
Manual for storage of watermelons. Can watermelons be kept fresh until winter break? All ways to store whole watermelons: where, how and how much they can be stored

How quickly the watermelon harvest time passes and how you want to extend it. Will it be possible to please yourself and loved ones with the summer aroma of a sugar fruit in winter? We will find out how long a watermelon is stored and try to keep it as long as possible.

Whole fruit

If you want to cut a watermelon for the New Year's table, then select a candidate for storage as picky as possible:

  • with a shiny skin and with bright contrasting stripes;
  • with a smooth surface without damage and dents;
  • unbeaten;
  • with an incompletely dried tail;
  • not very large, but with a thick skin;
  • with a ringing rather than a dull sound when tapped;
  • late ripening varieties.

Not overripe, but slightly unripe - such watermelons are stored for 2-3 months. The best place for this is the cellar. It is here that there are all the conditions that ensure long-term storage:

  • low temperature (1-3 degrees);
  • high humidity (80-85%);
  • lack of light.

Watermelons are best stored in a suspended state and not in contact with each other.

Experienced gardeners resort to all sorts of tricks to increase the shelf life of watermelons: they apply alabaster, clay or wax to the peel, put them in straw, ash, sand or moss. But if you do not have a cellar, then store at home in a clean and dark cool corner, in a pantry or on a balcony. Wrap the watermelons in newspaper or cloth, hang them in a net, or place them on a soft, natural cloth mat. At home, they can only be stored for a month or two. It is important to periodically check their surface for rot and turn over to the other side.

cut into halves

Having waited for the long-awaited harvest, we are in a hurry to choose the largest fruit. We think that we will eat it whole and right away, but we are mistaken - sweet watermelons quickly saturate. Are you used to storing cut watermelon in the refrigerator? How long can it be kept here? To prolong life, try to properly pack:

  • wrap the incision with cling film - so it does not absorb odors;
  • put cut side down on a plate - less juice will flow out.

But try to eat it within 1-2 days because the sweet surface is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Treats can cause poisoning - especially do not risk the health of children and pregnant women.

cut into pieces

You can save a healthy berry at home in two ways:

  • put in a vacuum container;
  • to freeze.

So cut as much as you can eat.


Now you know how long whole and cut watermelons are stored. Many housewives try to freeze fruit at home in the freezer and thus save a piece of summer. The fruit is cut without peel into small layers and spread on a tray for instant freezing. Frozen pieces can be put into small portion bags. So they can be stored for a whole year.

But when defrosted, the watermelon turns into porridge. Hurry up to eat it frozen like natural popsicles. The kids will love this dessert.

watermelon pickles

How long can salt preparations be stored? After all, with a good harvest, an excess of fruit is trying to conserve. Make sure that the lid of the blanks is tightly closed, and the temperature in the room does not exceed 10 degrees. Under such conditions, salted watermelons can be stored from six months to a year.

A watermelon kept at home warms the soul. It turns out that it can be stored for a long time, and in winter it will delight the whole family not only with vitamins, but also with their favorite taste.

The abundance of choice and low prices for watermelons ends at the end of September, and after a few weeks, watermelon becomes a rare and rather expensive delicacy.

However, lovers of this sweet berry have learned how to store fruits for a long time, which allows them to enjoy the taste of watermelon and a few months after the end of the season. About how much you can store cut watermelon in the refrigerator, we will tell in the article.

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Temperature regime

At what temperature can watermelons be stored? When storing watermelons, it is necessary to observe a strict temperature regime. Optimum temperature— from +1°C to +3°C.

The temperature must not be allowed to fall below zero or rise above the indicated indicators, as in this case the berry will deteriorate.

Relative humidity air should be no more than 80-85%.

The pulp of watermelon is sometimes tried to be frozen, which, of course, will not preserve its taste in its original quality, but will at least allow it to be used for making cocktails or juices.

Using shock freezing taste qualities are preserved better, so this method is also used.

How to understand that it has deteriorated inside?

During storage, some specimens inevitably deteriorate, since, despite all the tricks, a lot depends on the fruit itself: variety, growing conditions and preliminary transportation.

To understand that a watermelon has gone bad, it is not at all necessary to taste it. Damage is signaled by dents, cracks, rot spots and any other damage to the peel.

If in any place it becomes soft, or comes from a watermelon uncharacteristic smell, then such an instance is rejected and discarded.

How long can you go without canned food?

The second option is cook sweet and sour watermelon when the berry is preserved by sugaring and adding vinegar and spices. With home canning, subject to a properly organized process, you can safely use such a product until next summer.

There are many ways in which you can save watermelon at least until the New Year.

However, if exclude canning, then all of them are used only in relation to whole fruits, specially selected and stored under temperature and other conditions.

You can learn how to store watermelons from the video:

One of the most favorite berries in humans is watermelon. They sell it at a fairly affordable price until the end of the first month of autumn. After that, its value increases several times.

How long can you keep a whole watermelon in the fridge?

In order for this particular berry, when buying to choose a product, you need to be more demanding.

  • shiny peel, and stripes - bright and contrasting color;
  • the surface of the fetus without roughness, without damage;
  • the tail should not be completely dry;
  • the size of the berry is small;
  • thick peel;
  • the sound when tapping should be ringing;
  • late ripe variety.

Subject to all the rules, the berry should be unripe. So how long can you keep watermelon in the fridge? Approximately within three months. But with fruits in which the tail is completely dry, this will not work. Because they will be overripe.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to choose the right watermelon, it is also necessary to ensure the correct conditions for its storage.

In the room where the fetus will lie for some time, there should be a fairly high level of humidity and a temperature regime within 1-4 degrees. Accordingly, the berry is stored in a dark place.

The ideal room for a watermelon is, of course, the cellar. But if you do not have it, then it does not matter. Both a balcony and a dark corner in the apartment will do. In this case, the berry should be wrapped in paper and placed on a soft bedding. In such conditions, the watermelon will last for about a couple of months. Remember to check the freshness of the product and turn it over every few days.

How long can a cut watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?

Seeing this fruit in the market or in the store, we acquire it. And, as a rule, we choose rather large sizes. It seems to us that a small berry is not enough for the whole large family. But, since this product quickly saturates, we save the second half for the next time.

How many days can you keep watermelon in the refrigerator like this? First of all, you need to properly package it. The pulp should be wrapped with cling film. Due to this, the product will not absorb foreign odors. Put the berry should be so that the cut is at the bottom. In this case, more juice will be preserved.

The product should be eaten within a couple of days, since it is a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Is it possible to store sliced ​​berries and how?

Yes, sure. But unfortunately, the safety of this product is minimal. The pieces are already impossible to eat a couple of hours after you cut them, since all the juice flows out during this time.

It is possible to slightly increase the shelf life of these pieces by placing them in a vacuum container. Or put in the freezer.

And best of all, cut yourself as much of the product as you think it is possible to eat. Then you don't have to think about what to do with the remaining watermelon.

How are berries frozen?

Having learned the answers to the question “How long can a watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?”, Let's deal with other ways to harvest it.

Most housewives To do this, cut it into layers without a peel. After that, they are placed on a special tray and sent to the freezer. Once they are frozen, they can be put in bags. How long can you keep watermelon in the refrigerator? Turns out it's been a whole year.

But one of the disadvantages of this method is that when defrosted, the product does not retain its previous shape and turns into porridge. Therefore, it should be eaten frozen. Get fruit ice. An interesting treat for children, isn't it?

How to salt watermelon?

Preparations are usually made from tomatoes and cucumbers, but is it possible to do this from these berries? It turns out you can.

To do this, cut the watermelon into small slices. Place them in a sterilized glass container. Prepare brine. Pour salt and sugar into boiling water. Cook until they are completely dissolved. At the end, add vinegar. The jars are then filled with brine. After that, they must be sterilized again in boiling water for 15 minutes. Next, roll up, turn the jars upside down, cover them with a cloth. In this position, they should stand for several days. Then they are removed to a room where the temperature should not be more than 10 degrees. Salted watermelons can be stored for about a year.

How to store berries in water?

This method is very original. It was used when there were no refrigerators yet. This method is not popular with modern housewives, but is common in southern countries.

The fetus is transferred to the aquatic environment, and it must completely cover it. Fluid should be changed several times a month. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the watermelon should not come into contact with air in any way.

The water in which the berry is stored should not freeze. In this case, the product will spoil, and it will be impossible to eat it. Thus, watermelon can be stored for several months. Unfortunately, in Russia, not everyone can afford this method. Therefore, people use the above methods for storing berries.

How to understand that the fetus has deteriorated inside?

It all depends on the variety, conditions of transportation and cultivation of the berry. In order to understand that the fruit has deteriorated, it is not necessary to cut it and taste it. It is enough to pay attention to some characteristics of the product. The presence of dents and cracks, rot spots indicates that the watermelon is no longer fit for consumption.

It also happens that the berry becomes soft in some place or an unpleasant smell comes from it. These species are immediately discarded by sellers, since the buyer of this species may experience serious health problems if, of course, he eats it.

Answering the question "How long can a watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?" and having considered its harvesting methods, I would like to give advice: be careful when choosing a berry and enjoy its great taste on any ordinary or gala evening.

The onset of August coincides with the height of the watermelon season. This delicate berry is rich in vitamins and minerals, macro- and microelements, which enrich the body with useful substances. Therefore, we try to eat plenty of watermelons, acquiring several whole fruits at once.

But, since watermelon pulp can quickly saturate the stomach, very often some part of the berry remains uneaten. Accordingly, the question arises of how to keep the cut watermelon as long as possible and without harm to health. Our article provides answers to these and other questions.

Storing cut watermelon

The optimal temperature for storing cut watermelon is + 1 + 3 degrees. In other words, the cut berry should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably on the bottom shelf. The whole fruit has the longest shelf life - up to 3 months. Watermelon, cut in half, will be suitable for consumption within 1-2 days, and cut into slices, it is stored only for a day. Beautiful sliced ​​watermelon will keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, but salted watermelon can stay fresh for up to 6 months. The longest shelf life (from 8 to 12 months) is frozen slices of watermelon or its juice.

Most often, slices of watermelon pulp are subject to storage in the refrigerator. So that they are not covered with mucus, it is recommended to lay slices of watermelon on a plate cut down, and cover with plastic wrap on top. At the same time, it is not recommended to store sliced ​​watermelon in the freezer, because under the influence of low temperatures this juicy berry loses its natural structure, and it can only be used for making drinks (juices, jelly, cocktails).

Choosing watermelons for long-term storage in the refrigerator

Whole watermelons can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time (up to 3 months) under certain conditions:

  1. For long-term storage, thick-skinned watermelons of late varieties are most suitable - "Astrakhan striped", "Volzhsky", "Dessert". Their thick peel protects the pulp from mechanical damage. It is best to purchase them at the end of September to avoid meeting with nitrates, which are used for rapid ripening.
  2. In order for a watermelon to be stored for a long time, it must be ripe. You can determine the degree of ripeness by the tail. It should be dry, and the halo under it should be keratinized. In addition, the peel of a ripe watermelon cannot be pierced with a fingernail, and when it is rubbed, the smell of freshly cut grass does not arise. When tapped, a ripe watermelon makes a dull sound, and when squeezed with hands, the fruit cracks slightly.
  3. The berries selected for storage should not have visible damage on their surface - bumps, cracks, deep scratches. Even through microcracks on the peel, pathogenic microbes quickly penetrate into the pulp.

signs of ripe fruit

It is worth paying attention to the stain from contact with the ground. It should be small and yellow in color. A white spot indicates the presence of nitrates in the watermelon. This is also indicated by the blurring of the stripes on the peel and its dullness. The most optimal for storage are watermelons weighing from 4 to 5 kg.

How to Store Cut Watermelon in the Refrigerator

It is not often possible to purchase a watermelon that can be eaten immediately and whole. Therefore, you have to resort to the services of a refrigerator to save the rest. At the same time, it should be remembered that a cut berry cannot be stored for a long time even in a refrigerator, since pathogenic bacteria multiply very quickly in the pulp and cause food poisoning. Therefore, after 1-2 days of storage, the sweet fruit can no longer be consumed.

  1. Slices of watermelon during storage should be laid out on a plate with the cut down. In this position, the watermelon flows less and does not lose its taste as quickly, which will help to avoid lethargy and drying of the pulp.
  2. Watermelon should be stored as far away from other foods as possible, especially those with a strong smell, as the berry quickly absorbs them.
  3. You should be aware that when watermelon pulp comes into contact with cling film, the first one becomes too soft. Therefore, it is recommended to wrap the watermelon slices together with the plate on which they lie.

Options for storing watermelon in the refrigerator

Since sliced ​​​​pieces are not stored for a long time, try not to cut the whole berry at once, but divide it into slices as you use it.

Temperature regime

The temperature regime is one of the main factors affecting the safety of the fetus. Therefore, the best place to store watermelons is a refrigerator or cellar, where the temperature is stable between +2 and +5 degrees. If we are talking about a refrigerator, then it is best to store the watermelon on the middle or bottom shelf, previously covered with a thick cloth. Storage in the refrigerator has the only drawback - the fruits take up too much space, which creates inconvenience when placing other products.

It is recommended to store cut watermelon in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. On the second day, changes in the pulp become noticeable: it begins to lose its taste and aroma, but is still suitable for consumption. After 2-3 days, the oxidation process begins, and the berry loses its taste. At the same time, the maximum storage temperature is +6 degrees. If this indicator is exceeded, the berry deteriorates faster. You can save watermelon pulp for a longer time (several months) by freezing it. However, you should be aware that when defrosting, the consistency of the pulp changes, so it can only be used for making drinks or desserts.

Secrets of storing fruits and berries in the refrigerator.

In the old days, housewives had to invent themselves in order to extend the shelf life of berries and fruits, so they either dried them or lowered them into running water. Much to the happiness of modern women, technology does not stand still and they no longer need to store delicious fruits with such difficulties. For these purposes, every house has a refrigerator.

With it, you can store not only hard fruits, but also tender and very juicy berries for a long time. True, in this case, you need to know little tricks that will help you enjoy pears, apples, bananas and strawberries as long as possible.

How long can a cut watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?

Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days
  • Most often, we buy watermelons, which later we cannot eat and we have to put them in the refrigerator for storage. Surely everyone who did this noticed that low temperature indicators have a rather negative effect on this large berry. It becomes less tasty and fragrant and, what is the most untidy, begins to flow very strongly.
  • Therefore, it will be better if you still buy watermelons that your family can master at a time. But still, if it already happened that you had to put a cut watermelon in the refrigerator, then be sure to cover its cut with cling film and try to eat it within 48 hours.
  • After this time, it will begin to lose not only taste properties, but also the beneficial substances that it contains. Watermelon, which has lain in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, in general, is better not to eat. By this time, fermentation processes will begin in its pulp, which can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How long can you keep cut melon in the refrigerator?

Rules for storing melons in the refrigerator

A cut melon, like a watermelon, cannot lie in the refrigerator. You can store it there for no more than a day and a half. If it lies in it for a longer period, then pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply on its pulp, causing fermentation and rotting of berries and fruits.

Such processes can start even earlier if you store the melon at a temperature above +5. If you see that you cannot eat the fruit for one day, then it is better to cut it into portions and freeze. In this form, it will remain tasty and healthy for almost six months.

What fruits can not be stored in the refrigerator?

Tropical fruits should not be refrigerated
  • Do not think that the refrigerator can extend the shelf life of absolutely all fruits. Some of them do not tolerate low temperatures very well and it is from its impact that they begin to deteriorate and rot. It is strictly forbidden to put absolutely all tropical fruits and persimmons in the refrigerator. For them, room temperature is more acceptable.
  • If you wrap these fruits in several layers of paper and put them on a pantry shelf, they can stay tasty and healthy for at least 7 days. Of course, this does not mean that all these fruits, in general, cannot be put in the refrigerator. If you put them there solely to cool (literally for an hour or two), then this will not affect either their taste or their appearance.
  • Yes, and if you still decide to store tropical fruits in the refrigerator, then put unripe vile ones in it. They will release a little less ethylene, which means they can stay normal for 5 to 8 days.

Is it possible to store bananas in the refrigerator and where is the best place to store them so that they do not turn black?

Bananas should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • + 12 is considered the optimal temperature for storing bananas, so if you put them in the refrigerator, they will definitely not like it. Even on a shelf for storing vegetables, the temperature readings will be lower than they need, which means that the fruits will supercool very quickly and begin to lose all their taste.
  • But most of all, the low temperature affects the appearance of the banana. Its peel is first covered with black dots, and then, in general, completely blackens. In view of this, if you want these fruits to have both a beautiful appearance and great taste, then find a place for them in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.
  • Just put them on a large dish, wrap with cling film and put them in a place where there is a minimum of light. If you store bananas this way, they will last 10 to 14 days.

Is it possible and how to store peaches in the refrigerator?

Peaches Storage Tips
  • Zero degrees is considered the most ideal temperature for storing peaches, so you can easily extend their shelf life with the help of a refrigerator. But if you want them to remain tasty and fragrant here as long as possible, then be sure to consider the features of this fruit. Since it has a fairly tender peel and juicy pulp, it cannot be piled up.
  • So you can crush the lower fruits, and they will very quickly infect whole peaches with pathogenic microflora. If possible, lay them out in one, maximum two rows and be sure to shift each layer with paper or cotton. It also takes into account the fact that this fruit overripes very quickly, so it is absolutely forbidden to lie with fruits that emit ethylene in large quantities (these are apples and pears).
  • If you put them very close to each other, then the peaches will overripe in just a day, and then even low temperatures will not help you keep them for even the most minimal time.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator and for how long?

  • I want to say right away that it is undesirable to keep lemons in the refrigerator. Low temperature has a detrimental effect on them, and they very quickly begin to deteriorate and rot. But still, in this case, there are little tricks that will help you store this fruit in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 weeks.
  • So, if you stop the exposure of the lemon peel to oxygen, you can minimize the effect of cold on the lemon. Try simply treating its surface with vegetable oil, and then wrapping it in plain paper. So you not only limit the effect of oxygen, but also protect the fruit from condensation, which inevitably appears on all products in the refrigerator.
  • Another proven option is to store lemons in a jar of water. But keep in mind that in order for them to remain fresh, the water in the container must be changed at least 2 times a day and be sure to keep it in the green zone of the refrigerator.

How to store cranberries in the refrigerator and for how long

Keeping cranberries fresh
  • Cranberries are a rather delicate berry, so you need to store it at low temperatures. If you live in an apartment, then the refrigerator is the ideal storage place. You can keep it here both fresh and frozen. If you like to eat these berries without additional processing, then simply clean them of vegetable debris, put them in small containers with airtight lids and put them on a shelf for storing vegetables.
  • Here the berries will remain edible for 1 to 2 months. If you want to extend their shelf life for another month and a half, then put them in glass jars, fill them with pre-boiled water (completely cooled) and place them in the zero zone of the refrigerator. Well, those who want to cook cranberry dishes until the new harvest can freeze the berries.
  • You also need to freeze them in small portions, otherwise you will have to periodically defrost all the berries at once, and this will greatly reduce their shelf life.

How to store apples in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing apples in the refrigerator
  • Apples are among those fruits that, even after picking, continue to intensively release ethylene, which contributes to the rapid ripening of absolutely all fruits. Therefore, if you want to lay fruits for long-term storage, then they must be properly prepared for this. For this, an apple must be kept at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees for 2 days.
  • Under the action of high temperature, almost all ethylene will be released from them and this will stop the maturation process. After this, the apples will need to be cooled, and then laid out in food bags with holes for ventilation. In this form, they will remain tasty and juicy for 1 to 2 months.
  • And remember that it is undesirable to store apples of different varieties together. Since some varieties ripen faster than others, this can lead to the fact that some apples will begin to lose their taste, while others will still remain greenish.

How to store raspberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Raspberry Storage Recommendations

Raspberries can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days. But it will remain fresh and tasty only if you store unripe, and most importantly, intact berries. They are best laid out in small hermetically sealed containers and placed in the zero zone.

In case you want to enjoy the taste of these berries for a longer period, then freeze them or grind them with sugar. But keep in mind that in this case it is extremely important to use only the highest quality berries. If you overlook and at least one spoiled raspberry gets to the raspberry, then in the process of long-term storage, the taste of all other fruits will be quite spoiled.

How to store blueberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing blueberries in jars

Fresh blueberries without any additional processing can quite easily stand in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. At the same time, it will not lose either its excellent taste or useful properties. If you want this berry to lie in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks, then put it in a specially processed container. Take wide-mouth bottles or half-liter jars and heat them well in the oven.

When they are cold, carefully place blueberries in them (no need to tamp them down), close the container with sterile lids and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If you want blueberries to last 5-7 months, then just freeze them. To do this, first pour it in a thin layer on a tray, and then put it in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, put them in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and place it near the rest of the frozen fruits.

Can grapes be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

Grape storage rules

Grapes, like almost all berries and fruits, do not tolerate high temperatures quite well, so you need to put them in the refrigerator immediately after you enter the house. If you plan to eat it within a day or two, you can simply put it in a clean bowl and place it in the green area of ​​the refrigerator.

If you will be storing it for a month or two, then allocate space for it on the vegetable shelf. Spread it there in one layer, and cover it with a paper towel on top. If possible, then place it as close as possible to the back wall of the refrigerator. Since here the temperature is more suitable for grapes, then here they can remain tasty and fresh for up to 4 months.

Can mangoes be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

Ways to store mangoes at home

Since the optimum storage temperature for mango is +10, it is undesirable to store it in the refrigerator. Cold will quickly make it less tasty and sour. Therefore, it will be better if you store this fruit at room temperature.

But if you still want to prepare a mango for the future, then cut it into a small cube and freeze it just like the rest of the berries and fruits. This method of storage will extend the shelf life of the fruit by almost six months.

How to store cherries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Fresh-frozen cherry

Fresh cherries can be stored in the refrigerator without compromising its taste for no more than a day. After that, processes inevitably begin to occur in it, which lead to the fact that the fermentation process begins in the pulp. In order for it to remain tasty and healthy all this time, it must be carefully, literally in one layer, laid out on a tray or on a large bowl and placed in the green zone of the refrigerator.

If you bought a lot of cherries, then you have one way out - freezing. It is better to freeze it in portions, after washing and drying it. Frozen cherries can quite easily lie for at least 6 months.

How to store blackberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Blackberry Storage Recommendations

Blackberries are a very tender berry, so even with a strong desire to store it for a long time, you will not be able to. In the refrigerator, unwashed blackberries can lie for no more than 4 days, so if you want to eat this product throughout the winter, you will have to freeze it.

In this case, the berries will first need to be sorted out, washed, dried, and only then frozen in portions. If there is no room in the freezer, then simply grind the blackberries with sugar, put them in sterile jars and store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

How to store red and black currants in the refrigerator and for how long?

Red and black currants can be frozen

Freshly picked and, most importantly, unwashed currant berries can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 to 14 days. And if you put them in a glass container, and cover it with a paper napkin on top, you can store fragrant berries for almost a month. True, for this you will have to remove the napkin from the jar once a day and let the fruits breathe a little.

Freezing is suitable for longer storage. If you first freeze the currants in one layer and only then put them in a plastic bag or a plastic container, then you will get whole berries that do not stick together, which can be used to make sauces, compotes, jams and delicious toppings for pies.

Can kiwi be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

It is best to put a greenish fruit in the refrigerator
  • A fruit like kiwi does not grow in our country. As a rule, he comes to us from Asian countries, so most often he will get greenish on store shelves. If you plan to store kiwi for some time, then choose elastic, unripe fruits for this. When you bring them home, carefully wrap them in cling film (preferably individually) and put them in a vegetable storage box.
  • If you want to speed up the kiwi ripening process, then take a hermetically sealed bag and put an apple or a banana in it along with the kiwi. In a closed space, ethylene gas will quickly accumulate and kiwi will reach the desired condition, literally in one day.
  • But keep in mind, no matter what storage method you choose, it is undesirable to keep kiwi in the refrigerator for more than 14 days. After this time, the cold temperature will still take its toll and the fruits will first become very watery, and then begin to rot.

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing strawberries in the refrigerator

Strawberries have one not very good property; without a refrigerator, they deteriorate very quickly and begin to rot. Therefore, if you want to extend the shelf life of this berry, then keep it on the shelf for storing vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to lay it there not washed and possibly in one layer, if you see that you will get 2 or 3 layers of strawberries, then shift each row with paper napkins.

They will protect strawberries from moisture and from ethylene, which is released from the rest of the fruit. In this form, strawberries can lie from 3 to 7 days. For longer storage of fragrant fruits, only freezing is suitable. Before freezing the berries, they must be washed, dried a little, and then laid out in one row in the freezer. After that, you just have to wait until the cold does its job and put the strawberries in plastic containers.

How to store plums in the refrigerator and for how long?

Plum storage rules

Plums, provided that they are unripe and undamaged, can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 days. All you need to do for this is just lay them out in neat rows. You can place them on any dish convenient for you or use a chicken egg tray to store fruits. Just take the plums and put one by one into special recesses.

Since plums are not very fond of low temperatures, they should be stored in the green zone of the refrigerator. You can also freeze plum fruits if you wish. In this case, you can eat them not for two weeks, but for six months. After defrosting, plums practically do not change their taste and, most interestingly, they keep their original shape perfectly.

How to store pears in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing Pears in the Refrigerator

Pears, especially winter varieties, keep well enough in the refrigerator. But it is best to keep them in it on a shelf exclusively with fruits and berries. If onions, garlic or beets are very close to them, they will quickly become saturated with foreign odors and their taste will not be very pleasant.

If you want these fruits to lie in the refrigerator for more than 2 months, then wrap each pear individually in paper, and then pack them literally in a kilogram in plastic bags. Make holes in them for ventilation and put them in the green zone of the refrigerator.

How to store gooseberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Gooseberry storage

Gooseberries, like other berries, are very difficult to store. If you want it to retain all its excellent taste for at least two weeks, then you will have to sort it out as carefully as possible, and then carefully fold it into a cardboard box.

If you don’t have it, then feel free to use a plastic container, just after putting the gooseberries in it, be sure to show a paper napkin on top of it, which will absorb excess moisture.

In addition, this berry can be safely frozen. In this case, you can afford to immediately pack the gooseberries into portions and freeze them in this form. Since these berries have a rather thick peel, they will not stick together even under the influence of low temperatures.

Video: How to freeze cherries, blueberries and other berries. Tricks from the Marmalade Fox
