that retains its beneficial properties during the cooking process.

In order to quickly and tasty cook crispy cabbage, you will need:

  • head of 2 kg.
  • one carrot.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • water - liter.
  • sunflower oil 200 ml.
  • 200 ml table vinegar.
  • three st. l. heaping salt.
  • 8 art. l. Sahara.
  • bay leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage is cut into large pieces, carrots are grated.
  2. Add peeled and finely chopped garlic to the chopped carrots.
  3. All vegetables are placed in a liter jar in layers. Cabbage is laid out in the first layer, then carrots with garlic.
  4. The next step is to make the marinade. To do this, salt the water, add sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. All this must be boiled, putting a bay leaf.
  5. Salad cabbage is poured with marinade, after which it is left under oppression for three hours. After three hours, a delicious and crispy snack is ready.

Important advice! To make the cabbage crispy, you need to choose tight heads of cabbage.

Pickled Instant Cabbage (video)

In jars with bell pepper

Cabbage marinades are very convenient. They can be stored in the cold for almost a whole month, and they will not lose their taste. Pickled bell pepper salad can be eaten the next day.
