
Blackthorn jam for the winter. What can be made from thorns for the winter: recipes

Blackthorn is a fruitful plant, but in fresh the turn is practically not used, its fruits seem too tart and hard. When cooking, these characteristics completely disappear. He's surprisingly good at work! New pleasant qualities appear - aroma and taste; jam resembles cherry and plum at the same time. Making blackthorn jam for the winter is a simple task.

Preliminary processing

The recipe for making pitted sloes with apples is very simple. cored and sliced large pieces apples, along with blackthorn and sugar, are left overnight. When the juice stands out, the jam is cooked in the same way as the usual pitted sloe.

In the standard way, jam is prepared from apples and blackthorn - rubbing the fruits, and then boiling the resulting mass with sugar.

Cooking dogwood with thorn is also easy. They should be taken in equal proportions - for example, 500 g each, add 1 kg of sugar, pour sugar syrup and cook for 30 minutes. Then you can pour some of the syrup and boil it until it thickens.

There are options for making blackthorn jam in a slow cooker, but they still do not provide the necessary evaporation of excess moisture.

Blackthorn jam with orange has unusual taste. Originality is worth the effort. Fruit covered with sugar will infuse for a whole day. It will be necessary to add not only peeled pulp, but also grated citrus zest. For 2 kg of thorns you will have 1 kg of oranges and 1 kg of sugar.

The addition of hazelnuts to the jam from a mixture of blackthorn, plums and cherry plums makes the taste of this dessert even more interesting. All fruits are taken in equal proportions. Sugar by weight is not less than one second of the weight of fruit. Nuts can make up to one-fifth of this mixture. For example, this composition:

  • 1 kg turn.
  • 1 kg plums.
  • 1 kg cherry plum.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • 0.5 kg of nuts.

Storage and use

It is necessary to shift the finished sloe jam into jars after it has completely cooled down. It is important that condensation does not form on the lids.

Some housewives advise not only to sterilize the jars, but also to put hot jam in them, turn them upside down when the jam is already filled and closed with a lid. It is believed that this way you can extend the shelf life of these blanks.

If all processing rules are followed, blackthorn jam is stored for a long time, it can stand whole year in a dark closet or closet room temperature. In a cool cellar, jars can be kept much longer.

Blackthorn jam with pits is good for family tea parties. Seedless jam and jam - great addition to cottage cheese dishes, pancakes, cereals. Delicious preparations can be used as a filling home baking, and just spread the jam on toast or soft bread.

The astringency inherent in the fresh turn completely disappears when cooked. Only in its raw form, its taste is not comparable to cherries and plums. But in jam, the turn (or a hybrid of wild turn and plum) is in no way inferior to its noble counterparts.

The thorn is a wild plum, a low shrub. Other names of the plant are blackthorn, prickly plum, goatberry, oat plum. The fruits - thorn berries - are also called thorns. It grows wild on the territory of Eurasia, it is also cultivated in summer cottages and gardens. Used for hedges. The fruits are dark blue or black, rounded, with a whitish bloom. Inside they have a bone. The taste is sour-tart, after freezing it becomes more pleasant. Raw thorn berries are usually not eaten, they are made into jam. As well as compote with the addition chokeberry, alcoholic drinks, kvass, marinades.

The beneficial properties of blackthorn jam are due to the presence of vitamin C, tannins, fruit acids in the berries, which have anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, and dietary effects. The mild sedative, diuretic and diaphoretic effect of the fruit has also been studied. Thanks to medicinal properties blackthorn jam can speed up the digestion process, remove harmful substances from the liver and intestines.

6 secrets of delicious preparations

Pure jam or with additives, traditional with berries and syrup or jam, with or without seeds - whichever option is chosen, you must definitely take into account six secrets of preparing a treat.

  1. Ripeness. Hard and tart in itself, in an unripe form, the turn is definitely not suitable for jam. You need to wait until the fruits are fully ripe. And it is better to pick berries after light frosts. Under the influence low temperatures tannins are destroyed, the amount of organic acids decreases. Ternosliv becomes more tender, more pleasant to the taste.
  2. Preliminary processing. Like any berries, blackthorn fruits must be cleaned of debris and washed before cooking. And also - to make their skin and pulp softer. This requires an impact high temperature. The easiest way is to put the berries in a colander, dip in boiling water for five minutes.
  3. Punctures. To sweet syrup it is better to soak the fruits, each must be pricked in two or three places with a toothpick or other suitable object.
  4. Correct temperature. Hard thorny plums very quickly turn into gruel during a rapid boil. Therefore, if you need to keep the berries whole, cook them over low heat. And if you need jam, then you can increase the heat, let the workpiece boil well.
  5. Bones. You can cook jam from the turn at home with or without seeds. When removing, do not try to pull them out of raw fruits. It is better to boil the thorn for about three minutes or blanch it by dipping it in boiling water in a colander. And only then divide the berries in half, removing the excess.
  6. Storage . Poured hot and sealed tightly, the jam can be stored in cool place up to two years. At room temperature, blanks are kept for no more than a year. You can do without sterilization by simply decomposing the contents into jars, but then the product needs to be cooled. And it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three to six months, depending on the amount of sugar in the recipe.

The thorn plum delicacy is used in different ways: they drink tea with it, spread it on bread, use it as a filling for pastries or the basis for fruit drinks. There will be no harm from such use. But better than jam not get too carried away because of its effects on the liver in some diseases. With a tendency to constipation, you also need to be careful, because the fruits of the blackthorn, unlike the flowers, have an astringent effect.

Jam from the turn without stones

Peculiarities. Basic Recipe with preliminary removal of stones from berries. Easy to prepare. The jam will turn out delicious, moderately fragrant.

You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water is a glass.


  1. Sort the blackthorn berries, rinse, put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in water, boil, boil for five minutes.
  3. Throw the fruit in a colander, let cool.
  4. Take out the bones.
  5. At the same time, boil the syrup by boiling water with sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Combine thorns with syrup, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir constantly.
  7. Arrange in banks, twist, put in a cool place.

Recipe with bones and cherry leaves

Peculiarities. Making jam from sloes with pits is faster and easier than without them. According to reviews, it gets slightly spicy, astringent taste. To emphasize these shades, you can make a blank with cherry leaves. If you cook without water, you get a thicker mass. And with the addition of water, it will be watery, suitable for making fruit drinks.

You will need:

  • turn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - half a glass (or without it at all);
  • cherry leaves - a handful.


  1. Sort the fruits, wash, dry.
  2. Prick each berry with a toothpick or a suitable object.
  3. Put in a container for cooking in layers, sprinkling each with sugar.
  4. Fill with water, preferably warm.
  5. Leave for two to three hours.
  6. Turn on the fire, bring to a boil.
  7. Boil pitted turn jam in two sets, each for five minutes.
  8. Remove from heat between servings and cool completely.
  9. Before the second cooking, add washed and dried cherry leaves.
  10. Let cool, put into jars.

Cooking in a slow cooker with fruit

Peculiarities. The assistant of the housewives - the slow cooker - also helps out in the case of jam. In a slow cooker, it does not burn, does not run away and languishes well, which is very important for the harsh blackthorn fruits. An interesting option would be with the addition of apples and pears. You can take one of these fruits. Cinnamon goes well with such a set of ingredients, emphasizing the taste and aroma of the fruit.

You will need:

  • thorns - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • large apple - one;
  • large pear - one;
  • water - a glass;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Wash fruits and berries.
  2. Boil thorn plums for five minutes in a slow cooker or saucepan with the addition of water.
  3. Pull out the bones.
  4. Peel the apple and pear, cut into cubes or bars.
  5. Put all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl, pour sugar, add water, mix.
  6. Let stand for a couple of hours.
  7. Pour cinnamon, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for half an hour.
  8. Arrange in sterilized jars, close or roll up.

Citrus Thorn Jam

Peculiarities. Turne jam with orange and/or lemon can be made into a jam. So the ingredients will better "exchange" among themselves tastes and aromas. The delicacy is distinguished by its special freshness and pleasant texture.

You will need:

  • turn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - one glass;
  • orange - two pieces;
  • lemon - one;
  • vanilla - a pinch (optional)


  1. Sort the berries from debris, rinse, pour a glass of water in a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, simmer for five minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cool slightly.
  4. Wipe through a colander.
  5. Orange and lemon, removing the seeds, pass through a meat grinder.
  6. Combine fruit and berry puree, add sugar.
  7. Cook on low heat for 30 minutes.
  8. Pour in vanillin.
  9. Pour into jars, roll up, put in a cool place.

Citrus fruits give a slight bitterness. To get rid of it, it is necessary to cut the zest thinly from the fruit, peel and discard the white parts between the partitions of the slices. Grind the zest and pulp with a meat grinder or blender.

Useful "Five Minute"

Peculiarities. Five-minute jams are valued for the fact that they retain more useful substances: raw materials are not exposed to heat for long. The advantage of this recipe is saving time, electricity or gas. Jam "Five minutes" from the turn will appeal to those who like a slightly harsh, structure-preserving pulp, and not boiled to a state of jam or mashed potatoes. For tasting it is better to make a small portion.

You will need:

  • thorn berries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 100 ml.


  1. Fold the clean dried berries in a colander, dip in boiling water for a minute.
  2. Cool, remove the seeds, cutting the fruit in half.
  3. Fold the halves into a cooking container, cover with sugar, pour in water.
  4. Let stand for half an hour, then put on low heat.
  5. After boiling, boil for five minutes.
  6. Remove from fire, let cool.
  7. Boil again for five minutes.
  8. Cool, arrange in jars, close and store in the refrigerator.

Wild plum nut treat

Peculiarities. This delicacy can be called not a preparation for the winter, but a full-fledged dessert. Blackthorn jam gets nutty pleasant taste, which is emphasized by a couple of spoons of cognac. The dish can be served with cookies, bread, simply laid out in bowls. However, nothing prevents you from making it in reserve and storing it in the refrigerator.

You will need:

  • blackthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - one glass;
  • walnuts- half a glass;
  • cognac - a tablespoon (optional).


  1. Prepare wild plums in the usual way: remove cuttings and debris, rinse.
  2. Boil for five minutes with the addition of a glass of water.
  3. Cool, remove bones.
  4. Put in a bowl for cooking, cover with sugar, let stand for an hour or more.
  5. Stir, put on fire and cook for half an hour.
  6. Prepare the walnuts: hold the kernels for hot pan or microwave for a few minutes, stirring. Cool, rub lightly to loosen the films. Coarsely chop or chop.
  7. Five minutes before readiness, add nuts to the berries.
  8. At the end, pour in brandy, stir, remove from heat.
  9. pour over clean banks, close, after cooling put in the refrigerator.

Blackthorn in chocolate

Peculiarities. Blackthorn Jam Chocolate - original dish not too difficult to prepare. The addition of cocoa and butter makes it taste savory, and the aroma - chocolate. At the same time, the process of creating a treat is not very different from conventional cooking jam or jam, and additional ingredients very little is used. If desired, you can vary the amount of cocoa and sugar to get a sweeter or bitter chocolate taste.

You will need:

  • blackthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cocoa powder - three tablespoons;
  • water - half a glass;
  • butter- 100 g.


  1. Prepare thorns as for jam. Sweep the sorted and washed berries with no big amount five minutes of water.
  2. Rub the mass through a colander or a large sieve.
  3. Pour sugar, mix, let stand for at least an hour.
  4. Cook on low heat for half an hour.
  5. Add butter (no need to melt first).
  6. Pour in cocoa.
  7. Stir, let boil for five minutes.
  8. Pour into sterilized jars, close, turn over and let cool.
  9. Store in a cool place.

There are many recipes for thorn jam. The main thing when cooking is to take into account the characteristics of the berry, namely: the rigidity of the pulp and skin, tart taste. Thanks to preliminary preparation And proper cooking these shortcomings will not be noticeable in the end. In this case, you can choose any recipe for blackthorn jam from the variety available. All of them do not require large investments of effort or money, and the taste is excellent.

Not all shrubs are used by humans for the purpose of treating and eating their fruits. Blackthorn is considered one of the unpretentious, but popular. The thorny shrub blooms in early spring and begins to bear fruit by mid-summer.

From its berries you can cook many variety of dishes as for simple lunch or dinner, and prepare for the winter. The most common preservation of the turn is considered to be jam. Consider popular step-by-step recipes.

Easy option

The traditional way cooking includes available ingredients. The jam of their blackthorn is brewed for the winter, pitted. It turns out very tasty, fragrant.


  • pure water- 180 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3.6 kg;
  • turn (pitted) - 3.4 kg.
  1. Wash the fruits, dry and carefully remove the bone located inside. Put the processed berries in a saucepan alternately with granulated sugar. Cover and leave for 2-3 hours to highlight enough juice.
  2. After the specified time, stir the composition by adding liquid. Put on a hot burner, bring to a boil and lower the temperature. Boil the mass for 15 minutes. Close, remove from heat and set aside. Repeat the cooking and cooling procedure 1 more time.
  3. Arrange in sterile jars, seal tightly and store in a cool place.


In order for the delicacy to stand well all winter, the mass is laid out in hot sterile jars. The lid is recommended for sealed seaming. Consider the recipe for making jam from sloes with pits.


  • turn - 700 g;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • pure water - 125 ml.

  1. Sort the berries, remove rotten and spoiled ones. Wash well, dry. Using a wooden toothpick, make a few punctures.
  2. Lay out layers of sloes and granulated sugar. Pour in the specified amount of water. Cover with gauze and leave on the table for 2-3 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, place the container with the contents on the burner. Warm up at medium temperature, and after boiling, continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool, arrange in sterile jars. close nylon lids, put away in a cold place.

Jam with cinnamon

Pitted turn jam for the winter is prepared with the addition of cinnamon. The preparation is fragrant, tasty and very tender. The dish can be used for making sandwiches or delicious pastries.


  • turn - 1 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 140 g;
  • vanilla sugar- 8 g;
  • chopped cinnamon - 6 g;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g.

Then we do this:

  1. Sort the turn, wash and dry on a clean towel. Divide into 2 parts and carefully remove the bones. Put the berries in a suitable bowl and chop with a food processor, blender or meat grinder. The mass should be homogeneous.
  2. Place it in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add granulated sugar and mix well with a wooden spatula.
  3. Place on the stove, wait until it boils and continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Heating is minimal.
  4. The jam is boiled for 60 minutes. It is important to regularly remove the foam and stir the composition. Pack in jars, close tightly and store in the cellar after cooling.

with orange

Citrus contains maximum amount vitamin C. It is he who has a beneficial effect on immune system preventing the development of pathogenic microflora. Dessert is especially recommended for families with small children.


  • orange - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • turn (ripe) - 750 g;
  • plum - 230 g;
  • water in consistency.

  1. The main component to sort out, remove the spoiled ones. Rinse, put on a clean towel and dry. Carefully remove the bones.
  2. Rinse the oranges, cut off the skin with a thin layer and chop it into fine grater. Be sure to remove the white film from citrus fruits. While slicing, chop into equal pieces.
  3. Layer oranges, sloes and granulated sugar. Spread the chopped zest in a single layer in the middle of the pan. Cover with a thick cloth, leave in this form in a cool place for a day.
  4. After the time has elapsed, mix the mass. Set to low heat, boil until thickened. Assess the taste and add more sugar if necessary.
  5. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly and put away after cooling in a cool, dark place.

Dessert "Vitamin Charge"

This version of the treat contains great amount vitamins. The taste of the dish is unusual. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare it initially in small quantities for a sample. And we will cook blackthorn jam with pears, cherry plums and nuts.


  • yellow cherry plum - 500 g;
  • ripe pear- 230 g;
  • turn - 550 g;
  • nuts - 240 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.

Then we follow the instructions:

  1. Sort all products. Only ripe and without signs of spoilage fruits are suitable for cooking. Wash, put on a clean cloth, dry. Remove seeds and seed box from fruits and berries. Chop the pear into a medium sized cube.
  2. Rinse the nuts, remove the partitions and dry. Combine berries with fruits, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Cover with gauze and leave on the kitchen counter for 2-3 hours for improved dissolution granulated sugar.
  3. After the time has elapsed, place the container with the contents on the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce the heating temperature and, while stirring, boil for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Add nuts, stir. Boil for another quarter of an hour. decompose delicious dessert in jars, close tightly and store in a dark, cool place.

Blackthorn jam in a slow cooker

Any housewife can make a delicious dessert with the help of a “miracle stove”. By adding a pear to the berry, the aroma and flavor of the dish is unusual, original. The main thing is to prepare all the ingredients and process the containers.


  • turn - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • pear - 600 g;
  • pure water - 500 ml.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Sort the berries and fruits, remove spoiled and unsuitable fruits for conservation. Rinse, dry. Make a few punctures in the turn with a wooden toothpick.
  2. Cut the pear into 2 equal parts, remove the seed box and the place of attachment of the stalk. Cut off the skin in a thin layer, and chop the pulp into a medium-sized cube or bar.
  3. Define layers of sloe, pear and granulated sugar. Add the specified amount of liquid. Cover and leave in this form for 9 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, set the "Extinguishing" mode, and the timer for half an hour. After the signal is issued, turn off and open kitchen assistant. Arrange in sterile containers, close tightly and put away after cooling in the cellar.

There are many varieties of plums. After all, the teren is the wild ancestor of the plum, and the degree of domestication and crossing produced many varieties, different sizes, shapes and tastes.
Blackthorn plum makes just magic jam. After all, blackthorn has a more pronounced taste than its domestic counterpart.

Sweet and sour taste, with a barely perceptible note of astringency, favorably distinguishes jam from wild plum thorns, from all other types of plum jam.

For 2 kg plums:

  • 1 kg of sugar
  • And optional vanillin.

Wash the blackthorn. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.

Place the plums in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Shake the pan a couple of times to mix the sugar with the blackthorn and leave it overnight. Plums should release juice and soak in sugar.

The next day, put the pot on the fire and bring the jam to a boil. Note the 5 minutes, and once those five minutes have passed, remove the pan from the heat. Cover the jam with a lid and let it stand for an hour.

During this time, prepare jars and lids. Sterilize and dry them.

Put the jam on the fire again, stir it, and as soon as it boils, take big spoon, put the jam in jars and roll up.

It is not necessary to pasteurize blackthorn jam. Screw the lids on immediately and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely.

The shelf life of five-minute jam at room temperature is about a year.

Blackthorn jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 kg blackthorn
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Peel the blackthorn from the stones, put it in a slow cooker and cover with sugar. Mix the plums well and leave for half an hour for the plums to release the juice.

Now close the lid of the multicooker and let it cook for 40 minutes in the “quenching” mode.

10 minutes after the start of cooking, it is advisable to mix the blackthorn again, for more uniform stewing.

As soon as the multicooker timer tells you that the jam is ready, you can lay it out in jars, close it and send it to your bins for storage.

Jam from unripe blackthorn with seeds

It happens that we come across unripe plums and it is impossible to remove the bones from them. From such plums, you can cook jam with stones, which in no way yields to the taste of jam from ripe fruits.

Wash the fruit and pierce the blackthorn skin with a fork or toothpick in several places.

This is necessary so that the skin does not burst and slide off the plum. Otherwise you will get yellow flesh separately, and sad dark skins on top. If you forgot to prick the skin, then do not be discouraged and make jam out of jam.

But since you haven't forgotten, let's continue.

For unripe blackthorn, you need to take a little more sugar.

For 1 kg of blackthorn - 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Put the plums in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Leave on for a long time blackthorn with sugar makes no sense, because unripe fruits no juice. But you can fix this by pouring a glass of water into the pan. The jam from this will not become liquid. Indeed, in fact, water will only compensate for the lack of juice.

Eat important point when cooking unripe thorn plum is the start of the boil. It must be heated very slowly so that the plums do not burn. As soon as the blackthorn boils, notice 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave to cool completely.

The jam is cooked in 3-4 stages, if you have the patience for this. Be sure to remove the foam that forms during the boiling process.

Checking for readiness of jam is carried out drop by drop.

If the drop does not flow, then the jam is ready. It can be laid out in banks, and wait for winter.

How to make "five-minute" plum jam, look at the video:

The turn is a thorny shrub, up to 2 meters high. The fruits of this plant have a size of 2 to 2.5 centimeters, inside a large drupe. The turn is very similar to the plum. The taste of berries is sour and slightly tart, but fully ripened fruits are practically devoid of these shortcomings. Compotes and jams are made from blackthorn, but blackthorn jam is especially popular. It is about him that we will talk today.

For the preparation of jam, it is best to take the most ripened fruits without greens. Minus collection ripe berries in that some of them burst right on the branch of the bush. Such fruits are suitable for preservation, if they have not yet begun to rot.

The harvested crop is placed in a deep pan with cool water, and the berries are gently washed with hands. Before cooking, they are dried on paper napkins or directly in a colander.

Blackthorn jam recipes

Blackthorn jam with water

The washed berries are weighed together with the stone. 3 kilograms of raw materials are required. The turn is laid in a pan with a wide bottom and poured with 1.5 glasses of water. The bowl is put on a small fire and the berries are boiled with constant stirring for 20 - 25 minutes. If the bones easily move away from the pulp, the turn is cooked. The boiled fruits are laid out in a colander and they begin to grind them with a spoon or a wooden spatula. The optimal cross section of the colander grill is 1.5 - 2 mm. The smaller the holes, the softer and more uniform the marmalade is. The skins and bones are discarded, and the pulp with juice is weighed. The amount of sugar will depend on the readings of the scales, as the products are taken in equal amounts. Blackthorn jam again put on fire and boil for 15 minutes.

Thick jam from blackthorn

For cooking thick dessert take only berries and sugar. Any amount of blackthorn is washed and dried. The pan is put on a minimum fire and the berries are laid in it so that they cover the bottom in one layer. Constantly stirring with a spoon, wait for the juice to be released from the berries, and then add the remaining fruits. The thorn plum is boiled until completely softened, and then rubbed through a sieve or colander with small slots. Sugar is added to the thick mass in a ratio of 1: 1, and then the jam is heated until the grains are completely dissolved. Jam prepared according to this recipe is very thick and does not require long cooking.

Channel " Cooking recipes» presents to your attention a recipe for making homemade plum jam

Blackthorn jam with apples

For 2 kilograms of blackthorn with seeds take 1 kilogram fresh apples. Apples are cut into pieces without removing the skin and without cutting out the seed boxes. The products are placed in a pan or an aluminum basin with a wide bottom. From above, fruits are poured with 300 milliliters cold water. Boil the fruits until soft for a quarter of an hour. After that, the mass is laid out on a metal sieve and they begin to grind it. Homogeneous pulp will pass through the sieve, and the bones and skin of blackthorn and apples will remain on the grate. After this procedure fruit puree weighed, and add to it the same volume of granulated sugar. The mass is stirred and heated for small fire for 15 minutes, remembering to remove the thick foam.

How to determine the readiness of jam

When cooking a sweet dessert, it is important to learn how to determine the readiness of a dish. To do this, put a teaspoon of jam on a cold saucer (it is advisable to hold the plate for some time in the refrigerator). If the mass does not spread in different sides, then the jam is ready.

Another way: with the help of a teaspoon, make a “path” over jam laid out on a flat plate. If the mass does not flow back, then sweet dessert properly welded.

How to store jam

In order for the jam to be stored as long as possible, it is laid in hot sterilized jars. After containers are sealed clean lids, they are turned upside down and covered with a warm towel or blanket. A day later, cans with conservation are sent to a place of permanent storage. The shelf life of such a blank is 1 year.
