
Shchi green from a sorrel with an egg. How to cook green cabbage soup from sorrel for a family dinner

Did you know that shchi is a dish that was prepared in Rus' exclusively in the month of April, which was due to the fact that at that point in time, the prepared stocks of cabbage were already running out, and you had to cook soup from what was left. Today people use a lot different recipes cooking green cabbage soup. We will tell you about the best of them in this article.

Shi is classic dish Russian cuisine, which people began to cook in ancient times. Schami was called any nutritious hearty soups, which included meat and cabbage. This dish was fed to people who were sick. It was believed that cabbage soup had healing property, thanks to which, at least, it was possible to prevent dehydration of the body.

green cabbage soup recipe every housewife knew. They were frozen and taken with them on the road as the main meal, soup was cooked even in fasting, only in the warm season was used fresh cabbage, and in the cold - pickled.

If there was no cabbage in some family, then nettle or sorrel were used instead, which gave the soup fresh green color. Thanks to this property, the dish was called green cabbage soup. As for other ingredients, it should be noted that instead of potatoes for a long time during the reign of Peter the Great was used plain flour. High quality people judged cabbage soup by the thickness of the soup: if you insert a spoon into it, then it should stand and not fall.

Despite the fact that cabbage soup is vegetable soup, it can not be called dietary. Caloric content of green cabbage soup is 200 calories per 100 g of product. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then it is better not to include such a dish in your menu. In addition, nutritionists do not recommend frequent eating green sauerkraut soup those who are overweight and those with diabetes.

If you have no contraindications to eating this dish, you can use green cabbage recipes with photos that we have collected for you in this article. However, remember that daily rate such a soup - 200 g, no more, because the soup is not balanced, it contains brine products that provoke flatulence.

Shchi green: recipes

There are several basic options how to cook green cabbage soup. We will introduce you to lean and hearty recipes cabbage soup that you can use in your kitchen.

Green cabbage soup

If you want to make soup with fresh or sauerkraut, then it is better for him to make the broth rich on the basis of meat. As a rule, beef, veal and pork are used. We will tell you how to cook green cabbage soup with pork.

What is the process of making this soup:

  1. Cook first pork broth. To do this, take a pound of brisket, fill it with water and put on fire.
  2. While the broth is cooking, you need to prepare the frying. To do this, chop one head of onion and fry it in a heated frying pan until golden brown.
  3. When the roast is ready, pour it into boiling water with meat. Add spices to taste and Bay leaf for flavor. You need to boil such a broth for three hours over low heat.
  4. Take out the cooked meat small pieces fill them up a small portion broth, and strain the rest of it so that there is no fat in it.

  1. Add cabbage (either fresh or sauerkraut) to the strained broth. If you want a green soup color, we recommend choosing cabbage with green leaves.
  2. Boil peeled potatoes separately. It must be cut into cubes, add already to ready soup. If you throw boiled potatoes in a pot with broth, then its color will become cloudy.
  3. Before serving, combine all the ingredients in one bowl. Add a spoonful of sour cream for taste and chop green onions.

So you get very tasty sour green cabbage soup that will win the hearts of your household.

Shchi green with sorrel

If your family does not like cabbage, then you can cook lean green cabbage soup from sorrel or spinach. We present you with a detailed sorrel green soup recipe:

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and put to boil in large saucepan. When the water boils, salt it. Don't forget to add salt to the water while boiling the potatoes.
  2. Fry peeled and sliced ​​onions and carrots in a pan. If you want to give unusual taste to your soup, you can add to green cabbage soup mushrooms.

  1. Pour the finished frying into the water where the potatoes were boiled. Add spices and bay leaves for flavor and aroma to the soup.
  2. IN separate saucepan boil some chicken or quail eggs hard boiled. Peel them and cut in half. Add half of one eggs in green soup. Note that this method of preparation green cabbage soup with sorrel and egg you can’t cook on fasting, but for people who adhere to diet food, this dish will be indispensable. It will turn out to be less high-calorie than cabbage soup cooked with meat, but almost the same in satiety.
  3. Cut the sorrel into small pieces or spinach in green soup. Add the herbs to the simmering broth 5 minutes before turning off the stove.

  1. Add to portion plate with soup sour cream and chopped herbs.

There is another way how to cook green soup. Today it is used quite often by modern housewives. Instead of traditional pan and pans, you can cook green cabbage soup in a slow cooker. For this you need:

  • select on the device special mode"Soup"
  • put all the vegetables in a bowl
  • leave them to cook for 2 hours

Very tasty cabbage soup is obtained if they are cooked on a fire. Therefore, if you are going on a picnic or a weekend hike, do not take sandwiches that are bad for your stomach. It is better to take the vegetables necessary for the soup, and cook fragrant and satisfying cabbage soup on a fire.

Green cabbage soup: photo

Shchi is, perhaps, the only dish that can take us to the world of ancient Orthodox Rus'. It will be appreciated by both vegetarians and people who cannot imagine their life without meat. Shchi has a place to be on festive table, and on the ordinary. Do not miss the opportunity to please your family with a real spring dish.

Video: “Sorrel soup. How to cook green cabbage soup?

cabbage soup recipes

Simple step by step recipe with photos and videos, which will easily help you prepare delicious, healthy cabbage soup from sorrel, fresh, canned or frozen.

35 min

96 kcal

4.81/5 (16)

Everyone is used to the fact that cabbage soup is made from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage. I suggest that you move away from traditional recipe and cook sorrel soup from fresh, frozen or canned sorrel. In addition to the fact that they turn out to be very tasty, thanks to sorrel, there are a lot of vitamins in such cabbage soup.

List of Required Ingredients

Kitchenware: pot, frying pan, grater, cutting board.

Cooking sequence

  1. Before you cook cabbage soup from sorrel, you need to cook the broth. To do this, put the meat in a saucepan, pour cold water and put it on the stove. You need about 2-2.5 liters of water. Meat can be any kind(beef, chicken, pork and even duck), but it is desirable that it be on the bone, then the broth and the cabbage soup themselves will be more saturated.
  2. When the water boils need to remove the foam, make the fire quieter and add a couple of leaves of parsley if desired. The time for boiling the broth depends on the type of meat. For chicken, 35-45 minutes will be enough, for pork a little more than an hour, and beef needs to be cooked for at least an hour and a half, unless it is young veal, which is cooked like pork.
  3. We boil water in a saucepan or a small saucepan and after boiling we put eggs in it. Boil them for 8-10 minutes. After that, drain the boiling water and pour the eggs
    cold water. This makes them easier to clean up. To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, you can add a pinch of salt to the water..

  4. Now let's get to the vegetables. First of all, they need to be cleaned and washed.
  5. We chop the onion in small pieces and send to a preheated vegetable oil frying pan. We rub the carrots with the large side of the grater, put in the pan to the onion. Stir and add a little more oil if needed. Fry everything together until light golden brown.

  6. Peeled potatoes cut into medium pieces, put in a deep bowl and pour cold water. This must be done so that it does not darken, waiting for its turn, and at the same time excess starch will come out of it.
  7. Rinse the sorrel well under the tap and cut into not very wide strips to the stems. If you have young sorrel and you like more sour cabbage soup, then you can cut the stems very finely too. They contain even more acid than the leaves, but in more mature sorrel, the stems are harsh and fibrous, so they try not to use them.

    Fresh sorrel can be replaced with three to four full tablespoons of canned sorrel, just keep in mind that it also has salt. And you can also cook such cabbage soup from frozen sorrel, which does not need to be thawed. I always freeze it for the winter, immediately cutting it into the necessary strips and putting it in portions into bags.

  8. We pull the greens and chop them finely. Greens can be absolutely any: dill, parsley and green onions.
  9. Peel the cooled eggs and cut them into small cubes.
  10. When the broth is cooked, we take out the meat and lavrushka from it. When the meat has cooled a little, cut it off the bone, chop it and put it back into the pan.
  11. After the meat is taken out, put the potatoes in the pan, add salt to taste and make the fire stronger.

  12. Add roast and chopped meat.

  13. After 10-15 minutes, put the sorrel in the pan. If you cook cabbage soup with spinach, then we also put it together with sorrel.

  14. After another 5-7 minutes, add eggs and greens. Season with spices if desired. At the same time, you can add sour cream, but I prefer to put it on a plate with ready-made cabbage soup.
  15. In 5 minutes our cabbage soup will be ready.

Still delicious cabbage soup with sorrel is obtained, if instead of eggs add 120-150 g of Adyghe cheese.
See how it's getting ready

Now it is easy to cook cabbage soup from cabbage: if it is not born in the country, or the consumption rate per year is incorrectly calculated, then you can always buy it in the market or in any store where there is a vegetable department. Even the choice of varieties is such that no one will be left without cabbage. Grow and store main vegetable for Russian cabbage soup for a thousand years have learned.

But there were times when there was not enough cabbage before the new harvest. Fortunately, sorrel grew by itself, everywhere, of any variety. No, there were other weeds, in our understanding, herbs that were used in ancient Russian cooking: cabbage soup with nettle, with gout, from quinoa. The list of these plants can be continued, but we are not talking about them.

As soon as the tubs with sauerkraut and other supplies were empty, distant ancestors waited for the snow to melt in order to cook green cabbage soup with young sorrel leaves. We cooked cabbage soup, in the north and in the south, on holidays and weekdays - always. Therefore, sorrel, as an alternative to cabbage, came to taste. In each province, and even in each village, cabbage soup from sorrel had its own, special. So much the better: there is an opportunity to try any of them.

There is a saying in Russian folklore: "Teach some more cabbage soup to cook ...". We will not teach, but simply share secrets.

Sorrel soup - basic technological principles

In the technology of cabbage soup, there are certain stages of preparation, which it is desirable to follow if the result matters, and you want to achieve similarity with original recipes sorrel cabbage soup. So let's do a little comparative analysis, for example, for novice housewives.

First of all, we note that sorrel, unlike cabbage, has more tender leaves, which is important for the duration of heat treatment. If cabbage, especially sauerkraut, needs to be sautéed or stewed for a long time, then sorrel can be added to cabbage soup just before the end of cooking.

It is important to pay attention to the degree of maturity of the sorrel. Young leaves contain less oxalic acid, so their mass must be slightly increased in cabbage soup, to create necessary taste. Mature leaves have a more saturated green color, their acid content is much higher than that of young shoots. In mature sorrel, the stems at the base are more rigid, with a fibrous texture. Such leaves are suitable for making cabbage soup, but require longer cooking. They are best used for canning, to be added to cabbage soup in finished form.

Otherwise, the technology for making cabbage soup from sorrel is no different from cooking cabbage soup: Both ingredients are used to create a sour taste.

The recipe for sorrel soup may include other components for sour dressing: apples, tomato, sour cream. When using these ingredients, as a rule, the mass of sorrel is reduced in order to balance the taste.

1. Spring sorrel soup without meat

Product set:

Eggs, boiled

Potatoes (young tubers)

Cream, drinking 0.5 l

Green onion

young sorrel

Dill, parsley


Peel, cut and boil young potato tubers first in a liter of water, adding bay leaves and other spices of your choice to it, and then add cream to the pan, add the grated parsley root. Switch the stove to the languishing mode so that the potatoes absorb the sweet well creamy taste and the aroma of spicy spices and roots.

Chop the sorrel with green onions, fresh herbs, salt and crush in a mortar. Grate or crush peeled boiled eggs with a potato masher. Add the green mass with eggs to the pan, let it boil and remove from the stove. Serve fresh sorrel soup with sour cream.

2. South Russian sorrel soup with tomato dressing

You will need:


Rock salt

tomato puree

ground coriander

Bay leaf

Brisket, beef

Pepper mix




Boil the broth from the brisket by putting the whole meat in a pot of water and adding the onion, small carrot, celery root and bay leaf. Remove the foam during the cooking process. From ready broth you can remove the pieces of roots, onions, bay leaves and carrots with a slotted spoon, and put the chopped potatoes. Keep cooking.

Chop the onion and bacon, put in a mortar, sprinkle with salt and grind, as thoroughly as possible, until a paste-like consistency. Chop the sorrel, boiled eggs and dill with parsley. Add the prepared ingredients to the pan, let the soup boil and remove from the stove, covered with a lid. Insist before serving 20-30 minutes. Divide the meat into portions. Put 100 g in each serving boiled brisket and a spoonful of thick sour cream.

3. Sorrel soup with apples and young cabbage


Brisket, veal 700 g

Pork shoulder on the bone 1.0 kg

Spicy roots and spices (bay leaf, parsley root, onion) - to taste

Sweet and sour apples, peeled 250 g

Sour cream 180 g

White cabbage, shredded 700 g

Young sorrel 0.5 kg

Dill 150 g

Spices - optional


Put the prepared meat, spices and spices in a large heat-resistant saucepan. Pour in water and, covered with a lid, simmer in the oven at 170 ° C until cooked. Remove the pan, remove the meat from it with a slotted spoon. Separate the pulp from the bones. Strain the broth. Taste meat and broth, add, if necessary, spices, return to the pan. Add sliced ​​apples, cabbage, chopped sorrel to the same place. Place the pan back in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Serve cabbage soup with sour cream, sprinkled with chopped dill.

4. Sorrel soup in meat broth with salted milk mushrooms

Broth Ingredients:

Meat and bone set 1.5 kg

Onions, celery, carrots, parsley (net) - 80 g each

Bay leaf

Output: 2.2 L

Potatoes (net) 350 g

Onion, green and onion - 150 g each

Sorrel 900 g

Milk mushrooms 250 g

Fat (any) 75 g

Eggs, boiled - ½ pc. per serving

Sour cream - 30 g per serving

Fresh parsley and celery leaves for garnish

Cooking technology:

Soup set wash, put in large saucepan and cook slowly, skimming off the foam. An hour before the end of cooking, add the prepared roots and onions, spicy spices. Strain the broth thoroughly, pour it back into the pan and let it boil again. Put potatoes, mushrooms. Saute the onion and sorrel in a saucepan, add to the pan. Pour a few tablespoons of the broth into a bowl and dilute the flour in it. Add to cabbage soup, stir, cook for another 5-10 minutes. Season the dish with spices and, if necessary, salt, let stand for a quarter of an hour. Serve with half an egg and spicy greens on a plate.

5. Thick sorrel soup with cream


Broth 1.5 l (see recipe No. 4)

Cream (15%) 750 ml

Potatoes 200 g

Canned sorrel 1 can (0.5 l)

Spicy dressing (onions, parsley or celery roots, carrots)

Eggs: raw - 2 pcs.; and boiled - 5-6 pcs.

Green onion, parsley

Fat, cooking 70 g

Operating procedure:

In the boiling broth prepared according to recipe No. 4, put the potatoes. Boil 10 minutes. In a separate bowl, combine the cream with raw eggs, beat, heat the mixture for a couple or over low heat until thick, with continuous stirring. Strain and add to broth. Rub the sorrel through a sieve, add to the pan. Sauté the onion and roots until soft and add to the pot as well. Taste the cabbage soup, season with spices, let it boil. Remove the pan from the stove, leave for at least a quarter of an hour. When serving, add to each tureen half boiled egg, fresh parsley. Prepare toasted wheat bread for cabbage soup.

6. Sorrel soup with tomato dressing

You will need:

Pork on the bone (ribs, shoulder, rear end) 1.5 kg

Bay leaf

Pepper (peas)


Green young sorrel 600 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Potatoes 400 g

Tomato paste 100 g

Carrots and onions (net) - 120 g each

Fresh herbs, spicy leafy

Cooking order:

Boil the washed meat over low heat, 3-3.5 hours, until the flesh begins to separate from the bone. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Half an hour before the end of cooking the broth, put onions, roots (you can whole), spices. Strain the broth. meat cut portioned pieces and return to the stock pot. Add chopped potatoes and cook for seven or ten minutes.

Heat the fat in a saucepan, sauté the carrots and onions, adding after three minutes tomato paste. Tomato dressing and chopped sorrel add to the pan when the potatoes are ready. Beat the eggs with a whisk with a small part of the chilled broth, and pour in a thin stream into the soup, stirring vigorously.

After insisting, serve the cabbage soup as usual, adding chopped greens and sour cream to the tureens.

  • The richer the broth, the tastier the cabbage soup, even if they consist only of broth and sorrel. For green cabbage soup fatty pork broth is more suitable.
  • To keep the meat juicy, dip it in boiling water, and to get rich broth on the contrary, put the meat in cold water.
  • To reduce the amount of foam that forms when the broth is cooked, soak the meat in cold water before cooking.
  • If you missed the moment of boiling the broth, to remove the foam, pour in a little cold water. At re-boiling collect foam.
  • If you use for cabbage soup canned sorrel, then salt them at the end of cooking, especially if the sorrel was bought: it may already contain salt.
  • Do not leave bay leaves in ready dish: he begins to give bitterness to the broth, which can no longer be removed. Also, do not add spicy spices at the beginning of cooking the broth. Essential oils disappear within 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling, and the broth cooks much longer. It is correct to add spices before the end of cooking, and the garlic is thrown into the pan when it is already removed from the stove, because overcooked garlic does not have a very pleasant smell.


  • 1 bulb
  • 3 art. l. butter
  • half head of young cabbage
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • big beam young sorrel
  • middle beam young spinach
  • a small bunch of any greens to taste (parsley, dill, tarragon, cilantro)
  • 4 eggs and fat sour cream for filing
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper


Cut the onion very finely, melt 15 g of butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the onion and fry over medium heat until golden color, stirring, 5-7 min.

Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat. Add finely chopped cabbage and cook for 20 minutes. Then strain fried onion put in a blender, pour about 100 ml of broth, set aside.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, put in a saucepan, pour hot onion broth, bring to a boil, cook until the potatoes are soft, 10 minutes. Whip the onion with the broth in a blender until smooth, pour into the pot with potatoes. Once it boils, remove from heat, season with salt and pepper, and keep warm.

Remove stems from spinach and sorrel. Chop the rest of the greens. In a large frying pan, heat the remaining oil, put all the greens, mix, close the lid, cook over high heat for 3 minutes. Open, stir again. If all the leaves have wilted, transfer the greens to the pot with the potatoes (or cook covered for 1-2 more minutes).

To serve eggs, pour hot water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-6 minutes. Rinse with cold water, crack the shell and clean it under a gentle stream of cold water. Put the soup on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour the soup into bowls, put a sliced ​​egg and a spoonful of sour cream in each. Serve immediately.

Sorrel soup with meat is a simple green soup, prepared on the basis of beef / pork broth with the addition of variety of meat and sorrel leaves. Due to the latter, the dish has a light refreshing sourness, so relevant in the summer. We will show you how to cook this traditional Slavic dish several different recipes at once.


  • onions - 135 g;
  • broth - 2.6 l;
  • carrots - 95 g;
  • boiled chicken - 115 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sorrel - 3 tbsp.;
  • a handful of dill and parsley.


Cooking should begin with onion-carrot sauteing. When the vegetables are lightly browned and half cooked, put the boiled chicken on them and pour the broth over them. When the liquid boils, start laying sorrel in portions, followed by greens. Remove soup from stove and mix hot broth with a couple of beaten eggs. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

Sorrel soup with meat can also be made in a slow cooker according to a similar scheme: first, the vegetables are fried together on “Baking”, and after adding the broth, you can switch to “Stew” and add the rest of the ingredients.

Sorrel soup with meat - recipe

Often, the basis of the soup becomes pork. If you intend to cook a strong meat broth from meat pieces, then give preference to cuts on the bone, giving maximum amount gain.


  • water - 3.3 l;
  • pork on the bone - 1.2 kg;
  • potatoes - 740 g;
  • sorrel - 210 g;
  • onions - 115 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dill greens - 15 g.


Before cooking sorrel soup with meat, put water on the fire and take care of the pork. Rinse the pieces and place them in boiling water. Leave for about half an hour, remembering to remove the noise formed on the surface. After the allotted time, put coarsely chopped potatoes into the broth, if desired, you can throw a couple of bay leaves for flavor. Leave everything to boil together for another 15 minutes, and in parallel chop the onion and sauté until light golden brown. Add stir fry to broth.

Some add to soup boiled eggs during serving, but we suggest pouring raw eggs into hot broth. To do this, just pour the beaten eggs into the soup, and then immediately mix. When the eggs set, add the sorrel to the soup. Plant greens in batches, adding a new handful after the old one withers. Sorrel soup with meat and egg will be ready immediately after all the sorrel has been added. Serve soup with sour cream.
