
What is ale: how and with what to drink. Ale beer - types and composition of the drink; How is it different from regular beer? how to make homemade ginger ale recipe

This type of beer is distinguished by subtle fruit flavors and a fairly high alcohol content (up to 12%). This word, by the way, can be translated from ancient languages ​​as “intoxication”. And the first "documented" recipes appear in England in the 15th century, although ale beer was made by the Sumerians long before our era. In the Middle Ages, this drink was a product of prime necessity, because, unlike milk, it did not spoil for a long time, did not need appropriate storage conditions, but had a high calorie content: a good mug replaced a loaf of bread.

Beer ale: features of the classics

How is the drink different from traditionally brewed beer? The difference is in the recipe. It lacked such an ingredient as hops. Thanks to this feature, ale was prepared faster. On the palate, ale can be distinguished by a pronounced sweetish aftertaste. The bouquet of the drink was formed by spices with herbs: they were boiled instead of hops. And the finished product has not been pasteurized or filtered. But modern producers neglect these brewing traditions and still introduce hops into the composition so that the product can officially be called beer.

top fermentation

Ale beer also has fundamental differences from other foamy "relatives". The production technology includes the method of top fermentation (the temperature during the process is from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius). At the same time, brewer's yeast does not go down, as in many other types of similar drinks, but is held at the top with the formation of a foam cap. With such fermentation, many higher alcohols are formed, and they give pronounced taste qualities and aromas to ale. The final step is the ripening of the drink in coolness (temperature 11-12 degrees). On average, it will take 4 weeks to produce for "fast" varieties, which, for example, are offered in pubs and bars. But there are also “slow” varieties, the creation of which takes up to 4 months!

Some varieties

British and Irish ales are beers that have their own classification. It is carried out depending on the color and flavor range, additives used, aroma, aftertaste. There are quite a lot of such varieties, we will name only the most common varieties in world practice.

Bitter (Bitter)

This English ale is a beer that has its own temper and character. The drink can rightfully be considered the national pride of this country. Despite its name, it's not really that bitter. In its production, by the way, hops are used, which, in the absence of sugar, gives a characteristic aftertaste. The color scheme of the drink is varied: it varies from golden to dark copper (the color is adjusted with a special caramel dye). The strength of the foamy drink is from 3 to 6.5 percent alcohol.

Barley (Barley Wine)

It is distinguished by a high alcohol content (up to 12%), wort density (up to 30%). This ale is also called "barley wine". The aroma of fruits, combined with the bitterness of malt, gives the drink an authentic taste. The color scheme is dark, with shades of gold, copper. Barley ale is drunk from wine glasses. This drink is perfectly preserved, and after aging it becomes very soft.

Wheat (Weizen Weisse)

This pale ale has mild fruity-floral aromas. Sometimes there is also a wheaten tint, similar to the smell of baked bread. It has a straw or golden hue.


This drink was originally created for people who worked hard physically. Hence the name: Porter's ale - a drink for port workers. It is distinguished by an increased number of additives: spices and herbs, various aromatic components. Porter colors vary with additives and can range from light, golden to dark, coppery. To prepare the drink, different malts are used, which allows you to play with flavors. The strength of ale reaches 7%.


It is a dark relative of porter. In its manufacture, roasted malt is used. This gives the drink a rich color range and the lightest hints of coffee. It is this type of ale that is considered very useful, and earlier it was even recommended to pregnant, lactating women and the elderly.

White (Weisse)

This light variety has sour flavors. He gained great popularity among the Germans, for which he received his unofficial name - "Berlin". The variety has fruity accents that intensify with age. Color - straw, closer to light. In German pubs, it is traditionally served with sugar syrup.


It is considered Belgian. Raspberries with cherries are added to it, which gives it a characteristic flavor and rich reddish hues.

Soft (Mild)

This is the lightest of the ales. Its strength is almost equal to kvass (2.5-3.5%). It has a pronounced malt flavor. Available in 2 versions - dark and light.

"Furry bumblebee"

This is the beer of the domestic MPK, which is produced in the Russian Federation. Its density reaches 12%, the strength - 5. The methods of cold hopping, top fermentation are used for preparation. The composition contains, in addition to malt, also hops. "Shaggy" ale - a beer with a rich color of tea, thick and sticky foam.

Beneficial features

It has long been considered: draft ale beer is the focus of many "usefulness". Hence the European tradition to use it as often as possible. And it is no coincidence: if ale beer is made in compliance with the technology from completely natural ingredients, then the resulting drink contains groups B, E vitamins, as well as selenium and phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and a lot of magnesium. It is worth remembering the nutritional value of foamy - it has a calorie content of 40 kcal for every 100 grams. Ale beer is also famous for its anti-stress properties. Only one mug in the company of friends helps to get rid of depression, relieve tension, relax. This is an inexhaustible source of mood and energy (of course, when you drink in moderation).

How to drink?

The rules for drinking ale correspond to the postulates of beer etiquette. The drink does not like fuss. It is slowly poured over the walls of the glasses so that a lot of foam does not turn out - it takes away the characteristic ale bitterness. Sometimes the process of filling the glass can take several minutes. Drink slowly. But it should be noted that with excessive stretching of the process of consumption, “liquid bread” will run out of steam and lose its aroma. It's like a leisurely horse ride. A portion is drunk in 3 sips, with pauses, but not too long. The temperature of the drink is from 6 to 12 degrees. By the way, the British drink ale warmed up, but this is not for everyone.

Beer ale: reviews

Ale lovers claim that its peculiar taste is incomparable with anything else, and in the very first sip you can feel all the variety of shades of this drink. It is soft to drink, has a malty, caramel, fruity aftertaste, and in the end - a pleasant malt bitterness and a caramel aftertaste. In a word - a universal foamy drink for a pleasant pastime in a good company.

Many are interested in the question: what is real ale, and how does it differ from the usual weak alcohol? El drink, which is characterized by a peculiar taste and a fairly high alcohol content. The first information about the prescription composition of ale appeared in England in the 15th century, but it is worth noting that representatives of the Sumerian civilization also used a similar drink.

El is widespread in foggy Albion and is rightfully considered the national drink of the Irish - the ancestors of the Vikings. Currently, England remains the world's main producer of foamy drink (about 90 percent of the drink is produced on its territory) and in most cases traditional ale can be drunk there.


Ale properties: strength, calorie content

In the Middle Ages, alcoholic ale was a staple product. After all, he did not need special storage conditions and did not deteriorate. And due to the fact that the drink contains a sufficiently large amount calories (about 40 calories per 100 grams of product) he easily replaced hearty bread. For a long time it was believed that ale brings exceptional benefits due to the fact that it contains a lot of vitamins and other useful substances.

Indeed, in a drink prepared according to traditional technology there are vitamins B and E, as well as minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Answering the question of how many degrees in this drink, it should be said that its degree varies from 3 to 12 percent. A pleasant fruity aroma and a fairly high percentage of alcohol make ale an anti-stress drink. After all, just one glass consumed with pleasure in a friendly company will allow you to forget about depression and cheer you up, but you still shouldn’t abuse an alcohol-containing drink.

What is the difference between ale and beer?

Wine drink ale differs in composition and technological process. In particular, the main distinguishing feature of ale prepared according to traditional technology is lack of hops. This circumstance allows the product to cook faster and gives it a characteristic sweetish taste. The unique bouquet of the drink is given by various herbs and spices present in the composition of the drink. Also, it should be noted that the cooking technology involves top fermentation at a constant temperature of 15 to 24 degrees. With this technology, during the fermentation process, the yeast is held at the top of the liquid, forming a lush head of foam. In the case of using the top fermentation method, the drink is enriched with esters and higher alcohols, which give it a recognizable aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. The process of preparing ale ends with the ripening stage at a temperature of 11 to 12 degrees, while increasing the strength of such a drink. This process usually takes about four weeks, but there are varieties that are infused for four months.

Ale beer drink has quite a few varieties that differ in production technology, color and taste. Consider the most popular varieties:

  • Bitter or also called bitter ale. This product is considered the national drink of the British. He owes his appearance to the fact that they began to add a small amount of hops to the upcoming ale. The drink has a bitter taste and copper color.
  • pale ale brewed using pale malt and water from the Burton region (England). The drink has a pleasant and slightly bitter aftertaste.
  • Indian pale ale was invented in India, at that time a British colony. The drink is distinguished by a large amount of hops and strength.
  • Porter. The drink stands out for its good taste. It has the best combination of sweetness and bitterness. In the production of this type of ale, burnt sugar and dark malt are used.
  • Stout. A feature of the drink is that the ingredients are pre-fried strongly. This ale has many varieties (ginger, dry, etc.).
  • Brown ale. Initially, the drink was a low-alcohol beer, but later hops were added to it in large volumes, which characterizes its modern composition. Ale can have a variety of flavors, ranging from nutty to burnt sugar.
  • Lychee rose. A special type of foamy drink, characterized by a pleasant taste and the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which turns it into a sparkling product.
  • Original ale "real ale". It is distinguished by the fact that it does not undergo filtration and pasteurization procedures. At the same time, the drink can be stored for only about a week. I must say that this drink has preserved all the features of English ale, which has come down to us since the 18th century.

How to drink ale?

In principle, ale is consumed in the same way as regular beer. Pour it gradually around the edge of the glass. This is required to prevent large foaming, in some cases this procedure can take about five, seven minutes. You should not hurry and drink ale in large sips, but you should not tighten it too much, as the drink can run out of steam and lose its aroma. Traditionally, a mug of ale is drunk in three sips with slight pauses. Mostly ale served at a drink temperature ranging from 6 to 12 degrees, but in England it is customary to drink dark ale warmed up. So, as they say, there are no comrades for color and taste.

On your own, at home, you can make ginger ale, with 5 percent alcohol.

To prepare 5 liters of drink, you will need the following ingredients:

    300 grams of sugar.

    1 teaspoon yeast.

  • Ginger (one root)

Ginger is rubbed on a grater, lemons are squeezed into the same container and the remaining ingredients are laid out. The resulting mass is poured with boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees.

The composition is infused in a vessel with a hydro-sample for two days. After this, the drink is placed in the refrigerator for another 24 hours. Subsequently, homemade ale can be consumed.

Harm of ale beer and contraindications

Like any alcohol, ale can harm human health if abused. Also, it should not be offered to children and nursing mothers and pregnant women. Ale is an alcoholic drink and when consumed daily in large quantities, there is a risk of cirrhosis of the liver. It can also provoke beer alcoholism.

Many beer drinkers believe that Irish ale is a type of beer, but this is not entirely true. These drinks differ significantly in composition and production technology. Today, British and Irish pubs serve ales of every taste and color: from black strong porter with a pronounced bitterness to amber pale, soaked in the aromas of meadow grasses.

What is el?

Historians believe that the ancient Sumerians met with such a drink for the first time before our era. However, the composition and production technology of ale were developed only in the XII century AD. e. Since that time, the drink has firmly entered the lives of people. In the Middle Ages, it was a staple product and, due to its high calorie content, replaced bread. Light and dark ales are still brewed according to the old recipe.

Until the 15th century, hops were not used in beer production in the British Isles. Everything obtained as a result of fermentation was called ale. They drank it daily at the table, like kvass in Rus'. Unlike milk, this product did not spoil and did not need special storage conditions. After the start of imports of aromatic hops from the Netherlands in Britain, they began to distinguish between traditional hop and Irish ale of dark and light varieties.

Etymologically, the word "el" has an Indo-European root meaning "intoxication". This version is confirmed by the presence of similar words in related languages ​​to English (Danish and Norwegian "ol", Lithuanian and Latvian "alus", Finnish "olut"). In Northern Rus', a low-alcohol intoxicating drink was called "ol".

How is ale different from beer?

To understand how ale differs from beer, you should consider the process of making the product. English and Irish dark ales are top-fermented. In accordance with this ancient recipe, the yeast rises to the surface of the beer wort in a few days. Such a drink is fermented faster than when using bottom fermentation (no more than 6 days).

The difference between ale and beer is also manifested in the aging temperature of the wort. When preparing a traditional English drink, it is higher: up to + 21ºС. Fermentation at high temperature speeds up the process and does not require additional refrigeration equipment. So the product is actively saturated with essential oils and other aromatic substances. Then it is poured into special metal containers and sent for fermentation at a temperature of +11…+14ºС.

Unlike lager, hops are never added to ale. Instead, gruit, a mixture of various herbs and spices, is used as a preservative and flavoring agent. Boiled in the must, they saturate the product with a unique fruity and meadow aroma. Preference is given to wheat and barley, less often rye. Some recipes include unmalted grains.

Due to the absence of hops, the bitterness in the ale is not felt as bright as in the camp. The taste is richer and denser, and the color is darker. The traditional British drink has a higher strength on average. Some varieties reach 12-15% vol. at the initial density of the wort 30-35%. To prepare the product, take water rich in mineral salts. The entire technological cycle is about 4 weeks, but in some cases reaches several months.

Composition and useful properties

Unlike lager, authentic live ale beer is never pasteurized or filtered. As a result, it retains many useful substances that are found in brewer's yeast and barley malt. The latter is rich in such valuable elements as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Vitamins of groups B and E, which are present in abundance in grain products, normalize the metabolic process and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

It is no coincidence that top-fermented products are called “liquid bread”. They are a source of amino acids, which are necessary for the growth and normal development of muscle mass. It has been proven that bitter hop products have a sedative effect on the body and have a beneficial effect on sleep. With regular consumption of ale, digestion is normalized, the secretion of gastric juice is intensified, and vision improves.

Top fermented product provides support to people suffering from high blood pressure. Drinks such as green ale dilate blood vessels and help fight atherosclerosis. At the same time, you should observe the measure and not abuse the amount of alcohol you drink, and pregnant and lactating women should completely refuse it.

Ale varieties

Porter is a dark ale that originated in England in the early 18th century. This product was intended for people engaged in heavy physical labor, as evidenced by the name ("porter" in English means "loader", "porter"). Therefore, it has a high calorie content and contains a large amount of amino acids. Porter is a frothy drink of almost black color, which is made from several types of malt: light, dark and burnt. The strength of the drink is from 5 to 7.5% vol. at a density of 11-14%.

Barley Wine is an extremely strong ale (up to 13% vol.) with a high density (up to 30%) of a dark copper hue. Hence the name: barley wine. The caramel flavor is in harmony with the malty bitterness of the drink. The product is bottled in the original form and often served in wine glasses. Unlike other varieties, Barley Wine keeps well.

Mild Ale is a soft ale somewhat reminiscent of Russian kvass. The strength of the product is low: about 3% vol. at a density of 8.5%. The drink reveals all shades of malt flavor and does not have a pronounced bitterness.

Pale Ale is a light golden amber drink. In addition to malt, it has a pronounced fruity and nutty flavor. The product is made with water extremely rich in mineral salts, especially calcium sulfate. The fortress is about 5% vol., and the density of the must reaches 15%.

Stout is one of the most sought after varieties in Britain. He is rightfully the successor to porter. The aroma of roasted malt in this product is even more pronounced than in porter, sometimes reaching the bitterness of coffee. The most famous stout in the world is brewed by Guinness. This is a classic Irish drink with a pronounced aroma of caramel malt. There are different types of ale stout: sweet, dry, oat. Their average strength is 4-6% vol. at a density of 10-14%.

Bitter Ale is an amber-copper drink with a pronounced hop bitterness. Unlike other varieties, aromatic hops are added to bitter ale. Distinguish between ordinary and special bitters. The strength of the drink is about 3.5% by volume, the density of beer wort is 9-11%.

How to drink ale

This drink is the highlight of the program in the famous English and Irish pubs. Just like traditional beer, ale does not tolerate fuss. The process of filling the glass sometimes takes up to 5 minutes. The liquid is carefully poured along the inner wall of the mug to knock off the foam cap.

It is necessary to drink the drink slowly, savoring every sip. It is believed that the rate of consumption of ale should correspond to a leisurely horse step. However, it is also not worth delaying too much, because over time, “liquid bread” loses its aroma and taste. Before serving, the beer is cooled to +7…+12ºС. Some people prefer to warm up a porter or stout, but this is a matter of taste.

In summer, light varieties are better, and a dark product is served on rainy autumn and winter evenings. Ale is a versatile drink that goes well with a variety of dishes. Light varieties are well complemented by spicy snacks. Amber is served with all dishes, from soups to vegetable stews. Dark ale goes well with meat products: game, veal, chicken, sausages.

A traditional ale is a top-fermented beer produced at high temperatures. It is believed that it was ale that became the first known type of beer: the British began to brew it as early as the 15th century. In the Middle Ages, ale was an essential item, and containers with ale of various qualities were always kept in every house. Later in Germany they learned how to brew lager, which for a while became more popular than ale, but today Europeans drink both beers with pleasure.

For several centuries, so many varieties of ale were created in different parts of Europe that many of them were combined, and each type had its own recipe. Today there are several types of ale:

  • Bitter.
  • Pale ale.
  • Barleywine.
  • Porter.
  • Stout.
  • Dark ale.
  • Alto.
  • Trappist ale.

Of course, there are other, less well-known varieties. Dark ale is recognized as the most famous and revered ale: the strength of the drink is in perfect harmony with the balanced taste, due to which this beer is easy to drink. For its preparation, dark barley and caramel sauce, hops, yeast and prepared water are used. Sometimes ale is bottled immediately after the main fermentation, but Europeans prefer to drink ale, which is additionally aged in oak barrels. This increases the strength of the dark ale and gives it a light oaky flavor. A dark ale is typically between 4.5% and 12%.

Changes can be made to the production technology of classic ale, resulting in a new, unique product. So, the Belgians like to add fruit juice, crushed berries or nuts to the raw material to give the beer an original flavor, and the Scots like to age the ale until its strength reaches 10% or even more. It is the Scots who hold the record for the strongest ale. Once upon a time, the Scottish brewery BrewDog wondered how many degrees a dark ale could contain. The result of the experiments was an unprecedented strong drink: ale "The End of History" contains 55% alcohol and today is the strongest dark ale in the world. But such a drink is not found in pubs.

It is difficult to imagine medieval Europe without a tavern and a mug of ale. Now this drink has lost its leadership to many others, but in the 15th century in England, ale was so popular that it was considered an essential product at the table. In more southern countries they drank wine, but in the north everything was bad with vineyards, and therefore the harsh islanders brewed ale.

In fact, its history goes back even further, like all brewing. There is evidence that the Sumerians had something similar in composition, but the drink known to us now began to be brewed in the British Isles. And this is England and, of course, Ireland.

Ale and wine will not compare. These drinks are very different. But it is worth mentioning what is the difference between ale and beer. Here I would like to warn that the question itself, on the one hand, may not be entirely correct. Because ale is a type of beer. But on the other hand, somehow it still stands out from the rest of the assortment, and therefore there is a difference between ale and beer (lager). Which is what the story is about now.

Ale prepared according to the classical technology does not contain hops. Thanks to this, it acquires a mild sweetish aftertaste, and in general it cooks much faster than a lager. Unlike other beers, ale is produced exclusively by top-fermentation. That is, in the cooking process, a special type of yeast is used, which eventually forms a characteristic hat on the surface.

However, with the spread of hops throughout modern Britain, a number of ales still got a bitter aftertaste, as brewers began to add seeds from the cones of this plant to the composition.

Features of the production of classic ale

The top fermentation method is generally less technologically demanding and therefore it is quite possible to make ale at home or in a small brewery.

To have a general idea of ​​​​what this wonderful drink is, it is also worth considering its main varieties.

So the story about ale, its history and features has come to an end. You can talk about this old drink for a long time. But in conclusion, I would like to note: in order to understand what ale is, it is best to feel it on your own experience. And try, of course, draft. Because if you really drink, then real English ale.
