
Popsicle ice cream recipe. Making fruit dessert at home

  • Lemons, fruits or berries
  • Cooking process:

    First of all, of course, wash the lemons, cut them crosswise into halves.

    Squeeze out the juice using a citrus juicer.

    Pour the juice into molds and send it to the freezer.

    Helpful advice:

    If you choose to make lemon ice, gather the lemon zest before squeezing the juice. Why good should disappear? To get lemon zest, simply cut off the yellow layer of the lemon skin with a thin knife. And the easiest way is to just rub the lemon peel on the smallest grater.

    Lemon zest is used in cooking when baking muffins, cakes, charlottes, muffins, soufflés and puddings. You can add it to fish and meat dishes. A pinch of lemon zest added to a salad dressing will give it a fresh, zesty note.

    With ice cubes, lemon juice can be made very quickly or simply added to water.

    Other popsicle recipes

    Peel kiwi fruits (400 g), cut into pieces and place in a blender bowl. Grind. Pour the kiwi puree into a small saucepan. In a glass, combine starch (2 tablespoons) and some cold water. Stir these ingredients until smooth. Then add the liquid starch to the kiwi puree. Add sugar there (to taste) and send the saucepan to the stove. Wait for the mass of kiwi, sugar and starch to boil. Turn off the heat.

    orange popsicles. Squeeze the juice from three large oranges (600 g). In a small deep saucepan, heat water (100 ml) along with sugar (75 g). After the syrup boils, pour the orange juice into the saucepan. In a separate bowl, mix starch (2 tablespoons) and a small amount of cold water. Add starch mixture to saucepan with orange syrup. Wait for the mixture to boil. Turn off the heat.

    Strawberry ice. In a blender bowl, grind pure strawberries (400 g) with sugar (50 g) and a mixture of starch (2 tablespoons) and water. Pour this mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil, turn off the heat.

    Pour a layer of strawberry, orange mass or kiwi puree into portioned flat molds for making ice cream on a stick. Insert wooden sticks. Freeze until completely frozen. If you need to make striped multi-colored popsicles, add each puree to the mold one at a time, freezing the first layer first, then adding the second, etc.

    Fruit ice made from natural ingredients is delicious and healthy! Cook it with pleasure on hot days and enjoy the coolness.

    Thank you Vasilisa for the recipe.

    Bon appetit wishes you a Notebook of recipes!

    The classic fruit ice recipe is based on any natural juice, sweetener and pulp. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed, poured into a special container and stored in the freezer. If you cover such a delicacy with chocolate icing, or simply insert a stick into it, you will get beautiful, tasty, and most importantly, healthy ice cream.

    History of popsicles

    The American Frank Epperson is considered the discoverer of this cold dessert. Out of forgetfulness, he left a glass of lemonade on the window, which, after a few hours spent in the cold, turned into a sweet ice. Taking the discovery as a hint from the gods, the enterprising citizen hurried to sell his idea to a well-known confectionery corporation. In 1923, the management of this company launched the serial production of fruit ice, which became known as ice cream.

    Such a delicacy is an ideal choice for those who follow their figure and health. 100 grams of cold dessert contains only 100 kcal. But at the same time, it has almost all the useful minerals and vitamins that a person needs to maintain beauty and health.
    Daily washing with ice cubes made from raspberries, strawberries or blackberries will help get rid of wrinkles and swelling, as well as visibly refresh the skin.

    Cooking accessories

    Making popsicles at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have a blender on hand, ice cream molds or regular square-shaped containers that are built into any freezer.

    Cooking methods

    You can make ice cream in one color, in the form of a traffic light, on whipped cream, with chocolate or caramel icing. To prepare multi-colored ice cubes, you need to alternately freeze the layers of red, green and yellow juice. You can dilute such a “rainbow” with white cream with gelatin or starch.
    Make layers better of different thicknesses. For example, freeze 5 cm of apple juice and add 2 cm of cream on top of it, then again 5 cm of cherry puree and 2 cm of cream, etc. You can decorate a culinary masterpiece with pieces of fruit that should be attached to the walls of the container. To quickly remove the finished product from the ice cream maker, put it in hot water for one minute.

    popsicle recipes

    Below are the most delicious and healthy recipes for a coveted treat. So, ice cream "Strawberry":

    • carefully wash half a kilo of strawberries;
    • add 2 cups of sugar to it;
    • pour everything into a blender and puree thoroughly;
    • pour into special glasses, insert sticks and place in the freezer.

    Creamy strawberry ice cream will also be very tasty and nutritious. To prepare it, it is necessary to dilute 15 g of gelatin in hot water, mix it with 3 cups of cream and 1 cup of sugar. The resulting mass should be poured in layers on the frozen strawberry puree. For example, we freeze 5 cm of strawberry puree, add 2 cm of cream and put everything in the freezer again. Next, add strawberries again and send in the cold until completely solidified. Instead of strawberries, you can use raspberries, kiwis, apricots, or even melons.

    Self-made fruit ice is much more useful than store-bought ice, because all its ingredients are natural, and even made with love by your own hands.

    Today we will tell you how to quench your thirst in summer and enjoy dessert in winter without harm to your figure, but with benefits for your body. To do this, we need to make popsicle ice cream at home - very simple, but just as delicious! In our article you will find proven recipes from housewives who love to pamper their family with original delicacies made from natural ingredients.

    To learn how to make delicious popsicle ice cream at home, let's prepare it, for starters, according to the simplest recipe.

    Fruit ice from apples and melons


    • Apples - 500 g + -
    • Melon - 500 g + -
    • - taste + -
    • 100 ml plastic cups— 5-7 pcs. + -
    • wooden sticks- by number of servings + -
    • Foil food — + -

    Making homemade popsicles

    1. We wash and cut the fruit into slices - we need to squeeze the juice. It is better to do this on a juicer to get a minimum of waste. Grind both apples and melons at the same time and mix to make the taste tender and sweet. If necessary, depending on the sweetness of the fruit, add sugar or a little syrup to taste.
    2. Pour the finished juice into cups, form a foil cap on top for each serving and place a stick inside. Thanks to the lid, it will not hang out.
    3. We put the juice in the freezer, and after a couple of hours you can already enjoy delicious fruit ice!

    Of course, making such juicy ice cream is good from any fruit or berry. Watermelon and melon, strawberries and banana, apples and pears are especially well combined with each other. Mix them together or pour them in layers - whichever you prefer.

    To make fruit ice ice cream at home with a beautiful division into layers, you need to pour a glass up to half with one type of juice, wait an hour and a half and fill it to the end with another. So we get not only healthy and tasty, but also a very beautiful delicacy!

    This recipe is not complicated at all and the only problem may arise with the manufacture of juice. What if there is no juicer at hand, but you want to treat yourself to a juicy yummy?

    Then we will prepare homemade ice cream popsicles from puree, not from juice. In terms of consistency, it will turn out even more tender.

    Fruit puree ice

    We will need 3 kiwi fruits and 2 bananas or 200 g of strawberries and 200 g of raspberries - the point is to combine sweet and sour tastes. Melon and plum, apples and watermelon will also feel good together.

    • We make puree from fruits and berries in a blender. To do this, remove the peel and seeds.
    • To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, do not boil or warm anything. If necessary, wipe the puree through a sieve - this is especially true for raspberries and strawberries, and then lay out half in small cups.
    • We put them in the freezer for 30 minutes so that the puree freezes a little. Then we stick the sticks and make the next layer. We've been clearing for two hours now.

    As you can see, making popsicle ice cream at home is not difficult at all! The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.

    What else you need to know about making popsicles at home

    • Decoration

    If you want the dessert to be not only original and healthy, but also beautiful, you should decorate it with berries and fruit slices, putting them inside the glass while the juice is completely liquid.

    Kiwi slices and raspberries and strawberries look especially impressive.

    • Convenience

    To make the ice easily removed from the mold, it can be placed in hot water for a couple of seconds. Do not worry that it will melt - on the contrary, in this form it will be even tastier!

    • Simplicity

    If you can’t make your own puree at all, you can buy it in the store in the baby food section - it will be no worse than freshly prepared. We select flavors as described above.

    Now you know how to make popsicle ice cream at home so that it will please not only you, but also households and guests! Try to surprise them with such an unusual dessert on a hot day - you will see, they will still ask for the recipe!

    Fruit ice is one of the most favorite treats for both children and parents. In the summer, many people buy this ice cream, as it is very tasty and healthy, because natural popsicles are made from the juice and pulp of fresh fruits.

    Unfortunately, in our time, stores began to sell this ice cream, made from syrup, dyes and flavors. And they, as you know, are completely useless to a growing child's body. Therefore, many parents have recently begun to wonder how to make popsicles on their own? Indeed, today on the shelves of stores you can find a wide variety of fruits, from which you can quickly prepare a fruit delicacy, which, unlike the store, will be healthier and tastier.

    Many people collect the grown crop of berries and fruits and freeze it in order to somehow preserve the vitamins, aroma and taste of everyone's favorite delicacies. After all, the best way to store fruit is freezing, which allows you to prepare fruit ice even in winter. Or you can go the other way and make ice cream out of these fruits.

    Methods for making popsicles

    Nowadays, there are several options for how to make ice cream ice. Any of them is a “champion” in terms of calories, since this ice cream does not contain fats and proteins. And instead of these components, your body will receive useful vitamins P, A, E and B, as well as a considerable amount of minerals.

    So, how to make ice cream ice at home? The main ways to prepare everyone's favorite treats are:

    Easy fruit juice recipe

    The easiest way to make ice is fruit juice, which is poured into small molds and placed in the freezer for several hours. When the liquid is slightly frozen, a wooden stick can be placed in a glass. Of course, it is extremely difficult to make clear ice in the case of fruit juice, but this is not necessary for children.

    berry ice cream

    The second way is berry:

    1. To do this, any berries (raspberries, cherries, currants) need to be kneaded a little so that they let the juice flow.
    2. If desired, you can add a little sugar if the berries are sour.
    3. Then the mass must be transferred to the mold and frozen.
    4. This type of ice cream freezes a little longer.

    Option with pulp and syrup

    Another option for preparing treats - but it is more complicated:

    1. Half a kilogram of berries and fruits must be scrolled in a blender, then add a little lemon juice to the gruel.
    2. Then you need to add sugar (to your taste) to the pan with water and bring to a boil.
    3. Then pour the syrup into the fruit puree, mix thoroughly and pour into molds.
    4. This ice cream freezes very quickly, but it turns out tasty and fragrant.

    Milk fruit ice

    This is another favorite dessert of children. To prepare it, you will need natural yogurt (preferably without additives). You will also need to prepare any fruit juice in advance, for example, apple or grape.

    1. Beat the yogurt and add room temperature juice to it.
    2. Pour the mass into molds (without occupying them completely) and let it harden a little.
    3. Then pour some berry juice on top of the milk ice and place the container back in the freezer to completely freeze.

    In addition, make chocolate ice cream for the kids, and the holiday weekend is a success.

    Puree ice cream

    You can also prepare fruit ice for your child using fresh fruit puree.

    1. To do this, wash, peel and cut into small pieces any fruit.
    2. Then twist them in a blender until smooth.
    3. Carefully pour the resulting slurry into cups and place in the freezer.
    4. After 4 hours, natural delicious ice cream is ready.

    By the way, ice made from mashed potatoes will also easily separate from molds, like ice cream made from berry juice.

    The answer to the question of how to make popsicle ice cream has been received. Despite the way the delicacy is prepared, it is made quickly and very easily. The main thing is to have the main ingredients from which you are going to prepare a delicious dessert.

    Many housewives, before preparing a particular dish, rely on tips that will help them properly prepare a delicious treat. And rightly so, because all the advice has been collected for centuries so that the current housewives do not make mistakes during cooking.

    • Try to choose natural and fresh ingredients. If it is juice or nectar, it should be minimally diluted with water.
    • The best ice cream is made from homemade juice with pulp.
    • To make your ice tasty and unusual, you should not keep it in the refrigerator for a long time, as it will quickly and excessively harden. From this conclusion - it is not recommended to cook a delicacy for the future.
    • It is recommended to prepare juice and puree from berries and fruits immediately before freezing, as it is not worth keeping them in this form for a long time. You can also use ready-made mashed potatoes, which are sold in many stores.
    • A brighter and more attractive appearance is obtained from fruit ice when it is prepared in layers, for example, strawberry and peach. To achieve this, you need to pour the juice into the mold alternately: first one, and then, when the previous one hardens a little, the other. Otherwise, it will simply mix, and the ice cream will be monotonous.

    How to make popsicles from fruits?

    Making ice from natural fruits is a simple matter. The main thing is to choose the right combination of fruits so that the taste of ice cream turns out to be unusual and bright.

    How to make popsicles from fruits? First of all, take any fruits that your child likes. Then prepare them: peel and core, cut into small cubes. Making ice from pieces of fruit is divided into two types:


    1. Chop the fruit thoroughly (in a meat grinder, blender) and add a little lemon juice to them.
    2. Let the mixture stand for 5 minutes.
    3. Then put into molds, stick a wooden stick (if the mixture is thick) and put in the freezer for 4-5 hours.

    It is important to note that liquid puree will harden somewhat faster than thick.

    whole pieces

    To make this type of ice, you will need to make sugar syrup, which will help the fruit to freeze quickly.

    1. To do this, dip 3-4 tablespoons of sugar into boiling water, boil the water for 5 minutes, and then pour it into a plate with chopped fruit.
    2. Let it cool down a bit.
    3. Then pour the mass into glasses and refrigerate.
    4. 2 hours - and a delicious treat is ready.

    Video how to make popsicles

    Watermelon popsicles

    Watermelon is everyone's favorite treat. Therefore, many mothers have repeatedly wondered how to make fruit ice from watermelon?

    Unfortunately, popsicles can only be made from it in the summer. However, it is prepared very quickly, and as a result, the ice cream turns out to be bright and unusually tasty.

    1. To make ice, wash and cut a quarter of a watermelon.
    2. Then divide the pulp into small pieces, and also remove the bones from them.
    3. After the bars are ready, twist them in a blender.
    4. The result should be a liquid gruel, which must be poured into cups and put in the freezer.

    If desired, you can add a little mint to the pulp, pre-finely chopped - then the ice cream will turn out not only tasty, but also very fragrant.

    Homemade popsicles made from juice

    The easiest way to make ice cream is juice. In addition to being delicious, ice is also very healthy, since natural juice contains many vitamins necessary for the development of a child's body.

    How to make popsicles from juice? We take any juice, preferably natural, and pour it into molds. We put in the freezer for 3 hours. If desired, an unusually beautiful rainbow can be made from the juice of different colors. Only in this case, the delicacy will cook a little longer, since you need to fill in the next juice only after the previous layer has hardened a little.

    Thanks to the colorful juice, you can create a traffic light, a zebra and many modern arrangements that your children will surely love.

    How to make popsicle ice cream at home? Very simple. The main thing is to have a little imagination and a desire to surprise your child - then you will certainly succeed, and you will be pleased that you were able to prepare a stunningly tasty treat for your child.

    Have you made popsicles for your kids before? Which do you prefer - juice or puree? Share your opinion in

    Fruit ice is very popular in the hot season, it is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Delicacy perfectly quenches thirst, cools and cheers up. Fruit ice can be made at home if you have basic skills. The composition of the finished product includes exclusively useful components, there are no dyes and unknown additives. Not many people know that a frozen treat fights beriberi, normalizes blood pressure and tones the skin.

    How to make fruit ice at home

    1. Fruit ice. You can prepare the product from fresh seasonal or frozen fruits. In the latter case, you must first defrost and rinse the ingredients thoroughly so that bacteria do not get into the finished ice. After rinsing is completed, squeeze out the remaining moisture, then proceed to prepare the treat.
    2. Juice ice. The most common technology for creating dessert. It is important to clarify that fruit ice made from juice with pulp is considered to be the most delicious. It is enough just to pour the composition into molds for ice, and then send it to the freezer for half an hour. After the liquid seizes with a crust, you need to insert a stick into the contents, then bring it to a complete freeze.
    3. Ice from sugar syrup. For the most part, this kind of ice cream is made with fresh berries/fruits, sugar and water. The technology is not particularly difficult: sugar and water are poured into an enameled pan, the composition turns into a homogeneous mass. Then the berries are crushed in a convenient way and mixed with the first mixture. All this is poured into molds for ice and sent to the freezer.

    pear ice

    • lemon juice - 55 ml.
    • fresh pear - 550 gr.
    • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 180 gr.
    • purified water - 200 ml.
    • vanillin - 10 gr.
    1. Wash the pears, remove twigs, seeds and all inedible parts, cut the fruit into small pieces. Place in a blender, grind into porridge.
    2. Prepare an enamel pan, add sugar, vanillin, put the container on the fire. Bring the composition to a boil, when the first bubbles appear, turn off the burner.
    3. Add chopped pears to the sweet mass, let it brew until it cools completely. After the time has passed, check the fruits: if they are hard, put on fire and cook until soft.
    4. After that, pour in the lemon juice, cool, pack in ice molds. Wait until the moment when the mass seizes with a crust, then insert the stick and freeze completely.

    The prepared fruit ice consists of three layers, which is especially pleasing to children.

    • fresh or frozen strawberries - 320 gr.
    • powdered sugar - 100 gr.
    • natural yogurt (fat content from 2%) - 170 gr.
    • apple juice - 420 ml.
    • pear juice - 200 ml.
    1. Take a suitable oblong shape, pour the first layer (one third of the container) apple juice and let it freeze.
    2. At this time, grind fresh or frozen strawberries in a blender until porridge forms. Mix natural yogurt and powdered sugar to it, repeat the manipulations.
    3. Pour the resulting mass in the second row, again leave to freeze until solid. At the end of the process, pour the pear juice in the third layer, freeze again.
    4. The technique is considered long due to the processing of all layers separately. To get a softer fruit ice, add a teaspoon of baker's gelatin, previously soaked in warm water, to apple or pear juice.

    cherry ice

    • cherry juice (natural) - 680 ml.
    • filtered water - 200 ml.
    • beet sugar - 200 gr.
    • currant (optional)

    You can use both cherry and cherry juice, as long as the composition is completely natural. Experienced housewives make fruit ice based on compote or fruit drink.

    1. Prepare the syrup: pour sugar into the water, put on a slow fire and wait for it to dissolve. Stir the mixture constantly so it doesn't burn. Be sure to use an enamel pan.
    2. After the syrup is ready, cover the container with a lid, cool and mix with cherry juice / fruit drink. Fresh or frozen currants can be added if desired. Pour the mass into molds, freeze.

    Ice from baby fruit puree

    • baby fruit puree (any taste) - 310 gr.
    • granulated sugar (cane) - 300 gr.
    • gelatin - 1 sachet (10-15 gr.)
    • grapefruit or lemon juice - 30 ml.
    • pure water - 480 ml.
    1. Pour gelatin with a small amount of warm water, wait 25-30 minutes until it swells completely. Start making syrup.
    2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water, put on low heat, stir until the granules dissolve. Carefully pour in the swollen gelatin, turn off the stove.
    3. Partially cool the mass to an acceptable temperature (so as not to burn your finger), then slowly pour in the fruit puree and stir constantly.
    4. Cover with a lid, leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, pour in the juice of a lemon or grapefruit. Strain the resulting composition in a convenient way, distribute into ice molds and freeze.

    • hard chocolate (milk or black) - 100 gr.
    • lime - 0.5 pcs.
    • watermelon pulp - 500 gr.
    1. Grind the watermelon pulp in a convenient way (fork, blender, meat grinder), squeeze the juice of half a lime into the resulting porridge.
    2. Grate the hard chocolate on a grater, turning it into shavings. Add to watermelon puree. Pour the composition into molds, put in the freezer.
    3. If desired, after making ice, dip it in melted milk or white chocolate. You can also mix watermelon with seasonal berries such as currants, strawberries, gooseberries.
    4. Getting fruit ice out of the molds is quite simple: prepare a container with warm water, lower the container with the prepared treat into it, wait 2-3 seconds.

    Pineapple ice

    • canned/fresh pineapple - 400/500 gr.
    • purified water - 575 ml.
    • lemon juice - 80 ml.
    • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
    1. Prepare the syrup: pour granulated sugar into water, put the container on the stove and turn on the burner at low power. Bring the composition to a boil, stir the contents so that the sugar does not stick. As soon as the granules are completely dissolved, cool the mass and pour lemon juice into it. It is important to understand that canned pineapples are sweeter than fresh ones. If you use the first type of product, add sugar not 380 gr., but 250-260 gr. Start with personal preference.
    2. At this time, place the pineapples in a blender, turn the fruits into a puree, then pour into a mixture of granulated sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mass into molds, put in the freezer for half an hour. As soon as it grabs a little, insert the sticks and send it to freeze again.

    Preparing popsicles is easy if you know what products to use to do it. Use what is at hand. These can be seasonal berries and fruits, frozen mixes or homemade twists. Show imagination, experiment, proceed from personal preferences.

    Video: how to make popsicle ice cream
