
Fruit drink recipes. Fruit and berry drinks

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Want to taste summer? Prepare fruit drink simple recipes, With available ingredients. How to cook fruit drinks watch and read on.

How to make fruit drinks?

Recipe Drink lingonberry with honey


  • 150 gr. cranberries
  • 120 gr. honey
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

  1. Wash lingonberries, put them in a bowl and mash them with a wooden pestle.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the resulting puree.
  3. Pour pomace from berries hot water and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Strain the decoction.
  5. Add to decoction lingonberry juice and liquid honey.
  6. Keep the drink for 2 days in the refrigerator. Before serving, the drink can be warmed up.

Blackberry drink recipe


  • 100 gr. blackberries
  • 50 gr. Sahara
  • 300 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1.5 st. l. honey
  • lemon slice for garnish

Cooking method:

  1. Grind blackberries with sugar and boil until it dissolves over low heat.
  2. Pour water and lemon juice into blackberry jam.
  3. Bring the drink to a boil, strain and combine with honey.
  4. Serve the drink with a slice of lemon.

orange drink recipe


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • zest of 3 oranges
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid or 3 tsp. lemon juice
  • sparkling water - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the orange zest and add boiling water.
  2. Leave the zest in the water for a day.
  3. Then remove the zest from the water and pass through a meat grinder.
  4. Pour the resulting puree with the same water and leave for another day.
  5. Strain the finished infusion through cheesecloth.
  6. Pour sugar into the drink and put on fire.
  7. Bring the drink to a boil and keep on fire for a while.
  8. Pour the drink into a pitcher and set aside.
  9. Add to cold drink citric acid or lemon juice.
  10. Dilute the drink with carbonated water to taste.

Citro Recipe


  • 5 pieces. lemons
  • lemon peel
  • 0.5 st. Sahara
  • 700 ml water

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the zest from the lemon on a grater immediately into an enamel pan.
  2. Squeeze the juice from 4 lemons into the zest, add sugar and pour in water.
  3. Put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  4. Cool the drink, strain 2-3 times.
  5. Cut the remaining lemon into thin slices.
  6. Place the lemon slices in a pitcher and pour over the cooled lemonade. Ice can be added to the drink.

Video recipe "Fruit Cocktail"

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

The last month of winter is a good occasion to remember frozen fruits and berries, carefully stocked since summer. Made from them are bright, invigorating drinks cheer up and remind you of the imminent onset of spring.

lingonberry solo

Fruit drink made from whole frozen lingonberries is a drink that literally gushes with vitamins. And it's incredibly delicious too! Defrost 500 g of berries at room temperature, drain the liquid and pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar to taste and stir berry puree. We put it in a saucepan, pour 3 liters of purified water and cook over low heat for no longer than 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Ready drink strain through cheesecloth and cool slightly. We decorate glasses with fruit drink with fresh mint and treat guests.

Fragrant coolness

What drinks can be made from frozen besides fruit drinks? Of course, compotes, because the whole family likes them. Pour 150 g dried mint 3 l hot water temperature 80-85 ° C and insist 10 minutes. In the meantime, put 500 g of any frozen berries in a bowl and let them thaw. Then, together with the released juice, we send them to a pan with mint infusion. Pour a glass of sugar here, put ground cinnamon to taste, bring to a boil and cook the compote for 10 minutes over moderate heat. At the end, it remains to carefully strain it. A drink with such a seductive aroma will gather around a lot of people who want to try it. Add ice to it, beautiful cocktail tubes - and great option celebratory drink ready.

Echoes of summer

If you have frozen plums and apricots among your stocks, they can be put to good use. Compote with these fruits will bring back the warmest memories of summer. It is best and tastiest when cooked in a slow cooker. Without defrosting, put 300 g of plums and apricots into slices in a bowl. Add to them 300 g slices fresh apples, sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and completely fill with filtered water. Select the "Extinguishing" mode, set the timer for 2 hours. Ready compote cool directly in the multicooker. Then we pass it through gauze and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Such fresh compote- a storehouse of health and good mood.

Smoothies for optimists

Hearty drinks from frozen berries in a blender are in no way inferior to light ones vitamin mixes. Take 1 cup of black and red currants. If you have previously cleaned and washed the berries, they will not need any preparation. You don't even have to defrost them. Mix the berries in a blender bowl, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and sprinkle with honey to taste. Pour 200 ml here natural yogurt room temperature and beat the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. If the smoothie is too thick, add some milk. Prepare it for breakfast for the whole family - a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood provided for the whole day.

milk potpourri

Dairy from berries at home are drinks that children adore. Cut 2 bananas into circles and put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. There they will freeze a little and give a cocktail desired consistency. Berries, in our case, 200 g of strawberries and raspberries, on the contrary, are defrosted. First, beat the bananas with a blender into a thick slurry. Then we lay out the thawed berries and slightly turn them. Add 100 g of ice cream and beat everything into a smooth mass. Add ½ cup milk and mix thoroughly. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses, sprinkle with grated chocolate and decorate with fresh berries. Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted with such a delicacy.

Do you keep frozen fruits in reserve? Which one is your family's favorite? And what delicious drinks do you cook from berries and fruits for your relatives? Share signature recipes with all readers.

In the summer you always feel thirsty, and this is quite normal, because with sweat in the heat we lose up to a liter of fluid per hour! Many go the usual way and buy lemonades and other carbonated drinks, which - alas! - do not always bring the desired relief. And we again go to the store for another bottle of carbonated joy ...

In order to break this vicious circle, wise hostesses prepare refreshing drinks that bring real, not imaginary, relief. Along with old, centuries-old recipes, they invent new recipes for refreshing drinks, some of which the Culinary Eden website brings to your attention. For the preparation of refreshing drinks, it is better to use not regular sugar, and fructose - the benefits will be incomparably greater. For more cooling of the drink, prepare an unusual fruit ice: Freeze fruit juice in ice cube trays and add it to glasses with drinks. This will give extra flavor your summer cocktails. If your family loves compotes of their dried fruits, do not boil them as usual, but pour boiling water and insist in a thermos. Cook fruit drinks more often - thanks to natural juices they contain all the vitamins. And if the heat has driven you to the store, and you want to freshen up immediately, buy a bottle of tonic - it is believed that it is the bitter taste that cools the best (and not sour, as many people think).

Let's try to make such a delicious and refreshing drink, such as kvass. Thanks to yeast, kvass contains a lot of B vitamins.


½ loaf of black bread
25-30 g dry yeast,
½ stack Sahara,

Cut the bread into small slices and place to dry in a low-heated oven. Put the finished crackers in a 3-liter jar and fill with hot water up to the shoulders. Add 3 tbsp. sugar and cool to 35-38°C. Dilute the yeast in a glass of water and add to a jar of cooled water. Stir, cover and put in a warm place for 2 days. Then strain and add the remaining sugar and raisins, cork and refrigerate overnight. Kvass is ready! Do not throw away the thick, use it as a starter for the next batch of kvass or homemade bread.

Berry kvass

800 g berries,
250 g sugar
4 liters of water
25 g yeast
1 tsp citric acid.

Mash the berries slightly, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain, add yeast, sugar, citric acid and leave to ferment for 6-10 hours. Strain and refrigerate before use.
Cumin kvass. Seeds of cumin pour boiling water, boil and cool to body temperature. Strain, add yeast and sugar and leave for 6 hours to ferment. Then remove the foam, add citric acid and cool.

Drink "Royal"

1 water
1 lemon
½ stack Sahara,
2 tbsp honey,
1-2 tbsp raisins,
5 g yeast.


Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. lemon peels cut and fill with water. Put on fire and boil for 2 minutes, cool, strain and add raisins, honey, juice and yeast. Put in a warm place to ferment for a day or two. After fermentation, remove the foam, pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate for three days. Serve with a lemon wedge.
Kvass can be cooked not only with pressed yeast, but also with sourdough bread(if you like to bake homebaked bread). Don't want to mess around with sourdough and want a refreshing drink right away? Get the lemonade ready!

Fruttini. Dilute fresh juice of berries or fruits cold water and add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Serve over ice or frozen fruit juice.

Kiwi lemonade

6 pcs. kiwi,
1 stack Sahara,
¾ stack. freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1 liter of sparkling water.

Make kiwi puree. Combine lemon juice with sugar, add kiwi, mix and dilute with sparkling water.

Mojito (non-alcoholic)

½ lime
3 tsp Sahara,
200 ml sparkling water,
a few sprigs of mint, ice.

Remove the zest from the lime. Cut a lime into 4 pieces and squeeze into a glass. Add sugar and zest, crushed mint leaves and ice. Top up with sparkling water or Sprite.

Currant julep

100 ml fresh currant juice,
80 ml raspberry juice
20 ml mint syrup
strawberries, ice.

Combine all liquid ingredients and add ice. Decorate with strawberries. Such drinks can be prepared from any juices, as long as they are fresh, and not from boxes.

Honey "Laymed"

1 stack fresh lime juice
5 stack water,
2/3 stack. Sahara,
2 tbsp honey.

Stir sugar in water until completely dissolved. Mix in a jug sweet water, lime juice and honey. Cool down in the refrigerator.

Cocktail "Lemon"

1 liter of mineral water,
2 lemons
1-2 tsp aloe juice (or pharmacy aloe essence) for each glass.
Pour mineral water (preferably still) into glasses, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and aloe juice.

Cocktail "Northern"
1 kg carrots
500 g cranberries
500 ml of water

Prepare juice from carrots and cranberries, mix, add water and add sugar to taste, if necessary. Add ice.

Cold tea foreign invention. But it took root with us only in the form of an advertised bottled drink. And you try to make cold tea yourself, because it is much healthier.

Cold green tea


2 tsp green tea,
4 tbsp liquid honey,
4 grapefruits,
mint, ice

Brew tea, wait until it cools slightly, stir the honey and pour into glasses. Put them in the refrigerator. Squeeze the juice from grapefruits and also cool in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour grapefruit juice into tea, put ice and mint leaves. In cold tea, instead of grapefruit juice, you can add any citrus juice. Don't want extra acid? Try adding berry or fruit juice, experiment more boldly with flavors!

Cold flavored tea

4 tea bags
4 stack water,
½ lemon
mint oil,
sugar, ice

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, cut the rind into small cubes. Brew tea bags in boiling water, add lemon peels. Then remove the tea bags and place the bowl of tea in ice water to cool quickly. Cool the tea in the refrigerator. Before serving, pour lemon juice into tea and drip mint oil. Add sugar to taste.
Cold coffee looks good too. hot weather. And besides, it invigorates!

Cappuccino "Cooler"

1 ½ stack cold natural coffee,
1 ½ stack chocolate ice cream,
¼ stack chocolate syrup,
1 cup whipped cream.

Whisk all ingredients, except for whipped cream, in a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses, garnish with whipped cream.

Cold coffee (quick way)

2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp Sahara,
3 tbsp warm water
150-200 ml of cold milk.

Pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid warm water, put instant coffee and sugar. Close the lid and shake the jar until the coffee is frothy. Pour into a glass with ice and add milk. Add sugar to taste.

cold mocha

1 ½ cup natural cold coffee
2 stack milk,
¼ stack. chocolate syrup,
¼ cup sugar.

Cool freshly brewed coffee, pour into ice molds and put in the freezer overnight. Place the iced coffee, cold milk, syrup and sugar into a blender bowl. Whisk until smooth.

vietnamese iced coffee

4 stack water,
2-4 tablespoons natural ground coffee dark roast,
½ stack condensed milk,
16 ice cubes.

Brew coffee. Add curd and stir. Place 4 ice cubes in each of 4 glasses and pour over coffee. Stir the coffee with ice with a long-handled spoon until it has cooled.

Smoothies from fresh berries and fruit perfectly refreshes and nourishes with vitamins. "Culinary Eden" offers only a small fraction of smoothie recipes, as there are a lot of options for preparing this drink.

"Cold Watermelon"

2 stack chopped watermelon pulp without seeds,
5-6 ice cubes
1 tsp honey.

Crush ice in a blender, add watermelon and beat for 1 minute. Then add honey and beat for 10 seconds. Instead of watermelon, you can use overripe melon in this cocktail, and replace honey with lemon juice.

Citrus Banana Smoothie

4 oranges
3 bananas
1 grapefruit

Squeeze juice from citrus fruits and pour into a blender. Add banana pieces and ice and beat until smooth.

Lemon Strawberry Smoothie

⅓ stack. lemon juice
1 stack water,
1 stack strawberries,
¼ stack. Sahara,
a handful of ice cubes.


Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pineapple-orange smoothie

1 stack orange juice,
½ stack pineapple juice,
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 stack crushed ice.

Blend all ingredients in a blender until fluffy and smooth. Serve immediately.

Milkshakes are not only refreshing, but can also replace an after-dinner snack. Just do not get carried away with ice cream cocktails, if you follow the figure, they are quite high in calories.

Smoothie "Pina Colada"

2 stack chopped pineapple,
1 ½ stack pineapple juice,
¼ stack. coconut milk,
1 stack ice,
1 stack fat-free natural yogurt.

Freeze pineapple cubes and yogurt. Allow to thaw slightly, put all the ingredients in a blender and beat.

orange sherbet

200 ml orange juice,
½ stack milk,
½ stack water,
½ stack Sahara,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
handful of ice.

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses and serve.

Fruity Amy

1 stack strawberries,
1/3 cup frozen blueberries
2 bananas
½ stack orange juice
1 ½ stack natural yogurt.

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

strawberry mousse

500 g strawberries,
2-3 tbsp Sahara,
milk - optional (if you want more liquid drink, add more milk),
whipped cream for decoration.

Cool the strawberries in the freezer. Blend in a blender with milk and sugar, pour into glasses and garnish with whipped cream.


½ stack cold milk,
¼ stack. soda water,
3 tbsp dry milk,
½ tsp vanilla extract,
2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.

Mix milk in a blender powdered milk, sparkling water and vanilla extract. Whisk. Add ice cream and beat again.

Speaking of refreshing drinks, low-alcohol cocktails cannot be ignored. A summer evening in a pleasant company with a glass of perch is just a pleasure ... The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol, otherwise the pleasure will turn into suffering. And, of course, such drinks should not be given to children.


500 g apples
200 g cranberries
100 g sugar
200 ml of water
1 stack dry white wine
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Squeeze juice from apples and cranberries. Prepare syrup from sugar and water and let cool. Combine both types of juice, syrup, vanillin and wine. Pour into a pitcher and leave to cool in the refrigerator. Serve with ice.

"Russian Forest"

1 kg cranberries,
1 liter of water
100 g sugar
5 g cinnamon
100 ml cherry liqueur.

Mash the cranberries with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pulp with water and boil for 5 minutes along with sugar and cinnamon. Let cool, strain, combine with juice and cherry liqueur.

cherry crunch

1 bottle of white wine
120 ml rum or cognac
500 g cherries,
sugar, ice

Remove pits from cherries and place them in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and refrigerate to release the syrup. Try not to crush the berries! When all the sugar has dissolved in the berry juice, pour the chilled wine and cognac into the jug. Serve in a bowl with ice cubes next to it.

"Cherry Fiz"

½ stack cherry juice,
½ stack ginger ale,

Slowly pour into a glass of cherry juice ginger ale. Serve with ice.

Cocktail with ginger beer and ice cream

250 g vanilla ice cream
1 bottle of ginger beer
½ cup whipped cream
4 cherries for decoration.

Place 1 scoop of ice cream into tall glasses. Carefully pour the beer down the side of the glass. When the ice cream is hidden under the beer, put the ball back in and fill it with beer. Garnish with whipped cream and cherries.

And let the summer be hot, and refreshing drinks will cheer you up!

Larisa Shuftaykina

March madness - this is how those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves perceive the first calendar month of spring. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first crops in the greenhouse and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely diving, but also considerable care. But only her efforts are not limited. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh herbs from the beds will appear not so soon.

With the approach of spring houseplants gradually come out of dormancy and begin to grow. Indeed, already in February, the day becomes noticeably longer, and the sun warms up in a completely spring-like way. How to help flowers wake up and prepare them for the growing season? What should be paid attention to and what measures should be taken so that the plants are healthy, bloom, multiply and please? We will talk about what houseplants expect from us in the spring in this article.

One of essential rules growing strong and healthy seedlings - the presence of the "correct" soil mixture. Usually, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either purchased soil mixture, or made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings, to put it mildly, is doubtful. So, seedlings will require you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective top dressing for seedlings.

After a decade of dominance in the catalogs of the original variegated and bright varieties of tulips, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the world's best designers offer to recall the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Meeting spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind you that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Sweet indian sauce Pumpkin chutney with lemon and orange is originally from India, but the British contributed to its popularity around the world. This sweet and sour spicy seasoning from vegetables and fruits can be eaten immediately or prepared for future use. For harvesting for the future, use fruit or wine 5% vinegar. If you keep chutney for 1-2 months, then its taste will become softer and more balanced. You will need butternut squash, ginger, sweet orange, juicy lemon and spices.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In the conditions of the apartment they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings, it's hard to count on good harvest. Gardeners with experience know that it is better to sow cabbage for seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants for themselves, replacing one with another. And here important have the conditions of a particular room, because the requirements for their content in plants are different. Lovers of beautiful flowering plants often face difficulties. Indeed, in order for the flowering to be long and plentiful, such specimens require special care. There are not very many unpretentious plants blooming in rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

chicken rolls"Cordon Bleu" with bechamel sauce - excellent dish For holiday table and daily meals! It is prepared simply and quickly, it turns out juicy, and also thick sauce bechamel - lick your fingers! WITH mashed potatoes, pickled cucumber and slice fresh bread you will have a hearty and delicious dinner. Cheese for this recipe, choose according to your taste, it can be processed, it can be with blue mold. It is important that the cheese and ham are cut very thinly, this is the secret of success!

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house, or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems that it has always grown here. Read about interesting ornamental varieties of calendula, as well as the use of calendula in cooking and medicine in our article.

I think many will agree that we perceive the wind well only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window ... In fact, the wind that walks through our plots is a problem and there is nothing good in it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break a strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect the site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

A shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner is easy to make! This breakfast contains almost everything. necessary products, which will recharge you with energy so that you don’t feel like eating before dinner, while extra centimeters will not appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants of antiquity that, despite the passage of time and all sorts of cataclysms, not only survived, but in many respects were able to maintain their former appearance. In a room format, of course, it is not possible to grow any of the representatives of ferns, but some species have successfully adapted to living indoors. They look great as single plants or adorn a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat - Azerbaijani plov, which differs from the traditional one in the way of cooking oriental pilaf. All ingredients for this recipe are cooked separately. Rice is cooked with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately golden brown, pumpkin slices also. Separately, prepare onions with carrots. Then everything is laid in layers in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, pour in a little water or broth and simmer for small fire about half an hour.

Basil is a wonderful all-purpose seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads- well known to all lovers of the Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil greens are surprisingly versatile. For several seasons now, our family has been drinking fragrant basil tea with pleasure. In a flower bed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, bright spicy plant also found a decent place.

Drinks from fruits and berries, rich in vitamins and microelements, are necessary for our body at any time of the year. The spring-summer period, as well as autumn, are good because we can use fruits and berries in fresh, that is, to fully enjoy all their nutritional supply.

But even in late autumn, winter or early spring, we can prepare all kinds of teas, jelly, compotes, taking berries or fruits from jam, canned, frozen or even dried fruits.

Fruit and berry drinks– cocktails, mousses, lemonades are wonderful dessert and an original addition to dishes for a festive and solemn table.

On, for example, on the birthday of your beloved child, you can prepare cocktails, the recipes of which are given below. Both your child and his little friends will enjoy these drinks and appreciate your culinary skills. And if the child himself takes part in the preparation of drinks, they will seem to children much tastier.

This does not mean at all that the following cocktails are designed only for children. Nothing like this! What adult doesn't enjoy a glass of cool cocktail? Moreover, they are prepared on the basis of ice cream.

Banana cocktail
Based on 4 servings, you will need 200-400 g of ice cream, 200 g of milk, 1 banana.

Mash the banana until smooth. Let the ice cream melt a little and beat in a blender or mixer until thick foam. Pour in milk and beat again. Add banana and beat some more. Pour into glasses and drink better through a straw.

fruit juice cocktail
For 1 serving, take 200 g of any juice (preferably grape or apple) and 50 g of ice cream.

Pour the juice into a glass and add. Without stirring, drink through a straw.

Cocktail "Dessert"
For 1 serving of the cocktail you will need 100 ml of red currant juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raspberry syrup, 20 g of ice cream, 1/2 cup of sparkling water.

Pour red currant juice into glasses. Add, without stirring, raspberry syrup, sparkling water, put a scoop of ice cream on top.

Cocktail "Leningradsky"
Based on 1 serving, take 50 g of chocolate ice cream, 160 ml of pasteurized milk, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder, compote pear.

After removing the core, grind the pear well, pour in milk, add ice cream mixed with cocoa powder, and beat in a blender or mixer for 30-40 seconds. Serve in a glass with a straw.

Cranberry cocktail
You will need 100 g of milk or milk-fruit ice cream, 40 ml of cranberry syrup, 100 ml of pasteurized milk, berries, fruits, nuts, whipped cream for decoration.

Ice cream, cranberry syrup and cold milk beat well with a mixer. Pour the cocktail into glasses, garnish with berries, fruit slices, nuts, whipped cream on top.

African lemonade
You will need 100 g vanilla ice cream, 30 ml raspberry syrup, 50 ml grapefruit juice, 30 ml whipped cream, 100 ml soda water, ice.

In a tall glass, mix grapefruit juice with raspberry syrup And crushed ice, then put vanilla ice cream, carefully top up with chilled soda water, garnish with whipped cream on top. Serve on a tray with a spoon.

And now a few recipes that do not include ice cream. Their advantage also lies in the fact that they are good for both children and adults.

Cocktail "Bakhcha"
(this cocktail is more like a good tasty yogurt)
Squeeze juice from watermelon (150 ml) and mix it with 200 ml of kefir. Add 100 ml of pineapple juice and mix everything thoroughly. Put on the bottom of the glasses small pieces watermelon and pour over a cocktail.

Before serving, string pineapple slices onto skewers and dip them into the cocktail. Serve chilled.

Dessert cocktail "Strawberry Crystal"
It will take 1 liter of cream, 300 g of frozen strawberries, 60 g of sugar.

Cool the cream well, put frozen berries in a glass (they must be slightly thawed before use), sprinkle with sugar and pour over the cream. Serve in steamed glasses with spoons.

Festive chocolate cocktail
Prepare 2 dates, 1 tbsp. spoon berry juice, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa powder, 200 ml of milk.

Put the pitted dates into the mixing bowl, add the juice, cinnamon, cocoa powder and 100 ml of milk. Grind into puree. Heat up 100 ml of milk and mix with puree. Stir, pour into a glass and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

apricot cocktail
It will take 0.75 l of milk, 250 g fresh apricots, 50 g sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed ice.

Put sliced ​​apricots on ice, add sugar, add milk and mix everything in a mixer for 2 minutes. Pour into glasses and serve with a straw.
Drink "Milky Way"
Take 100 g of creamy ice cream, 30 ml of sweet jelly from, 3 tbsp. spoons of white and red currant berries, 100 ml of sparkling water, ice.

Fill glasses or tall glasses halfway with crushed ice, then put jelly, ice cream and pour in sparkling water. Top with white and red currant berries and serve with a straw and a spoon.

apple jelly
For 500 g of apples, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of potato flour.

Well washed apples cut into thin slices, put in a saucepan, pour 2 cups of water and put to boil. When the apples are boiled, put them on a sieve placed on a saucepan, wipe the resulting puree and mix with the broth. Then add sugar, boil and brew diluted potato flour.

Cold tea with fruit or berry juice
brew strong tea, pour through a strainer into porcelain dishes, put sugar to taste and cool. Then add to each glass 2 tbsp. spoons of grape, cherry or currant juice and pour into glasses or cups, in which pieces of ice are placed, adding a slice of lemon.

blueberry drink
You will need 2 cups of blueberries, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1 liter of water, zest of ½ lemon, a pinch of cinnamon.

Sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon are added to the water. Bring to a boil. Pour in the blueberries and cook for 5 minutes. Strain, rubbing the berries. The drink is served chilled, decorated with whipped cream.
lemon mousse
For 1 lemon, take 15 g of gelatin, 3/4 cup of sugar, 2 cups of water.

Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add sugar, stir and boil. IN hot syrup put the zest, cut from the lemon, and gelatin, pre-soaked and squeezed. Stirring all the time with a spoon, bring the syrup to a boil again and pour in the lemon juice. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, which is placed in cold water or on ice, and beat with a metal whisk until a homogeneous foamy mass is obtained. When the mass begins to thicken, stop beating, quickly pour the mousse into molds and cool.

Lemon mousse can be served separately in a gravy boat berry syrup(for children and teetotalers) or red wine sauce.

But these children, of course, cannot be served. They are designed for adults only. Although, if you cook them without alcohol, then you can safely offer them to little guests.

Cocktail "Kiss of Venus"
Requires 2 glasses chocolate milk, 1 cup vanilla ice cream, 6 tbsp. spoons of Amaretto liqueur, 1 peeled banana.

Mix all ingredients in a blender or beat with a mixer until smooth. Then pour into tall glasses and serve over ice.

Space sherbet with champagne
It will take 400 g of sugar, Fresh Juice 4 lemons, 1 bottle of dry champagne (0.8 liters), 0.5 liters of water.

Boil 0.5 liters of water with sugar until completely dissolved and another 5 minutes with systematic stirring in enamelware. Let the syrup cool completely, stirring occasionally, and stir in. lemon juice. Pour the bottle, mix slowly and gently, put in a tightly closed container on the top shelf in the refrigerator to cool well (or better in ice water). Pour the liquid into an electric ice cream maker, put it in the freezer and beat the sherbet there until the consistency of the cream.

If there is no electric ice cream maker, let the sherbet freeze in the freezer in a tightly sealed container at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees. In order for the sorbet to remain soft and tender, it is necessary to beat it briefly with a mixer twice or thrice (depending on the temperature in the freezer), with an interval of 60 minutes, and then freeze it again for 60 minutes. After the last beating, freeze for at least 1 hour. You can make the sherbet the day before and store it in the freezer in a tightly closed container, just like regular ice cream.

About 1 hour before serving, rearrange the sherbet from freezer into the refrigerator. We spread the sherbet in transparent glasses pre-chilled in the refrigerator with an ice cream spoon (or tablespoon, dessert) and decorate to taste with chilled compote fruit or pieces fresh fruit, grated nuts, small whole nuts, pre-chilled syrup, grated chocolate, marmalade pieces, etc.

Note #1

Instead of champagne, you can use white, including fortified, wine for making sherbet (in this case, when preparing syrup, you can add a little grated nutmeg or other spices to taste) or fresh fruit juice (this sherbet is also suitable for children). In fruit juice add to taste (for children - 1 teaspoon) cognac, rum or liquor. Wine or fruit sherbet can be flavored with grated fruit, grated citrus zest, which is added after mixing the syrup with wine or juice.

Note #2

Sherbet will be much softer and more fluffy if gelatin is soaked in a small part of water for 1 hour in the amount required to prepare 800-1000 ml of jelly (see the gelatin packaging), add it to the syrup immediately after the end of the boil and stir until completely dissolved while stirring. But the addition of gelatin, depending on its quality, can slightly change the taste of the sherbet. Try cooking with and without gelatin. In general, when preparing various dishes try to experiment more - this will allow you to significantly diversify your home table.
