
How to cook vegetable broth. How to make vegetable broth

Where to start joining the secrets of cooking? Of course, from simple basic dishes, which are the basis of most of the most sophisticated and complex dishes. Although I am sure that experienced housewives will also learn a lot of useful and interesting things from this recipe, because in order to know how to cook vegetable dietary broth for soup, you need to join some culinary subtleties. Yes, yes, today we will talk about how to create a fragrant base for lean (and not only) soups and other hot dishes from ordinary vegetables. However, first things first!

Kitchen tools: cutting board, knife, kitchen string, 2 pans (stainless steel is best), sieve or colander.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • All vegetables must be fresh., without any rot and wormholes.
  • If the season allows you give preference to young garlic, which will give the broth an additional aroma.
  • The quality of the water will definitely affect the taste of the broth. which you are using. If your faucet is running a questionable chemical solution, use filtered or even bottled water to prepare your dish.

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. Wash 2 carrots under running water, peel them and cut them into large enough pieces.
  2. Cut 5-6 stalks of celery into pieces of the same size.

  3. Rinse half a leek stem well to remove soil particles and cut into the same pieces as the carrots and celery.
  4. Stick 5-6 clove sticks into half of the peeled onion head, as if needles were in a pillow.
  5. And now it's time to synthesize your culinary and floral skills and prepare a "bouquet garni". To do this, wrap 3-4 stalks of parsley and thyme, as well as 2 bay leaves, in one leek leaf. Fasten this bunch firmly at the base with kitchen string (like a real bouquet), admire this fragrant still life and put it aside for a while.
  6. Place chopped carrots, celery, leek, garlic cloves and onion with cloves in a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of clean cold water.

  7. In boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of salt, 3-4 peas of allspice and the “bouquet garni” prepared in advance.
  8. Mix the contents of the pot well, cover with a lid, lower the heat and let it simmer for 50 minutes.
  9. Strain the finished broth through a sieve or colander. That's all, a transparent and fragrant base for your best dishes is ready!

Video cooking recipe

When a man cooks with pleasure and knowledge of his craft, he just wants to learn culinary skills. The author of this video will be happy to tell and show you how to properly chop vegetables, how to prepare a "bouquet garni" and where you can apply this wonderful fragrant vegetable broth.

How to serve the broth

Vegetable broth can be used not only as a basis for preparing more complex dishes, but also served as a hot dish - this is especially true for lean, dietary and children's cuisine.

It can be served with crispy croutons or freshly baked bread, and if add boiled homemade noodles and greens to the plate, then you get a full-fledged soup. Rich vegetable broth is also very pleasant to drink pies with various salty fillings.

Bouillon Secrets

  • For even cooking of vegetables it is desirable that they be cut into pieces of approximately the same size. The finer the ingredients are cut, the faster the broth will cook.
  • On the other hand, if you really don’t feel like messing around in the kitchen at all or you don’t have enough time, vegetables can be sent to cook whole, only after washing and cleaning them. The result will be no worse, only the broth will have to cook a little longer.

  • Do not add water to the broth already in the process of cooking.- this can adversely affect its taste.
  • Ready broth can be used immediately, or you can leave it in reserve. To do this, simply cool it, pour it into food containers and send it to the freezer to wait for your finest hour.

Bouillon options

  • Of course, you can cook excellent bases for all kinds of first courses not only from vegetables. On cold winter days, your strength will help restore the most useful, with which few products can be compared in terms of the content of amino acids and B vitamins.
  • Each housewife should learn how to cook several basic dishes, among which she occupies far from the last place. Based on it, a lot of delicious and varied dishes are prepared, for example.
  • Advocates of a healthy diet, not ready to completely abandon meat, will have to taste. Very satisfying, but not burdened with excess fats, the dish will fit perfectly into any diet menu.

Cook with pleasure, take care of your health and share your new culinary ideas in the comments!

A good hostess, not even a vegetarian, should be able to cook vegetable broth. Properly prepared, this broth is healthy and tasty.

So, the fastest and easiest way to make vegetable broth. Take a set of any vegetables, put in a large saucepan, add water, salt, pepper, and cook for a while. Then you insist. The broth is ready.

Now let's take it more seriously. And consider step by step

1. Use a large saucepan.

2. Put any in the pan. If they fit entirely, then there is no point in cutting them. Most often, you don’t even need to peel them, as the peel of many of them is full of flavors and vitamins.

3. Take a few cloves of garlic, crush them with the flat side of a knife and throw them into the pot with the vegetables.

4. Add salt. Pepper and any dry herbs you like.

5. Pour in four and a half liters of water.

6. Bring the contents of the pot to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally.

7. Remove the pan from the heat and let the broth cool slightly.

8. Wipe the mixture through a sieve or frequent colander. All. It is done.

The resulting amount of broth is enough for two pots of soup. But you can freeze in small portions and then use the broth for sauces, etc.

What vegetables to choose for cooking vegetable broth

Any, but it is advisable to always take for broth, celery,. It's great if you add more. And the rest is up to you.

And now more about the vegetables for the broth.

Onions - any variety directly with scales. If the bulbs look dirty, remove only the top coat or wipe the bulbs with a damp paper towel. Cut the onions in half or quarters.

Celery. Take petioles with green leaves. Cut the petioles themselves so that they fit in the pan.

Carrots - no need to peel them. Just scrape with a knife, rinse. And put it in a bowl.

Mushrooms are a great way to improve the taste of vegetable broth.

Leek should be cut into pieces and washed thoroughly, there is a lot of earth in it.

The turnip should be cut into large pieces.

Prepare all other vegetables to your liking. To improve the taste and aroma, put spicy dry plants in the broth.

How else can you use vegetable broth besides soup?

You can add broth when preparing a regular white sauce. Cook rice in broth with water. Add stock to mashed potatoes instead of hot milk. Freeze the broth into cubes and use in meatless sauces. And try using ready-made vegetable broth in your favorite recipes instead of water or milk.

This is how the American Vegetarian Cookbook advises to cook broth. And German Gipfel dishes will help you cook not only healthy, but also very tasty soups. The quality of the pans will meet your wildest expectations.

Whether you are a vegetarian, decide to fast, or just want a light soup, you will need information on how to cook vegetable broth. In the article I will share a simple recipe, the products for which many housewives have in stock. The resulting broth is suitable for cooking any dish.

Hello, dear hostesses, and yet each of us is one. Victoria Soldatova is with you on the blog. Not so long ago, I told you which I had to resort to. After that, many in private messages asked how my diet changed after this experience. The answer is: I completely gave up pork, beef, chicken, but left fish, eggs and some dairy products. Feeling good, I see the changes have benefited.

I confess earlier, reading recipes that included vegetable broth, it seemed to me that this fad could be easily replaced with water or by adding the notorious “cubes”. Having tasted the brew, she usually remained dissatisfied with the result and doubted the competence of the source. Today I wonder how I could not feel the taste and aroma that natural vegetables give off? Probably in my case, the body needed to be rebuilt, but I was fed with meat since childhood!

How to cook vegetable broth - a simple recipe

In fact, everything is very simple! The manifestation of fantasy is not prohibited. It is worth remembering the basic ingredients, which are: carrots, celery and onions, and then add what is available, depending on what we want to achieve. But today I’ll tell you how to cook a universal broth, it can become the basis for many dishes.

Roots give deeper taste sensations. Unfortunately, they are not always available in local supermarkets, this time I had only one of them. I will write as it should ideally be:

  • Parsley root 150 gr;
  • celery root 100 gr;
  • carrots 150 gr;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • celery stalks 150 gr;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • salt 2 tsp;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • peppercorns 1 tsp

Additional Information

  1. Boiled vegetables can be thrown away, eaten as a side dish, mashed from them. If you have additional ideas, please write in the comments.
  2. Easy to collect leftovers in the freezer. When preparing a salad, always leave the top leaves of cabbage, green stalks, carrot peels, layers of onions. Rinse everything under running water, put it dry in a zip lock to freeze, and when there is enough, boil it. Then strain, discard the "waste".
  3. I often freeze prepared broth in plastic containers. If I prepared 5-7 measuring cups, and used 4, the rest goes into the freezer. So I have a ready-made broth at hand.
  4. It is believed that all non-starchy vegetables can be put in a pan. Try not to let any one have a strong predominance over the others. When adding each, it is worth considering certain facts:
  • Carrots - add sweetness;
  • tomato - balance with sourness;
  • bell pepper - strong aroma (sometimes interrupting the smell of the dish);
  • white cabbage - slightly cloudy color, add flavor;
  • onion peel - golden color (I leave it as in the photo above);
  • fragrant herbs thyme, rosemary - put 2 sprigs together with a bay leaf - they will give a fragrance.


I hope, dear readers, my recipe will help improve the taste of your dishes. If you adhere to a healthy and tasty diet, try to instill it in your children, subscribe to the blog newsletter. And do not forget to save the article in the social. networks using the buttons below. See you soon on the air.

The broth does not necessarily become the basis of the soup, it is often used as an additional ingredient in stews, sauces, casseroles and other dishes. Moreover, for such tasks, a vegetable rather than a meat composition is best suited. An additional advantage of such a workpiece is that it can be cooked, frozen in portions and used for a long time. It takes very little time and effort to prepare the product. Today, for this, you can even adapt a slow cooker so as not to be distracted from current affairs and at the same time get the desired result.

We select additional components for the preparation of the broth

Housewives should remember once and for all that vegetable broth is prepared exclusively from filtered or infused water. The use of tap fluid is a guarantee of poor workpiece quality. In addition, before cooking the composition, you need to familiarize yourself with the following characteristics of popular components:

  1. Carrot. It provides the composition not only with a pleasant golden color, but also with a soft sweetness. If you pre-fry the ingredient, its properties will be expressed even more.
  2. Bulgarian pepper. A very "dangerous" component that has a too pronounced aroma. By adding it to the broth, you can completely kill the appetizing smells of the other components.
  3. Tomato. Gives the liquid a pronounced sourness. Unfortunately, housewives rarely add sun-dried tomatoes to the vegetable composition, but they give the workpiece a rich and thick flavor.
  4. Cabbage. Due to its presence, the liquid becomes quite cloudy, but this moment can be sacrificed for the sake of the appetizing smell that comes from such a broth.
  5. Cauliflower and broccoli. Despite the fact that these components practically do not affect the aroma and taste of the workpiece, their presence fills the product with vitamins and minerals. It is from these vegetables that it is recommended to boil the broth for children's dishes.

If these vegetables are pre-fried, the taste and aroma of the workpiece will be more pronounced. But it is worth considering that in this case its benefits will slightly decrease. This can be prevented if the components are processed not in vegetable oil, but in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating.

General cooking rules

To prepare vegetable broth, you just need to pour the selected components with water and cook them for 15-30 minutes. But at the same time, no matter what recipe is used, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Regular onions are recommended to be replaced with leeks. Although this component is more expensive, the difference from their use is hard not to notice. Leek provides the liquid with a more delicate flavor, does not lead to its turbidity, does not give bitterness.

Tip: If you prepare a vegetable product in the form of ice cubes, then you do not need to defrost it before use. It is simply laid out in the desired dish and left to dissolve.

  • Salt the composition should be immediately after the vegetables are loaded into it. This will allow them to fully reveal their taste and aroma. If you salt the broth before turning it off, the potential of the components will not be fully used.
  • Dried mushrooms, vegetables and tomatoes give the preparation a unique taste and aroma. They are considered concentrates in cooking, so it is easy to overdo them.
  • There is no need to throw away boiled vegetables. If they were originally cut the way you want, you can eat them or use them as an additional ingredient in the dish for which the broth was brewed.
  • But when cooking, it is better to use dried herbs. It smells very pleasant, does not give bitterness and does not change the color of the liquid.

In addition, each recipe may have its own specifics. It must be strictly observed so that you do not have to digest the composition.

Easy Vegetable Broth Recipes

Before brewing a product consisting of many specific components, it is worth trying to cook the base product. Even a classic vegetable broth will turn out tasty and appetizing if you follow the rules:

  • Classic variant. For 1.5 liters of filtered water, we take a couple of carrots and tomatoes, onions and thyme. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. While the liquid is heated, wash the vegetables, peel, cut into cubes and lower into the water. Put in the chopped thyme. You need to cook such a vegetable composition for no more than 25 minutes on a very low heat with a slight boil. The finished product must be filtered. It is noteworthy that this approach does not involve the use of salt.

  • For 1.5 liters of pure water we take a couple of bell peppers, three small carrots, onions to taste, parsley and salt. Heat up the water and bring to a boil. At this time, we clean all the vegetables, cut the carrots into large circles, chop the onion coarsely, cut the pepper into cubes. We put the vegetable preparations in a saucepan, salt and wait until the mass boils. Then cook the composition on low heat for 20 minutes and filter.

These preparations are ideal for enriching meat dishes. They turn out to be quite rich and fragrant, but at the same time the combination of components is such that the components do not interrupt each other, providing a rather harmonious result.

Unusual approaches to cooking

If you want to cook something extraordinary, you should try one of the following options:

  • Vegetable broth with mushrooms. Such compositions are best prepared on the basis of wild mushrooms, then the preparation will turn out to be the most fragrant and nutritious. For 1.5 liters of water (you can even use mineral water), we take 0.5 kg of mushrooms, onions, salt and fresh herbs. Coarsely chop the onion, clean the mushrooms (if necessary) and cut into 4 parts. Put onions and mushrooms in boiling water, salt. 5 minutes after re-boiling the mass, we introduce chopped parsley. We boil such a vegetable composition for a quarter of an hour, remove from heat and filter.

  • Composition in roasted vegetables. For 1.5 liters of water, we take a couple of carrots and a head of onion, bell pepper, two tablespoons of butter and salt. We heat the frying pan, heat the oil on it. On the resulting mass, fry coarsely chopped carrots and chopped onions in half rings. As soon as the vegetable composition acquires a golden color, remove the pan from the stove. Wash the pepper, clean and cut into large pieces. We bring the water to a boil, after which we put all the prepared components into it. Add salt, and when the mass boils again, we detect 20 minutes. We filter the finished broth and use it for its intended purpose.
  • Green broth. With this approach, the finished product will turn out to be an original and rather appetizing green color. To prepare it, you need to take 1.5 liters of water, a third of a medium-sized head of white cabbage, a little fennel, a celery stalk and root, a couple of bay leaves, thyme, dill and salt. We put the water on the fire, as soon as it boils, lower the bay leaf, wait 2 minutes and remove from the stove. Finely chop the cabbage and lower it into a slightly cooled liquid, salt and put it on fire again. After that, add chopped celery and all the greens with sprigs to the pan. Lastly, add thyme and coarsely chopped fennel. Boil the composition for 25 minutes, then filter.

Vegetable broths, regardless of their composition, have one more indisputable advantage - they retain their freshness, original taste and aroma for quite a long time when stored in the refrigerator. Within 4-5 days, the product can be safely used for its intended purpose. If after that the composition remains and you do not want to pour it out, it is recommended to boil the mass again, cool and freeze. It is worth considering that if, after repeated heat treatment, the liquid has some kind of specific smell, it is better to pour it out. The use of the product will not lead to poisoning, but it will not bring pleasure.

Many people want to know a universal vegetable broth recipe that every family member would like. However, not everyone knows how to cook correctly.

Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to cook vegetable broth, and lay out the most interesting recipes.

So, the simplest and most standard option is in front of you:

Now let's go to France and cook onion soup!

The recipe for vegetable broth is similar, boil and filter it. Then we clean the onion and cut into halves, then cut into half rings. Then the onion needs to be fried in butter, salted. Then chop the garlic, add it to the onion and continue to fry the mixture. Then pour it into the vegetable broth, cook, stirring. Pour in the white wine and simmer for another hour. While the soup is cooking, you need to fry. Serve the soup to the table with these croutons! Bon Appetite!

By the way, the recipe for vegetable broth may be different, for example, with the addition of mushrooms. For this you will need: celery, 2 carrots, parsley, 4 onions, 250 grams of forest mushrooms 2 branches of thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, black peppercorns, 4 tomatoes, 4 liters of water. We cut everything into large pieces, celery, and parsley too. Bulbs, without peeling, cut in half. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. We fall asleep everything in boiling water, salt, pepper and cook. After an hour, remove from heat and strain.

Many are interested in how to make the color of the broth lighter? The color is the result of cooking vegetables. However, often small particles of these vegetables still remain in the broth. You can lighten it if you filter it not through a sieve, but through a thick cloth or gauze. A pleasant golden color is given to the broth by onion peel, carrots make the broth red.

So, no matter which of these two vegetable broth recipes you choose, they are both versatile and suitable for eating for medicinal purposes, and in order to become the basis of any vegetable soup.
