
Blackthorn plum jam for five minutes. Blackthorn jam recipe

Turn is a shrub of the plum family, with dark blue, almost black berries, which are covered with a wax coating. The taste of the turn is tart and you can’t eat a lot of it in fresh. The turn is recommended for indigestion and to improve appetite. I have already shown how to make jam from the turn, and now I propose to make jam. By the time jam from the blackthorn (blackthorn) is being prepared faster jam, but in terms of complexity I won’t say which is easier, each option has its own nuances.

To make pitted turn jam for the winter, we will prepare the products from the list.

Rinse the turn, remove the tails. Put the turn in a saucepan and add water.

Cover the pot with a lid, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the turn for 2-3 minutes to make the berries soft.

Then the berries need to be wiped to get rid of the seeds and skins. I place the sieve directly on top of the pot in which the jam will be boiled. Pour the berries along with the broth onto a sieve and begin to grind.

It is not easy to get rid of the bones of the turn. When a little pulp is rubbed, the bones must be removed manually. The pulp that was around the bones, also wipe.

Add sugar to the pureed mass.

Put the mass on the fire, bring to a boil and cook, stirring and removing the foam, for 10 minutes over high heat.

Then reduce the heat and cook for 5-10 minutes until the drop stops spreading on the plate. A large drop - at the very beginning of cooking, a little less - after 5 minutes, the last, smallest - after 7 minutes.

Pour hot jam into a dry sterile jar and tighten with a screw cap, you can not wrap it.

Turne jam keeps well room temperature. When the blackthorn jam cools, it will become very thick. Excellent filling for buns, muffins, etc.

Delicious preparations for you!

Probably, in many dachas you can observe a prickly hedge, or rather thorn bushes. In fact, the turn is not just thorny bushes that are covered in spring with small flowers. white color, since in autumn such ornamental shrubs are bursting with bluish balls wild plums. The turn is very tart to taste, the berries can be eaten on their own, or you can cook compotes. And no less tasty and fragrant jam is obtained from pitted sloes, and today we will tell you about the recipe for making this healthy sweets!


Step-by-step recipe for making Pitted Blackthorn Jam with photo

So let's get cooking:

Prepare the turn, remove the seeds, transfer the berries to a container, sprinkle with fine sugar, set aside for a couple of hours.

When the sugar dissolves a little, put the container with the berries on the fire and cook them over low heat for a couple of minutes.

Now immediately put the jam in jars, cover with simple nylon lids and store in the refrigerator. That's it, tart, jelly and slightly starchy pitted blackthorn jam is ready!

Seedless blackthorn jam video recipe

Blackthorn jam with pits

And we will also share with you a recipe for pitted sloe jam. Preparing this sweet is also easy and simple!

So, in order to make jam according to this recipe, you will need:

turn - 1.3 kg;
sugar - 1.5 kg;
water - 750 milliliters.

Well, let's get cooking:

  1. First, put the turn in a colander, rinse, and then chop each berry in several places.
  2. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the water, pour in the sugar and boil the syrup.
  3. Send the prepared sloe to the boiling syrup and cook it in the syrup for an hour.
  4. When the specified time has elapsed, cover the container with jam with a lid, let it stand for 10 hours.
  5. Then boil the jam again for 15 minutes, set aside, let it stand for another five hours.
  6. The third cooking should last another 15 minutes, and then immediately pour the sweetness into jars and roll up the lids. That's all, delicious and healthy jam from the turn is ready!
Enjoy your meal!

Apple jam is not new on the tables in winter. And what if it is diluted with other berries and fruits, for example, blackthorn. As a result, you can get a fragrant mixture for pancakes or pancakes. Useful and delicious jam everyone at home will appreciate, here are some recipes on how to cook it.

Blackthorn and apple jam for the winter

My apples and peel, then in the process of cutting thin slices remove seeds and membranes. The turn must be sorted out and washed, removed, ponytails and bones.

In a deep saucepan, combine 2 kg of apples, a kilogram of blackthorn and 2 liters of water. Boil the mixture 4 times for 5 minutes, allowing to cool after each boil. Sugar is not included in this recipe. As a result, the mixture is decomposed into clean banks and roll up. It turns out a thick mixture of beautiful red color with a delicious aroma and taste.

Of course, you can not limit yourself to one turn, use other ingredients.

Pear, sloe and apple jam

This type of jam also does not involve sugar. We wash apples and pears, remove the peel and seeds with membranes. We cut into thin slices, pieces can be, but rather thin. Wash the turn well and, removing the tails and bones, add to the apples and pears.

Fruits are poured with water (in this case per kilogram of turn is 2 apples and pears, as well as 3 liters of water). Boil, let cool. We repeat the boiling process 4 times a day, the duration of infusion and cooking is 2 days. After that, we practically lay out the jam in jars and roll it up.

In this case, the jam will not sour at all, it's all about the pears, which are saturated with sugar and will not let the treat be tasteless.

Instead of pears, you can put plums and even raspberries in jam, which will give not only amber color, but also saturate with a wonderful summer aroma.

Jam from apples and blackthorn with sugar

For a kilogram of turn, they usually take one and a half glasses of sugar and three glasses of water. Apples need half a kilogram.

Wash the turn and remove the tails, pour the indicated amount of water and boil for half an hour. Then, after allowing the fruits to cool slightly, we remove the seeds from them. Pour sugar into the water and boil the syrup. Peel and seed apples, cut into cubes, put sloes and apples in water, boil for 25 minutes and pour into jars. Roll up and let cool at room temperature, then remove the container for storage.

The problem when cooking jam from the turn arises precisely when the seeds are removed. To make the process faster, boil the fruits, and then it will not be difficult to remove the seeds.

Not everyone is familiar with the fruits of the turn and not everyone likes them. tart taste fresh. But on the other hand, many products prepared from blackthorn fruits - jam, marmalade, marshmallow, tinctures and other preparations at home - are in great demand and popularity.

Many housewives knowing the benefit blackthorn berries, they try to keep on hand and prepare home-made preparations for the winter from such a wonderful doctor. These extremely useful berry fruits are widely used to treat many ailments. The turn is especially useful when colds, disorder digestive system, in the fight against nausea, for sedation nervous system and for many other ailments.

Blackthorn jam has always been and is the most popular among housewives. It's easy and simple to prepare, and the result is delicious! Since the fruit itself has a mass of substances necessary for the human body, is saturated with trace elements and vitamins, homemade preparation is also very useful.

For the preparation of jam, it is necessary to select ripe ripened berries. It is undesirable to use overripe fruits, since hard fruits are much more suitable for harvesting. If the berries do not have time to fully ripen, it is advisable to remove the peel from them before cooking. To do this, the berries need to be poured over with boiling water and carefully remove the skin.

Determining the ripeness of a blackthorn fruit is quite simple. Ripe berries turn with pink pulp and dark blue skin.

Blackthorn jam is prepared very quickly. To get delicious homemade only 6-12 minutes is enough.

The composition of blackthorn jam includes only natural ingredients:

  • turn;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The proportions of the ingredients vary, but the most common ratio is one to one. Or you can try the option - for 1 kg a year, add 2 glasses of water and 1.5 kg of sugar. The amount of water and sugar depends on how thick and sweet you want the marmalade to be. To make the taste of jam more saturated, you can add any fruits and other berries to taste.

How to make marmalade from blackthorn

  1. Carefully sort out the prepared fruits, remove the rotten, wilted and shriveled berries, remove the leaves, if possible, the bones;
  2. Rinse the selected berries, place in a colander and let the water drain. Next, the fruits should be allowed to dry by laying them on paper towels;
  3. If other fruits or berries are added to the jam, prepare them as well, having previously cleaned and cut them;
  4. Put the prepared ingredients in a container, falling asleep with sugar. Pour a small amount of water so that it covers all the fruits. Close the container with a lid and leave the mass for 3-5 hours;
  5. The fruits should be infused to the consistency of syrup.
  6. Next, the berries in the syrup must be brought to a boil for small fire. To keep the maximum useful substances contained in berries, it is desirable to reduce the duration of boiling. At the same time, when the mass begins to thicken, it is necessary to stir constantly so that the jam does not burn and remove the emerging foam. The initial volume will decrease by about 3 times. Should be a mass thick consistency. If the resulting cooked mass does not spread, then your jam is ready to eat!

Most varieties of blackthorn have many seeds, which are quite difficult to remove from the inside. Many housewives cook jam right with the bones. So the process will go much faster. If the seeds have not been previously removed from the fruit, already cooked berries can be rubbed through a sieve.

You can also cook jam in a slow cooker, on the “stewing” program.

Jam freshly prepared at home must be decomposed into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up metal lids. Then the jars need to be turned upside down and cool. Chilled jars should be turned back upside down so that the jam does not stick to the lids. You need to store finished blanks in cool place- cellar or refrigerator.

Blackthorn jam - very tasty, tender, fragrant, and most importantly healthy! You can add it to porridge, any pastries or just serve it with tea. Bon appetit!

Jam from the turn without stones has a pleasant, sour taste. Not everyone will like it, but real gourmets will appreciate the workpiece.

Seedless turn jam recipe

You will need:

Purified water - 95 ml
- granulated sugar - 1.9 kg
- berries - 1.9 kg

Subtleties of preparation:

For cooking, select soft, ripe fruit. You can take and slightly harsh. Rinse the berries running water, get rid of the stalks and nucleoli. Place the halves in an enameled container, pour in layers granulated sugar, leave at room temperature for about 0.25 hours. Pour a small amount of some water. Warm the berry mass, stirring slightly. Boil for 40 minutes with barely noticeable stirring. Remove the vessel from heat, leave to infuse for 10 hours. Bring the workpiece to a boil as soon as the time has passed. Give it another half hour. Distribute fragrant jam into a container, cork.

Do and . It goes well with toast and thin pancakes.

Pitted blackthorn jam for five minutes

Required components:

Sand sugar - 1.9 kg
- berries - 1.9 kg

How to prepare:

Minimum time heat treatment allows you to save maximum amount vitamins in berries. If you are interested in this, we suggest welding the Five Minute blank, which is prepared in several passes. Wash the thorny fruits, remove the nucleoli, pour cool water for a couple of hours. Sprinkle the resulting halves with sugar. Choose the right pot for cooking. Leave the container with the workpiece for 24 hours, and then place it on the stove. Warm up the contents with regular stirring, boil for 5 minutes. Leave the thorny mass to cool, and then bring to a boil. Boil again for 5 minutes only. Pour hot into clean jars, roll up, seal tightly, unfold under a warm blanket, bring to a boil. Place upside down for self-sterilization.

Prepare also with a pleasant sour taste.

Seedless turne jam simple recipe

You will need:

75 ml purified water
- 1.21 kg of granulated sugar
- turn - 1.6 kg

Subtleties of preparation:

Remove the nucleoli from the washed fruits, put the halves in a multicooker, sprinkle with sugar, add a little water, leave the mass for 4 hours at room conditions. The fruits will begin to give juice and become softer. For improvement palatability you can add a few apples, cut into medium-sized slices. From the fruit, you must also remove the seeds with the peel. Additional Ingredients add immediately to the container of the multicooker. Select the "Extinguishing" mode, set the time - 30 minutes. Be sure to stir the mass before cooking. Distribute in dry and sterile jars, screw tightly.

How about you? The combination of these two components will give you a lot of pleasure.

Seedless blackthorn jam simple


dense thorny fruits
- granulated sugar


Prepare the fruits: remove the seeds, transfer to a separate container, sprinkle with fine sugar, set aside so that the contents infuse for a couple of hours. After the sugar has melted slightly, place the container on the stove, cook for a couple of minutes over low heat. Distribute immediately into jars, cork with simple nylon caps. Place on refrigerator shelf further storage.

And another interesting recipe:

You will need products:

Liter of water
- berries - 2.5 kg
- sugar sand - 3 kg

How to cook:

Sort the fruits, discard the damaged and rotten ones. Wash in a basin filled with cool water, dry. Pour into enamel pan, add 1 liter of water, put on the stove. Boil the contents over low heat while stirring. The fruits should become soft. Transfer them to a colander to drain the water. Take out the bones, fold the water where the turn was boiled. Add granulated sugar, put on the stove, cook until the sweet crystals dissolve. Be sure to stir in the jam. After boiling, boil the contents for a quarter of an hour. The contents should thicken, then remove it from the heat.

Weld and.

Recipe with apples

Wash the apples, cut off the peel from them, chop into thin slices, remove the membranes and seeds. Sort through the blackthorn berries, wash, cut off the ponytails with bones. Combine in a deep container 2 kg of apples, a couple of liters of water, 1 kg of sloe fruits. Boil the mixture 4 times for five minutes. Leave after each boil and roll up. You will get a beautiful thick mixture of red with pleasant taste and amazing aroma.

Recipe with pears

Wash the pears with apples, remove the peel, membranes, seeds, cut into thin slices. Chop into slices, but thin enough. Wash the blackthorn berries, cut off the tails, remove the kernels, mix with pears and apples. Fill the contents with water, boil and let cool. During the day, repeat the boiling process 4 more times. You need to insist for two days. Arrange in jars, cork.
