
Ostrich meat. Features of cooking ostrich meat: tips and recipes

Properly cooked ostrich meat dishes are juicy and tasty. Use the simple recipes that we will describe in detail below.

Ostrich meat can be fried in a pan and served with sauce.


Caraway 15 grams Cream 50 milliliters Honey 50 grams Butter 60 grams Cognac 60 milliliters Bouillon 100 milliliters ostrich steak 2 pieces)

  • Servings: 2
  • Preparation time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes

Ostrich meat steak: recipe with photo

cook delicious diet dish with cognac-honey sauce family dinner or holiday table.

  1. Heat the pan over medium heat, pour in the oil and put 2 pieces of meat weighing 120-150 g on it.
  2. If you want to get a steak with blood, then fry the pieces for 2 minutes on each side. If you are attracted to a fully fried dish, then spend 5 minutes on the sides.
  3. Then get on with the sauce. So that the steaks do not cool down, transfer them to a preheated baking dish and send them to an oven preheated to 50 degrees.
  4. Pour brandy and honey into the pan in which the meat was fried. Warm food over medium heat, remembering to stir constantly. After 3-4 minutes, pour in the broth and cream, add cumin. Cook the sauce for another 5 minutes.

Put the steaks on plates, complement them fried onions and coarsely chopped vegetables. Pour hot sauce over meat.

How to cook ostrich steak

Low-calorie meat contains a lot of protein, vitamins and trace elements. It is prepared very quickly and simply.


  • meat - 600 g;
  • soy sauce - 120 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 g;
  • coriander seeds - 30 g;
  • salt and pepper - 2 pinches each.
  • Cut the meat into pieces the size of a palm and a thickness of 2 cm.
  • Rub the steaks with salt, pepper and ground coriander. fill them up soy sauce and send to marinate in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Heat a grill pan, pour oil into it and lay out the meat. Roast them until they are covered golden brown from each side. After that, turn down the heat and cook the dish for another 3-4 minutes on each side.

Serve the dish with stewed vegetables, boiled or fried potatoes.

Ostrich meat in the oven

This simple snack can be prepared for a holiday or for a party.


  • meat - 250 g;
  • red wine - 60 g;
  • olive oil - 60 g.
  1. Cut the meat into cubes 2 by 2 cm, fill them with wine and oil.
  2. Marinate the pieces in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Transfer the meat to a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake it at 210 degrees for 15 minutes.

Prick the pieces on wooden skewers and transfer to a platter. Serve appetizer to the table with tomato and mustard sauces.

Ostrich meat - quite rare product, which is not often seen on the tables of Russians. But if you wish, you can find it in large supermarkets or order it at an ostrich farm.

Girls who pay attention to their health and nutrition should pay attention to ostrich meat, the benefits of which are undeniable. Due to its properties, it has become quite popular, especially among people who prefer to eat dietary meat. Although it is difficult to find this type of meat in our country, we will still talk about the benefits and possible harm ostrich meat.

Benefits of ostrich meat

The meat of this bird contains protein that is completely absorbed by the body. At the same time, it contains very little fat. The ostrich fillet contains quite a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, E and P;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

So, for example, 100 grams of fillet contains only 32 mg. At the same time, there will be quite a lot of protein in it, about 22%. It is because of this ratio that many people prefer to eat this tender meat in food, rather than pork or veal.

Due to its properties, ostrich meat is recommended for people with high pressure and heart failure. In addition, it helps to quickly restore the body in the postoperative period. The meat is easily digested and does not create discomfort, and therefore, it can be eaten even with stomach diseases.

Is ostrich meat harmful?

It is worth saying that meat can not do harm. The only time it should not be eaten is if you have an individual intolerance.

Increasingly popular among people who do not represent their daily menu without a piece of delicious and juicy steak or chop is enjoyed by ostrich meat. How the data speaks volumes scientific research, this product is extremely useful for human body thanks to its chemical composition rich in vitamins and minerals.

In addition, the fillet of these flightless birds belongs to dietary products and is widely used in dietetics. In cooking, in addition to meat, ostrich eggs are used. How should ostrich meat be cooked to make it tasty?

A little about birds

Domestic ostriches are gaining more and more popularity and attract the attention of many poultry farmers. Growing and breeding ostriches, as it turned out, is a very profitable business.

This is due to the fact that the birds grow quite quickly, reaching slaughter age as early as 10-14 months.

Males, subject to good maintenance and diet, can reach a weight of 120-140 kilograms, while the yield of pure meat is 40-45% of the total live weight. This figure is very high, because it exceeds that of some types of cattle.

In addition, ostriches lay eggs. High Quality and give excellent feathers. Dishes from this bird are especially popular in Namibia, Kenya, Japan, China, Russia and Italy.

Beneficial features

Those who have never tried this product are naturally interested in the harm and benefits of eating ostrich meat. As for the harm, here we can only mention the danger of overeating, since meat dishes require a long digestion, so their excessive use can significantly complicate the work of the digestive tract.

The benefits of eating ostrich dishes are due to its chemical composition, which is really unique. With its unusually low calorie content, this product contains a large number of rich fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Ostrich fillet contains a lot of B, E and PP vitamins. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium and iron.

It is impossible not to note the excellent taste of this product, because ostrich meat, according to many gourmets, surpasses beef in taste and nutritional value. It is distinguished by its special softness and tenderness due to the absence of intramuscular fats.

Some see this as a significant disadvantage, since the meat can taste dry, to which connoisseurs of ostrich dishes respond that the product becomes such due to non-compliance with the rules for its preparation.

Selected fillets contain only 1.5-2% fat. There are only 32 milligrams of cholesterol in it for every 100 grams, but there is a lot of protein - 22%.

There are many trace elements in it per 100 grams of product:

  • 22 mg manganese;
  • 280 mg phosphorus;
  • 350 mg potassium.

Being both a low-calorie and highly nutritious product, it is great for balanced nutrition including for weight loss.

Knowing how to properly cook ostrich meat, you can lose weight and not experience excruciating hunger between meals.

Gastronomic properties

The dietary meat of these large flightless birds is used to cook the most variety of dishes, it can be broth, salad, soup or cold appetizer.

In addition, it is boiled, fried, sausages are made from it and simply smoked. Most of meat suitable for cooking is taken from the hip part.

A feature of ostrich meat is the ability to absorb spices that make the taste of dishes original. If you decide to cook ostrich meat dishes with your own hands, it is important to know some of the features of this process.

According to professionals, even a beginner can cook an ostrich deliciously if it is done at a temperature not higher than 60-80 degrees. Steaks and steaks cooked at this temperature are juicy and melt in your mouth. Serve complex sauces and side dishes for such meat are not worth it. It is best combined with vegetable stew or boiled potatoes.

recipe with vegetables

There are many recipes for cooking ostrich meat, and all of them are good and tasty in their own way. Most of them contain vegetables, herbs and aromatic spices.

But, as noted by many lovers of experimenting with products in the kitchen, the most simple recipes turn out to be the most “tasty and”, and the harm from their use tends to zero.

According to one of these recipes, you can cook a delicious and juicy ostrich fillet with vegetables in your sleeve.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggplant, zucchini and leeks - 1 each;
  • olive oil - 1/4 cup;
  • ostrich fillet - 500 grams;
  • red ground pepper and dry rosemary - 1 teaspoon each;
  • tomatoes, Bell pepper, garlic - 3 pieces each;
  • salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • fresh fennel 1 piece.

How to cook this ostrich meat dish? First you need to cut the fillet into medium-sized pieces and place it in a pre-prepared marinade of oil, rosemary, garlic and salt. In it, the fillet must be kept for at least an hour.

Meanwhile, all other vegetables are cut into cubes, tomatoes into quarters. They need to be mixed, salted and peppered.

Prepared vegetables are placed in a baking sleeve, on top of them - fillet marinated for an hour, then fennel. The bag is tightly tied and placed in a preheated oven.

The dish must be cooked at a temperature of 160-180 degrees, it must be served on a separate dish, while the vegetables should be laid out on top of the meat. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish lightly with vinegar. A pleasant and outstanding feast to you and your guests!

Ostrich farming was originally developed in South Africa for feather production and later for leather production. However, the breeding of ostriches in other countries of the world was aimed primarily at the production of meat. The development of ostrich breeding opened up the market ostrich meat and one of its attractive features is its novelty. Ostrich meat is new not only for consumers, but also for everyone involved in its production: from geneticists and farmers to animal and poultry researchers. Today, the future of ostrich production is based on the idea of ​​supplying the food market with ostrich meat as an alternative to the consumption of traditional meats.

The meat of the ostrich is red, the taste is very close to veal and beef. If before nutritionists around the world the most lean, and, consequently, the most healthy meat product considered turkey meat, now this place belongs to ostrich meat, since it contains less cholesterol than turkey meat. Quantitatively, the percentage of cholesterol in ostrich meat is equal to the same indicator in trout meat.

Dignity ostrich meat is his low calorie, low cholesterol content, the richest set of trace elements: manganese, phosphorus and potassium, as well as healthy fatty acids. Outwardly and in structure, ostrich meat resembles veal tenderloin, it is rich red in color, almost like beef, and its taste cannot be compared with any of the usual types of meat. Ostrich meat has a high nutritional value thanks to its high protein content and low fat content:

Black African ostrich meat
Emu meat
Nandu ostrich meat

A comparative analysis of the composition of ostrich meat with other types of meat traditional for Russia is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Content Meat
broiler chickens
first category
Moisture, % 76,0 68,0 63,8 66,7 64,4
Squirrel, % 21,5 18,5 18,7 21,1 18,7
Fat, % 1,2 11,7 16,1 11,0 16,0
Carbohydrates, % - 0,6 0,5 - -
Cholesterol, mg/100 g 32,0 59,0 73,0 79,0 86,0

As shows comparative analysis, ostrich meat is one of the leanest: the fillet contains 1.2% fat. Ostrich has a very low cholesterol content (about 32 mg per 100 g), and high content protein (about 22%) and protein. 100 g of ostrich meat contains about 22 mg of manganese, 280 mg of phosphorus and 350 mg of potassium. In most other types of meat, the low fat content makes it tough, while in ostriches it is tender.

Ostrich meat is exceptionally tender with an individual unobtrusive taste, one of the most exotic dishes in many countries of the world, an elite product for restaurants and grills. Ostrich meat cooks very quickly and perfectly absorbs a variety of spices. Both fillet and ostrich steak, with proper preparation exceptionally mild in taste. However, ostrich meat can come across as dry, especially if the cooking time is too long.

The age of the bird affects some quality parameters of ostrich meat: tenderness and lipid content. Sex effects are not observed, that is, at the same age, both males and females give the same quality of meat. Optimal age poultry for slaughter for meat lies between 10 -14 months for black African ostriches and 10 - 12 months for pink-necked and blue-necked ostrich subspecies. At this time the bird best quality meat. Also, the taste of ostrich meat directly depends on the conditions of its cultivation. This primarily refers to the size of the walking areas for the free grazing of birds and the diet of their food.

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The largest bird and the only representative of the ostrich family is the African ostrich. The age of an ostrich can reach seventy years. Of these, for about thirty to forty years they are capable of reproduction. Relatively recently, in many countries, including the Russian Federation, ostrich farms began to appear. Grow these birds to obtain (from one female) - about 90 kg dietary meat, 2-2.5 kg of feathers, 1-2 m of skin and about 50 eggs per year. Namely, due to the high performance, ostriches are becoming more and more popular. It should also be noted that they grow quickly and the meat that can be eaten is about 40 percent of the total weight, and this is a rather high figure. Ostrich meat costs more expensive than beef or pork, but is more low-calorie and dietary.

Ostrich meat contains 1.2% fat, only 32 mg of cholesterol and a large amount of protein - 22%. The chemical composition in the meat of such trace elements as phosphorus, potassium, manganese is truly high. The complex of vitamins, PP, group B, which are contained in ostrich meat, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, increases the amount of energy in the body, increases cheerfulness, activates digestion processes, and normalizes lipid metabolism.

Beneficial features

Thanks to the high scores chemical composition this product and with its low levels of fat, cholesterol, the use of ostrich meat is recommended for people with increased blood pressure, and also if a person suffers from diseases such as heart failure, anemia, diabetes, has various stomach problems. It is expected that in modern world, ostrich meat, due to numerous growth various diseases heart and blood vessels, it will be able to replace all existing traditional views meat.


There are many types of meat, but none of them can boast that the low fat content will not lead to its rigidity - all types except ostrich meat. It is characterized by pleasant juiciness and softness. Many chefs advise cooking this meat at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees so that the meat is tender and soft. Ostrich meat can in most cases be seen in the form of a fillet from the thigh of this bird. It is usually used to make steaks paired with various sauces- mustard or orange.

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