
How to make apple wine at home. Apple wine at home: technology and recipe with photo

How to make delicious homemade wine from fresh apples? Wine is a pleasant drink that not only tastes great, but can also be beneficial to your health when consumed in moderation. How to make apple wine at home? This popular drink can be made from several ingredients, including: apples, grapes and berries.

It is worth starting the preparation of wine with squeezing the juice. Remember that apples cannot be washed. On their peel is a huge amount of yeast useful for fermentation.

Dirty or damaged apples are enough to wipe and remove the rotten surface. In order for the wine not to turn bitter, it is necessary to remove the core from the apples.

How to make delicious apple wine with a simple homemade recipe:


Apples are peeled - start processing them. If the house has a good juicer, then it is best to use it. It will clean the juice from the pulp as much as possible.

Instead of a juicer, you can use a powerful mechanical grater. The resulting product must be squeezed out, and then placed in a container with a wide neck, for a period of 2-3 days.

During this period, applesauce is divided into juice and pulp. The pulp is formed on top of the juice. It is dense, so the puree must be stirred during the first 2 days - 2-3 times. On the third day, the pulp is left alone, and at the end of the term, it is removed with a colander.

It's time to add sugar. The amount of sugar you add depends entirely on how strong your apple wine is. If you want to get fortified wine, add 250 gr. Sahara. The more sugar, the stronger the drink. Apples themselves are sweet, so the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of sugar.

The wine is ready for fermentation. Place the juice in a container or container that can be sealed. During fermentation, foam is formed, so the container should be 45% empty.

During fermentation, gases are formed, for their release into the container, it is necessary to make a small hole and insert a thin tube there. The outer end of the tube should be released 2-3 centimeters into a glass of water. Place the container in a place that is not cold.

During the entire fermentation period, gases escape into the glass. As soon as the gases have disappeared, the wine is ready. However, don't open it right away. Let him insist.

On average, fermentation lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The longer the exposure, the better the wine tastes. You can also add rowan or pear juice to apple wine. This will give him a toughness. Now you know how to make delicious apple wine at home.

Two apple trees in a summer cottage - an occasion for reflection on what to do with the harvest.

For jams, jams and juice, twenty or thirty kilograms of apples are quite enough to provide a family of four with apple preparations for the autumn-winter season.

What to do with the rest of the apples? The variety "White pouring" gives, on average, 70-100 kg of apples per season, "Antonovka" - up to 150 kg.

At the same time, the shelf life of apple jam and juice is not long, but the older the wine of good quality, the better. Apples are not grapes, but among fruit crops, their biochemical composition is considered one of the best materials for winemaking. If you have your own wine material, apple wine is a good way to process the crop. This does not require special equipment - just a few large-volume bottles complete with water seals. In extreme cases, you can get by with ordinary medical gloves. Well, of course, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of the basics of home fruit winemaking.

Wine from apples without pressing - basic technological principles

A good homemade wine must first be thought through, and one must begin with an assessment of the fruit material. Among the many varieties of apples, some have a sweet taste, others are sour, and others are slightly tart (wild varieties). These nuances are important for drawing up a bouquet of future wine; the further work order depends on them. The correct composition of the taste of wine begins at the stage of collecting and sorting the fruits. Wine made from one variety of apples most often loses in taste to wines in which several varieties are used for preparation.

Making must from sour apples requires the addition of water to neutralize the acid. To increase the volume of the must from apples with a lower juice content, topping up with water is also required. But, juice diluted with water will not give a good, rich taste and aroma to wine. What can be done in this case? When preparing fruits for the preparation of must (or pulp), select apples of several varieties that meet the following criteria:

juiciness- it is clear that the volume of future wine depends on the amount of natural juice. Juiciness, to some extent, depends on the degree of maturity, and it, in turn, affects the sugar and acid content. It turns out a vicious circle. True, there are varieties that have a denser and low-juicy pulp. It is for such fruits that the method of obtaining juice by pre-fermentation is the best option.

Astringency of taste- although this quality is least of all inherent in apples, a tart taste is still present in winter and wild varieties. The characteristic astringent taste indicates the presence of tannin in the fruits, a substance that is necessary to clarify the wine, increase its shelf life and durability.

All stages of the preparation of apple wine consist of:

Collection and sorting of fruits,

Getting juice or wine material,

Wort preparation,

His fermentation

direct fermentation,

Removal from sediment, clarification and tanization,

Exposure, pouring and subsequent care during storage.

The most time-consuming process, many consider obtaining juice. On the one hand, squeezing juice is not difficult if you have a press and a juicer. But if there is no electricity in the country for objective reasons, then a press and a juicer will not help, and in this case, making wine from apples without pressing, from pulp is the only way out. To do this, the collected and sorted fruits are cut, after which they are placed in a large container and sprinkled with sugar. That is, instead of juice, pulp is prepared, as is the case with berry wine material, from which it is difficult to squeeze juice. This method of obtaining apple juice is beneficial, because the entire fruit material is used in the process of making wine.

It should be noted that after picking apples, they do not need to be washed. On the surface of the fruit live "wild yeast", which will begin the process of making wine. But it is desirable to pick apples in dry and sunny weather so that there are no drops of dew or rain on the fruits. If the apples are collected from the ground, then they must be wiped with a dry cloth.

For faster juice separation, apples are cut into small pieces, at the same time removing the core with stones, cutting out places of damage from the fetus (rot, scab, wormholes). After cutting, pieces of fruit are sprinkled with sugar and left for fermentation - at this stage, the yeast on the surface of the fruit begins to work, accelerating the separation of juice, without which it will still not be possible to start making wine. Otherwise, you will have to add water to the pulp, that is, dilute the natural juice, which, of course, will worsen the quality of the future wine.

When the pulp becomes loose, soft, and will be easy to knead and compact, it must be transferred to a bottle, add the right amount of sugar. Stir sugar until completely dissolved. Install a water seal and place the bottle where there is no direct sunlight, drafts, and the constant natural air temperature during the entire fermentation period will be 18-23 ° C. Fill the bottle to ¾ of the volume, leaving free space for the foam, which will rise to the surface in the phase of the most active fermentation - in the first 7-10 days.

The next phase of fermentation is more moderate. At this time, less foam forms on the surface of the bottle, with smaller bubbles, and inside the bottle it becomes noticeable how the solid particles of the fruit begin to gradually separate from the fermented juice. After about a month, the thick will begin to settle at the bottom of the bottle and a quiet phase of fermentation will begin, after which the wine yeast, having done its job, will gradually begin to settle to the bottom, to the surface of the thick remaining in the bottle with the wort. Yeasts that have processed sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide will no longer have enough oxygen and nutrition, and they will gradually begin to die off. At this time, the wine must be poured so that the bitterness formed as a result of the decay of fungi is not transferred to future wine. It is important not to miss this moment in order to remove the thick from the bottle, along with dying fungi. Of course, squeezing the pulp is much easier than juice from fresh apples, but this somewhat slows down the fermentation of wine.

Pour the wine through a gauze filter. Prepare a clean and dry bucket, place a filter on it and pour the contents of the bottle. The sediment remaining in the gauze can be squeezed out into a bucket, but only if the gauze is rolled up in several layers to prevent solid particles from seeping through it. Next, the bottle must be thoroughly washed, dried and the future wine returned to it. At this point, it is advisable to add sugar if you plan to make strong or dessert wines, since for such wines, sugar must be added in parts. In addition, the addition of sugar again activates fermentation, which can be caused by the removal of the pulp. If the must fermentation is stopped, there is always a risk of infecting it with acetic bacteria.

Now we come to the question of sugar and wine yeast. This topic is very voluminous, and one can talk about the role of sugar in the vital activity of yeast for a very long time. Therefore, we remember only the most important theses.

Yeast- living microorganisms, therefore, behave accordingly, although not consciously, obeying instincts. When they settle in favorable conditions, where there is food, air, they have enough energy and the temperature is comfortable, microorganisms begin to multiply. Like all life on the planet, yeast needs to create conditions for healthy competition. That is, if sugar is in excess for a certain number of microorganisms, then they will behave very sluggishly - why rush if there is enough for everyone? If you pour out all the sugar at once, then the yeast will doze lazily, and alcohol will not begin to form soon.

The strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, and the rate of its introduction depends on the desired strength of the wine. We add 20 g to the sugar contained in the fruit juice to increase the strength by one degree. For example, for wine with a strength of 18%, you need to add 180 g of sugar for every liter of must. That is, for 10 liters of wort it is necessary to pour 1.8 kg. We divide this amount into 2-3 parts so that the yeast works better. You need to add sugar as the fermentation process slows down, after about 7-10 days. The intensity of fermentation will depend on the temperature regime.

The critical temperature at which yeast slows down is 14°C. If the must accidentally cools to this temperature, then you can still correct the situation - just the wine will ferment longer. It will not be possible to save the wine if the temperature drops to 8 ° C. In the same way, the process slows down when the temperature rises. As little as 2°C above 23°C significantly reduces yeast activity, and at higher values ​​the yeast will die.

About yeast. For wine, it is better to buy special wine yeast, or use prepared sourdough: pour 200 g of raisins with warm water (0.5-0.7 l), and leave warm for 3-5 days. A jar of starter must be tied with a double layer of gauze to provide air access and, at the same time, block access to foreign bacteria. For the preparation of sourdough, you can use raspberries and strawberries, last year's jam. Do not use baker's yeast.

Good news: for apple wine, yeast can be omitted, because to start fermentation, they most often have enough of those that live on the surface of the fruit. Of course, if the pulp stands motionless, does not bubble, and the wine material does not exude a characteristic smell, then the addition of yeast is still necessary.

After the sediment falls to the bottom and in the absence of visible bubbles of carbon dioxide in the bottle, fermentation can be considered complete. Young wine must be poured again to remove solid suspensions. At the same time, after removal from the sediment, tanization is performed. Tannic acid is added to young wine to improve its quality. After tanning, the wine is poured again, sweetened if necessary, and the bottle is placed in a cool room for maturation, during which the care and supervision of young wine continues.

Good quality apple wine can be obtained 3.5-4 months after fermentation stops.

1. Dry apple wine without pressing


    Apples, sour (forest or carrion) 6.3 kg

    Sugar 1.15 kg

Cooking technology:

The fruits are harvested and prepared by cutting into small cubes or thin slices, removing damaged parts, stalks and core. After they are sprinkled with sugar and left in a non-oxidizing bowl for fermentation. The bucket is covered with a towel. After the appearance of a characteristic sour smell, the pulp is crushed with a blender or kneaded to a puree-like mass.

The pulp is transferred to a clean bottle (10 l). The bottle is set for fermentation at 18-23°C. A rubber medical glove is put on the neck, with a pierced finger. In the process of fermentation, it will inflate, and the signal about the end of fermentation will be its deflated or even drawn into the neck shape.

After that, the wine is removed from the sediment. Insert the hose into the neck, lowering its end 2 cm above the level of the thick, and insert the other end into a clean dish. Pump the wine by creating a vacuum in the hose.

Wash and dry the bottle (dishes for storing wine must be sterile). Pour the wine into a bottle, and transfer it to a cool room. Repeat the transfusion after two weeks. Pour the wine into bottles and seal them.

2. Wine from apples without juice - cider



- sour 2 kg

– sweet 8 kg

– tart 2 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg


The preparation of fruits and the entire process of making wine until the last removal from the sediment are identical to the technology of recipe No. 1. Before bottling the wine, add 10% sugar of the total volume and dissolve it. It is necessary to pour cider into champagne bottles, without adding 7-8 cm to the edge of the neck. Seal the bottles tightly and fasten the corks with wire or twine. Store at a temperature not exceeding 14°C, in a horizontal position.

3. Strong table wine from apples without pressing


    Sweet and sour apples (good, garden variety) 12.5 kg

    Sugar 2.2 kg

Cooking order:

The preparation of raw materials and pulp is exactly the same as the description of recipe No. 1, until the first removal from the sediment, but at the same time, half of the sugar taken is initially added. After filtering the must, after 21-30 days from the start of fermentation, the second part of sugar is added, the wine is poured into a bottle, sealed, and fermentation continues until it stops completely and precipitates. Then the process is repeated again: clarification, aging and pouring, bottling and storage.

4. Strong blended wine from apples without juice


    Sweet apples 13 kg

    Sugar 750 g

    Tannic acid 1.5 g

    Wine stone 1.0 g

    Pear wine, semi-sweet 0.7 l

Operating procedure:

Preparation of wine material is carried out in full accordance with previous recipes. Then, the fermented pulp with sugar and cream of tartar is placed in a bottle and closed with a water seal. After fermentation and filtration, the thick wine is clarified by adding diluted tannic acid. It is again removed from the sediment, poured into a clean container, and blended with pear wine. After mixing young apple and pear wine, the bottle is moved to a cool place for storage. If necessary, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 3 months, the wine is poured into prepared containers.

5. Dessert wine from apples without pressing


    Apple pulp 11.5 kg

    Sugar 2.3 kg

    Tannin 1.2 g

    Tartaric acid 5 g

Cooking order:

The fermented pulp, to which 800 g of sugar and tartar have already been added, is transferred to a prepared bottle (15 l). The rest of the sugar is added during the fermentation process in equal parts: after removing the grounds (after 3 weeks), and after another 10 days. After the end of fermentation, the wine is removed from the sediment, and a solution of tannin is added. After waiting for clarification, the wine is again removed from the sediment and poured. After 2 months, the wine is sweetened if necessary, aged for another 1-1.5 months and bottled.

6. Liquor wine from apples without juice


    Ripe sweet apples 9 kg

    Sugar 5.6 kg

    Wine stone 8 g

    Acid, tannic 2.5 g


Half of the required amount of sugar is added to the finished young wine after clarification with tannin. Sugar is dissolved in a small volume of warmed wine and added to the total mass, in the form of syrup. Liqueur wine is mixed and aged in a bottle until a bouquet is formed, at least 60 days, after which it is bottled and sealed.

    The average sugar content of apples is about 10%, that is, for 1 kg of apple pulp, there are approximately 100 g of fruit sugar. Use this indicator to obtain wine from apples without pressing the desired strength.

    The largest amount of tannin is found in apples of winter varieties and in forest (wild) fruits.

    From carrion and unripe apples, sour wine will turn out, with a rough taste, but dry and table wines are suitable for culinary purposes - for sauces, marinades.

    Sour varieties of apples contain up to 2%. This acidity is not suitable for must preparation, and in order not to add water, use a mixture of sour and sweet varieties of apples, in a ratio of 1: 2.

    With a lack of tannin in apples, add oak leaves or bark to the pulp (20 g per liter of must).

Home winemaking has long occupied a well-deserved place in the preparation of stocks, along with canning, jam, pickles. Recipes for all kinds of drinks from a variety of, sometimes unexpected fruits, fruits abound in cookbooks and notebooks with notes of diligent owners. For many, making wine from a hobby develops into an occupation for the soul and for life. Apples are not an exotic raw material for making a drink, however, homemade apple wine requires a lot of attention, patience, and a careful approach to following all the rules of preparation. But the result is an excellent apple wine that will please the most fastidious connoisseurs of wine drinks.

paradise fruit

You can grow an apple tree almost everywhere except the Far North. There are many varieties of this fruit. For each region, you can choose the best variety of apple trees. Apples help to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels, are low in calories, rich in pectin. The high content of pectins has made them one of the favorites for dietary and medical nutrition. It is pectins that tend to bind and remove salts of heavy metals (strontium, cobalt, cesium), various toxins, poisons, apple juices with pulp from the body - an integral ingredient in the diet of people employed in hazardous industries. Due to the presence of malic and citric acids in their composition, they help improve metabolic processes in people with diabetes. The inclusion of apples in the menu helps to deal with problems of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, irregular stools). The high content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the conduction of electrical impulses of the heart muscle, prevents the occurrence of arrhythmia. The ability to have a beneficial effect on digestion is also manifested in the normalization of the removal of excess fluid from the body. This property is especially valuable for people suffering from cardiovascular and renal diseases, pregnant women. The rich content of fibers, fruit acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, teeth, the microflora of the oral cavity, stimulating the natural processes of cleansing. Even apple seeds are valuable for their content of iodine, vitamin K, which is necessary for participation in the process of normal blood clotting.

Features of making wine from apples

Not all varieties are suitable for making apple wine.

You should take only pressed live yeast, dry ones are categorically not suitable for this purpose. Wine made from apples can turn sour.

Finishing touches

It is important to properly prepare raw materials for making apple wine. For this, it is necessary to take only high-quality fruits, not broken, without flaws, since the presence of defects in apples can give apple wine an unpleasant taste and smell. As carefully as possible, peel the apples from the core. It is also important to carefully grind the taken raw materials. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor. If the preparation of wine will be based on juice, it can be obtained using a juicer. A small amount of pulp will even have a beneficial effect on the process of making wine. Fermentation reactions will take place faster and better. Apple wine will be softer in taste.

Recipe 4d6


  • We take apples of different varieties: sour 4 parts, sweet 6 parts.
  • Granulated sugar - ratio to apples 1:4, i.e. for 10 kg of fruit 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • Prepared water - the amount equal to the juice from apples.

Wine preparation:

The recipe for such apple wine is simple in composition, but requires scrupulousness and accuracy of compliance. The result is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, slightly opalescent, color from yellow to light brown. Taste and aroma - ripe, sweet apples.

Recipe with honey


  • Sweet apples, prepared 15 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 4 kg.
  • Prepared water - 7 liters.
  • Honey - 2 kg.

How to make Honey Apple Wine:

Apple wine according to this recipe is opaque, with a rich honey taste and aroma. The combination of the taste of apples and honey leaves a unique feeling.

Recipe with yeast

This time we bring to your attention a recipe for apple wine with the addition of yeast.

What to take:

  • Apples 15 kg.
  • Water 8 liters.
  • Sugar-sand 6 kg.
  • Yeast - 150 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Wine made with yeast will ferment faster and therefore taste more like fresh apples. The aroma is more saturated, more pronounced if the wine is prepared according to this recipe.

Recipe with yeast and citrus

Apple-citrus wine. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the addition of citrus fruits to wine drinks is rather an amateur. But well-made wines with a variety of fruit flavors are undeniably one of the favorites on our table.

What you need:

  • Apples 10 kg.
  • Water 5 liters.
  • Sugar-sand 5 kg.
  • Lemons or oranges, you can mix - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 100 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

I must say that the combination of apples and sour or sour-sweet citrus fruits is always advantageous.

Wine with such a bouquet of taste, of course, cannot but surprise fans of alcoholic drinks from apples. Having tried to make wine from apples, following this recipe, you will forever leave it in your culinary piggy bank.


Apples are an inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds of delicious recipes, not only for culinary masters, but also for lovers of home winemaking. You can diversify recipes for homemade apple wines with a huge number of ingredients. Rarely does not combine with apple taste and aroma. When making wine from apples, you can add not only honey, lemons, but also cinnamon, vanilla, raspberries, pears. The list is endless. For all its seeming simplicity, apples are just a gold mine for those who like to experiment, surprise family and friends with amazing recipes.

The apple is the most common and easily accessible fruit (and free for gardeners). It has a neutral, but quite pronounced sweet and sour taste. If it is not possible to preserve the fruit in its natural form, then prepared wine from apple juice will be a good solution, which you can enjoy at any time of the year. How to make apple wine at home and not regret the translated products: proven recipes for a universal drink.

Equipment for making wine from apples

To optimize production, it is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary equipment, which includes:

  1. Powerful juicer. The best option is auger, because it allows you to "take" the maximum amount of juice from the fruit. In the absence of an auger or even a traditional juicer with centrifuge technology, a grater can be used.
  2. A container in which the wine will ferment in the future (a large saucepan, a can, a bottle).
  3. The final container necessary for the maturation of wine and its serving (glass is considered the best material for such purposes).

How to make homemade wine from apple juice: a step by step recipe

We offer a simple recipe for homemade apple juice wine, which includes a minimum of fixtures, ingredients and labor.

The first thing to start with is to prepare the apples. It is advisable to sort out the crop, leaving juicy, ripe fruits. You can even take slightly broken apples by cutting off the damaged part. Ideally, they should be washed, but most often it is enough to wipe with a clean cloth or a brush with stiff bristles, removing small debris and dirt. Be sure to cut out the core and remove the seeds. But if you want your homemade wine to have an original, subtle bitterness, you can leave the seeds.

The second stage of the process is the processing of apples. As mentioned above, this can be done with a juicer or grater. The first option is preferable, because after the grater there will be a wet cake that will need to be squeezed out.

The third stage - pour the resulting juice into a pre-prepared container and let it brew for several days (optimally - at least three). During this time, the natural yeast that is present in the peel of apples transforms the pulp into pulp and juice directly.

The pulp formed on the third day of fermentation must be removed from the surface of the juice. The easiest way to do this is with a sieve or gauze. In order to prevent acidification and enhance the work of yeast, the pulp must be stirred at least once a day.

The ideal temperature for fermentation is within 22 degrees. At the same time, wine should be stored in a darkened room, which does not provide for direct sunlight.

The fourth stage is to enhance the taste by adding sugar. Its concentration depends on the optimal level of sweetness that you prefer. There are two types of wines made from apple juice: table and semi-sweet. The proportion is as follows: 200 grams of sugar is needed per liter of dry wine. For dessert wine, you will need twice as much (400 grams per 1 liter).

The next step in making wine is sealing it. The resulting amount of juice must be poured into a container suitable for fermentation. It can be a glass bottle or a wooden barrel. It can be filled with a maximum of 80% of the total volume - the remaining 20% ​​will account for the emitted gas and foam.

Do not allow the concentration of gases, as this can simply lead to an explosion. You can remove them in several ways:

At the same time, it is very important to prevent the flow of oxygen inside, otherwise we will get vinegar instead of wine from apple juice. It is advisable to leave the container with the future wine to "play" for 30-45 days. After this time, the finished wine must be filtered, separated from the sediment. To do this, it is poured from another vessel, which is sterilized in advance. Professionals use special tubes for such purposes, which resemble a siphon. With their help, you can completely remove the pulp. After the performed procedures, the wine is again removed to a dark place for at least 2 months. During this time, the drink will completely form its taste and “reach”. If necessary, it can be filtered again.

If you don’t know how to make apple juice wine more expressive in taste, feel free to use spices when serving it on the table. Cinnamon and anise go well with the neutral taste of apples. They can be added to warmed wine, enhancing the taste with honey.

Despite the length of the process and certain manipulations, home-made wine from apple juice allows you to enjoy a wonderful drink that does not contain artificial colors and flavors.

To make the finished product perfect, the following professional recommendations will come in handy for beginners in the process:

  • with weak fermentation, ordinary raisins can be used as a natural enhancer;
  • to achieve a rich taste palette of wine, pear, orange or mountain ash juice can be included in the basic recipe. A particularly bright taste is obtained by combining apple juice and juice;
  • even after a long fermentation, apple wine contains an extremely small percentage of strength. You can increase this indicator by adding pure alcohol or vodka to it. After that, the wine must be infused for at least 10 days.

Recipe for wine based on apple juice and lemon

This recipe differs from the technology described above only in the presence of a small amount of lemon juice. When preparing wine, squeezed lemon juice should be added to the resulting apple juice in the proportion: 1 lemon per 1 liter of apple juice. The technology itself does not change. This wine is perfect for the summer heat - chilled, it perfectly quenches thirst.

Video recipe for making dessert apple wine

Basic recipes for making apple wine at home. Benefits of homemade wine

Homemade apple wine is becoming more and more popular today. Since wines of own production have a less negative effect on the body. And in most cases, they have a beneficial effect on overall health.

Apple liqueur wine

Wine from ripe apples of sweet and sour varieties has a pleasant aroma. And the strength and sweetness can be adjusted as desired during cooking.

An amazing taste is obtained when making homemade wine from several varieties of apples, this also speeds up the fermentation process.

Apples contain the following vitamin composition:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C
  • minerals in the form of magnesium, copper, iron
  • pectins and phytoncides

Actually apple wine has a positive effect on the body:

  • protects the nervous system from depression
  • increases stress resistance
  • beneficial effect on the digestive tract
  • regulates blood pressure, normalizes blood sugar levels

Dessert apple wine

  • Apple wine is also very popular in modern cosmetology. It is used in the manufacture of various masks and wraps.
  • For adding to face and body lotions
  • Hair will also add to the attractiveness of a bath with apple wine.
  • In dietology, women actively use apple wine to activate metabolism and burn fat.

Since apple wine is prepared without heat treatment of apples, all useful substances are fully preserved.

Even a spoonful of apple wine will increase your appetite and help you get out of a depressive state.

Drinking a glass of wine will slow down the appearance of free radicals in the body, slow down the aging process of the skin.

Homemade wine will have a beneficial effect on the body only in case of moderate consumption.

apple cider is a low alcohol drink. It is used in medicine to remove toxic substances from the body. Cider is used for preventive purposes and for the treatment of gastric disorders, diabetes.

Apples for making apple wine and cider

How to make wine at home: a simple recipe

To make homemade apple wine, we take a variety of varieties of green, red and yellow apples.
Main Ingredients:

  • apples in the amount of 20 kilograms
  • sugar - no more than 0.5 kilograms

Steps for making apple wine:

  • Preparing apples. Collect apples, do not wash - wipe with a rag.
  • Apple processing and getting juice. Extract juice using a juicer or grater
  • Infusion. For three days we insist, the resulting puree composition. The fermentation process occurs due to the penetration of natural bacteria and yeast. We divide the mixture into two components. This is pulp and apple juice. To mix the components, do not forget to stir the mixture with a wooden stick
  • Introduction of sugar. After settling, add sugar. It is added depending on the sweetness of the apples used. The sweeter they are, the less sugar. The norm of sugar is: two hundred grams of sugar per liter of juice. Adding sugar should be done in parts. The introduction of sugar should be distributed over three days
  • fermentation process. It is necessary to exclude any ingress of air masses into the wort. And to extract carbon dioxide, build a water seal. During the fermentation process, the container with wine should be located in a dark, warm place for about thirty days.
  • maturation stage. After preparing young apple wine, we begin to bring it to the perfect taste without a strong smell. Pour the wine into a clean, airtight container. After ten days, we remove the wine from the sediment. Then we wait until no sediment accumulates at all. After that, pour the finished wine into clean bottles and cork for storage.
  • The color of the finished wine is bright amber.

Tips for making homemade wine:

  • fruits must be ripe
  • to have more juice before pressing apples, chop them well
  • The strength of the wine will depend on the amount of sugar used. The more sugar you add, the stronger the drink will be.

Video: Making apple wine at home:

Homemade wine from apple jam, recipe

Wine can be made not only from whole apples. Apple jam is also suitable. And the fermentation process will not be so long. This recipe is considered very economical.
To make a drink, we take:

  • apple jam - about one liter
  • yeast, preferably fresh - thirty grams
  • rice - two hundred and fifty grams
  • clean large fermentation tank

Making apple wine:

  1. In a clean jar we put jam, rice, yeast
  2. All fill with water
  3. We mix the ingredients and securely fasten a rubber glove on top of the jar
  4. We make a puncture in the glove and put the container in a warm place
  5. We check the readiness of wine by sediment
  6. After the residue has become minimal, and the color of the wine has become transparent amber, we pour the finished wine into bottles

Wine made from apple juice

Apple juice can be used to make sweet apple wine, cider, champagne.

Wine from apples

To make champagne we need:

  • water - about 7 liters
  • vodka - one bottle of 0.5 liters
  • apple juice - about 2 liters
  • sugar no more than 2 kilograms

Crafting Recipe:

  1. We take apple juice. Pour it into a tall saucepan
  2. We mix water with sugar. We heat the resulting syrup composition over low heat, no more than an hour
  3. Slowly add the juice to the warm syrup
  4. We insist the drink in the cold for seven days.
  5. Add vodka to half-finished champagne, mix gently
  6. We move to the cold back for four months

Video: Apple juice wine (cider)

Wine from apple compote at home

If you have spoiled apple compote, do not pour it out immediately. It can be useful for making homemade wine. You can use fermented canned compote.
To make wine you will need:

  • sugar - no more than 400 grams
  • raisins - about 50 grams
  • apple compote - 3 liters

Cooking method:

  • We strain the compote and pour it into a jar
  • Pour raisins into compote
  • We put the starter from pieces of apples and the rest of the raisins in a warm place for several hours
  • Then we combine everything, add sugar, stir
  • The resulting drink is poured into jars with a water seal, covered with a blanket to maintain a stable temperature
  • Take it back to a warm place
  • After the cessation of fermentation, we distribute the young wine into bottles
  • We transfer to a cool place for two months.

Fortified wine from apples at home with yeast

Fortified apple wine is made from winter varieties of apples. These should be ripe sweet apples. Home-made wine is much tastier than store-bought.

Yeast in this winemaking process is used to obtain a rich taste.

For the manufacture we take the following ingredients:

  • sugar 2 kg
  • yeast (necessarily fresh) - 1 tablespoon
  • apples 2 kg
  • lemon 1 piece

Cooking method:

  • My apples, remove the core and bones. Cut into small pieces. Put in a saucepan
  • We fill the contents with hot water, put it under the load and wait five days
  • Then we filter the drink and get five liters of the finished product
  • Add yeast and sugar
  • Wash the lemons thoroughly and pour over with boiling water, squeeze the juice out of them. Add to the apple
  • pouring apple-lemon composition in a bottle and put on a rubber glove
  • We put the bottle in a warm place for the fermentation process.
  • After fermentation, shake the contents and leave for another four days.

Enjoy a wonderful and aromatic drink!

Dry apple wine at home

Natural, high-quality dry wine will turn out if you follow all the rules of preparation and sequence. This wine is made from ripe fruit. Unripe apples can impart an unpleasant bitter taste.

Video: Dry apple wine at home:

Wine from apples at home recipe without yeast

Apple wine clarified with egg white

Wine from sweet and sour apples is prepared without yeast, sugar and spices.
From the main ingredients we need:

  1. Sweet and sour apples - four kilograms
  2. Egg white - one piece
  • Grind apples, store applesauce in a wooden bowl for about a week
  • For fermentation, do not forget to stir occasionally
  • Then we squeeze everything well
  • Pour the juice into a clean bowl and place under a water seal.
  • We leave the wine to settle for a week. Watching sediment. When it is minimal, the wine is considered ready.
  • The final step will be the clarification of apple wine. Beat the protein, add to the wine in two weeks the protein will settle, and the wine will have a beautiful pure color.

Video: Recipe for making apple wine with raisins, without yeast

Wine from green apples at home

Green apples are great for making delicious homemade wine.

Green apple wine

To make wine we take:

  • green apples - 8 kg
  • purified water - 6 l
  • natural honey 1.5 kg


  • We cut each apple into four parts, arrange in a canvas bag. We settle the bag to the pan
  • We cover with a wooden circle and press down with a load on top
  • We make syrup from water and honey. Fill them with apples and leave to ferment for 5 weeks, in a cool place
  • After five weeks, drain the pure wine, and pour the syrup over the pulp again.
  • Carry out the procedure three times
  • Then combine three pure wines together
  • Ready apple wine put to settle for eight months
  • After the complete cessation of the fermentation process, bottle the wine and store in a cool place.
  • If there is a desire to give a rich aroma to the wine, you can add spices - cinnamon, cloves, coriander.

Video: Green apple cider and its tasting:

Video: Quick apple wine at home
