
Compote of ripe pears for the winter. Pear and lemon compote recipe video without sterilization

The process of preparing for the cold season begins with the appearance of the first fresh vegetables and fruits on the market and in the store. It lasts until late autumn. Now housewives roll almost everything into jars: fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. One of the cheap, but at the same time delicious, recipes is pear compote for the winter. We offer several simple and original recipes for this drink.

It's the end of August, and this is the time to go to the market for ripe fruits. Prices at this time of the year have already fallen a little, and the range of varieties is the largest of the year.

To prepare compote, you can use fruits of any variety, with the exception of winter pears, which are still harvested "green" for long-term storage. Fruits can be any size (if too large - just cut them into slices).

Often housewives prepare this drink by combining them with other fruits or aromatic spices. This gives the drink a twist.

Preparing pears for the start of the process

The very beginning of the preparation of compote is the cleaning and cutting of fruit. If garden pears (especially hard, green varieties) have a thick skin, it is better to cut it carefully. Otherwise, the compote is cooked from the fruit in the peel. After peeling, cut out the core with seeds and stalks.

Attention! Pears tend to darken quickly, therefore, when preparing a large number of these fruits, keep the peeled parts in a weak solution of citric acid (parameters: 1 liter of water per 1 gram of citric acid).

You can cook both with a large amount of fruit in a jar, and with a small one (for lovers of the drink). The amount of added sugar will depend on the number of fruits in the compote.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

Each housewife has her own recipe for making a drink. Consider some of the most interesting types of pear compote that are prepared at home.

Easy way for winter

The simplest option is considered to be a recipe in which only two ingredients are needed for a 3-liter jar of water:

  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. Pears (1 kilogram).

We prepare pears for seaming, as indicated above, and put them in jars. Then fill them with boiling water and leave for half an hour. The infused water is used to make sugar syrup. To do this, sugar is added to the water and boiled until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. After the water boils, leave the syrup to simmer for another five minutes.

We pour fruit with this syrup and close it with a metal lid. The resulting compote is covered with a blanket and settled for a day.

Without sterilization

Sterilizing jars is a troublesome business, so we offer a recipe for a drink that can be rolled into jars without prior sterilization.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Pears (1 kilogram).
  2. Sugar (0.1 kilogram).
  3. Water (2 liters).
  4. Citric acid (4 grams).

When choosing pears, make sure they are whole.

Peeled and chopped fruits are boiled in a saucepan until boiling and laid out in a jar. Citric acid and sugar are added to the broth. Stir to dissolve in water and bring to a boil. It remains to pour fruit with syrup, and then roll up and cover with a warm blanket.

From whole pears

From solid whole fruits, an excellent compote is obtained. Ingredients:

  • four kilograms of pears;
  • one lemon;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a glass of sugar per 1 liter of syrup.

Before putting the fruits in the pan, rinse them thoroughly under the tap. Then boil a pot of water and pour it over the fruit. Cook them for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on size).

Wash jars and lids before seaming and rinse in boiling water.

Carefully put the fruit in a jar and add a slice of lemon to each. Then we prepare the syrup using the water in which the fruits were boiled (add a spoonful of sugar for each liter of water). When the syrup boils, pour it into a jar of pears.

It remains to sterilize for 15 minutes and close the lids.

With citric acid

The main difference, how to make compote with the addition of citric acid, is that the fruits are poured with boiling water three times.

  1. After placing the fruit in a jar. Leave them for 10 minutes, drain the water, boil.
  2. Pour again for 10 minutes, then return the water to the pan, put one and a half tablespoons of sugar and a sprig of mint and boil again.
  3. The last time we fill the jar with syrup and put a teaspoon of citric acid.

It remains to cover the compote with a blanket and let it brew for a day.

From wild pear

From the fruits of the wild pear, an appetizing drink is also obtained. Its recipe is simple:

  1. We fill the jar (previously sterilized) with small fruits so that they occupy approximately two-thirds of its volume (about 1.5 kilograms).
  2. Bring water to a boil in a separate saucepan and pour it into the fruit jar. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the fruits and add 4 grams. Citric acid, as well as 0.3 kilograms of sugar (refined). Boil for 2-3 minutes, and you can roll up.

After the jars have cooled, it is advisable to wrap them with warm cloth.

From pears Severyanka

Severyanka is a specific variety. The fruits are sweet and juicy, but highly prone to rotting. Therefore, compote is rarely made from such fruits. But advice still exists.

The main thing is to thoroughly rinse, cut the fruit and remove the core. Before you close the compote from Severyanka, drain the syrup three times and boil it.

With mint

For housewives who want to make pear compote with mint, the recipe is simple. All actions involve cooking with the addition of citric acid, plus, with the third pour, add mint.


The same advice and, if desired, cook compote with cinnamon. The only difference is that, instead of mint, cinnamon is added. Some even combine the two.

With plums

Often other fruits are added to pear compote. We offer to study the recipe with plums. You will need:

  1. Two large pears (preferably Duchesse).
  2. One and a half liters of water.
  3. 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Pears and plums are washed, cut and add sugar. Fill with water, boil and then let stand for 20 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon is a fruit with which you can make any of the above drinks. In the best way it will be combined with compote with mint. You can also add thyme.

with apples

To prepare such a drink, cut apples into slices, add sugar and citric acid. Then add water and boil for about 10 minutes.

In the same way we prepare pear compote.

It remains to mix everything and pour into jars.

With strawberry

This option is made according to the same principle, but with the addition of strawberries. Different fruits go well together, so you can add strawberries to the apple-pear mixture as well.

From Siberian pear

This variety is distinguished by its small size and sour taste. Therefore, they are added whole to the compote and the taste is diluted with apples or other fruits.

  • Pears (1.5-2 kilograms).
  • Rosehip (one berry for each).
  • Water.
  • Sugar (tablespoon).
  • Citric acid 2 grams.

We clean the pears and put them in water with citric acid. We remove the core of the fruit and put the rosehip there. We sterilize the jars, fold the fruit and fill it with syrup.

We roll up the compote.

How to store compote

The best storage conditions for the drink is keeping it in the refrigerator. The optimum temperature is 2-14 degrees. Canned compote will be perfectly preserved on the balcony.

The main rule is to avoid direct sunlight, and the temperature should not be higher than +20.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a great time to do winter preparations. It is during this period that the crop of fragrant pears ripens. This fruit is very tasty and healthy, but due to the low content of organic acids, it will not work to keep it fresh for a long time. Therefore, it is better to preserve it. The easiest way is to make pear compote for the winter.

How to cook pear compote for the winter

Pear compote is an excellent dessert drink, the fruits in it also turn out to be very tasty. For homemade compote, any variety of pears is suitable, except for decorative species.

The best varieties for a drink are:

  • lemon,
  • Moldovan,
  • october,
  • william.

The size of the fruit and the degree of their sweetness do not play a special role. Pears for a drink should be chosen without cracks, rotten areas and other defects. If a slight dent remains on the pear when pressed with a finger, then it is ready for canning. Damaged or spoiled fruits will adversely affect the taste and shelf life of the compote.

If pears are picked before they are fully ripe, they will ripen perfectly at home and become even tastier and sweeter.

When preparing homemade pear compote, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • when adding hard pears to the compote, they must first be blanched.
  • a cut pear darkens very quickly, so it should immediately be sprinkled with lemon juice or pour acidified water for a few minutes.
  • the pear itself is quite sweet, so you should not put too much sugar in the compote.
  • to make the taste of the drink more saturated, the jar is half filled with pears.

    The vast majority of nutrients are in the peel, so it is best to choose those recipes that do not require peeling the fruit.

  • overripe fruits are not suitable for homemade compote. They are best left for making marmalade, jam or preserves.

When canning for the winter, fruits are placed only in pre-sterilized jars. Lay them loose. Roll up the containers with boiled metal lids. After that, the jars are turned over and tightly wrapped with a warm cloth.

Before moving the cans with the finished drink to a permanent storage place, it is advisable to leave them in the room for a couple of days. This time is enough to make sure how well the lids were clogged. After a couple of days, the pears and other ingredients will begin to lighten, and the drink itself will take on colorful hues.

Compote is stored in a dark room with a relative humidity of not more than 80%.

What can be combined with pears in compote

By themselves, pears in compote are quite fresh, they do not have a coloring pigment, so the compote is colorless. Very often, when preparing homemade compote, various fruits and berries with pronounced taste qualities are added to pears: raspberries, black currants, plums, blueberries, chokeberries, viburnum. Good flavor combinations also give any dried fruit.

To acquire compote a brighter and richer taste and aroma, you can add a little cinnamon, star anise, sage, cloves, nutmeg, basil or marjoram to it.

A few leaves of mint or lemon balm will add piquancy and a calming effect to the drink.

The benefits, harms and calorie content of pear compote

Even with heat treatment, pears retain most of the nutrients. The fruits are rich in vitamins A, B1, C, PP, as well as organic acids and other trace elements. Due to the high content of folic acid, pear compote is very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pear compote tones up and improves immunity, which is very important in case of bad ecology. The use of the drink has a very positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and inflammation of the bladder. A freshly prepared drink will help to cope with fever, cough.

Homemade pear compote contains 70 kcal per 100 grams of product, it is widely used in children's, medical and dietary nutrition.

A simple cooking recipe

*The number of ingredients in the recipes is given in a three-liter jar.

To prepare the simplest pear compote for the winter, you will need:

  • pear - 1200 grams
  • granulated sugar - 450 grams
  • pinch of citric acid
  • filtered water - 1.5-2 liters

We wash the fruits well, let the water drain. Cut each pear into slices, after removing the middle with bones. Prepared fruit must be blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water. Then we take out the pears, and from the resulting broth we boil the syrup, adding sugar and citric acid to it.

We lay out the prepared fruits in jars and pour the resulting syrup. We sterilize jars with compote in boiling water for 25-30 minutes. Next, we take out the jars, cool a little and roll up the lids. Such compote is stored at room temperature in a dry, dark room.

Pears can not be blanched, but simply cut into thinner slices and immediately laid out in jars.

Pear Compote Variations

with an apple

  • pear - 510 grams
  • apple - 510 grams
  • sugar - 210 grams
  • purified drinking water - 2.5 liters

It is better to cut fruits into large pieces and do not remove the skin from them. Thanks to this, they will not boil soft, and the compote will turn out to be more transparent.

If there is a need to get the most transparent compote of pears and apples for the winter, then the fruit must be boiled whole. For this purpose, small fruits are ideal.

With plum

Recipe Ingredients:

  • pear - 510 grams
  • plum - 410 grams
  • sugar - 350 grams
  • purified water - 2-2.5 liters

Cut the plums into halves, remove the core from the pears and cut into slices.

If it is not possible to sterilize the finished product, then a pinch of citric acid must be added to each jar before clogging.

With chokeberry

  • pear - 700 grams
  • chokeberry - 500 grams
  • granulated sugar - 310 grams
  • water - 2 liters

For a drink, small fruits are quite suitable. They can be rolled up entirely.

Before cooking, chokeberry berries should be poured with boiling water for 3 minutes.

Rowan can be added as separate berries, or together with twigs and leaves.

with olives

You will need the following ingredients:

  • pear - 1000 grams
  • olives / black olives - 10 pieces in each jar
  • water - 2.3 liters

This recipe does not use sugar, so it is better to choose sweet varieties of pears.

Olives/black olives are added to jars just before corking. It is better to choose fruits without seeds.

with vanilla

Required ingredients for the recipe:

  • pear - 1200 grams
  • sugar - 150 grams
  • vanilla - ½ teaspoon
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon
  • drinking water - 2.3 liters

A drink prepared according to this recipe is stored for one year.

With honey

For the recipe you will need:

  • medium-sized pear - 900 grams
  • honey - 510 grams
  • purified water - 2 liters

Before filling, the halves of the pears must be soaked for several minutes in acidified water.

Dissolve honey in warm water, otherwise it will lose all useful properties.

With rum

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 6 large pears
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar
  • 50 milliliters of rum
  • 2.6 liters of purified water

Cognac can be used instead of rum.

with orange

Cooking Ingredients:

  • large pear - 6 pieces
  • orange - 2 pieces
  • honey - 2 tablespoons
  • vanillin - to taste
  • cinnamon - to taste
  • cloves - 3 buds
  • sprig of mint
  • purified water - 2 liters

To rid the orange peel of bitterness, you need to dip the fruits in boiling water, and then in cold water.

It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the orange, and cut the peel into thin strips.

Orange zest must be boiled for three minutes.

Cinnamon is best used in sticks, as crushed spice will make the drink cloudy. For a three-liter jar, it is enough to use one stick.

Without sterilization

It is necessary to prepare:

  • 1000 grams of pears
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • lemon acid
  • 2-2.5 liters of purified water

Pears before pouring must be boiled over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Pour the fruit with the resulting syrup.

For pear compote for the winter without sterilization, it is better to choose small fruits.

simple recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • pear - 1.1 kilograms
  • sugar - 540 grams
  • water - 2.2 liters

Hard, moderately ripe fruits are ideal for compote.

Prick each pear with a fork before pouring.

If the skin is too thick, then it is better to cut it off. In this form, the fruit will give the drink more taste and aroma.

whole pears

For cooking you will need:

  • pear - 1000 grams
  • sugar - 310 grams
  • filtered water - 2 liters
  • citric acid - to taste

It is necessary to boil the pears for several minutes over medium heat. From the resulting broth we prepare syrup for pouring.

With citric acid

For cooking you need:

  • pear - 800 grams
  • sugar - 310 grams
  • citric acid - ½ teaspoon
  • vanillin to taste
  • sprig of mint
  • filtered water - 2 liters

Hard pears work best for this recipe.

So that the pear does not darken, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice or pour acidified water for a few minutes.

Homemade pear compote for the winter is both a wonderful vitamin drink and a delicious dessert. It will definitely please you with its incomparable taste and will help strengthen the immune system in the winter cold. And fruits from compote will be a wonderful decoration for a variety of homemade pastries.

Due to the large amount of juice and sugars, summer pears do not lie for a long time, so housewives try to make different preparations from them as quickly as possible. The easiest way to preserve the harvest is to prepare pear compote for future use, so that when winter comes, you can open a jar of aromatic drink and feel the taste of summer again.

Let's start with the simplest option, which is not time-consuming and allows you to save vitamins - compote without sterilization. It is worth noting that this recipe is not very popular in blanks, and there is an explanation for this. Many housewives fear that with insufficient heat treatment in the banks, the fermentation process will begin, and all their work will be wasted. But in fact, this problem is easily solved by adding citric acid. This is a really important point: if compote is made from summer or dessert varieties of pears, you must definitely put citric acid, otherwise sooner or later the jar will “explode”.

So, what ingredients are required for compote:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 150 g (200-250 g is possible if the fruit is unsweetened);
  • citric acid - at the rate of 0.5 tsp. per three-liter jar, but it all depends on the sweetness of the fruit.

Compote using this technology can be cooked from whole or quartered pears. For the first option, fruits of small sizes, like Lemons, are suitable. It is better to cut large and juicy pears and immediately remove the core. When the fruits are washed and cut, you can start cooking:

  1. Pour the pears with water and, after boiling, cook on a minimum heat for 15 minutes, gently mixing a couple of times so as not to damage the fruits.
  2. We drain the water into another pan, and put the cooked fruits in pre-prepared jars.
  3. Pour sugar into the remaining broth, boil the syrup, add acid at the end.
  4. Pour the sliced ​​pears with syrup and roll up in the traditional way.
  5. We turn the blanks on their side or upside down, and wrap them until they cool.

It is desirable to store such a compote in a cool place - a basement, a cellar.

Video "Compote of whole pears for the winter"

From this video you will learn a delicious recipe for pear compote for the winter.

Prescription with sterilization

This version uses the same composition of ingredients. The only difference is that sterilization is used in the cooking process, which guarantees longer storage.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash pears in the amount of 1 kg, peel and cut into pieces.
  2. We put in sterile jars up to at least half (up to the shoulders).
  3. From 3 liters of water and a glass of sugar, cook syrup: boil for 5 minutes, at the end add 0.5 tsp. acids.
  4. Pour the fruit with boiling syrup, put the jars in a wide container and sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  5. We roll up the compote with lids and turn the jars over to cool.

Wild pear compote

From the fruits of a wild pear, which are not very suitable for fresh consumption, a very fragrant compote is obtained. The pears in the preparation are used whole, so it is very important that they are not rotten inside, since just one such pear inevitably leads to fermentation of the compote.

What is required for harvesting:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • acid as needed: if the fruits are sour, you can not add.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the fruits well, remove the remaining moisture with a napkin, cut off the tails.
  2. We fill pre-sterilized jars with fruits up to half.
  3. We prepare the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, and boil with constant stirring for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour hot syrup into jars of fruit and wrap for 15 minutes.
  5. Next, drain the syrup, pour in the acid and bring to a boil again.
  6. Fill the pears again and this time close the blanks with lids. Cool upside down.

Pear Compote Recipes

By itself, fresh or canned compote is too pale and sweet. But if you add ingredients with a richer taste and color to it, you get a very original drink. Try pairing the pear flavor with the following additions.

With lemon

Citrus will dilute the slightly sugary taste of the pear and enrich the healthy drink with even more vitamins.

Required Ingredients:

  • dessert pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • 1 lemon;
  • water - 3 l.

How to cook:

  1. Washed pears cut into slices, removing the middle.
  2. Remove the peel from the lemon, otherwise it will give the drink a bitter taste, and cut the pulp into pieces.
  3. We fill sterile jars with fruit to about half, and add 3-4 pieces of citrus to each.
  4. We cook the syrup, pour the fruits laid in jars, cover and keep warm for 10 minutes.
  5. Then we drain the syrup back, and after it boils, pour the fruit again. We roll in the usual way.

With plums

Refreshing and bright compote is obtained from a mixture of pears with plums. They ripen at the same time, so why not balance these sugary and sour tastes in one drink.

Composition of ingredients:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar at the rate of 300 g / 1 liter of water.

Harvesting process:

  1. Wash the pears, cut into slices.
  2. Cut the plums in half, removing the pits along the way.
  3. We lay out the fruit in sterile jars up to half.
  4. We prepare the syrup and pour it into jars with fruit.
  5. We sterilize the compote for 20 minutes (liter jars). With a larger volume of containers, the sterilization time increases.
  6. Close the lids and refrigerate upside down.

With cinnamon and mint

Cinnamon will not greatly change the taste of compote, but will give it an unforgettable shade and aroma.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of pears;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • cinnamon sticks at the rate of 1 pc. to the bank.

Cooking method:

  1. We fill the sticks with hot (not boiling) water so that they reveal the aroma.
  2. We clean the fruits, cut into slices. We leave the skins, they will still be used.
  3. We place the remains of the peel in a saucepan, pour in water and boil for 15 minutes.
  4. We take out the peel, and add sugar, cinnamon to the remaining broth and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Put the slices of pears into the boiling fragrant syrup, and boil for another 5 minutes.

If the compote is harvested, then pour it into jars and roll up the lids. To drink, we insist the drink for a couple of hours, and serve chilled. Compote will turn out less cloying if mint is added during the cooking process. The principle of preparation is the same, only 5-6 mint leaves are added to the syrup instead of cinnamon.

Pear compote is rightfully considered both a drink and a dessert, because sweet pieces of pear can be a great end to a meal or a fragrant filling in pastries.

If you do not like compote fruits, prepare natural pear juice for the winter by passing the fruits through a juicer. Children like this juice very much, because it turns out sweet and thick due to the pulp. In general, experiment and do not let your crop disappear.

Summer is the time to take care of tasty and at the same time healthy preparations that can delight the whole family and their friends in the cold season. A standard set of fruits and berries can always be varied and get an unsurpassed taste. The pear is one of those fruits that rarely gets their attention for canning, and in vain. The richness of vitamins and minerals, with proper preservation, is simply amazing. There is a sufficient amount of sugars in it, but there is little from the acid that leads to spoilage of the product. As a result, an ideal option and a whole field for experimentation.

Before rolling, it is worth choosing the most suitable fruits. In no case should you choose overripe fruits: they will increase the likelihood of fermentation and quick spoilage of the drink. The same applies to the beaten ones - if there are no options, then bad areas must be carefully disposed of.

Small hard pears can be used whole. Sometimes you can not even remove the stalk. Such foresight will help, in addition to compote, to enjoy juicy pulp. And she is very tasty. Large fruits should be thoroughly cleaned of the insides and prevent the seeds from getting in. Hard peels should be carefully peeled, as they can impart a slight astringency. And it doesn't fit in any way.

A pleasant color of a pear, even in compote, can be preserved if, after processing, the fruits are initially poured with cold water with the addition of citric acid. It is not recommended to soak the fruits for more than half an hour. This can lead to loss of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, having given the pear the required color, it is worth starting to prepare the syrup. In this case, it is worth focusing on the taste of the fruit. The sweeter they are, the less sugar you need.

It seems to some that the color of pear compote is not beautiful. In this case, no one forbids experimenting with brighter berries. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, mountain ash, plums perfectly complement the drink and give it a rich taste. And there is no need to talk about how many additional vitamins they will give to seaming.

Valuable properties of compote

Very often, such a drink is used to cleanse the body and suppress various infections. It is useful to drink it for colds and ailments. In addition, its diuretic effect is excellent. Those who seek to cleanse the body of excess and at the same time unload the kidneys and liver can take this property into account. The circulatory system will also say “thank you” for such unloading.


Connoisseurs of slender forms will not disregard the energy value of such a blank. In general, it does not exceed 65 kcal. But, this does not mean that it cannot be reduced by using honey in the process of harvesting. This will increase efficiency. But, you don’t need to overdo it with this delicacy.

The best pear compote recipe for a 3 liter jar

Who has tried to prepare this drink and has not failed? At least once the results were deplorable. The standard way is not suitable. Often, banks simply explode, and there is no limit to frustration. In order not to exclude everyone's favorite sunset from the diet, it is worth going for a minor trick and then the enthusiastic exclamations of the household will not subside.


  • Pear fruits - 12 pieces.
  • Sugar sand - 200 grams.
  • Sterilized water - 2.5 liters.

Output - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Carefully select the fruits: a smooth surface and a slight sweetness. Rinse. Remove the stem and inner seeds. Carefully cut into small pieces. Soft varieties should be left in the form of a quarter. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

2. Pour a glass of sugar. The amount can be varied depending on taste preferences.

3. Pour in water. Put on a fire separator and turn on the gas.

4. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the fire. Mix. It is important that the slices do not boil. The cooking process is about 15-20 minutes. It all depends on the pear. Prepare a jar with a lid: rinse, grind with baking soda, sterilize for about 20 minutes. Leave to dry upside down.

5. Pour the compote into the prepared dishes in such a way that it overflows. Close with prepared lid. Check if the container is airtight by turning the jar upside down. Send to a cool place, setting the container upside down. Wrap up.

Literally the next day, a delicious and at the same time healthy drink is ready. If you want to taste, you can always do it. Although such a rich taste is best enjoyed in winter, when its quality will only increase, and sunny fruits will be missed.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter without sterilization

It would seem that reach out and enjoy the taste of healthy fruits. Those who definitely know a lot about tasty and healthy food will rightly appreciate the proposed option. Everyone will like this combo. It is rich, tasty and incredibly useful. And most importantly, you can take any fruit in the garden and get the maximum benefit from them even in winter.


  • Apples - 4 fruits.
  • Pears - 3 fruits.
  • Distilled water - 2.7 liters.
  • Sugar sand - 220 grams.

Output - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare food.

2. Wash the fruits, remove the stalks, seeds and skins.

3. Sterilize the jar well. Dry. Place pre-prepared fruits.

4. Boil water. Pour into fruit jar. To cover with a lid. Let it brew.

5. Drain back into the pan using a special lid.

6. Add granulated sugar and make syrup by bringing it to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes.

7. Pour syrup into a jar of fruit.

8. Close the jar with a seaming machine.

9. Turn the compote over and wrap for a day. Move basement.

It would seem that a simple drink, but in the cold season, everyone will say a big thank you for such a tasty and at the same time healthy uzvar kept from the summer.

Watch our video recipe:

Bon appetit!!!

How to make assorted pears, grapes, peaches with orange

Not only is compote an undeniable storehouse of vitamins, it has a positive effect on many metabolic processes, which means it helps fight various diseases. This glass contains everything that will energize the body. And even special connoisseurs will appreciate the taste. The proposed version is incredibly interesting in that it combines components that grow both in domestic latitudes and brought from far away. From this combination of components, he only wins.


  • Green pears - 8 fruits.
  • Peaches - 6 medium fruits.
  • Orange - a couple of pieces.
  • Grapes - a bunch.
  • Sugar sand - 350 grams.
  • Distilled water - 5 liters.

Output - 6 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Fruits must be taken slightly unripe. This will help avoid overcooking. Rinse thoroughly, remove excess: bones, stalks, seeds.

2. Divide the grapes into berries.

3. Peel the peaches so that four equal slices are obtained.

4. Rinse oranges. Drop into boiling water. Take out and put in cold water. This will help get rid of the bitter taste. Divide into four slices, removing the core.

5.Pour water. Boil. Add sugar. Boil the syrup for about 20 minutes.

6. Banks carefully sterilize, dry, lay fruits.

7. Pour in the syrup to the brim. He can overflow. This will keep air bubbles out.

8. Close the lid with a twist machine. Flip. Wrap up. Move to a cool place the next day.

A very rich and tasty recipe that helps many painlessly survive the winter with a healthy drink.

Why conservation is not stored and explodes

It is very disappointing when the drink does not wait for the specified hour, and simply deteriorates. Compotes explode not infrequently. And in order to prevent such a situation, it is worth observing some of the following rules.

  • Wash fruits well and remove excess particles to prevent the entry of germs and rot.
  • Use for canning only fresh fruits with a dense peel without damage.
  • The fruits must undergo sufficient or proper heat treatment.
  • Only use new lids with elastic bands with sufficient elasticity.
  • The spinning machine must be fully operational. This will prevent the appearance of leaky parts and the penetration of air under the cover, as a result, and further explosion.
  • There should not be a hint of rust or punctures in the lids. Otherwise, depressurization cannot be avoided.

Another point that should never be forgotten is the correct and well-sterilized dishes and products used in the process of creating blanks.

  • Each can should be inspected for chips, cracks, breaks.
  • Careful sterilization is the key to the absence of microorganisms.
  • Lids should be inspected for gum quality, chips, and rust.
  • In no case is it unacceptable to use fruits with the presence of rot.

Some tricks will help make the drink more rich and tasty. The main thing is to apply them before direct preparation, then the result will be simply amazing.

  • If there are hard fruits, they should be boiled a little before putting them in jars. This forethought will help release more vitamins.
  • If the peel has been previously cut, then it can serve as an excellent base for syrup. It should be boiled together with water and sugar. After that, using a colander, strain all the excess.
  • Refrain from using dishwashing liquid. The ideal result can be achieved by using baking soda. It will not only get rid of germs, but also prevent their further appearance.
  • Using an oven to sterilize jars, you can achieve the desired effect much faster.
  • After twisting, the jars should be checked for bubbles. For these purposes, it is enough to turn the jar over. If there are bubbles rising up, it is worth rolling the jar again. When this does not help, it is recommended to remove the lid and repeat the compote rolling procedure again.
  • In the absence of a fresh pear, you can always use drying. True, it is worth taking into account that often a wild game is taken for harvesting dried fruits. This type of fruit has a special tartness. In order to diversify the taste, it is necessary to add currant or plum berries. Cherry will not only increase fortification, but also diversify the taste value of the drink by an order of magnitude.

Pear compote is an excellent drink that gives vivacity and energy. It is pleasant to drink it at any time of the year and get the most out of canned fruit. The main thing is to follow all the rules of harvesting in the process, and then the result will turn out to be incredibly tasty. Connoisseurs can always add their favorite berries in any quantity. With a little effort, you can enjoy a first-class drink all year round and get everything you need. A little bit of imagination and every day a fragrant compote will be ready for the table! Summer is a time of abundance of fruit, and you can roam in terms of harvesting compotes for the winter. It can be cherry or ranetki.

The pear was grown by such ancient civilizations as Ancient Greece, Persia and Ancient China. It has long been known that this is not only a delicious fruit, but also a medicinal plant that has a very beneficial and complex effect on human health. Fresh pears contain iron, which improves blood circulation; potassium ions, which ensure the full functioning of the heart, are included in the diet of diabetics, as they contain more fructose than sucrose.

In contact with

Pear compote, the recipe of which we will open to you in this article, also has a healing effect. It is used for intestinal disorders, urolithiasis and colds.

So if you decide to stock up on a few jars of pear compote, you will get not only a very tasty dessert, but also a huge supply of vitamins, trace elements and other substances vital to the body, especially in winter, when our health is so vulnerable.


Pears come in several varieties. The common pear ripens at the end of August, the autumn pear in September, and the winter pear in October. Any variety is suitable for compotes and preservation. The main criterion for selecting fruits for cooking is maturity. The pear should be ripe, but not overripe, without flaws, bruises and rot. To check the ripeness of a pear, you can lightly press your thumb on its upper part, at the very stalk. If the pulp gives in easily, then the fruit is already ripe enough. If not, it can "walk" if you put it in a warm room. Autumn and winter varieties of pears are recommended to be removed from the tree before they ripen, because, ripening not on the tree, they become juicier and sweeter.

Remember that fresh pear compote is the most useful!

Perhaps the most convenient way is to use an ordinary pear for compote, since the end of summer is a fruitful time, and you can add all kinds of berries and apples to the jar. This is important, since pear compote is tasty in itself, but looks pale and not very appetizing. They add lingonberries, chokeberries, currants and much more to compotes.

Haven't prepared yet? We will help!

By the way, recently they are increasingly saying that tea with milk is harmful, read!

Little tricks.

When adding berries or hard pears to the compote, they are pre-blanched. Blanching(from the French word blanchir - "bleach") - this is a quick heat treatment. Vegetables, fruits and berries are blanched, dipping them in a colander in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, no more.

Before you cook pear compote, you need to prepare the fruits. First, the peel is removed from them (it is best to use a very sharp knife, for example, a ceramic one). The pulp is cut into several parts, the core and bones are removed. Small fruits can be boiled whole. So that the pear does not darken, you must immediately place it in cold water with the addition of a small amount of citric acid.

You should not keep pears in such water for a long time, otherwise they will lose all their useful properties.

Hard pears are blanched for about 5 minutes, and then immediately dipped in cold water.

Our delicious recipes

Pear compote is cooked very simply and does not require much knowledge in the field of cooking. Here are some recipes.

Pear compote without sterilization.

In fact, dear readers, compote from wild (wild) pears practically does not differ in taste from compote from homemade pears, the main thing is that they are not old and rotten.

You will need:

Pears - about 1.5 kg per three-liter jar (about 800 g per liter jar - 1 kg); granulated sugar (for 3 liters about 750 g, for 1 liter - 200 g); water, citric acid to taste.


First, pre-treated pears are dipped into a saucepan, poured with water and simmered for about 15 minutes.

While they are cooking, sterilize the jars. To do this, they can be held for 3-5 minutes over the steam; you can fill it with water and put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, but this can be inconvenient, since not every microwave will fit large jars. You can also put freshly washed jars in the oven and dry by heating it to 180 degrees. Sterilization is necessary to protect the product from deterioration and from the appearance of harmful bacteria.

After that, the pear pieces are removed from the pan and placed in a jar up to the shoulders (that is, to the place where the shape begins to narrow and smoothly flow into the neck). Sugar and citric acid are added to the remaining broth, they are thoroughly mixed, boiled, pears are poured and the jar is rolled up. It is important that the liquid completely covers the fruit, leaving no air inside.

With skin.

To do this, you will need small fruits with a soft peel. Cut them into pieces, cut out the core. The proportions of sugar are determined by ripeness. For unripe pears - 670 g per 1 liter of water, for overripe ones - 250-300 g. Dip the chopped pears into water, cook over low heat, then transfer the pears to jars and pour over the syrup.

Compote of cranberries, apples and pears.

From such gifts of nature, a very tasty platter and a real vitamin cocktail are obtained. For 0.5 kg of pears, there are 1 kg of lingonberries and approximately 600 g of apples. Fruit for this compote can not be peeled, but if the skin is hard, then it is better to remove it. Apples are processed in the same way as pears - cut into slices, the core is removed. Lingonberries must first be sorted out, leaving only ripe and fresh berries and blanch. In boiling water (0.5 l is required for the indicated amount of food), add sugar, then fruits, and lastly berries. Compote is cooked for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Before pouring it into a jar, you can put a few slices of lemon there.

From pears and plums.

Such compote will turn out very tasty and useful for digestion. It can be brewed from both blue and yellow plums. Remove the pits from the plums first. Cut the pears and plums into small pieces (but not very finely, otherwise they will turn into mush during the cooking process). For 2 liters of water, you can use from 0.5 to 1 kg of fruit, choose the ratio of pears and plums to taste.

Pour the fruit with water, wait until the water boils, and hold on low heat for another 5 minutes. Then add sugar as desired. For taste, you can use vanillin or grains of 1-2 vanilla pods.


Dear readers, before rolling pear compote, we strongly recommend additional processing - sterilization. For sterilization, rolled up jars with ready-made compote are lowered into a container, for example, a large saucepan. A soft, several times folded fabric is placed at the bottom - this is necessary so that the cans do not beat. Cold water is poured into the pan about 4-5 cm above the level of the cans - so their contents will warm up evenly. Heat water slowly, it will be enough to bring it to 90 degrees. Liter jars are heated for 20 minutes, two-liter - 35, three-liter - half an hour. You can also bring the water to a boil, then sterilization will take 8, 12 and 15 minutes, respectively. If you overexpose the jar, then the pulp of the pears will acquire a not very pretty pinkish tint.

Triple heating.

There is a method of so-called triple warming up. To do this, blanch the pears, arrange them in jars and pour over the freshly boiled broth. Close the lid, hold for 5 minutes, and then drain the entire broth. Bring it to a boil again, pour the fruits a second time and drain again after the same time. For the third time, add a little citric acid to the broth and fill the jar so that the liquid overflows, then roll it up.

After you have rolled up the jar of compote, regardless of whether you canned it with or without sterilization, turn the jar upside down. This is necessary so that the pressure from the inside presses the lid to the jar and creates absolute tightness.

Compote should be placed in a cool and warm place. In a city apartment, compotes are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 degrees. It is better to place the jars so that they are as protected from light as possible. Watch the banks for the first time; if you notice that air bubbles have appeared, then the cans must be rolled up again.

Video about the usefulness of pears:

Bon appetit!
