
Ways to harvest cabbage for the winter. Cooking recipe culinary soup green Vologda food products

For such a homemade preparation, you will need a wooden barrel, which you need to fill with water in a few days, then steam it with boiling water on juniper branches.

One bucket of cabbage slices requires one handful of salt and rye flour. Calculate proportions based on this.

Of course, anything can be cooked from such gray cabbage soup. Not only cabbage soup. This is a complete sauerkraut for the winter, very tasty.

A difficult recipe for gray cabbage soup for the winter of home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 5 days. Contains only 23 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 9 minutes
  • Cooking time: 5 d
  • Amount of calories: 23 kilocalories
  • Servings: 10 servings
  • Complexity: Difficult recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: cabbage soup

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Kroshev salting:
  • White cabbage 5 kg
  • Table salt 100 gr
  • Rye flour 100 gr
  • Water 5 l
  • Gray cabbage soup:
  • Potato 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Sauerkraut (cooked cabbage crumble) 200 gr
  • Vegetable oil 3 table. l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.
  • Dill 2 table. l.

Step by step cooking

  1. First we need cabbage crumble. I'll tell you how to do it.
  2. We need necessarily green leaves of white cabbage, which are called integumentary. Such leaves are usually not used at all - they are torn off. To make cabbage soup even tastier, dark outer leaves are diluted with light ordinary ones. You can also use heads of cabbage, three pieces. I usually add more white leaves, because dark ones aggravate stomach problems.
  3. Cabbage leaves must be thoroughly washed and chopped into crumbs, to make such a cut from cabbage, that is, crumbly.
  4. Transfer the chopped leaves into a tub and pour boiling water (preferably a decoction with juniper twigs for disinfection). After boiling water drain.
  5. Now add a handful of rye flour and a handful of salt to the crumble, mix. Pour cabbage with five liters of boiling water, cover with gauze and a warm blanket on top. Leave overnight.
  6. In the morning, remove the blanket, leave the gauze. The barrel should stand up to five days - the fermentation process will begin in it. Every day, pierce the cabbage with a stick, releasing gases. As soon as the foam disappears from the surface, the cabbage is ready.
  7. Now put a flat wooden lid on top, and oppression on it. Excess brine (liquid completely covers oppression) to scoop out.
  8. Our gray cabbage soup is ready for the winter. You can use them for other dishes, you can serve instead of a salad.
  9. We will cook delicious gray cabbage soup.
  10. Cut potatoes, carrots, onions. Put potatoes to boil in salted water. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Add cabbage to the fry and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
  11. In a saucepan where potatoes were boiled, mash them with a fork, add roast, spices. And cook for about an hour until the cabbage is soft.
  12. Then turn off the fire, cover the soup with a lid and leave for half an hour on the stove. Season with fresh dill and sour cream.


Kroshevo is the very mysterious ingredient that makes the taste of gray cabbage soup completely unique. The once very popular, and now completely forgotten Russian preparation, is being revived through the efforts of enthusiasts and lovers of primordially folk cuisine. My dear guest, Lev Nikolaevich Shishkin, continues what he started today or shakh from crumbling.

I give the floor to Lev Nikolaevich:

Having tasted cabbage soup, my brother and his son and I began to wonder what and how this deliciousness is prepared from? They took us to the barn, opened a barrel of ice cream crumble, showed us how to pick it up crumble. and they even gave us a jar to take with us so that we could cook cabbage soup from crumble at home. Returning home, we cooked cabbage soup, but nothing like the ones we overeat happened. And after all, they cooked from the same kroshev! It's a shame!

Last year, I decided to cook crumble myself and master the technology of making gray cabbage soup from crumble. I specially sowed several roots of late cabbage in July so that there would be a large green mass and small heads of cabbage. And he asked the neighbor not to throw away the green leaves after harvesting the cabbage. I rummaged through the Internet, talked with my northerner friends, and by the beginning of the action I had a complete idea of ​​what to do, how and why.

Crumble from green cabbage leaves. Recipe

Cooking kroshev consists of several stages:

1. Cut the cabbage leaves into crumbs.

To obtain a crumble, it is desirable to have a dugout birch or oak trough and a sharp semicircular “cut”. I replaced the trough with a wooden box, and I made a cut from a shredding knife.

Not only well-washed green leaves are used,

with cut out coarse central veins, but also small heads of cabbage, which can make up 20-30% of the total mass.

We start cutting the green mass

Particles of the finished crumb should be 5-10 mm in size.

Some patient ones have managed to cook kroshevo on a cutting board with a sharp knife.

2. Fermentation.

We will need a bucket, a tank, any suitable container - enameled or made of food-grade plastic. Kroshevo is pre-ground with salt and rye flour.

For a 10 liter bucket of crumble, you will need about a glass of salt and a handful of flour or a slice of crumbled rye bread, then the crumble is placed quite tightly in the prepared container. If the crumble is well ground by hand, then the juice appears almost immediately. On top you need to put a wooden circle or a flat plate and a good oppression.

Place the crumb container in a warm place (20-22°C) for 5-7 days. Every day, 1-2 times, the oppression must be removed and the entire mass pierced in several places to release the gases formed during fermentation. Nothing, be patient - it's worth it! Foam that appears at the edges must be removed! At the end of fermentation, crumble should be squeezed out, packaged in bags, approximately 0.5 kg each and frozen.

Store frozen until consumed.

Shchi from crumble. Recipe

Shchi is cooked from kroshev in different ways. The ideal option is a Russian stove. In the village, they cooked simply - they poured crumbs into a cast-iron, put chopped carrots, potatoes, onions, meat. Covered with a lid and put in the oven in the morning. Shchi from kroshev did not boil, but languished and were ready for dinner.

To some extent, similar conditions can be created in a pressure cooker. Ice cream crumble is poured with cold water for a few minutes. Then squeeze well and put in a pressure cooker. I pour 3-4 liters of water into 300-400 grams of crumble, put it on a big fire until the valve is activated, then reduce the fire almost to a minimum (but there should be steam pressure under the lid!) And cook for 3-4 hours.

After the required time has passed, the lid of the pressure cooker is cooled under running water, the carrots, parsley, parsley, parsley, whole potatoes and a piece of meat cut into circles are removed and laid. Cover tightly with a lid and cook for another hour and a half. After cooling and removing the lid, the potatoes are taken out and, with the addition of broth, they are mashed with a crush in mashed potatoes.

They take out the meat, choose all the bones. Salo is mashed into a puree. Meat with the help of two forks is sorted into fibers.

All ingredients are returned back to the pot. Shchi is served with sour cream or cream, herbs and garlic.

In urban conditions, you can simmer for three or four hours on the smallest fire on the stove or in the oven, gradually adding water. You have to be careful not to burn the crumble! In another bowl, a good meat broth is being cooked at this time - also on low heat. The broth can be prepared from beef and pork. Then carrots, cut into circles, parsley, bay leaf and whole potatoes are added to the meat broth. The finished crumble is combined with the broth, boiled all together for 30-40 minutes. then the potatoes are taken out, with a small amount of broth they are kneaded with a crush, the meat is freed from the bones, disassembled into fibers. Again, combine everything together in a saucepan. Served with chopped herbs and garlic. From greens, dill, green onions, parsley are good.

Dear Lev Nikolaevich! Thank you so much for sharing the old recipe for making kroshev and gray cabbage soup from it!

And this is how the grandmothers of the Russian North do crumbly

Kroshevo can be cooked in small quantities even in a city apartment. Numerous rave reviews that I have heard recently about this preparation (I specifically “monitored” the Internet about this) indicate that small inconveniences and a rather long cooking procedure pay off a hundredfold with the unearthly taste of crumble cabbage soup!

Musical gift for everyone:

Babkin's grandchildren - Not for me ...

Cabbage is poured in the country and you want cabbage soup now, can you eat the lower leaves? I heard that you can salt the green leaves of white cabbage for green cabbage soup, tell me the recipe?

Salt the lower green cabbage leaves - this is to cook the so-called "gray" cabbage soup. And they are prepared from crumble - pre-prepared green cabbage leaves. Crumbly prepared in advance. To do this, take the lowest and green leaves of heads of cabbage. It is they who give the cabbage soup its green color. And they are called crumbling, because they are cut in a special way - cut. To prepare cabbage soup, take a 10 l bucket or pan. Chop shchi is hidden in it, salted at the rate of 1 glass of salt per 10 leaf buckets of shchi and a pinch of rye flour is added. A plate or wooden "circle" and a load are placed on top. Juice appears immediately due to salt, and the souring process is accelerated due to the addition of rye flour. They put the bucket in a warm place for 7 days and remove the oppression daily and pierce it to release gases. Then the cabbage soup is washed with cold water, laid out in bags and frozen. Each package contains approximately 0.5 kg of crumb. "Gray" cabbage soup is cooked from kroshev with the addition of carrots, onions, sometimes potatoes, in meat broth and with the addition of boiled meat. And the most important thing that will give such cabbage soup a unique taste is to cook better in a pot and in the oven for 40-45 minutes. In general, "gray" cabbage soup is an old Russian dish, which is now being revived through the efforts of enthusiasts and lovers of old Russian cuisine.

First, prepare the cabbage for the crumble. We take green integumentary leaves of cabbage, those that are usually discarded when pickling white cabbage. For taste, put 2-3 small heads of white cabbage. Wash the leaves with warm water. Since the green leaves are rougher than ordinary cabbage, they should not be chopped, but chopped very finely to make a crumb or "crumble".


A handful of rye flour and a handful of salt are taken on a bucket of crumble.

Cooking method:

A bucket of crumble is poured into a tub, sprinkled with a handful of rye flour and salt. Pour everything with boiling water (5 liters of water per bucket of crumbling), cover with a clean cloth, and a blanket on top. It should stand for at least 3 hours, overnight is better. The next day, the blanket is removed and the fermentation process begins, which lasts 3-5 days. Cabbage every day should be pierced 2-3 times with a stick to let out the accumulated gases. The cabbage is ready when the foam stops appearing on the surface. Then a wooden circle and oppression are placed on top. The excess brine is poured out.

It is good to cook such cabbage soup in a Russian oven, where they languish in a cast-iron or in a ceramic pot for 4-5 hours. Meat should be taken fatty - pork, lamb, fatty beef. They lay everything at the same time - meat, cabbage, onions, carrots, whole potatoes, barley, parsley, pepper and salt. They put it in the oven. At the end of cooking, you need to get the potatoes out of the pot, crush them and put them back.

It is delicious to eat hot green cabbage soup with garlic.

Bon appetit!

I haven't done it myself, but curiosity is a tempting thing. I searched and found a recipe, I decided to make a test for winter cabbage soup this year. It should be noted that this preparation must be done at the end of August, beginning of September. This recipe is called "Kroshevo".

For harvesting we need: 1 kg. top green cabbage leaves, 30 grams of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 0.5 cups of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rye flour.

We wash the cut leaves of cabbage (each separately). We shake off the water.

We put several leaves in a pile and with a sharp knife cut first into thin strips, and then into cubes, we also chop them. (I decided to cut them in a trough, since I have a trough and a cut). We put the chopped leaves in small handfuls in a large container, rubbing with our hands.

Dissolve salt and sugar in cold boiled water and pour the leaves with this brine. We place a flat plate on top and put a load on it. We leave in the room for 5 - 7 days.

We take a jar, scald it with boiling water, pour 1 tbsp on its bottom. a spoonful of rye flour and transfer crumbly into a jar.

After every 3 - 4 shifted spoons, we tamp the leaves.

We tie the neck with gauze (in several layers) and put it in a cool place, periodically adding water (it quickly evaporates).

Before cooking, the crumbs are washed in cold water.

For the preparation of cabbage soup, you can use fermented (salted) green lower leaves of cabbage.

From the lower leaves prepare kroshevo. Washed leaves are placed in a wooden box and, with the help of a cut, crumble to small pieces.

Crumbly from the lower leaves of cabbage should be placed in a glass jar or wooden barrel.

Before laying on the bottom of the container, it is advisable to throw a few crackers from rye bread or a handful of rye flour.

Add salt to the crumble to taste and put in a warm place for fermentation.

Every day, the entire mass must be pierced to the bottom. This is done for better fermentation. The sourdough lasts 4-7 days, after which the container with cabbage is stored in a dark, cool place.

How to cook crumble from green cabbage leaves for the winter? The recipes for this blank, as well as other issues, we will consider in the article. Today, many do not throw out the lower tops of cabbage, but cook crumbly from it. Green cabbage leaves are able to secrete special acidic enzymes. Thanks to them, the workpiece has its own unusual and unique taste. Villagers in Russia to this day use the lower cabbage leaves not out of prudence, but because of tradition and indescribable taste.


Often people prepare crumble for the winter from green cabbage. This ingredient in gray cabbage soup is very easy to cook. Previously, a large number of dishes were prepared from green cabbage leaves. First, the tops were crushed with the help of a special stray (chopped), crushing it and folding it into you can use a large knife. To prepare crumble for the winter from green cabbage leaves, you need to take: 1 tsp. sugar, 50 g of salt, 1 kg of green (top) cabbage leaves, half a glass of water, 1 tbsp. l. rye flour.

How to cook?

So, we prepare kroshevo for the winter from green cabbage leaves. First, rinse the leaves thoroughly and shake off the water from them. Put them in a pile and first cut into thin strips, and then chop into squares. Then grind it all with rocking movements from the knife handle to its tip, and vice versa.

Now place the crushed leaves in a large saucepan. Move the crumb and at the same time crush it with your hands. Prepare the brine. To do this, pour sugar and salt with cold water, mix thoroughly and pour into a pan with crumble.

Next, lay a plate on the cabbage crumb and put oppression on top. Leave for a week in the room. Now take a three-liter jar, cover its bottom with rye flour and transfer the cabbage crumble here. It must be well tamped with a wooden rolling pin. Tie the neck with a piece of gauze and put it in the cold. Water will evaporate in it, so it needs to be added occasionally. Harvested kroshevo for the winter from green cabbage leaves is ready! Before cooking cabbage soup, be sure to rinse it with cold water.

Manufacturing nuances

So, you already know how to cook crumble from green cabbage leaves for the winter. Shchi is prepared from it, which owe their unusual taste to cabbage leaves that were not included in the head of cabbage. They are usually crushed in a wooden barrel. They are cut into crumbs with a cut - a special stray, as we talked about above. A cut is a metal open "eight" on a stick. Thanks to this shape, this tool grinds cabbage, including those that have stuck to the sides of the barrel. To create crumbling in wooden boxes, a different cut is used, the configuration of which is similar to the armament of the king's guards from the famous cartoon about the Bremen Town Musicians.

How is it cooked in the regions?

Cooking kroshev for the winter from green cabbage leaves in different regions is carried out in different ways. This dish is also called differently. In the Pskov province - this is a khryapa, in Siberia - a shanitsa, and in the remote villages of the northwestern region of Russia - sour or crumbly. It is the basis for the manufacture of shtey or gray cabbage soup. In different regions, their distinctive features of fermentation of the workpiece we are considering have been preserved.

Someone pours a handful of rye flour, somewhere they do not add salt, but somewhere they put a loaf of black bread. It is unlikely that a city dweller will be able to fully reproduce the technique for creating crumble, but believe me, its taste is worth it.

Novgorod recipe

So how to cook delicious crumble for the winter from green cabbage leaves? We present to your attention the recipe according to which this dish is prepared in the villages of the Novgorod region. It is on it that it turns out crumbly with the most refined and original sourness.

So, wash the cabbage leaves and load them into a barrel. Put carrots here too (as many as you see fit). Carrots can be grated, but then its taste will not be the same as that of a cut one. It must be remembered that finely grated carrots turn crumbly yellow-orange, which looks unappetizing. To prevent damage to the bottom of the barrel, lay a couple of cabbage leaves on it.

As soon as a portion of carrots and cabbage has been crumbled, transfer it to an enameled basin. Then sprinkle with salt to taste and grind with your hands. The mixture should taste and look identical to fresh cabbage salad. Now transfer it to an enameled clean fermentation tank.

And so on - chop up a portion of carrots and cabbage with a slice in a barrel, shift for grinding and then send it to the tank. After preparing all the cabbage in this way, cover it with a lid. The lid should be slightly smaller in diameter than the tank. Put a heavy oppression on top and wait for the juice to appear.

fermentation stage

Agree, it is very easy to cook crumble for the winter from green cabbage leaves. The photo of this blank surprises everyone. What is the stage of fermentation of this dish? In green cabbage leaves, unlike white ones, there are few natural sugars. Therefore, the fermentation of kroshev is difficult. Depending on the "sugar content" of cabbage, to start fermentation, it needs help in the form of a crust of black bread or a handful of rye flour.

Kroshevo ferments for 5-7 days. During this period, from under the oppression, a thick foam appears at the edges, in which the bitterness of cabbage leaves is located. Therefore, it must be removed.

Once a day, the oppression must be removed and with a clean stick (in the villages a stick is used from a cut) to “pierce” holes in the cabbage (to the bottom) in the center and in a circle. Air comes out through these holes, and a peculiar smell of fermenting cabbage leaves comes from the mass itself. If you do not make holes, then it will turn out crumbly with bitterness. In fact, cabbage needs to breathe fresh air! Also, it must be completely covered with brine. If your cabbage juices are not enough, you need to pour in a little warm water.

After about seven days, all odors will disappear, the white foam will complete its formation, and the crumb will acquire an amazing “sour” taste and green-gray color. This product is very different from regular sauerkraut.

In the villages, the finished crumble is saved in the basement. A city dweller can send it to the freezer and pick it up a little to make gray cabbage soup from crumble.

cabbage soup

Shchi from kroshev is cooked in a variety of ways. The ideal option is the Russian stove. Previously, in the villages they cooked simply - they poured crumbs into a cast iron, added chopped carrots, onions, potatoes, meat. Then they covered it with a lid and put it in the oven in the morning. As a result, cabbage soup from kroshev was languishing (not boiling) and was ready for dinner.

Identical conditions can be created in a pressure cooker. So, pour ice cream crumble for a couple of minutes with cold water. Then squeeze well and put in a pressure cooker. For 400 g of crumble, 4 liters of water are usually poured. Next, the pressure cooker must be put on high heat until the valve is activated. After that, the fire must be reduced (but there should be steam pressure under the lid) and cook for 4 hours.

Then cool the lid of the pressure cooker under running water, remove it. Put in crumbly chopped carrots, parsley, bay leaf, a piece of meat and a whole potato. Cover tightly with a lid and cook for another hour and a half. After the lid has cooled down, you can remove it. Take out the potatoes, add a little broth and mash them with a potato masher.

Return all ingredients to the saucepan. Serve cabbage soup with cream or sour cream, garlic and herbs.

Kroshevo in urban conditions can be simmered for three to four hours on low heat in the oven or on the stove, adding a little water. Care must be taken that the crumb does not burn. At this time, in another bowl, boil the meat broth (pork or beef) - also over low heat. Next, add chopped carrots, bay leaves, parsley, whole potatoes to the meat broth. Then combine the finished crumble with the broth, cook for 30-40 minutes. After that, take out the potatoes and mash with a small amount of broth with a crush, and free the meat from the bones and disassemble it into fibers. Again, combine everything in a saucepan. Serve with garlic and chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

And every hostess has her favorite. But believe me, when you try my recipe for making cabbage leaves for the winter, you will fall in love with it from the first crunch. This dish is prepared simply and quickly, does not require special skills, so even an inexperienced hostess can handle it. You do not think that I am praising this dish, I am writing all this, relying on numerous guest reviews, since after each feast this appetizer caused a huge sensation. Many friends and acquaintances are already preparing lobed cabbage, forgetting about the recipes that were prepared before her. The cooking process is simple: you simply put spices on the bottom of the jar, after which you put cabbage and pour it all with marinade, which, by the way, is very easy to prepare. Do you want to please your guests with a delicious crispy and fragrant snack? Then be sure to add it to your notes so as not to lose it. But, keep in mind, when the guests taste the cabbage, it will disappear instantly. So cook it as much as you can.
- 3 heads of white cabbage,
- Bay leaf,
- peppercorns,
- 5 glasses of water,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 3 tablespoons of salt,
- 150 grams of vinegar.

Now let's get down to the most important thing - slicing cabbage. It’s better not to even cut it, but just tear it with your hands so that the cabbage looks like petals.

Pour water into the bowl.

Add salt and sugar. Then pour in the vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil.

Put the bay leaf and peppercorns on the bottom of the jar.

Then lay out the cabbage.

Pour marinade over cabbage.

Well, at the end, screw the jars with lids.
Crunch on health!
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