
Chocolate pancakes with milk. Chocolate pancakes with milk and cocoa

Traditionally, pancakes are cooked in milk. However, those with a sweet tooth who prefer a rich chocolate flavor should definitely get acquainted with the recipe for pancakes with cocoa powder. Pancakes with cocoa go well with vanilla ice cream, condensed milk and chocolate topping. Shall we get to cooking?

Classic cocoa pancake recipe: quick and easy

The classic recipe for pancakes with cocoa is practically no different from white pancakes. The only thing that modifies the dough is the addition of cocoa powder.

To prepare pancakes with cocoa according to the classic recipe, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a glass of wheat flour;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • vanilla and salt to taste.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: if you do not have a mixer or a whisk, then you can beat the chocolate mass in an ordinary plastic bottle.

Step by step cooking pancakes:

Pour the milk into a bowl and beat in the eggs. Stir the mass to a homogeneous consistency.

  1. We introduce sugar and continue to beat (it is better to do this with a mixer).
  2. We combine flour and cocoa in a dry bowl, and pass the ingredients through a sieve. Gently add the dry ingredients to the milk mass, continuing to beat vigorously.
  3. When the dough reaches a homogeneous consistency - add vanilla, salt and vegetable oil. The dough is ready.

Pour the required amount of dough into a preheated pan, and fry on both sides for 2 minutes. Pancakes from cocoa are ready. You can put chocolate pieces and fresh, chopped fruit into baking, making an envelope out of pancakes. Bon appetit!

How to cook homemade pancakes with cocoa and butter?

Pancakes with cocoa powder, in which butter is added, have a more delicate texture. Plus, baking has a fairly pronounced aroma of baked milk, which is caused by the addition of a dairy ingredient.

For baking, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 180 grams of wheat flour;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla and salt to taste.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: in order for pimples to appear on baking, you can add a couple of tablespoons of highly carbonated mineral water to the dough. Or a teaspoon of baking powder.

Put the butter in a bowl and melt in a water bath. While the mass is melting, pour out the milk and drive in a couple of eggs. Beat the milk mass until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Pass flour and cocoa through a sieve. We introduce the dry ingredients into the milk mass, and immediately add the powdered sugar, salt and vanilla. We beat. When the dough reaches a homogeneous consistency, add the melted butter. Bake pancakes on both sides for 2 minutes. Pancakes with cocoa are ready. Bon appetit!

Original pancakes "Zebra" with cocoa

Have you become bored with chocolate and “white” pancakes? Then it's time to diversify the menu by preparing original pancakes, which are called "Zebra". For baking, we should prepare two types of dough: white and chocolate.

For baking, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 400 ml of milk;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 180 grams of flour;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and vanilla to taste.

Beat milk with eggs until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Here we introduce the sifted flour, powdered sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vanilla. Beat the mass intensively, and divide it into two equal parts. Add cocoa powder to one part of the dough. Beat the mass and give it a little "rest".

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: You can apply chocolate spirals on top of white dough using a pastry bag.

Pour the white batter into the hot skillet. On top of it with a tablespoon, pour the chocolate, forming thin spirals. When the chocolate spirals "grab", turn the pancake over to the other side, and fry the pastry for about 1 minute. Marble cakes can be served with fresh fruit. It is ideally set off by: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. Bon appetit!

Chocolate pancakes are the perfect homemade cake for those with a sweet tooth who are delighted with the taste of chocolate. Very often, beginners in the culinary business face many problems at the stage of preparing the dough. Practical advice from the chef will help to avoid incidents and "misses".

  1. Dry ingredients must be passed through a sieve. And in some cases, you need to do this twice in a row. What will it give us? Firstly, the absence of lumps in the dough, and secondly, the texture of the dough will be more airy, which will allow you to get thin pancakes.
  2. Milk. You should purchase a dairy product with a fat content of at least 3%. Ideally, pancakes are cooked in a dry frying pan. And so that the baking does not end up dry, the presence of fats is a must.
  3. Adding baking powder. Baking powder allows you to create a pancake with "pimples". But as experts say, pancakes that have baking powder added are not "fit" to eat the next day. They literally become stale and not tasty. Baking powder can be replaced with soda.

Chocolate pancakes go well not only with tea and coffee, but also with soft drinks. Also, kids love this kind of food. Delight your household with original pancakes, and don't forget to wrap some stuffing in them!

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How to cook a recipe for pancakes with cocoa powder in milk - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Pancakes with cocoa powder - in milk: a detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo

Pancakes with cocoa powder- a kind of original compromise between Russian and French cuisine. Pancakes are our traditional dish, and add cocoa to them. to get a very tasty chocolate dessert. invented by the French. The compromise turned out to be so successful that now cocoa chocolate pancakes have become a welcome dish on any sweet table. At the same time, they are easy and simple to prepare at home, which is what our today's step-by-step recipe with a photo is designed to convince you of.

We will cook wonderful pancakes in milk (you can also use water) with cocoa, as well as a delicious curd-berry sauce for them. In general, there are quite a few options for serving such pancakes. For example, instead of cottage cheese and berry sauce, you can serve them with a cream of mascarpone cheese with sweet yogurt or a scoop of vanilla, chocolate or popsicles. Moreover, you can stuff chocolate pancakes with curd cream or layer them with custard to make a delicious pancake cake. In a word, bake pancakes with cocoa powder according to our recipe, and then turn on your imagination to come up with an original serving for them.

Let's start cooking!

  • Wheat flour
    (150 g)

  • Milk
    (400 ml)

  • Butter
    (34 g)

  • Egg
    (2 pcs.)

  • cocoa powder
    (50 g)

  • curd cream
    (100 g)

  • Powdered sugar
    (150 g)

  • Sugar
    (30 g)

  • food salt
    (1/2 tsp)

  • Raspberries
    (100 g)

We take a glass of sifted wheat flour and combine it with 150 g of powdered sugar.

Sift into the mixture 50 g of cocoa powder.

We mix everything well.

In a separate container, lightly beat 2 chicken eggs and add 2 tbsp. l. butter, previously melted over low heat, 400 ml of milk and a pinch of salt.

Pour the dry mixture into the resulting mass and mix everything again.

From the resulting watery dough, we bake thin pancakes with chocolate flavor on a hot oiled frying pan.

Now let's prepare the sauce. To do this, we combine 100 g of curd mass with 30 g of granulated sugar and 100 g of fresh or frozen raspberries (of course, frozen must be thawed first). Blend everything together with a blender until smooth. After that, a wonderful curd-berry sauce can be considered ready.

We serve the dish. To do this, put rolled pancakes with cocoa powder in the center of the plate, crush them with powdered sugar, and place the sauce next to it.

Chocolate pancakes with cocoa

Outwardly, they look more like American pancakes than classic pancakes. The site already has pancakes on kefir with berries and banana pancakes.

Step 1: Knead the dough

For the recipe, I usually use room temperature kefir. To do this, I take it out of the refrigerator a few hours before cooking. Pour kefir into a deep bowl, in which we will mix all the ingredients for chocolate pancakes. Let's break a chicken egg. It is necessary in order to hold together all the ingredients. In addition, thanks to the egg, the products will rise well and turn out to be lush.

Then add granulated sugar to make the pancakes moderately sweet. Pour soda for airiness and salt to set off the taste of other products. Thoroughly mix everything with a whisk.

Now let's add flour. It must be passed through a strainer so that the dough is tender. Gently mix it with a silicone spatula or a whisk.

Thoroughly mix vegetable oil into the dough, pour cocoa powder into it.

Stir until smooth and leave the mixture for 15 minutes. During this time, the components will make friends with each other, and the pancakes will turn out even more tender and tastier.

Step 2: Fry pancakes in a pan

Now you can start frying. Heat up a non-stick frying pan. As I wrote above, you do not need to pour oil on it. Gently pour 2 tablespoons of batter onto the dry, hot pan, forming a circle.

When a lot of bubbles form on the surface of the pancake, turn it over to the other side with a silicone spatula. We will lay out the finished products on a plate so that they cool slightly. Thus, we fry all the products, trying to make them the same size. I got 12 pieces with a diameter of 12 cm.

Arrange the chocolate pancakes on a saucer. Drizzle with melted chocolate or topping. Sprinkle with coconut. Decorate with berries or fruit pieces. We will serve with tea, milk or coffee.

Pancakes with cocoa is a sweet dessert and a great option for a hearty and tasty breakfast that can be prepared quickly. Such nalistniki will have a chocolate taste, such a delicacy will be very popular with chocolate lovers. Traditionally, such pancakes require an addition, so many serve them with condensed milk, sugar, honey, jam, or sprinkle with cocoa icing. Also, with cocoa pancakes, you can serve a scoop of ice cream and decorate the dish with a sprig of fresh mint.

The ingredients for such pancakes must be prepared as follows:

  • milk - 400 ml;
  • flour - 180 g;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • eggs - two pcs.;
  • refined oil - two tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

We bake pancakes with cocoa powder as follows:

Beat the eggs, either with a whisk or in a blender, as you like. Then add milk to them and stir. Sift the flour with cocoa, then the pancakes will be lush and have a uniform color. Pour in salt and sugar. Mix liquid and dry ingredients. Mix very thoroughly so that lumps do not form. At the end, add refined oil and mix everything. Leave the dough for an hour in the refrigerator. And then start frying. Heat up the pan. If it has a non-stick coating or your kitchen has a modern pancake pan, then there is no need to oil it, because the pancakes will not burn. In other cases, a couple of drops of sunflower oil should be poured into the pan. Ladles pour the dough, forming a thin pancake. When it's browned, turn it over to the other side. Put the finished pancakes on a wide dish. As a decoration, as mentioned above, use ice cream, for example, vanilla or regular cream. Fold the pancake into a triangle and put two on a plate, and top with two scoops of ice cream and a sprig of mint or a fresh strawberry.

Pancakes and pancakes. It seems that these two words refer to the same dish. But it's not. Russian cuisine classifies pancakes as pancakes on a dough, which is cooked in water or milk. In the latter case, it turns out much tastier. Pancakes are usually made from yeast-free dough, are often sweet and tend to be thin. Young housewives begin their acquaintance with pancakes with simple, uncomplicated recipes for the most ordinary pancakes with milk. Having mastered the basics, they gradually allow themselves to move on to more interesting options. For example, add cocoa powder to the dough.

Simple and quick cooking recipe pancakes with cocoa. This recipe can also be made pancakes with sour milk. Cocoa pancakes are very tasty and beautiful - one side is darker, the other side is lighter - the color of cocoa with milk.

pancake recipe with cocoa

How to make pancakes with cocoa

Today we will learn how you can easily add variety to even a classic dish and cook breakfast or afternoon tea in a new way. Pancakes with cocoa, the recipe of which you will find in this article with various variations, will be a great innovation in traditional cuisine. You can cook them in a very original way that will delight both adults and children with its unusualness and sophistication.

To begin with, we will make pancakes with cocoa in milk according to the simplest recipe, in which there are a minimum of ingredients.

Pancakes with cocoa: a classic simple recipe

Cooking pancakes with cocoa

  1. Beat eggs with milk, add sugar and salt.
  2. Pour in all the cocoa powder, and then gradually introduce the flour. Less may be needed, as cocoa itself has a binding effect.

We try for salt and sugar, the latter may be required more than usual, again because of the powder - it will give a noticeable bitterness.

  • The dough should turn out, like a regular pancake, with the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • In a non-stick frying pan, heat up a little vegetable oil and start baking pancakes.
  • We stack the finished ones in a pile and, if desired, coat with butter or leave it like that. Serve pancakes with cocoa, decorating them with strawberries and sprinkling with powdered sugar.

    If there is any doubt that the cocoa will disperse properly, prepare the chocolate milk first.
    We heat 200 ml of milk to 80 ° C in a microwave or saucepan, and then pour in the right amount of cocoa. Beat the mixture with a whisk - cocoa powder disperses very well in a hot liquid - then add the volume with the remaining milk and prepare the dough as usual .

    Pancakes with cocoa and butter

    According to this recipe, pastries are obtained with a more delicate creamy taste, which goes especially well with cocoa spice.

    How to bake pancakes with cocoa and butter

    1. We combine flour and powdered sugar in equal proportions of 150 g, pour 50 g of cocoa, mix and set aside.
    2. Separately, beat 2 eggs into foam, melt 2 tbsp. butter, add to them, and then pour in 400 ml of milk. We mix everything, salt and combine with a dry mass.
    3. Beat until the dough is completely homogeneous.

    Bake as usual in a dry or greased pan. You can serve such pancakes with cocoa in milk with curd cream and whipped cream.

    In conclusion, we suggest you cook original two-color pancakes.

    Original pancakes "Zebra"

    We prepare the dough for pancakes as usual:

    • combine 2 chicken eggs with 2/3 tbsp. flour,
    • pour in 400 ml of milk,
    • add 1.5 tbsp. sugar or powdered sugar
    • salt,
    • pour 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and beat.

    The consistency should be slightly thinner than usual.

    Now pour 1/3 of the dough into a separate bowl and pour 1 tbsp. cocoa without a slide. Whisk well to get rid of lumps. And pour a little more flour into the white dough - 1-2 tbsp. to even out the texture.

    How to bake pancakes "Zebra"

    We heat the oil in a frying pan and first pour the white dough, completely filling the space, then on top of it with a spoon or directly from the cup in which it is located, pour the chocolate dough in a spiral to make beautiful stripes!

    As soon as the pancake is ready on one side, turn it over, as usual, on the other.

    So we fry all the pancakes, and to make it more convenient to pour the chocolate dough, you can use a plastic bottle with a cork - we make a hole in it with a hot awl or nail and now any patterns will become possible on a white pancake!

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making pancakes with cocoa in milk. Try to make them according to one of the proposed recipes and you will surely be very pleased with the result, and even your family will be delighted!

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    Chocolate pancakes recipe from cocoa

    Chocolate pancakes with cocoa are a very easy-to-make, delicious and versatile dessert. They can be cooked with filling or served without it. They will easily decorate both a festive table and an ordinary family dinner. And it’s not worth talking about the love of children for chocolate pancakes.

    Of course, they are especially popular during Maslenitsa, because since ancient times pancake has been considered a pagan symbol of the Sun, but at any other time you can please yourself and your loved ones with such yummy. To make chocolate pancakes with cocoa, you will need the following products:

        • 1 glass of fresh milk;
        • 1 cup whey (cold water or milk);
        • 2 chicken eggs;
        • 180 grams of flour;
        • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
        • 4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
        • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
        • 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • How to make chocolate pancakes from cocoa:

    Drive two eggs into a convenient for kneading and preferably a high container, add sugar and salt. Mix all this thoroughly until smooth, whisking lightly.

    Gradually add milk and whey to the mixture. If necessary, you can replace whey with the same volume of cold boiled water or milk.

    Mix cocoa and flour and pass through a sieve. This is necessary to make the pancakes porous and airy. Gently add to already prepared products. In this case, the dough must be thoroughly mixed to avoid the appearance of small lumps.

    Sunflower oil is added last to the dough. It must be odorless. Stir the resulting chocolate mass thoroughly.

    It should be thin enough to spread easily in the pan.

    It is better to take a medium-sized frying pan. Before starting cooking, it must be well heated and add quite a bit of sunflower oil, otherwise the pancakes will turn out thick and ugly. This is done just before the start of frying pancakes. In the future, it is not necessary to add oil, because. we already have it in the test.

    Pour the required amount of dough into the pan using a small ladle or ladle. Quickly scroll it to distribute evenly over the entire surface. When there is no batter left on the pancake, you need to carefully turn it over to the other side and fry for about half a minute more. You need to carefully monitor the process and avoid burning. All the dough is fried in this way.

    Also, ready-made pancakes, if desired, can be greased with a small amount of butter. And in order for pancakes with cocoa to turn out very beautiful and smooth, and also to make sure there are no lumps, it is recommended to pass the dough through a sieve. Thanks to this, it will also be able to saturate with oxygen. After that, it is better to cover the finished mixture with cling film and let stand for fifteen minutes. It should be noted that when cooking, the proportions of the ingredients must be strictly observed, otherwise “lumps” will come out instead of pancakes.

    Subject to all the rules of preparation, chocolate pancakes will turn out very beautiful and elastic.

    Ready-made chocolate pancakes can be served both hot and cold, with the addition of jam, honey or condensed milk. garnished with icing sugar or a sprig of mint. And recently, pancake pies and cakes have gained particular popularity.

    This is how you can diversify your menu with a simple and economical recipe.

    Sincerely, Svetlana.
    A step-by-step recipe with a photo especially for the Well-Fed Family website.

    Every hostess sometimes faces the fact that she no longer knows how to please her family. And for many pancakes with milk are the answer. After all, few people refuse such a delicacy as pancakes. Especially if ordinary pancakes are made unusual by adding, for example, cocoa to the dough. You will get pancakes with cocoa, or chocolate pancakes. By the way, if you don’t have milk, try making pancakes with whey.

    They can be smeared with any jam, condensed milk, sprinkled with chocolate icing or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar, so we get very tasty pancakes. The main thing is that pancakes in milk with cocoa are tasty and satisfying. The perfect solution for tea. For a long time, many families have preserved the tradition of starting the day with pancakes or ending the day with pancakes.

    This delicacy often replaces pastries for us. And because of the ability to make a lot of toppings, we get the opportunity to make tea drinking varied and every time simple pancakes carry something pleasant and tasty.

    Let's cook pancakes with cocoa milk, and the recipe for pancakes is just in front of you.

    Ingredients for Cooking Pancakes with Cocoa Milk:

    - milk - 1 glass;

    - sugar - 2 tablespoons;

    - vanilla sugar - ½ sachet;

    - chicken egg - 1 pc.;

    - butter - 1 tablespoon;

    - cocoa - 1 tablespoon;

    - flour - 1 cup (or a little more).

    Recipe for pancakes in milk with cocoa:

    In a bowl, beat the egg and sugar with a whisk. Add vanilla sugar to this mixture.

    We add milk. Thoroughly mix it with sugar and egg. Melt the butter and pour it into the mass.

    Now sift the cocoa through a strainer. Pour it in and mix at the same time so that there are no lumps.

    Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. It should not be too thick, but not too runny either. Medium density consistency for our pancakes is best suited.

    This is how the dough for pancakes in milk with cocoa looks like.

    We put the pan for pancakes on the fire. We warm it up and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Then we no longer need fat for frying pancakes.

    By the way, in order to distribute a small amount of vegetable oil evenly over the pan, you can use a bird feather (clean), half a potato, prick it with a fork for convenience, or the simplest modern way is to use a silicone spatula or brush.

    After greasing the pan with oil, pour a small amount of dough and carefully turn the pan over so that it spreads evenly over the surface, forming a circle. The layer should not be thick.

    Fry the pancake for a short time on one side, then turn over to the other side and brown a little more.

    Pancakes in milk with cocoa are cooked very quickly. Just have time to pour the dough and turn the pancakes. We stack ready-made pancakes in a pile. Brush with a dollop of butter if desired. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Happy tea!

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    Recipes for making chocolate pancakes

    Pancakes are prepared in different ways: with milk, water, seasonings, various fillings. Especially tasty are chocolate pancakes, the recipes of which are many. Consider these recipes.

    A competent proportion of ingredients, a sequence of actions and a little “magic” are important here. It would seem that experimenting with pancakes is dangerous, but sometimes it is very justified! With the addition of cocoa powder to classic pancakes with milk, the taste immediately changes, retains softness, and notes of chocolate turn this dish into a completely unreal, which is recommended to try at least once in a lifetime.


    • wheat flour - 100-120 g;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • fine-grained sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • vanillin - optional;
    • milk - 200-250 ml;
    • bitter cocoa powder - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter - 70-80 g;
    • powder, mint - for serving.

    From the kitchen props you will need: a frying pan with a diameter of 16-18 cm; 2 bowls, whisk, fork, spoon, ladle, parchment, plate.

    The number of servings - 10;
    Cooking time - 50 minutes

    Mix sugar, sifted flour and cocoa powder in a bowl. Add vanilla to it (optional).

    Lightly beat the eggs with a fork in a separate bowl.

    Pour the egg mixture into the flour bowl. Stir gently with a spoon. You will get a very thick mass.

    Pour in cold milk, gradually stirring the dough with a whisk. Again, a thick, heterogeneous mixture will turn out.

    Break up lumps with a whisk, beat the dough for pancakes.

    Add melted butter (a little more than half). Mix.

    You will get a dough for chocolate pancakes that is uniform in color and consistency. Remove it under the film in the refrigerator (20 minutes).

    Heat the pan, put a slow fire, grease with oil (very thin layer), pour about 3-4 tbsp. spoons, spread the dough gently and bake for about a minute on each side.

    Chocolate cocoa beans came to us from America. The Indians did not know how to cook dishes from cocoa powder, but they prepared drinks that were mandatory for the Aztec emperors. In addition to fruits, vanilla and spices were added to the drink, mixed until foam was formed. Europeans also invented chocolate, and also added brown powder to dishes. Russian pancakes with cocoa have a chocolate taste and appetizing look, they can be prepared according to different recipes. Chocolate is one of the antioxidants, as well as substances that uplift the mood. With the use of this product, you need to be careful except for hypertensive patients, since the composition of the powder includes caffeine and theobromine, which increase blood pressure. In addition to this reservation, cocoa is a very useful product that contains many useful substances.


    • 200 grams of wheat flour
    • half a liter of milk
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • 1 heaping tablespoon of cocoa
    • a pinch of salt
    • vegetable oil for baking.

    Milk pancakes with cocoa recipe:

    1. Mix eggs and milk with the addition of salt and sugar.
    2. Add cocoa powder immediately, but flour - gradually.
    3. Mix with a whisk, avoiding lumps. The dough should be of a creamy consistency, liquid enough to spread over the pan.

    We bake in a pan. Since vegetable oil is not part of the dough, it needs to be added a little to the pan, spreading a thin layer along the bottom with the help of half a potato planted on a fork.


    The next recipe is with the addition of butter. For the dish you need:

    • 150 grams of flour
    • 150 grams of powdered sugar
    • 2 tablespoons cocoa
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1/2 liter of milk
    • vegetable oil for frying.

    1. Mix powdered sugar with cocoa, gradually add flour, stirring.
    2. Two eggs need to be beaten strongly, mixed with melted butter, then, stirring, pour in the milk.
    3. Mix the milk-egg mixture with flour and mix with a mixer.

    You can bake in a pan greased with vegetable oil.


    To prepare striped pancakes called "Zebra" we need:

    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup flour
    • 500 milliliters of milk
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
    • a pinch of salt.

    Preparation, each stage is accompanied by stirring:

    1. Mix flour and eggs.
    2. Add milk.
    3. Add sugar and salt.
    4. Pour in vegetable oil, then mix especially carefully so that the oil is evenly distributed over the dough.
    5. Separate a third of the dough and mix it with cocoa powder.
    6. In the dough without cocoa (two-thirds of what is left), add one tablespoon of flour.

    We start baking - pour white dough onto a greased pan so that it completely fills the bottom of the pan, then with a spoon we make a beautiful spiral of chocolate dough. It will turn out a striped pancake, which is why it is called a "zebra". Making chocolate pancakes is a creative process. If you use a more convenient dispenser instead of a spoon, for example, a plastic bottle with a hole in the cork, you can draw chocolate patterns on a white pancake.

    If you combine cocoa, flour, milk and water in the correct sequence, the dough will turn out without a single lump, shiny and homogeneous. It is easy to wrap sweet fillings in beautiful chocolate-colored pancakes, or you can simply pour pancakes with condensed milk or sauce and serve with berries.

    Have you decided to add chocolate yet? Then take 50 grams of dark chocolate, melt in a water bath with 20 g of butter and add to the dough at the stage of adding milk. Increase the number of eggs to 3 pieces, otherwise pancakes with chocolate simply cannot be turned over to the other side. You don't need vegetable oil. And don't forget to let the dough stand for a bit before baking - 20-30 minutes for the chocolate to set a little. The rest of the technology will be exactly the same.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes
    Servings Per 12


    • chicken egg 1 pc.
    • salt 1 tbsp.
    • sugar 3 tbsp. l.
    • cocoa powder 2 tbsp. l.
    • milk 250 ml
    • wheat flour 200 g
    • water 200 ml
    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.

    How to make chocolate pancakes

    In a large bowl, beat the egg, add salt and sugar. Using a whisk or mixer, beat everything until smooth.

    Add cocoa powder and mix everything vigorously again so that no lumps remain. It is advisable to use good imported cocoa, if you doubt its quality, you can put 0.5 tablespoon more.

    Pour milk (any fat content, cold), continuing to work with a whisk.

    Gradually add flour to the chocolate mass, sifting it through a sieve.

    Gradually pour in water (cold) and at the very end add vegetable oil, stir the dough until smooth. The oil must be refined, otherwise it will interrupt the chocolate taste. The result is a homogeneous dough, smooth and shiny, without lumps, similar in consistency to liquid sour cream.

    We heat the pan, grease it with a couple of drops of vegetable oil (or a piece of bacon) and pour 1/2 ladle of dough in the center.

    Quickly spread the dough all over the bottom of the pan, rotating it in a circular motion in the air. We bake for about 30-40 seconds.

    As soon as the edges of the pancake begin to blush, turn it over to the other side and bake for another 20-30 seconds.

    Serve pancakes warm or cold. As a filling, you can use sweet cottage cheese, grated through a sieve, or fruits, such as bananas and strawberries. As a delicious addition, you can serve a scoop of creamy ice cream or simply pour condensed milk on top of the pancakes.
