
What is hibiscus tea. Polyphenols against cancer

Hibiscus tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been known for a long time, is very popular at the present time. The drink is especially revered in Arab countries. It is here that a plant called hibiscus grows (its other names are Sudanese rose, or rosella), from the bright red flowers of which hibiscus tea is made. Therefore, it is also called "red tea".

This drink with a pleasant refreshing, slightly sour taste will not only perfectly quench your thirst (both cold and hot), but if properly prepared and consumed, it will solve many problems with your health.

Hibiscus contains many substances, the chemical properties of which will bring undeniable benefits to the human body.

Citric acid, which is part of hibiscus, helps to strengthen the immune system, which is very valuable during the season of colds. And linoleic acid has the ability to destroy fat cells and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system.

Hibiscus contains many vitamins and minerals, which have the most positive effect on the general condition of the body. This is primarily vitamin C (in one hundred grams of hibiscus, the amount of this substance is 12 milligrams), vitamins of groups B, A, P, as well as magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

Separately, it is worth talking about the role of red tea in getting rid of extra pounds.

Hibiscus tea for weight loss: how to brew and use?

How to brew hibiscus tea and take it to lose weight faster? To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not pour boiling water over hibiscus flowers - in this case, all its useful qualities will decrease. Hibiscus should be brewed using moderately hot water (up to 50 degrees), and then infuse the drink for an hour.
  2. To prepare tea, use only glass or porcelain dishes. Metal utensils are not suitable: as in the case of boiling water, hibiscus will lose its taste and a significant part of its nutrients.
  3. For 3 weeks, take a drink in an amount of at least one liter daily.
  4. Then you need to take a break for a week, drinking green tea instead of hibiscus during this week.
  5. Repeat the course of taking hibiscus, reducing its duration to ten days.

By drinking a properly brewed drink for the above time and combining it with proper nutrition and exercise, you can effortlessly lose up to 3 kilograms of excess weight.

But having decided to use hibiscus as an aid in the process of losing weight, be sure to observe the measure when using it. If the daily dose recommended for weight loss (one liter) is exceeded, even a healthy person may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for the use of the drink

With many useful properties, hibiscus also has some contraindications that should be considered when using it. This is first of all:

  • the presence of peptic ulcer, gastritis, as well as increased acidity of the stomach;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the acute stage;
  • low blood pressure (hot hibiscus should not be consumed by people suffering from high blood pressure);
  • the presence of allergic reactions to rosella.

Hibiscus recipes

The undeniable advantages of hibiscus over other types of drinks is the possibility of its use both cold and hot, as well as with sweeteners (honey, sugar), and without them.

There are many recipes for making this delicious and healthy drink. Take note of some of the more interesting ones.

The easiest drink recipe

When preparing a drink in this way, its taste will amaze you with its richness. Of course, in this case, the preservation of all useful properties in hibiscus is not guaranteed, but you can fully enjoy its bright taste.

  • Pour a glass of boiling water one or two tablespoons. spoons of rosella
  • Cook hibiscus over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  • Add honey or sugar.

Everything, a simple and tasty drink is ready.

cold hibiscus

A drink made according to this recipe will perfectly quench your thirst on hot summer days, as well as provide the body with vital energy and increase tone.

Preparing cold hibiscus is very simple:

  • We fill in a couple of tbsp. spoons of hibiscus flowers with boiling water and, having closed the cup, let the drink stand for about 10 minutes.
  • Cool the hot drink to room temperature.
  • Add sugar or honey to tea to taste.
  • Fill a glass with crushed ice.
  • We enjoy the taste and freshness of hibiscus, drinking it in small sips through a straw.

If you want as many useful properties as possible to be preserved in a drink prepared according to this recipe, pour rosella flowers not with boiling water, but with warm water. But in this case, hibiscus should be insisted for at least six hours. Only then will its taste be revealed to the maximum, and the health benefits of the drink will be more tangible.

Hibiscus recipe from Egypt

Preparing a drink according to a recipe from Egypt is also not difficult at all.

Step by step tea preparation:

      • rosella petals in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons pour a glass of cold water;
      • for a couple of hours, let the drink brew;
      • then boil hibiscus for 2-3 minutes over low heat;
      • after that we filter the drink;
      • Optionally, add honey or sugar to the tea.

This tea can be taken both hot and cold. At the same time, the Egyptians do not throw away the rosella petals, which were used in brewing tea, but eat them, because they contain many healthy substances.

Knowing all about the beneficial properties and contraindications of hibiscus tea, you can enjoy its wonderful taste with benefits for your health. And finally a video for you:

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

calories from fat

% Daily Value *

Total Fat

0.1 g


0 mg


0 mg


0 mg

Total Carbs

12.3 g

Alimentary fiber

0 g


1.9 g

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: depositphotos.com

How to burn 49 kcal?


Hibiscus is a plant from the Malvaceae family. The correct botanical name for the plant is Hibiscus sabdariffa. Originally from India, hibiscus is now grown in many tropical countries. It is also easy to grow at home from seeds found in tea bags.

The plant reaches a height of 3.5 meters. The stem and leaves are green, with a slightly reddish tint. Flowers in diameter reach 5 centimeters and have a bright aroma.

In Sudan, hibiscus has become such a popular drink that it is called the Sudanese rose. In Egypt, it is called the drink of the pharaohs, and is believed to bestow immortality and vitality. In Malaysia, the hibiscus is more commonly known as bunga rai, the national flower. His image flaunts on the coat of arms of the country, as Muslims believe that the five petals of the flower correspond to the five commandments of Islam.

After the flowers fade, calyxes remain on the branches, which begin to increase in size, gaining juice. It is then that they are collected, dried and a wonderful tonic drink is prepared.

The color and taste of hibiscus tea may vary, depending on where the plant grows. For example, hibiscus grown in Egypt has a sour taste and cherry color. Mexican hibiscus tastes slightly salty, and its color is rich orange. And the Thai hibiscus has a beautiful purple color and a sweet taste.

Petals, seeds and leaves of hibiscus are used in cooking and cosmetology. Also, all parts of the plant are used in production for dyeing fabrics.

Distribution of hibiscus

In ancient Egypt, the benefits of hibiscus have long been known, and there it became a national drink. Archaeologists have found dry parts of this plant more than once in the tombs.

In Africa and the East, hibiscus was widely used in folk medicine, believing that it helps hibiscus with pressure and many other diseases.

In Europe, hibiscus spread in the 17th century, but the drink was not particularly popular. But nowadays its popularity is growing rapidly, especially in the Scandinavian countries.

The benefits of hibiscus

Hibiscus contains 13 organic acids, including malic, citric, and tartaric acids. They give tea a sour taste and perfectly quench thirst.

The properties of hibiscus are due to its microelements and biologically active substances, which strengthen the immune system, relieve nervous tension, increase physical endurance and perfectly protect against colds and flu.

Thanks to the anthocins, which are part of the plant, hibiscus tea has a red color. In addition, anthocins strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them less permeable, and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The benefits of hibiscus lies in the antispasmodic effect, improving the production of bile. The properties of hibiscus have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and liver. With regular use, hibiscus normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the stomach and pancreas.

The beneficial properties of hibiscus can also include the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the relief of diathesis. Among other things, tea has a mild laxative effect. It has already been proven that with the systematic use of hibiscus tea for two weeks, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.

Known to help hibiscus with pressure. So, in a hot form, hibiscus increases the pressure, and in a cold one, on the contrary, it decreases.

An important benefit of hibiscus is also to remove the effects of alcohol poisoning. And the inhabitants of Africa since ancient times have used the flowers of the plant to stop bleeding during cuts.

The use of hibiscus

Hibiscus is used in cooking. Fresh leaves are put in meat, fish dishes, vegetable salads. Dry hibiscus seeds are added to soups. A delicious jam is made from the petals of the plant.

Hibiscus has also been used in cosmetology. So, ice cubes from brewed hibiscus perfectly refresh and tone the skin. It is also used in peeling mixtures along with coffee.

Hibiscus tea is prepared in many ways. Brew it in porcelain or glassware. At the same time, hibiscus can simply be brewed with boiling water, or boiled for some time on fire. Hibiscus is also insisted in cold water, it turns out an equally tasty refreshing drink.

Harm to hibiscus

Do not abuse hibiscus tea for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer. May harm hibiscus in people with very low blood pressure.

Tea is contraindicated for small children under one year old.

It can also harm hibiscus in case of individual intolerance.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

I think that hibiscus tea (aka sudanese rose) is known to many, if not all. But not everyone knows whether hibiscus tea is diuretic or not. Before we touch on this issue, let's deal with all the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea.

This divine drink, which is significantly distinguished by a unique, very rich red hue, has an amazing taste of mountain flowers.

Biological characteristics of hibiscus tea

For the manufacture of this wonderful drink, raw materials are used - hibiscus. According to biological data, at least 150 plant species grow on earth. Among them there are both annual herbs and perennial shrubs.

Hibiscus can only be found in a few countries around the world - China, Mexico, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand and India. In the territories of these countries there are colossal plantations of raw hibiscus tea, which employ many workers.

You may be interested to know the beneficial properties of the plant, its chemical composition, and most importantly, is hibiscus diuretic tea or not. It is necessary, of course, to dwell on contraindications to the use of this drink.

The advantage of hibiscus tea is that it is made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials, which are rich in useful amino acids, vitamins, and trace elements. The drink is an excellent source of nutrients such as pectins, anthocyanins, polysaccharides, antioxidants, flavonoids and organic acids.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, hibiscus tea has found wide application in traditional and traditional medicine Arab countries. Take at least the tartaric, malic and citric acids contained in the drink - they have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect on the human body.

Hibiscus tea: medicinal properties

Hibiscus tea has long been known as an antitumor agent. Hibiscus petals have a large amount of priceless natural antioxidants that protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The anthocyanins of the drink provide it, in addition to a rich red hue, a therapeutic effect on the walls of blood vessels, improving their functions and permeability. To put a barrier to colds, to improve the general well-being of a person, the hibiscus contained in tea helps vitamins A and C, riboflavin, niacin.

Probably few people who are interested in diuretic hibiscus tea or not know that the drink is ready to help lose a few unnecessary pounds. The drink contains a significant amount of amino acids that dissolve fats, ensure the removal of excess fluid and increase metabolism in the intestines.

The mild laxative effect of tea allowed him to completely safely and gently cleanse the intestines of toxins. The recipe for losing weight with hibiscus tea is very simple. To do this, you need to use a whole glass of this healing, fragrant tea for three weeks in a row, an hour before each meal.

It will be possible to repeat the course of treatment after a ten-day break. There is only one condition - for the entire period of treatment, fast food and confectionery, in particular cakes, should be abandoned. The effect of losing extra pounds will increase if you follow a sparing diet and do morning exercises for 35-50 minutes.

How does hibiscus tea affect blood pressure

There are different opinions on this issue. Some argue that cold tea lowers, while hot tea, on the contrary, increases it. This myth has been completely refuted by recent scientific studies conducted repeatedly in many countries.

It turned out that regardless of the form in which they drink tea, the drink can only lower blood pressure. The explanation for this is simple - as has been repeatedly noted above, it has diuretic, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.

The Americans succeeded the most in this: they clearly proved this theory after a scientific experiment in which about a hundred volunteers who fell ill with hypertension took part. For six weeks they were given several cups of hibiscus every day. The experiment ended with an unequivocal result - all patients returned to normal blood pressure, which was previously at high levels.

How to brew hibiscus tea

By and large, there is no big secret here: it is brewed in the same way as other types of tea. A pinch of Sudanese rose petals is placed in a glass and poured with boiling water. When it is very hot outside, it is recommended to throw a couple of cubes of artificial ice into the drink.

I will share with you the secret of the Egyptian method of brewing hibiscus, where it comes from. Take a tablespoon of dry tea petals, pour in chilled boiled water and leave to infuse under the lid for a couple of hours.

Now put the container with tea on low heat for about 4-5 minutes. Strain the liquid then add sugar (optional). Hibiscus tea is healthy, tasty in any form: hot or cold.

How to brew tea to preserve its beneficial properties

To do this, you need to use the cold brewing method. Pour 1.6 liters (8 cups) of cold boiled water into a glass of dried hibiscus flowers, leave to infuse for several days. The readiness of tea you determine by its color. It should have a bright red tint.

Now strain it, add sugar or honey, or without them. Drink tea cold or warm. Such tea can be stored for seven days, during which time it retains all its healing properties.

You can save diuretics and other useful properties of tea if you brew it with cold water. Tea leaves under the influence of boiling water lose some of their medicinal properties. The most delicious tea is the one that has been infused for at least one hour.

Healers categorically forbid the use of metal utensils for brewing tea. Porcelain, glass or ceramic vessel for making tea is suitable. Thus, you will retain the excellent color and taste of the drink.

The greatest benefit can come from daily consumption of red tea, properly brewed without any sweeteners or flavorings.

If you prefer to consume the most delicious and healthy tea, stop shopping for tea bags, hibiscus tea petals are the best we have today.

Hibiscus tea: reader reviews

Many people, including our readers, speak positively about hibiscus. Young girls came to the conclusion that this red tea helps to get rid of unnecessary pounds, due to the dulling of hunger.

Some ladies improve their complexion by rubbing the skin with iced tea cubes. They claim that in this way the skin is tightened and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

There are connoisseurs of this drink for its unique taste with aroma and slight sourness. A cup of chilled hibiscus saves from the terrible summer heat, tones the body, refreshing it.

Persons suffering from edema of cardiac or renal origin are convinced that hibiscus tea is a diuretic - it saves from exacerbations of ailments at a difficult moment.

Hibiscus is a herbal drink made from the flower of the Sudanese rose, which is characterized by a rich ruby ​​color and a spicy sour taste with a subtle hint of sweetness. In the heat, it is served in order to refresh, and on a cool evening, on the contrary, to keep warm.

Hibiscus or the same as the Sudanese rose belongs to plants of the Malvaceae family. It was originally grown in India. But today it is one of the most popular plants that grows in almost all countries of the tropical region. The flower of the mallow family grows in Sri Lanka, Sudan, China, Egypt, Thailand, Mexico. For the preparation of flower fragrant tea, only dark red rose petals, subcups and cups are used.

plant properties

In the East, red hibiscus tea has been praised for several thousand years, considering it the best source of amino acids and vitamins.

The climatic conditions in which hibiscus grows endowed the drink with a number of useful properties. In Arab countries, ruby ​​tea has long been used in alternative medicine as a remedy. One of the most famous and controversial qualities of hibiscus infusion is. It is believed that a drink taken hot increases it, while cold tea, on the contrary, reduces it. But everything is purely individual.

Others include diuretic, antimicrobial, sedative and restorative effects. It has a flower infusion and a laxative effect, as a result of which intestinal peristalsis is gently stimulated.

Such a number of useful qualities explains the rich chemical composition of the drink "Pharaohs":

  • anthocyanins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, P;
  • pectin;
  • amino acids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • antioxidants;
  • carbohydrates;
  • lemon acid;
  • linolenic acid;
  • trace elements, the composition contains iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Tea brewed on the basis of hibiscus petals removes toxins and excess fluid, helps to get rid of edema. A large amount of antioxidants helps to protect the cells of the body from the action of free radicals, making the drink a real elixir of youth.

Anthocyanins give the infusion a rich ruby ​​color and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Linolenic acid and a low calorie content of the drink successfully help in the fight against extra pounds. Regular consumption of tea strengthens the immune system and activates the protective functions of the body.

Nutritional value, calories

The infusion contains (per 100 g of product):

  • protein - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.6 g;
  • fats - 0.01 g.

The calorie content of an unsweetened hibiscus drink reaches 5 kcal per 100 ml. The energy value of the infusion increases with various additives. So, one teaspoon of sugar will increase by 20-28, and honey by 26 kcal.

In total, the calorie content of sweet hibiscus, depending on the sweetener per 100 ml of volume, is:

  • with sugar (1 tsp) - 25-33 kcal;
  • with honey (1 tsp) - 31 kcal.

Contraindications and possible harm

Does hibiscus contain caffeine? As you know, the use of this substance in large quantities can lead to increased blood pressure, arrhythmias, depletion of nerve cells, and overexcitation.

For a healthy person, hibiscus infusion is absolutely harmless. The drink does not contain caffeine. At the same time, in a cup of natural coffee, its amount reaches 90-200 mg, and in a cup of tea it fluctuates in the range of 30-70 mg.

But is the drink absolutely harmless?

The absence of caffeine and the rich chemical composition of the plant allows it to be consumed by people of any age. But an infusion of Sudanese rose petals is contraindicated for hypotension, allergies and individual intolerance, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer, children under 3 years of age, during breastfeeding.


To prepare hot hibiscus, it is enough to pour dry petals with water and insist for 5-10 minutes. If desired, add one or two tablespoons of sugar or honey to taste. If the drink is cooled at room temperature and pieces of ice are added, you will get cold hibiscus tea.

Hibiscus can be brewed in both glass and ceramic dishes. Do not use metal, as it can affect the taste of the drink.

photo: depositphotos.com/Kurganov, belchonock

Most of us are familiar with the pleasant and slightly sour taste that hibiscus tea has. This magnificent drink, with a slight floral aroma, differs from other teas with its rich red tint.

Composition of hibiscus tea

Hibiscus is used as raw material for the production of this delicious drink. Modern biologists know about 150 varieties of this plant, among which there are not only perennial shrubs, but also annual herbs. Hibiscus grows on the territory of countries such as Mexico, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Sudan, Egypt and China. In each of these countries there are extensive plantations of this plant, on which a huge number of people work.

Those who want to know the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea and contraindications under which it should not be drunk will be interested in the chemical composition of this drink. Due to the fact that only natural raw materials are used for its production, it contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and amino acids. This drink is considered an excellent source of anthocyanins, antioxidants, organic acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides and pectins. Due to such an extensive chemical composition, red is widely used in Arabic medicine. For example, the malic, citric and tartaric acids contained in it have good disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Healing properties of the drink

Those who are interested in what are the contraindications to its use, it does not hurt to know that it is known for its antitumor effect. Hibiscus petals contain a huge amount of natural antioxidants that reliably protect the human body from the negative effects of free radicals and significantly reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms.

The anthocyanins contained in the drink not only give it a rich red hue, but also have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, regulating their permeability and strengthening the walls. Regular consumption of this tea, rich in riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A and C, improves overall well-being and helps fight colds.

People who are concerned about the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea and contraindications to it should certainly know that it is not recommended to drink it for those who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer and urolithiasis. In addition, some may have an individual intolerance to this drink. Therefore, it should not be drunk by those who are prone to allergic reactions. Many people like to drink fragrant hibiscus tea in the morning. When is the best time to drink this drink, experts will tell you. According to them, it should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

Is this drink effective for weight loss?

Only a few of those who know the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea and contraindications to its use know that with this drink you can quickly lose a few extra pounds. It contains a sufficient amount of acids that help dissolve fats, remove excess fluid and increase metabolism in the intestines. Due to the presence of a mild laxative effect, it gently and absolutely safely cleanses the intestines.

The scheme for losing weight with hibiscus is quite simple. To do this, you need to drink 200 ml of this fragrant invigorating drink for three weeks an hour before meals. After this period, it is recommended to take a ten-day break and repeat the course again. Of course, during this period, you need to completely exclude cakes and fast food from your daily diet. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to do gymnastics and adhere to a sparing diet.

Does hibiscus tea increase or decrease blood pressure?

Most lovers of this drink are of the opinion that hot tea increases blood pressure, and cold tea, on the contrary, lowers it. Recent scientific studies have refuted this claim. Is this important to know for everyone who loves tea this drink? In fact, no matter how hot it is, red tea still lowers blood pressure levels. This is due to the fact that it has antispasmodic, anticholesterol and diuretic effects. A few years ago, the Americans conducted a scientific experiment that clearly proves this theory. The study involved 70 volunteers suffering from hypertension and belonging to different age categories. For six weeks they all consumed several cups of hibiscus daily. By the end of the experiment, all participants showed a persistent tendency to reduce pressure.

How to brew hibiscus?

Brewing this drink differs little from other teas. Boiling water is poured into a glass with several grams of Sudanese rose petals and sugar is added. In the summer heat, you can drop a few ice cubes into the drink. Today, the Egyptian technology of brewing this tea is especially popular. To do this, you need to take one tablespoon of dried Sudanese rose flowers, pour them with chilled water and leave to infuse for several hours. After that, the dishes with the liquid are placed on the stove and boiled over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Then the liquid must be filtered and, if desired, add sugar to it. The resulting drink is equally good both hot and cold.

How to brew red tea, retaining all the beneficial properties?

This can be done using the so-called cold method. A glass of dry hibiscus flowers is poured with eight glasses of cold boiled water and infused for several days. The readiness of the drink can be judged by its color. The tea should take on a reddish hue. After that, you can strain the infusion and, if desired, add sugar to it. Tea prepared in this way can be served not only cold, but also heated. Such a drink can be stored for a week. During all this time, all useful substances are stored in it.

Those who wish to preserve the maximum amount of valuable properties of this drink can be advised to brew it with cold water. Under the influence of too high temperatures, hibiscus leaves waste most of their healing properties. To get a truly delicious drink, you need to insist it for at least an hour. It is strictly forbidden to cook this fragrant and healthy tea in a metal bowl. For brewing, it is better to use a porcelain, ceramic or glass container. This will preserve the taste and color of the drink. Of particular benefit is the regular use of red tea, brewed in its natural form, without the addition of flavors and sweeteners.

Those who prefer to drink a truly healthy and tasty drink are advised to abandon the purchase in favor of whole dried petals packaged in ordinary packs.

Hibiscus tea: reviews

Most people who regularly consume this unusual aromatic drink speak of it exclusively in a positive way. Some young ladies claim that it was red tea, which helps to dull the feeling of hunger, that helped them get rid of a few extra pounds. For some, it helps to normalize blood pressure and solve other health problems. Some women use iced red tea cubes to rub their face. They claim that it helps to smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin. And someone appreciates this drink for its unique aroma and unique taste with a slight sourness. On hot summer days, a cup of chilled hibiscus becomes a real salvation from the sweltering heat, perfectly refreshes and tones the body.
