
Hot chicken noodle broth is medicine for body and soul.

Noodle broth is a simple but tasty and healthy dish for lunch. It is satisfying and at the same time light, so it is suitable even for those who monitor their weight.

Noodle broth - basic cooking principles

Basically, the broth is made from chicken, since it is from poultry that it turns out to be especially tasty and light. Lovers of hearty dishes can cook the broth on pork or beef.

The meat is washed, put in a saucepan, cut into portions, poured with water and put on moderate heat. It is very important to carefully remove the foam at the time of boiling, so that the broth is transparent. For flavor, peeled carrots and onions, as well as greens, are placed in it. Continue to cook the broth over low heat so that there is no intense boiling.

Then the vegetables and greens are removed, the meat is taken out, and the broth itself is filtered.

You can use store-bought noodles or make homemade noodles. The eggs are kneaded into a stiff dough. Then it is rolled into a thin layer, then rolled up and cut into thin strips. You can also use a special machine that cuts the dough into thin noodles. The finished product is laid out on the table and slightly dried.

Put the meat into the boiling broth, separating it from the bone and cutting it into small pieces. Add noodles and cook for literally five minutes.

The hot broth with noodles is immediately laid out on plates, and served with a pinch of finely chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 1. Noodle broth


500 g of chicken meat;


three potatoes;

30 ml sunflower oil;


ground black pepper;


a bunch of fresh herbs;

noodles - 100 g;

two bay leaves.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the chicken meat, cut into pieces and put in a medium-sized saucepan. Cover the chicken with water and place on the stove. As soon as the broth begins to boil, carefully remove the foam. Twist the fire and cook for forty minutes.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash and chop into small pieces.

3. Season the broth with black pepper and put the bay leaf.

4. Peel vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Coarsely grate the carrots. Saute vegetables in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

5. Remove the meat, cool, separate it from the bone and tear into small pieces. Send the chicken back to the pot.

6. Put the vegetable fry and potatoes into the broth. Continue cooking until potatoes are cooked.

7. Add noodles, stir and after two minutes remove from heat. Rinse a bunch of greens and chop finely. Add to broth. Serve hot on plates.

Recipe 2. Broth with homemade noodles


three large eggs;


350 g wheat flour.

1.2 kg of chicken;

Bay leaf;

onion head;

black pepper;


Cooking method

1. From eggs and flour, knead a very cool dough. We put it in a plastic bag and leave it for an hour.

2. Divide the dough into six parts and roll each into a very thin layer. Dry them for half an hour. Dust with flour and roll up. Cut into thin strips. We disassemble it with our hands and leave it on the table so that it dries slightly.

3. We wash the chicken, cut it into portions and put it in a saucepan. We put on a moderate fire, pour cold water. As soon as the contents begin to boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

4. Peel the carrots and onions and put them in the broth. We also send bay leaves here. We twist the fire and cook, avoiding intense boiling, for a couple of hours.

5. Remove vegetables and chicken from the broth. The meat is cooled, separated from the bone and disassembled into small pieces. We filter the broth, pour it into a saucepan, put the meat and put it on a slow fire.

6. As soon as the contents begin to boil, spread the homemade noodles and cook for five minutes. Remove from the stove, arrange on plates and serve, putting a pinch of fresh, finely chopped greens in each.

Recipe 3. Broth with noodles and mushrooms


300 g chicken breast;

fresh greens;

50 g noodles;

200 g of champignons;


three potatoes;

vegetable oil;

bow - head.

Cooking method

1. My chicken breast, put in a saucepan and pour cold water. We put on medium heat, bring to a boil and carefully collect the foam. Reduce heat, salt and cook for 20 minutes. We take out the meat, disassemble it into fibers and return it to the broth again.

2. We chop the peeled carrots and onions as finely as possible. Pass the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly.

3. Wipe the champignons with a damp sponge and cut into thin plates. Add the mushrooms to the fried vegetables, mix and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. We shift the frying into a pan with broth.

4. When the contents begin to boil, add the noodles, salt, season with spices and cook for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 4. Broth with noodles and cheese


400 g of chicken meat;

vegetable oil;

150 g noodles;

two processed cheeses;

2.5 liters of drinking water;

a pod of sweet pepper;

a slice of white bread;

bow - head.

Cooking method

1. Put the washed chicken meat in a saucepan, fill with water and put on medium heat. Carefully collect the foam with a slotted spoon when the contents begin to boil. Cook on low heat for forty minutes.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion head. Fry in vegetable oil until transparent.

3. Free the pod of sweet pepper from the stem and clean it from the seeds. Cut the pulp of the vegetable into small cubes.

4. Grind processed cheeses on a grater.

5. Remove the chicken meat from the broth and cool. Put sweet peppers, fried onions and melted cheese in a saucepan. Stir until cheese is melted.

6. Separate the chicken meat from the bones, disassemble into small pieces and put in the broth.

7. Add noodles to the pan, stir and cook for literally another three minutes.

8. Cut a slice of white bread into cubes and dry in the oven. Serve the broth with croutons in a bowl.

Recipe 5. Broth with rice noodles


700 g of chicken;

100 g rice noodles;

1 g of soy sprouts;

½ bunch of fresh mint;

a bunch of green onions;

chili pepper pod;

half lime.

Cooking method

1. Divide the chicken into portions, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook until boiling. Carefully remove the foam and put half of the chopped chili pepper. Cook until the meat is cooked, avoiding intense boiling. Ten minutes later, add soy sprouts.

2. Remove the chicken from the broth, cool, remove the skin and separate the flesh from the bones. Send the meat back to the pot.

3. Separately, boil the rice noodles, following the recommendations on the package. I put the noodles in the broth.

4. We lay out the finished broth with noodles on plates. In each add mint leaves, finely chopped green onions and squeeze the lime juice.

Recipe 6. Broth with egg pancake noodles


chicken bouillon;

vegetable oil - 10 ml;

two large eggs;

fresh herbs.

Cooking method

1. Shake the eggs with a fork until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

2. Pour with a spoon into a well-heated pan to make a thin pancake. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

3. Roll the cooled egg pancakes into a roll and cut into thin slices. We disassemble the strips with our hands.

4. Put the egg noodles on a plate and pour boiling broth over it. Pepper, salt and add chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 7. Broth with buckwheat noodles


80 g buckwheat noodles;

1 chicken breast;


onion head;

200 g of green beans;

4 bay leaves;

pod of bell pepper.

Cooking method

1. Put the chicken breast in a saucepan, cover with water, lightly salt, add bay leaf and peeled onion. Cook over low heat for an hour. Do not forget to remove the foam in time.

2. Release the pod of bell pepper from the stem and seeds. Cut into strips. Peel the carrots and cut into circles. Chop string beans into small strips.

3. Remove the chicken from the broth and leave to cool. Cut the meat into small pieces. Send vegetables and chicken to the broth. Cook for ten minutes.

4. Add buckwheat noodles to the broth and continue to cook for the same amount of time. Remove the saucepan from the stove and pour the broth into bowls.

The broth will turn out transparent if you cook it over low heat, avoiding intense boiling.

For flavor, add fresh herbs, bay leaves and peppercorns tied in a bunch to the broth.

Do not cook the noodles for a long time, otherwise the broth will turn into porridge.

Serve the noodle broth with croutons or croutons.

Be sure to remove the chicken from the broth and strain it. Separate the meat from the bones and send it back to the broth so that the bones do not come across during the meal.

When summer is over and autumn comes, and then cold winter, then you want to eat hot, hearty and rich soup like Chicken broth on homemade noodles. Homemade noodles in chicken broth is what you need.

Prepare a rich broth with noodles from a whole homemade chicken. Noodles should also be homemade with eggs. And of course, you need a 5-liter pot, since homemade chicken is cooked for a long time.


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- from 1 kg of homemade chicken
- onion (large) - 2 pcs.
- carrots (medium) - 1 piece
- garlic - 2 teeth
- pepper (red ground) - 1 tsp
- vegetable oil - 70 ml
- Bay leaf
- salt (to taste)
- water - (5l)

Ingredients (for dough)

Flour - 140-150g
- one large egg
- flour-50g (for dusting)
- water-4 tablespoons
- salt - 1 tsp

How to cook delicious chicken noodles at home

Step 1. Wash the chicken well and pat dry. We clean it from excess skin, singe over the fire (gas burner).

Step 2 We cut off the skin from the neck, cut off the ass and excess fat (we don’t throw away the fat, but put it in the freezer, it will eventually come in handy for frying).

Step 3 Then, divide the chicken into two or three parts. Pour water into the pan and when it boils, salt and place the parts of our chicken. After some time, remove the foam and reduce the fire. Cover with a lid and cook for an hour and a half. We add pepper and lavrushka later, otherwise the broth will darken.

Step 4 In the meantime, chop the onion, garlic and carrots and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add red pepper.

Step 5 Let's start making noodles. Break an egg in a bowl, add water, salt and beat with a fork. Pour the mixture into the sifted flour and knead the dough (shown in the video). Wrap the dough in a bag or cling film and let stand for half an hour.

Step 6 So the dough has risen. We roll it out with a thickness of 2 mm and let it dry for 5 minutes. Then roll up and cut into thin strips (shown in the video). Then, evenly distribute the noodles on the board and let dry for a couple of hours.

Step 7 Now, remove the meat from the pan and transfer to a bowl. We season the broth. Wash the pot and pour the broth back into it. The broth is light and clear. Bring it back to a boil. When the broth boils, gradually add the noodles and let it boil for three minutes.

Step 8 Add fried vegetables and bay leaf. Mix everything well and cook on low heat for another 5 minutes.

Step 9 Our noodles in broth are ready. Serve on the table with herbs and sour cream. Separate the meat from the bones and serve in a separate bowl.

Bon appetit!

Many people know about the benefits of chicken broth. It restores the depleted forces of the body after an illness or operation, helps to warm up during hypothermia, and eliminates the effects of alcohol intoxication. Properly cooked, tasty chicken broth has a high nutritional value. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients that a person needs for a healthy life.

Delicious and fragrant transparent broth is the dream of every housewife. But it doesn't always work out that way. In fact, in order for the broth to be transparent, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. The quality of the broth largely depends on the choice of chicken. Professional chefs prefer poultry. It is important that it is not old. Otherwise, it will definitely not be possible to cook a clear broth from such a chicken.
  2. Before sending the bird to the pan, it must be rinsed well and remove excess fat. If the bird is not domestic, but was bought in a store, you can remove the skin from it. Do not cook chicken broth. It will never turn out as fragrant and rich as from a whole carcass. Also a good broth can come from the thighs.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook the chicken only on low heat. At the very beginning of cooking, you need to salt the water and add a whole onion to the bird. It will make the broth not only fragrant, but also transparent. Sometimes whole or coarsely chopped carrots and celery root (or parsley) are also added to the onion. But you should not pepper and put bay leaves in water. This will only darken the broth.
  4. Immediately after boiling and periodically during cooking, you need to remove the foam from the broth. Do not cover the pot with a lid. This will avoid a strong boil, at which the broth becomes cloudy.
  5. The broth should be boiled for 3 hours. At the end of cooking, it must be filtered, then poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil for the last time over low heat.

If you follow the suggested tips, the broth will turn out to be transparent, like a tear. Now you can add your favorite spices, noodles and other ingredients to it.

How to cook homemade noodles

The most delicious broth is made with homemade noodles. To knead the dough, first beat a large egg, 50 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt in a separate bowl. Then, right on the table or in a large bowl, sift the flour (about 150 g) with a slide, make a recess in it and pour in the egg mixture. Knead a stiff elastic dough. At first it will stick to your hands and exfoliate. In fact, that's how it should be. After 10 minutes of kneading, you will get a dense and elastic ball of dough. It must be wrapped in cling film and left on the table for 30 minutes. If this is not done, then the gluten will not have time to swell enough and the dough will delaminate when rolled out.

After the specified time, the prepared ball begins to roll out on the table. First, up to 5 mm thick, then cut in the middle and roll each half to 2 mm (the thinner the better). Before cutting the noodles, each layer must be dried in expanded form for 5 minutes. Then the dough is folded into a roll or an envelope and thinly cut with a wide knife.

The resulting halves are shaken on the table with your hands and allowed to dry a little. If the noodles are prepared for the future, they should be dried more thoroughly, for 5 hours, and it is recommended to store them in a cloth bag.

Classic noodle broth

While the broth is cooking, you can prepare vegetable dressing for it in advance. Onions are chopped into cubes, and carrots are grated or cut into cubes. Vegetables are alternately fried in vegetable oil until tender.

When the strained broth boils again, noodles are added to it. It is important that it boils strongly enough. Otherwise, the noodles may become sour. You need to cook it for 3 minutes, no more. Then vegetable dressing is added to the chicken broth with noodles.

Boil everything together for another 3-4 minutes, and you can turn off the stove. Delicious chicken broth with homemade noodles is ready. It is served to the table with greens and crispy croutons.

Chicken broth with noodles and egg

To make the chicken broth have a presentable appearance, it is served with a boiled egg. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish. After all, almost all recipes with chicken broth are identical. It is enough just to properly cook the bird and make good homemade noodles.

To prepare this dish, you need to boil the chicken. It is better to strain the resulting broth to remove all scale and make it even more transparent. Let it boil again, after which you can add the noodles, and after a few more minutes, the vegetables stewed in the pan.

Quail or chicken eggs for broth are boiled in advance. They need to be peeled and cut in half. Before serving chicken broth with noodles on the table, it is decorated with eggs and herbs. Bon appetit!

Broth with noodles in a slow cooker

The main advantage of cooking broth in a slow cooker is that it will always boil slowly, literally languish. Yes, you don't have to remove the foam.

According to the recipe, place three chicken thighs in a multicooker bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water. Boil the meat for 1.5 hours in the "Soup" mode.

After a while, get the chicken, take it apart into pieces, send it back to the bowl along with the noodles. Set the cooking mode to “Multi-cook” (or “Steamed”, or “Groats”) and cook the broth for another 10 minutes. The multicooker will signal the end of cooking.

Sprinkle chicken broth with noodles generously with herbs right in the slow cooker. A delicious and healthy diet dish is ready.

Noodles in chicken broth

As a rule, the broth remains clear until the noodles are dipped into it. From this, he immediately becomes cloudy. This is especially true for homemade noodles dusted with flour.

To maintain the transparency of the finished broth when serving, you should use a simple secret. To do this, cook the noodles in a separate pan for 8 minutes. When it is ready, put it on the bottom of a deep plate and pour over the broth prepared according to the classic recipe. You can also add chopped boiled carrots (from the broth), herbs and any other ingredients here.

There is another way to prepare this dish. Noodles need to be cooked for 3 minutes until half cooked in a separate pan. After that, it is placed in the broth for another 4-5 minutes. Such homemade noodles in chicken broth turn out to be even tastier, after which they are saturated with its aroma and taste. Bon appetit!

Chicken broth with croutons and noodles

Cooking broth with croutons is carried out in the same way as in previous recipes. First, boil the chicken for three hours. Then we take it out, filter the broth and send the noodles into it. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs, add the egg and croutons to the plate. It is with these crispy cubes or slices that chicken noodle broth is even tastier.

To prepare croutons, you will need a white loaf, which is cut into small cubes or slices. The baking sheet for the oven is smeared with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, you also need to squeeze a clove of garlic through the press and pour the sliced ​​​​bread. Send the croutons for browning in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 140 degrees, for 20 minutes. After the specified time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, let the crackers cool, and you can serve with the broth.


Chicken broth with homemade noodles

Chicken broth has always been famous for its health benefits. It is very tasty and nutritious. Any housewife is obliged to be able to cook chicken broth, since this dish must periodically appear on the table. The broth goes especially well after the holidays, with their abundance of high-calorie and nutritious dishes. It is then that the body especially wants something liquid and dietary. And just in everyday life, you can’t do without chicken broth.

- onion - 1 pc. (large head)

- parsley - 1 bunch,

- bay leaf, ground pepper, peppercorns - to taste,

Soak chicken for broth with homemade noodles in cold water. In principle, three hours is enough, but you can leave the meat in cold water all night. After that, we wash it well. Pour cold water over the chicken.

We put the pan on the gas. Bring the water to a boil on the highest heat. When the water boils, reduce the fire. Close the chicken with a lid and cook for two hours (until cooked). Do not forget to periodically remove the foam from the broth.

Cut the washed and peeled carrots into cubes.

We clean one large onion and make a cross-shaped incision on one side of it so that our chicken noodle broth takes more taste and aroma from the onion.

Approximately 30 minutes before the chicken is ready, add the carrot sticks and onions to the pan. At this stage, the broth needs to be salted, add bay leaf, pepper.

Cook chicken with vegetables for half an hour, then remove the pan from the heat. Remove the onion head from the broth.

You can free the meat from the bones. We take out the meat on a plate, separate it from the bones, and, if desired, from the skins, send the meat to the broth.

We knead the dough. It should be quite tight. If it turns out too steep, it is allowed to add a little water to it. Wrap the dough in a bag and leave for 15 minutes.

Divide the dough in half and roll out each piece thinly.

When the dough dries out after 10 minutes, sprinkle it with flour. We roll into a roll. Cut the dough roll into thin strips.

Sprinkle the strips with flour, shake and spread on the fabric. Let the noodles dry.

We put the noodles in boiling water and boil it for 7-10 minutes. Strain through a colander and the noodles are ready!

When serving, we lay out homemade noodles, meat on plates and fill everything with hot chicken broth. Add pepper and chopped parsley to taste.


Hot chicken noodle broth - medicine for body and soul

Delicious chicken noodle broth leaves neither adults nor children indifferent. But not every recipe for this dish is good. Either the noodles are too soft, or the broth is missing something. Let's try to cook this dish together and get the best result.

Chicken broth is almost magical

Did you know that chicken broth can work wonders? Yes, the dish itself is very tasty. Especially if it's chicken broth with homemade noodles. But its advantages do not end there.

This dish has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases. And even today, such a broth is often specially brewed for people suffering from a cold. And it's not the placebo effect. Chicken broth contains lysozyme, an enzyme that fights microorganisms and viruses. Therefore, this dish, which is a natural antibiotic, really contributes to the recovery of the body. When you have a cold, do not rush to eat handfuls of pills. A good chicken broth recipe will help you out. In addition, this dish relieves inflammation from the respiratory tract, alleviates the condition when coughing and runny nose. In addition, the dish is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are very necessary for an unhealthy body.

In case of illness, it is better to use chicken broth with noodles. It should be prepared with the addition of vegetables - they will add "vitamin" to the dish. And noodles, a carbohydrate product, will charge the patient's body with energy, add strength to him.

The recipe for a delicious chicken soup should be kept at hand not only for cold people. Did you know that this food helps fight stress? It's simple: the body, exhausted by experiences, needs light food, but rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Chicken broth fits all of these definitions.

You can also cook this dish for people who want to lose weight. Only then remove the skin from the chicken to free it from excess fat. Or take fillets to make soup. Although this way it will turn out less fragrant and rich. Losing weight can be chicken broth with homemade noodles. Only the noodles have to be right. Choose a recipe that uses durum flour (from durum wheat). These are “slow” carbohydrates, perfectly satiating, but not provoking a sharp jump in blood sugar. In addition, products made from such flour contain a lot of protein and nutrients. "White" flour cannot boast the same. Moreover, natural vitamins in it are replaced with synthetic ones.

Healthy meal recipe

Would you like to cook this amazing dish? Then let's get started.

Let's make the noodles first. The recipe is very simple. Noodles from the indicated amount of products are just enough for a saucepan of broth.

  • 100 g of flour (preferably from durum wheat, you can take 50 g of white and durum flour each);
  • 1 egg;
  • salt.

Making noodles:

  1. Break the egg with a fork in a bowl, season with salt.
  2. Gradually introduce flour, constantly stirring the dough;
  3. Let's take out the mass. If the dough is very difficult to knead, you can add just a little water. Then cover the mass with a bowl or wrap in cling film. Let it “rest” for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. Dust the table with flour, roll out the dough into a circle no more than a millimeter thick. You can divide the dough into several parts - it will be easier to work with it.
  5. Roll up the circle (or circles) and cut. Someone likes wide noodles, someone thin. Cut to your liking.
  6. Spread the noodles on a tray or board and dry a little in the air - about 15 minutes.

Well, now let's cook a delicious broth with homemade noodles. The recipe is also insanely simple.

  • chicken (preferably soup);
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • a piece of root or a few stalks of celery;
  • 3-3.5 liters of water;
  • salt;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • optional - cloves, bay leaf;
  • dill, parsley (optional);
  • noodles prepared according to the recipe above.

From this amount of products you will get 8-10 servings of the dish.

Cooking time: 1-2.5 hours.

  1. Let's prepare the vegetables. In chicken broth, they are usually put fresh, not sautéed. We will do the same. We clean everything, coarsely chop the carrots and celery, leave the onion whole.
  2. Wash the chicken, pour cold water along with the vegetables, salt and put to boil. When it boils, remove the foam, turn down the fire (set below medium). Add spices and leave to cook. Soup chicken will cook for 1.5-2 hours, broiler - 30-40 minutes.
  3. Strain the broth. We will disassemble the chicken into parts or into small pieces (as you like). Discard the onion and celery, and the carrots can be chopped and added to the plates when serving.
  4. Dip the noodles in salted boiling water (the more liquid, the better). You can add vegetable oil to the water (about a teaspoon per liter). Products will cook for 4-5 minutes.
  5. Salt the liquid from the noodles. Divide the pasta into deep bowls. Pour in hot broth. Add greens, chicken meat, carrots, if desired, to each plate. Let's give.

The recipe is simple, and the dish turns out incredibly tasty. Leftover noodles can be stored in the refrigerator directly in the broth.


Chicken noodle broth

It is very useful to cook chicken broths from time to time. Our stomach needs similar food to function properly. The most important thing is that the preparation of the broth is a simple process!


  • Homemade chicken 1 piece
  • Noodles or pasta to taste
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Salt and pepper To taste
  • Greens to taste

First of all, rinse the chicken carcass, clean it of films and excess parts. Transfer the chicken pieces to a saucepan.

Completely fill the chicken with cold water, put on medium heat.

Bring the broth to a boil, removing the foam. Reduce the heat, put the peeled carrots, as well as onions. Salt to taste, cook the broth until fully cooked (about 1.5 hours).

Separately, boil the noodles until fully cooked. We recline it in a colander so that the glass water.

We shift the noodles into a deep plate, pour the broth (remove the carrots and onions). Sprinkle with chopped herbs, add chicken meat (optional). Bon appetit!

Soups are frequent guests on our dinner tables, and for this reason they are sometimes very annoying due to their monotony. But the preparation of a bored first course can be approached in a slightly different way; to make the treat really tasty and interesting, cook chicken noodle broth.

This is the same soup, but more spicy and unusual, by the way, it is prepared simply, it takes a little time to cook, and the smell exudes inimitable. Try it - you will be satisfied.

Step-by-step recipe for delicious noodles in chicken broth with egg

This cooking technology can be called lazy, because we will use ready-made noodles, and this significantly saves time. In addition, cooking a dish has other advantages, for example, our broth will come out transparent at the end, and this is almost a dream of any housewife.

The taste of the dish will also turn out just right: very gentle and unobtrusive. In terms of calories, the treat is light, since there is a minimum of fat in such a soup. As you can see, there are only advantages and no disadvantages, so let's get down to business.


  • Noodles - 10 g;
  • Water - 2.5 l;
  • Chicken legs - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - ½ piece;
  • Boiled egg - half per serving;
  • Stem celery - to taste;
  • Salt - be guided by your taste preferences;
  • Carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • Favorite greens - to taste;
  • Crackers - a little (for serving).

How to cook noodles with clear chicken broth and egg, step by step recipe

  1. Pour water into the pan, let it boil, and then lower the legs into boiling water. Without covering the container with a lid, bring the water with poultry meat to a boil. Be sure to remove the resulting foam in the process of boiling.
  2. Cook chicken legs for 40-50 minutes if the bird is bought in a store, or 1.5 hours if it is grown at home.
  3. Half an hour before the end of cooking chicken, add peeled onions, chopped sweet (aka Bulgarian) peppers and carrots to the pan. These products in the broth are required.
  1. When the broth is fully cooked, remove the vegetables from the pan - we no longer need them.
  2. In another pot, cook the noodles until tender.
  3. Separately, boil the chicken egg.
  4. Cool the chicken boiled in broth after cooking, and then divide it into smaller pieces (cubes).
  5. We put the cooked noodles on a plate, throw the chicken meat here, and then fill it all with strained broth.
  6. Finally, add egg pieces or a whole half to the plate, sprinkle a portion of chopped herbs and serve the soup to the table with crackers (you can replace them with ordinary croutons) and garlic.

That's how easy we were able to make a delicious dinner for our whole family. But if you have time and desire to tinker, then we bring to your attention one more recipe. It will take a little more time than the previous one, because we will make noodles with our own hands, but art requires sacrifice, and cooking in this case is no exception.


For the broth

  • - 800 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • — 4 l + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 200 g

For noodles

  • - 300 g + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -

Diet chicken broth with homemade egg noodles

Cooking this dish is no more difficult than making ordinary soup, and you will need the most ordinary products. The only difficulty that may arise in the process of cooking is the creation of noodles, and then only for the first time.

We will guide you step by step on how to make egg noodles for chicken broth, so don't worry if you don't succeed. With a good recipe, success is guaranteed even for a beginner.

Boil chicken for broth

  • Soak the bird carcass in cool water for 3-4 hours. After it is thoroughly washed and placed in a saucepan in boiling water (not in cold water). Putting directly into boiling water allows you to get very tender, soft, and most importantly, juicy meat.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and let the chicken cook until tender. This will take approximately 1 hour if you have a broiler or chicken, and 2-3 hours if the bird is raised at home (i.e. village). During the cooking process, periodically remove the foam.

Chicken pieces (hams, drumsticks, breast, thighs, etc.) cook much faster. Typically, this takes less than an hour.

Preparing vegetables for chicken broth

  • We clean the carrots, cut into bars.
  • We free the bulbs from the husk, after which we make cuts in the form of crosses on them.

We cook delicious clear broth from meat and vegetables

  • 30 minutes before the end of cooking the chicken, we throw the prepared carrots and onions into the container with the broth.
  • Salt the dish to taste, then cook the remaining half an hour and remove from the stove. The bow must be removed from the yushka - it has already played its role. This completes the preparation of the broth.

Do-it-yourself egg noodles for chicken broth

  • Pour flour into a clean deep bowl, make a depression in it and throw eggs into it.
  • Knead elastic dough from products. If necessary, add a little water so that the dough mass is not so steep.
  • We wrap the finished dough with polyethylene and leave it alone for literally 10-15 minutes.
  • We divide the kneaded dough into 2 parts, after each we roll out quite thinly (thickness - 1 mm) and sprinkle with flour. Let the dough rest for another 10 minutes to dry out.
  • We roll each rolled part into a roll, and then cut it thinly, i.e. cut into narrow strips.
  • Sprinkle the cut strips with a little flour, shake them slightly and transfer them to a dry cloth. Let the dough dry. If you make noodles in reserve, then store the rest in a well-sealed vessel.

We cook until cooked our own cooked noodles for chicken soup

  • We spread the homemade noodles in boiling salted water and boil it for 5-7 minutes.
  • We throw the boiled products into a colander so that the glass liquid, then rinse them with clean water - and you're done.

Serve noodles with chicken meat in broth

  • When all the ingredients are ready, combine them in a serving bowl. First of all, put the noodles in the dishes, then add the chicken pieces (we cut the carcass as soon as it is cooked and cooled down), and then we pour the food with the broth (still hot).
  • If desired, sprinkle the dish with pepper (black or red) and chopped parsley.

You can serve the soup with raw vegetables, a light vegetable salad, croutons, fresh bread, crackers (preferably homemade and not sprinkled with spices), adjika, or you can just enjoy it in its original form. Believe me, the natural taste of a tender soup does not need to be supplemented.

Such chicken noodle broth can easily be served not only for a family dinner, but also at a feast as an excellent representative of first courses. The treat is hearty, low-fat, with amazing chicken taste and the most healthy. In a word, not a dish, but a gourmet's dream.

Bon appetit!

Many people know about the benefits of chicken broth. It restores the depleted forces of the body after an illness or operation, helps to warm up during hypothermia, and eliminates the effects of alcohol intoxication. Properly prepared, tasty has a high nutritional value. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients that a person needs for a healthy life.

Delicious and fragrant transparent broth is the dream of every housewife. But it doesn't always work out that way. In fact, in order for the broth to be transparent, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. The quality of the broth largely depends on the choice of chicken. Professional chefs prefer poultry. It is important that it is not old. Otherwise, such a clear broth will definitely fail.
  2. Before sending the bird to the pan, it must be rinsed well and remove excess fat. If the bird is not domestic, but was bought in a store, you can remove the skin from it. Do not cook chicken broth. It will never turn out as fragrant and rich as from a whole carcass. Also a good broth can come from the thighs.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook the chicken only on low heat. At the very beginning of cooking, you need to salt the water and add a whole onion to the bird. It will make the broth not only fragrant, but also transparent. Sometimes whole or coarsely chopped carrots and celery root (or parsley) are also added to the onion. But you should not pepper and put bay leaves in water. This will only darken the broth.
  4. Immediately after boiling and periodically during cooking, you need to remove the foam from the broth. Do not cover the pot with a lid. This will avoid a strong boil, at which the broth becomes cloudy.
  5. The broth should be boiled for 3 hours. At the end of cooking, it must be filtered, then poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil for the last time over low heat.

If you follow the suggested tips, the broth will turn out to be transparent, like a tear. Now you can add your favorite spices, noodles and other ingredients to it.

How to cook homemade noodles

The most delicious broth is obtained with To knead the dough, for it, first beat a large egg, 50 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt in a separate bowl. Then, right on the table or in a large bowl, sift the flour (about 150 g) with a slide, make a recess in it and pour in the egg mixture. Knead a stiff elastic dough. At first it will stick to your hands and exfoliate. In fact, that's how it should be. After 10 minutes of kneading, you will get a dense and elastic ball of dough. It must be wrapped in cling film and left on the table for 30 minutes. If this is not done, then the gluten will not have time to swell enough and the dough will delaminate when rolled out.

After the specified time, the prepared ball begins to roll out on the table. First, up to 5 mm thick, then cut in the middle and roll each half to 2 mm (the thinner the better). Before cutting the noodles, each layer must be dried in expanded form for 5 minutes. Then the dough is folded into a roll or an envelope and thinly cut with a wide knife.

The resulting halves are shaken on the table with your hands and allowed to dry a little. If the noodles are prepared for the future, they should be dried more thoroughly, for 5 hours, and it is recommended to store them in a cloth bag.

Classic noodle broth

While the broth is cooking, you can prepare vegetable dressing for it in advance. Onions are chopped into cubes, and carrots are grated or cut into cubes. Vegetables are alternately fried in vegetable oil until tender.

When the strained broth boils again, noodles are added to it. It is important that it boils strongly enough. Otherwise, the noodles may become sour. You need to cook it for 3 minutes, no more. Then vegetable dressing is added to the chicken broth with noodles.

Boil everything together for another 3-4 minutes, and you can turn off the stove. Delicious chicken broth with homemade noodles is ready. It is served to the table with greens and crispy croutons.

Chicken broth with noodles and egg

To make the chicken broth have a presentable appearance, it is served with a boiled egg. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish. After all, almost all recipes with chicken broth are identical. It is enough just to properly cook the bird and make good homemade noodles.

To prepare this dish, you need to boil the chicken. It is better to strain the resulting broth to remove all scale and make it even more transparent. Let it boil again, after which you can add the noodles, and after a few more minutes, the vegetables stewed in the pan.

Quail or chicken eggs for broth are boiled in advance. They need to be peeled and cut in half. Before serving chicken broth with noodles on the table, it is decorated with eggs and herbs. Bon appetit!

Broth with noodles in a slow cooker

The main advantage of cooking broth in a slow cooker is that it will always boil slowly, literally languish. Yes, you don't have to remove the foam.

According to the recipe, place three chicken thighs in a multicooker bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water. Boil the meat for 1.5 hours in the "Soup" mode.

After a while, get the chicken, take it apart into pieces, send it back to the bowl along with the noodles. Set the cooking mode to "Multi-cook" (or "Steamed" or "Groats") and cook the broth for another 10 minutes. The multicooker will signal the end of cooking.

Sprinkle chicken broth with noodles generously with herbs right in the slow cooker. A delicious and healthy diet dish is ready.

Noodles in chicken broth

As a rule, the broth remains clear until the noodles are dipped into it. From this, he immediately becomes cloudy. This is especially true for homemade noodles dusted with flour.

To maintain the transparency of the finished broth when serving, you should use a simple secret. To do this, cook the noodles in a separate pan for 8 minutes. When it is ready, put it on the bottom of a deep plate and pour over the broth prepared according to the classic recipe. You can also add chopped boiled carrots (from the broth), herbs and any other ingredients here.

There is another way to prepare this dish. Noodles need to be cooked for 3 minutes until half cooked in a separate pan. After that, it is placed in the broth for another 4-5 minutes. Such homemade noodles in chicken broth turn out to be even tastier, after which they are saturated with its aroma and taste. Bon appetit!

Chicken broth with croutons and noodles

Cooking broth with croutons is carried out in the same way as in previous recipes. First, boil the chicken for three hours. Then we take it out, filter the broth and send the noodles into it. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs, add the egg and croutons to the plate. It is with these crispy cubes or slices that chicken noodle broth is even tastier.

To prepare croutons, you will need a white loaf, which is cut into small cubes or slices. The baking sheet for the oven is smeared with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, you also need to squeeze a clove of garlic through the press and pour the sliced ​​​​bread. Send the croutons for browning in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 140 degrees, for 20 minutes. After the specified time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, let the crackers cool, and you can serve with the broth.
