
Difference between juice and nectar. Juice or nectar: ​​Roskachestvo told the difference between drinks in packages Nectar or juice which is better

32 brands of apple juice will take part, from Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Moscow, Oryol and Samara regions, as well as from the Republic of Altai, Serbia, France, Belarus and Armenia. I will participate in several categories: clarified reconstituted, with pulp and direct extraction, as well as juice intended for children. They will check whether the juice is made from powder or from natural raw materials, and whether there are many flavors, dyes and other chemicals. And also determine the amount of benefits - vitamins and minerals.

An important stage of the study is juice for children from 4 months and from 3 years. Juice for baby food has low acidity, packaged in small containers - up to 0.35 ml, to drink immediately. In addition, there are stricter requirements for the quality and safety of products for children's juices. According to the technical regulations of the Customs Union, the addition of food components and additives containing GMOs, as well as sweeteners, flavors, dyes and coloring extracts, as well as sugar, is not allowed in the composition of juice for young children.

The less time passed between the moment when the fruit was plucked and the moment when it was processed, the tastier and healthier the juice obtained from it, - explains Lyudmila Khomich, project manager of the Russian Union of Juice Producers. - In the production of packaged juices, fruits and vegetables are processed immediately after harvest, and modern processing and packaging technologies make it possible to preserve the beneficial substances of the fruit or vegetable in the juice without significant losses. Freshly squeezed juice, fresh, is stored quite a bit - various microorganisms multiply quickly in it

Reading the packaging correctly

1. Reconstituted juice is made from concentrated juice or puree. Directly squeezed juice is pressed at the enterprise after fruit picking, and then pasteurized, which allows you to save a maximum of useful substances.

2. Pay attention to the inscription "with pulp" or "clarified". Any clarified juice is a source of not only vitamins, but also antioxidants - polyphenols that protect the body from aging. Juice with pulp contains pectin and fiber necessary for good digestion;

3. On the packages of nectar, juice-containing drink or fruit drink there should be information about the content of the minimum volume fraction of juice and (or) puree in it. For example, such inscriptions as: “The minimum volume fraction of juice ... %”, “The minimum volume fraction of juice and puree ... %”, “The volume fraction of juice and puree is not less than ... %” or other words reflecting information about the percentage of juice and (or ) puree in nectar, juice drink or fruit drink.

4. In monocomponent juice, for example, apple juice, the composition may not be indicated. Other juices must list the components: for example, all juices that are part of the mixed juice are indicated, as well as spices - for example, salt, if it is added to tomato juice.

5. We are looking for an expiration date. It is installed by the manufacturer independently, on average it is one year. There should also be an inscription on the storage of juice after opening the package - this is also set by the manufacturer. As a rule, after opening, it is recommended to store the juice for no more than three days in the refrigerator.

The packaging itself should not be wrinkled, much less opened or damaged. Only juice in the right packaging is safe and of high quality.


How much to drink?

WHO experts believe that one glass of juice replaces one of the servings of fruits or vegetables. And you need to eat at least five servings a day. So a glass of apple juice can replace one apple, and vegetable juice can replace a serving of salad. True, nutritionists believe that fresh fruits and vegetables are still more beneficial than a glass of juice, because the main thing is the pulp, which contains a large amount of pectin, fiber, which is necessary for digestion. But we do not always have time to eat something, but drinking a glass of juice is much easier and healthier than nothing.

Increasingly, on juice boxes, instead of the usual “juice”, you can read “nectar”. Are there any differences between them, and is a drink with a wonderful, almost fabulous name as useful as a more familiar juice? This question is asked not only by young mothers who strive to buy only the best for their child, but also by everyone who is more or less concerned about their health. Therefore, consider the main differences between juices and nectars.

Composition of juice and nectar

If the box or jar says " juice”, which means that the package contains a drink that is obtained in one of three ways. The first method is direct extraction of juice from fruits or vegetables. In this case, industrial production uses preservatives to increase the shelf life. The second way is to recover the juice from the concentrate. That is, the fruits are pressed, then the resulting concentrate is transported to the direct place of production and poured into containers, adding the amount of water that was previously withdrawn to obtain the concentrate. Sugar may be added to the reconstituted juice, as evidenced by the packaging. The regulatory documents stipulate that the percentage of fruit (vegetable) juice in a drink called "juice" cannot be lower than 85%.

Nectar- This is a product based on juice. But only the percentage is somewhat different - 25-50% juice, and the rest of the ingredients are water, sugar, citric acid, fruit or berry puree. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is simply impossible to prepare one hundred percent juice from many fruits, such as banana, apricot or kiwi, due to the low juiciness of these fruits. In addition, the taste of some leaves much to be desired, for example, currant juice cannot be drunk undiluted, as it has a very tart taste. That is why nectar in this case is the best option.

Findings site

  1. Juice should contain at least 85% fruit or vegetable concentrate, while the juice content in nectar ranges from 25 to 50%.
  2. Juice, even reconstituted, contains little or no preservatives, colorants, and sugar. Whereas nectar contains citric acid, puree and a sufficient amount of sugar.
  3. Nectar can be made from almost all fruits, while 100% juice is squeezed only from watery ones.

The best juice for our body is squeezed from fresh fruits or vegetables. Well, if it is cooked at home. Then we will not only know what is added to it, but also save the most valuable components. But not everyone has the right equipment at home, so many of us buy finished products in stores. Many packages are labeled “100 percent orange”, “no added sugar”, “fresh fruit”, etc. But are these drinks really as natural as we think they are?


By definition, juice is a natural drink made usually from fruits, less often from vegetables. An example is orange juice, which is an extract from the fruit of the orange tree.

Juices can be made both at home and on an industrial scale. Drinks prepared in this way contain many healthy vitamins and other components that improve well-being. Juices are protected from spoilage by pasteurization. They can be used directly for drinking or as an additive to water and tea.

Most of the juices currently available on the market are made from fruit concentrate. Often they cause mistrust among consumers. A good juice should be 85-100 percent fruit. If the addition of sugar does not exceed 15 g per liter, then the manufacturer should not mention this on the packaging. But if the amount of sugar is much greater, he is obliged to post information about it. According to the norms, sugar and simultaneously oxidizing substances cannot be added to the juice. All juices can be enriched with vitamins (eg C, E, beta-carotene) and minerals (eg calcium, magnesium, potassium). It is forbidden to add artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives.


Nectar is a fruit drink made from fresh or concentrated juice diluted with water and sugar or food acids. According to international rules, nectar cannot contain additives in the form of dyes, flavors and preservatives. The maximum sugar content (natural and added) is 200 grams per liter. You can use sweeteners instead of sugar. The minimum content of juice in nectar is determined by the rules and is:
  • 50% for apples, pears, oranges, peaches and pineapples;
  • 40% for blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, apricots;
  • 35% for cherries;
  • 30% for plums, gooseberries and cranberries;
  • 25% for currants (black, white, red), lemons, bananas, pomegranates, mangoes, papaya, guava.


Drinks must contain at least 20% fruit, and the presence of water, sugar, citric acid, as well as other food additives, such as flavors, artificial colors, is acceptable. Drinks, unlike juices, are among the cheapest in their category. The most popular drinks are orange, apple, multivitamin, packaged in cartons, plastic and glass bottles. Fruit drinks also include products that, despite the high content of juice (above the norm required for nectar), contain additives permitted for drinks, and prohibited for the production of juices and nectars. We are talking about flavors, colors, natural and artificial preservatives, artificial sweeteners.

We must be aware of this and know how juices, drinks and nectars differ from each other. Juices made at home have the largest number of useful properties. They quench thirst, are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, contain antioxidants that protect against damaging free radicals.

The nutritional value of juice depends on its type. Opaque juices with pulp or pieces of fruit are best in this regard. Transparent ones lose some of the vitamins and minerals, as well as most of the fiber. More nutrients can be found in juices than in nectars. Vegetable juices are superior to fruit juices in the amount of iron, magnesium, calcium, and beta-carotene. Especially a lot of beta-carotene is found in carrot juice, tomato juice is a treasure trove of potassium, just like beetroot juice, which contains a lot of folic acid and fiber.

When choosing juice or nectar, we should study the manufacturer's information, in particular, whether the drink is made from concentrate or fresh fruit. Not far from the name, the minimum fruit content should be indicated, as well as information about whether the product has been sweetened. The label indicates the expiration date, nutritional value, storage conditions, the name of the manufacturer. The more data there is, the more confident we will be that we are buying a good product.
