
Ostrich egg: everything you wanted to know. Characteristics of the benefits and harms of ostrich meat with a photo, how to cook such meat, as well as recipes with it

The African ostrich is one of the genera of smooth-chested birds, forming an independent family of two-toed ostriches.
In practical breeding, three varieties of the African ostrich have become widespread: black-necked, red-necked, and blue-necked. From the black African ostrich, nutritious meat, skin and exceptional quality feathers are obtained. Due to the rather long period of keeping at home, these birds are the most intelligent, obedient and easily adapt to new environmental conditions. Ostriches freely tolerate cold (from -25 to -30 degrees). Black African ostriches make up the bulk of the livestock of ostriches bred in farm conditions in the world.
Life expectancy - 70 years, 40 of them are engaged in reproduction.
Farm breeding of ostriches was practiced in the nineteenth century in South Africa. The industry experienced a rebirth in the 80s of the last century, when low-calorie ostrich meat became fashionable. Black African ostriches, and only such pets are kept today in pens by entrepreneurs, are able to exist in northern conditions and endure winter relatively easily - it turns out that they the immune system adapts very well. All this led to the fact that a potentially promising and long-term business came to Eastern Europe and Russia a few years ago. Today, there are already several quite successful ostrich breeding farms in our country.
The world population of ostriches is about two million, and the breeding herd has about 400 thousand, 30 percent of this number is in Africa. Over 90 percent of the ostriches on this continent now live on farms.
Israel, the USA, Canada, Poland, Belgium, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan are actively engaged in commercial breeding of ostriches. An example of the most powerful development of ostrich breeding as an industry is Poland, where over 200 farms have been created in less than a decade.
Male ostriches reach two meters in height and weigh 120-140 kilograms. For a year, ostriches eat up to 110 kilograms. Optimal age poultry for slaughter for meat lies within 10-14 months. According to experts, the commercial product in live weight in an ostrich is about 40 percent, and this is much higher than that of cattle, sheep, and even poultry. Only when cutting the legs of a hundred-kilogram carcass, you can get about 25-30 kg of high-quality meat.
Outwardly and in structure, ostrich meat resembles veal tenderloin, it is rich red in color, almost like beef, and in taste it is not comparable to any of the traditional types meat.

What is useful ostrich meat

Ostrich meat is considered a dietary product (fillet contains 1.2% fat), has a very low cholesterol content (about 32 mg per 100 g) and high content protein (about 22%). 100 g of meat contains about 22 mg of manganese, 280 mg of phosphorus and 350 mg of potassium.

Features of cooking ostrich meat

The meat is processed into fillets, steaks, roast beef, dry-cured meat, sausages, minced meat and industrial meat. Most of edible meat is taken from the hip region.
In most other types of meat, the low fat content results in toughness and dryness. In this regard, ostrich meat is an exception: both fillet and ostrich steak with proper preparation exceptionally mild in taste. Ostrich meat absorbs well different spices, which allows it to be used for cooking Mexican, Chinese and Italian cuisine.
Ostrich meat has high gastronomic properties, it is quite easy to cook. However, there are some difficulties here too: you need to carefully monitor so as not to overdry, not overexpose the meat on fire, to preserve its natural rich taste. Ostrich meat is grilled and barbecued, added to salads, soups are cooked from it, and stews and meatballs are also made from meat.
Ostrich meat should not be served with complex sauces and rich side dishes: the simpler the better. Red and white wine sauces and meat broth, or wine and olive oil are generally considered one of the the best options for ostrich meat dishes. For garnish, you can offer grilled vegetables, boiled potatoes, leafy salads. Although asparagus or Forest mushrooms with meat they also give very interesting combination taste.

Popular ostrich meat dishes

Grilled ostrich. Marinate the ostrich steaks in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice 2 hours before cooking. Fry 5-7 minutes on each side. Serve on a warm plate with vegetables or boiled potatoes.

Ostrich steaks with Dijon mustard. Roll the steaks in flour and fry in a large frying pan for butter over medium heat until browned on all sides (about 2-3 minutes per side). Then remove the steaks and pour into the pan chicken bouillon. bring the broth to a boil, add ground ginger and cook stirring frequently for 2 minutes. Add mustard and chopped shallots, salt and pepper. Drizzle sauce over steaks before serving.

Grilled ostrich steaks. Marinate ostrich steaks with onion, garlic, parsley, sugar, red wine, soy sauce And olive oil at least 2 hours. Then take the meat out of the marinade and pour the marinade into the saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Fry the meat in hot oil for 3 minutes. from each side. Arrange steaks on warm plates, drizzle with hot marinade and garnish with chopped shallots.

Beef stroganoff from ostrich meat. Cut the ostrich steak into pieces as for regular beef stroganoff. You can pre-marinate the meat in red wine. Melt the butter and sauté the mushrooms. In the oil left after the mushrooms, quickly fry the meat until brown. Add flour and mustard, mix. Then, together with the mushrooms, add to the pan beef broth, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for about an hour. You can serve noodles or rice with sour cream as a side dish.

Peppered chops. Cut the ostrich steaks into portions, beat off, roll in flour with the addition of dried sage and quickly fry the meat on a hot vegetable fat from two sides. Put the meat in a roasting pan, salt, pepper, add garlic powder. Then fill the meat with water, cover and simmer for 4 hours at 165°C. Add water as needed to keep the meat from burning.

Ostrich with shrimps and sage. Sliced ​​ostrich steaks, shrimp, curry, sage and vegetable oil put in a small bowl. Stir until the meat and shrimp are well rolled in spices, let it brew for 30 minutes. Place the meat and shrimp in a heavy saucepan, add the pepper and cook over medium heat until the shrimp turn a soft pink and the meat loses its bright red color. Ready meal Serve immediately on a warm platter.

The rapidly growing demand for ostrich meat is explained by the benefits of growing these birds and the taste of meat.

ostrich meat in Lately gain popularity


The growth of an African ostrich reaches two hundred and seventy centimeters, and they gain about one hundred and seventy kilograms in weight.

Externally, the ostrich looks like this:

  1. Wings do not function as intended in a bird. Therefore, they are small in size, and at the end they have a claw.
  2. The neck is devoid of plumage, long. The shape of the head is flat.
  3. The body of an ostrich is large.
  4. The paws of the bird are developed and strong.

The color of the plumage on the body of males is black, the female has lighter shades. The feathers on the wings and tail are white. The ostrich bird is common in the lands of Africa, America and in the Far Eastern lands. Feathers have an ancient history. Even the Indians hunted birds to get meat, feathers and skin. Ostrich eggs were also in demand, and continue to this day. In addition to the benefits derived from the species, their fillet does not harm human health.

Male ostriches are black, females are grey.

Raising birds at home has become very profitable, due to its waste-free usefulness, and the absence possible harm. The yield of pure meat from one carcass reaches fifty percent, which has a positive effect on the cultivation of the species.

Ostrich meat is ready for sale when the bird reaches the age of fourteen months. This is an indicator in favor of breeding birds at home.

Ostrich meat is becoming familiar in dishes, and at the same time the demand for poultry is growing.


Ostrich meat has become widespread in African countries due to its benefits and the fact that it does not harm. After studying their experience, the quality of the meat became known to other countries. Meat from poultry thighs is in demand. Since according to external and taste characteristics it is similar to the beef we are used to.

Ostrich meat is in demand in cooking locally Catering. It retains tenderness after any processing, and absorbs any seasonings.

Their cultivation and breeding makes it possible to realize feather cover and skin, as they are in demand in the creation of products and clothes. Claws are used as a material for processing precious metals.

Durable ostrich claws find use in the jewelry industry

Ostrich meat is dietary, it contains minerals and vitamins, combining usefulness with low levels of fat and cholesterol. Fillet has spicy delicate taste, in whatever dishes it was not.

The benefits of fillet are explained by the saturation with various microelements and a high protein index.

The benefits and taste of fillets are combined with the slight harm that exotic fillets carry. However, the level of proteins and vitamins in the fillet made it more popular than pork and beef.

The taste of the fillet and its benefits are ideally combined with the breadth of dishes that are prepared from poultry fillets.

Fillet damage occurs if you have an allergy or your body simply does not accept it.

Ostrich meat, once enjoyed only by the people of Kenya and Namibia, is now available to gourmets all over the world. When in the 90s it turned out that ostriches perfectly tolerate any climatic conditions, even Siberian frosts, ostrich farms began to open everywhere. Now in Russia there are about 100 ostrich farms, whose products are bought not only by wealthy gourmets, but also by restaurants, shops and farms. Exquisite exotic meat is increasingly appearing on the table of Russians who appreciated it original taste and useful properties.

Ostrich dishes: benefits and features

It has a dark red color on the surface and a cherry tint on the cut, which is due to the presence of a special coloring pigment in it, the concentration of which depends on the age of the bird - the older the ostrich, the darker the meat. The taste of ostrich resembles tender veal and does not lose softness with any method of preparation. Low-fat ostrich meat, which quickly restores strength after serious illnesses and physical activity, rich in protein, contains a purely symbolic amount of cholesterol and a lot of vitamin B 5, nicotinic acid, manganese, phosphorus, iron and potassium, and therefore is valued in dietary, medical and children's cuisine. Ostrich meat is considered leaner than turkey, which until recently occupied the first place in the diet food charts. For 100 g of ostrich meat, there are almost 29 g of protein and 4 g of fat, so athletes, supporters healthy lifestyle life and those who are on diets are enthusiastic about ostrich meat and, if possible, try to include it in their diet.

Ostrich cooking: subtleties and secrets

From ostrich meat are very soft and juicy steaks, goulash, stew, roasts, salads, cold appetizers, fillings for pies and dumplings, and they cook on ostrich broth delicious soups. Ostrich meat instantly absorbs the aroma of other products, spices and spices, so do not get carried away too much. complex dishes With big amount components - ostrich has unique taste which is good on its own. This meat goes well with all side dishes and sauces, especially vegetables and potatoes, so you will never have a question what to eat ostrich meat with - even in combination with fish and seafood, this delicacy will be eaten with pleasure!

Ostrich meat is divided into three categories: the first group is the thigh, the meat of which is ideal for steaks, the second category is the external muscle fibers from the lower leg, from which chops are prepared, and the third group is the internal muscles of the lower leg for goulash and minced meat. In an ostrich, contrary to established traditions, the delicacy is not the breast, but the thigh, and its upper part is considered softer and more nutritious.

Ostrich meat should not be exposed high temperatures during cooking - this dries the bird and makes it too tough. It should not be kept on fire for a long time, as it cooks very quickly, and this is one of its valuable advantages. If there is a choice, preference should be given fresh product that has not been frozen.

Gourmet ostrich meat will surprise guests at a dinner party and decorate festive table, especially if it is an ostrich fillet with spicy sauce crab, ostrich liver stewed in red wine, grilled ostrich in sesame seeds, ostrich skewers in lemon juice or ostrich balls with cheese. Pre-beaten ostrich meat is ideal for carpaccio served with celery, arugula, parmesan and lime. The taste of ostrich meat is especially pronounced with olive oil, citrus juice and red wine, but is best taste qualities products show up on the grill, especially when seasoned with coriander and nutmeg.

Ostrich recipes seem to be created for unusual experiments in the kitchen!

ostrich meat refers to exotic products, although every day it is becoming more popular. Today, in many parts of the world there are farms that grow these birds. A year later, ostriches can be sent for slaughter. This meat is especially popular in Asia and Europe. Most often, meat from the thighs of a bird is presented on store shelves, which has a red color (see photo). By appearance such a product resembles veal to many. When cutting the legs of a bird, you can get up to 30 kg of meat. This product belongs to the highest category.

Beneficial features

The benefits of ostrich meat lies in its chemical composition. This product is rich in protein, which is important for the normal functioning of the body. This meat is also distinguished a small amount cholesterol. The composition of ostrich meat includes potassium, which not only normalizes blood pressure, but also improves performance. of cardio-vascular system. It should also be said that this product is low-calorie, therefore, it can be safely included in your diet without fear for the figure. It is recommended to eat dishes prepared from ostrich meat for people who have heart failure, diabetes, anemia and pressure problems. This product helps to recover faster in the postoperative period, as well as after a serious illness. Improves ostrich meat and performance digestive system. The composition of this product includes other vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

Use in cooking

Ostrich meat can be used similarly to other poultry options. It is subject to various heat treatment: fried, boiled, stewed, baked, etc. On the basis of ostrich meat, various first and second courses are prepared, as well as snacks and salads. Also, ostrich fillet can be chopped into minced meat and cutlets, etc. can be prepared from it. A dish of such meat (steaks, medallions) goes well with any side dishes, for example, with cereals, pasta and so on. The best supplement ostriches are fruits, vegetables, nuts and seafood. To diversify the taste of such meat, spices, seasonings, marinades, etc. are used. To preserve the juiciness of the product, it is recommended to cook it at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.

Harm of ostrich meat and contraindications

Ostrich meat can cause harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected.

The ostrich is the largest bird of all that exists on Earth. Thanks to its long and strong legs, it runs very fast, but it cannot fly, its wings are underdeveloped and small compared to its large body. Previously, birds were destroyed because of the unusually beautiful plumage, now ostrich meat has become popular. For getting valuable product they are grown on farms that appear around the world.

Ostrich meat is spicy and has a pleasant taste

Outwardly, ostrich meat resembles mature beef: the color varies from dark red to cherry. If the store offers light meat, passing it off as ostrich, this is a hoax, you should not buy the product.

  1. The fillet is characterized by high juiciness, while it has minimal amount fatty layers. There are so few of them that you can immediately see - this is a product of the highest category. A male ostrich fillet weighs no more than 1.5 kg, for smaller birds - a maximum of a kilogram. For sale, the meat is divided into separate parts, the most useful is located on the lower back.
  2. Fat in the area is 2%, and the amount of cholesterol is 32 mg per 100 g. For those who have elevated cholesterol levels, this is an invaluable protein product.
  3. The main part of the carcass for eating is the limbs of the bird, this share accounts for 75% of the total amount of the meat product.
  4. The taste of the fillet is similar to veal, but has a peculiar aftertaste.
  5. Young individuals are slaughtered at the age of one year or 14 months. The slaughter yield is 68%, which indicates a benefit for the manufacturer. The carcass consists of 60% pure meat and 15% fat.

Frozen fillet keeps in the refrigerator for 14 days, but it is better to use it within 10 days.

Beneficial features

The benefits and value of the meat of this amazing bird in its composition.

  • Compared to beef and turkey, ostrich meat has low cholesterol levels. On average - 33.6 mg per 100 g of product. In the fillet of individual parts, 60 mg is present.
  • Fat in it is an insignificant amount - 1.6%. This is lower than in beef or broiler chicken. The product is not inferior to beef in terms of valuable protein, and this is the composition that is easily absorbed by the body and is responsible for the quality of metabolic processes.
  • Ostrich meat compares favorably low calorie- 103 kcal (a turkey has 116 kcal).
  • Compound fatty acids not too different from turkey and veal, and there are more polyunsaturated acids in ostrich meat. It speaks of his high dietary properties and benefit.

An insignificant level of collagen in the amount of high-quality protein is well digested. So, according to these parameters, ostrich meat is in the lead. The product is recommended for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, bowel and liver diseases.

If we compare beef and ostrich meat, then the first is not so dry, but nutritionists believe that this indicator is not decisive, and they give the palm to an exotic bird.


The bird fillet is rich in vitamins and mineral composition, which is also beneficial for human body.

  • The meat contains a group of vitamins B. This means that the product will positively affect the state of blood vessels, nervous system, metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin E will strengthen muscles, give radiance to the skin.
  • Vitamin PP together with protein will give strength and energy to the human body.

A wide range of minerals will allow all body systems to fully exist:

  • potassium helps the rhythmic work of the myocardium;
  • calcium will strengthen bones, hair and nails;
  • magnesium will help remove toxins, the element is responsible for the formation of metabolic processes;
  • selenium will protect tissue cells, help protein build new muscles, and, together with iron, fill the blood with oxygen.

The main thing is that the ostrich product is so rich in them that 100 g is enough to make up for the daily allowance.

Meat contains cobalt, phosphorus and nickel. But sodium is low, which means that the pressure will not rise after eating ostrich meat. Therefore, its benefits are undeniable for people with poor health, low hemoglobin and high blood pressure.

Meat is widely used in cooking

Harm and contraindications

Ostrich meat is safe for the human body, there will be no harm from eating. Valuable properties, rich composition just can not enjoy negative influence on the body. The only reason to refuse to use it in the diet is individual intolerance. Its occurrence is due to a number of reasons, it depends on the characteristics of the organism.

The only drawback of ostrich meat is the high cost. exotic product. There are still few ostrich farms in Russia, meat is imported from afar, this explains its exorbitant price: up to 900 rubles per kilogram of fillet.

Gastronomic properties

Apart from useful qualities, ostrich meat has excellent gastronomic features, has a pleasant, somewhat unusual taste. A variety of dishes are obtained from meat:

  • it is boiled, fried, smoked, dried;
  • processed into steaks, roast beef;
  • crushed into minced meat;
  • even make sausage;
  • from it you can cook delicious soups;
  • include in salads;
  • make cutlets and stews.

They mainly use the fillet from the hip part, it is more tender than the brisket.

Despite the fact that the meat, as we have already said, contains a small amount of fat, it does not become tough, moreover, it is softer and more tender than turkey. The main skill of the cook is to ensure that during cooking on fire the meat does not become dry and retains a specific taste. Chefs know: it does not need unusual complex sauces and side dishes, the meat itself is very tasty. The easier it is to cook, the better the dish will turn out, it will retain its unique features. And in terms of health, ostrich meat has more benefits than any other.

The best side dish for ostrich meat is vegetables; it is also served with potatoes. When combined with asparagus and mushrooms, special taste sensations. For sauces choose dry wines or broths, pineapples and oranges. To cook on the grill, the fillet is soaked in lemon juice, olive oil.


  • Ostrich meat belongs to the products of the highest category, differs valuable qualities and dietary properties.
  • Eating is good for the human body, it is low in fat and calories, it is well absorbed.
  • It has a rich vitamin and mineral composition.
  • The dangers of ostrich meat for the human body are out of the question.
  • Fillets are cooked various dishes, but how dietary product it is preferable to use it with vegetables.
