
What is the difference between pancake flour. How is pancake flour different from regular flour? Pancakes and how to serve them

pancake flour- high-calorie and nutritious product. Used to make pancakes. Wheat and soy are produced.

Pancake wheat flour was made from wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades with various additions according to five recipes.

Recipe for wheat pancake flour - per 100 kg of flour of 1 or 2 grades (in kg)

The flour should have been white with a yellowish tint for the 1st grade and white with a yellowish-gray tint for the 2nd grade. The taste is slightly sweet without bitter or sour aftertaste; humidity not more than 15%. When chewing flour moistened with water, there should not be a crunch on the teeth. Fineness of grinding flour: for the 1st grade, the residue on the sieve No. 35 is not more than 2%; passage through a sieve No. 43 not less than 75%. For the 2nd grade, the residue on the sieve No. 27 is not more than 2%; passage through a sieve No. 38 not less than 60%. The ash content of flour of the 1st grade is not more than 0.75%, the 2nd grade is not more than 1.25%.

Pancake soy flour It was produced from soy flour and was the main pancake flour. It was compiled according to the following recipe (in%): non-deodorized soy flour 65, potato starch 30, granulated sugar 3, salt 2. It was allowed to replace potato starch with maize starch or wheat flour in a ratio of 1:1. It was also allowed to replace part of the non-deodorized flour with corn flour in the amount of 50%. The flour had to have a color from light yellow to dark cream, smell and taste - characteristic of non-deodorized soy flour, without foreign smells and taste. The rest on a sieve No. 25 no more than 5%. Humidity no more than 13%.

Pancake flour has great nutritional value: soy pancake flour contains up to 27% easily digestible protein and more than 13% fat; calorie content of 100 g is 385 cal.

Pancake flour is packaged in paper bags with a net weight of 0.5-1.0 kg. The packages indicate, in addition to general data, also the recipe, price and method of making pancakes.

For sale in the public catering network, flour was allowed to be packed in four-layer kraft bags weighing no more than 30 kg. Guaranteed storage period: in the autumn-winter period - 4 months, in the spring-summer period - 2 months.

Sampling and analysis of pancake flour was carried out by the methods established in OST VPS 0292. Acceptance, transportation and other general information - see.

How to make pancake dough(from 1 kg of flour). Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add yeast (50-60 g) previously diluted in water, add flour in small portions while stirring and stir it until smooth. The kneaded dough is set in a warm place for 1½-2 hours, until the volume doubles, after which the dough is ready for baking pancakes.

By tradition, we treat each other with pancakes on Maslenitsa, and every housewife wants them to turn out as best as possible. And if we are not on a diet now, then we can treat ourselves to delicious pancakes. To do this, stock up on quality products, especially flour. There are many types of special pancake flour in stores, but I do not advise you to buy it.
Pancake flour differs from regular flour in that it already contains milk powder, egg powder and baking powder. In fact - a ready-made mixture for baking, add water or milk and cook. But, in my opinion, such a mixture is much inferior to homemade pancake dough. Therefore, before Maslenitsa, I take ordinary wheat flour with a margin.

It is better to buy it in small packages (1-3 kg) and in paper bags - the flour breathes in them. Pay attention to the shelf life (no more than a year).
The color of wheat flour should be white or pale cream. If it has a bluish tint, it means that weed seeds got into it during grinding.

It would be nice to taste the flour. If it is bitter, it means that it has been lying on the counter. Gives mold - damp.

On the packaging of a quality product, the name of the manufacturing company, as well as the grade and brand of flour, should be indicated. The numbers indicate the degree of whiteness. The norms of whiteness of flour are: at least 54.1 units for wheat of the highest grade, 36 for the 1st grade and at least 12 for the 2nd grade flour.

There is a possibility - check it for quality. Take a pinch of flour with clean, dry hands, rub between thumb and forefinger. Good flour will creak, raw flour will stick together.

Dear readers, do you know how to make the most delicious pancakes in the world? If not, then we will help you to reveal the secret. It consists in a special which is great for their preparation. Let's consider the concept of its composition (what ingredients it includes) and, of course, calorie content.


Most cuisines of the world are famous for their recipes for making a variety of pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, cakes and pancake rolls, the basis of which is flour. Of course, under the different names of these dishes, different sets of products and cooking methods are hidden.
Given the lack of time, cooking can be greatly facilitated by using pancake flour. The composition of this flour mixture is very different. It all depends on the manufacturer. This is directly reflected in the price and quality of the finished product.


In fact, the finished mixture is pancake flour. The composition can vary from expensive whole-ground flour, salt, granulated sugar, whey powder) to cheaper (low-grade flour, egg powder, baking powder, granulated sugar, salt).
This is usually printed on the packaging by the manufacturer.
Cooking becomes less time-consuming, this is facilitated by pancake flour. The composition, of course, needs to be studied when buying it. A good and high-quality product will be the key to successful baking. We guarantee!


We have already figured out what pancake flour is. We also studied the composition. It's time to talk about how to measure the amount.
One teaspoon corresponds to 10 grams of the product.
One tablespoon is 30 grams of product.
One glass contains 160 grams of product.


If we talk about nutritional value, then it turns out very valuable pancake flour. The composition of the flour includes enough high-calorie ingredients. Flour has a calorie content of 336 kcal, proteins in it 10.2 g, fats - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 69.7 g.

Making homemade flour for pancakes

You need to take one cup of flour:
. One and a half teaspoons of baking powder.
. One tablespoon of powdered milk.
. One tablespoon of granulated sugar.
. Half a teaspoon of salt.
Combine everything and mix well.
Be sure to store in a closed tray or jar with a tight lid.

Pancakes and how to serve them

The word "pancake" means a product that is made from thin dough, fried in a hot frying pan without oil. The round shape of pancakes symbolizes the sun, which was worshiped in the old days.
Pancakes are an independent dish. They can be stuffed with meat, fish, fruit and more. Pancakes are also used as a filling for many dishes, including salads. They should be attributed to the most ancient dishes prepared in the prehistoric period.
In different cuisines of the peoples of the world, you can find a variety of cooking recipes. For example, it is famous for thin pancakes, fried on one side, they are stuffed with sweet, meat or fish fillings. Pancakes are also popular in Asia, America and even Africa.
Traditionally, the stuffing for pancakes was minced meat and fish, vegetables, red and black caviar, fried mushrooms with onions, eggs, including quail eggs, various types of cheese, fruits and berries, honey and more. A good "sauce" is condensed milk, honey, jam, jam and sour cream.


Today we tried to introduce you to the concept of "pancake flour" as much as possible. We examined the calorie content, its composition, and as you understand, you can cook such flour with your own hands. Of course, the choice is yours. We hope that the article will be useful to you and you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself.

Properties of pancake flour

Pancakes are considered an indispensable attribute of the Russian national culinary tradition. Since ancient times, such a dish as pancakes has been customary to cook both on special occasions and holidays, and used in the daily diet. We think that many domestic housewives traditionally bake pancakes for Maslenitsa, which are also an ancient Russian symbol of the sun.

In cooking, pancakes are understood as a food product that is made from batter, which is placed in a frying pan and fried. As mentioned earlier, the correct rounded shape of pancakes is not accidental and symbolizes the heavenly body, which our ancestors worshiped. But indeed, the shape and color of pancakes resembles the sun.

Pancakes are served to the table as an independent dish. In addition, pancakes are stuffed with various fillings, and the product is also used as a filling in the preparation of stuffed fish, as well as poultry. Researchers argue that pancakes can be easily attributed to one of the most ancient culinary products that people began to cook in the prehistoric period of the development of human civilization.

In the national culinary traditions of many nations, you can easily find recipes for different types of pancakes. For example, in France, thin pancakes are especially popular, which are fried, as a rule, only on one side and stuffed with both sweet and meat or fish fillings. Pancakes are baked in Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Usually, for stuffing pancakes, such types of fillings are used as: minced meat or fish, as well as vegetables, fish caviar, mushrooms, chicken eggs, cheese, fruits, berries, condensed milk, honey, chocolate, caramel, sour cream, and so on. For baking pancakes, they use both homemade batter and ready-made dry mix or the so-called pancake flour.

Composition of pancake flour

Pancake flour is a ready-made culinary mixture that is used to make pancakes. The composition of pancake flour includes almost the same ingredients that housewives use to make batter. However, in the composition of pancake flour, egg powder is used instead of fresh chicken eggs. In addition, in addition to wheat flour and egg powder, salt, sugar, baker's defect and whey powder are added to pancake flour.

In order to end up with delicious pancakes from pancake flour, manufacturers of ready-made culinary mixtures use high-quality wheat flour, and always whole-ground. It is believed that ordinary refined wheat flour of the highest grade does not give such excellent results. The use of pancake flour significantly reduces the hostess' time spent on making pancakes.

Calorie Pancake flour 336 kcal.

Energy value of the product Pancake flour (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

10.1 g.

pancake flour- ready mix for baking pancakes, which can be bought at any supermarket. Housewives do not use this mixture so often, because not everyone knows how pancake flour differs from ordinary flour.

Pancake flour can significantly save time, as it already contains all the necessary components for baking pancakes.

Different manufacturers produce flour with different amounts of ingredients, as well as different compositions.

Scientists say that pancakes are one of the most ancient culinary products. They are necessarily present in almost every national cuisine.

According to scientists, pancakes were prepared in the prehistoric period.

To this day they are popular in Europe, Asia, Africa, America.

Use in cooking

In cooking, pancake flour is used to make pancakes, pancakes and other pastries. How to use this flour is usually described on the packaging. There are many recipes that allow you to cook pastries from pancake flour without any hassle.

From pancake flour, you can cook not only ordinary pancakes and pancakes, but also soufflé pancakes. To prepare them, you will need pancake flour, natural yogurt, chicken egg, vegetable oil. Proteins are separated from the yolks and beat with a mixer until smooth. Yogurt and pancake flour are added to the egg mass. The frying pan is heated, greased with vegetable oil, the dough is spread with a tablespoon and the pancakes are fried on both sides. Especially tasty pancakes are obtained with syrup or fresh berries.

It is very easy to make homemade pancake flour cookies. For it you will need a pack of cottage cheese, an egg, margarine, 150 g of pancake flour, sugar. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, margarine, egg, pancake flour are added to it. Knead the dough from these ingredients and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Then the dough is rolled out into a layer of 0.5 cm, sprinkled with sugar, rolled out with a rolling pin. Each half of the dough is rolled up and wrapped towards each other. The roll is cut into transverse strips 3 cm wide and spread on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Cookies are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes.

The fastest pancakes

In order to make quick pancakes, you will need pancake flour and water. How to dilute pancake flour? On the box with the mixture, the proportions are indicated, according to which the flour is diluted with water to the desired consistency. As a rule, take 3 parts of water and 4 parts of flour. The dough is stirred. You can add chocolate to it if you like. The dough is carefully poured with a ladle into the center of a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. You can put fresh fruit on top of ready-made pancakes: this way they will become even tastier. Pancakes are served with sour cream, chocolate, condensed milk or jam.

How to do at home?

At home, you can also make flour for quick baking. In order to prepare such a mixture, you need: 1.5 tsp. baking powder, 1 tbsp. l. powdered milk, sugar, salt. All ingredients are mixed and stored in a tightly sealed container.

Pancake flour will help out when there is absolutely no time to mix a large number of ingredients.

To make pancakes especially tasty, it is necessary to use whole grain wheat flour for making pancake flour, as a refined product will not give the desired result.

Pancake flour pie

Pancake flour was invented in the middle of the 20th century to speed up the process of making pancakes. With its help, pancakes can be baked even on water, for which you only need pancake flour and a few glasses of water. These ingredients are used to knead the dough. Pancakes are fried in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable oil.

You can also make pie dough from pancake flour. Pancake flour consists of whole grain wheat flour, milk powder, egg powder, sugar, salt, soda. The dough is prepared on water, milk, kefir. In order to eliminate lumps, it is recommended to beat it with a mixer. From pancake flour you can make cakes, pancakes, rolls, muffins. Pancake dough is perfect for making pizza.

The advantage of using such flour is the speed of baking. So, a pancake dough pie is prepared almost at lightning speed. The dough is kneaded according to the instructions on the package. If there is no pancake flour, it is made from sifted wheat flour. Mix flour, vanilla, sugar, add eggs, mix until smooth. Milk is added to the mass, mixed until the dough becomes liquid. The mixture is sent to the refrigerator. As a filling, you can use fresh fruits: apples, cherries. A baking sheet is greased with oil, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits sprinkled with sugar are laid out, the dough is poured on top. Bake 30 minutes in the oven.

Pancake flour pies

Pancake mixture pies are prepared very quickly and are lush. For their preparation, you will need kefir, cabbage, onions, eggs, pancake flour. The pancake mixture is diluted with kefir and the dough is kneaded. In a frying pan, vegetable oil is heated and chopped onion and cabbage are stewed in it. Several chicken eggs are hard boiled and cut into cubes. Eggs are mixed with cabbage, getting a filling for pies. Cakes are rolled out of the dough, stuffing is put on them. The edges of the cakes are connected, forming small pies. Fry in a pan in vegetable oil until tender.

The filling for pancake flour pies can be chosen at your discretion, for example, you can make sweet pies with fruit filling.

Pancake flour cake

Few people know that pancake flour is also suitable for making cakes.

At home, it is very easy to make an amazing walnut cake. To do this, you will need pancake flour, butter, 100 g of walnuts, mascarpone cheese. Sift pancake flour, add 175 g of butter, sugar, eggs to it, beat everything until a homogeneous consistency. Next, prepare a coffee mixture from 2 tbsp. l. coffee and 2 tbsp. l. boiling water. Coffee mixture, as well as nuts, are added to the dough. The oven is heated to 180 degrees, the dough is divided into several parts and baked for 30 minutes.

The cream is made from coffee mixture, cheese and butter. Butter (75 g) is whipped with mascarpone cheese, 1 tsp is added. coffee mix. Next, add a little icing sugar, mixing thoroughly. The cake is smeared with the resulting cream, a second cake is placed on top of it and again smeared with cream. Decorate the cake with nuts.

Summing up, we note that pancake flour is a very convenient product that every modern housewife should have. It allows you to do without eggs and other ingredients and at the same time cook delicious homemade pancakes. Such a mixture is inexpensive, in addition, it can be bought at any store. Pancake flour will help out if guests unexpectedly drop in on you or you need to bake pancakes for breakfast. It will save you from the tedious preparation of the dough, thus saving your time.
