
Coriander use in cooking. Ground coriander: application features and properties

It is fragrant, moderately burning, piquant, useful, but at the same time very insidious if you do not know how to deal with it. Coriander is a special spice, because it can be used in three forms: herbs, peas and powder. But only a few know that depending on the type of processing of this fragrant plant, the taste of the dish will depend.

Useful properties of coriander

Coriander contains many useful elements. Fatty oils, vitamins, starch, sugar and many other very useful trace elements. In general, the substances isolated from coriander have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help fight stomach ulcers, and are useful for gastritis. Quite often, coriander is used as a choleretic and analgesic effect, as a diuretic.

Coriander in cooking

Coriander can be safely called a very insidious seasoning. If you do not know how to handle it, then you have a lot of chances to spoil the dish. Today, coriander is used in three forms:


Least often you can find fresh coriander greens in markets and shops (it is also called cilantro). The low popularity of the spice is due to its very specific taste, which many do not like. In fact, cilantro is incredibly good in soups, sauces, and is often used in vegetable dishes. But cilantro will make any legume a truly royal dish, especially bean or pea soup! True, do not forget that coriander is a spice with a rather sharp taste and aroma, and therefore, quite a bit of greenery is needed to give the desired taste. To make the taste more intense, the leaves and twigs should be thrown into the dish after you have removed it from the heat.

If you want to make the taste of your dishes even brighter and richer, then use garlic and chili peppers along with cilantro. An excellent combination will turn out if you mix it with mint, dill or basil.

Coriander greens are good dried, so buy a bag of dried cilantro to get started and make sure you like the spice.

Peas or coriander seeds

Before you decide to use coriander seeds, be sure to remember that it is better not to heat them! If you do this, then the taste of any dish can be hopelessly spoiled. Coriander seeds are sprinkled on pastries that have just been removed from the oven. Most often they are used for black bread. Excellent taste gives coriander pickles. Especially meat. Add a dozen peas to the marinade to the meat, and it will acquire a pleasant aroma. Coriander peas are often used for salting fish, lard, and are added in very small quantities to sausages. They will not be superfluous in sauerkraut and pickled mushrooms.

ground coriander

Of all the treatments for coriander, the most unpleasant consequences for dishes are when using ground seeds. The fact is that they contain a very high percentage of essential oils. And it is worth a couple of days to stand ground coriander uncovered, as they evaporate. And what is the result? Cooked food gets a persistent taste of dampness, mustiness, if you will. This is especially pronounced when cooking chops, cabbage rolls, steaks. Therefore, try not to add ground coriander to dishes that will be subjected to heat treatment. And if you really want to, then use freshly ground spice.

In what dishes should you use coriander necessarily?

  • any dishes from legumes: cereals, soups, stews;
  • salad with carrots and coriander;
  • salted herring with coriander;
  • lamb with legumes and cilantro;
  • coffee with coriander will give energy for the whole day;
  • kupaty with coriander, garlic and basil.

Coriander (cilantro) is the most common spice plant in the world. Both greens and round small seeds, which are called mata, are used as food. The plant is mentioned in the Bible - every Jew should eat green fragrant grass for food. Coriander seeds are one of the famous spices, without which most meat or vegetable dishes are indispensable in many countries. An amazing herb and its small fruits go well with many spices, so coriander is included in many mixtures.

There is a version that the name of the herb comes from the word "bug" (koris), Russians also sometimes call it a bedbug. Despite its name, it is the world's most versatile spice, having been used for over three thousand years. In ancient times, it grew in Asia and the southern parts of Europe. Most countries of the East consider cilantro the most sought after herb, indispensable in salads, soups, meat dishes and vegetable stews. It is advisable to add greens to food fresh, since both taste and properties are lost during heat treatment.

Coriander - properties

Doctors warn lovers of all kinds of spices: coriander should not be consumed in too large quantities, as this can cause an effect that is the opposite of healing. For example, cilantro greens or its seeds are known to be effective against stress and nervous disorders, but in large doses it can cause sleep disturbance.

Coriander is useful for improving cardiovascular activity, helps fight suffocation and tantrums, has an antiseptic effect, and of course, like all greens, it contains a large amount of vitamins. Seeds have a beneficial effect on digestion, enhance the work of the sex glands. It is not recommended to eat more than 4 grams of seeds at a time.

Coriander - use in cooking

In cooking, not only seeds and herbs are used, but also roots. The seeds are widely used in baked goods, marinades, and various seasoning mixes. It is better to grind small fruits just before cooking, as it loses flavor very quickly. First, it is better to fry them in a pan so that they become even more fragrant. Plant greens are also used in marinades, salads, and simply to enhance the taste of many dishes. Known recipes for alcoholic beverages and tinctures on the seeds. Although it is considered an Asian spice, it is also loved in North Africa, the Mediterranean countries, Russia and the Caucasus.

Recipe Examples with Coriander

Recipe 1: Pork ham with coriander in red wine

This is very tasty meat. Wine does not give the dish an alcoholic taste at all, it is guaranteed to evaporate and only the aroma of meat remains. We stock up on ham and get a wonderful lunch or dinner of 4-6 servings. In principle, you can take beef, but you will have to cook it for an hour and a half more. Pork in red wine is the national dish of the Greeks, it has a special name - "Aphelia".

Ingredients: shoulder or pork ham (800 grams), dry wine (500 ml), ground coriander (1 tablespoon), cinnamon, ground black pepper (1/2 teaspoon), salt, vegetable oil, onion (1 large pc. ).

Cooking method

Cut the meat into small pieces, put in a bowl. Add coriander, cinnamon, pepper and salt. Mix wine with meat and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. After that, the meat must be removed from the marinade and dried with a towel. Fry the meat in vegetable oil, after getting a golden crust, turn it over so that it is the same on all sides.

Transfer everything to a pot or a special pan, put in the oven. After about 50-60 minutes, the meat will become soft, pour all the remaining marinade into it. Add the onion and salt about halfway through cooking. Serve with fried potatoes or rice and herbs.

Recipe 2: Pickled Cabbage with Coriander

Pickled many vegetables, mushrooms, root crops, berries and fruits, grapes. Marinade is, first of all, spices, an acidifying element and sugar. You do not need great knowledge and skills, the most important thing is desire. Store salad in closed jars in a cool place. You can use nylon lids and refrigerate. Marinate cabbage - a spicy dish, just a great appetizer and salad.

Ingredients: cabbage (red or white, 1 head), coriander (1 tablespoon), salt (1 kg = 1 tablespoon), black peppercorns, red pepper (1 pod), bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, vinegar, salt, sugar (2 tablespoons).

Cooking method

Shred the cabbage, then salt and mix thoroughly. We put the spices in a jar, tightly put the cabbage and tamp. Pour the marinade: vinegar and water in equal proportions, salt, sugar. That's all - after a few hours you can enjoy a wonderful smelling spicy cabbage with coriander. The recipe for very tasty pickled cabbage is suitable for any type of cabbage, red cabbage is even tastier. Bright and beautiful salad is useful for any feast.

Recipe 3: Salmon in coriander with honey

This is a recipe for a real banquet dish with a breathtaking taste. Coriander along with honey is a wonderful filling. By the way, there is real amber-colored coriander honey that has healing properties. But for our dish, any will do.

Ingredients: sesame oil (2 tablespoons), coriander seeds (2 tablespoons), salmon (800 grams), lemon juice and zest (2 pcs), honey, soy sauce (2 tablespoons each).

Cooking method

Mash the coriander seeds in a mortar. Mix with soy sauce and add honey and lemon zest. Cut the fillet into 4 pieces, place them in a bowl and pour the marinade over. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Fry the fillet for 4 minutes on both sides. Serve drizzled with lemon sauce and sprinkled with herbs. The best side dish for salmon with coriander is boiled rice or fresh vegetables. This recipe can be successfully used for salmon.

Coriander seeds have an interesting property. If you sprinkle raw meat in the summer heat, add a little vinegar, it acquires a pleasant spicy taste and is stored much longer. Garlic can also be used to make meat marinade.

Coriander is one of the few spices all parts of which are edible.

Due to the high content of nutrients, both greens, seeds, and coriander roots are used.

Cilantro is so unpretentious that it is grown in the highlands of Southeast Asia, in the Transcaucasus, in Peru and Mexico.

Useful properties of coriander

The plant grows best in dry, bright places.

When the air temperature becomes stable, and frosts on the soil are not expected, the seeds are sown directly into the ground.

Coriander has been used as a spice and medicine for hundreds of years.

All summer the plant is harvested and dried to be used in winter.

In Caucasian, Indian and Mexican cuisine, it is impossible to imagine goulash, fish dishes and sauces without coriander.

Coriander grains add a unique flavor to baked goods, and green cilantro () is used in vegetable salads, cabbage, beans, lentils and peas.

In vegetable purees from pumpkin, carrots and beets, the taste and aroma change for the better.

Coriander in combination with cumin seeds is used for pickling mushrooms and sauerkraut.

Application for wellness purposes

Coriander is able to help in many cases and alleviate the condition of a person with a variety of diseases.

With edema

Cholesterol level

Stearic, oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the inner walls of arteries and are effective in preventing atherosclerosis.

Diseases of the digestive system

In the pharmaceutical industry, coriander extracts are used to prepare herbal preparations that improve digestion and are effective for gastritis and ulcers of the digestive system, drugs with antiseptic, choleretic and analgesic properties.

Iron deficiency, anemia

Coriander is necessary in the diet, as it contains a large amount of iron in the composition.

Gynecological diseases.

Coriander makes the endocrine glands function properly. At the same time, the symptoms of PMS are smoothed out and the menstrual cycle is normalized.

eye diseases

Vitamins A and C, antioxidants, phosphorus fight the aging of eye tissues in coriander. These substances protect the eyes from stress.

Skin diseases

Against eczema and mycosis, the antifungal, disinfectant and antioxidant properties of coriander help.


Eating cilantro stimulates the production of insulin by pancreatic cells.

Impact on the nervous system

  • The manifestations of anxiety and depression are reduced with the additional intake of coriander, which has a sedative effect, to the main medical preparations;
  • optimism, creativity and imagination are stimulated by coriander essential oil.

When using seasoning in the daily diet, there is increased optimism and an increase in vitality in humans.

Respiratory diseases

From coriander, cumin, mint and garlic, a decoction is prepared to thin sputum and cleanse the larynx from mucus.


When taking coriander, the body is cleansed of poisons and toxins, so it is used in programs to cleanse the body.

Folk recipes

Coriander as a mild spice is more suitable for the prevention and maintenance of internal organs than for their treatment.

Decoctions, juice, oil

  • Decoctions of cilantro are effective for bronchitis and pneumonia as an expectorant.
  • Fresh cilantro juice for allergic manifestations is taken orally three times a day for a teaspoon.
    Itchy and inflamed skin is lubricated.
  • Coriander oil is effective for rheumatic pains.
  • With depression, half a glass of fruit is infused for a week in a liter of red wine and drunk before meals, 100 milliliters each.
  • To improve the digestive system, coriander, cumin and fennel are used together because they have similar properties.
  • The grains are chewed for bad breath.
  • In order to improve appetite, drink cilantro tea before or after meals. At the same time, this tea helps to get rid of edema.
  • Coriander and cardamom tincture is taken for flatulence, nausea, disorders and indigestion.

It is known that the addition of coriander to strong alcoholic drinks reduces the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

Coriander, added to food and drinks, cools the body during times of heat and illness.

Contraindications and side effects

Coriander is absolutely safe to use as a seasoning. But for medicinal purposes, large doses of cilantro essential oils can cause:

  • allergic reactions, irritation and dermatitis in contact with the skin,
  • photosensitivity - increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light,
  • changes in blood glucose levels, which is important for diabetics.

The effect of coriander on the body of pregnant and breastfeeding women is unknown, so it is best not to use it in food during these periods.

So, knowing about the benefits and possible harms of coriander and cilantro, you need to use this spice correctly, avoiding an overdose. But excellent results in recovery and fragrant dishes are guaranteed to you!

Coriander seed or Coriander vegetable is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Coriander of the Umbelliferae family. Coriander is used as a spice in cooking and to give a pleasant aroma in perfumes, cosmetics, and soap making. Wikipedia

What is coriander and what does it look like?

The plant owes its name, κορίαννον - translated from Greek as “fly or bug”, to a strong peculiar smell that attracts insects for pollination!

Indeed, young shoots have a rather unpleasant smell, which weakens after the completion of plant growth, as well as during the drying process.

Vegetable coriander is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family. It is easy to distinguish by its bare erect stem, reaching 70 cm in height.

Coriander leaves, reminiscent of parsley greens, are often called cilantro or cilantro, with the stress falling on any convenient syllable. Do not doubt: all this is the same spice, which in Georgia is called kindzi, in Palestine - kyuzbara, and in Greece - korianon.

The leaves are dissected, broadly lobed, the flowers are small, pink or white. After flowering is completed, seeds are formed on the plant.

What does the fetus look like? - this is a ribbed pole, which is coriander.

Coriander is a fragrant seasoning that is included in the recipes of such favorite dishes and sauces of oriental cuisine as pilaf, tkemali, satsebeli, adjika, carrots and other Korean-style vegetables, curry. Ground coriander is used for pickling meat and fish, which can then be baked, grilled, stewed or fried. It is good in soups, some people like to add fragrant seeds to oriental coffee and recipes for other hot drinks.

But not everyone knows that coriander is the same cilantro. More precisely, its seeds. In cooking, you can find both names, often they do not make a difference between them. This is not entirely correct. The name cilantro can be used if the shoots of the plant, its leaves, are meant. Coriander is a dry spice made from seeds. Their application is different.

Cilantro can be replaced with coriander, but it is better not to break recipes if you want to get an original dish of Caucasian, Korean or African cuisine. After heat treatment, the taste of fresh cilantro almost completely disappears, the aroma changes. But the taste and smell of seeds, on the contrary, is revealed when frying or stewing.

Cilantro is grown by many in the garden or in pots in the kitchen. Its leaves give a special flavor to any dish, wherever it is added - in kharcho, satsivi or in an ordinary summer vegetable salad. You can replace fresh cilantro with curly parsley or basil. The aroma will turn out to be somewhat different, but also very interesting, spicy and rich.

As for the seeds, they can sometimes be replaced with cardamom or cumin - some recipes allow for such experiments.

Interesting information: coriander seeds are used to improve the taste of boiled-smoked and dry smoked sausages. It is also added to the wort for kvass and beer. Coriander seeds are used to prepare delicious and fragrant vodka or alcohol tinctures that improve appetite and digestion.

Fresh cilantro is a garden plant, it has found application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine, like many aromatic herbs. Recipes include the use of both fresh and dried herbs or ground seeds. Cilantro is rich in essential oils and vitamins.

It has the following properties:

  • stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • saves from attacks of suffocation;
  • relieves stress and depression;
  • enhances the work of the sex glands;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves digestion.

But at the same time, cilantro and coriander should not be abused. In large quantities, this spice can cause headaches and insomnia. The use of coriander for medicinal purposes - no more than 4 gr. daily. In acute heart failure, this seasoning is best excluded from the diet or replaced with other spices.

Tip: tastier and more aromatic seasoning, which was prepared with one's own hands from small round seeds of a plant.

To grind them, you can use a mortar or coffee grinder. Store the resulting powder in a tightly closed jar in a cool place, but not for very long. It is better to prepare fresh seasoning as needed, and use in cooking immediately.

What to cook with coriander

On the Internet or cookbooks, you can easily find recipes for traditional oriental dishes using coriander. Yes, and every housewife has her own proven recipes for pilaf, kharcho, adjika, so there is no point in repeating them. Below are more rare and, which you should definitely try - for example, honey marinade with coriander.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Coriander seeds - two tablespoons;
  • Natural honey, ideally also coriander - two tablespoons;
  • Soy sauce - two tablespoons;
  • Sesame oil - two tablespoons;
  • Lemon for zest and juice - one large.

Sesame oil can be replaced with nut oil or any non-deodorized vegetable oil. Some recipes recommend adding garlic to the marinade, but this is optional. A more delicate taste will turn out if the lemon is replaced with lime.

To prepare the marinade, you first need to grind coriander seeds in a mortar. Then add lemon zest and soy sauce, stir. At the end, pour in honey and oil. And now - the most interesting. In a honey marinade with coriander, fish will be cooked - salmon or salmon. Steaks or fillets should be washed, dried, sprinkled with lemon juice.

Then immerse in the marinade and send to the refrigerator to soak for one hour. Grill the pickled fillet or bake it in the oven. Serve with rice and vegetables, boiled or fresh. Fish can be replaced with chicken fillet, legs, pork tenderloin or shoulder, duck breast, shrimp and cook them in the same way.

It is believed that there are no such recipes in cooking, the ingredients of which could not be replaced by others if they are absent. This is only partly true, especially when it comes to coriander. Not without reason, even in the Bible it was said that everyone should use this particular herb and spice to maintain health and activity. It is useful, and most importantly - very tasty.

In contact with

Any hostess knows that even the most ordinary dish can be diversified and made festive by adding the right spices. Coriander is one of the most indispensable spices that should be in any kitchen. By itself, this spice is quite high-calorie: per 100 gr. product accounts for almost 300 kcal. Therefore, if you are on a strict diet, it is better to refrain from using it.

Most often in supermarkets and specialized stores you can find it in the form of small mustard-colored grains, but there are already ground options.

Cilantro and coriander: are they the same thing?

You can often meet people who believe that coriander and cilantro are different spices. On the one hand, it is, but on the other, it is not. These spices are two different parts of the same Coriandrum sativum plant that look and smell different. Coriander is exactly the seeds, and cilantro is the top leaves.

Cilantro is used most often fresh as a strong seasoning. Compared to greens, Coriandrum sativum seeds have a more seasoned, moderate aroma and taste.

Coriander as a seasoning: application

The use of coriander in cooking is quite extensive and varied. Seeds are also used to make a wide variety of drinks, and for sauces, and for marinades, and for cooking hot dishes. Consider the most common recipes.

  • Marinade for barbecue. A handful of coriander seeds can give any meat an amazing aroma and taste in just a few hours. To do this, you just need to crush the seeds in a mortar with other spices to taste. Adding olive oil spices will reveal their full flavor. Especially suitable for lamb and beef. Coriander completely overpowers the specific aroma of lamb, making it a real delicacy.
  • Borodino bread. Bakery famous all over the world. Only 2-3 pieces are added per kilogram of ready-made bread dough. coriander. Also, coriander seeds are necessarily used when sprinkling. The result is an amazingly fragrant and healthy bread.
  • Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Any hostess knows that by adding a few coriander seeds during boiling, you can not only make your pickles flawless, but also reduce the likelihood of bacteria.
  • Adjika. Abkhaz adjika is prepared exclusively using ground coriander.
  • Tkemali. The spicy sauce, ideal for any meat, is also prepared on the basis of coriander seeds.

ground coriander

Ground coriander is also quite common. Its use is much simpler, since there is no need to grind or grind the seeds yourself, however, the taste is much weaker.

  • Tea. By adding a pinch of this spice, lovers of spicy drinks can enjoy a new taste of their favorite tea. In addition, the seasoning has a great effect on the body, lowers cholesterol and fights colds.
  • Soups. Coriander, due to its beautiful shade, can be a wonderful decoration for light-colored mashed soups, for example, cream soup or mushroom (as shown in the photo).
  • Home mustard. While making homemade mustard, add a couple of pinches of ground coriander for a more refined taste. Your guests will appreciate it.

Coriander is not just a tasty alternative to boring seasonings, but also a useful helper in your home. Proper use of seeds will greatly improve well-being and abandon dangerous commercial sauces.

Delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious and healthy dishes!

Small hard ribbed balls of brown color with a tart aroma - the well-known coriander. The beneficial properties of the plant are used in many areas of life - in cooking, in cosmetology, in traditional medicine. The plant is sometimes called cilantro. Clarification: - these are green leaves, and the fruits are just called coriander. We will tell you in detail about the properties and use of the plant.

About spice

Cilantro is an annual herbaceous plant. Its leaves resemble parsley in shape, but have a more spicy aroma and bitter taste. The plant is called coriander not by chance: green fruits have an unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the smell of a bug. This insect is called in Greek - coriander.

Dried fruits smell completely different. The seeds owe their woody aroma to their essential oil content. It is this substance that makes them spicy. No wonder coriander is added even to sweet pastries.

The homeland of the plant is the east of the Mediterranean. Its distribution began in the era of great geographical discoveries - from the 15th century. Now cilantro is grown everywhere. In Russia, the growing area is the central and southeastern regions. Other plant names:

  • Chinese parsley;
  • calandra - in Belarus;
  • sowing kishnets - in Russia;
  • dhaniya - in India,
  • sancho - in Korea.

What parts of the plant are used:

  1. Greenery. Used fresh. The youngest leaves are harvested as soon as the cilantro sprouts.
  2. Dried cilantro leaves are harvested for adding to food and making medicines.
  3. Coriander fruits are eaten only in dried form. First they are dried, then cleaned and crushed as needed.
  4. Coriander essential oil is extracted by steam distillation.


Widespread use is due to the rich composition of the spice. It is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for a person. Vitamins in coriander:

  • B1, B2, B3, B4 and B9.

Trace elements:

  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • copper.


  • phosphorus,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • potassium.

Fatty acid:

  • stearic,
  • oleic,
  • linoleic,
  • palmitic.

Coriander contains tannins, dietary fiber, and starch. Flavonoids, phytoncides, antioxidants, choline, dodecenal are present in the spice - a natural antibiotic. The spice also contains alkaloids, fructose and glucose. Calorie content per 100 g of product: in leaves - 23 calories, in ground seeds - 298 kcal.


In cooking, the spice is used because of its spicy aroma and sweetish taste. Coriander has the ability to improve appetite. The spectrum of action of the plant is wide, which allows it to be equally successfully used both in cooking and in cosmetology and medicine. The main properties of cilantro:

  • antiseptic,
  • choleretic,
  • painkiller,
  • expectorant,
  • warming
  • soothing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • hemostatic,
  • laxative,
  • cleansing,
  • anti-cancer,
  • whitening,
  • rejuvenating.


What are the Benefits of Eating Coriander Seeds?

  • Improves blood composition due to iron content. To increase hemoglobin, eat a bunch of fresh green cilantro daily.
  • Iron in the composition of the plant helps to avoid anemia. Moreover, coriander acts not only as a prophylactic, but also as a medicinal agent in the early stages of this disease.
  • The spice normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Selenium removes slags and toxins from the cells of the body, as well as heavy metals.
  • Useful spice for joints: linoleic acid in its composition helps fight arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Improves digestion. Essential oils help secrete gastric juices and enzymes.
  • Green cilantro neutralizes bloating and gas formation in the intestines.
  • Stimulates the work of the pancreas.
  • The antibacterial properties of cilantro are the key to success in the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with infection by harmful microorganisms, such as salmonellosis.

The magazine "Polzateevo" clarifies: do not cancel the drugs prescribed to you, just include coriander in your diet with the permission of your doctor.

  • The benefit for women is the normalization of the menstrual cycle. The spice softens the premenstrual symptom and relieves pain during menstruation. Effective in menopause.
  • For men, coriander is very valuable because it is a natural male aphrodisiac. Its properties to enhance sexual desire are used in perfumery.
  • Coriander strengthens the gums and, in general, has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity. The disease of the 21st century is caries. It occurs in almost all people with a European-style diet. Coriander spice helps prevent tooth decay or slow down the development of caries. Useful seasoning for stomatitis.
  • There is a beneficial effect on the condition of the eye muscles and nerves. Vitamins A and E prevent various eye diseases, slow down their aging. In folk medicine, the properties of coriander are used to treat conjunctivitis.
  • Is an antidepressant.
  • Skin benefits of coriander: its antiseptic properties help fight acne, acne, eczema. The plant can cure fungal skin diseases in the early stages.
  • Combats flaking and dry skin.
  • The seeds have a healing effect. For cuts and scrapes, coriander powder will help prevent infections from entering the wound.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and bladder can be cured with coriander as part of complex therapy.
  • If in the morning you suffer from puffiness, coriander will help again, or rather, a decoction of cilantro greens. Bags under the eyes and general skin fatigue can also be eliminated with the help of a plant.
  • The spice whitens age spots.
  • The use of coriander on the scalp strengthens the hair follicles, and therefore stops hair loss. Eliminates fat. Eliminates dandruff. The spice is suitable for all types of hair, so you can provide complete care for both oily and fine dry hair.


Coriander in cooking is a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, potatoes, cereals. Used in canning. Combines with different products, it is appropriate in dishes such as soups and salads. Add spice to baked goods, for example, black bread, along with cumin seeds. They flavor alcoholic products - liqueurs.

Linalool and geraniol are extracted from the seeds of the plant. They are used in the pharmaceutical industry to create drugs that help with stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenal ulcers. In folk medicine, both a decoction of fresh herbs and dried crushed fruits are used for treatment. Interestingly, the ancient shamans used the plant in magical rituals.


Such a useful spice can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The product may cause individual intolerance. The spice has a dosage, the excess of which negatively affects the body.

Use no more than 4 g (1 teaspoon) of plant seeds per day, greens - 35 g.

Side effect of cilantro:

  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • memory impairment.

Children should be given spice with extreme caution, as it can cause stuttering. Coriander is not welcome during pregnancy. It can be eaten with caution in small quantities and only as a condiment. In case of diabetes, the inclusion of coriander in the diet is agreed with the doctor, since glucose is present in its composition.

Contraindications for use:

  • stomach ulcer,
  • cholecystitis,
  • gastritis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • heart attack,
  • high blood pressure.

Healing recipes

With a cold

You will need:

  • cilantro seeds - 4 tablespoons;
  • ginger root - 4 small pieces;
  • 4 glasses of water.

Coriander is lightly fried, mixed with ginger and boiled in water. When the plants are reduced by half, filter the broth and drink in small portions until the condition improves.

With flatulence


  • coriander - 2 parts,
  • anise - 1 part,
  • - 1 part.

For 2 tsp spice mixture - 100 ml of boiling water. Pour in seasonings. Insist 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

In depressive states

  • 100 g seeds
  • 1 liter of red wine.

Leave the mixture for a week. Strain before use. Drink 0.5 cup 2 times a day.

With inflammation of the gallbladder

You will need:

  • coriander seeds - 1 g,
  • watch leaves - 3 g,
  • cumin flowers - 4 g.

Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Strain, take warm 20 minutes before meals for half a cup.

Tea against puffiness


  • fresh cilantro leaves,
  • water.

Raw materials and water are taken in a ratio of 1:4. Pour boiling water over the leaves, wait 5 minutes and drink.

For beauty

Lotion for problem skin

The tool tones and fights inflammation. For 1 tbsp. cilantro leaves - 1 cup boiling water. Boil 20 minutes. Wipe the skin twice - in the morning and in the evening.

Home peeling

  • cilantro seeds,
  • aloe,
  • cumin,
  • comfrey,
  • elderberry flowers,
  • licorice,
  • lemon peel,
  • sandalwood,
  • vetiver,
  • mineral water,
  • lemon juice - for oily skin,
  • milk - for dry skin,
  • cosmetic clay.

Mix seeds and herbs in equal proportions. Add cosmetic clay. For the peeling procedure, dilute the mixture with mineral water in a ratio of 3:1. For oily skin add a little lemon juice, for dry skin add a little milk. For normal skin, the basic ingredients are enough. When the herbs swell, massage the mixture into the skin for several minutes and rinse with warm water.

In cooking

Mediterranean dish - pickled olives


  • green - 200 g,
  • coriander seeds - 10 pcs.,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp,
  • cold-pressed olive oil - 1 tbsp,
  • ground black pepper, garlic - to taste.


  1. Grind coriander seeds.
  2. Mix spices with olives.
  3. Mix oil with lemon juice and black pepper. It tastes better if it's freshly ground.
  4. We mix all products.
  5. Add a grated garlic clove and leave to marinate for 2 days.

Bon appetit, do not get sick, and let coriander bring you and your loved ones only benefit!

Known to many, often used seasoning coriander is considered a universal spice. Since ancient times, it has been used not only by culinary specialists, but also by physicians. This plant is also called cilantro, and all parts of it are used. You just need to understand in which case which one is needed.

What is coriander

Coriander seasoning is an annual planting crop, which is a long grassy shoots of the umbrella family. When growing, it is used completely, including the root, seeds and green shoots. The aerial part, which begins to grow in early spring, is more familiar under the name of cilantro. Greens have a specific spicy smell, they add it when preparing salads, serve with meat. Coriander seeds are rounded up to 3-4 mm in diameter, color from light brown to greenish (as in the photo).

Coriander - useful properties

Why is coriander useful, what has gained and maintains such popularity? Regardless of which part of the plant will be eaten, a person will receive a balanced combination of trace elements, vitamins, organic acids, without having calories. Calcium, potassium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, vitamins PP, C, A, B1, B2 are well perceived and absorbed by the body.

Cooking with this spice and its other use should be careful, as there are contraindications. Here are the main useful properties, thanks to which you can understand: coriander - what it is and why the seasoning is popular:

  1. essential oils contained in large quantities in the seeds have healing, bactericidal properties;
  2. the entire digestive system is stimulated;
  3. the green part helps burn subcutaneous fat;
  4. due to diuretic properties, swelling is quickly removed;
  5. is a good detoxifier;
  6. metabolism speeds up, blood sugar normalizes.

Coriander in cooking

The use of the plant in cooking is considered waste-free. Dividing it into main parts, you can use any of them for their intended purpose:

  • Young green leaves and stems are used in cooking when cooking meat, soups, salads. The spice is especially popular among men of the Caucasus and in Asian countries: cilantro is added to barbecue, khinkali, kebab (as in the photo).
  • Among other spices, coriander seeds are used in cooking by cuisines around the world. The ground composition is used in the production of cheeses, sausages, bread, confectionery, sauces. Aromatic grains give a special smell to alcoholic liqueurs and tinctures.
  • The seeds, ground to a powder, are the basis for curry seasoning. Especially tasty are savory dishes from Beijing, red cabbage, if you add a little fragrant spice. Pickled vegetables will have an exquisite taste if seeds are added there.
  • The dried root has an odor similar to the leaves, but less harsh. Ground rhizomes as a seasoning are widely and tasty used in Thai cuisine.

Coriander seasoning - application

In addition to cooking, the cilantro plant is widely used in other cases. Coriander seasoning - the use of which is reflected in industrial medicine, is a valuable component in the production of medicines to improve the taste of tablets. By stimulating the work of the intestines and stomach, essential oils envelop the mucous surface, creating antiseptic protection against bacteria. How to prepare decoctions so as not to harm? It is not recommended to use in large quantities, because it can cause intoxication or strain on the kidneys.

In this regard, one of the contraindications is its use during pregnancy. Women who have problems with the menstrual cycle are advised by gynecologists to drink a decoction of cilantro seed. With bleeding gums, weak vascular tone, inflammatory processes on the skin, traditional medicine recipes based on spices will help. Because the grains have a spicy aroma, the plant is used in perfumery to create perfumes or before making toilet soap.

How to replace coriander If you have contraindications for health reasons, it will be useful to know how you can replace coriander, how to cook a delicious dish in order to accurately reproduce all the shades of flavor. You can use cumin, which has a similar aroma. However, if you do not know what coriander looks like, you should not confuse it with parsley (as in the photo), which is used in cooking as an addition, and not a substitute for cilantro.

Video: coriander - what kind of plant is it

Coriander, or cilantro, is a very common spice. In cooking, both its seeds and roots, as well as herbs, are used. Today it is one of the most popular and most commonly consumed condiments. According to recent studies, coriander is an excellent remedy for food poisoning. Its oil acts as a natural antibiotic, which is probably why many Eastern peoples have long added it to meat, and in ancient Rome, coriander oil was rubbed with meat for storage. In gastronomy, coriander, first of all, plays the role of a flavoring agent - it is added to liquor, beer, kvass, some tinctures and vodka, pastries (Borodinsky and gingerbread, pies, marzipans), all kinds of sausages, salads and even cheeses. For this purpose, ground coriander is used.

Coriander is also used in medicine, primarily to improve digestion and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many nutritionists advise eating coriander in food to prevent these diseases.

Coriander Seasoning: How to Use Seeds, Leaves and Roots

Seasoning coriander is a herb of the celery family with a sharp spicy aroma, reminiscent of anise. Coriander seeds and its greens (kinase) are two completely different seasonings in taste, aroma and properties. The smell of the seeds is reminiscent of anise with a deep nutty flavor.

For use in your own kitchen, it is better to buy coriander not in ground form, but in seeds. Before grinding them for use, it is worth frying them lightly in a pan: this way they will give a stronger aroma.

Dried and powdered coriander roots with a more subdued flavor are used to a greater extent for sauces, most often in oriental cuisine (for example, Thai). This seasoning goes well with nuts and garlic.

Young coriander leaves (cilantro) are a very popular oriental spice. Her autumn is often added to salads, stews, soups and other main dishes. The main rule of application is to never heat it, cilantro should be added to all dishes only fresh.

Coriander seasoning: use in cooking

First of all, housewives actively use coriander at home and cucumbers. Together with mint and celery, it is added to the tomato canning brine. It is also used in pickling mushrooms and fish. Very often it is added when pickling cabbage or pickling olives.

It is also worth adding to legumes, rice, cabbage, pumpkins and carrots - it improves the smell and eliminates unpleasant aromas when boiled or stewed.

Coriander seeds perfectly flavor meat dishes, especially roasted game, pork and fish. In oriental cuisine, it is used to flavor kebabs and kebabs of all types of meat.

Of other aromatics, coriander pairs best with black pepper, mint, and basil, and with the more exotic oregano and sesame seeds. In the cuisine of Latin America, coriander and especially cilantro generally occupies an important place. Its second unofficial name is Mexican parsley. It is used primarily in mole sauces, along with thyme, oregano, and is also an indispensable element of salsa, which is made from sweet peppers, papaya and red onions. All this mixture is mixed with cilantro, add Tobasco, salt and lime juice.

Coriander is also an unsportsmanlike favorite of the cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus. Without it, neither satsivi, nor lobio, nor other famous dishes are prepared. Dishes with the addition of coriander go well with natural aromatic red wine.

Coriander is a very useful and versatile spice that you should definitely have in your kitchen.
