
Opening our own beer production: a business idea.

Opening a brewery is a great solution for aspiring entrepreneurs. Moderate financial investments are enough for this business, and the production process itself does not cause difficulties thanks to modern equipment and technologies.

Before opening a brewery, it is imperative to draw up breweries, calculate costs and estimated profits. In order for the enterprise not to be unprofitable, one should study the market and adequately assess the risks, think over ways to promote and sell the manufactured goods. So, how can you open a brewery in Russia?

When planning the work of a small enterprise, you will need to hire only a few workers:

  • director, accountant - these positions can be combined by the owner of the enterprise;
  • electromechanic;
  • cleaning woman;
  • Sales Representative;
  • brewers;
  • driver;
  • sellers - if it is planned to open a store for the sale of brewery products.

To ensure the stable operation of the brewery, in addition to the vacancies listed above, you will also need:

  • accountant;
  • brewers-technologists;
  • sales managers;
  • forwarding drivers.

If you plan to open a restaurant brewery, you will only need:

  • brewer,
  • assistant brewer, and the staff of the institution will be responsible for the sale of products.

Advertising and sales of brewery products

Successful PR options for manufactured products are:

  1. promotional campaigns;
  2. promotions;
  3. publicity (sponsorship of events, press releases);
  4. personal offers.

Live beer has a very short shelf life, so it is extremely important to establish timely sales of products. Implementation points can be:

  • retail stores;
  • restaurants, cafes and other establishments selling alcoholic products;
  • own retail store for brewing products.

Profitability of own brewery

The concept of profitability refers to the ratio of the costs of implementing a business idea in relation to consumer demand. When starting to implement the idea of ​​​​opening your own brewery, you need to analyze the competition in

It is quite difficult to accurately judge the profitability and profitability of a brewery. For example, a complete set for opening a mini-brewery costs about 2.5 thousand US dollars, and this amount includes:

  • laboratory kit;
  • tanks with a water seal;
  • raw materials.

The main problem when opening a brewing business is the excise policy of Russia. To obtain the right to produce and sell brewing products, an entrepreneur needs to obtain a special certificate, which has a considerable cost.

To calculate the approximate profit from the sale of finished products, you can start from the following values:

  • the cost of a liter of freshly brewed beer - from 0.5 US dollars;
  • the price of a liter for sales is from 1.3 US dollars.

A simple calculation shows that the profitability of the brewing business is high.

Main advantage opening a private brewery is the opportunity to open a business on a mini-scale with a gradual expansion as profits are made.

Brewery - profitable and. By finding good suppliers of high-quality raw materials and mastering the sales market, you will be able to make significant profits from the sale of your own high-quality product.

How to open a brewery? and professional advice in the following video:

The alcohol market attracts many entrepreneurs. The difficulties of obtaining a license and other permits can scare away even an experienced entrepreneur. But there are a number of alcoholic beverages for the sale and production of which a license is not required. These include: beer, cider, mead, poiret and beer drinks. In Russia, beer is the most popular, so a potential entrepreneur will be interested in breweries with calculations.

Analysis of the brewing market

Beer is a very popular drink among Russians and residents of the CIS countries. Moreover, consumption volumes are gradually growing due to a change in the culture of citizens - they less and less prefer to drink strong alcoholic beverages.

For the production of beer, the technology of alcoholic fermentation of malt wort is used. The production uses special brewer's yeast and hops. Russian producers most often use barley malt.

Most of the consumer beer market is occupied by the so-called pasteurized or regular beer. It accounts for about 90 - 97%. The rest of the production is "live" beer. It is very difficult to break into the regular beer market, since more than 60% of the volume is accounted for by only 3 companies with 40 brands:

  • "Baltic";
  • "SUN Inbev";
  • SABMiller.

For representatives of small businesses, a more promising direction is the production of "live" beer. Here the competition is also quite high, but in many regions the demand for these products is not fully satisfied. It will be much easier for a microbrewery to achieve positive results here.

In total, about 800 - 900 breweries operate on the territory of Russia. Such data are provided by the Russian Union of Brewers for 2015-2017.

The general tendencies of the beer market show a decrease in production volumes. To a greater extent, this is due to the tightening of legislation, serious control by supervisory authorities, and increased requirements for the quality of finished products.

With the fall in total production volumes, some niches are actively developing, occupying an increasing share of the market. These include wheat beer, non-alcoholic and craft beer (made by small private breweries according to individual recipes not used in industrial production).

Varieties of breweries

Wanting to open his own brewery, an entrepreneur must at the initial stage decide how much investment he has, how much product he would like to produce. According to the volume of the finished drink, breweries are divided into 3 groups:

Depending on the performance of the brewery is divided into industrial and restaurant. The latter have small volumes of beer, they make just enough to satisfy the demand of restaurant visitors. Sometimes the quantity of finished products is increased, then the rest of it is sold to stores or own retail outlets. For a novice entrepreneur, this option is not suitable, unless he owns a catering company.

Perhaps the main division concerns the production technology itself. On this basis, the following types of breweries are distinguished:

  1. Full cycle. In fact, they are full-fledged breweries, regardless of production volumes. This is the most costly type of enterprise, and the process of making beer itself is longer. Such an enterprise is not suitable for small production volumes, including due to very high costs (the cost of a full-fledged brewery will cost no less than 6,000,000 - 10,000,000 rubles). In addition, the organization of a full cycle requires large production areas and professional expensive equipment.
  2. short cycle. This is the most suitable option for micro- and mini-breweries. They minimize start-up costs by purchasing less equipment and using semi-finished products (the malt wort is already evaporated and ready for the fermentation process). The latter speeds up the production process itself.

An aspiring entrepreneur may be interested in the idea of ​​​​opening a very small, home brewery. This can be located in a country house or townhouse. Production volumes in such a brewery vary from 8 to 35 liters per day. The beer itself can ferment from several days to 1 month. To create such a production, minimal costs will be required, even the equipment will take no more than 10,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Craft breweries are no less interesting direction. Craft beer appeared a long time ago, but the term itself was proposed by the Association of American Brewers only at the beginning of the 21st century. Its main feature is the use of individual recipes that allow you to create a specific taste. It is the exclusivity and unusualness of the drink that attracts consumers who are tired of industrial beer. Today there are a large number of varieties of craft beer, the most famous include:

  • Pale ale (taste has floral, fruity, resinous and pine undertones);
  • Indian pale ale (has a very pronounced hop aroma);
  • Barleywine (created on the basis of citrus and resinous varieties, has an intense taste of malt with bitterness);
  • Russian imperial statute (may have coffee, chocolate shades, bitter with different intensities).

Registration of a brewery

Federal Law No. 171-FZ (clause 1, article 11) states that only organizations can produce alcoholic beverages. This means that the entrepreneur will have to register as a legal entity. The best option is . Moreover, it is necessary to indicate in the statutory documents that the organization is engaged in the production, wholesale and retail sale of beer.

For the production of beer, the OKVED code 11.05 - "Beer production" is used. Additional codes may be required:

  • 34 - for the wholesale trade in drinks;
  • 11 and 47.25.12 - for retail trade in non-specialized and specialized stores, respectively.

As a taxation system, a legal entity should choose OSNO, but apply it, or it will not work, as this is contrary to the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Additionally, the company will have to pay tax in the form of excise duty, depending on the volume. From January 1, 2018, the following rates apply:

Obtaining permits

The main question of the entrepreneur is that. Clause 1, Article 18 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 states that a license is not required for the production, wholesale and retail trade in beer. Therefore, a businessman does not have to deal with obtaining it. However, for the production of beer, it will be necessary to obtain a hygiene certificate for finished products (issued for a period of 1-3 years). Additionally you will need:

  • certificates of conformity for the equipment used, raw materials and finished beer;
  • passport of the brewing complex (provided by the equipment supplier or compiled independently).

To certify finished products, test samples will have to be produced. They will pass laboratory tests at the Center for Standardization and Metrology (CSM). The Declaration of Conformity will be issued after the successful completion of all tests and the submission of a production control program and TI. When using specifications for the production of beer, the corresponding GOST is also indicated.

After receiving all the necessary documents for equipment and finished products, you must purchase an EDS and register on the official website of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. A calculation of production capacity is sent through a personal account or to the PAP mail, and information is provided separately for each type of beer.

When the PAP receives all the necessary information, an inspection of the enterprise, equipment and technological process will be initiated. As a result, the entrepreneur will receive a permit for the production of beer.

After the entry into force of Federal Law No. 182-FZ of June 29, 2015, breweries, including those with small production volumes, need to register with the Unified State Automated Information System and provide information about the beer produced and sold.

Beer production room

Federal Law No. 171-FZ states that enterprises engaged in the production of beer must comply with the requirements for production premises. Moreover, the latter must be owned by the organization, operational management, economic management or rented for a period of 1 year.

The very premises where beer is produced are also subject to the requirements prescribed in the “Sanitary Rules for Brewing and Non-Alcoholic Products Enterprises” dated April 9, 1985. So, the main ones are:

  • the presence of lighting;
  • the presence of a separate warehouse for the storage of containers and household materials;
  • use of municipal water supply or plain water that meets the requirement of "drinking water";
  • availability of hot water supply in the workshop;
  • ventilation system;
  • the presence of sewerage;
  • the presence of tiled or washable tiles at a height of up to 1.75 meters upwards (it is additionally allowed to use metal profiles and plastic panels).

The production workshop itself should not be located in the basement. Only the fermentation section can be located in this type of premises.

The storage room for finished products must be equipped so that it maintains a temperature of 0 to 25 C. Additionally, racks and pallets must be installed there.

The entrepreneur determines the size of the premises individually. There are no exact requirements in this matter. It is necessary to proceed from production capacities and desired production volumes.

The building itself, where the brewery will be located, can be located within the city or outside it. It is better to choose industrial areas. Moreover, the brewery cannot be located at a distance of less than 50 meters from a residential building. In exceptional cases, it can be reduced, but this is done through Rospotrebnadzor.

Brewery Equipment

The list of necessary equipment will depend on production volumes, financial capabilities, beer brewing technology and the completeness of the cycle. The ideal option is to contact a direct supplier and purchase a ready-made microbrewery kit. In this regard, Chinese and European equipment are the most attractive in terms of the combination of price and quality. The latter is characterized by a long period of use. It is possible to work at the beginning on domestic equipment. It is the cheapest - a complete installation will cost 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Microbreweries usually use bottom-fermenting technologies to produce beer. In this case, after-fermentation of beer takes place in special containers, after which it is divided into kegs for further transportation to wholesale buyers. The application of this technology will require the purchase of the following equipment:

  • fermentation tanks;
  • fermenters;
  • boilers for cooking;
  • refrigerators;
  • baths for sterilization;
  • filters for water purification;
  • kegs;
  • Surge Protectors;
  • pouring plant.

If you plan to open a brewery with a capacity of 100 to 2,000 liters of finished products, then the purchase of equipment, its adjustment and installation will cost no less than 1,500,000 rubles.

All equipment directly related to production must be marked with identification numbers. This can be done by engraving or by attaching fixed plates to them.

Raw materials for making beer

The quality of the finished beer will depend not only on the correctness of the technology and equipment. It is equally important to use good raw materials. Therefore, the search for a reliable supplier must be approached very responsibly. For the production of beer in its classical sense, the following ingredients are used:

  1. Water. It must be free from all harmful impurities. You do not need to purchase it, it is enough to install a good water filtration system at the factory.
  2. Malt extract or malt. This is the most important component, on which the taste of the finished product depends. There are a lot of varieties of malt, you need to choose it based on what kind of beer you want to get in the end. If you organize a full-cycle enterprise, then the cost of malt will be 35 rubles per kilogram for domestic producers, and for foreign producers - from 85 to 230 rubles. Experts advise using Belgian malt, as it is of excellent quality and can significantly reduce its consumption when making beer. If alcohol is produced at a short-cycle enterprise, then instead of malt, malt extract will be required, for which the price per kilogram can vary from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.
  3. Brewer's yeast. Smaller breweries use bottom-fermenting yeast. The price for 1 kilogram for them varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. To reduce costs, you can turn to a brewery or a private brewer with a large production volume for raw materials.
  4. Hop. The most popular is "type-90". The taste of beer depends on the variety of hops. Domestic producers most often use universal, bitter, traditional or aromatic types of hops. And each of them has its own value. For example, for 1 kilogram of aromatic hops, you can pay 2,000 rubles, while bitter hops will be 2 times cheaper.

What is the most popular alcoholic drink today? Of course, beer. A mug of cool, life-giving moisture with noble bitterness and honey flavor makes us forget about all life's problems and failures.

However, beer culture today is far from up to par. This is especially true for Russia, where a “live” drink is considered quite rare, and bottled and canned versions often have poor taste. And you can make quite good money on this if you approach the matter wisely and with a sufficient amount of initial cash investment.

Home brewing is an excellent business option. This is a profitable business that, with the right approach, will certainly bring you an excellent income. And it's not just the hot summer season. After all, the demand for an intoxicating drink persists at any time of the year.

How to choose and equip a place

It all depends on how exactly you plan to sell your products. On average, a microbrewery occupies approximately 50-80 square meters of production space (depending on the bulkiness and amount of equipment). This is the hallmark of small business in this area. A full-fledged beer factory occupies an average of 100-300 square meters of area.

If you plan to ship a drink, then equipment should drive up to the premises without any problems. Be sure to provide for a separate room (warehouse) for storing ready-made beer and raw materials. The room must be equipped with a good system of uninterrupted ventilation, central sewerage, heating, and electrical wiring. In addition, do not forget about fire safety.

How to open a mini-brewery? First of all, the premises you have chosen must pass all the checks without fail. To start work, the following permits will be required: SES - for the launch and installation of equipment, state fire supervision, energy inspection, ZhEKa - for the proper operation of sewerage and water supply.

If you decide, in addition to the brewery itself, to open a private outlet, then in this case, choose a room on the busiest street with a convenient location near public transport stops. Renting such an office will be more expensive, but the business will pay off much faster.

Technical question

Equipment for the brewery is the basis of this business. The level of the final product, as well as its taste properties, depends on how reliable and high-quality the equipment will be.

The basic set of equipment for brewing beer independently includes several items: a container designed for primary fermentation, a technological vessel, a laboratory kit, and a transfusion system.

These things are pretty easy to maintain. Such a minimum set will allow you to produce 500-700 liters of wonderful beer per day. But imported and more expensive equipment with high technical characteristics can produce a volume of 2000 liters. To release beer on tap, you must first buy special sealed kegs.

Acquiring Ingredients

An equally important aspect is the raw materials. A home brewery will not be popular with customers if you constantly skimp on ingredients. As a rule, the standard set of raw materials required for the production of beer includes dry special yeast, hopped malt concentrate.

It is also necessary to acquire a special detergent and disinfectant, otherwise the SES will certainly note the absence of the components necessary for work in its conclusion. Establish continuous uninterrupted supplies of raw materials. A brewery as a business is only profitable if it works without any delay. Therefore, be sure to keep in mind at least one other supplier in addition to the chosen main one.

Recruiting staff

If we are talking about a basic set of equipment for a mini-brewery, then only one person can serve the equipment in this case. However, you can also provide for night shifts.

In addition, someone will have to keep the accounting of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The room must be regularly cleaned and cleaned. These responsibilities can be assumed by an individual. The second option is an additional payment to an existing employee.

The brewery as a business is quite profitable in itself. But in the case of opening a retail outlet for intoxicating drinks or a bar in parallel, it is necessary to count on additional costs in the form of wages for more employees. People should have an active life position and be able to quickly serve visitors. Designate a “deal” to make sure your employee payroll costs pay off. Therefore, a person will be directly interested in serving as many customers as possible.

We calculate the budget

The business plan for a brewery is relatively simple. It can be compiled by anyone who wants to start their own business, but has never dealt with preliminary financial calculations before. You need to highlight all items of upcoming expenses, as well as preliminary profit.

A business plan will allow you to visually see the items, the costs of which should be increased or decreased, as well as to set the wholesale and retail price of the prepared intoxicating drink. He will not allow you to invest money for nothing.

How much does it cost to open a brewery? Experts recommend starting your own business in this area with an initial capital of 150-200 thousand US dollars. This amount will allow you to purchase high-quality raw materials, rent a decent room that meets all sanitary requirements, and purchase high-quality equipment.


Containers in which beer or kvass ferments - fermenters- available in different sizes depending on the production tasks. In breweries and kvass factories, stainless steel fermenters are used, which, as a rule, have built-in cooling jackets. For small volumes, special food-grade plastic is well suited.

In the photo on the right - fermenters with a working volume of 200, 500 and 1000 liters. A water seal is installed in hermetically screwed lids during fermentation. At the bottom of the cone-shaped bottom there is a hole for draining the spent yeast. At different levels there are valves for taking samples and draining fermented beer or kvass. On the conical part there is also a valve for draining the last portion of the drink.


According to the technology of preparing both beer and kvass, the fermented drink must be poured into sealed containers for further fermentation and maturation. Fermentation tanks must be hermetically sealed, and since carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in the beverages during the fermentation process, these containers must withstand a certain level of pressure. This requirement is especially strict for beer, although it should also be taken into account in the production of high-quality, effervescent kvass.

Fermentation, and then maturation and sale of drinks can be carried out in bottles or kegs. In the production of beer, the use is allowed negotiable a glass bottle (carefully selected without defects!), with a crown cork stopper, or a P.E.T.F. with screw caps.

To increase the shelf life of fermented kvass up to 60 days, it is proposed to filter it with subsequent bottling. To dispense drinks on tap, sealed kegs are used. The most common stainless steel kegs in brewing 50 and 30 liters, kegs of 10, 20, etc. are less popular. In a small production environment, standard kegs can also be used, however, it becomes difficult to wash and disinfect them, since these procedures are usually carried out under pressure on special equipment. The most convenient form of working with kegs is to conclude an agreement with the nearest plant or station for processing circulating kegs.

In addition to the kegs themselves, you must have fitting with a set of filling equipment, allowing filling kegs and bottling drinks from them. The most popular fittings for kegs are made by Mikromatic, however, it should be borne in mind that several common types of fittings (A, S, K, etc.) are fundamentally different in their design, and can only be used with the corresponding type of keg head. In other words, it is desirable to select kegs for the brewery with one type of fitting, moreover, the most common in the area where it is planned to sell beer on tap.

For small industries it is more convenient to use the so-called soda kegs (per 18 l), usually used for highly carbonated soft drinks, because. their wide mouth allows for self-sanitization. Pouring beer or kvass from such kegs is carried out using connectors and using carbon dioxide pressure from a cylinder.

The easiest to handle and most affordable are food-grade plastic containers specifically designed for fermented drinks. These kegs are produced in volumes of 10 and 25 liters, have a sealed lid with an overpressure relief valve and a tap, and can be used both for fermentation and maturation of drinks, and for dispensing them to the buyer.

Equipment for the preparation of beer and kvass from food-grade plastic is critically different from steel in terms of price and ease of use. With their strength and durability, these containers are light, portable, so that small-scale beverage production can be very flexible, mobile and easily scaled up to the desired, even very large volumes.

Auxiliary equipment and accessories

Depending on the production capacity, the composition of auxiliary equipment can vary greatly in different industries. However, there are necessary elements that no production can do without, including:

  • filters for water preparation - they certainly differ depending on local conditions, on the composition of local water, on the volume of products produced and on the general level of production equipment.
  • scales for measuring raw materials used - malt extract, sugar, yeast, water. In the smallest productions, you can certainly do without scales if you use specially graduated measuring utensils.
  • syrup boiler(pans) and a container for storing sugar syrup.
  • hoses or siphon tubes for pouring water and drinks.
  • bath for sterilizing agent, fixtures for sanitizing and washing equipment and accessories.

When making bottled beer, you will also need devices for filling beer into bottles, capping crown cap or cap, labeling, packaging in shrink film, etc.

When increasing production volumes, you will need pumps for pumping water and beer, as well as various devices for transportation and loading.

cooling chamber necessary when producing any volume of beer or kvass, or you can use a suitable refrigerated or naturally cold room. According to the technological instructions, kvass is stored in a cold place with a lower cooling limit of 0-20C for 6-10 hours (for cooling) and up to 72 hours (if necessary, storage before sale). The finished beer in sealed containers is stored in a refrigerated room at a temperature of 10-120C for 1-2 weeks (depending on the variety) for the purpose of maturation. Shelf life of finished beer - up to 4, 5 months. at the specified temperature.

Requirements for the premises

    Microbreweries can be located in one-story, multi-story, basement and semi-basement premises.

    Basements are used for aging (fermentation) of beer.

    Production belongs to the category "D" not fire and not explosive.

    For amenity and storage spaces, existing areas and amenity services are used when linked.

    In technological rooms, the walls must be finished with ceramic tiles to a height of 2.0 m. The ceilings are painted with whitewash or water-based paint. The floors can be made of ceramic tiles or reinforced concrete with a synthetic coating (lacquer, enamel, resin).

    Technological premises must be equipped with general ventilation, heating, water supply and electricity.

    Heating can be water, steam or air.

    Wastewater is discharged into the existing sewer.

Premises area

The tables below show the approximate dimensions of the areas required for small-scale production of beer and kvass. The calculations take into account all rooms, including cooled ones. Please note that area sizes may vary depending on local conditions.


Water Requirements

    For the preparation of beer wort, water is used that meets the sanitary and hygienic standards for drinking water in accordance with the requirements of Sanpin.

    The main indicators for water permitted for use in brewing, according to TU 10-5031536-7310, must correspond to the indicators given in the following table.

Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological standards for water used in the preparation of beer wort:

Smell 0 scores at 20°C
smack 0 scores at 20°C
Chroma 10 degree
Turbidity no more than 1
Rigidity 2-4 mg-eq/l
RN 6-6,5 mg/l
Dry residue no more 500 mg/l
Alkalinity 0,5-1,5 mg-eq/l
Calcium 2-4 mg-eq/l
Magnesium footprints
Iron no more than 0.1 mg/l
Manganese no more than 0.1 mg/l
nitrogen nitrite 0 mg/l
nitrates no more than 10 mg/l
chlorides 100-150 mg-eq/l
sulfates 100-150 mg-eq/l
Total number of bacteria no more than 100 in 1 sq. cm of undiluted water
The number of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group no more than 3 in 1 sq. dm of undiluted water

If the water parameters do not meet the above requirements, it is necessary to carry out additional water treatment by filtration in order to correct certain parameters.

Article taken from the website of the company "Teddy Beer"

By far the most popular alcoholic beverage is beer. Almost every person at least once tasted this drink, which has a pleasant noble bitterness and amazing honey flavor. In some countries, beer has long been a national symbol. For example, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium are famous for producing the highest quality and most delicious beer in the world.

We have already discussed the topic before, let's continue, today I want to talk about opening a mini brewery. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity? How to make money on the production and sale of beer?

Brewery business plan

The first step towards opening a beer business is to draw up a detailed business plan for a mini-brewery with calculations. What is it for? A business plan will help you properly manage your available funds, spend them on really important organizational moments.

How much does it cost to open a brewery?

The profitability of a business is the ratio of demand and the cost of implementing an idea. We must also not forget about competition, which significantly affects the success of your business. Be sure to analyze the degree of competition in the region in which you are going to open a brewery. Only after making sure that the production of beer is profitable, you can start opening a brewery.

The question of the cost of opening a brewery is a bit of a misnomer. Everything will depend on many factors: the purchase of equipment, the cost of renting a room, etc. Therefore, before starting a business, you should take an interest in prices in your area and understand how much it will cost you to open a private brewery.

How to open a brewery?

The main advantage of fresh beer over bottled beer is its taste, long-term storage significantly affects the quality of the drink. Therefore, it is highly likely that local beer will be in great demand in bars, cafes, and clubs in your city.

Before you open your brewery, you need to decide on the volume of production. A mini brewery can produce from 50-500 liters per day.

Business registration

Before you start your business, you need to legally register your activities. To do this, you need to collect all the necessary documents. As a substantive form, you can choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

A qualified lawyer will help you collect the necessary package of documents for business registration.

Equipment for the production of beer

Prices for equipment for the production of beer are quite high. On the market there is a huge selection of all kinds of equipment for mini-breweries, Chinese, Russian, Czech production. Prices vary significantly depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the equipment. Choose equipment based on your financial capabilities. If you want to save money, you can buy used equipment or take up a more affordable idea of ​​earning money, for example, at home.

Rental of premises for a mini-brewery

The location of the future brewery does not really matter. It is not too important in which part of the city your company will be located.

Required area

On average, to accommodate a brewery, you will need a room with a total area of ​​​​about 50-80 square meters.

The available area must be divided into separate zones: a production room, a zone for storing raw materials and a place for finished products.

In the room, of course, there should be electricity and sewerage, water supply.

You will also have to go through the verification of the relevant authorities. It will be necessary to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary, fire service and housing office.

Beer production technology

To control the brewing procedure, you need to hire an experienced technologist.

Stages of beer production:

  • Wort preparation;
  • The primary process of yeast fermentation;
  • secondary fermentation process;
  • The process of filtering, pasteurization, pouring beer.
  • Raw materials for making beer

Good raw materials and adherence to production techniques guarantee a quality drink. Therefore, carefully and responsibly treat this process.

For the production of beer, water, hops, brewer's yeast and malt are used. The special taste of the drink depends on the water, so it is worth purchasing equipment for its high-quality purification.


Naturally, it is impossible to serve the needs of the brewery on its own. It is worth thinking about the round-the-clock production of beer. This will require two employees with the appropriate education (technologist). Also, it is necessary to hire a person for accounting and registration of legal nuances.

In addition, the room needs to be cleaned, this should also be done by someone.

In general, focus on production volumes when recruiting. It is quite realistic and profitable to turn a mini-brewery into a family business.

Sales market

In order to sell products, you need to develop a competent advertising concept.

Beer is a popular drink, so you won’t have any problems with the sale of products. A quality drink will always be in demand.

Your customers will be bars, cafes, shops, supermarkets and other outlets.

It is very important to correctly analyze the pricing policy and competition. The success of the whole business will depend on this. Adequate prices and high quality products will provide you with good sales and a stable income.

In general, we can conclude that opening a brewery as a business is a very promising way to earn money. Also, we recommend reading. Good luck!
