
How many calories in a fresh apricot 1. Apricot calories: nutritional value of fresh and dried apricots

Apricots appear on the shelves of the markets from mid-July. During the apricot season, they are consumed both fresh and winter preparations are prepared from them - jam, jams, compotes, etc. The low calorie content of apricots and their rich composition make them very beneficial for both health and figure.

The calorie content of apricots is determined by their nutrient content. The composition of apricots includes proteins, a small amount of fatty acids, dietary fiber (fiber), water, but the main source of calories in apricots is carbohydrates. Apricots contain both simple and complex carbohydrates - fructose, glucose, starch, pectin, etc. Thanks to them, they saturate the body with energy, tone up, and thanks to fiber, they help improve digestion, fight constipation and have a cleansing effect on the body, removing slags, toxins and excess cholesterol.

Apricots contain vitamin PP, which strengthens blood vessels, biotin (vitamin H), which improves the condition of hair and nails, antioxidants - vitamins A and E, as well as an immunomodulator - vitamin C. These fruits also contain B vitamins that improve the functioning of the nervous system, increase stress resistance , normalizing metabolism and contributing to the good work of all organs and systems of the body.

Apricots are rich in calcium and fluorine, which strengthens bones and tooth enamel, magnesium, which is involved in all synthesis processes in the body, phosphorus, which stimulates brain activity, potassium, which strengthens the cardiovascular system, and iron, which prevents anemia. Also, these fruits are rich in iodine, necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as chlorine, sulfur, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper and other micro and macro elements necessary for the body. They also contain organic acids that promote the breakdown of body fat and improve the absorption of nutrients from food in the body.

The taste and nutritional characteristics of this product are quite high, while the calorie content of apricots is very small.

How many calories are in apricots

As mentioned above, the main source of calories in apricots are carbohydrates. The more simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose) in fruits, the sweeter they are, the higher the calorie content of apricots. Unripe apricots contain fewer calories, but they are aggressive towards the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The calorie content of ripe apricots, although higher, is healthier and tastier. Like all fruits and vegetables, apricots contain a lot of water, fiber and carbohydrates, and like all fruits and vegetables, apricots are very low in calories - which is why eating plant foods so easily lose extra pounds.

The calorie content of apricots is 44 kcal per 100 g. 1 medium apricot (about 25-27 g) contains 10-12 kcal. Just a few fruits can satisfy hunger and give strength, so apricots are ideal in the summer for a hearty, tasty and at the same time low-calorie snack.

The calorie content of dried apricots (dried apricots) is 232 kcal per 100 g. This dried fruit, like fresh fruits, is very useful; during a diet, they can replace the usual high-calorie and harmful sweets for us - sweets, pastries, etc. You should not be afraid of how many calories are in dried apricots: their calorie content is still less than the calorie content of sweets or cookies, and they will bring much more benefits for the body and for the figure. In addition, the calories contained in dried apricots with moderate consumption of this dried fruit will all go into energy, and will not be deposited on the sides, because their source is not harmful fats or sucrose, but glucose and fructose, which are useful and easily absorbed by the body.

The benefits of apricots

Apricots have many health benefits. They treat indigestion and diarrhea, they are effective for anemia, and they also reduce the intensity of skin diseases and prevent the formation of cancer cells. Apricots remove toxins from the body, and also normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They contribute to the normalization of intestinal activity, improve digestion, reduce arrhythmia, improve the patient's condition with bronchial asthma. Due to the low calorie content of apricots and the content of organic acids in them, these fruits are recommended to be included in the diet for obesity. In medicine and cosmetology, apricot oil is used to activate regeneration processes, as well as an antiseptic. It is effective for skin diseases and mechanical damage to the skin, as well as for acne.

However, apricots have contraindications - their use is undesirable for people with diabetes, and when overeating, they can cause indigestion.

apricot diet

The low calorie content of apricots and the presence in their composition of acids and other substances that contribute to the intensification of metabolic processes and the breakdown of adipose tissue have made this product well suited for nutrition during diets aimed at weight loss. In addition to the low calorie content of apricots and their ability to activate the breakdown of fats, they have another weapon against extra pounds - a high fiber content, which removes all toxins from the body and normalizes digestion, so that food is absorbed better, and the intestines work like clockwork.

These fruits are so effective for weight loss that even a special apricot diet has been developed.

For 3-5 days on this diet, you can get rid of 3-6 kg by cleansing the body and accelerating metabolic processes. However, people with gastritis, diabetes and intestinal obstruction cannot follow a diet on apricots.

The daily ration of this diet consists of 500-800 g of apricots. It is also allowed to use vegetable soups, salads (without mayonnaise and other fatty dressings - only lemon juice, aromatic herbs and a little olive oil can be added to salads). You can also include in the diet lean meat and fish, steamed, as well as boiled or steamed green vegetables (zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, celery), low-fat cheeses, boiled eggs, a small amount of rye bread. You can drink unsweetened teas, natural juices without added sugar during the apricot diet., herbal decoctions and clean water without gas. Salt intake during the apricot diet should be reduced to 2-3 g per day - this is necessary to remove excess water from the body, retained in the tissues by the salt located there.

In addition to this diet, you can also spend fasting days on this product - during such a day you can eat up to 1 kg of apricots, while you need to drink a lot of water. Such fasting days help cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins, as well as excess cholesterol and salts. Due to the low calorie content of apricots, you will consume only 400-450 kcal during the day., which means that the body in conditions of lack of energy resources will start the processes of fat burning. Spending just one such fasting day a week, during the summer season you can easily get rid of 7-8 extra pounds.

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A well-known useful product containing an abundant amount of vitamins and microelements - apricot, which even children love so much. However, almost all children can not be afraid to gain extra pounds, it is even good for them, but their parents or just individuals who are no longer children should think several times before eating this fruit without dimension. This article will consider the calorie content, as well as the question: is it worth eating apricots in large quantities.

Calorie content of apricots

The calorie content of 1 apricot is quite low compared to other fruits, and is only 41 kcal per 100 g. Proteins are 0.9 g, carbohydrates 10.8 g, and there are very few fats, only 0.1 g.

The nutritional value of apricot, in fact, is not as great as many would think, and the human body does not need it, such as greens (cabbage, parsley, dill, etc.). However, in the composition there are really enough useful elements that could be useful to the human body. So, 100g of apricot contains:

  1. Vitamin A - 0.26mg
  2. Vitamin B2 - 0.06 mg;
  3. Vitamin B5 - 0.3mg;
  4. Vitamin B9 - 0.003 mg;
  5. Vitamin C - 10mg
  6. Vitamin E - 1.1mg
  7. Potassium - 305 mg;
  8. Calcium - 28mg;
  9. Phosphorus - 26mg;
  10. Magnesium - 8mg;
  11. Aluminum - 0.3mg;
  12. Copper - 0.14mg

Surely you have noticed that there is a suspiciously high amount of vitamin C in apricot when compared with the amount of other elements on the same list. It is worth noting that this vitamin is otherwise called ascorbic acid, and it contributes to the protection of tissues from free radicals, forms collagen fibers. Also, thanks to the work of vitamins A and C, heavy metals and slags are excreted from the body.

Vitamins of group B, in particular B2, promotes redox processes in the body, due to its sufficient content, your nails and hair grow well and do not fall out. Vitamin B5 carries out the exchange of amino acids, fats and carbohydrates, but an overdose of the vitamin causes irritation and pain in the stomach. But vitamin B9 is one of those that most often do not get to the body in the proper amount, but it improves the condition of the blood and is actively involved in hematopoiesis.

What is the daily intake of apricots?

With a normal daily diet of this fruit, the chance of getting lung cancer, serious colds and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced. In particular, the daily norm is considered to be either a glass of apricot juice, or 4-6 fresh apricots, or 15-20 dried ones. However, be very careful when choosing a product, it is quite often treated with chemicals.

Dried apricot calories

Many, perhaps, will be interested, but what is the calorie content of dried apricots? If an apricot in its pure form does not contain so many calories, then their number will increase or decrease if the fruit is dried to the state of dried apricots or apricots. The first answer will be correct, the calorie content will not only increase, but during the drying process due to a decrease in moisture, it will increase sharply by as much as five times, and will become equal to 215kcal per 100g of product.

Why is apricot so sweet?

But why does an apricot have such a sweet taste, but it does not have so much fat at all? The answer is simple - the composition contains enough sucrose (and for this reason it is better not to eat this fruit for people with diabetes). But do not be afraid of this, if you are on a diet or just do not want to eat sweets to save your figure, then eat a couple of apricots. It won't affect your body the way it would if you ate a chocolate cake, but it will satisfy your cravings for sweets.

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Apricots are a valuable culinary fruit. They make jam, marmalade, marshmallow, jam, fillings for pies and cakes, salads, casseroles, sauces, compotes, fresh juices, smoothies, wines, tinctures and liquors. They are also added to meat (lamb, pork, chicken, duck) during its preparation. That is why it is necessary to know about the calorie content of apricots, especially if you are striving to make your diet balanced and take care of your own figure. For the latter, special mono-diets based on this fruit are useful, which are very easy and useful to follow in the summer.

How many calories in apricot, its nutritional value and chemical composition

The calorie content of apricots is 44 kcal per 100 g of the product. Of these, 1 kcal is found in fats and 4 in proteins. 39 calories in apricots come from carbohydrates. Despite the presented low caloric values, these fruits are rich in sugar, and there is much more of it in dried fruits. In this regard, their use should be limited to people with diabetes of any type. The rest can freely include apricots in their diet (dietary or proper nutrition), replacing them with confectionery and chocolate.

The low calorie content of apricots is not the most important evidence of their benefits to humans. No less important in this matter is the detailed content of nutrients. So, in 100 g of such fruits are:

1) Macronutrients: 28 mg calcium, 3 mg sodium, 8 mg magnesium, 305 mg potassium, 26 mg phosphorus, 1 mg chlorine, 6 mg sulfur.

2) Trace elements: 0.082 mg zinc, 0.7 mg iron, 1 µg iodine, 140 µg copper, 0.22 mg manganese, 1 µg chromium, 11 µg fluorine, 8 µg molybdenum, 125 µg boron, 25 µg vanadium, 5 mg silicon, 2 µg cobalt, 364 µg aluminum, 8 µg nickel.

3) Vitamins: PP - 0.7 mg, PP (niacin equivalent) - 0.8 mg, A (RE) - 267 mcg, beta-carotene - 1.6 mg, B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.06 mg, B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.3 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.05 mg, B9 (folic acid) - 3 mcg, E (TE) - 1.1 mg, C - 10 mg, H (biotin) - 0.3 μg.

4) Nutritional value: 0.9 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fats, 9 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of organic acids, 2.1 g of dietary fiber, 86.2 g of water, 8.3 g of mono- and disaccharides, 0, 7 g ash, 0.7 g starch.

One fruit weighs an average of 26 g. In this case, the calorie content of an apricot is 11.4 kcal.

apricot diet

Due to the low calorie content of apricots, they are often used for weight loss. And their rich vitamin and mineral composition will not allow damage to the appearance (condition of the skin, hair and nails), as is regularly the case when following mono-diets. In addition, the magnesium and phosphorus contained in them will help to cope with neuro-emotional stress much easier, and tryptophan, transforming into serotonin, will remarkably improve mood and prevent you from suffering due to a temporary reduction in diet.

Not only the low calorie content of apricots will help to remove extra pounds during fruit weight loss, but also their ability to remove excess fluid and “bad” cholesterol from tissues. In addition, they have the effect of a mild laxative, so when using apricots, constipation will be eliminated, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, and the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins.

If you follow the apricot diet, you should not consume more than 2 kg of these fruits per day. A similar limitation is associated with their high sugar content. Violation of this rule will lead to a less tangible result from the process of losing weight. You can stick to the described fruit mono-diet for a maximum of 3-5 days, while eating only apricots. They can be mashed, compotes, baked or eaten fresh. Purified and mineral non-carbonated water is allowed as drinks. As well as unsweetened herbal teas. You need to eat often and fractionally (a couple of handfuls of apricots at one meal). On average, such a diet takes one kilogram of excess weight per day. It is necessary to leave it carefully, adding 1-2 new products daily, thus switching to the usual diet within a week. This will help solidify the effect.

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Apricot is a fruit tree of the plum genus, a close relative of almond and peach. It is also called the “Armenian apple”, because the apricot came to Europe from Armenia. There are many varieties of apricots that differ in region of origin, ripening time and, most importantly, in the way they are eaten. There are table varieties, varieties for drying and varieties for jam and blanks. All these varieties of apricots have different calorie content.

Calorie content of apricots, dried apricots and calorie content of apricot kernels

Apricot is considered a low-calorie food that stimulates digestive activity. How many calories are in an apricot: (on average) 41-48 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. Dried fruits are distinguished by a higher calorie content: according to various estimates, dried apricots contain from 180 to 240 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of an apricot seed is approximately 440-520 kcal per 100 grams. For convenience, let's calculate calories per unit of product: a fresh apricot is about 26 grams, respectively, the total calories in an apricot are about 11-12. One piece of dried apricots is 18 grams, it turns out - about 30 kilocalories. Despite the high calorie content of dried apricots, it is very useful for those who want to lose weight, as it is a very convenient "snack" - a quick snack, which is good for killing your appetite between main meals.

Nutritional value and composition of apricots

How many calories are in an apricot, we figured out. What is an apricot? Like all fruits, it is, first of all, carbohydrates. The composition of 100 grams of apricots is as follows: 80 grams - water, 0.1 grams - fats, 0.8 grams - proteins, 10.5 grams - carbohydrates. Of the sugars (glucose, fructose, etc.), sucrose predominates, which makes the apricot an unsuitable product for diabetics. It also has a lot of fiber, which contributes to better bowel function, inulin, starch and pectin. Apricot is an excellent source of vitamins, especially A and C, beta-carotene and B vitamins, which are responsible for the condition of the skin and hair, so the apricot is considered one of the “beauty fruits”. Apricots also contain vitamins E, PP and P.

Apricot is also known for its composition of micro and macro elements. Potassium makes apricots indispensable for "cores". Phosphorus and magnesium improve memory. Sodium, calcium salts, iodine and iron are all important elements for health and are also found in apricots. Rich in apricot and fruit acids: malic, citric, salicylic, tartaric. They, as well as terpene compounds (limonene, geraniol, myrcene and others) give the same unique flavor to apricots. All this makes the fruit very useful for a growing organism: it improves cerebral circulation, improves immunity, and is a natural growth stimulant. The low calorie content of apricots with a high content of nutrients makes them an excellent natural vitamin supplement.

The effect of apricot calorie content on dietary nutrition

It is best to use dried apricots and dark, not bright orange, dried apricots for dietary nutrition. And, of course, fresh apricots. The fact is that dried fruits are often treated with sulfur dioxide, this is not dangerous, but less useful substances are stored. Sulfur dioxide prevents the fruits from browning, they are easily distinguished by their bright color. It is even more preferable to inquire about the drying method and purchase the dried apricots that were dried in the shade. It is less dry. This does not affect the calorie content of apricots.

Due to its properties and composition, apricot is indicated to use:

  • to improve weakened immunity - vitamins, micro and macro elements contained in apricots - this is a natural vitamin supplement;
  • to restore vision - it is enough to eat 300 grams of apricots per day (or 100 grams of dried apricots) to fully satisfy the body's need for beta-carotene (however, it should be remembered that if the thyroid function is impaired, the body does not absorb beta-carotene from apricots and dried apricots);
  • to improve the condition of the skin and hair - beta-carotene, vitamins B, A and C - these are the so-called "beauty vitamins" (apricot extract is often used as part of cosmetics);
  • to prevent the development of cancerous tumors - apricot is a natural antioxidant, along with green tea and other healthy products;
  • to improve brain function - magnesium and phosphorus turn apricots into an active food supplement, very useful, for example, for students;
  • for baby food - magnesium, phosphorus and potassium affect growth rate and mental activity, and apricot's low calorie content and high carbohydrate content make them an excellent part of baby food;
  • for anemia and cardiovascular diseases: an exceptional dose of potassium and iron is the best friend of patients with cardiovascular diseases, apricots increase hemoglobin and regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and the low calorie level in apricots allows them to be included in the diet of obese people;
  • in the diet of pregnant women, it is used for the same reasons, in order to avoid depletion of the body and latent anemia;
  • while taking diuretics (diuretic drugs wash out potassium from the body, and apricots prevent this);
  • to improve intestinal motility and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body - due to the high content of fiber and pectin, apricot, especially dried, acts as a mild laxative;
  • for constipation - works as a laxative (in this case, the dose should be greater than with daily use for preventive purposes).

Do not eat apricots:

  • with diabetes mellitus due to the high content of sucrose;
  • on an empty stomach (due to the stimulating effect on the intestinal mucosa, apricots can provoke acute attacks of chronic diseases such as stomach ulcers and pancreatitis).

It is also better not to abuse bitter apricot pits. This bitterness is the substance amygdalin (vitamin B17), which, when interacting with the stomach, turns into hydrocyanic acid. Its excess can lead to poisoning, especially in children.

Calorie content of apricots and the effectiveness of a mono-diet

There is a mono-diet that uses fresh apricots. Although apricot contains a lot of sucrose, the calorie content of apricots is low, and fiber and peptides help to eliminate toxins, toxins and lower blood cholesterol levels. Also, this diet intensely nourishes the body with vitamins and microelements, resulting in improved complexion and hair condition. However, before starting such a diet, you should check with a gastroenterologist for the presence of hidden chronic diseases of the digestive system. Use only fresh apricots, not dried apricots. It is not necessary to calculate how many calories are in an apricot, since fresh apricots are a low-calorie product due to their high fiber content.

In total, they sit on a diet from three to five days, consuming no more than 2 kilos of apricots per day (this will amount to a maximum of 900 calories of apricots per day). Water can be drunk at will (as in all mono-diets). The result is minus a kilo per day.

There is an easier way, but also a longer one: use dried apricots daily as a dietary supplement. To achieve a noticeable result, 3-5 pieces per day are enough, but not more than 100 grams (otherwise, instead of benefiting, there is a risk of getting diarrhea). Dried apricots, like other dried fruits, can be used as a snack between meals. The intended effect is like taking special vitamins for appearance. The calorie content of dried apricots is higher than the calorie content of apricots, but it is also suggested to consume it less. Also, one of the effects of this natural vitamin supplement is to improve brain function.

apricot kernels

To obtain apricot pits, only varieties are used in which the pits are sweet, similar in taste to almonds. Bitter bones can be poisonous, as they have an increased content of amygdalin. Amygdalin, under the trade name "laetrile", is promoted by alternative medicine advocates as an anti-cancer agent and vitamin supplement. However, the American Cancer Society refutes these data, specifically pointing out the toxicity of the substance (with known cases of poisoning). But, since this substance is present in small doses in many seeds of plants of the “plum” genus, including almonds, the use of sweet almonds, like sweet apricot pits, is completely harmless.

Raw apricot kernels are an excellent anthelmintic. Chinese folk medicine considers apricot kernels a remedy for many diseases: tracheitis, nephritis, bronchitis. The calorie content of apricot kernels is from 450 to 520 kilocalories per 100 grams. The nutritional value of the bones includes 25 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates. With a high calorie content of apricot kernels, they, along with almonds, are an excellent dietary supplement containing useful micro and macro elements.

It is easiest to click those seeds that are obtained from fresh apricots that have lain down and dried for one day. Bones are widely used in cooking, for snacks, as a seasoning for meat. They dry well for the future.

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Trying to eat right and follow a diet, sometimes you really want to please yourself with something tasty. Of course, we are not talking about cakes and cakes. They are not only poor in useful elements, but also excessively high in calories.

How to replace sweets during a diet

What to do if you really want sweets? In this situation, various fruits, berries and dried fruits come to the rescue. But do not get carried away and eat everything without watching the portions and choice. It is worth wondering how many calories are in apricots, apples, bananas. Not all fruits are suitable for dieting. Even if a person does not adhere to strict rules in choosing food, but only monitors calories, he should not get too carried away with the same bananas. This type of fruit is very high in calories.

It is hard to imagine summer without ripe cherries and apricots. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the gifts of this season. But before you rush to the shelves with products, you need to find out how many calories are in cherries and apricots. This will help to correctly calculate how many grams of the product can be consumed per day, so that this does not adversely affect the figure.

Useful properties of cherries

Sweet cherries are loved not only for their delicious taste, but also for their beneficial properties. It has long been used for preventive purposes, as it prevents many diseases. This is due primarily to the high content of ascorbic acid.

Cherries are an excellent delicacy, as they have a rich sweet taste. At the same time, it contains substances that help strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

During the period of weight loss, there is a high risk that the body suffers from beriberi and a lack of minerals. The composition rich in vitamins makes the berry indispensable during weight loss.

Cherry calories

Despite the composition rich in minerals and vitamins, this berry is low in calories. One hundred grams of the product contains only 50 kilocalories, in one berry - 2.5, in a tablespoon of the product - 15. And for those who decide to eat a glass of cherries, you need to know that its calorie content is 95 kcal.

Useful properties of apricot

Apricots have a unique taste. This makes them a great alternative to other treats.

In addition to the fact that this fruit is delicious, it also has a rich composition of trace elements. Thanks to the iron it contains, apricot is an excellent assistant in the fight against anemia. The calcium-rich product stimulates the heart well. It also prevents the occurrence of cancer in various organs. Phosphorus and magnesium, which are present in the apricot, help improve memory and mental performance.

How many calories are in apricots

To begin with, consider how many calories are in fresh apricots. Their nutritional value ranges from 41 to 55 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. The composition of the product includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Apricot is a dietary aid. After learning how many calories are in apricots, many are in a hurry to include it in their diet. The rationality of this decision is also confirmed by the fact that the fruit contains pectins and fiber. This is the prevention of constipation and a guarantee of normal peristalsis.

The nutritional value of the product is small, and the high fiber content makes the body spend a lot of energy on its absorption. This allows us to consider the apricot ideal for fasting days.

Although the apricot itself does not help to lose weight, the weight is still reduced. This result is achieved due to the laxative effect. There is a rapid cleansing of the body, resulting in the breakdown of body fat.

If you regularly use compotes and juices made from this fruit, and if possible eat fresh apricots, you will notice an acceleration of lipid metabolism and a gradual loss of extra pounds.

There are special mono-diets, the main component of which is apricot. The menu of this diet is based on dishes from this product. Most often it is freshly squeezed juice, salad, puree soup.

Even regardless of how many calories are in fresh apricots, in order to achieve a result, it is necessary that the mass of food consumed per day does not exceed 1.5 kg.

Sometimes, in order to slightly diversify the diet, a small amount of dried apricots is allowed.

Diet and dried fruits

Apricots on the shelves of shops are present inconsistently. An excellent option in the winter season are dried fruits, in this case dried apricots.

It is important for lovers of dried apricots to know how many calories are in dried apricots. Depending on the type, one hundred grams of the product can contain from 180 to 240 kilocalories. This is much more than in fresh fruit. The justifying circumstance is that it is enough to eat only a couple of pieces to satisfy hunger. The number of kilocalories in one little thing is 30, which is not so much.

How many calories in apricots from compote

Apricot compote quenches thirst well and at the same time has a unique taste. It is low in calories. Compote can have a nutritional value of 48 to 90 kilocalories, depending on how much sugar it contains. To reduce their amount to the maximum, you can generally remove sugar from the composition of the drink.

Regardless of the form in which the apricot is used, it brings great benefits to the body. Considering how many calories are in apricots, you can safely include them in your diet.
