
What to cook from cherries for the winter - we preserve the berry with benefit! Natural cherry juice, waste-free recipe. natural grape juice

A strange picture is observed in the summer months. One berry after another ripens! Before the strawberries had time to move away, they were replaced by cherries, cherries, raspberries, currants, cherries. And I want to prepare everything for the winter. Cherry ... It seems, from those berries, from which you can’t really fantasize something in the blanks. Just to eat, that's all. But it was not there.

From this delicious berry there are such chic compotes, jam, berries in own juice, which go with a bang as a filling for dumplings and pies, drunken cherries, jelly, and so on. Judging by the honorary list of compliments that we give to sweet cherries, they have a lot of advantages. Not only is she sweet and juicy! No one is ever allergic to it, it contains a sea of ​​​​vitamins .

It just so happened that these berries do not grow throughout Russia, in the south, but somewhere in the center. But even if they grow, it is very fruitful! If you can take fruits only from the market, do not spare money! After all, in winter you will get just a wonderful product that will brighten up the gloom of long evenings.

Cooking cherry compote for the winter

Here everything is as it usually happens, only even easier. Since the cherry itself is very sweet, it does not require much sugar. But, despite the fact that cherries do not have a special zest, like, say, cherries, compote turns out delicious. Especially from light varieties, which also look more presentable in compote, because they almost do not lose their pinkish color. So, let's wash the berries without closing the water. We take them on the basis that they take half a bottle or jar. Let's wash the cherries well, remove all the rubbish.

Step 1. Let's sort and wash the cherries thoroughly

Let's cut off all the tails. But we will leave the bones, otherwise we will not get compote, but gruel. Now let's talk about sugar. We put on liter jar 4 tablespoons, although each makes to their liking. To add a little sourness, you can either add other berries, or drop a little lemon juice. Then we will scald with boiling water (or you can traditionally sterilize, steam) the jars into which the compote will be poured, and the lids (twisting) with which we will roll up.

Step 2. Let's sterilize the jars

Let's put water on gas. Pour sugar into it and, when it all boils, pour it into a jar where the berries are already located. Do not rush to close it, as you can do with cherries (as you remember, even without sugar, but sterilized, it will last all winter)! Here you need to sterilize the jars by covering them with lids and placing them in a saucepan with hot water. Bring to a boil, and from the beginning of boiling, sterilize a liter jar for about 15 minutes. This will be especially true if you add a little, say, red wine to the syrup! For even greater expressiveness, you can add vanilla, lemon balm a couple of leaves or mint.

Step 3. Making compote

Cherries in their own juice - step by step cooking with photos

No, you heard right. I understand your embarrassment, but I want to assure you - it turns out a great thing. It can go as a preparation for drinks, and for various fillings, and as a separate meal. Here it is important to observe the proportion of sugar and something like that, which would make the taste even brighter. Gooseberries would be good here, and red currants - literally add a fourth of the jar. So, we need to wash the berries and sort them out well, tearing off the tails and removing the rotten specimens.

Step 1. Tear off the tails and wash

Then we will cover the sorted cherries with sugar (how much to put it in? Depends on whether you add something sour or you like sweet. I put 2.5 cups of sugar per kilogram of berries, while dripping a little lemon) and set to stand. But do not overdo it, sweet cherries are a tender young lady, just a bit - a midge flies right above her. So, the berry juice will let go very quickly and a lot, it literally floats in it, like in compote.

Step 2. Fall asleep with sugar to let the juice flow

We take advantage of the moment and send all this cauldrons. As soon as the berry boils, we remove the fire as much as possible - now the process of letting the juice and sugaring is important. Cook for a long time, but not like jam. As soon as it thickens a little and changes color to such a pleasant shade that you see in the photo, you can close it in jars! It will all be delicious, like honey, only with a cherry tint.

Step 3. Boil over low heat and roll into jars

Making delicious cherry filling

Yes, when I open a jar with such a filling in winter, I get upset - well, why did I close it so little. After all, with such cherries (you can specially remove the bones), the most luxurious pies are baked, the most delicious pies are obtained and shanezhki! What about dumplings? What about pasta stuffed with cherry filling? In a word, you can’t count everything that you can get with the participation of this type of preservation from cherries. Here we put a little more sugar. That is, 500 grams per kilogram. The process is almost the same as in the case of cherries in their own juice, but we will cook longer.

Step 1. Add more sugar and boil longer

Cook the cherries over low heat, but do not cover with a lid! And then it will work clean water porridge. Meanwhile, the berry for the filling for pies should turn out amber. Yes, so that it does not fall apart, and the pickle remains, however, very thick, like syrup. That is, we do not get tired of looking into the cauldron, but well, but gently mix the berries. There she is, a berry, beautiful and tasty! When hot, close in sterilized jars and leave to cool upside down.

Step 2. Filling for pies is ready

How to cook delicious cherry jam for the winter?

What a delicious and original jam! amber color comes from cherries! It can only be compared with honey, as I wrote above! There are several options for its preparation - in pure form, with other berries. I will give two recipes, but in each of them you need to perform the same procedures - wash the cherries, clean them of debris and tails, you can also remove the bones (but this is more suitable for jelly). Here I put 700 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries. I filled them with cherries and immediately put them on fire. Juice gone? Boil for 10 minutes, stirring well. Let cool, then boil again for 10 minutes. You can add a little cardamom or other spices. In a word, the syrup should not flow down the nail to resemble honey. We close hot in sterile jars.

The second recipe I tried is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but here I reported the strawberries that remained from strawberry jam. That is, I cooked fresh strawberries with cherries, only the process went on longer - I wanted something that would turn out like confiture.

Recipes and tips on how to prepare juice for the winter, as they say that the stars are in the sky, but traditional ways, which our hostesses most often use, there are only two.

In the first case, the juice is boiled for the winter with the addition of sugar and, if the recipe requires it, citric acid, then it is poured hot into jars and rolled up. In the second, the juice obtained by squeezing is filtered, boiled and, poured into jars, sterilized for 10-15 minutes, rolled up.

A couple of lines about the preparation of jars and lids: jars are best sterilized in the oven and poured ready juice in hot jars, and boil the lids in a separate saucepan. Protect your hands!

The desire to end up with quality, delicious juice for the winter provides for a careful selection of products. They must be fresh and mature. Even the slightest spoiled fruit or vegetable can ruin any of your juice. It is desirable to add sugar to the juice (about 100 g per 1 kg of fruit), although many housewives miraculously cope without it.

We have no doubt that the above tips will help you prepare excellent juice for the winter, and we will be happy to tell you how and from what.

raspberry juice

2 kg raspberries,
400 g sugar
300-400 ml of water.

Sort the collected berries and wash them carefully. Berries collected with your own hands can not be washed. If you don't have a juicer, mash the raspberries with a wooden pestle or crush you use for cooking mashed potatoes. stir berry puree with sugar and transfer to enamel pan with water preheated to 60°C and stir. Warm everything on fire for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and let stand a little more. After 15 minutes, filter the raspberry juice using cheesecloth folded in several layers, and bring it to a boil. Pour boiling juice immediately into prepared sterilized jars and roll up. Or, pouring into jars, cover them with lids and sterilize at a temperature of 85ºС: 1 liter jar - 20 minutes, 3 liter jar - 30 minutes. Use whichever option is convenient for you.

Raspberry juice is concentrated, it can be diluted before drinking. boiled water about 1:5 and add sugar to taste.

strawberry juice

Ingredients (for 1 kg of berries):
100 g of water
300 g sugar.

For cooking strawberry juice ripe, but not overripe, with a slight smell of fermentation, fragrant, sweet berries are suitable. Their color should be dark, not pink. The Victoria variety is just perfect for making juice. Sort the berries carefully, rinse, then remove the sepals. Grind the prepared berries into a puree, add water and heat the mass for 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 60ºС. Then squeeze the juice using the same gauze, mix it with sugar and pour into heated sterilized jars right up to the neck. Sterilize jars filled with juice: 1 l jars - 20 minutes, 2 l - 25 minutes, 3 l jars - 35 minutes, then roll up with boiled lids and turn upside down.

If you want to get juice with pulp, wipe the berries through a sieve, mix the resulting mass with sugar, pour into jars, sterilize them and roll them up with boiled lids.

In the store you will not often find cherry juice with pulp. On the shelves more and more often comes across the usual clarified cherry juice. Homemade juice is both healthier and tastier.

Cherry juice with pulp

4 kg of berries,
1 kg of sugar
2 liters of water.

Ripe, juicy and sweet, but not overripe cherries, without stains or damage, sort, remove stones and stalks and chop without turning into a puree. Warm the crushed cherries in water to soften them, then rub with a wooden spoon through a fine sieve. Add sugar to the resulting juice with cherry pulp and, stirring, heat until sugar is completely dissolved, then let it boil and immediately pour into prepared sterilized jars. Cover the jars with boiled lids and sterilize for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the container you have chosen. Next, roll up the jars, turn them upside down and let them cool.

What is especially pleasing is that on the basis of this juice it will be possible to cook in the winter delicious kissels, sauces for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes and other pastries.

Cherry juice concentrate

5 kg of ripe maroon cherries,
5 st. water.

Carefully sort out ripe but not overripe cherries, separate them from the stalks and wash under running water. cold water by placing in a colander in small portions. Let the water drain so that the berries dry a little. Then place the berries in an enamel pan, fill with water at room temperature and put on fire, bring to a boil. Then turn down the heat and simmer the berries, stirring with a wooden spatula and pressing lightly until they are soft. Strain the resulting broth through a fine sieve into a separate clean pan, and place the berries themselves in a sieve and place on top so that all the juice drains. Put the broth back on the fire and boil over low heat by 1/3 of the original volume. Pour boiling juice into jars and roll up.

Juice from blackcurrant

4 kg currants,
400 ml of water
1 kg of sugar.

This advice applies more to those who have a summer cottage and currant bushes growing on it. Many novice gardeners make a serious mistake by waiting for the full ripening of blackcurrant berries. It turns out that half of the overripe berries simply crumble. You probably noticed that the berries on one branch do not ripen at the same time, so the currant crop can be harvested in 2-3 steps, collecting the ripest berries for making juice for the winter.

iterate over harvested currants, wash it thoroughly, put it in a basin that you usually use for cooking jam, fill the berries with water and put on fire. Boil until the juice is released, then strain the mass through cheesecloth folded in several layers, squeeze out the rest. Leave the juice thus obtained for several hours, then carefully pour into the prepared pan, add sugar and heat well, without boiling. Stir to dissolve sugar. Strain the juice, heat it up again and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Then pour the juice into clean sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and leave to cool.

Red currant juice

3 kg of berries,
1.5 liters of water,
450 g sugar.

Of the permeated sunbeams, translucent berries of red currant will turn out incredibly fragrant and tasty juice, only the berries for it need to be taken ripe and sweet. Wash the berries collected together with the twigs, remove the leaves and debris that accidentally sticks to the berries and, putting them in a saucepan, knead a little. Then fill with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then strain through a sieve, add sugar, bring the juice to a boil and, reducing the heat, leave to boil for 3-4 minutes. Pour the juice into clean, dry jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

The juice is concentrated, dilute it with water before drinking. And if, in addition to water, add a little more sugar and gelatin to it, then you will get a great jelly for dessert.

Natural grape juice

To make juice, take fresh and ripe grapes. When choosing grapes, keep in mind that brown dots and pigmentation on it do not mean at all that the grapes Bad quality, make sure that the berries are not damaged. Wash the grapes thoroughly, let the water drain. Separate the berries from the brushes and squeeze the juice out of them. Then strain it through several layers of gauze and pour into an enamel pan. Put it on fire, warm it up to 85ºС, pour it into prepared jars with a capacity of 3 liters and sterilize them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 85ºС, then roll them up.

If the juice is not sterilized, it must be brought to a boil, allowed to boil a little, then poured into hot sterilized jars to the brim and rolled up. Turn the jars upside down and leave in this position for 2 hours. Then store in the dark cool place.

Today, apple juice can hardly surprise anyone. Apples are a product available to everyone, and the juice from it is extremely easy to prepare. It is enough to take ripe, juicy apples, cut into slices, pass through a juicer or meat grinder, strain through cheesecloth, add sugar to taste, let it boil and, pouring into jars, roll up. But what if a recipe tested over the years is supplemented with, say, pears, raspberries or vegetables? It will turn out even tastier - that's all.

Apple pear juice

5 kg ripe apples,
5 kg ripe pears,
1 bunch of oregano (optional).

Wash the collected fruits, cut large slices. Then, using a juicer, a food processor or all the same faithful assistant of our hostesses - a meat grinder, squeeze the juice, alternating pieces of apples with pieces of pears. Strain the resulting juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, pour into a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, boil the juice for 30 minutes. Boiling, pour it into clean, sterilized jars, at the bottom of which, if desired, put a sprig of oregano. Sterilize 3 liter jars for 30-40 minutes, then roll up the lids, wrap warmer, let cool and store. Smaller jars need to be sterilized for 20 minutes.

Juice from apples, pears and raspberries without sugar

1 kg of apples
1 kg pears,
2 kg raspberries.

Ripe and juicy fruits wash apples and pears, remove the skin, cores and cut into slices. Squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. And don't mix apples and pears. Prepare two pots. In one merge the resulting Apple juice, into another pear and bring to a boil. Sort the raspberries carefully (you do not need to wash the berries), put them in a clean, dense gauze, squeeze the juice and boil it. Mix together apple, pear and raspberry juice, boil everything again and, pouring into dry sterilized jars, roll up.

Unfortunately, the most healthy foods for some reason, they do not find a proper response from our children, spoiled by store-bought sweet drinks. Therefore, a pumpkin, which is literally crammed with all sorts of beneficial substances and vitamins, you can try to mask by blending pumpkin juice with another, for example, apple.

Apple-pumpkin juice with pulp

4 kg apples,
600 g pumpkin,
300 g sugar.

Finely chop the pumpkin and steam until it is quite soft. Then wipe it through a sieve. To prepare this juice, it is desirable to use sour apples. Squeeze juice from apples, mix it with pumpkin puree and add sugar. Let the mixture boil and heat it for small fire 5 more minutes. Then pour into hot jars and immediately roll up with sterilized lids.

homemade tomato juice

tomatoes - how much to eat,
sugar, salt.

For tomato juice Any variety of tomatoes will do. Take everything that is not suitable for salting, that is, “non-standard”. Wash them well under running water, cut into pieces, cutting out the place where the stalk was and slightly spoiled places. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer or a meat grinder with a fine attachment. If you decide to use a juicer, then pass the remaining cake through the juicer two more times, carefully applying it with a tablespoon, as splashes can scatter into different sides. Pour the resulting juice into large saucepan and put on slow fire. Add salt and sugar at the rate: for 2 liters of juice - 1 tsp. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Stir, wait until the juice boils. In the meantime, prepare jars with a capacity of 1 liter and 2 liter (the best option) and sterilize them in the way you are used to. Juice boiled? Then remove the foam, let it simmer for a couple more minutes over low heat, and then pour it into warm sterilized jars. Pour gradually so that the jars do not crack. Roll them up and be sure to check, by turning them upside down, if the juice is leaking from under the lid. Wrap inverted juice jars in a blanket, let them cool, and put away for the time being in a cool place to store. Let them wait for their finest hour.

Another pumpkin juice recipe that everyone will love without exception. Teach your family to be useful!

Pumpkin-orange juice

2 kg of peeled pumpkin,
2 oranges
200-300 g of sugar,
30 g of citric acid.

Cut the pumpkin and oranges into slices (do not peel the oranges), put the food in a saucepan and pour in enough water to just cover the food. Put the saucepan on medium fire and cook until pumpkin is soft. Discard the orange skins, puree the mass with a blender, and then rub through a sieve. Put the resulting puree back on the fire, add sugar and citric acid and bring to a boil. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

You never tried to winterize enough
unusual cherry juice, but prepared
exclusively traditional sweet blanks - compote,
jam, marmalade, etc.? So this article is for you, in it we will teach you how to
cook such an unusual, delicious, sweet and flavored drink.

So, juice
detailed recipe cooking.

Required Ingredients needed in order to
cook cherry juice:

Ripe cherries (burgundy) - five kilograms;

Distilled water - five glasses.

Step-by-step instruction making cherry juice.

First step. Ripe, but not overripe burgundy cherries, for a start, we will carefully sort through, remove all spoiled ones from it.
fruits, and also separate the berries from the stalks.

Second step. Next, transfer the fruits of the cherry to a colander and
We will wash it in small portions under a stream of cold water. It is important that
all excess water from glass fruits, and they dried up a little. To speed up this
process, you can decompose clean cherries into kitchen cotton or
waffle towels.

Third step. When the cherry dries, place it in
enameled pan and pour a small amount water (five glasses per
five kilograms of cherries) at room temperature.

Fourth step. Put a pot of cherries on
medium heat and gradually bring to a boil.

Fifth step. After the berries boil, turn off the fire
and cook them until completely softened. At the same time, in order to separate from the fruits
bones, and they separate much worse,
than from cherries, cherries must be constantly mixed with a wooden spatula and
squeeze a little.

Seventh step. Let's leave the sieve with cherries for a while
on top of the pan, so that all the juice from the sweet cherry stack.

Ninth step. Bye
juice will boil, prepare glass containers for workpiece. Can be taken
jars and bottles with screw caps. Their
you need to rinse very well and then pasteurize in the oven or in the microwave

Tenth step. Ready boiling juice pour over
glass bottles and jars and tightly cork screw, also pre-boiled,
lids. As a result, we should get two liters
prepared cherry juice, which should be stored, as well as in a cool
pantry, at a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees.

Before drinking, this cherry juice must be
dilute one by one with cold
boiled water. It is better to drink such a drink chilled. On the basis of it, one can
cook delicious homemade fruit cocktails.

Also, using our numerous
recipes for a wide variety of homemade preparations for the winter, you can learn
cook, for example.

Cherry juice wonderfully quenches thirst, and its saturated color and taste allow you to make great cocktails based on it. And if you prepare cherry juice correctly, then you will be able to enjoy a vitamin and tasty drink in winter.

This is an easy recipe, but only good if you have room to store your juice. This should be a room in which the temperature is stable and does not exceed +8 degrees.

Wash the cherries and let them dry. Water here is absolutely superfluous and can only do harm.

Remove stems and seeds. Squeeze out the juice using a juicer and let it stand for 2-3 hours, then carefully pour it into a saucepan, being careful not to shake the sediment.

Turn on the heat and bring the juice almost to a boil. Let's not boil. Reduce heat and stir for 10 minutes. This will replace pasteurization and kill bacteria.

Pour the juice into sterile jars or bottles and close with the same sterile lids. Wrap the juice jars in a warm blanket and let them cool slowly.

Move the juice to a cool place winter storage. Cherry juice without sugar and without boiling can be stored for no more than 6 months, but on the other hand, it will retain all the vitamins and antioxidants for which it is so valued.

Cherry juice with pulp and sugar

Wash the cherries and remove the pits and stems.

Twist the cherries through a meat grinder, or chop with a blender.

Now you need to grind the whole mass through a very fine sieve to separate the skin from the berries. At the output, you will get a mass that looks more like porridge than juice, and this needs to be corrected.

For 1 liter of cherry mass:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

These are conditional proportions and they can be changed, depending on the juiciness of the cherry, and its sugar content.

Pour the cherry juice with water and sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then make the fire quieter and cook for another 5 minutes, with continuous stirring. You will see how the juice becomes more uniform and dark, which means that it is time to pour it into jars.

Sterilize the bottles, stir the juice again and fill the bottle to the very top. Close the jar with a lid and stir the juice again. In order for the pulp to be evenly distributed over the jars, you need to stir the juice not in circular motions, but from the bottom up.

Cherry juice with pulp and sugar can be stored at temperatures up to +15 degrees, for about 12 months.

If there is nowhere to store juice, prepare it for the winter, which is no less tasty and healthy.

How to cook concentrated juice from cherries for the winter, look at the video:

Cherry juice at home can be done different ways. Often such drinks are brewed and preserved for the winter. However, some cooks prefer to use them only fresh.

How exactly should you cook Cherry juice at home, we will describe a little further.

Making fresh cherry juice at home

Have you ever tried fresh cherry juice? The recipe for such a drink does not require much time and ingredients. But to get really very tasty and healthy juice you will have to put in a lot of effort.

So, to make fresh cherry juice on our own, we need:

  • drinking water - use at will;
  • granulated sugar - about 100 g (to taste).

Handling the Components

Before making cherry juice, you should carefully process the freshly picked berry. It is sorted out, laid out in a colander and washed thoroughly. After that, all the bones are squeezed out of the cherry. Do this over deep dishes. The juice that will drain during this procedure should not be poured out. It must be combined with pulp.

Making a drink

After the berries are processed, they begin to squeeze the juice. To do this, the cherry is laid out in a fine sieve, which is placed over a deep container. Grinding all the ingredients with a pusher, you get a rather thick and sweet slurry without cake. By the way, the peel and other pulp remaining after the implementation of these actions can be thrown away or cooked from them compote.

After grinding all the berries in a sieve, they are laid out in a multi-layer gauze, and then the entire contents of the bag are squeezed out strongly. As a result of such actions, you should get a thick and concentrated drink of maroon color.

How to store and use?

Fresh cherry juice should not be stored for too long (even in the refrigerator). This is due to the fact that it quickly oxidizes and deteriorates. If it seems to you that such a drink turned out to be too sour and concentrated, then you can additionally add a little sugar and drinking water to it.

We prepare a cherry drink for the winter

Cherry juice for the winter is good for those who like to enjoy in the cold season natural drinks own production, saturating your body with vitamins.

To implement this recipe, we need:

  • freshly picked cherries - about 2 kg;
  • drinking water - about 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - about 250 g (to taste).

Preparation of the main product

How should cherry juice be harvested for the winter? The recipe for this drink requires the use of only fresh berries. It is sorted out and washed thoroughly, and then all the bones are squeezed out. After that, the product is placed in a fine sieve and rubbed with a pusher. The cake remaining from the berries is thrown away, and juice is boiled from the pulp.

Drink brewing

So that homemade cherry juice does not deteriorate and is preserved unchanged until late winter, it must be subjected to heat treatment. Of course, such a procedure will deprive the berries of most of the vitamins. However, this is the only way you can enjoy delicious drink during the cold season.

After carefully grinding the cherry, its pulp is placed in an enameled container, and then the usual drinking water and granulated sugar. After mixing all the ingredients, they are brought to a boil. After boiling the cherry juice over low heat for about 3 minutes, they begin to preserve it.

How to properly preserve a drink?

After berry juice is ready, it is poured into sterilized glass jars. Next, the containers are covered with lids and placed in a saucepan, on the bottom of which a towel is laid. Fill the dishes with water (up to the shoulders of the cans), bring it to a boil. In this form, cherry juice is kept for half an hour. Then the hot containers are removed and closed with sterilized lids.

Turning the jars upside down, they are cooled for about a day at room temperature, after which they clean it in the basement or underground (that is, any cool room). You can drink this juice after a few days.

Cooking juice with seeds

According to experts, the pits of cherries contain which adversely affects human health. In this regard, juices with such a berry should not be stored for too long. They must be consumed within 2-3 months.

So, to make juice with cherry pits, we need

  • freshly picked cherries - about 2 kg;
  • drinking water - 3-5 l;
  • granulated sugar - about 400 g (add to taste).

We process the berry

Berries for such juice should be taken as fresh as possible. They are sorted out, and then laid out in a colander and washed thoroughly. After that, the cherries are dried and distributed over three-liter jars which are pre-sterilized.

To get a tastier one, fill the containers halfway or 1/3 of the way.

Cooking process

Prepare cherry juice with pits in several stages. First, pour into a large enameled pan plain water and then bring it to a boil. Pour granulated sugar into the dishes, wait for it to dissolve completely. After that, the resulting syrup is poured into jars, where the berries were laid out in advance.

Having filled the containers to the shoulders, they are covered with lids and left in this position for 20-35 minutes. After the color of the water changes and becomes dark red, the jars are closed with a special lid with small holes and all the juice is poured back into the container. After tasting the drink, I add additional sugar to it (if necessary). In this form, the syrup is brought to a boil and again poured into jars. This time, the containers are immediately rolled up, turned upside down and covered with a thick blanket.

In this form cherry drink stand for about 3 days, after which they are cleaned in the refrigerator or cellar.

When can you use?

Cherry juice with pits should be infused in a dark and slightly cool room for about 3-5 weeks. Such a long exposure of the drink will make it more saturated and tasty.

Pouring cherry juice into tall glasses, they taste it. If it turned out to be too sweet and concentrated, then it can be diluted with ordinary drinking water(cooled boiling water).

The taste of such a drink is significantly different from the taste of ordinary pitted cherry juice.

Summing up

Self-harvesting homemade juice from cherry, winter time year you can no longer buy flavored drinks in the shop. By the way, the latter contain not only a lot of sugar, but also harmful additives that adversely affect human health.
