
Does green lower blood pressure? Green tea for high blood pressure - pros and cons

Does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure - a topical issue for many people, since this drink is very popular, at the same time, many of its lovers, including those of middle and young age, suffer from high or low blood pressure. Proponents of a healthy lifestyle recommend it for all cases, but do doctors agree with them? Let's try to figure it out.

The benefits and harms of green tea

To understand whether it is possible to drink green tea with high blood pressure, you should find out what substances are in this drink and what effect they have on the heart and blood vessels.

There is an opinion that green tea does not contain caffeine, and therefore not only does it not increase blood pressure, like black tea or coffee, but on the contrary, it helps to lower it. Obviously, this is due to the color of the drink - caffeine is associated with the dark color of natural coffee. However, the reviews of doctors do not confirm this opinion.

Green tea, due to the high content of antioxidants and vitamins, has a pronounced anti-atherogenic effect, that is, it helps protect blood vessels from the negative effects of cholesterol.

In fact, a cup of strong black tea contains 14–70 mg of caffeine, while the same amount of green tea contains 25–45 mg. That is, in fact, the content of the pressure-increasing substance in green tea can be higher than in black, although slightly lower than in coffee (50–300 mg per cup, depending on the variety). Therefore, green tea increases blood pressure, has a tonic effect. This statement is easily confirmed empirically - it is enough to measure blood pressure before and after drinking tea.

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains many other substances:

  • vitamins B, C, P and PP;
  • taurine;
  • minerals;
  • Catechins are powerful natural antioxidants.

Taurine is one of the amino acids. In the human body, it has the following effect:

  • improves metabolic processes in internal organs, brain;
  • increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin;
  • has a mild diuretic (diuretic) effect;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • increases the strength of heart contractions;
  • reduces the tone of blood vessels.

Due to the high content of taurine and its ability to stimulate diuresis and reduce vascular tone, green tea lowers blood pressure.

That is, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether green tea increases or lowers blood pressure. 10-15 minutes after a person drinks a cup of hot green tea (whether with or without lemon), their blood pressure will rise. However, after 30-40 minutes, the diuretic effect of taurine begins to manifest itself, and blood pressure decreases.

Given the above, it becomes clear why doctors still do not recommend drinking green tea, which lowers blood pressure, with hypertension. But for people prone to increased pressure, this drink can be recommended for prevention (naturally, its use does not eliminate the need to take the pills prescribed by the doctor).

In a cup of strong black tea, the caffeine content is 14–70 mg, and in the same volume of green tea, it is 25–45 mg.

Other properties of green tea

Arterial hypertension is one of the risk factors for the development and rapid progression of atherosclerosis, which, in turn, creates the preconditions for a further increase in pressure. This is the so-called vicious circle. Green tea, due to the high content of antioxidants and vitamins, has a pronounced anti-atherogenic effect, that is, it helps protect blood vessels from the negative effects of cholesterol. Therefore, it is excellent for men and women as a means of preventing atherosclerosis and related diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, cerebral stroke).

Green tea antioxidants actively protect the human body from the damaging effect of lipid peroxidation products on cells, that is, reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Despite all the beneficial properties, green tea can harm the body if consumed in excessive amounts, which is associated with the negative effects of high doses of caffeine.

How to brew green tea

To get the most out of green tea, it must be brewed properly. For this you need:

  • rinse the teapot with boiling water;
  • put tea leaves in it at the rate of 3 g per 200 ml of water;
  • pour dry tea with hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 85 ° C (not boiling water!);
  • insist 2-3 minutes;
  • strain the finished drink into another container through a strainer, removing the tea leaves.

If you brew green tea with boiling water or insist for more than three minutes, then instead of a healthy, tasty and aromatic drink, you get a bitter and unpleasant-tasting liquid, devoid of some of its beneficial properties.

Green tea antioxidants actively protect the human body from the damaging effects of lipid peroxidation products on cells, that is, reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Many people prefer to drink green tea cold, as in this form it perfectly quenches thirst. If it was brewed correctly, it retains its properties even when chilled, but long-term storage (more than 1-2 hours) should be avoided.

Which green tea to choose

There are many different brands of green tea in stores, and many people are looking for an answer to the question of which brand to prefer.

Experts advise choosing green tea that does not contain artificial flavors, for example, the well-established 95 brand. Natural flavors, such as jasmine flowers or citrus peel, do not spoil the drink, but enrich it. Such tea has a delicate aroma, pleasant taste and does not have a negative effect on the body.

Green tea during pregnancy

Women in early pregnancy often suffer from low blood pressure. Knowing that green tea tones up and has many beneficial properties, expectant mothers begin to consume this drink in large quantities. However, doctors oppose the excessive consumption of even such a useful remedy as green tea.

Pregnant women can consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day without risk to the health and development of the fetus. It should be remembered that caffeine is found not only in tea or coffee, but also in chocolate, Coca-Cola, and energy drinks. In this regard, you should drink no more than 1-2 cups of weak green tea per day. Such a dose of caffeine will not cause harm, but on the contrary, it will have a tonic effect, saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It should also be noted that green tea impairs the absorption of much-needed folic acid and iron from the gastrointestinal tract by pregnant women, so it is recommended to drink it no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating.

Green tea can harm the body if consumed in excessive amounts, which is associated with the negative effects of high doses of caffeine.

Thus, green tea during pregnancy is not a forbidden drink, but its consumption should be limited.


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The beneficial properties of green tea have been known to mankind since ancient times. This healing drink has been and remains a reliable remedy for dozens of different diseases. The powerful healing potential of green tea is recognized by everyone, regardless of age, skin color and level of education.

The effectiveness of the Chinese elixir of life has been confirmed by many scientists who do not tire of showing the world more and more evidence of its beneficial effects on health.

So, how is this amazing drink useful and harmful, and is it possible to drink green tea with high blood pressure?

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

The raw material for the production of green tea are the leaves of the tea tree Camellia sinensis. They are processed using the same technology as black tea, the only difference is that in the production of green tea, the fermentation (oxidation) procedure is skipped.

While the leaves are dried in the sun during the manufacture of black tea, the raw materials for green tea are subjected to steam treatment at a high temperature, so that the tea leaves retain their refined aroma and healing qualities.

The color of dry green tea varies from light brown to deep green. Whereas its infusion can be pale green, yellow or brick orange. On the palate there is a pleasant bitterness, unobtrusive herbal sound and slight astringency. The aroma is subtle, invigorating, with a subtle woody note.


The healing qualities of green tea are due to its rich chemical content.

The composition of the drink is presented:

  • macro- and microelements (over 500 items);
  • organic substances (about 450 compounds);
  • vitamins (groups A, B, K, C, H, P, PP) and many other valuable components.

Among the alkaloids present in green tea, caffeine (or theine), known for its invigorating effect, is of particular value. However, unlike coffee, tea caffeine affects the body many times softer.

It also improves mental and physical performance, gives vigor and strength, but causes much less harm to the cardiovascular and nervous system. In addition, it does not accumulate in the body, which eliminates the possibility of poisoning them.

Macro- and microelements are responsible for the smooth operation of all body systems. They strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolic processes, give hair elasticity, and nails and teeth - a fortress.

A special role is played by catechins (polyphenols), which have an antioxidant effect. Due to this, green tea blocks the development of oncological tumors, reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens blood vessels and decisively fights microbes.

Green tea catechins exceed the action of vitamins C and E by 40-100 times. And just one cup of healing infusion saturates the body with the necessary amount of polyphenols.

Green tea is rich in valuable amino acids. They normalize metabolic processes, stabilize the activity of the nervous system and lower blood pressure. It is for this reason that doctors recommend green tea for hypertension (high blood pressure).

In order for amino acids to be able to demonstrate their healing power, green tea should not be drunk very hot.

Beneficial features

Green tea is a real elixir of life, a rich storehouse of valuable substances and beneficial properties.

One of the important medicinal functions of the drink is its diaphoretic effect. In view of this, it is advised to drink it in a feverish state, high temperature, and inflammatory processes. Together with sweat, tea brings out toxic substances and various kinds of microbes. The Chinese elixir is very valuable for patients with diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

The benefits of green tea for the digestive and gastrointestinal tract are great. Its healing effect also extends to the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and duodenum.

Green tea is especially revered by Eastern peoples, whose traditions include its obligatory use before meals. They claim that the drink improves the intestinal microflora and neutralizes the fats that abound in heavy foods.

Other health benefits of tea include:

  • stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • getting rid of drowsiness, stress and depression;
  • improving memory and increasing mindfulness;
  • increased performance: both physical and mental;
  • improvement of vision;
  • saving the body from early aging;
  • hangover relief;
  • lowering blood pressure.

This drink is a recognized favorite of the Japanese. That is why Japan has the smallest percentage of patients with hypertension.

Green tea for high blood pressure is highly recommended. Moreover, with this ailment, you should drink at least 3 cups a day.

Green tea is also indispensable for the cardiovascular system.

His regular intake:

  • prevents the formation of atherosclerotic and cholesterol plaques;
  • promotes elasticity of blood vessels;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • improves the circulatory system.

The drink is also known for its strong anti-inflammatory action. Regular rinsing of the mouth with infusion or brushing the teeth with tea thickens strengthens tooth enamel, eliminates inflammation of the gums and heals caries.

Drinking green tea is a sure way to lose weight. And all thanks to the pectins contained in it, which break down fats. In order to lose weight, it is worth drinking up to 6 cups of aromatic drink per day.

Green tea has managed to establish itself in cosmetology. In order for the skin to remain fresh, supple and young, daily (morning and evening) wash your face with its infusion. The drink is even more effective when frozen (cubes). By rubbing problem areas with iced tea, you can easily get rid of unpleasant rashes and improve skin condition.

Is it possible to drink green tea with high blood pressure

One of the most frequently asked questions is: is green tea good for hypertension? To answer it as accurately as possible, let's turn to the opinion of scientific luminaries.

More recently, the drink was the object of ongoing controversy among the servants of Hippocrates. Some doctors claimed that green tea increases blood pressure, while others called it an effective remedy for hypertension.

The end of the dispute was put by the studies of Japanese scientists, who managed to prove to the world that the healing drink still lowers blood pressure. They conducted a scientific experiment in which patients with chronic hypertension regularly treated themselves to green tea for several months. The result was achieved: the blood pressure of the experimenters decreased by 5-10%.

You can drink green tea at high pressure, but keep in mind that one-time or unsystematic use of it will not give any effect. For medicinal purposes, the drink should be consumed regularly.

Hypertension can be caused by various reasons. In addition to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems, external factors also contribute to the development of the disease: unhealthy diet, bad habits, lack of physical activity.

Of course, green tea is useful for the body, but it can hardly be called a magical drink that instantly relieves the disease. To cure hypertension, taking one tea will not be enough; for a complete recovery, the main causes of the disease should be identified and eliminated or lifestyle should be changed.

For medicinal purposes, green tea is drunk 30-60 minutes before a meal or, following the same interval, after it. Mixing the drink with milk and sugar is not recommended. It is advisable to use it in tandem with honey. The optimal number of cups per day is from 3 to 10.


The benefits and harms of green tea go side by side. At the same time, its useful qualities still prevail. It is important to properly brew and drink the drink, so as not to turn its healing effect against yourself.

Green tea is contraindicated:

  • With nervous exhaustion. Caffeine, which is part of the drink, has an additional burden on the nervous system, which can provoke insomnia, weakness and depression.
  • Patients with tachycardia and people prone to emotional breakdowns.
  • With unstable blood pressure. With (low pressure), the drink should be consumed with caution, and in acute hypertension, its use is completely undesirable.
  • With a stomach ulcer. Green tea increases the acidity of the digestive juices.
  • In chronic diseases, the risk of their exacerbation is high.

Limit or completely abandon the Chinese elixir of life should be during pregnancy and lactation, during menstruation and before childbirth.

Drinking green tea before going to bed is a sure way to be at the mercy of insomnia and headaches.

Usage rules:

  • Do not drink green tea on an empty stomach - to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Try to enjoy tea during daylight hours - it will give you vigor and strength. Reception in the evening and at night is undesirable.
  • Do not take the drink with alcoholic beverages. In this case, your kidneys can be seriously affected.
  • The maximum therapeutic effect is endowed with freshly brewed tea, infused for no less, but no more than 2-5 minutes.
  • Do not drink green tea tablets and capsules. The drink reduces the effectiveness of pharmaceutical preparations due to the removal of chemical elements.

True healing power is possessed only by high-quality varieties of green tea. Packaged products are significantly inferior in this regard to natural tea leaves - not crushed tea leaves.

Therefore, in order to fully experience the divine taste, noble aroma and appreciate the healing power of the drink, look at the selected varieties of green tea.

How to choose

There are hundreds of varieties of green tea. It is not surprising to get lost in such an impressive assortment. What parameters should be guided by when buying tea leaves?

You can get the most reliable and useful information about the product in tea shops or specialized shops. Well, or in extreme cases, visit one of the Chinese tea plantations.

When choosing green tea, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the color of tea leaves depends on a particular variety and can vary from light green to dark green;
  • however, regardless of the variety, tea leaves should have a natural green color;
  • if tea is replete with dark gray or brown tones, then the conditions for its storage are evident.
  • the age of tea is easy to determine by broken leaves, the presence of small cuttings and other debris;
  • if their number exceeds 5% of the total brewing volume, you have a stale product in front of you.
  • the intensity of tea twisting determines the strength of the infusion brewed from it;
  • strongly twisted leaves will make a strong, bitter drink, while weakly rolled leaves will be soft, tart and slightly more aromatic;
  • non-twisted welding is also found on sale - this indicates the natural drying of raw materials.
  • this parameter should fluctuate within 3-6%, only in this case tea will bring health benefits;
  • if the moisture content of the product exceeds 20%, it becomes unusable.

Determining the moisture content of green tea is quite simple. To do this, fill a small container with tea leaves (to the top), then press hard on it with your finger and immediately release.

Tea with an excessive degree of moisture will give itself away immediately - it is instantly compressed and will return to its original position for a long time. And a fresh, not over-moisturized product will quickly return to its previous volume, without leaving a dent or a trace.

Similarly, you can "bring to clean water" and overdried tea. To do this, crush a few tea leaves with your fingers.

If they immediately crumble into small particles, turning into powder, you have old tea in front of you, which has lain with the merchant for who knows how long. And such a product is extremely harmful to the body.

How to store

Failure to comply with the storage conditions of green tea does not have the best effect on its aroma, taste and benefits. Tea leaves have the ability to absorb moisture and odors, eventually losing their characteristic aroma inherent only to them. Welding can also spoil the sun's rays and light.

Do not store tea leaves in paper boxes and bags - moisture will quickly make the tea unusable.

In order for the Chinese elixir of life to give you real pleasure and bring only benefits to your health, it is important to choose, store and drink it correctly.

As for the issues of pressure stabilization, we found out that it is possible and even necessary to drink green tea for hypertension. However, it is useless to be treated with a drink alone, first of all, it is necessary to identify the “root of evil” - the cause of the disease, and only after that proceed to healing.

Green tea is a natural source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It perfectly quenches thirst, is a good prophylactic of cancer. In addition to all this, green tea normalizes blood pressure.

Green tea: pressure

People suffering from hypertension, green tea is very useful. Thanks to its flavonoids, green tea has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart. Green tea, like black tea, contains caffeine, only in smaller doses. After drinking green tea, blood pressure first rises slightly, then normalizes.

Green tea lowers blood pressure

Green tea has the ability to lower blood pressure, so its excessive consumption is contraindicated in people suffering from hypotension.

Green tea raises blood pressure

Green tea properties

Green tea has many health benefits for the human body. This drink has proven itself as a cooling, thirst-quenching and performance-enhancing drink. In addition, green tea also has medicinal properties. Saturated with antioxidants, it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and removes free radicals. It has also been proven that green tea eliminates excess cholesterol and is very effective in losing weight. It should also be noted that green tea improves immunity, improves memory, and relieves fatigue.

Green tea is recognized as an excellent preventive measure for cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Green tea has also gained recognition in dentistry - it strengthens teeth and gums, and fights plaque. Green tea is also widely used in cosmetology.

Does green tea increase blood pressure?

Due to the low caffeine content, green tea does raise blood pressure a little at first. In this regard, it is worth being attentive to hypertensive patients with an acute course of the disease.

Does green tea lower blood pressure?

Green tea can significantly lower blood pressure and normalize it, improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Do not get involved in patients with hypotension.

Green tea is a real storehouse of useful and healing properties. Include 1-2 cups of this wonderful and delicious drink in your daily diet.

Be healthy and beautiful!

People have been accustomed to drinking green tea for a long time. After partial processing, tea leaves have the property to bring pleasure, as well as have a beneficial effect on health.

The biochemical composition is rich, so the drink is intended for healing. Disturbed blood pressure affects a large number of people. After drinking drinks, hypertensive patients are puzzled by the problem: does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure?

Green tea lowers or raises blood pressure

During the last centuries, it is customary to drink a hot drink made from green leaves. It has a tonic as well as a cleansing effect. The leaves of shrubs have beneficial enzymes, as well as substances with beneficial properties:

  • vitality increases from the presence of caffeine;
  • the gastrointestinal tract is normalized due to tannins;
  • cardiovascular walls are strengthened thanks to trace elements;
  • the nervous system is under the influence of amino acids, they help to avoid stressful situations. They make the metabolic processes work faster.

Important! The best diuretic are green tea leaves. Thanks to the drink, you can not only remove toxins, as well as toxins, but also eliminate edema, due to which there are jumps in blood pressure.

When the pressure drops

With regular use of green tea, the pressure decreases. Experts from different countries have confirmed this through research over the years. Drinking a weak drink in the amount of 2-3 cups can reduce blood pressure by 10%, as well as avoid a number of complications.

It should be borne in mind that hypertension can develop from a sedentary lifestyle, or from smoking or an unbalanced diet. To normalize blood pressure, these problems must be eliminated. In this case, green varieties of tea leaves will come to the rescue, by changing the lifestyle, the risk of complications will decrease in a person.

How green tea raises blood pressure

If the pressure drops, a person has a loss of strength, he is haunted by headaches. Many have noticed that after drinking green tea, the pressure rises. Nutrient ingredients combined with useful substances can equip the body with tonic and stimulating properties. Thanks to this drink, the following indicators appear:

  • vessel walls expand
  • excess fluid is expelled from the body
  • necessary blood flow to the brain
  • pressure gradually decreases.

When proper blood clotting is observed, there is no formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, and there is also no risk of thrombosis.

Caffeine affects low blood pressure, according to experts, one cup of strong tea is enough, the condition will worsen if you drink more. Normal pressure indicators will appear if, after brewing a strong drink, you drink it in small sips with the addition of honey.

Ability to normalize

Simultaneous expansion of the walls of blood vessels, as well as stimulation of the activity of the heart muscle, is ensured by the combination of caffeine with kahetin. This effect is able to increase the pressure, normalization occurs after a short period of time after drinking the drink. Due to this dependence, with increased pressure, green tea is necessary, using it by healthy people, as well as hypotensive patients are able to maintain well-being and keep pressure normal.

How to choose

Quality green tea can be selected using certain criteria:

  1. The presence of the color of the drink. It has a greenish tint. The low quality of raw materials is indicated by the brown or gray color of the leaves. A similar phenomenon occurs due to improper storage. With a non-uniform color, or the detection of light, as well as dark leaves in one box, this indicates the collection of different varieties. This combination can reduce the quality of the drink.
  2. A measure of the homogeneity of a mixture. Leaves should be the same size. The presence of dust is unacceptable, there should be no wood sticks, as well as small grains.
  3. The presence of leaf curl. The drink is considered to be of high quality if it is made from strongly twisted leaves.
  4. The presence of aromatization. The characteristic herbal as well as bitter aroma indicates that the tea is of high quality. With the wrong drying technology, there is a burnt smell or a burnt product. These figures refer to manufacturing defects. Poor packaging draws on unnecessary odors, the quality of the product deteriorates due to the fact that they do not follow the rules of storage.
  5. Leaf moisture content. If the sheets are dried out, they will crumble, as a result, the nutritional properties are gradually lost.

How to brew green tea

Regardless of the purpose of tea: to use it to increase or decrease pressure, it must taste good, so the following requirements must be taken into account when preparing:

  • to fall asleep tea leaves, you must use a dry spoon;
  • the cup must be poured with hot water having a temperature of 80 degrees. Pour 1 cup of water into 1 teaspoon of dry tea leaves. The exact dosage of the drink is indicated on the package and it is better to adhere to the written norm;
  • hot water must be poured again, then put a lid on the teapot or mug;
  • for the readiness of the drink, insist 3-4 minutes, if you stand for more than 5 minutes, the tea will have a bitter aftertaste;
  • after 3 minutes, drink a drink. It is better to replace sugar with honey.

How to drink correctly

The human body will get the maximum benefit from the infusion, as well as the desired result for normalizing pressure, if you follow a few simple rules when drinking hot tea:

  1. You can not drink tea on an empty stomach, it should be consumed after breakfast or lunch;
  2. Tea leaves with lemon have a tonic effect, so it is better not to drink it before going to bed. It will show a calming effect after adding milk as well as mint. In this case, the drink will be saturated with a sedative effect, it will have a beneficial effect on sleep.
  3. Green tea in combination with alcohol has a detrimental effect on the body, the kidneys suffer from the drink.
  4. Medicines are not washed down with tea, so as not to reduce the activity of medicines due to antioxidant properties.
  5. To brew a drink, use boiling water, in which the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees. This rule should be used not only when brewing tea leaves, but also when using additives: ginger, jasmine, lemon balm or mint.
  6. A previously prepared drink should not be drunk a second time. It consists of a high concentration of caffeine, the body will suffer from it.
  7. There is no benefit in tea bags, as low grades of tea are used. The large-leaf look is more useful.
  8. Weak tea leaves diluted with milk can be used during pregnancy.

When to Stop Green Tea

  • if a person has pressure surges or has hypertension;
  • upon detection of diabetes mellitus;
  • if the thyroid gland is disturbed;
  • when a high temperature appears;
  • diseases can be exacerbated if the drink is consumed with medicines;
  • tea is drunk with caution and after consulting a doctor during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • the drink is equipped with tannins, if the level of iron in the blood is low, the components will not allow iron to enter the blood.

Undesirable side effects will appear from drinking the drink in large doses. People with sensitivity to caffeine will feel this effect, and a number of symptoms will appear: irritability, the heart will begin to beat faster, insomnia accompanies the person, an allergic reaction is accompanied by itching, as well as a rash.

Important! A quick cup of green tea, with a biscuit or jam, will not do any good.

Our eastern neighbors - the Chinese and Japanese - act differently, they arrange a real tea ceremony, in which they enjoy the taste of the drink.

In this case, green tea will not only contribute to pleasure, but will also have a beneficial effect on pressure.

The history of the use of the tea plant began so long ago that it is no longer possible to determine what attracted people more - the taste or the healing properties of the leaves. Probably both. Today, tea is available to all segments of the population, and the question of the effect of this tonic infusion on all body systems, including blood pressure, has become the most acute.

As an infusion on water, green tea has become widespread in our country relatively recently. This drink is much more traditional in China, India, Japan and other countries of Southeast Asia. In the mountainous regions of Tibet, tea is called ground tea leaves with thick cream from yak milk.

Research results

Studies of the properties of green tea were carried out by scientists from the USA, China and Japan.

American scientists published data that showed that blood pressure increased after drinking green tea, which ruined the tea's reputation for a long time. Then they made a small addition that the increase in pressure does not last long, followed by a gradual decrease and stabilization at normal readings.

Chinese researchers have established the unconditional benefits of green tea for high blood pressure. According to their data, participants in the experimental group who regularly consumed green tea leaf infusion were 40% less likely to suffer from attacks of hypertension than those from whose daily diet tea was excluded.

Statistics on the population of the Japanese islands also provide approximately the same figures: 40% of the incidence of hypertension, compared with other countries. This effect is often attributed to the regular consumption of the healing green tea by all residents.

However, it is hardly correct to extrapolate these conclusions to the inhabitants of other countries, especially to the middle zone of the Eurasian continent. The region is not known to grow such high quality tea crops, lack an abundance of seafood and the climate is far from seaside.

The conflicting findings of studies on the effect of green tea on blood pressure levels leave the question open to independent decision by drink lovers. To get closer to the solution, let's pay attention to the components of the decoction and their properties.

The drink includes a large number of useful substances with conflicting properties:

Regular consumption of green tea helps to reduce the toxic background, the content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, tones up the cardiovascular system and “burns” extra pounds, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on general health and normalization of pressure, in particular.

But in order for the drink to show all its beneficial properties, it is necessary to observe the basic conditions for proper brewing and use.

How to brew and drink green tea

The optimum temperature for steaming tea leaves is considered to be 80°C. The same temperature most fully preserves and reveals all the useful qualities of additives: mint, ginger, jasmine, lemon balm.

  • Healing is only a fresh infusion of leafy high-grade teas. Tea bags can only be judged by taste.
  • Due to its antioxidant properties, green tea can reduce the effect of certain medications, so it is not advisable to drink it with medications.
  • An unconditional ban on combinations with alcohol, with the exception of a few drops of alcohol infusion corresponding to your disease.
  • You should refrain from taking infusion with lemon before going to bed, it is too exciting, it is better to add mint, milk and a little honey to tea. Such a composition will have a relaxing, calming effect.
  • It is not recommended to drink green tea on an empty stomach. It is preferable to drink a cup of tea 30-40 minutes after eating.

A lot of controversy flares up around the issue of tea temperature. Some believe that hot infusion increases blood pressure more, others argue that temperature does not play any role.

Hot or cold?

Warm and hot food is absorbed much better than cold food, and therefore the effect of its components on the state of the body manifests itself faster and brighter. This is the only reason why it seems that hot tea increases blood pressure more than cold tea.

In fact, only the amount of theine, which depends on the strength of the tea, affects the decrease or increase in pressure.

In order for green tea to be useful for low blood pressure - hypotension, you should pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, without a slide, into 150 ml of hot water and leave for at least 8-10 minutes.

Hypertensive patients are recommended to use no more than 1/3 teaspoon of tea leaves for the same amount of water and leave for 2-3 minutes. Such a drink, with prolonged use, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and thereby smoothly reduces high blood pressure to normal, stabilizing it at this level.

Patients with severe forms of hypertension are contraindicated in coffee and tea drinks of any strength.

A few recipes for better health

With various brewing methods, green tea can both increase and decrease blood pressure, as well as have a sedative effect.

Pour the tea mixture into a heated teapot, at the rate of 2 g of dry leaf per 150-200 ml of water, pour hot water and drain after 2-3 minutes. 3-4 infusions are considered useful, with the exception of the first. Pour water again + 80 ° C and let it brew for 2 minutes for hypertensive patients, up to 10 minutes for hypotensive patients. Drink fresh without leaving for several hours.

Tea with ginger

Mix half a teaspoon of green tea leaves with a teaspoon of fresh or dried ginger and pour a glass of hot water, let it brew for 2-10 minutes, in accordance with the diagnosis, and drink during the day 20-30 minutes after eating.

Pour a teaspoon of a mixture of dry tea leaves and mint in equal proportions, pour into a teapot, add cinnamon at the tip of a spoon and pour a glass of water heated to 80 ° C. Insist 2-10 minutes, in accordance with the pressure indicators, drink before going to bed, as a sedative.

Melissa tea

Melissa and dry tea leaves mix 1: 1, take a teaspoon of the mixture and pour hot water. Drain the first infusion and pour 200-250 ml of hot water into the teapot. Drink the resulting infusion during the day after meals.

Pour boiling water over the teapot, add a teaspoon of tea leaves and pour 500 ml of hot water. After letting it brew for 2-10 minutes, depending on the purpose of the intake, add milk and honey to taste, and honey can be dissolved only when the infusion cools down to 30-40 ° C, otherwise its beneficial substances will have the opposite effect.


High or low blood pressure is just an external manifestation of serious physiological and endocrine disorders in the body. It would be strange to seriously expect to cure such deviations with the help of only green tea, if it were a thrice healing drink.
